Environment complete the sentences with the correct word

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• view • estate • cushions • neighbourhood • environment
• garden • baker’s • floor • rink • way

1 My house has got a nice ………………………….. with trees.
2 You can rent a house from an ………………………….. agent.
3 The bathroom is on the second ………………………….. .
4 There are lots of soft ………………………….. on the sofa.
5 The Maasai tribe have got a unique ………………………….. of life.
6 There is a great ………………………….. of the beach from my bedroom window.
7 At the ………………………….. you can buy bread.
8 John has got a skating ………………………. near his house.
9 Most cars are not friendly to the ………………………………………………… .
10 Mark’s new flat is by a big park in a nice ……………………………………………….. .

B Underline the correct item.

1 There is a fridge/toilet in the kitchen.
2 The Empire State Building is popular/friendly with tourists.
3 London is home/house to more than 7 million people.
4 Mom is boiling some water on the cooker/toaster.


C Choose the correct item.

1 There ……… a great view from my balcony.
A are B is C has got

2 The floating Islands of Titicaca ……… in America, they’re in Peru.
A is B aren’t C isn’t

3 ……… a bookshop in your area?
A Isn’t it B Is there C Are there

4 You can buy ……… at the grocer’s.
A tomato B tomato’s C tomatoes

5 There is a bridge ……… the river.
A through B across C under

6 Are……… cushions from Ikea?
A that B those C this

7 There is a clock ……… the wall.
A in front B between C on

8 There is a small garden ……… the house.
A under B behind C on

9 There are ……… islands on the lake.
A some B any C a

10 Have you got ……… park near your house?
A the B — C a

11 There are lots of shops in ……… New York.
A a B — C the

12 Is there ……… pasta in the cupboard?
A any B a C some

13 Those ……… are from Italy.
A women B woman C woman’s

14 There is a little path ……… the forest.
A over B up C through

15 This is a cup and ……… is a glass.
A that B those C these

Sorting the words

Divide the words into the categories. 












Spelling the words

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words

Wild animals are kept in

at the zoo.

You need to throw

this garbage.


are dumped into rivers and lakes.

I always use


Please, switch

the TV.

You need to put

a sweater. It’s cold outside. 

Matching the words

Match the words with their meanings. 

Completing the table

Complete the table with the words below. 













Choosing the words

Match the pictures and the words. 





Single answer

Choose the correct answer. 

Please, change the

on your bed. 

Something has got into my eye, I need to


My boss has found me a

Family is the main

in the life of every person. 

My bike is broken, I need to


You need to reduce the

of sugar. — consumption 

Crossing out

Cross the odd ONE out. 

Chemicals, waste, heap, light bulb

Light bulb, towel, energy, heating

Environment, reuse, swap, recycle

Repair, substance, aluminium, coal

Completing the table

Complete the table with the words below. 




the TV



the coat


Single answer

Choose the right answer. 

Would you like me to

your present? 


doesn’t work, we need to call the emergency service. 

I have spilt some water, give me the

, please. 

Laurel needs to buy some

cans and water for the camping. 

off your computer and go to bed. 


away these old boots. 

Filling the gaps

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. 

Mr. Jackson his students in the process of learning. 

The consumption of carbohydrates might affect your health. 

Can you the battery in the remote control? 

The pirates have found a huge chest. 

Don’t put the jacket , it’s warm outside. 

Laura has just her bags for the trip. 







Choosing the words

Choose the right answer. 

You should reduce the consumption / substance of sugar and do physical exercises.

People must protect the heating / environment.

My teacher has encouraged / reduced me to write my own stories.

I have just accidentally cut my finger, I need to rinse / reuse it with water.

John has got a newsletter / towel about an upcoming storm.

Have you packed / released your bags

Matching the words

Match in the words to make the phrases. 

Matching the phrases

Match the phrases to get the sentences.

I need to repair my bike,

otherwise I will be forced to go to school on foot.

the light bulb in my room.

he hardest job in the world.

Filling the gaps

Choose the right answer.

No waste. 

My mother protection activist. Everything should be “green” in our house. We never use any disposable things. And be reused or upcycled.

waste lifestyle. The whole idea of this new concept is to create as little waste as possible. People who stand behind this cut the usage of one-purpose items anymore. The followers also to save money. 

is a real environmental

almost everything will

her new obsession is the zero

idea say that they simply

claim that this lifestyle helps

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Вставить слова по смыслу предложения:

1 Local people are very charming and dress brightly.

2 Pollution damages the reefs in the Gulf of Mexico.

3 Coral reefs are very beautiful as they comprise unique nature.

4 This place is famous for its stunning landscapes.

5 Physical exercises usually include indoor activities.

6 If you learn how to plunge you may easily have a holiday at the seaside.

7 I am very busy today as I have tons of things to do.

8 You may feel the thrill of flying if you go bungee jumping.

9 Some questions will encourage the students to think about the proper answer.

10 Cosmopolitan atmosphere is very typical of his articles and the whole magazine.


1 Местные жители очень очаровательны и ярко одеваются.

2 Загрязнение наносит ущерб рифам в Мексиканском заливе.

3 Коралловые рифы очень красивы, так как они представляют собой уникальную природу.

4 Это место славится своими потрясающими пейзажами.

5 Физические упражнения обычно включают занятия в помещении.

6 Если вы научитесь погружаться в воду, вы легко сможете провести отпуск на море.

7 Сегодня я очень занят, так как у меня куча дел.

8 Вы можете почувствовать острые ощущения от полета, если прыгнете с тарзанки.

9 Некоторые вопросы побудят студентов подумать о правильном ответе.

10 Космополитическая атмосфера очень характерна для его статей и всего журнала


1.During the last hundred years we have done great damage to the environment.

2. There’s a large chemical factory in our town which has polluted the river twice in the last year.

3. The Government is very worried about the pollution of our rivers and beaches.

4. A lot of household waste like bottles and newspapers can be recycled and used again.

5 Environmentalists are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

6. There are lots of things we can all do to protect the environment.


1. The Government is introducing strict new rules on the dumping of toxic waste by industry.

2. Farmers contribute to environmental damage by spraying crops with pesticides which stay in the soil for years.

3. Emissions from factories in northern Germany affect the environment in large parts of Scandinavia.

4. Tropical rainforests have always helped to keep the environment in balance but recent deforestation means they no longer absorb as much carbon dioxide as they used to.

5. Exhaust fumes from cars and other vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment.

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