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равные права для всех
равных прав для всех
равными правами для всех
равные права всех
равноправие всех
равноправия для всех
равные права всем
равных прав всех
равноправия всех
равных правах для всех
равенство прав всех
равных правах всех
равным правам для всех
равноправие для всех
As Thomas Jefferson said: «Equal rights for all, special privileges for none.»
Великий президент США Томас Джефферсон говорил: «Демократия: это равные права для всех, и особых привилегий никому».
However, eliminating de facto discrimination is a much more complex and difficult task than enacting laws that recognize equal rights for all.
Вместе с тем ликвидация фактической дискриминации является более комплексной и сложной задачей, чем принятие законов, в которых бы признавались равные права для всех.
Other regional parliaments will adapt the same fundamental principal of equal rights for all nations.
Другие региональные парламенты принимают то же самое фундаментальное руководство равных прав для всех наций.
Legal reform and its effective enforcement are necessary to affirm and safeguard equal rights for all.
Для утверждения и гарантирования равных прав для всех необходима правовая реформа и ее эффективное претворение в жизнь.
It’s difficult to call such a definition of ethics compatible with equal rights for all and with freedom of conscience.
Трудно назвать такое определение этики совместимым с равными правами для всех и со свободой совести.
Equal rights for all children, whether born in or outside marriage.
Equal rights for all residents of the country irrespective of citizenship
One particular section of the manual, entitled «Equal rights for all«, elucidates the sources of discrimination in South Africa.
Один из разделов этого пособия, озаглавленный «Равные права для всех», посвящен источникам дискриминации в Южной Африке.
«Equal rights for all«, «Excellence deserves admiration», and «People should be treated with respect and dignity» are representative of values.
«Равные права для всех», «Превосходство заслуживает восхищения» и «К людям следует относиться с уважением и достоинством» являются представителями ценностей.
‘Equal rights for all Confessions of Faith’
«Equal rights for all«, «Excellence deserves admiration», and «People should be treated with respect and dignity» are representatives of values.
«Равные права для всех» и «С людьми следует обращаться достойно и уважительно» — вот примеры ценностей.
Equal rights for all faiths
We call on authorities to pursue accountability and uphold equal rights for all.
Мы призываем власти следовать принципам подотчетности и обеспечивать равные права для всех.
The response to poverty must be based on the principles of social inclusion and equal rights for all.
Ответная реакция на нищету должна быть основана на принципах социальной интеграции и равных прав для всех.
It also enunciates equal rights for all.
In conclusion, I wish to reiterate my delegation’s unwavering commitment to the promotion and protection of equal rights for all.
В заключение я хотел бы еще раз заявить о неизменной приверженности нашей делегации делу поощрения и защиты равных прав для всех.
Our logic is completely clear: equal rights for all.
Still more can be done to pursue equal rights for all.
Результатов: 279. Точных совпадений: 279. Затраченное время: 107 мс
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Thomas Jefferson is credited with having said, “equal rights for all, special privileges for none,” a slogan that other progressive Democrats like Williams Jennings Bryan embraced. Although it is hard to find any evidence that Jefferson said this that isn’t second hand, we can confirm the slogan was used by Bryan as it was enshrined in the 1908 Democratic party platform (a rather progressive populist platform).[1]
The New Deal doesn’t start with FDR. Bryan and Teddy should be noted, as should other figures from both historic parties.
The origin of the quote aside, it does a good job at illustrating an underlying American principal held by Jeffersonian as well as Jacksonian Democrats, the idea that the government is meant to protect the common man as an equal to the elite. It is not meant to treat a privileged elite class with “special privilege.” There should be no special interests for businesses and the elite, but rather equality of all sexes, classes, races, creeds, etc.
Factions like the Solid South “Liberty for White Men” factions, Cleveland’s “Pro-Gold” Gilded Age factions, and progressive “really everyone is equal” populist factions of the Democratic party would probably not have agreed on specifics throughout American history. Still, the more progressive populist wings of the Democratic Party (the “liberal Democrats” and even some of the less liberal ones) have generally agreed on the maxim on paper even if not in-action for ALL.
Equality for ALL has been a problematic concept all along for both parties, but where the maxim doesn’t align with reality in practice, at least it speaks to the liberal ideals and Democratic upon which the country was founded (and which later Democrats like Bryan took seriously).
Equality is the ideal of some of our great progressive-left Presidents and politicians like Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Bryan. To be fair, except for their pro-slavery stance, some of the ideology of Jackson and Calhoun rests here too. Likewise, we can see how race and social issues aside, even some of what today we consider “populist conservatives” could see this message being one that resonates with them.
“The conscience of the nation is now aroused to free the Government from the grip of those who have made it a business asset of the favor-seeking corporations. It must become again a people’s government, and be administered in all its departments according to the Jeffersonian maxim, “equal rights to all; special privileges to none.” “Shall the people rule?” is the overshadowing issue which manifests itself in all the questions now under discussion.” – Democratic Party platform 1908 which Democrat Bryan helped to write.
“We hold with Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln that the people are the masters of their Constitution, to fulfill its purposes and to safeguard it from those who, by perversion of its intent, would convert it into an instrument of injustice. In accordance with the needs of each generation the people must use their sovereign powers to establish and maintain equal opportunity and industrial justice, to secure which this Government was founded and without which no republic can endure. This country belongs to the people who inhabit it. Its resources, its business, its institutions and its laws should be utilized, maintained or altered in whatever manner will best promote the general interest. It is time to set the public welfare in the first place.” – Progressive Party Platform of 1912 which Ex-Republican Theodore Roosevelt helped to write.
Progressive Presidents: Crash Course US History #29
The Constitution of Montenegro guarantees equal rights for all the citizens without any discrimination on any grounds.
Конституция Черногории гарантирует равные права для всех граждан без какой-либо дискриминации по любым признакам.
A law approved in March 2004 guaranteed equal rights for all citizens and prohibited discrimination on the basis of religion,
gender and other personal attributes.
Принятый в марте 2004 года закон гарантирует равные права для всех граждан и запрещает дискриминацию на основе религии,
по признаку пола и другим личным качествам.
In general, Danish society and Danish law ensure
В целом датское общество и датское законодательство гарантируют
Calls on parliaments and governments to enact
provisions of the Convention on the
of the Child
Призывает парламенты и правительства включить
положения Конвенции о
ребенка в национальное законодательство,
However, eliminating de facto discrimination is a much more complex and
Вместе с тем ликвидация фактической дискриминации является более комплексной и сложной
Наблюдатель от Ирака заявил,
The ageing of the population was transforming societies and called
a new, stereotype-
Старение населения ведет к трансформации обществ и требует выработки новой, свободной от
It is noted with satisfaction that the Constitution contains provisions prohibiting the practice of racial discrimination and
Комитет с удовлетворением отмечает тот факт, что Конституция содержит положения,
запрещающие расовую дискриминацию и обеспечивающие равные права для всех лиц, проживающих на территории государства- участника.
The Inheritance Act, 1980,
makes no restriction on whether a woman can inherit property and reserves equal rights for all children, irrespective of sex and age.
Закон<< О наследовании>> от 1980
года не предполагает каких-либо ограничений в отношении того, может ли женщина наследовать имущество, и предусматривает равные права для всех детей независимо от их пола и возраста.
It created a secular democratic system based on equal rights for all citizens, with provision
regional autonomy.
Конституция учреждала светскую демократическую систему государственного устройства, основанную на равных правах для всех граждан, а также содержала положения о региональных автономиях.
Social and economic unity based on equal rights for all would give Japan the resources it needed
further modernization.
Социальное и экономическое единство, построенное на принципе равных прав для всех, придаст Японии ресурсы, необходимые ей
дальнейшей модернизации.
She wondered how Israel
could call itself a democratic country guaranteeing equal rights for all when restrictions applied to non-Jews,
in particular concerning land ownership.
Наблюдатель от Палестины задается вопросом,
каким образом Израиль может рассматривать себя в качестве демократической страны, гарантирующей равные права для всех, тогда как к неевреям применяются ограничения,
в особенности в отношении земельной собственности.
The response to poverty must
Ответная реакция на нищету должна
It commended Mauritius
having made a determined effort to ensure equal rights for all ethnic groups.
The Government has embarked on a broad national reconciliation programme that includes respect of fundamental
rights for
every Rwandan,
Правительство приступило к осуществлению широкой программы национального примирения, которая предусматривает обеспечение соблюдения основных
каждого руандийца,
San Marino had worked
many years on equal rights for all and had been one of the first signatories
of the Convention on the
of Persons with Disabilities.
Article 15 of the Constitution ensures equal rights for all minorities, including freedom to use their language and script.
В статье 15 Конституции гарантируется равноправие для всех меньшинств, включая свободу пользования своим языком и письменностью.
The issue of exclusion and equal rights for all marginalized groups who suffered discrimination was stressed.
Legal reform and its effective enforcement are necessary to affirm and safeguard equal rights for all.
Для утверждения и гарантирования равных прав для всех необходима правовая реформа и ее эффективное претворение в жизнь.
Together with other countries, we have striven to establish a world of greater justice, to achieve social progress in the interest of humankind and
Наряду с другими странами мы стремились к созданию более справедливого мира и достижению социального прогресса в интересах человечества,
The participation of people of African descent in political organizations and
Участие лиц африканского происхождения в политических организациях и
Ms. Al-Serri(Yemen) said that, in her country, the obstacles to gender equality were social and
not institutional insofar as equal rights for all were enshrined in its legislation and Constitution.
Гжа асСерри( Йемен) отмечает, что трудности с обеспечением равенства мужчин и женщин имеют социальный,
а не институциональный характер, поскольку всеобщее равноправие прописано в законодательстве и Конституции Йемена.
The organization issues a special human
newsletter on a regular basis,
Организация регулярно издает специальный бюллетень по
The 1991 Sierra Leone Constitution enshrined equal rights for all citizens, both women and men,
and, subject to subsections 4, 5 and 7, prohibited laws that discriminated in themselves or in their effects.
Конституция Сьерра-Леоне 1991 года закрепляет равные права для всех граждан, женщин и мужчин,
и, согласно подразделам 4, 5 и 7, запретила законы, которые являются дискриминационными сами по себе или по своему действию.
Pakistan’s Constitution guaranteed equal rights for all without any discrimination on the basis of caste,
sex or race, and guaranteed the full participation of women in
spheres of national life.
Конституция Пакистана гарантирует равные права для всех граждан без какой-либо дискриминации по признаку касты,
пола или расы, а также обеспечивает полноправное участие женщин во
сферах национальной жизни.
WCD has recommended the government to find other measures to meet forced and arranged marriages than the 24 years age limit
family reunion with spouses.
В целях обеспечения равных прав для всего населения Дании СЖД рекомендует правительству
найти иные меры борьбы с принудительными и организованными браками, чем установление 24- летнего возрастного ценза
воссоединения супругов.
In compliance with the recommendations
of human
treaty bodies, the provisions on equal rights for all, regardless of any particular characteristics,
have been extended to include the characteristics of race and sex.
В соответствии с рекомендациями
договорных органов по
человека в положения о равных правах для всех, независимо от каких-либо особых признаков,
были включены признаки расы и пола.
Who would argue with the Declaration of Independence’s claim that “all men are created equal”?
But one immediately runs into trouble. What about the Declaration limiting it to “men”? Are women equal? They did not have the right to vote at the beginning. Yet, Thomas Jefferson and the other Founders certainly believed women were morally equal and were covered under the generic term “men,” for mankind. Was that enough?
What about slaves—African Americans, in particular? Even Aristotle believed in natural inequality and slavery. As President Barack Obama noted at this year’s religious breakfast, Christian slave owners often quoted from the Bible to justify inequality. Indeed, Christians committed many “terrible deeds” against minorities “in the name of Christ.” Yet, as noted by columnist Eugene Robinson, Christians without an economic interest in slavery did not use the Bible that way, and those such as William Wilberforce, the abolitionists, and even Martin Luther King Jr. used the Christian idea of equality to justify stamping out the severe inequality of slavery.
Oxford and St. Andrews political philosopher Larry Siedentop has written a masterful tome to systematically investigate the roots of this idea we call “equality.” His Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism looks closely into various world civilizations, finding that the idea of individual equality did not exist until it slowly rose in Europe during the first millennium of the current era. Every civilization, including ancient Greece and Rome, vested what rights that were granted to collectives, predominately to the patriarchal family. Clearly, slaves had no rights but neither did women or resident aliens or, even for most property rights, younger sons.
The paterfamilias had all of the rights, which meant there was no equality. He exercised authority over an extended family as the owner of all its property and slaves. He was the spiritual leader of the clan, the only one allowed to maintain the sacred flame connecting the living to the ancestor spirits resting below his property, and to invoke their protection and good will. Even early cities were collections of powerful families, first heads of competing clans and later adding their family gods to a city of multiple gods, all contesting and sharing power. The new city was hierarchical and aristocratic, with a few patriarchal families dominating everything.
Siedentop finds no idea of individual equality anywhere in time or place until Paul of Tarsus, although he later gives Jesus some of the credit by placing the individual under God rather than the family (“Anyone who prefers father or mother to me is not worthy of me,” Matthew 10:37). Paul offered a revised notion of humanity shaped by a faith based upon love for all persons equally because Jesus loved and died for all equally.
This overturned the aristocratic assumption upon which all ancient thinking was based, that of natural inequality. Now, writes Siedentop, social roles “become secondary” to the individual conscience. As Paul put it: “There is neither Jew nor Greek for all are one in Jesus Christ.”
Underlying social roles is the individual “human capacity to think and choose.” Paul’s insights were further elaborated by early church fathers Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen, and Tertullian, who developed this new synthesis of Greek and Jewish thought culminating in Augustine. In the real world of action, individualist conscience translated into martyrs and heroic church leaders like Anselm, who excommunicated an emperor and survived.
Even more surprisingly, Siedentop explicitly credits the reforming popes of the 10th and 11th centuries for institutionalizing individuality. Led by the Cluny, monastic abbots and popes—especially Gregory VII—translated the Christian sense of “a moral status (the soul) into a social role,” and this was the critical element in “the invention of the individual.” God’s law had to “apply to all equally. Hence it needed to be systematic.” So the development of church law required “the analysis of logical and textual inconsistencies,” and “fostering attempts at synthesis.” The accumulated laws of tradition had to be “tamed and reconciled with the moral intuitions generated by Christian beliefs.” For “if faith was the result of revelation and therefore ‘given,’ the task of reason was to explore it and try to understand it,” not to force a predetermined solution.
Canon law was the solution to tame a disorganized, post-Charlemagne Europe—to replace traditional Roman and German law with a rational law starting with the necessity of saving individual souls, especially substituting the need for intent rather than simply punishing failure to follow rules. For the first time, women were equally bound, for they had equally moral souls. The very rationality of the new, universal cannon law slowly won adherents as it kept forcing each claim to truth to be tested by increasingly well-trained theologians, and then philosophers, in new university settings all across Europe. Debate toughened a logic rooted in real-world issues of marriage, property, and inheritance decided by their separate courts.
“Consent and free will provided the basis for rules in each area” to apply to all equally, writes Siedentop. Betrothal replaced paterfamilias, contract rationalized tradition, and wills modified primogeniture. “The assumption of moral equality gave rise, in turn, to the claim to equal liberty. For if humans have an equal moral standing, then it follows that there must be an area in which their choices ought to be respected.”
The superiority of canon courts turned Europe to them rather than to traditional, baronial courts whose judgments were often based on “ordeals” by force or on historical prerogative. It occurred to kings that monarchical, secular courts could take allegiance from local barons, too. Sound law—now backed by power—could advance the nation-state as it did religion. What was instituted as a moral order by a relatively powerless clergy to save souls could be turned by state power into a guarantee of social justice in this world. So a canon law imposed by the moral authority of the church against state power in the earlier Middle Ages was adapted by the state to control, first, local power and then that of the church itself. Whereas Pope Gregory VII’s moral power could humble Henry IV to stand in the snow for three days in the 11th century, and Thomas a Becket’s murder could pressure Henry II to public penance in the 12th century, there were no such church victories after the 14th century.
Canon law had won the battle but lost the war to secular power.
Perversely, by humbling the church and winning the support of the realm by promoting nationalism, monarchy weakened itself. “Divine Right” kings became limited by their bureaucracies and then by commercial and manufacturing power, and were finally replaced by parliaments and mass political parties.
By the 20th century, the state was de-sacralized with Nazi, fascist and communist powers actually declaring war on individualism. World War II defeated the former and the fall of the Soviet Union the latter, apparently leaving Western democratic predominance and a generation of prosperity. Yet, by the early days of the second millennium, the democratic state was reeling from bureaucratic sclerosis, fettered markets, protracted wars, bankrupt states, declining populations, and no common conception of law. Rather than fixed individual rights beyond the reach of what secular courts could decide at any particular time, a flexible, positivist law was developed to adapt to circumstances. The idea was to base decisions on current opinion to assure popular support; but this produced the opposite effect in the divisive culture wars of the United States and other Western democracies.
The very idea of the individual became amorphous. Was a fetus human? Was assisted suicide acceptable? Were men and women different or precisely the same? Were human individuals the only ones with rights? The philosophical atheist Richard Dawkins led a movement to grant legal rights to Great Apes. A court case demanding rights for an orangutan in Argentina found that it was a “non-human person” with some rights, although the case was referred to a lower court without habeas corpus powers. In 2011, the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals filed a lawsuit against Seaworld, the marine park operator, alleging that five wild-captured orca whales were treated like slaves. A San Diego court dismissed the case but it was appealed.
In 2013, the Nonhuman Rights Project filed lawsuits in the state of New York to establish the “legal personhood” of four chimpanzees to be relocated to outdoor sanctuaries. While intermediate appellate courts rejected the group’s argument, it is appealing to a higher court. Why do intelligent apes not have rights over cognitively limited humans, anyway? They seem human in many ways. Apes and orca certainly have life. So do bees and maggots, and some even claim so for viruses. Why should they not have equal rights?
Keith Mano’s classic The Bridge: A Novel about the Last Man on Earth (1971) took this to its logical conclusion. Mano pictures a civil war between forces supporting equality for all, in a biologically indiscriminate sense, and those favoring Christian, libertarian individualism. The twist is that the former really believe in equality, for all life including plants and animals. Stepping on grass is an act of assault. The victorious secular government first grants humans only a liquid chemical nutrient that is fully consumed with no waste and laced with narcotics to keep them quiescent, allowing only hand signals, since even noise harms other life. Ultimately, the equality forces ban humans totally to rid the earth of their offensive breath that kills and injures germs and viruses.
Siedentop argues that the idea of equal rights for all human individuals uniquely can only be supported upon, or borrowed from, the moral assumptions of the West. Indeed, the “incarnation is the root of Christian egalitarianism” since it places God within human existence, granting a divine-based worth to individuals, with only inferior rights granted to those not made in His image. In his God, Locke, and Equality, Cambridge’s Jeremy Waldron even insists that nonreligious liberals who believe individual rights can be justified by John Locke are out of bounds since Locke’s supposedly secular conception of rights depends wholly on his assumption of a Judeo-Christian Creator. Even Thomas Jefferson rested natural rights upon the assumption of a Deist creation.
Can individual human equality and liberty survive when these assumptions do not?
Автоматический перевод
равноправие, равенство прав, равноправный
Перевод по словам
equal — равный, одинаковый, равняться, быть равным, ровня
right — правый, прямой, право, правильность, прямо, правильно, исправлять
Women fighting for equal rights
Женщины, которые борются за равные права
The article trivializes the whole issue of equal rights.
В данной статье опошляется вся проблема равноправия.
We’re with you all the way in your fight for equal rights.
Мы от всей души поддерживаем вас в борьбе за равноправие.
The government is committed to achieving equal rights for women.
Правительство твёрдо намерено добиться равноправия для женщин.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
The law guarantees equal rights for men and women.
…with an unwavering commitment to equal rights for all as his only cynosure…
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