English word with preposition

Запомните сочетания слов, которые часто встречаются на ЕГЭ в заданиях 32−38 раздела «Грамматика и лексика» ⤵️


at a distance на расстоянии
at first во-первых, сначала
at home/school дома/в школе
at last наконец
at the latest самое позднее
at once сразу
at present в настоящий момент
at risk подверженный риску
at the same time в то же время
at times во время, временами
at work на работе

Prepositions — предлоги в английском языке

Предлог (Preposition) — служебная часть речи, которая служит для связи слов в предложении, например: IN Moscow — В Москве; AT 5 p.m. — В 5 часов вечера; FROM school — ИЗ школы.


by accident случайно
by car/bus/plane/bike на машине/автобусе/самолете/велосипеде
by chance случайно
by credit card кредитной картой (заплатить)
by far (and away) безусловно, несомненно
by heart наизусть
by mistake по ошибке
by all means непременно, обязательно
by oneself сам по себе, самостоятельно
by return по возвращении

Больше о предлоге BY ⬇️

Использование предлога BY в английском языке

Предлог BY может обозначать способ передвижения (by car), использоваться в значении предлога места или времени, а также указывать на исполнителя или автора (book by Joyce).


for ages/ever на века/на всю жизнь
for a change для разнообразия
for the first/last time в первый/последний раз
for holiday на каникулы, в отпуск
for hire в аренду
for life насовсем, бессрочно
for once в кои-то веки
for sale на продажу
for a time being пока, на данный момент, на некоторое время
for a while в течение некоторого времени, ненадолго

Разница между SINCE и FOR — учимся выбирать правильно

FOR означает «на протяжении какого-то времени»: for 3 weeks. SINCE значит «с какого-то момента»: since Monday.


from now on впредь
from time to time временами
made from сделанный из

Разница между MADE OF и MADE FROM— учимся выбирать правильно

MADE FROM означает, что материал теряет свои свойства в процессе производства. MADE OF используется, когда материал не меняется.


in addition (to) в дополнение (к)
in advance заблаговременно
in any case в любом случае
in common (with) общего (с)
in danger (of) в опасности чего-то
in detail в деталях
in the end в конце концов
in general в целом
in flames в огне
in half/in two пополам/на две части

Нажмите кнопку «Тренировать» и изучайте слова по карточкам, чтобы быстрее их запомнить ☝️

in ink/pencil тушью/карандашом
in Italian/Chinese на итальянском/китайском
in length/height/width в длину/высоту/ширину
in love влюбился
in the news в новостях
in someone’s opinion по чьему-то мнению
in pain испытывать боль
in theory/practice в теории/практике
in prison в тюрьме
in private/in public наедине/публично
in relation to в связи с
in safety в безопасности
in secret в секрете
in stock в наличии
in tears в слезах
in touch на связи
in the town/countryside в городе/селе
in turn по очереди
in (your) twenties в (вашем) двадцатом десятке
in other words другими словами…

Предлоги места в английском языке: AT, IN, ON

Предлог AT указывает на конкретное место или ориентир. IN обозначает положение объекта внутри другого пространства. ON означает, что предмет находится на какой-то поверхности.


off duty вне службы
off work вне работы


on account of из-за
on behalf of от имени
on business по делу
on a diet на диете
on duty на службе
on fire в огне
on foot пешком
on the one/other hand с одной/другой стороны
on holiday на празднике, в отпуске
on a journey в путешествии
on loan данный взаймы, в аренде
on purpose нарочно
on sale продается, в распродаже
on second thoughts если подумать, поразмыслив
on strike бастовать
on time вовремя (по расписанию)
on trial на суде
on TV/radio по телевизору/радио
on the Interent в Интернете
on the whole в целом

Предлоги времени AT, IN, ON, FOR + TIME

IN обозначает неопределенное время: месяцы, годы, века. ON относится к более точному времени: датам, дням недели. AT указывает на конкретное время на часах.


out of breath запыхался
out of control вне контроля
out of danger вне опасности
out of date устаревший
out of order вышел из строя
(be) out of practice не иметь практики, не тренироваться
out of question вне обсуждения
out of reach вне досягаемости
out of sight вне поля зрения
out of stock распродано

Английские предлоги направления и движения

Предлоги направления и движения показывают, куда или откуда движется объект: go TO the theatre, walk OUT OF the room, get ACROSS the river, walk THROUGH the forest, etc.


under age несовершеннолетний
under attack под атакой
(talk) under your breath (говорить) под нос
under control под контролем
under pressure под давлением

Английские предлоги места — Prepositions of Place

Предлоги места указывают, где находится кто-то или что-то. Примеры английских предлогов места: on — на, in — в, under — под, next to — рядом, in front of — напротив и т.п.


up to and including вплоть до и включая
up to date до настоящего времени


with a smile/laugh с улыбкой/смехом
within reach (of) в пределах досягаемости (от)
without fail безошибочно
without success безуспешно
without warning без предупреждения

Для тренировки устойчивых сочетаний глаголов с предлогами переходите на следующую страницу ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Тема «Употребление глаголов с предлогами». ЕГЭ Английский.

Для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку важно знать устойчивые сочетания глаголов с предлогами. Например: accuse of, agree with, apologise for etc.

Наиболее полный список английских предлогов сгруппированных по их форме в сопровождении с русским переводом.


aboard на борту
about кругом, вокруг, в, где-то на, в пределах, о , относительно, о
above над, до, более, свыше, выше
absent (амер.) без, в отсутствие
across через, сквозь, по ту сторону
afore вперед
after за, после, по, позади
against против, в, о, обо, на, к
along вдоль, по
amid среди, посреди, между
amidst среди, посреди, между
among между, посреди
amongst между, посреди
around вокруг, по, за, около
as в качестве, как
aside в стороне, поодаль
aslant поперек
astride верхом на, по обе стороны, на пути
at у, около, в, на
athwart поперек, через, вопреки, против
atop на, поверх, над
bar исключая, за исключением, кроме
before перед, до, в
behind позади, за, после
below ниже, под
beneath под, ниже
beside рядом, близ, около, ниже
besides кроме
between между
betwixt между
beyond по ту сторону, за, вне, позже, сверх, выше
but кроме, за исключением
by у, около, мимо, вдоль, через, к, на
circa приблизительно, примерно, около
despite несмотря на
down вниз, с, по течению, вниз по, вдоль по, по, ниже, через, сквозь
except исключая, кроме
for на, в, в течение дня, за, ради, к, от, по отношению, в отношении, вместо
from от, из, с, по, из-за, у
given при условии
in в, во, на, в течение, за, через, у, к, из
inside внутри, внутрь, с внутренней стороны, на внутренней стороне
into в, на
like так; как что-л.; подобно чему-л.
mid (от «amid») между, посреди, среди
minus без, минус
near около, возле, к
neath под, ниже
next рядом, около
notwithstanding не смотря на, вопреки
of о, у, из, от
off с, со, от
on на, у, после, в
opposite против, напротив
out вне, из
outside вне, за пределами
over над, через, за, по, свыше, больше, у
pace с позволения
per по, посредством, через, согласно, из расчёта на, за, в, с
plus плюс, с
post после
pro для, ради, за
qua как, в качестве
round вокруг, по
save кроме, исключая
since с (некоторого времени), после
than нежели, чем
through через, сквозь, по, в, через посредство, из, от, в продолжение, в течение, включительно
till до
times на
to в, на, к, до, без
toward к, на, с тем чтобы, по отношению к, около, почти
towards к, на, с тем чтобы, по отношению к, около, почти
under под, ниже, при
underneath под
unlike в отличие от
until до
up вверх, по
versus (сокр. «vs.») против, в сравнении с (чем-л.), в отличие от (чего-л.), по отношению к (чему-л.)
via через
vice взамен, вместо
with с, в, от
without вне, без, за, не сделав чего-либо


barring исключая, за исключением, кроме
concerning относительно
considering учитывая, принимая во внимание
depending в зависимости
during в течение, в продолжение, во время
granted при условии
excepting за исключением, исключая
excluding за исключением
failing за неимением, в случае отсутствия
following после, вслед за
including включая, в том числе
past за, после, мимо, сверх, выше
pending в продолжение, в течение, до, вплоть
regarding относительно, касательно


alongside около, рядом, у
within внутри, внутрь, в пределах, не далее, не позднее чем
outside вне, за пределами, за исключением
upon на, у, после, в
onto на, в
throughout через, по всей площади, длине, на всем протяжении
wherewith чем, посредством которого


according to согласно
ahead of до, в преддверии
apart from несмотря на, невзирая на
as far as до
as for что касается
as of с, начиная с; на день, на дату; на момент, от (такого-то числа)
as per согласно
as regards что касается, в отношении
aside from помимо, за исключением
as well as кроме, наряду
away from от, в отсутствие
because of из-за
by force of в силу
by means of посредством
by virtue of в силу, на основании
close to рядом с
contrary to против, вопреки
due to благодаря, в силу, из-за
except for кроме
far from далеко не
for the sake of ради
in accordance with в соответствии с
in addition to в дополнение, кроме
in case of в случае
in connection with в связи с
in consequence of вследствие, в результате
in front of впереди
in spite of несмотря на
in the back of сзади, позади
in the course of в течение
in the event of в случае, если
in the middle of посередине
in to (into) в, на
inside of за (какое-л время), в течение
instead of вместо
in view of ввиду
near to рядом, поблизости
next to рядом, поблизости
on account of по причине, из-за, вследствие
on to (onto) на
on top of на вершине, наверху
opposite to против
out of из, изнутри, снаружи, за пределами
outside of вне, помимо
owing to из-за, благодаря
thanks to благодаря
up to вплоть до, на уровне
with regard to относительно, по отношению
with respect to относительно, по отношению

A list of prepositions contains fewer than 200 words. That’s not many considering English contains at least a couple hundred thousand words. It’s amazing that the list of all prepositions is so short considering they are used to demonstrate how words and phrases connect in nearly every single sentence. In fact, most sentences contain more than one connecting word. That means you’ll use words from a prepositions list more often than you will nouns, verbs, and most parts of speech. Now that you know how important these connecting words are, let’s take a look at a preposition list and all of its functions including a prepositional phrase list.

A Preposition List: Categories of Connecting Words

Instead of creating a single list of prepositions, let’s discuss the different groups that exist. You can organize these words in two ways. First, by words you use to create connectors. Second, by function. 

Certain ones help describe different kinds of information in a sentence, therefore it makes sense to organize these words into groups. Let’s go over the words that comprise each group, so you understand how each category is different. It’ll give you a good start to creating you own list of all prepositions.

Prepositions List: Connecting Words by Word Group

1. A Simple Preposition List

Nearly half of the prepositions you use in the English language are “simple” words. Simple words mainly have one or two syllables and connect words in a sentence. Here’s a list of common prepositions:

About Above Across After Ago
At Below By Down During
For From In Into Off
On Over Past Since Through
To Under Until Up With

It’s said that it’s grammatically incorrect to have a preposition end a sentence. This is not always true. Though it does not follow the traditional rules of connecting a subject to a noun or verb, it can be done when you use a casual tone. For your papers and more formal writing, stick to keeping these words away from the end of a sentence. 

Though the above is not a complete prepositions list, it does cover many of the more common words you’ll encounter. Reading ahead, you’ll find there are numerous words that fall under a complete list of all prepositions. However, to get there you will have to memorize and be able to differentiate between every single one.

Need a break from learning connecting words? Try something new! Learn about academic writing using MLA format and more citation styles. These two topics will help improve your writing skills and impress your English teacher.

2. A Double Preposition List

Now that you’ve seen the prepositions list above and know what a single preposition (or connecting word) is, you can move on to double prepositions. Basically, they are a combination of two simple connecting words. For instance, onto, inside, and without are all examples of double connecting words.

These words are very similar to compound prepositions (which will be covered in the next section), and they’re easy to mix up. That’s because compound connecting words also contain two individual words which take on one meaning. But there are some subtle, and more noticeable differences between double and compound prepositions

The most noticeable difference is that instead of forming their own individual words (like compound connecting words do), double words combine into one. Let’s take a look at some examples:

A List of Prepositions: Double Words

Amid Atop Inside Into Onto
Outside Throughout Upon Within Without

3. A Compound Preposition List

As you can see, double words enjoy being together. Compound words on the other hand, prefer their own space. Words like regardless of, as for, and prior to are examples of compound connecting words.

Compound connecting words are also made up of two words, just like double words. But instead of coming together, they retain their individuality. They are two words with one joint meaning. Here is a list of prepositions for compound words found in English:

List of Prepositions With to:

  • According to
  • Close to
  • Due to
  • Near to
  • Owing to
  • Prior to
  • Relative to
  • Subsequent to
  • Thanks to

List of Prepositions With of:

  • Ahead of
  • Because of
  • Inside of
  • Instead of
  • Out of
  • Outside of
  • Right of

List of Prepositions With for or from:

  • Apart for
  • Apart from
  • As for
  • Aside from
  • Except for
  • Out from

Other examples:

  • As per
  • Rather than
  • Where as

The second way you can tell compounds apart from doubles is from the actual words that make up a group of compound connecting words. If only one of the two words in the pair is a simple word, then you’re dealing with a compound phrase. A double word always uses two simple words and never just one. 

The prepositional phrases list also has more than one word in each listing, but they differ from compound and double words. We will explore this more in section “5. A Prepositional Phrase List.”

Now that you know the differences, you’ll never mix the two up again. Here’s an informative site that explains this in greater detail.

4. The Participle List of Prepositions

Some gerunds, or -ing forms of verbs, can act as connecting words. There aren’t too many that function this way, so there aren’t too many participle prepositions to remember. Here’s the participle preposition list:

  • Considering
  • Concerning
  • During
  • Excluding
  • Following
  • Including
  • Regarding

5. A  Prepositional Phrase List

A prepositional phrase list includes groups (known as phrases) of different words that together act as a connecting word. The group/phrase can contain verbs, adverbs, and other parts of speech. 

Remember, do not confuse these with compound or double words. All of the groups on this list of prepositional phrases have at least three words and are phrases instead of a pairing of words. Here is a list of prepositional phrases you should be aware of:

Prepositional Phrases List

  • As far as
  • As long as
  • As soon as
  • As well as
  • In addition to
  • In regard to
  • In spite of
  • On top of
  • With regard to
  • With the exception of

This list of prepositional phrases were sorted based on the words that made up each connecting word or group. 

Aside from the above prepositional phrase list, are you generally concerned with grammar in your writing? If yes, take a look at this paper checker from Citation Machine Plus! It’ll spot grammar errors in your paper and check for accidental plagiarism. Citation Machine Plus also has services to help you create citations in APA format and other formats.

Connecting Words by Function

1. The Time List of Prepositions

There aren’t many connecting words that describe time, however, the words that do actually play a large role in the English language. With these words, you can describe when something will or did happen. The following prepositions list shows connecting words used to describe time:

List of Common Prepositions for Time

  • After
  • Ago
  • At
  • Before
  • By
  • During
  • For
  • From
  • In
  • On
  • Past
  • Since
  • To
  • Until

2. Place Prepositions List

The list of place words is very similar to the list of time words. In fact, they share much of the same language.

List of Common Prepositions for Place

  • Above
  • At
  • Below
  • Beside
  • By
  • Down
  • In
  • Off
  • On
  • Over
  • Under
  • Up

So, how can you tell whether a sentence includes a place or a time connecting word? When you can’t determine based on the connecting word alone—you must look at the context. Place words mostly describe physical location, whereas time words describe when something takes place.


  • My birthday party is on Monday.


  • Drew is currently on a cruise ship.

Do you need a little bit more help telling these two apart from each other? Click site for some helpful tips.

3. List of Prepositions for Agent

Connecting words that explain agent, help your audience understand the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in a sentence. Each sentence with an agent connecting word will explain how someone affects someone or something else. There are three words that show an agent connection. These words are by, without,and with. Agent words are the same words that you’ll find on a list of prepositions for instruments.

  • This painting was designed by Warhol, but painted by his staff.
  • You can’t unlock a computer without the password.
  • Warhol also worked on this painting with his friend Basquiat.

Review Questions & Exercises

Compared to other parts of speech, a list of all prepositions is a short one, but is important nonetheless. Becoming familiar with each prepositions list above will help you further your understanding of English grammar.

Feel like you’ve absorbed everything above? Do you know what double prepositions are? Do you remember what words are on the list of prepositional phrases ? Flex your knowledge using the questions and exercises below.

  1. What is the difference between a double and a compound preposition?
  2. Look at the prepositional phrases list. Create 3 example sentences using the phrases on the prepositional phrases list.
  3. Find a short online article or post that you like and copy and paste it into a document. Highlight every preposition in the article that is also on the list of common prepositions for time and place.
  4. Review this guide and make your own preposition list of words you’re not familiar with. Make it your goal to memorize them and make an example sentence using each word.

Здесь вы найдёте английские слова на тему «word with preposition», список слов с транскрипцией и переводом.

Слово или фраза



interested in

[ ‘intristid in ]

заинтересованы в

keen on

[ ki:n ɔn ]


be fond of

[ bi: fɔnd əv ]

любить, увлекаться чем-либо

be afraid of

[ bi: ə’freid əv ]


be proud of

[ bi: praud əv ]

гордиться чем/кем-либо

accustomed to

[ ə’kʌstəmd tu: ]

привыкший к

ashamed of

[ ə’ʃeimd əv ]


full of

[ ful əv ]


satisfied with

[ ‘sætisfaid wið ]


responsible for

[ ris’pɔnsəbl fɔ: ]

ответственность за

stupid of you

[ ‘stju:pid əv ju: ]

глупо с вашей стороны

surprised by (at)

[ sə’praizd bai ‚eɪ’ti: ]


engaged to

[ in’geiʤd tu: ]

помолвлена с

short of

[ ʃɔ:t əv ]

очень мало, в обрез

angry at/with smb for cmth

[ ‘æŋgri ət/wið smb fɔ: kmð ]

сердиться на к-л за что-либо

bored with/by

[ bɔ:d wið/baɪ ]

скучнаяющий от ч/л

upset about

[ ʌp’set ə’baut ]


impressed by/with

[ ɪm’prest by/wið ]

впечатлен чем-либо

know for

[ nəu fɔ: ]

известный чем-либо

diffrent from

[ difrent frɔm ]

отличается от

be sorry for

[ bi: ‘sɔri fɔ: ]

сожалеть по поводу

annoyed at/with

[ ə’nɔid ət/wið ]

раздраженный чем/кем-либо

be rich in

[ bi: riʧ in ]

быть богатым чем-либо

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of English prepositions.

Prototypical prepositions[edit]

The following are single-word prepositions that can take a noun phrase complement following the preposition. Prepositions in this section may also take other kinds of complements in addition to noun phrase complements. Prepositions marked with an asterisk can be used transitively or intransitively; that is, they can take noun phrase complements (e.g., he was in the house) or not (e.g., he was in).

  • a[1]
  • aboard*[2]
  • about*[2][3]
    • abt. (written abbreviation)[4]
  • above*[2][3]
  • abreast[5]
  • absent[6]
  • across*[2][3]
  • after*[2][3][7]
  • against*[2][3]
  • along*[2][3]
  • aloft*[2][8]
  • alongside*[2]
  • amid[2][3][9]
    • amidst[2][3][9]
    • mid[2]
    • midst[2]
  • among[2][3][9]
    • amongst[2][3][9]
  • anti[3][10]
  • apropos*[7][11]
  • around*[2][3]
    • round*[2][3]
  • as[2][3][9]
  • aslant[12]
  • astride[13]
  • at[2][3][9]
    • @ (written alternative)[14]
  • atop[3][15]
    • ontop (nonstandard)[citation needed]
  • bar[9][16]
  • barring[17][18]
  • before*[2][3][7]
    • B4 (written abbreviation)[19]
  • behind*[2][3]
  • below*[2][3]
  • beneath*[2][3]
    • neath[20]
  • beside[2][3][9]
  • besides*[2][3][7]
  • between*[2][3][7]
    • ‘tween[21]
  • beyond*[2][3]
  • but[3][22]
  • by*[2][3][7]
  • chez[9][23]
  • circa[3][9][24]
    • c., ca. (abbreviations)[24]
  • come[9]
  • concerning[17][18]
  • contra[9]
  • counting[17][18]
  • cum[25]
  • despite[2][3][9]
    • spite (abbreviation)[citation needed]
  • down*[2][3]
  • during[2][9]
  • effective[6]
  • ere[9]
  • except[2][3]
  • excepting[17][18]
  • excluding[17][18]
  • failing[17][18]
  • following[17][18]
  • for[2][3]
    • 4 (abbreviation)[citation needed]
  • from[2][3][9]
  • in*[2][3]
  • including[17][18]
  • inside*[2][3]
  • into[2][3][9]
  • less[9][26]
  • like[2][3][9]
  • minus[2][9]
  • modulo[9]
    • mod (abbreviation)[27]
  • near*[2][3]
    • nearer (comparative)[3][28]
    • nearest (superlative)[3]
  • next[2]
  • notwithstanding* (also postpositional)[2][3]
  • of[2][3][9]
    • o’ (written alternative; informal)[29]
  • off*[2][3]
  • offshore[30]
  • on*[2][3][7]
  • onto[2][3][9]
  • opposite[2][3][6]
  • out[3][31]
  • outside*[2][3]
  • over*[2][3]
    • o’er[32]
  • pace[3][9][33]
  • past*[2][3]
  • pending[3][34]
  • per[3][9][35]
  • plus[2][9]
  • post[36]
  • pre[37]
  • pro[3][38]
  • qua[3][39]
  • re[3][9]
  • regarding[17][18]
  • respecting[17][18]
  • sans[3][9]
  • save[9][40]
  • saving[17][18]
  • short[citation needed]
  • since*[2][3][7]
  • sub[41]
  • than[2][3][9]
  • through*[2][3][7]
    • thru (informal)[42]
  • throughout*[2][3]
    • thruout (simplified spelling)[43]
  • till[3][9][44]
  • times[9]
  • to*[2][3]
    • t’ (abbreviation)[45]
    • 2 (abbreviation)[citation needed]
  • touching (archaic)[17][18][46]
  • toward, towards[2][3]
  • under*[2][3]
  • underneath*[2][3]
  • unlike[2][3][9]
  • until[2][3][9]
  • unto (poetic)[47]
  • up*[2][3][9]
  • upon[2][3]
  • versus[9][48]
    • vs., v. (abbreviations)[48]
  • via[2][3][9]
  • vice[49] (formal)[citation needed]
  • vis-à-vis[3][9][50] (formal)[citation needed]
  • wanting[17][18]
  • with[2][3][9]
    • w/, w. (abbreviation)[51]
    • c̄ (abbreviation in prescriptions)[52]
  • within*[2][3]
    • w/i (abbreviation)[citation needed]
  • without*[2][3][7]
    • ‘thout[53]
    • w/o (abbreviation)[54]

Intransitive prepositions[edit]

The following are single-word intransitive prepositions. This portion of the list includes only prepositions that are always intransitive; prepositions that can occur with or without noun phrase complements (that is, transitively or intransitively) are listed with the prototypical prepositions. Note that dictionaries and grammars informed by concepts from traditional grammar may categorize these intransitive prepositions as adverbs.

  • abroad[2][55][a]
  • adrift[2][55]
  • aft[2][55]
  • afterward(s)[2][57]
  • ahead[2][55][b]
  • apart[2][55]
  • ashore[2][55]
  • aside[2][55][c]
  • away[2][55]
  • back[2][55]
  • backward(s)[2][55]
  • beforehand[2][57]
  • downhill[2][55]
  • downstage[2][55]
  • downstairs[2][55]
  • downstream[2][55]
  • downward(s)[2][55]
  • downwind[2][55]
  • east[57]
  • eastward(s)[2][55]
  • forth[2][55][d]
  • forward(s)[2][55]
  • heavenward(s)[2][55]
  • hence[2][55]
  • henceforth[2][57]
  • here[2][55]
  • hereby[2][7]
  • herein[2][7]
  • hereof[2][7]
  • hereto[2][7]
  • herewith[2][7]
  • home[2][55]
  • homeward(s)[2][55]
  • indoors[2][55]
  • inward(s)[2][55]
  • leftward(s)[2][55]
  • north[57]
  • northeast[57]
  • northward(s)[2][55]
  • northwest[57]
  • now[2][57]
  • onward(s)[2][55][e]
  • outdoors[2][55]
  • outward(s)[2][55]
  • overboard[2][55]
  • overhead[2][55]
  • overland[2][55]
  • overseas[2][55]
  • rightward(s)[2][55]
  • seaward(s)[2][55]
  • skyward(s)[2][55]
  • south[57]
  • southeast[57]
  • southward(s)[2][55]
  • southwest[57]
  • then[2][57]
  • thence[2][55]
  • thenceforth[2][57]
  • there[2][55]
  • thereby[2][7]
  • therein[2][7]
  • thereof[2][7]
  • thereto[2][7]
  • therewith[2][7]
  • together[2][55][f]
  • underfoot[2][55]
  • underground[2][55]
  • uphill[2][55]
  • upstage[2][55]
  • upstairs[2][55]
  • upstream[2][55]
  • upward(s)[2][55][g]
  • upwind[2][55]
  • west[57]
  • westward(s)[2][55]
  • when[2][57]
  • whence[2][55]
  • where[2][55]
  • whereby[2][7]
  • wherein[2][7]
  • whereto[2][7]
  • wherewith[2][7]

Conjunctive prepositions[edit]

The following are single-word prepositions that take clauses as complements. Prepositions marked with an asterisk in this section can only take non-finite clauses as complements. Note that dictionaries and grammars informed by concepts from traditional grammar may categorize these conjunctive prepositions as subordinating conjunctions.

  • after[64][65]
  • although[64][65]
  • as[64][65]
  • at*[64]
  • because[64][65]
  • before[64][65]
  • beside*[64]
  • besides*[64]
  • between*[64]
  • by*[64]
  • considering[65]
  • despite*[64]
  • except[65]
  • for[64][65]
  • from*[64][h]
  • given[65]
  • granted[65]
  • if (conditional sense)[64][65]
  • into*[64]
  • lest[64][65]
  • like[64][65]
  • notwithstanding[65]
  • now[65]
  • of*[64]
  • on*[64][65]
  • once[64][65]
  • provided[65]
  • providing[65]
  • save[65]
  • seeing[64][65]
  • since[64][65]
  • so (purpose or result sense)[64][65]
  • supposing[65]
  • than[64]
  • though[64][65]
  • till[64][65]
  • to*[65]
  • unless[64][65]
  • until[64][65]
  • upon*[64]
  • when[64][65]
  • whenever[64]
  • where[64][65]
  • whereas[64][65]
  • wherever
  • while[64]
  • whilst[64]
  • with*[64]
  • without*[64][i]


The following are postpositions, prepositions whose complements typically precede them. Note that some grammars classify prepositions and postpositions as different kinds of adpositions while other grammars categorize both under the heading of the more common variety in the language.

  • ago[68][69]
  • apart[68][69]
  • aside[68][69]
    • aslant (archaic)[citation needed]
  • away[citation needed]
  • hence[citation needed]
  • notwithstanding (also prepositional)[68][69]
  • on (usually prepositional but occurs in phrases like «ten years on»)[69]
  • over (usually prepositional but occurs in phrases like «the world over»)[69]
  • short (also prepositional)[citation needed]
  • through (usually prepositional but occurs in phrases like «the whole day through»)[68]

Complex prepositions[edit]

The following are prepositions that consist of multiple words. They are categorized according to their structure.

Preposition + preposition[edit]

  • according to[70][18]
  • across from[citation needed]
  • ahead of[70][71]
  • along with[70]
  • apart from[72]
  • as for[70][73][74]
  • as from (formal)[70][73][74]
  • as of[74]
  • as per[70][73]
  • as regards[75]
  • as to[70][73][74]
  • aside from[70][76]
  • away from[70][77]
  • back to[citation needed]
  • because of[70][73]
  • counter to[citation needed]
  • except for[78]
  • in between[70][73]
  • instead of (informal)[70][79]
  • near to[70]
  • next to[70][80]
  • opposite of[citation needed]
  • out from[citation needed]
  • out of[70][73]
  • outside of[70][81]
  • owing to[70][18]
  • pertaining to[18][82]
  • round about[83][84]
  • up against[70][73]
  • up to[70][73]

Preposition + (article) + noun + preposition[edit]

English has many idiomatic expressions that act as prepositions that can be analyzed as a preposition followed by a noun (sometimes preceded by the definite or, occasionally, indefinite article) followed by another preposition.[85] Common examples include:

  • at the behest of[86]
  • at the expense of[70][86]
  • at the hands of[70][86]
  • at (the) risk of[70][86]
  • at variance with[70][86]
  • by dint of[70][86]
  • by means of[70][86]
  • by virtue of[70][86]
  • by way of[70][86]
  • for (the) sake of[70][86]
  • for lack of[citation needed]
  • for/from want of[70][86]
  • in accordance with[70][86]
  • in addition to[70][86]
  • in case of[70][86]
  • in charge of[70][86]
  • in compliance with[70][86]
  • in conformity with[70][86]
  • in contact with[70][86]
  • in exchange for[70][86]
  • in favor of[70][86]
  • in front of[70][86]
  • in lieu of[70][86]
  • in (the) light of[70][86]
  • in line with[70][86]
  • in place of[70][86]
  • in point of[citation needed]
  • in quest of[70][86]
  • in relation to[70][86]
  • in/with regard to[86]
  • in/with respect to[70][86]
  • in return for[70][86]
  • in search of[70][86]
  • in spite of[70][86]
  • in step with[70][86]
  • in touch with[70][86]
  • in terms of[70][86]
  • in the name of[70][86]
  • in view of[70][86]
  • on account of[70][86]
  • on behalf of[70][86]
  • on (the) grounds of[70][86]
  • on the part of[70][86]
  • on top of[70][86]
  • with a view to[70][86]
  • with the exception of[70][86]

Other complex prepositions[edit]

The following complex prepositions do not follow either of the common structures for complex prepositions.

  • à la (or a la)[9][87]
  • as soon as[88]
  • as well as[70][89]
  • close to[70]
  • due to[70][90]
  • far from[70][91]
  • in case[70][92]
  • other than[93]
  • per pro[94]
  • prior to[70][95]
  • pursuant to[96]
  • rather than[97]
  • regardless of[98]
  • subsequent to[70][99]
  • such as[70][100]

Archaic, dialectal, or specialized[edit]

The following prepositions are not widely used in Present-Day English. Some, such as bating and forby, are archaic and typically only used to convey the tone of a bygone era. Others, such as ayond and side, are generally used only by speakers of a particular variety of English. Yet others are generally only used in specialized contexts, such as abaft in nautical settings and dehors in law.

Prototypical prepositions[edit]

  • abaft (nautical)[101]
  • abating (obsolete)[102]
  • abeam (nautical)[103]
  • ablow (Scottish and Irish English)[104]
  • aboon (rare)[105]
  • abouts (regional, U.S.)[106]
  • acrost (regional, Australia, England, and U.S.)[107]
  • adown (archaic; poetic; rare)[108]
  • a-eastell (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[109]
  • afore (archaic; regional, Southern and Midland U.S.; nautical)[110][111]
  • afornent (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[112]
  • afront (obsolete; regional)[113]
  • afterhand (rare; regional)[114]
  • again (regional)[115]
  • ahind (dialectal; archaic)[116]
  • ajax (Polari)[citation needed]
  • alength (obsolete)[117]
  • alongst (regional, Scotland and U.S.)[118]
  • aloof (obsolete)[119]
  • alow (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[104]
  • amell (rare; regional, Northern England)[120]
  • amidmost (poetic)[121]
  • anear (archaic; regional)[122]
  • aneath (poetic; regional, Scotland)[123]
  • anent (obsolete; rare; regional, Scotland and Yorkshire)[105][124]
  • anewst (obsolete)[125]
  • anunder (regional, Northern England, Ireland, and Scotland)[126]
  • askant (archaic)[127][128]
  • asklent (regional, Northern England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland)[129]
  • astern (nautical)[130]
  • athwart (obsolete; dialectal; nautical)[131]
  • atour (regional, Scotland)[132]
  • atter (regional, Northern England, Southern U.S.)[133]
  • atween (archaic; dialectal)[134]
  • atwixt (archaic; dialectal)[135]
  • a-weather (nautical; obsolete)[136]
  • a-west (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[137]
  • awestell (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[138]
  • ayond, ayont (dialectal)[139]
  • bating (archaic)[140]
  • bedown (obsolete)[141]
  • be-east (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[142]
  • beforrow (obsolete)[143]
  • behither (obsolete)[144]
  • ben (dialectal, Scots)[145]
  • benorth (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[146]
  • besouth (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[147]
  • betwixt (archaic; poetical; dialectal)[148]
    • ‘twixt (obsolete)[149]
  • bewest (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[150]
  • bongre (obsolete)[151]
  • bout (regional)[152][153]
  • bove (poetic; regional)[154]
  • ‘cept (colloquial)[155]
  • contrair (obsolete)[156]
  • contrary (obsolete)[157]
  • cross (dialectal; poetic)[158]
  • dehors (law; rare)[105][159]
  • dot (mathematics)[160]
  • durante (obsolete)[161]
  • effore (obsolete)[162]
  • emong, emonges(t) (obsolete)[163][164]
  • endlong, endlonges, endlongs (dialectal; obsolete)[165][166]
  • enduring (obsolete; rare, South and South Midland U.S.)[167][168]
  • ensuing (obsolete)[169]
  • even-forth (obsolete)[170]
  • ex (commerce)[171]
  • excepted (obsolete)[172]
  • extra (rare)[173]
  • fae (dialectal, Scots)[174]
  • forby(e) (archaic)[105][175]
  • fore (regional, U.S.)[176]
  • fornent, fornenst (obsolete; regional, Northern England and Scotland)[177]
  • foregain, foregains, foregainst (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[178]
  • forne (obsolete)[179]
  • forout, forouten (obsolete)[180]
  • forrow (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[181]
  • forth (archaic)[182]
  • fro (dialectal, Scots)[183]
  • fromward, fromwards (obsolete)[184]
  • froward (archaic)[185]
  • furth (Scotland)[citation needed]
  • gain (obsolete)[186]
  • gainst (informal; poetic)[187][188]
  • gainward (obsolete)[189]
  • gin (regional, Northern England, Ireland, and Scotland)[190]
  • half-way, halfway (obsolete)[191]
  • hent (obsolete)[192]
  • inboard (nautical)[193]
  • incontrair (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[194]
  • indurand (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[195]
  • inmid, inmiddes[citation needed]
  • inter (obsolete; rare)[196]
  • inthrough (regional, Scotland)[197]
  • intil, intill (rare; dialectal, Scots)[105][198]
  • inwith (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[199]
  • i’th’ (archaic; poetic; regional)[200]
  • ‘long (regional)[201]
  • longs (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[202]
  • longst (obsolete; poetic)[203]
  • longways (rare)[204]
  • malgrado (obsolete)[205]
  • malgré (archaic; rare)[105][206]
  • mang (Devon)[citation needed]
  • maugre (archaic)[207]
  • midmost (obsolete)[208]
  • mids (obsolete)[209]
  • midward (obsolete)[210]
  • midway (rare)[211]
  • ‘mong (poetic or dialectal)[212]
  • ‘mongst (poetic or dialectal)[213]
  • more (obsolete)[214]
  • moreover (obsolete)[215]
  • moyening (obsolete)[216]
  • natheless, nathless (archaic; literary; rare)[105][217]
  • nearabout, nearbout (colloquial; regional)[218][219]
  • nearby (regional, Scotland)[220]
  • nearhand (regional, Northern England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland)[221]
  • ‘neath (poetic)[222]
  • nigh, anigh, anighst (archaic of regional)[223][224][225]
  • nigh-hand (regional, Northern and Midland England, Ireland, and Scotland)[226]
  • nobbut (rare; regional, Northern England)[227]
  • non-obstant (obsolete)[228]
  • notwithstand (obsolete)[229]
  • noughtwithstanding (obsolete)[230]
  • offa (colloquial; regional)[231]
  • offen (regional)[232]
  • only (regional, Southern U.S. and South Midland U.S.)[233]
  • or (archaic)[234]
  • otherside (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[235]
  • outcept (obsolete)[236]
  • outen (regional)[237]
  • out-over (regional, Scotland)[238]
  • outta (colloquial; regional, U.S.)[239]
  • out-taken (obsolete)[240]
  • out-taking (obsolete)[241]
  • out-through (regional, Scotland)[242]
  • outwith (regional, Scotland)[243]
  • overcross (archaic; rare)[244]
  • over-right (regional, Scotland, Southern England, Ireland, Newfoundland)[245]
  • overthorter (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[246]
  • overthwart (archaic; regional, Eastern, Midland, and Northern England)[247]
  • overtop (regional, North America)[248]
  • pan (regional, Jamaica)[249]
  • pass (regional, Caribbean)[250]
  • pon (archaic; regional, Caribbean and Southwestern England)[251]
  • quoad (law)[252]
  • reserved (obsolete)[253]
  • reserving (obsolete)[254]
  • sauf (archaic) [255]
  • seen (obsolete)[256]
  • sen (rare; regional, Northern England and Scotland)[257]
  • senza (music)[258]
  • side (dialectal, African-American English)[259]
  • sidelings (obsolete)[260]
  • sidelong (obsolete)[261]
  • sides (dialectal, African-American English)[262]
  • sin (dialectal, Northern England English and Scots)[263]
  • sineth (obsolete)[264]
  • sith (archaic’)[265]
  • sithen (obsolete)[266]
  • sithence (obsolete)[267]
  • ter (regional)[268]
  • thorough (archaic; poetic; rare)[269]
  • thorter (regional, Scotland)[270]
  • thwart (archaic; nautical; poetic)[271]
  • thwart-over (dialectal; obsolete)[272]
  • tiv (dialectal, Northern England English)[273]
  • touchant (obsolete)[274]
  • transverse (obsolete)[275]
  • traverse (obsolete)[276]
  • twel(l), twill (dialectal, African-American English)[277]
  • ultra (obsolete; poetic)[278]
  • umbe (obsolete)[279][280]
  • unneath (obsolete; poetic)[281]
  • upo’ (dialectal, Northern England English and Scots)[282]
  • upside (slang)[283][j]
  • upsy, upsees (archaic; obsolete)[285][286]
  • uptill[287]
  • utouth (obsolete; regional, Scotland)[288]
  • wid (dialectal, African-American English)[289]
  • withinside (archaic; dialectal)[290]
  • withoutside (obsolete; rare)[291]
  • wiv (dialectal, African-American English and Cockney)[289][292]
  • ymong (obsolete)[293]
  • yond (obsolete)[294]
  • yonside (regional, South Midland U.S.)[295]

Intransitive prepositions[edit]

  • aground (archaic; poetic)[2][55][296]
  • bush (regional, Australia)[57]
  • hereat (archaic; obsolete)[2][7][297]
  • herefrom (rare)[2][7][298]
  • hereon (rare)[2][7][299]
  • hither (archaic)[57]
  • thereat (archaic; formal)[2][7][300]
  • therefrom (archaic; formal)[2][7][301]
  • thereon (archaic; formal)[2][7][302]
  • thither (archaic)[57]
  • whereat (archaic; formal)[2][7][303]
  • wherefrom (archaic; formal)[2][7][304]
  • whereof (archaic; formal)[2][7][305]
  • whereon (archaic; formal)[2][7][306]
  • whither (archaic)[57]
  • yonder (archaic; dialectal)[57]

Conjunctive prepositions[edit]

  • but (archaic in uses such as «There wasn’t one among them but would have taken my place.»)[65]


  • withal (archaic)[307]

Complex prepositions[edit]

  • at after (regional, England)[308]
  • down on (colloquial)[309]
  • ex relatione (law)[310]
  • hard by (archaic)[311]
  • inside of (colloquial; regional, Australia and U.S.)[312]
  • non obstante (law)[313]
  • nigh by (obsolete)[314]
  • opposite to (regional, Britain)[315]

See also[edit]

  • Preposition and postposition
  • Preposition stranding


  1. ^ Abroad can also be used transitively in a rare sense of the term: «We scatter abroad the face of the earth.»[56]
  2. ^ Ahead can also be used transitively in a rare sense of the term: «I saw the figure of my friend ahead me.»[58]
  3. ^ Aside can also be used transitively in certain regional varieties: «The boys were often seated aside the girls.»[59]
  4. ^ Forth can also be used transitively in a rare sense of the term: «I may fetch you from forth this loathsome prison house.»[60]
  5. ^ Onward could also be used transitively in an obsolete sense of the term: «Two of that troupe conducted him onward the way to Babylon.»[61]
  6. ^ Together could also be used transitively in an obsolete sense of the term: «You will find the worth and value of it together the whole process of the great work of sugar making.»[62]
  7. ^ Upward could also be used transitively in an obsolete sense of the term: «Whether to surprise the squatted hare or flit upward ragged precipices.»[63]
  8. ^ An obsolete sense of from could also take a finite clause: «From we rise till we go to bed.»[66]
  9. ^ An obsolete sense of without could also take a finite clause: «Man can put up with only so much without he descends a rung or two on the old evolutionary ladder.»[67]
  10. ^ This sense of upside seems limited to discussion of strikes to the head: «He went upside her head with a meat mallet.» «A white cop comes up and go upside your knot.»[284]


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  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv Quirk, Randolph, et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Longman, 1985. pp. 665-67.
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  28. ^ Huddleston, Rodney, and Geoffrey K. Pullum. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge UP, 2002. p. 609. ISBN 0-521-43146-8.
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  55. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb Huddleston, Rodney, and Geoffrey K. Pullum. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge UP, 2002. p. 614. ISBN 0-521-43146-8.
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  130. ^ «astern, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  131. ^ «athwart, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  132. ^ «atour, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  133. ^ «atter, prep., conj., and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
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  172. ^ «excepted, adj. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  173. ^ «extra, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  174. ^ «fae, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
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  178. ^ «foregain | foregains(t, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  179. ^ «forne, adv., adj., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  180. ^ «forout | forouten, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  181. ^ «forrow, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  182. ^ «forth.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=forth. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  183. ^ «fro.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=forth. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  184. ^ «fromward, adj., adv., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  185. ^ «froward, adj., adv., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  186. ^ «gain, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 6 July 2020.
  187. ^ «gainst.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=gainst. Accessed 6 July 2020.
  188. ^ «gainst.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 6 July 2020.
  189. ^ «gainward, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  190. ^ «gin, prep. and conj.2.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  191. ^ «half-way | halfway, adv., adj., n., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  192. ^ «hent, prep. and conj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  193. ^ «inboard, adv., prep., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  194. ^ «incontrair, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  195. ^ «indurand, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  196. ^ «inter, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  197. ^ «inthrough, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  198. ^ «intill | intil, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 16 July 2020.
  199. ^ «inwith, prep., adv. (and adj.), and n.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  200. ^ «i’th’, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  201. ^ «‘long, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 6 July 2020.
  202. ^ «longs, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  203. ^ «longst, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  204. ^ «longways, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  205. ^ «malgrado, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  206. ^ «malgré, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 16 July 2020.
  207. ^ «maugre.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=maugre. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  208. ^ «midmost, adj., n., adv., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  209. ^ «mids, n., adv., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  210. ^ «midward, adj., n., adv., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  211. ^ «midway, n., adv., adj., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  212. ^ «‘mong, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 6 July 2020.
  213. ^ «‘mongst, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 6 July 2020.
  214. ^ «more, adj., pron., adv., n.3, and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  215. ^ «moreover, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  216. ^ «moyening, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  217. ^ «natheless, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 16 July 2020.
  218. ^ «nearabout, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  219. ^ «nearbout, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  220. ^ «nearby, adv., prep., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  221. ^ «nearhand, adv., prep., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  222. ^ «‘neath, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 6 July 2020.
  223. ^ «nigh, adv. (and prep.), adj., and n.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  224. ^ «anigh, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  225. ^ «anighst, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  226. ^ «nigh hand, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  227. ^ «nobbut, prep., conj., and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  228. ^ «non-obstant, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  229. ^ «notwithstand, conj., prep., and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  230. ^ «noughtwithstanding, prep., adv., and conj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  231. ^ «offa, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  232. ^ «offen, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  233. ^ «only adj, adv, prep.» Dictionary of American Regional English, digital version, Harvard UP, 2013. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  234. ^ «or 2.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=or. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  235. ^ «otherside, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  236. ^ «outcept, prep. and conj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  237. ^ «outen, adv., adj., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 6 July 2020.
  238. ^ «out-over, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  239. ^ «outta, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  240. ^ «out-taken, prep. and conj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  241. ^ «out-taking, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  242. ^ «out-through, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  243. ^ «outwith, prep., adv., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  244. ^ «overcross, prep., adv., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  245. ^ «over-right, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  246. ^ «overthorter, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  247. ^ «overthwart, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  248. ^ «overtop, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  249. ^ «pan, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  250. ^ «pass, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  251. ^ «pon, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 7 July 2020.
  252. ^ «quoad, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  253. ^ «reserved, conj. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  254. ^ «reserving, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  255. ^ «sauf, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 7 July 2020.
  256. ^ «seen, conj. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  257. ^ «sen, adv., prep., and conj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  258. ^ «senza, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  259. ^ «side, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  260. ^ «sidelings, adv., prep., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  261. ^ «sidelong, adv.1, prep., and adj.2» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  262. ^ «sides adv, prep.» Dictionary of American Regional English, digital version, Harvard UP, 2013. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  263. ^ «sin, adv., prep., and conj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  264. ^ «sineth, adv., prep., and conj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  265. ^ «sith.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=sith. Accessed 30 July 2020.
  266. ^ «sithen, adv., conj., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  267. ^ «sithence, adv., conj., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 7 July 2020.
  268. ^ «ter, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  269. ^ «thorough, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  270. ^ «thorter, adv., prep., adj., and n.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  271. ^ «thwart, adv., prep., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  272. ^ «thwart-over, prep., adv., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  273. ^ «tiv, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  274. ^ «touchant, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  275. ^ «transverse, adj., n., adv., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  276. ^ «traverse, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  277. ^ «till prep, conj.» Dictionary of American Regional English, digital version, Harvard UP, 2013. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  278. ^ «ultra, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  279. ^ «umbe, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.
  280. ^ «umbe.» The Century Dictionary, vol. X, Century Co., 1911, p. 6572, babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015036876848&view=1up&seq=214. Accessed 30 July 2020.
  281. ^ «unneath, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  282. ^ «upo’, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  283. ^ «upside.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=upside. Accessed 7 July 2020.
  284. ^ «upside, n.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 7 July 2020.
  285. ^ «upsy, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  286. ^ «upsees, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  287. ^ «uptill.» The Century Dictionary, vol. X, Century Co., 1911, p. 6664, babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015036876848&view=1up&seq=306. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  288. ^ «utouth, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  289. ^ a b «with, adv, prep.» Dictionary of American Regional English, digital version, Harvard UP, 2013. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  290. ^ «withinside, adv., prep., and n.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  291. ^ «withoutside, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  292. ^ «wiv, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  293. ^ «ymong, prep. and conj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  294. ^ «yond, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  295. ^ «yonside, adv, prep.» Dictionary of American Regional English, digital version, Harvard UP, 2013. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  296. ^ «aground, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  297. ^ «hereat, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  298. ^ «herefrom, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  299. ^ «hereon, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  300. ^ «thereat, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  301. ^ «therefrom, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  302. ^ «thereon, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  303. ^ «whereat, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  304. ^ «wherefrom, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  305. ^ «whereof.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=whereof. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  306. ^ «whereon, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 18 July 2020.
  307. ^ «withal, adv. and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  308. ^ «at after, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 19 Aug. 2020.
  309. ^ «down, adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  310. ^ «ex relatione, prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 19 Aug. 2020.
  311. ^ «hard by, prep. and adv.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 8 Aug. 2020.
  312. ^ «inside, n., adj., adv., and prep.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 12 July 2020.
  313. ^ «non obstante.» American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, 2020, ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=non+obstante. Accessed 19 Aug. 2020.
  314. ^ «nigh by, adv., prep., and adj.» Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2020. Accessed 19 Aug. 2020.
  315. ^ «opposite to.» Collins English Dictionary, HarperCollins, 2020, www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/opposite-to. Accessed 26 Aug. 2020.

External links[edit]

  • Wiktionary list of English prepositions
  • The Visual Guide to English Prepositions Part 1/2: Place & Direction (Infographic)
  • The Visual Guide to English Prepositions Part 2/2: Time (Infographic)

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