Enter word get sentences

All sentences (with pause)

Used with nouns:

«The weather is getting warmer.«

«The winner will get his prize tomorrow.«

«He will get another chance tomorrow.«
(chance, try)

«He got a good education before moving to the US.«

«We got approval for our plan.«
(approval, authorization, funding)

«They got a lot of complaints about the article.«
(complaints, feedback)

«She gets a lot of enjoyment from doing art.«
(enjoyment, fulfillment)

«He finally got recognition for his work.«

«Did you get a receipt?«

«She got her inspiration while traveling in Europe.«
(inspiration, idea)

«I finally get a vacation.«

«We got tickets for the game.«

«We got instructions on how to complete the task.«
(instructions, directions)

«She got her degree in English literature.«

«We got an invitation to their wedding.«

«Did you get my message?«

«She got a package in the mail.«
(package, magazine, bill, letter, postcard)

«He got a scholarship to Harvard.«

«She got a warning for her behavior.«

«They got many donations at the event.«

«I hope she gets the hint.«
(hint, point, idea)

«She got a cramp in her leg.«
(cramp, pain, injury)

«He got a reward for saving the boy.«

«He got a lot of exposure at the event.«
(exposure, publicity)

«She got a tan on vacation.«
(tan, sunburn)

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I also get a sentence of the wise way is definitely reach success.

Я хотел бы также получить предложение мудрым образом, несомненно, достигнет успеха.

But under federal sentencing guidelines, would most likely get a sentence of 15 to 21 months.

Однако, в соответствии с принятыми в федеральных судах принципами назначения наказания, он, скорее всего, получит от 12 до 15 лет.

If both keep their mouth shut, they get a sentence of one year due to lack of sufficient proof.

Если оба хранят молчание, то каждый из них получает, к примеру, по полгода заключения, потому что у полиции недостаточно улик.

There are a handful of other methods to get a sentence reduction also, but most likely won’t be nearly as much of a reduction as if you cooperate.

Существует еще несколько способов сокращения наказания, но, скорее всего, это не будет почти таким уменьшением, как если бы вы сотрудничали.

Maybe he was trying to get a sentence from Obama worthy of a newsflash.

Возможно, он пытался заставить Обаму сказать что-то, что было бы достойно срочного новостного сообщения.

In a practical sense, if you get a sentence written in English translated to German word for word, you would most likely end up with a sentence with the opposite meaning.

В практическом смысле, если перевести предложение с русского языка на немецкий слово в слово, то, скорее всего, получится предложение с противоположным значением.

Hello, Miss Motormouth, can I get a sentence finished?

For instance, there is a «String data line» attachment; if you take the first and the last symbols of the sentence and apply condition «first symbol» FROM AND TO «last symbol», then you get a sentence pointer.

К примеру — есть предложение «Тестовая строка данных», если взять первый и последний символ предложения и использовать условие «первый символ» ОТ И ДО «последний символ» то мы получим указатель на предложение.

JOHN: I’d get to some word, I’d get a sentence and it didn’t work somehow, so I’d say to George, ‘What’s another word for «fly»?’ and he’d suggest something.

ДЖОН: «Я подыскивал какое-нибудь слово, составлял фразу, но она мне не нравилась, и я спрашивал Джорджа:»Как по-другому сказать «муха»?»

get a sentence of four words.

It’s better for me to die from my hunger strike than be accused of such baseless charges and get a sentence like this.

Пусть лучше я умру от голодовки, чем меня вот так осудят и приговорят по необоснованным обвинениям».

Другие результаты

Imagine that instead of a fine or imprisonment, the convicted individual gets a sentence which bars him from any access to the mobile phone, internet/FB and to shopping malls.

Представьте себе, что вместо штрафа или тюремного заключения преступник получает в качестве наказания лишение доступа к мобильному телефону, интернету/«Фейсбуку» и торговым центрам.

He couldn’t even get through a sentence without stammering or wandering off-subject.

Но моя администрация уже приступила к работе.

This story, which everyone is afraid of — to be in prison and get a life sentence, being innocent.

Эта история, которой боится каждый, — оказаться в тюрьме и получить пожизненное заключение, будучи невиновным.

If they fail too much they get a death sentence.

Если они провалят слишком много, они получат смертный приговор.

He also says his former lawyer, Cohen, lied to get a lighter sentence in NY.

Он также утверждает, что его теперь уже бывший адвокат Коэн солгал, чтобы получить более мягкое наказание в Нью-Йорке.

The court will take it into account, you’ll get a suspended sentence.

If I can argue that it’s for personal use, you’ll get a lighter sentence.

Если я докажу, что это было для собственного использования, ты получишь меньший срок.

Kaden could get a reduced sentence, if he gives evidence against Ellis.

Кейдану могут сократить срок, если он даст показания против Эллиса.

She won’t even let me get a full sentence out.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 70310. Точных совпадений: 11. Затраченное время: 702 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Get in a sample sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use get in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for get.

  • Get on with you! (8)
  • I must get ready. (10)
  • But he must get them. (9)
  • Did you get a letter? (9)
  • I must get you to see! (8)
  • Get me an interpreter. (10)
  • You get in first, Agnes. (9)
  • They wanted to get married. (8)
  • You get nothing out of me. (10)
  • Get her away from that place. (10)
  • I shall never get on that way. (8)
  • I shall get supplies to-morrow. (10)
  • Then get him; and take that tray. (8)
  • Anything to get it out of himself! (8)
  • He had taken his time to get ready. (13)
  • Do you hint it, if you get a chance. (10)
  • But occasionally we get glimpses of it. (9)
  • She would have to get used to this now. (8)
  • There you get at their point of unity. (10)
  • And a craving to get drunk attacked him. (8)
  • Get yourself that fan you saw the other day. (9)
  • I must take you about to get the things to-morrow. (8)
  • They lied to get him undisputed Christian burial. (10)
  • One station before we got to Königsberg I did get out. (12)
  • Leave him to spout the stuff and get rid of his poison. (10)
  • Mrs. Dashwood now took pains to get acquainted with him. (4)
  • Never let us get into the clutches of these financiers. (18)
  • He knew how to take care of himself; he could get around anybody. (12)
  • As soon as you see me at the drawing-room window, get ready and go. (8)
  • But when did you, or anybody, ever get a compliment from me, Fanny? (4)
  • What he expected to get out of the young man he did not as yet know. (8)
  • They have got a right to get married, and they ought to have the chance. (9)
  • Would he get through without spilling it all down his front, or choking? (8)
  • I must let these Ormont Memoirs run and upset him, if they get to print. (10)
  • Then he took himself off, saying that he must get to his office at once. (13)
  • To watch him was painful, so feeble had he grown; I was glad to get away. (8)
  • Heroes will have to conquer both before they will get them to subscribe to it. (10)
  • The Coxes were wondering last night whether she would get into any great family. (4)
  • I could get the nicest house in world for you, next door to ours, in Hanover-square. (4)
  • I wonder whether I may ask him to get me lodgings: a sitting-room and two bedrooms. (10)
  • August conspired with the traeger to get them a first-class compartment to themselves. (9)
  • Of course, we must try to get the contrasts of luxury for the sake of the full effect. (9)
  • It was foolish; but wait till you get feeling like what I was, and see how it draws you. (8)
  • Surely it would be as well if my father could get a woman of fortune to take care of him! (10)
  • Until I hear from you, I shall try to get in touch with Judith, and take counsel with her. (12)
  • When they get to our age, I dare say they will not think about officers any more than we do. (4)
  • She asked him if he would not have a fan, and he allowed her to get it for him from the mantel. (9)
  • As soon as I can get her alone, I will discover the real truth; but she seems to wish to avoid me. (4)
  • Stern ambition was uppermost in his mind again, and he began to plan to get back to Philadelphia. (18)
  • Captain Benwick must give up his room to them, and get another bed elsewhere; and the whole was settled. (4)
  • He had hurried back to lunch, scamping it so that he might get to his piano for an hour of forgetfulness. (8)
  • She would get it by the first post; but what could he say that was not dangerous, if Cramier chanced to see? (8)
  • She was here no doubt because of some memory, and did not mean to try and get out of it by vulgar explanation. (8)
  • Gentlemen who have food in their stomachs, money in their pockets, and know where to get more, they never think. (8)
  • He went up to his bedroom to get a book, and his heart began to beat violently, for she was in there making the bed. (8)
  • I always feel a little proud of hailing from Boston; my pleasure in the place mounts the farther I get away from it. (9)
  • And mumbling over in his mind the bitter days of his divorce, he rose to get out of sight, but quickly sat down again. (8)
  • She felt as though she had passed through a bad illness, and had no desire now but to get home as quickly as she could. (8)
  • His pride in the number gushed out in fresh bursts of rhetoric to every one whom he could get to talk with him about it. (9)
  • It is as easy to get to us as to Switzerland, and you shall sleep now and then in the ice-chest to make you comfortable. (14)
  • Nor does the organization, as some of its critics seem to imagine, get any special privileges from the telegraph companies. (16)
  • No, the less we try to get personality and character into our household effects the more beautiful and interesting they will be. (9)
  • She tried once or twice to get through to Alan, but he was always eating; he looked very like a young Uncle Stanley this evening. (8)
  • This speculation soothed him, moving between the high hedges slowly, so as not to get overheated, though the day was chill enough. (8)
  • That precisely is what he cannot get until all critics are what they should be—lawyers whose only clients are their own convictions. (16)
  • The copyright due me, no matter how handsome it is, appears deplorably mean, and I feel impoverished for several days after I get it. (9)
  • We managed to get away from Florence without his knowing it, and we have spent the last two years in Lausanne, very happily, though very quietly. (9)
  • He asked Clementina to present him to Mrs. Lander, who pressed him to get into her compartment; the clergyman vanished, and Lord Lioncourt yielded. (9)
  • Generally, sidewalks are lined and porches packed with people eager to get their first glance of the circus, though its beauty and grandeur are hid. (21)
  • Christine inferred that Miss Vance had called because she wished to be the first to get in with them since it had begun to get around. (9)
  • Kenton looked him in the face without answering, and then tried to get away from him, but Bittridge followed him up, talking, and ignoring his silence. (9)

Also see sentences for: achieve, acquire, attain, beget, gain, moor, obtain.

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The word ‘get’ is one of the most common and versatile verbs in English. It can be used in lots of different ways, and is usually seen in informal writing or speaking. You can use the word ‘get’ on its own, with a preposition to make a phrasal verb, or with a participle in the passive voice.

Now we’re going to look at some of these uses in more detail. So, let’s get started!

1. Get = to obtain, to receive, to buy

The word ‘get’ can be used as a verb to express the actions of obtaining, receiving or buying. To form a sentence, we use get + direct object or get + indirect object + object.

Let’s take a look at some examples. Don’t forget ‘get’ is an irregular verb, so when we use the past simple we change (or conjugate) to ‘got’

To obtain

  • She got the telephone number from her boss.
  • I got the grade to pass the course.
  • Unfortunately, Henry didn’t get the job.


To receive

  • Did you get my letter?
  • He got a fine for driving too quickly.
  • I got a delivery this morning.


To buy

  • Can you get some milk from the shop?
  • I didn’t get you a newspaper. I’m sorry.
  • He’s just been shopping and got a new face cream.


Get as to obtain_buy or receive | Oxford House Barcelona

2. Get = to reach, to arrive

We can use ‘get’ when talking about arriving or reaching a place, to express movement or travel. To form a sentence, we use get + place expression. After the word ‘get’, we also normally use the preposition ‘to’.

To reach

  • How long did it take you to get to the top of the mountain?
  • If you keep walking you’ll suddenly get to a bridge.


To arrive

  • I usually get home at 7pm.
  • What time do you get to school?


Get as to reach_to arrive | Oxford House Barcelona

3. Get = to become

‘Get’ is also used to express a change of state or situation. To form a sentence, we use get + adjective.

To become

  • Don’t get angry!
  • Wear a jacket or you’ll get cold.
  • The weather gets warmer starting in April.
  • In the UK it gets dark at 5pm.
  • After going for a run, I get really hungry.


Get as in to become | Oxford House Barcelona

4. Get as a phrasal verb

‘Get’ can be used in phrasal verbs, which have various meanings. To form a sentence, use get + preposition/adverb. Here are a handful of common examples:

Get as Phrasal Verb | Oxford House Barcelona

5. Get in the passive

We can also use the word ‘get’ in the passive form. Here it is used in place of the verb ‘to be’ to sound more informal. So, instead of using the standard passive be + participle, we can also use get + participle. For example:

  • My bike was stolen (standard passive)
  • My bike got stolen (get passive)


Get in the Passive | Oxford House Barcelona

We use the passive form when we want to emphasize the nature of the event, or the people involved instead of who does the action. For example:

  • Mike just got promoted. (Emphasis on Mike rather than his boss)
  • The burglar got arrested. (Emphasis on the burglar rather than the police)


‘Get’ is also very commonly used to describe negative events. For example:

  • Our house got badly damaged in the storm.
  • We got delayed coming back from London.


6. Get something done

Our final use of the word get is a more informal way of saying ‘to have something done’ for us or to us. This is normally when we pay for some kind of service – such as at the hairdresser, mechanic or dentist. To form a sentence, we use the structure get + object + past participle.

To get something done

  • I’m getting my hair cut on Wednesday.
  • I got my teeth checked at the dentist this morning.
  • I need to get my laptop repaired.
  • I’ll get your coat cleaned if you like.
  • He gets his car washed every Saturday.


Get something done | Oxford House Barcelona

Enjoy this post? Check out our blog post: 10 phrasal verbs to help you become an English expert.

Glossary for Language Learners

Find the following words in the article and then write down any new ones you didn’t know.

Versatile (adj): able to be used for lots of different purposes.

Get started (exp): to begin.

Hairdresser (n): the place where you go for a haircut.


adj = adjective

exp = adverb

n = noun

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