English word with all consonants

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Words in the English language are made up of vowels and consonants. Some words, however, have consonants but no vowels. This article will give you a list of such words and their meanings.

Table of Contents

  • Consonant Words with Meanings
  • Frequently Used Consonant Words in English
  • 5-Letter Consonant Words with Meanings
  • 6-Letter Consonant Words with Meanings
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Consonant Words

Consonant Words with Meanings

Word Meaning
Brr It refers to an exclamation when someone is feeling cold.
Cwm A cirque, particularly one in the Welsh mountains.
Grrl Refers to a strong and independent young woman.
Hmm An exclamation that refers to hesitation or uncertainty.
Mm An exclamation that expresses happiness or fulfilment.
Nth In a series, it refers to an indeterminate item or incident, usually the last or latest in a long series.
Pfft A dull, sudden sound, such as that of a minor crash or explosion, is represented by this sound.
Psst Attracting someone’s attention with an outburst.
Sh An exclamation used to signal a need for silence.
Tch Used to refer to irritation, impatience, and annoyance.
Tsk Used to refer to irritation, impatience, and annoyance.
Xlnt An informal way of saying excellent.

Frequently Used Consonant Words in English

We have provided a few consonant words which are used in our daily conversations.

Dry Gym Psst
Cry Hmm Lymph
Brr Dryly Wry
Cyst Ply Thy
Fly Lynch Sylph
Gypsy Myths Try
Crypt Spy Sly
Fry Nymph Why

5-Letter Consonant Words with Meanings

Here is a list of 5-letter words with consonants.

Myrrh A gum resin used to make incense
Pygmy Any person, animal, or plant that is disproportionately small
Shyly Refers to shy
Crwth A Celtic instrument from the ancient times
Phpht Interjection used to express slight irritation.

6-Letter Consonant Words with Meanings

The following 6-letter words, though not used very often, are some examples are words with no vowels.

Rhythm A pattern of movement or sound that is repeated on a regular basis
Syzygy A pair of things that are related or corresponding.
Sylphy Three celestial planets are arranged in a nearly straight line.
Spryly Vigorous or vibrant; lively and active.
Smyths Smyths is an early spelling of the surname Smyth.

Frequently Asked Questions on Consonant Words

What are the various 6-letter consonant words in English?

The various 6-letter consonant words in English are rhythm, syzygy, smyths, etc. These words are not used in our everyday conversation, but they can be helpful in improving vocabulary.

What are the most commonly used consonant words in English?

The most commonly used consonant words are dry, gym, sh, hmm, ply, shy, why, try, myth, crypt, etc.

Do you want to learn more about the american english
sounds? You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we discuss everything you need to know, starting
with the basics.


The 24 consonant sounds in English with examples

English Consonant Sound & IPA symbols

Take a deep dive into each IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) Consonant Sounds with examples in
common English words. In the table below, you can listen to each English consonant sound pronounced by
a native English speaker and practice your pronunciation of each consonant sound.




Tongue-Gum Ridge 


Tongue-Soft Palate 













































The above IPA symbols can look a little overwhelming. But remember, you don’t have to know every IPA
symbol. But with effort these phonetics symbols can be seriously helpful for improving your English

Learn the Technical Names of the consonants that you just read.


voiced bilabial stop


voiced alveolar stop


voiceless labiodental fricative


voiceless glottal fricative


voiceless velar stop


voiced alveolar lateral liquid


voiced bilabial nasal


voiced alveolar nasal


voiceless bilabial stop


voiceless alveopalatal fricative


voiceless alveolar stop


voiced labiodental fricative


voiced velar glide


voiced alveopalatal fricative


voiced velar stop


voiced palatal glide


voiced velar nasal

voiced palatal affricate

voiceless palatal affricate


voiceless palatal fricative


voiced palatal fricative


voiceless interdental fricative


voiced interdental fricative


voiceless velar glide

Read this lesson on English consonant sounds with IPA to revise
all the consonants in English. Before we get started, let’s go over two things you need to know about
the International Phonetic
Alphabet (IPA). 

Even if you don’t know all the English
Consonant IPA symbols, still use the IPA for important information such as:  

– when you see the two dots /:/ it means the sound is long 

– each symbol represents a sound
– when you see this dash /’/ it means the next syllable is stressed

Why is the IPA so helpful for English pronunciation? The International Phonetic
Alphabet is
a very helpful tool for learners of English because English is not a phonetic language. The spelling
of an English word
doesn’t tell us how to pronounce it.

In English, several different letter combinations can be used to spell the same sound and there are
silent letters. The IPA tells us exactly the correct sounds and word stress for pronouncing English

Voiced & unvoiced consonant sounds

Let’s talk about voicing. Voiced and unvoiced pairs.  English consonants can be unvoiced and voiced. More especifically, the English language has 24 consonant sounds. Some consonants have voice from the voicebox and some don’t.

These consonants are voiced and voiceless pairs:

/p/ /b/,

/t/ /d/,

/k/ /g/,

/f/ /v/,

/s/ /z/,

/θ/ /ð/,

/ʃ/ /ʒ/,

/ʈʃ/ /dʒ/.

These consonants are voiced: /h/, /w/, /n/, /m/, /r/, /j/, /ŋ/, /l/.

An unvoiced consonant means that there is is no vibration or voice coming from the voicebox when the
sound is pronounced. Examples of unvoiced consonant sounds are /s/, /p/ and /t/. 

A voiced consonant means that there is voice or vibration coming from the voicebox when the sound is
pronounced. Examples of voiced consonant sounds are /v/, /b/ and /g/. 

A consonant pair is when the mouth position required to make two sounds is the same, but one sound in unvoiced and one sound is voiced. 

  • /p/ pet /pet/ paper /ˈpeɪ.pə/ top /tɒp/
  • /b/ bet /bet/ trouble /ˈtrʌ.bəl/ rub /rʌb/
  • /t/ Tim /tɪm/ better /ˈbe.tə/ hot /hɒt/
  • /d/ dim /dɪm/ order /ˈɔː.də/ bad /bæd/
  • /k/ came /keɪm/ talking /ˈtɔː.kɪŋ/ back /bæk/
  • /g/ game /geɪm/ bigger /ˈbɪ.gə/ bag /bæg/
  • /f/ fine /faɪn/ offer /ˈɒf.ə/ off /ɒf/
  • /v/ vine /vaɪn/ saving /ˈseɪ.vɪŋ/ of /ɒv/
  • /s/ seal /si:l/ missing /ˈmɪ.sɪŋ/ face /feɪs/
  • /z/ zeal /zi:l/ crazy /ˈkreɪ.zi/ phase /feɪz/
  • /ʃ/ show /ʃoʊ/ pushing /ˈpʊ.ʃɪŋ/ rush /rʌʃ/
  • /ʒ/ measure /ˈme.ʒə/ vision /ˈvɪ.ʒən/ asia /ˈeɪ.ʒə/
  • /ʧ/ choke /ʧoʊk/ watching /wɒ.tʃɪŋ/ catch /kætʃ/
  • /ʤ/ joke /ʤoʊk/ damage /ˈdæ.mɪdʒ/ large /lɑːdʒ/
  • /θ/ thin /θɪn/ method /ˈme.θəd/ both /boʊθ/
  • /ð / then /ðen/ other /ˈʌ.ðə/ with /wɪð/
  • /l/ love /lʌv/ follow /ˈfɒː.loʊ/ well /wel/
  • /m/ mail /meɪl/ humour /ˈhjuː.mə/ some /sʌm/
  • /n/ nail /neɪl/ funny /ˈfʌ.ni/ fine /faɪn/
  • /ŋ/ sing /sɪŋ/ singer /ˈsɪ.ŋə/
  • /h/ heal /hi:l/ perhaps /pəˈhæps/
  • /r/ real /ri:l/ correct /kəˈrekt/
  • /j/ you /ju:/ beyond /biˈjɒnd/
  • /w/ we /wi/ showing /ˈʃoʊ.wɪŋ/

We have put the voiced and unvoiced pairs in the box together. Remember that the mouth position for the pair is exactly the same, the only difference is that one is voiced and one isn’t.

For example, the mouth position required to make the sounds /p/ and /b/ is exactly the same, /p/ has
no voice and /b/ is voiced. While, /f/ and /v/ require exactly the same mouth position, /f/ is
unvoiced and /v/ is voiced. 

Top tips for revising English consonants
sound to improve pronunciation

Don’t worry too much about voicing. It is not really very important for how clear your English is to
listeners. You need to focus on your mouth position. Are you pronouncing each consonant clearly? 

Pay careful attention to consonant sounds at the ends of words. Consonant sounds at the ends of words
are very important for speaking clearly in English.

For example, when pronouncing /k/ in the word ‘back’, make sure you can clearly hear the /k/ sound at
the end. It is strong or stressed but it does need t be there.

Consonant Sounds – Voiced & Unvoiced Pairs With

The consonant sounds and its IPA symbols showed earlier are all voiced but do not have a voiced pair. The consonant IPA symbols /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/ are all called nasal sounds, because when we
make them the air passes through our nose, not out of the mouth; As you go through these sounds,
check your /m/ and
/n/ at the ends of words.

Here are some more examples of consonants sounds in the IPA with full IPA transcription for words with
each consonant sound. See the full IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols for each consonant
sound here

Conclusion and further english learning tips

Please do not be intimidated by this, try to use this English phonetics transcription tool and hear the corresponding sounds. Use the Showing technique to imitate the sound of any word that you wish to speak.

Also, if you want to improve your pronunciation, even more, try our English voice recognition system, it’s really FREE. You will be asked to speak some phonetics drills and some cool tongue twisters.

Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is
the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Consonant letters and their sounds

A consonant letter usually represents one consonant sound. Some consonant letters, for example, c, g, s, can represent two different consonant sounds.

(Одна согласная буква обычно передает один согласный звук. Некоторые согласные буквы, например, c, g, s, могут передавать два разных согласных звука.)

Letters Sounds Examples
b [b] baby, best, buy, bring, blind, absent, about, number, labor, robber, tub



center, cellar, cigarette, cinema, agency, notice;

cake, come, cucumber, clean, cry, scratch, act, panic

d [d] day, dear, die, door, duty, admire, hidden, lady, kind, ride, ended
f [f] fast, female, five, forest, fund, fry, flight, often, deaf, cuff




game, gap, get, go, gun, great, global, giggle, ago, begin, dog, egg;

general, gin, giant, agent, suggest, Egypt, energy, huge, manage;

mirage, garage, beige, rouge




hair, help, history, home, hotel, hunt, behind, inherit;

hour, honor, honest, heir, vehicle, Sarah

j [j] jam, Jane, jet, jelly, Jim, jingle, joke, John, June, just
k [k] Kate, kind, kill, kilogram, sky, blanket, break, take, look
l [l] late, let, live, alone, close, slim, please, old, nicely, table, file, all
m [m] make, men, mind, mother, must, my, common, summer, name, form, team
n [n] napkin, never, night, no, nuclear, funny, student, kindness, ton, sun
p [p] paper, person, pick, pour, public, repair, apple, keep, top, crisp
q (qu)



quality, question, quite, quote, equal, require;

unique, technique, antique, grotesque

r [r] rain, red, rise, brief, grow, scream, truck, arrive, hurry, turn, more, car



send, simple, song, system, street, lost, kiss, release;

cause, present, reason, realism, advise, always, is, was

t [t] task, tell, time, tone, tune, hotel, attentive, student, boat, rest
v [v] vast, vein, vivid, voice, even, review, invest, give, move, active
w [w] wall, war, way, west, wind, word, would, swear, swim, twenty, twist




exercise, exchange, expect, ex-wife, axis, fix, relax;

exam, exact, executive, exert, exist, exit, exult;

Xenon, Xerox, xenophobia, xylophone




zero, zoo, horizon, puzzle, crazy, organize, quiz, jazz;

pizza, Mozart, Nazi, waltz

Note 1: The letter Y

The letter Y can function as a vowel or as a consonant. As a vowel, Y has the vowel sounds [i], [ai]. As a consonant, Y has the consonant sound [y] (i.e., a semivowel sound), usually at the beginning of the word and only in the syllable before a vowel.

[i]: baby, hurry, lyrics, mystery;

[ai]: by, try, rely, nylon, type;

[y]: yacht, yard, year, yes, yet, yield, you, young, Yukon.

Примечание 1: Буква Y

Буква Y может функционировать как гласная или как согласная. Как гласная, Y имеет гласные звуки [i], [ai]. Как согласная, Y имеет согласный звук [y] (т.е. полугласный звук), обычно в начале слова и только в слоге перед гласной.

[i]: baby, hurry, lyrics, mystery;

[ai]: by, try, rely, nylon, type;

[y]: yacht, yard, year, yes, yet, yield, you, young, Yukon.

Note 2: The letter W

The letter W represents the vowel sound [u:] in the diphthongs [au] and [ou]: now, how, owl, brown; low, own, bowl.

Примечание 2: Буква W

Буква W передает гласный звук [u:] в дифтонгах [au] и [ou]: now, how, owl, brown; low, own, bowl.

The -s/es ending of nouns and verbs

After a voiceless consonant: [s] (После глухого согласного звука: [s])

After a voiced consonant or vowel: [z] (После звонкого согласного или гласного звука: [z])

After the letters s, z, x, ch, tch, ge, dge, sh: [iz] (После букв s, z, x, ch, tch, ge, dge, sh: [iz])

[s] [z] [iz]
tapes [teips], streets [stri:ts], parks [pa:rks], chiefs [chi:fs], myths [miθs] ribs [ribz], kids [kidz], legs [legz], leaves [li:vz], clothes [klouðz], girls, games, cars, boys, pies [paiz], cows [kauz], cities [‘sitiz] pieces [‘pi:siz], roses [‘rouziz], prizes [‘praiziz], boxes [‘boksiz], coaches [‘kouchiz], bridges [‘brijiz], dishes [‘dishiz]
(he) grips [grips], writes [raits], takes [teiks], sniffs [snifs] (he) robs [robz], reads [ri:dz], digs [digz], saves [seivz], falls, plans, swims, offers, plays, cries, goes [gouz], copies [‘kopiz] (he) kisses [‘kisiz], loses [‘lu:ziz], relaxes, catches, judges, manages, flashes, washes, rouges
Pip’s [pips], Kate’s [keits], Mike’s [maiks], Jeff’s [jefs], Seth’s [seθs] Abe’s [eibz], Fred’s [fredz], Meg’s [megz], Olive’s [‘olivz], Ben’s [benz], Molly’s [‘moliz], Anna’s Chris’s [‘krisiz], Tess’s [‘tesiz], Rose’s [‘rouziz], Liz’s [‘liziz], Rex’s [‘reksiz], George’s [‘jo:rjiz]

The -ed ending of verbs

After a voiceless consonant: [t] (После глухого согласного звука: [t])

After a voiced consonant or vowel: [d] (После звонкого согласного или гласного звука: [d])

After the letters t, d: [id] (После букв t, d: [id])

[t] [d] [id]
stopped [stopt], liked [laikt], coughed [ko:ft], crossed [cro:st], released [ri’li:st], reached [ri:cht], washed [wosht] robbed [robd], saved [seivd], seized [si:zd], called [ko:ld], planned, occurred, bathed [beiðd], managed, played, tried, studied wanted [‘wontid], hated [‘heitid], counted [‘kauntid], started, needed [ni:did], loaded [‘loudid], folded, added

Consonant combinations

Letters Sounds Examples



accent, accept, access, eccentric, accident;

accommodate, account, accuse, occur, acclaim




chain, check, chief, choose, teacher, much, church;

kitchen, catch, match, watch, pitch, stretch

ch (Latin, Greek)

ch (French)



character, chemical, Chris, archive, mechanic, technical, ache;

champagne, charlatan, chef, chic, machine, cache

ck [k] black, pack, deck, kick, pick, cracker, pocket, rocket
dge [j] bridge, edge, judge, knowledge, budget, badger




ghost, ghastly, Ghana, ghetto;

cough, enough, rough, tough, laugh;

though, through, weigh, neighbor, bought, daughter




guard, guess, guest, guide, guitar, dialogue;

language, linguistics, Guatemala, Nicaragua




king, sing, singer, singing, bang, long, wrong, tongue;

finger, anger, angry, longer, longest, single

ph [f] phone, photograph, phrase, phenomenon, biography



quality, question, quite, quote, equal, require;

unique, technique, antique, grotesque




science, scissors, scene, scent, scythe;

scan, scandal, scare, score, Scotch, scuba




school, scholar, scheme, schedule;

schnauzer, schedule

sh [sh] share, she, shine, shoe, fish, cash, push, punish



thank, thick, think, thought, thunder, author, breath, bath;

this, that, then, though, father, brother, breathe, bathe




what, when, where, which, while, why, whale, wheel, white;

who, whom, whose, whole






exhumation, exhume, exhale;

exhaust, exhibit, exhilarate, exhort, exhume, exhale

With silent letters Sounds Examples
bt, pt [t] doubt, debt, subtle; receipt, pterodactyl
kn, gn, pn [n] knee, knife, know; gnome, sign, foreign; pneumonia, pneumatic
mb, lm [m] lamb, climb, bomb, comb, tomb; calm, palm, salmon
ps [s] psalm, pseudonym, psychologist, psychiatrist
rh [r] rhapsody, rhetoric, rheumatism, rhythm, rhyme
wr [r] wrap, wreck, wrestle, wrinkle, wrist, write, wrong
Letters in the suffix Sounds Examples
ti, ci, si, su [sh] nation, patient, special, vicious, pension, Asia, sensual, pressure
si, su [zh] vision, fusion, Asia, usual, visual, measure, pleasure

Read more about consonant letters and sounds in Spelling Patterns for Consonants and Silent Letters in the section Writing.

Прочитайте еще о согласных буквах и звуках в статьях Spelling Patterns for Consonants и Silent Letters в разделе Writing.

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