Error in load dll excel

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Регистрация: 18.01.2014

Сообщений: 99


13.05.2015, 22:18. Показов 18025. Ответов 4

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Прошу помощи! Есть (или был) длинный код, который с большим скрипом писал несколько недель. Сейчас открываю документ, а мне Excel выдает ошибку «Error in loading DLL», а лист, на котором было многобукв абсолютно пустой! Копию книги не делал. Есть шанс восстановить код????


6076 / 1320 / 195

Регистрация: 12.12.2012

Сообщений: 1,023

14.05.2015, 11:51


Здравствуйте, Artyom52,

Вам может помочь следующая последовательность действий:

  1. Сделайте резервную копию проблемного файла.
  2. Откройте файл и отключите макросы.
  3. Посмотрите в Tools-References, нет ли там битых ссылок на библиотеки (начинающихся со слова MISSING).
  4. Уберите флажки со всех битых ссылок на библиотеки, сохраните и закройте файл.
  5. Откройте файл снова. Можно продолжать работу.

Рекомендации взяты с одного англоязычного форума и переведены на русский.

Еще там есть ряд полезных замечаний по поводу вышеприведенных рекомендаций:

Замечание первое: перед удалением ссылок, возможно, понадобится также удалить все элементы управления форм, которые используют битые библиотеки.
Замечание второе: если файл редактируется в разных местах (например, дома и в офисе), то, прежде чем пускаться во все тяжкие с применением рекомендаций выше, следует протестировать работу файла во всех местах, где он редактировался, и если где-то он работает нормально — то можно просто скопировать DLL с данного компьютера и зарегистрировать ее на всех остальных.

С уважением,



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Регистрация: 18.01.2014

Сообщений: 99

14.05.2015, 22:18



Аксима, спасибо за ответ. Действительно оказалась проблема с несовместимостью библиотек. Компьютер с офисом 2007 отказывается открывать программу, сделанную в 2003 офисе. Отключение отсутствующих библиотек тоже не помогает. Утром на рабочем компьютере все открылось как ни в чем ни бывало.
Единственное, я не понял, какие библиотеки и откуда мне нужно забрать и поставить в комп с 2007 офисом, чтобы все работало и там.

Можно ли набор всех необходимых библиотек прикрутить к самому файлу эксель, чтобы он по умолчанию был совместим с любым компьютером?


6076 / 1320 / 195

Регистрация: 12.12.2012

Сообщений: 1,023

15.05.2015, 09:47


Сообщение от Artyom52
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какие библиотеки

Те библиотеки, которые помечены как отсутствующие на проблемном компьютере.

Сообщение от Artyom52
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откуда мне нужно забрать

На рабочем компьютере посмотрите поле Location в меню Tools->References.
Предположим, на домашнем компьютере отсутствует библиотека «Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library», которой я часто пользуюсь.
Находим на рабочем компьютере одноименную библиотеку, смотрим в поле Location и выясняем, что необходим файл C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemadomsado15.dll.

Внезапная ошибка Error in loading DLL

И так же для других отсутствующих библиотек.

Сообщение от Artyom52
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Можно ли набор всех необходимых библиотек прикрутить к самому файлу эксель

Сомневаюсь. Файл Excel не является исполняемым файлом, его нельзя скомпилировать вместе с нужными библиотеками.



9167 / 3405 / 853

Регистрация: 22.02.2013

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15.05.2015, 17:01


Сообщение от Artyom52
Посмотреть сообщение

Можно ли набор всех необходимых библиотек прикрутить к самому файлу эксель, чтобы он по умолчанию был совместим с любым компьютером?

Можно это сделать несколькими способами просто хранив бинарные данные в нужном виде. Например в Base64 или как внедренный объект, после распаковывать и использовать.


Вы выложили книгу с паролем на код VBA, но пароль не сообщили.

п 3.9 Правил

здесь запрещено рассматривать вопросы, связанные со вскрытием паролей и защит.
Очевидно, расчёт был на очередное «чудо» без вскрытия защиты типа предыдущего, но такое случается не часто :)
Правильнее и надежнее все же связаться с разработчиком (Евгением Волковым) и заинтересовать его в оказании помощи.

Без вскрытия пароля совершенно точно можно утверждать, что:
1. На компьютерах с 64-битным Office 2010 код работать не будет, так как используется MSDASQL провайдер.
2. На компьютерах, где с Excel 2007 код работает, он будет работать и c Excel 2010 32-бит.

В связи с этим доп. инфо для Ваших IT-ников.
Если данные хранятся в базе данных на SQL Server, то используется такая связка:
Клиентское приложение (EXCEL.EXE) – Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (MSDASQL.DLL) – ODBC Driver Manager (ODBC32.DLL) – SQL Server ODBC Driver (SQLSRV32.DLL) – локальная сеть – SQL Server – база данных.
Данные могут храниться и локально, например, в DBF формате, Вам там виднее, и правильнее было бы это также сообщить.

Но, судя по ошибке, код не находит базу данных.
Скорее всего, это связано с тем, что на проблемных компьютерах источник данных не прописан в DSN-файле.
Можно попробовать поискать на работающем компьютере файл с именем EvalarSeven.dsn в папке:
C:Program FilesCommon FilesODBC
или в C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesODBC
или в скрытой папке: Мои документыМои источники данных
и скопировать его в аналогичную папку проблемного компьютера.

Are you the one struggling with the Error in loading DLL in Excel 2010, then here check out what goes wrong with your Excel  2010 file.

Excel is a very popular and useful application of Microsoft office and just like that DLL is very essential in the Windows Operating system.

In the Windows operating system, the DLL files play a very important role.  This is having a huge potential value as it includes multiple codes and the procedures that are used for Windows programs.

This allows the program to use their relevant information at the same time.  Just like other files, DLL files are very susceptive to corruption and start showing errors.

Recently many users are found reporting there are getting Error in loading DLL in Excel 2010.  This is a very irritating error as users are unable to access the Excel application

But the good news is that there are certain tweaks that help you to fix Excel 2010 Error in loading DLL. But before further here check out some of the basic reason that causes loading DLL error also known as error 48.

What Is DLL Files And Purpose Of Using It?

DLL stands for dynamic link library this file is used for keeping several procedures and codes for the Windows programs. You can consider this file as an essential part of Windows OS.

When any Windows OS version gets installed along with that massive numbers DLL files also automatically get loaded. After this these DLL files are being used by other application programs.

All these DLL files are counted as integral part of system Windows registry. There are some DLL files available which are specifically used by the programs that install them. Whereas, some DLL files are merged with Windows OS for easy sharing with other applications. These DLL files contained data and functions are used by different applications programs to work smoothly.

It takes very less space in your PC memory. Though DLL files have so much benefits but it has several setbacks too.

How DLL Errors Occur?

Usually error in loading dll Excel arise when due to the installation of any software the new DLL files overwrites the previously existing DLL file.

Apart from this, many DLL errors also occur due to the removal or corruption of the DLL files.

This at the end results in following DLL errors: “The DLL file is missing” or “The DLL file is not found” or “Error in Loading DLL” etc.

When any newly installed software uses the older DLL file version then it generates dynamic link library errors.

Why Do DLL Errors Occur?

  • In the specified path location DLL file is missing.
  • At the installation time some DLL files are skipped.
  • Hardware damage leads to DLL file damages.
  • Presence of some orphan keys within the registry.
  • DLL files potential damage because of spyware infection.

What Problems Arises When Excel Error In Loading DLL Occurs?

  • Corrupted or Out-dated MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) files.
  • DLL error generates many system errors and malfunction which results in problem to start your PC.
  • Trojans and viruses also cause missing or load DLL errors like issues.
  • DLL files are already disabled by the program and thus it’s showing error in loading DLL files.
  • Application reorganizations also results in DLL errors.
  • When the 2 different application programs install their version of DLL files and all the programs fails to recognize their version. At that time various DLL errors occur and the situation is called “DLL hell”. It is the most difficult DLL error to fix.
  • When the DLL error arises in the system, it starts crashes the program’s active window.
  • Your system randomly crashes regularly while working on a similar program where the error occurred.
  • System and applications start not responding.
  • The system might freeze for the small time period.

These are scenarios that the users encounter when the DLL Error Loading in Excel 2010 appears. Now check the working solutions to fix Excel 2010 Error loading DLL visual basic error occurs.

1# Restore Missing DLL Files

It might happen due to the missing DLL file users are facing issues while opening Excel files. So here it is recommended to go into tools menu in the VBA environment > look in reference to check if anything DLL is missing.

If it says DLL is missing then it is missing and tries to restore it. Check in the Recycle Bin or download it from the manufacturer website.

2# Copy DLL Files from Working Computer

Here is also a trick to resolve DLL Error loading issue. Try copying the DLL file from the working computers to the non-working computers and after that choose it in the references.

Hope this works for you to fix error in loading dll Excel but if not then follow another solution.

3# Program Reinstallation

If after following the above-given fixes still getting the error in Excel, then it is suggested to reinstall the program that is showing the error message.

So first uninstall the program and after that reinstall the program again. And also make sure that the program is sharing DLL file with any other program or not. if it did so, the avoid reinstalling the program.

4# Repair And Clear The Registry

When the DLL error appears, the Windows registry also changes at the same time. The Window registry registers every action that occurs in the system, cleaning Window registry help to fix the error. But before following the process it is recommended to backup the data carefully.

You can make use of the Registry Repair Tool; this is the best utility to repair damaged, corrupted and other errors in registry entries. Apart from that the DLL error always comes with data loss or data inaccessibility. So it is important to fix the error as soon as possible.

5# System Restore

  • Start your PC in the safe mode. For pressing the F8 key when your PC booting and choose the safe mode option.
  • Try to open the Command Prompt, hit the Windows +R key simultaneously.  After that type the following text “rstrui.exe” into Command prompt and hit the enter button.

System Restore 1

  • This will open the Windows System Restore wizard from which you have to click the “Next” option to proceed further.
  • After that choose the date up to which you needs to restore your data. Check the box present next to “Show more restore points” to see the list of older restore points. Choose the restore points previous to the point of time when DLL error begins and hit the “Next” button.

System Restore 2

  • To confirm the chosen restore point you have to hit the “Finish” button.

System Restore 3

  • Log-in back to your PC Windows normally.


Excel is quite complex and highly prone to corruption. This easily gets corrupted and starts showing errors.

Well, today in this article I address the Excel 2010 Error Loading DLL issue, this is not completely the error related to Excel document but is related to the DLL errors.

Hope after reading the article and following the given fixes you are able to fix Excel 2010 Error Loading DLL issue.

Try the given fixes to resolve DLL error and start using your Excel document again.

Apart from that, if due to the error you encountered the data loss situation in Excel then make use of the  MS Excel Repair Tool, this is the best tool and is capable to repair and recover the entire data stored in Excel without any modification.

Priyanka is an entrepreneur & content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and has expertise in MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Her distinctive art of presenting tech information in the easy-to-understand language is very impressive. When not writing, she loves unplanned travels.

I have an Excel tool I’ve been building at work to automatically generate PowerPoint charts from data on Excel sheets. I’ve been moving the project back and forth between my work and home computers.

At work I have Excel 2013 and at home I have Excel 2016. So when I move the file from home to work, I have to go into references and uncheck the «MISSING: Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library» and check «Microsoft PowerPoint 15.0 Object Library»…no big deal.

Until this morning. When I open the VB Editor I get a messagebox

Error in loading DLL

I can’t open any of the forms of modules…I just get that messagebox.

When I go to references I’ve tried

  • Uncheck the missing entry for v16 and check the entry for version 15
    — I get the error in loading DLL message
  • Just unchecking the entry for v16 — I get the error in loading DLL
  • Leaving them both checked — I (obviously) get the error message
    «Name conflicts with existing module, project, or object library»
  • Uncheck the missing entry, check the correct entry, and move its
    priority above the (unchecked) missing entry — I get the error in
    loading DLL message.


  1. Microsoft Office Access: ‘Error in loading dll’
  2. Symptoms
  3. Cause
  5. MSI installations
  6. Click-to-Run installations
  7. DAO360.DLL
  8. Resolution
  9. Let me fix it myself
  10. More Information
  11. Ошибка при загрузке библиотеки DLL (ошибка 48)
  12. Поддержка и обратная связь
  13. Missing reference and «Error in loading DLL»
  14. 1 Answer 1
  15. «Error in loading DLL» error when you run a Microsoft Access wizard
  16. Symptoms
  17. Cause
  18. Resolution
  19. Error In Loading DLL On Access Of VBA Code
  20. Excel Code Works Fine But Error When Called From Access?
  21. Error In Loading DLL?
  22. Runtime Error 1004 While Loading Add-In
  23. Runtime Error 5 Whilst Loading Defrag Via VBA?
  24. Error Loading ListBox Row Items To Another UserForm
  25. Microsoft Visual Basic :: Error In Loading DLL
  26. Intermittent Run-time Error ’75’ Loading Form
  27. Getting Runtime Error: Syntax Error Or Access Violation
  28. UserForm: File/Path Access Error & I/O Error
  29. Cause Of «Error In Loading DLL» Message
  30. Access Sheet Name, Getting Error
  31. Nz Causing Error When Pulling Data From Access
  32. VBA Lost Access To IE And Stopped Working — Runtime 438 Error
  33. Runtime Error 1004 When Opening Excel From Access Upon Second Execution
  34. Run Time Error 1004 (macro Called From Access Module)
  35. Prevent Access To The Code Of A Macro
  36. Use VBA Code To Run A Report In Access And Then Save It As PDF?
  37. VBA Code To Run Access Macro In Excel?
  38. VBA Code To Access Active Cell ONLY
  39. Access Lookup Table From Vba Code
  40. Having Trouble Opening An Access File Using This Code.
  41. Running An Excel Macro Using VBA Code In Ms Access
  42. Change A Access Query Criteria Using A VB Code
  43. How To Save And Close An Excel Using Access VB Code
  44. Vb Code To Sort Access Table By 4 Fields
  45. Only Execute Code On A Write-access Basis, Not Read-only
  46. Excel 2010 :: VBA Code That Handles Several Specific Parameters Or Wildcard Passed To Access
  47. ERROR «The Microsoft Office ACCESS Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table»
  48. Programmatic Access To Trust Access To Visual Basic Editor

Microsoft Office Access: ‘Error in loading dll’


When trying to run wizards in Microsoft Office Access, such as the Import Wizards, the Query Wizard, the Report Wizard, and Control Wizards, you receive one of the following errors:


One of the following registry keys may not exist.


MSI installations

(64-bit Windows, 32-bit Office):

Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT TypeLib<4ac9e1da-5bad-4ac7-86e3-24f4cdceca28>c.0win32

String: (Default)

Value: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE14ACEDAO.DLL

(64-bit Windows, 64-bit Office):

Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT TypeLib<4ac9e1da-5bad-4ac7-86e3-24f4cdceca28>c.0win64

String: (Default)

Value: C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE14ACEDAO.DLL

(32-bit Windows, 32-bit Office):

Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT TypeLib<4ac9e1da-5bad-4ac7-86e3-24f4cdceca28>c.0win32

String: (Default)

Value: C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE14ACEDAO.DLL

OFFICE14 is used in the above registry key path. This should represent the current version of Access installed.

  • OFFICE12 — Access 2007
  • OFFICE14 — Access 2010
  • OFFICE15 — Access 2013
  • OFFICE16 — Access 2016

Click-to-Run installations

(64-bit Windows, 32-bit Office):

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice15.0ClickToRunREGISTRYMACHINESOFTWAREClassesTypeLib<4ac9e1da-5bad-4ac7-86e3-24f4cdceca28>c.0win32

String: (Default)

Value: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE16ACEDAO.DLL

(64-bit Windows, 64-bit Office):

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice15.0ClickToRunREGISTRYMACHINESOFTWAREClassesTypeLib<4ac9e1da-5bad-4ac7-86e3-24f4cdceca28>c.0win64

String: (Default)

Value: C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE16ACEDAO.DLL

(32-bit Windows, 32-bit Office):

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice15.0ClickToRunREGISTRYMACHINESOFTWAREClassesTypeLib<4ac9e1da-5bad-4ac7-86e3-24f4cdceca28>c.0win32

String: (Default)

Value: C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE16ACEDAO.DLL


(64-bit Windows, 32-bit Office)

String: (Default)

Value: %CommonProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SharedDAOdao360.dll

(64-bit Windows, 64-bit Office) or (32-bit Windows, 32-bit Office)

String: (Default)

Value: %CommonProgramFiles%Microsoft SharedDAOdao360.dll


To resolve the issue for MSI installations by setting the correct values for these dlls in the registry , go to the Let me fix it myself section. To resolve the issue for Click-to-Run installations of Office, perform an online repair to the Office installation. For more information about how to repair, see Repair an Office application.

Let me fix it myself

The steps below resolve the issue by setting the correct values for these dlls in the registry.

Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.

Steps to recreate the keys for MSI Installations:

Copy and paste the following lines of text for your environment, starting with ‘Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00’, into the Notepad document:

(64-bit Windows, 32-bit Office):

(64-bit Windows, 64-bit Office):

(32-bit Windows, 32-bit Office):

Ensure the office version (OFFICE14) specified in the path matches the appropriate value from the list at the beginning of this article.

Save the Notepad file as Win32Keys.reg.

Do one of the following:

  • Using Windows Explorer, double-click on the Win32Keys.reg file to run it.
  • In the registry editor, go to File >Import to browse to where you saved the Win32Keys.reg file, and then click Open.

More Information

Registry cleaners are not known to remove the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTYPELIB<00025e01-0000-0000-c000-000000000046>5.0win32 key on 32-bit versions of Windows. However, if you experience the ‘Error loading dll’ error, you may have installed a program that misregistered either dao360.dll or msado15.dll .


Ошибка при загрузке библиотеки DLL (ошибка 48)

Динамически подключаемая библиотека (DLL) — это библиотека, задаваемая в выражении Lib оператора Declare. Эта ошибка имеет следующие причины и способы решения:

Файл не является исполняемым DLL-файлом. Если файл является текстовым файлом исходного кода, он должен быть скомпилирован и скомпонован в исполняемый DLL-файл.

Файл не является DLL-файлом Microsoft Windows. Получите DLL-файл Microsoft Windows эквивалентный файлу.

Файл является более ранним DLL-файлом Microsoft Windows, который не совместим с режимом защиты Microsoft Windows. Получите обновленную версию DLL-файла.

DLL-файл ссылается на другой DLL-файл, который отсутствует. Получите DLL-файл, на который имеется ссылка, и сделайте его доступным для другого DLL-файла.

Основной DLL-файл или один из DLL-файлов, на которые имеются ссылки, отсутствует в каталоге, задаваемом с помощью пути. Переместите DLL-файл в каталог, на который указывает ссылка, или укажите его текущий каталог в задаваемом пути.

Библиотека DLL не является той же битовой версией, что и операционная среда VBA. Дополнительные сведения о несовместимости версий см. в разделе Сочетание 32- и 64-разрядных библиотек DLL на форуме разработчиков Intel.

Для получения дополнительной информации выберите необходимый элемент и нажмите клавишу F1 (для Windows) или HELP (для Macintosh).

Поддержка и обратная связь

Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


Missing reference and «Error in loading DLL»

I have an Excel tool I’ve been building at work to automatically generate PowerPoint charts from data on Excel sheets. I’ve been moving the project back and forth between my work and home computers.

At work I have Excel 2013 and at home I have Excel 2016. So when I move the file from home to work, I have to go into references and uncheck the «MISSING: Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library» and check «Microsoft PowerPoint 15.0 Object Library». no big deal.

Until this morning. When I open the VB Editor I get a messagebox

I can’t open any of the forms of modules. I just get that messagebox.

When I go to references I’ve tried

  • Uncheck the missing entry for v16 and check the entry for version 15 — I get the error in loading DLL message
  • Just unchecking the entry for v16 — I get the error in loading DLL message
  • Leaving them both checked — I (obviously) get the error message «Name conflicts with existing module, project, or object library»
  • Uncheck the missing entry, check the correct entry, and move its priority above the (unchecked) missing entry — I get the error in loading DLL message.

1 Answer 1

Had this issue before. My macro used the Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library and was designed to work with that for all users of the team. However since an update to Office 365 was planned one of the IT guys had opened the macro with the new Office 365(and Microsoft Outlook 16.0 Object Library was set to be used). After this all of the users had:Error in loading DLL on their screen as they were still on the old Office 2007 and the new library Microsoft Outlook 16.0 Object Library was in the References list. Tried in vain to unselect the new one and select the old library.

My solution to this issue:

  1. open a new excel file(not a macro)
  2. go into the Ribbon(office 2007 & 2010)->Excel Option->Trus Center tab->Trust Center Setting button->Macro Settings
  3. select option: Disable all macros with notification and then click Ok button
  4. Close the Excel file opened(not the excel window) — from the lowest X on the right corner
  5. Open the macro using the Ribbon and then option Open
  6. Get into the dev mode(ALT+F11) and go to Tools->References then unselect the broken Excel library(the one with MISSING:)
  7. Select the correct library from the list and click OK
  8. Save the macro and then close it.
  9. Revert the selection done at step3 to option:Enable all macros and Voila!


«Error in loading DLL» error when you run a Microsoft Access wizard

Original KB number: В 833220

This article applies only to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb). Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.


When you try to use a Microsoft Access wizard, such as the Import Text wizard or the Import Spreadsheet wizard, in Microsoft Access 2002, you may receive the following error message. When you try to open a form that is created by the Switchboard manager, you may receive the following error message:


This problem may occur if you have missing Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) files, corrupted MDAC files, or outdated MDAC files on your computer.


To resolve this problem, use either of the following methods:

Method 1: Register the required Dao360.dll file and the Msado15.dll file

You may have to register the Dao360.dll file and the Msado15.dll file by using the Regsvr32.exe program. To do this, follow these steps:

Click Start, and then click Run.

In the Run dialog box, type the following commands in the Open box, and then click OK:

The Dao360.dll_Path placeholder is the absolute path of the Dao360.dll file.

The Msado15.dll_Path placeholder is the absolute path of the Msado15.dll file.

The following examples show how you may specify an absolute path:

Regsvr32.exe «C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAODao360.dll»

Regsvr32.exe «C:Program FilesCommon FilessystemadoMsado15.dll»

If the Dao360.dll file is successfully registered, you receive a message that is similar to the following message:

DllRegisterServer in C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAODao360.dll succeeded.

If the Msado15.dll file is successfully registered, you receive a message that is similar to the following message:

DllRegisterServer in C:Program FilesCommon FilessystemadoMsado15.dll succeeded.

Click OK.

Method 2: Install the latest version of MDAC

For additional information about how to download the latest version of MDAC, visit the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site:


Error In Loading DLL On Access Of VBA Code

Over the weekend I did some edits to an Excel file on my home computer. This morning I did some edits to the file on my work computer. When I try to access the VBA code, I get the message «Error in loading DLL», which is error 48.

Similar Messages:

Excel Code Works Fine But Error When Called From Access?

This code works fine when I run it in Excel.

Sub RemoveCodeAndSave()
‘Remove all code from ThisWorkbook code module
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(«ThisWorkbook»).CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, _

I get the error «Run-time error 440: The specified dimension is not valid for the current chart type» why I am getting this. The macro does everything I want it to, except for throwing the error at the end.

Error In Loading DLL?

Over the weekend I did some edits to an Excel file on my home computer. This morning I did some edits to the file on my work computer. When I try to access the VBA code, I get the message «Error in loading DLL», which is error 48.

Runtime Error 1004 While Loading Add-In

Runtime error 1004 while loading Add-In. I have a workopen event as follows:

Runtime Error 5 Whilst Loading Defrag Via VBA?

I’m trying to automate Disk Cleanup, Defrag and Backup via VBA but can’t seem to get defrag to work.

Sub defrag_hard_drive()
Dim returnvalue
‘exe file shell

Error Loading ListBox Row Items To Another UserForm

How to get a listbox to populate from a database sheet the code I am using to do this is posted here and it works great. My problem is now I want to get the Listbox1 results to populate my UserForm5 textboxes from the row selected in the ListBox1 of Userform4, but I am getting the error «variable not defined» and the «rw» gets highlighted. as seen in the code below it.

UserForm4 portion of the code that does the search of the sheet that holds the data

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim sFindText As String, sFirstAddr As String
Dim i As Long, lFindCol As Long, lCol As Long, lRow As Long
Dim rMyData As Range, rMySearchField As Range, cFound As Range
Dim vArray() As Variant

Userform5 issue is this rw in red doesn’t seam to be right

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
TextBox1.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 0) ‘
TextBox2.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 1) ‘
TextBox3.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 2)
TextBox5.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 3)

Microsoft Visual Basic :: Error In Loading DLL

i have a macro he was working good but now i got a box labeled «Microsoft Visual Basic» saying «Error in loading DLL» and the macro won’t open. I can’t figure out what I’m missing.

Intermittent Run-time Error ’75’ Loading Form

Intermittent run-time error ’75’
Could not find the specified object.

Debug shows VBA Code that simply loads a form called controls

Sub loadcontrols()
Load Controls
End Sub

Generally works upon restart. Can load and unload the form numerous times. Seems loading the form after a few minutes results in the form failing to load generating the error. Found no consistent cause thus far.

Results in a hard crash: Restart Excel as only option.

The Form Code for Controls loads a modeless transaprent form. Has been working for months. Don’t know if this error is new or has been there all along.

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib «user32» Alias «FindWindowA» (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib «user32» Alias «GetWindowLongA» (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib «user32» Alias «SetWindowLongA» (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib «user32» (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib «user32» Alias «SendMessageA» (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib «user32» () As Long
Private Const GWL_STYLE As Long = (-16)
Private wHandle As Long ‘For moving the form
Private m_objCFormSkin As CFormSkin ‘For transparancy

Getting Runtime Error: Syntax Error Or Access Violation

I’m getting the error for the following piece of code.

Sub itconfandscratch()
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Server_Name As String
Dim Database_Name As String
Dim User_ID As String
Dim Password As String
Dim SQLStr As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Server_Name = «sturecord»
Database_Name = «Scratch» ‘ Enter your database name here
SQLStr = «SELECT stuname FROM dbo.sturec» ‘ Enter your SQL here
Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cn.Open «Driver=;Server=» & Server_Name & «;Database=» & Database_Name & «».

UserForm: File/Path Access Error & I/O Error

the spreadsheet needs to be copied to a directory called «C:downloads» as it contains a ODBC query to itself (In reality, this is a query to an External Oracle Database)

On loading, it should pop up a simple userform, with a combo and two command buttons, which when pressed takes you to a (hidden) tab that displays a pivottable.

All works well until I try to close /save when 60% of the time, Excel encounters problems and closes and will not load up the file the next time until either quit excel or disable macros. Messages include «file/path access error», «I/O Error» or get restarts excel.

On a casual run through, I expect you might report back that «All worked ok for me». Please can you give it a bit of a thrashing, comment out the userform show, save the file (frequently) becuase i assure you it will break ultimately!

This is a brand-new file and I’ve tried it on about 5 different PC running different versions of Excel and generally get the same result.

Cause Of «Error In Loading DLL» Message

I had been working on some code for about 30 minutes and all of a sudden I am getting an «Error in Loading DLL» message. I can’t figure out what I was doing that would have made this error occur. It appears that other workbooks with macros are working correctly. In advice as to what I may have done incorrectly to cause this error and how I might fix it?

Access Sheet Name, Getting Error

I’m trying to loop thru the various sheets in a workbook but am having trouble accessing the current sheet name. what I have below does not work and I am stuck with how to access the current sheet name, interrogate it for what it is named, and skip processing if it is a particular name.

Private Sub dispnames()

Dim b As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim iSheetCount As Integer
Dim iSheet As Integer
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim wsht As Object

iSheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
For iSheet = 1 To iSheetCount

wsht = sh.Name
If wsht = «summary» Then
Goto skipit
End If

r = Range(«A» & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range(«A2:» & «A» & r).Select

b = Range(«Z» & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range(«Z» & b).Select
Next iSheet

Nz Causing Error When Pulling Data From Access

I am pulling external data from an Access 2007 database query that uses the nz function. While linking to the query, I get an «Undefined Function nz» error. The query works perfect when run in Access.

VBA Lost Access To IE And Stopped Working — Runtime 438 Error

I’m scraping a website for some data using the following program. The program was working as expected until I decided to add a save file element that was a copy paste of some code a friend gave me (attached below). Funny thing is the save file functionality works but now I can’t get IE to load the webpage — I get a 438 Error. I’m thinking there’s a problem with something in the references menu.

Dim Days_in_Month(1 To 12) As Integer
Dim Name As String

Runtime Error 1004 When Opening Excel From Access Upon Second Execution

The following script runs fine the first time I click the command button on an Access form but after I close the Excel workbook and click the command button again to edit a new spreadsheet, I get the follow error message:

Run-time error ‘1004’: Method «Columns’ of object’_Global failed.

The script is being run from Access 2007 and is opening a spreadsheet in Excel 2007 (but using xls extension)

Private Sub IdahotoExcel_Click()
Dim dlg As FileDialog
Dim idahofile As String

Run Time Error 1004 (macro Called From Access Module)

i am running a macro thru vba (beiing called from a ms access module) and am getting a RuntTimeError 1004.

the code opens a workbook. then open a second workbook (which houses the macro) then activates the desired worksheet and call the Maco via the run command but errors out.

if i open the workbook and set focus on the desired sheet . tool>macro>desired macro name it runs fine.

the line of code in the macro is: «ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate»

Prevent Access To The Code Of A Macro

Is there a way to prevent access to the code of a macro? I am interested in sending out some macro’s, but would prefer that the user only be able to run them, and not be able to access the code via the edit button. Curiously, there have been occasion’s where I wanted to edit my own work, but the edit button did not function, so I had to exit and start over to proceed. From this I’m guessing there must be a way.

Use VBA Code To Run A Report In Access And Then Save It As PDF?

Is it possible to use vba code to run a report in Access and then save it as a PDF?

I have a subroutine (well, a combination of subroutines) that copies some data from a spreadsheet into Access.

I then want to be able to run a report based on that data, save it as a PDF and email it out: all automatically.

I don’t want the user to have to actually open Access and run the reports, because it’s much slower! For some reason Excel can open access, write to tables and close it within a matter of seconds: opening the program manually, editing the table and closing it can take minutes.

VBA Code To Run Access Macro In Excel?

The current code is not working.

VBA Code To Access Active Cell ONLY

I am trying to add a button on my spreadsheet that will give the person Access to one cell only. The cell in its normal state is Locked. The cell is ALWAYS in Column F of a sheet titled Master. The button is located on the sheet titled Master.

The real problem may arise in that once the person has access to the cell and they make their changes I need that cell to return to being Locked and the sheet once again Protected with Filtering.

Does this make sense to anyone? Can it be done and if so any suggestions?

Access Lookup Table From Vba Code

I’ve trailed through the search engine on here and I can’t find an answer to this:
Can you access lookup tables in Excel from VBA code? I assume you can, but can’t seem to find anything on this

Having Trouble Opening An Access File Using This Code.

Having trouble opening an access file using this code. Using the following code

Running An Excel Macro Using VBA Code In Ms Access

I am attempting to run a MS Ecel macro that is stored on a MS Excel shared file in a MS Ecel target file (locally stored on my C drive) from a VBA module in Ms Access. That is, from a code i want to open the .xls file that houses the macro, and then open the .xls file that i want to run the file in, and then run the macro.

Here is my situation: the file that houses the macro has the workbook hidden and causes in error.

if i unhide the workbook i get a Run-Time Error 91. object variable or With block variable not set.

if i hide the workbook the vba coding can’t find the macro. run time error 1004

once again, i currently have an excel file that houses macro whose workbook is hidden.

does anyone know how this can be accomplished?

Change A Access Query Criteria Using A VB Code

I looking for a solution to change a Access Query Criteria using a VB code in Excel, without opening the Access DB and changing the criteria manualy?

My normal Job is it:
1) I Work all the time in Excel
2) At the end of the work in Excel, I need to open Access
3) Open a query (Called «MyQuery»)
4) Change one parameter the Date: Between 01/10/2008 and 30/10/2008 (This for each month)
5) Run the query

I looking to get rid of points 2) to 5) by replacing with a Command button on an Excel sheet

Dim mydbase As Object
Set mydbase = CreateObject(«Access.Application»)
mydbase.OpenCurrentDatabase («C:My doucmentsDB1.mdb»)

mybase.»MyQuery».»Date Criteria» = Between (Worksheet(«Sheet1»).Range(«A1»).value) and (Worksheet(«Sheet1»).Range(«A2»).value)

>>>>>The above line of code I have problems to get right!

How To Save And Close An Excel Using Access VB Code

I have two procedures in two different access forms. First procedure executes fine. It ends up with creating a Table1 by importing the data successfully from the Excel file. But after that later when I call procedure 2, it throws the below error when it is trying to import the data in to Table2. I think the Excel «Test.xls» did not save properly and close in the Procedure 1. I could see some Excel thread running in the Task Manager. How can I handle this. Please advice. Your expertise help will be truly appreciated. I am absolutely new to this VB-Access code world.

Error: «‘MySheet2$’is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long.» .

Vb Code To Sort Access Table By 4 Fields

The database I’m working with uses a lot of back end code to take Access tables and format and output them to Excel Files. After the table (FinalLoadCharttoExcel) has been created through the append query AppndFinalLCToExcel, I need to sort the table by the following fields: «Terminal Number,» «State,» «3 Digit Zip» and «Begin Zip» all in ascending order. I need to do this within the VB code. I wish I knew a way to get a screenshot of the table, but this is what it looks like unsorted:

Terminal Number State 3 Digit Zip Begin Zip
371 MA 011 78
371 MA 011 00
303 LA 701 06
303 FL 328 31
381 MO 716 04

After all the programs run, I need the table to look like

Terminal Number State 3 Digit Zip Begin Zip
303 FL 328 31
303 LA 701 04
371 MA 011 00
371 MA 011 78
381 MO 716 04

Only Execute Code On A Write-access Basis, Not Read-only

I have recently used a before_close event on this workbook to save a backup of the open file to another location on my system. This works fine but I was wondering if there was some more code I could add to only execute this event on a write access basis.

The file I use can be viewed by anyone on the network as read-only and only certain users with a password can edit/update with a write access password.

The backup event is use executes every time the document is closed be it read-only or write-access.

Ideally I would like to add some code to only execute this backup if the file is opened on a write-access basis.

Excel 2010 :: VBA Code That Handles Several Specific Parameters Or Wildcard Passed To Access

I would like to develop a user-friendly Excel 2010 spreadsheet that would allow the user to enter from 1 to 10 (i just picked this number at random just to have an upper limit) employee numbers in cells A1-A10 and «click» on the VBA Code button that would invoke an Access Query and in the process return all the applicable data gathered from the query back into the Excel Spreadsheet. Believe it or not, I can do all this mentioned so far. BUT what i cant do is my second option for the user which is allow them to pull ALL of the employees back into the spreadsheet using the same query.

In summary, using Excel as a frontend dashboard, I know how to get a specific number of employees’ information from a query and I know how to get all employees’ information from a query but I dont know how to get either/or. In other words, I could do this with two queries and two «VBA-Code» buttons but I would like to do it with one query and one button.

ERROR «The Microsoft Office ACCESS Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table»

Using a pivot table, I’m linking to an external data source in ACCESS. I use the pivot table wizard, select the database (spend2008.mdb), and then ONE table that is not in a relationship/linked etc, its just a plain table, and then I get the error

«The Microsoft Office ACCESS database engine cannot find the input table or query «mdb.summary». Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly».

This is new spreadsheet, so new join to the data. I’m selecting the table from the Query Wizard, so not possibility of a spelling mistake. I’ve been all through the database to make sure I haven’t set a link or relationship. There are a total of 4 tables in in the DB that are related, but I’ve deleted the relationships

Programmatic Access To Trust Access To Visual Basic Editor

I am Generating Excel file with Macro using my (c#) application.

I am able to generate Excel file in development environment, but in Production it gives following error:
«Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted Line: Microsoft Office Excel»

I did googling a bit and found that I have to open Excel file physically make few security related changes in macro as below.

1. Open the Office application in question. On the Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Security to open the Macro Security dialog box.
2. On the Trusted Sources tab, click to select the Trust access to Visual Basic Project check box to turn on access.
3. Click OK to apply the setting. You may need to restart the application for the code to run properly if you automate from a Component Object Model (COM) add-in or template.

Can i do above changes at runtime (using some code)?


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