English word parts dictionary




a-1 see ada-

2, ab-, abs- pre from; off; away;

down (avert, abduct, abscond)

a-3, an- pre not; without (anoxia,


-a4 1. suf singular feminine ending

(Roberta); 2. plural ending (phe¬


abdomino- comb abdomen (abdominocentesis)

abiet- base fir (abietic)

-able 1. suf able to (durable); 2. ca¬

pable of being (drinkable); 3. wor¬

thy of being (lovable); 4. having

qualities of (comfortable); 5.

tending to (peaceable)

ablut- base bathe; wash away (ablu¬


-ably suf adverb form of -able

(affably). See -ible

ac-1 see ad-

-ac2* suf of; pertaining to (cardiac).

See -ic

acantho- comb spiny; thorny (acanthocyte)

acar-, acari-, acarin-, acaro- comb

mite; tick (acarine, acariasis,

acarinosis, acarophobia)

accipit- base falcon; hawk (accipitrine)

-acea sw/plural for names of animal

classes or orders (Cetacea)

-aceae sw/plural for names of plant

families or orders (Rosaceae)

-acean,-aceous sw/of the nature of;

like; characterized by; belonging

to (crustacean, crustaceous)

acer-1 base sharp; needle-like


acer-2 base maple (aceric)

acerb- base harsh; bitter (acerbic)

acerv- base heap (acervate)

acet-, aceto-, acetyl- comb acetic;

acetyl; vinegar (acetamid, acetometer,


acetabul- base saucer (acetabuliform)

acetar- base salad (acetarious)

acheron- base hell; underworld


achlu- base darkness (achluophobia)

aci- base needle (acicular)

acid- comb sour (acidosis)

acinaci- comb scimitar (acinaciform)

acini- comb grape (aciniform)

-acious suf characterized by; full of


acipenser- base sturgeon


-acity suf quality of (tenacity)

acou-, acoust- comb hearing; sound

(acouesthesia, acoustical)

acrid- base grasshopper (acridid)

aero- 1. comb pointed (acrocephaly);

2. highest (acrospire); 3.

extremity (acroataxia)

acromio- comb upper arm; shoulder


actino- 1. comb [zoology] posses¬

sion of tentacles (actinomorphic);

2. [physics/chemistry] presence of

actinic rays (actinometry); 3. light

ray (actinotherapy)

acu-, acul- comb sharp (acumen, ac¬


aculei- base spine (aculeiform)

acuti- comb sharp-pointed (acutifoliate)

-acy suf quality; position; condition


ad-1 1. pre motion toward (ad¬

vance); 2. addition to (admit);

DICTIONARY -ad • -agogue

3. nearness to (adjoin) NOTE:

ad- can change to: a- (ascribe); ac-

(acclaim); af- (affirm); ag- (ag¬

grade); al- (allege); an- (an¬

nounce); ap- (approve); ar- (ar¬

rive); as- (assent); at- (attrition)

-ad2 sw/of or relating to; used to

form names of 1. collective nu¬

merals (monad); 2. some poems

(Iliad); 3. some plants (cycad)

-ad3 suf [anatomy]: toward; in the

direction of (dorsad)

-ade 1. suf the act of (blockade);

2. product of (pomade); 3. partici¬

pant (brigade); 4. drink made

from (lemonade)

adelph- base brother (Philadelphia)

aden-, adeni-, adeno- comb gland

or glands (adenalgia, adeniform,


adip-, adipo- comb fat (adipose,


adjut-, adjuv- base help (adjutant,


adren-, adreno- comb adrenal gland

(adrenalitis, adrenotoxin)

adul- base flattery (adulation)

adular- base blue (adularescent)

-ae suf plural ending (antennae)

aed- base yellow fever mosquito


-aede- base genitals (aedeagus). Also

aedoe- (aedoeomania)

aedi- base temple; shrine; habitat

(aedicule). See ediaegr-

base illness (aegritude)

aei- base always; ever; continued


aeluro- see ailuro-

-aemia comb blood condition (hyperaemia).

See -emia

aen- base metallic brown (aene¬


-aenio- base brass (aeniolithic)

aequor- base sea; ocean (aequorial)

aer-, aeri-, aero- comb air; gas (aer¬

ate, aeriferous, aerobatics)

aerug- base green-blue; verdegris


aerumn- base toil; trouble (aerumnous)

aescul- base horse chestnut (aesculin)

aestiv- base summer (aestivate)

aestu- base boil up (exaestuating).

Also estu- (estuosity)

aet- base eagle (aetites)

aetheo- base unusual (aetheogamous)

aetio- base cause (aetiology). See


base time; age (mediaeval)

af- see adafflat-

base breathe on; inspiration


Afro- comb African (Afroasiatic)

ag- see adagalma-

base image; statue (stylagalmatic)

agap- base love (agape)

agar- base mushroom (agariciform)

agath- base good (agathism)

agati- comb agate (agatiferous)

-age 1. sw/act; condition; result of

(marriage); 2. amount; number of

(acreage); 3. cost of (postage);

4. place of (steerage); 5. collection

of (peerage); 6. home of (her¬

mitage); 7. to act (forage)

agglut- base stick to (agglutina¬


agito- comb excited; restless (agitophasia)

agmat- base fracture; break (catagmatic)

agn- base lamb (agnification)

-agnosia comb loss of knowledge


-agogue 1. comb leading; directing

agon- • alti- DICTIONARY

(pedagogue); 2. inciting (dema¬

gogue); adj. -agogic (hemagogic)

agon- base contest; struggle (antag¬


agora- comb open space (agorapho¬


-agra comb sudden pain; seizure


agrest- base rural; field (agrestic)

agri- comb field; earth; soil (agricul¬


agrio- base wild; savage (agriologist)

agro- comb field; earth; soil (agron¬


agrost- base grass (agrostography)

-agrypn- base sleeplessness (agrypnode)

-aholic comb person addicted to or

obsessed with (workaholic)

aichm- base needle (aichmophobia)

aichur- base pointed (aichurophobia)

ailuro- comb cat (ailurophobia).

Also aeluro- (aeluromania)

-aire suf person characterized by or

occupied with (legionnaire)

aischro- base smut; obscenity (aischrolatria)

al-1 see adal-

2 comb the (alchemy)

-al3 1. sw/belonging to; like; of

(theatrical); 2. nouns from adj.

(perennial); 3. act or process of

(acquittal); 4. [chemistry] having

aldehydes (chloral)

ala- base wing (alation)

alacr- base promptness (alacrity)

alaud- base skylark (alaudine)

-alb- base white (albino)

alcelaph- base antelope (alcelaphine)

alcid- base auk (alcidine)

alea- base dice; chance (aleatory)

alectoro-, alectryo- comb cock;

rooster (alectoromachy, alectryomancy)

-ales suf ending for scientific Latin

names of plants (Liliales)

aleth- base truth (alethiology)

aleuro- base flour (aleuromancy)

alex-, alexi-, alexo- comb to ward

off; keep away (alexiteric, alexipyretic,


alg- base cold (algid)

alge-, algesi-, -algia, algo-, -algy

comb pain (algetic, algesiometer,

neuralgia, algophobia, coxalgy)

ali-1 comb wing (aliform)

-ali-2 base another; other (alien)

-alim- base nourishment; food (ali¬


-aliph- base unguent; fat (aliphatic)

-alis suf ending for scientific Latin

names (borealis)

-allac-, -allag- base exchange; mu¬

tually binding (synallactic, synallagmatic)

allant(o)- 1. comb membrane: fetal

(allanto-chorion); 2. sausageshaped


-allaxis- base exchange (morphallaxis)

allelo- comb of one another; recip¬

rocal (allelomorph)

alii- base garlic (alliaceous)

allo- comb variation; reversal; de¬

parture from normal (allonym)

-ally suf to form certain adverbs


alog(o)- base unreasonable (alogotrophy)

alopec- base fox (alopecoid); bald¬

ness (alopecia)

alphito- base barley (alphitomorphous)

alter- comb another; other (alter¬


alti-, alto- comb high (altimeter, al¬


DICTIONARY alumino- • -anconalumino-

comb aluminum (aluminosilicate)

alut- base leather (alutaceous)

alv- base belly (alvine)

alve- base beehive (alveary)

alveolo- 1. comb connected with

alveolus (alveolodental); 2. small

cavity; socket (alveolopalatal)

alyt- base police officer (alytarch)

-am- base love; friendship (amity)

amar- base sour (amarine)

amaranth- base purple (amaran¬


amath- base dust (amathophobia)

amaur- base dim; dark (amaurosis)

amaxo- base automobile (amaxophobia)

ambag- base oblique; indirect (am¬


ambi-, ambo- comb both; around

(ambience, amboceptor). See


base uncertain (ambiguity)

ambly- comb dullness; dimness


ambul- comb walk (somnambulate)

amelo- comb enamel (amelogenesis)

amensi- base amnesia (amensiphobia)

ament-1 base insanity (amentia)

ament-2 base catkin (amentaceous)

amic-1 base friend (amicable)

-amie2 suf amide related (lactamic


amido- comb amide radical (amidohydrolases)

-amine comb having one hydrogen

atom (Dramamine)

amino- comb in the ammonia mole¬

cule replaced by an alkyl or other

nonacid radical (aminophenol)

amita- base aunt (amitate)

ammino- comb containing ammines


ammo- comb sand (ammochryse)

ammonio-, ammono- comb con¬

taining ammonia (ammonioferric,


amn- base river (amnicolist)

amnes- base forgotten (paramnesia)

amnio- comb amniotic sac; mem¬

brane: fetal (amniocentesis)

amorpho- comb shapeless; irregu¬

larly shaped (amorphogranular)

-ampel- base vine (ampélopsis)

amphi-, ampho- comb on both

sides; surrounding (amphibology,

amphoteric). See ambi-

-ampl- base large (amplifier)

ampull- base bottle (ampule)

amycho- base scratch; irritate


amygdalo- comb almond-shaped


amyl-, amylo- comb of starch (amylamine,


an-1 pre not; lacking (anarchy)

an-2 see ad-

-an3 1. suf belonging to; of; charac¬

teristic of (diocesan); 2. born in;

living in (American); 3. believing

in; following (Mohammedan)

ana-1 pre up; upon; back; again;

anew; throughout (anabolism)

-ana2 suf plural: collective (Ameri¬


anacard- base cashew (anacardiaceous)

anaps- base turtle (anapsid)

anat- base duck (anatine)

anathem- base curse (anathema¬


-ance 1. suf the act of (utterance);

2. quality or state of being (vigi¬

lance); 3. a thing that (con¬

veyance); 4. a thing that is (dis¬

sonance); adv. -ancy (constancy)

ancip- base doubtful; two-edged


-ancon- base elbow (anconitis)

ancry- • apeir- DICTIONARY

ancry- base anchor (ancryoid)

ancylo- comb bent; crooked; stiff

(ancylostomiasis). Also ankylo-


ancylostom- base hookworm (Ancylostoma)

andro-, -andry comb man; male

(androgenous, polyandry)

-androus 1. comb man; male

(polyandrous); 2. BOT: having

stamens (diandrous)

-ane suf denoting a hydrocarbon of

the paraffin series (methane)

anemo- comb wind (anemometer)

anet- base soothing (anetic)

aneth- base dill (anethated)

angin- base strangulation; heart at¬

tack (angina)

angio- comb vessel; case; pot (angiocarp)

Anglo- comb English (Anglo-


angui- base snake (anguiform)

anguill- base eel (anguilliform)

angul- base angle (angularity)

angusti- comb narrow (angustifoliate)

anhydro- comb anhydride (anhydroglucose)

-anim- base spirit; life (animation)

aniso- comb unequal; dissimilar


ankylo- comb bent; crooked; stiff

(ankylosis). Also ancylo-

-ann-, -enn- base year (annual, bi¬

ennial); yearly (anniversary)

annul- comb ring (annular)

ano-1 pre upward; above (anotropia)

ano-2 comb anal; ring-shaped


anom-, anomo- comb unusual; ir¬

regular; abnormal (anomalous,


anomalo- comb irregular; uneven

( anomalogonatous )

anophel- base mosquito (anopheline)

ansa- base handle (ansated)

anser- base goose (anserine)

-ant 1. suf performing an act

(defiant); 2. person who performs

(accountant); 3. impersonal phys¬

ical agent (lubricant)

ante- pre before in time, order, or

position (antedate)

antero- comb anterior; front (anterolateral)

-anthema comb rash; eruption


antho- comb of flowers (anthomania)

-anthous comb having flowers of a

specified kind or number (monanthous)

anthraco- comb coal; carbuncle

( anthracomancy )

anthropo- comb human (anthro¬


anti- 1. pre against; hostile (antilabor);

2. operating against (antiballistic);

3. preventing, curing,

neutralizing (antitoxin); 4. oppo¬

site; reverse (antiperistalsis); 5. ri¬

valing (antipope)

antio- comb set against (antiopelmus)

-antiq- base old; ancient (anti¬


antlo- base flood (antlophobia)

antro- comb nearly closed cavity;

antrum (antroscope)

anu- base circular; ring-shaped (anulus)

-anus suf scientific word ending


aorto- comb extremity (aortoclasia)

ap- see adapat-

base deceit (apatite)

apeir- base infinite; endless


DICTIONARY apert- • -arious

apert- base open (apertometer)

aphe-, -aphia comb sense of touch

(aphephobia, dysaphia)

aphro- base foam (Aphrodite)

aphrodisio- base sexual (aphro¬


api- comb bee (apiculture)

-apical, apico- comb apex; tip (periapical,


apio- base pear (apiocrinite)

apo- pre off; from; away from; sepa¬

ration (apocopate)

apocris- base to give or receive an¬

swers (apocrisiary)

apolaust- base enjoyment; self-in¬

dulgence (apolaustic)

aporet- base doubt (aporetic)

apostem- base abscess (apostematous)

appell- base call to; name (appella¬


appet- base craving (appetite)

apricat- base sunbathing (aprication)

-aps-, -apt-1 base joining (synapse,


-apsia comb touch (parapsia)

apt-2 base ability (aptitude)

aqua-, aque-, aqui- comb water

(aquatic, aqueduct, aquiclude)

aquil- base eagle (aquiline)

ar-1 see ad-

-ar2 1. suf pertaining to (angular);

2. one who (burglar); 3. con¬

nected with (collar)

arach- base peanut; ground nut


arachn-, arachno- comb spider;

cobweb (arachnephobia, arachnodactylia)

-araneo- base spider (araneology)

arat- base farming; tillage (aratory)

-arbor- base tree (arboretum)

arcan- base secret (arcane)

arch-1 pre main; chief; principal


-arch2 comb ruler (patriarch)

archaeo-, archeo- comb ancient;

original (archaeology, Archeozoic)

archi- pre [biology] primitive


-archy comb rule; government


arci- base arch (arciform)

arct- base moth (arctian)

arcto- comb bear (cynarctomachy)

arctoid- base raccoon; weasel (arctoidean)

ard-1, ars- base burn (ardor, arson)

-ard2, -art su/one who is or does

too much (drunkard, braggart)

ard-3 base erect; steep; laborious


arde- base heron (ardeid)

ardu- base laborious; steep (ardu¬


aren- comb sand (arenicolous)

arenaceo- comb sandy (arenaceoargillaceous)

arene- base spider (areneiform)

areo-1 comb Mars (areology)

areo-2 base thin; rare (areometer)

argent-, argenti-, argento- comb

silver (argentite, argentiferous,


argillaceo- comb clay (arenaceoargillaceous)

argillo- comb clay (argillo-calcareous)

argyro- comb silver (argyrophyllus)

-aria suf [botany/zoology] used to

form names of groups and names

of genera (Planaria)

-arian sw/age; sect; occupation; so¬

cial belief (Unitarian)

arid- base dry (aridity)

ariet- base ram (arietine)

-arious suf relating to; connected

with (vicarious)

-aris • atelia- 10 DICTIONARY

-aris suf scientific word ending (Po¬


aristo- comb best (aristotype)

arithm- base number (arithmetic)

-arium sw/location; receptacle (so¬


armo- base shoulder (armomancy)

arrheno- comb male (arrhenotoky)

arseno- comb having arsenic (arsenopyrite)

arterio- comb artery (arteriosclero¬


arthr-, arthro- comb connected

with a joint (arthrectomy, arthrodynia)

arthropod- base millipede (arthropodal)

arti- comb workmanship (artifact)

-articul- base joint (multiarticular)

artio- comb even number (artiodactyl)

artiodactyl- base giraffe (artiodactylous)

arto- comb bread (artophagous)

arundi- base reed (arundiferous)

-ary 1. suf relating to; like (leg¬

endary); 2. thing/person con¬

nected to (military)

as-1 see adas-

2, asin- base jackass (asinine)

ascari- comb intestinal worm (ascariasis)

asco- comb [botany] sac (ascocarp)

-ase suf that decomposes; names of

enzymes (amylase)

-asis suf condition resembling; dis¬

ease names (psoriasis)

-asm suf result of an action (or¬


asmato- comb song (asmatographer)

asper- comb rough (asperity)

aspido- base shield (aspidomancy)

assid- base unceasing (assiduity)

-ast suf one who is (enthusiast)

astac- base lobster (astacian)

aster-1 comb star (asteraceous)

-aster2 suf diminution; inferiority;

worthlessness; slight resemblance


asteroid- base starfish (asteroidean)

asthen-, astheno- comb weakness

(asthenopia, asthenobiosis). See —


astra- comb lightning (astraphobia)

astragalo- comb anklebone; dice

(astragalonavicular, astragalomancy)

astro- comb star; celestial activity


at- see ad-

-ata suf result of; plural ending


atax-, ataxi-, -ataxia, ataxio-, ataxocomb

confusion; disorder

(ataxaphasia, ataxiamnesic, psychataxia,

ataxiophemia, ataxophobia)

-ate1 v. 1. suf to become (maturate);

2. cause to become (invalidate);

3. form or produce (salivate);

4. provide or treat with (refriger¬

ate); 5. put in the form of; form

by means of (delineate); 6. to ar¬

range for (orchestrate); 7. to com¬

bine; infuse; treat with (chlorinate)

-ate2 adj. 1. suf characteristic of

(collegiate); 2. having; filled with

(passionate); 3. [biology] having

or characterized by (caudate)

-ate3 n. l.suf office; function; agent;

official (directorate); 2. person or

thing that is the object of an ac¬

tion (legate); 3. [chemistry] a salt

made from an acid ending in -ic


ate-4 base ruinous; reckless impulse


atelia-, atelo- comb incomplete; un¬

developed (myelatelia, atelocardia)

DICTIONARY 11 ather- • -azurather-

base smelt (atherine)

athero- comb deposit: soft materials


-athlon, -athon suf event; contest

(pentathlon, walkathon)

-atic suf of the kind of (chromatic)

-atile suf possibility; quality


-ation 1. suf the act of (alteration);

2. condition of being (gratifica¬

tion); 3. the result of (compila¬


-ative suf relating to; tending to


atlanto- comb [anatomy] pertaining

to the atlas, top vertebra (atlantoaxial)

atlo- comb of the neck (atloid)

atmo- comb steam; vapor; air (at¬


-ator su/doer; agent; actor (educa¬


-atory suf of the nature of; pertain¬

ing to; produced by (accusatory)

atrament- base ink (atramental)

-atresia comb imperforate; lacking

an opening (colpatresia)

atreto- comb imperforate; lacking

an opening (atretocyst)

atrio- comb cavity, esp. a chamber

of the heart (atrioventricular)

atro- comb black (atrorubent)

-atrophia, atrophie 1. comb malnu¬

trition (metatrophia); 2. progres¬

sive decline (neuratrophia, myotrophic)

atto- pre one-quintillionth (attogram)

atychi- base failure (atychiphobia)

-auchen- base neck (maerauchenia)

audac- base boldness (audacity)

audi-, audio- comb hearing (audi¬

torium, audiology)

-aug- base grow; increase (aug¬


augur- base soothsaying; divination


aulo- comb pipe; reed (aulophyte)

auranti- base orange (aurantiaceous)

aur(i)-1 comb ear (auricle)

aur(i)-2, auro- comb gold (aurifer¬

ous, aurous)

auricalc- base copper; gold (auricalceous)

auriculo- comb outer ear; lobe (auriculo-


-auror- base dawn (aurorean)

aurora- comb radiant emissions in

both hemispheres (aurora borealis)

austro- 1. comb wind: south (austromancy);

2. eastern (Austro-


auto- comb self; self-moving (auto¬


autumn- base fall (autumnal)

auxano-, auxeto-, auxo- comb in¬

crease; growth (auxanogram, auxetophone,


auxil- base help; assistance (auxil¬


avar- base greed (avarice)

aven- base oats (avenaceous)

avern- base hellish (avernal)

avia-, avio- 1. comb bird (aviary);

2. flight (aviator)

avid- base eager (avidity)

av(in)- base grandmother (avitic)

aviono- comb flying (avionics)

-avunc- base uncle (avunculate)

av(us)- base grandfather (avital)

axi-, axio-1, axo- comb related to an

axis (axial, axiomesial, axometer)

-axill- base armpit (periaxillary)

axin- base ax (axinomancy)

axio-2 comb values (axiology)

azo- comb [chemistry] nitrogen


-azur- base sky-blue (azureous)

baccato- • bi- 12 DICTIONARY


baccato- comb bearing berries (baccato-


bacci- comb berry (baccivorous)

baciil-, bacilli-, bacillo- comb rodshaped

bacillus (bacillemia, bacilliform,


back- 1. comb of the back (back¬

ache); 2. behind (backfield);

3. prior (backdate); 4. opposing


-bacter, bacteri-, bacterio- comb of

bacteria (aerobacter, bactéricide,


bacul- base rod (baculine)

balaen- base whale (balaenoid)

balani-, balano- comb acorn; gland

(balanitis, balanorrhagia)

balatro- base buffoon (balatrophobia)

balaust- base pomegranate (balaustine)

balbut- base stutter; stammer (balbutiate)

ballist- base projectile (ballistic)

balneo- comb baths; bathing (balne¬


banaus- base mechanical (banausic)

-bar comb atmospheric pressure;

weight (isobar)

barb- comb beard; tufted (barbate)

bari-, baro- comb atmospheric

pressure weight (baritone, baro¬


bary- comb heavy difficult (baryphonia)

basi-, baso- comb [biology] the

base; at or near base (basidigitale,


-basia comb [medicine] ability to

walk (abasia)

basiat- base kiss (basiation)

basidio- comb base (basidiomycetes)

basil- base king (basilic)

-bat- base walk; go; pass (diabatic)

batho-, bathy- comb depth; deep

(bathometer, bathysphere)

bato-1 comb height (batophobia)

bato-2 comb brambles (batology)

batracho- comb frog; toad (batrachophagous)

batto- comb repetition (battologize)

bdell- base leech (bdellatomy)

be- 1. pre around (beset); 2. com¬

pletely (besmear); 3. away (be¬

reave); 4- about (bemoan);

5. make (besot); 6. furnish with

(befriend); 7. cover(ed) with (be¬


beati- base happy; blessed (beati¬


-bell- base war (bellicose)

-belo- base arrow (beloid)

-belon- base needle; pin; sharp ob¬

ject (belonoid)

bene- pre good; well (benefactor)

benzo- comb [chemistry] benzine


benzoxy- comb [chemistry] benzoyl

group (benzoxyacetanilide)

benzyloxy- comb [chemistry] ben¬

zyl group (benzyloxyamine)

beryl- base green (berylline)

betul- base birch (betulaceous)

bi- 1. pre having two (biangular);

2. on both sides in two ways (bi¬

lingual); 3. every two (biweekly);

4. using two (bilabial); 5. involv¬

ing two (bipartisan); 6. [botany/

zoology] twice; doubly; in pairs

(bipinnate); 7. [chemistry] having

twice as many atoms or chemical

equivalents for a definite weight of

DICTIONARY 13 bib- • bronchthe

other constituent of the com¬

pound (sodium bicarbonate);

8. organic compounds having a

combination of two radicals of the

same composition (biphenyl)

bib- base drink (bibulous)

biblio- 1. comb of books (bibliogra¬

phy); 2. of the Bible (bibliomancy)

bili- comb gall; bile (biligenic)

-bility suf power to do or be (re¬


bin- pre two (binaural)

bio- comb living; life (biography)

-biosis comb way of living (symbio¬


-bis- pre two; twice (bisferious)

bland- base flattery (blandishment)

-blast, -blastic, blasto-, -blasty

comb formative; germinal; embry¬

onic; developing (mesoblast, osteoblastic,


blatt-1 base cockroach (blatta)

blatt-2 base purple (blattean)

-ble see -able

blenn-, blenno- comb mucus; slime

(blennadenitis, blennostasis)

-blep- base sight (ablepsia)

blepharo- comb eyelid (blepharotomy)

blesi- base stammering (blesiloquent)

-bly see -ably

-bole comb thrown down/out/in/to¬

gether/beyond (hyperbole)

bolet- base fungus; mushrooms


-bolic, bolo-1, -boly comb thrown


(catabolic, bolometer, epiboly)

bolo-2 base ray; radiant energy


-bomb- 1. base bee (bombilation);

2. silk; silkworm (bombycinous)

bon- base good (bonanza)

borea- base north (boreal)

borbor- base filthy talk (borborolboro-

comb [chemistry] boron


-bosc- base to feed (hippoboscid)

botano- comb plant (botanomancy)

botaur- base bittern (botaurus)

-bothr- base pitted; grooved (bothrenchyma)

-bothro- base pit; mine (bothrodendron)

botry(o)- comb grapes (botryose)

-botul- base sausage (botulism)

bou-, bu- comb ox; cow (boustrophedon,


-bound 1. comb constrained (snow¬

bound); 2. going toward (west¬


-bov- base cow (bovine)

brachi-, brachio- comb arm; upper

arm (brachialgia, brachiopod)

brachisto- comb short (brachistocephaly)

brachy- comb short (brachycardia)

bract- base leaf (bracteate)

brady- comb slow; delayed (bradyarthria)

-branchia, branchio- comb gills

(pulmobranchia, branchiopod)

brassic- base broccoli; cabbage


brepho- comb fetus (brephotrophic)

brevi- comb brief; little; short (breviloquence)

brom-, bromo- comb stench (bromidrosis,


bromato- comb food (bromatology)

bromel- base pineapple (bromeliaceous)

bromo- comb [chemistry] bromine


bronch-, bronchi-, bronchio-,

broncho- comb the windpipe

(bronchadenitis, bronchiectasis,

bronchiogenic, bronchoscope)

bronto- • calcitr- 14 DICTIONARY

bronto- 1. comb thunder (brontograph);

2. [paleontology] huge¬

ness (brontosaurus)

-brotic comb inclined to eat (scolecobrotic)

bruch- base caterpillar (bruchus)

brum-1 base winter (brumal)

brum-2 base foggy (brumous)

brun- base dark brown (brunneous)

brux- base grind (bruxism)

bryo- comb moss (bryophyte)

bu- see boububal-

base antelope; buffalo


bubo- base groin (bubonocele)

buccin- base trumpet (buccinatory)

bucco- comb cheek (buccolabial)

bucerat-, bucorac- base hornbill

(Buceratinae, Bucoracinae)

bufo- comb toad (bufotoxin)

bulbo- comb bulb; bulbous (bulbospinal)

-bulia comb will (dysbulia)

bullat- base bubble; blister (bullate)

-burg, -burgh comb city; town; vil¬

lage (Vicksburg, Pittsburgh)

-burger comb sandwich made on a

roll or bun (cheeseburger)

burs-, burso- comb pouch; purse;

sac (bursar, bursopathy)

buteo- comb hawk; buzzard (buteonine)

butyro- comb butter (butyrometer)

bux- base box-tree (buxiferous)

by- 1. pre near; close by (bystander);

2. side (bystreet); 3. secondary


-byon- base plug; stuff (rhinobyon)

-byss- base depth (hyperbyssal)

byssi- comb flax (byssinosis)

caball- base horse (caballine)

cachex- base ill health (cachectic)

cachin- base laugh (cachinnate)

caco- comb bad; poor; harsh (caco¬

phony). Also kako- (kakistocracy)

cacumin- base tip (cacuminate)

cad- base fall (cadence)

cadav- base corpse (cadaverous)

-cade comb procession; parade (mo¬


caduc- base transitory; perishable


caec- 1. base blind (caecilian); 2. in¬

testinal pouch (caeciform)

caed- see -cide

cael- base heavens (caelometer). See


1, ceno-, coeno- comb in

common (Caenozoic, cénobite,


caeno-2 comb new (caenogenesis).

Also caino- (cainophobia)

caes- base blue; gray; green (caesious)

-caine comb synthetic alkaloid in

anesthetic drugs (novocaine)

cal-, cale- base heat (decalescence,


calam- base reed (calamiform)

calar-, calat- base inserted (inter¬

calary, intercalated)

calathi- comb cup; basket (calathiform)

calcaneo- comb heel-bone (calcaneo-


calcareo- comb of lime (calcareosulfurous)

-cake- base shoe (discalced)

calci- comb calcium; lime (calcify)

calcitr- base kick (recalcitrant)

DICTIONARY 15 -calcul- • castella-

-calcul- base count; pebble (calcula¬


-cali- base nest; hut (caliology)

calig- base fog; mist (caliginous)

calli- comb beautiful (calligraphy)

callithri- base marmoset (callithricid)

callo- base beautiful (callomania)

calo-, calori- comb heat (caloreceptor,


calumn- base slander (calumniate)

calv- base bald (calvarium)

calyc- base cup-shaped (calycanthemy)

calypto- comb hidden; covered


calyptri- base hood (calyptriform)

-camb- base change; exchange (excambition)

cameli- base camel (cameline)

-camp-1 base field (campimeter)

-camp-2 base caterpiller (campodeiform)

campan- base bell (campanology)

-campsis, campto- comb bent

(phallocampsis, camptomelia)

campylo- comb crooked; bent


can-1 base dog (canine)

can-2 base gray (canescent)

canalic- base groove (canaliculate)

cancell- base barrier; latticed (cancellate)

cancr- base crab (cancrine)

cand- base white (candescent)

cantho- comb eye: corner of (canthoplasty)

-cap- base take; hold; receive (re¬

capture). Also cep/cip (receptacle,


capel- base shopkeeper (capelocracy)

capilli- comb hair (capilliform)

-capit- base head (decapitate)

-capnia, capno- comb smoke;

vapor; carbon dioxide (acapnia,


capri- base goat (capriform)

capsuli-, capsulo- comb capsule

(capsuliform, capsulolenticular)

carbo- comb [chemistry] carbon


carbol- base of phenol (carbolize)

carbon- base charcoal (carbonara)

career- base jail (incarcerate)

carcharin- base shark (carcharinid)

carcin(o)- comb cancer (carcinogenesis)

cardi-, -cardia, cardio-, -cardium

comb heart (cardiagra, tachycar¬

dia, cardiology, myocardium)

-carin- base keel; ridge (carinula)

cario- comb tooth disease; caries


carni- comb flesh (carnivore)

carnoso- comb fleshy (carnosofibrous)

carot- base stupefying; soporific


-carp, -carpic, carpo-1, -carpous

comb fruit; seeds (endocarp, endocarpic,

carpophore, monocarpous)

carpho- comb straw; dry (carphology)

carpo-2 comb wrist (carpoptosis)

carto- comb map; card; piece of

paper (cartographer). Also charto-


caryo- comb nucleus (caryopsis).

Also karyo- (karyokinesis)

cas- base fall (cascade)

case- base cheese (caseation)

cassidi- base helmet (cassidiform)

cassiter- base tin (cassiterite)

-cast comb transmit (telecast)

castan- base brown; chestnut (castaneous,


castella- base fortification (incastellate)

castig- • centri- 16 DICTIONARY

castig- base chasten; reprove (casti¬


castor- base beaver (castoreum)

castr- base camp (castrensian)

casuar- base cassowary (casuarina)

cata-, cath- pre down; through;

against; completely (catabolism,

cathartic). Also kata- (katabatic)

catagelo- base ridicule (catagelophobia).

Also katagelocataglott-

base tongue-kissing


catagm- base fracture (catagmatic)

eaten- base chain (catenation)

cathar- base clean; purge; purify


cathart- base buzzard (cathartine)

-cathex- base retention (acathexis)

cathis- base sit; seat (cathisma)

catoptro- comb mirror (catoptromantic)

caudo- comb tail (caudo-femoral)

cauli-, caulo- comb stem; stalk

(caulicolous, caulocarpic)

caum- base heat (caumesthesia)

caupon- base tavern; innkeeper


-caust- base burn (holocaust)

caut- base heed; carefulness (pre¬


cauter- comb caustic; burning (cau¬


cava- comb hollow (cavate)

caval- base horse (cavalry)

-cave, cavi-, cavo- base hollow


-ce suf multiplicative suffix (twice)

cebo- comb monkey (cebocephalic)

cecid- base gall: tumorous plant tis¬

sue (cecidomylan)

ceco- comb intestinal pouch; cecum

(cecostomy). Also caec- (caeciform)

-ced-, -cess- base move; go; give

way (concede, procession)

cedr- base cedar (cedrine)

-cele comb tumor; swelling (cystocele);

hernia (perineocele)

-celer- base speed (accelerate)

celest- base heavens (celestial)

celido- comb spot; surface marking


celio- comb abdomen (celiomyositis)

celli- comb cell (celliferous)

cello- comb cellulose (cellophane)

celluli-, cellulo- comb cell; cell wall

(celluliferous, cellulo-fibrous)

celo-1 1. comb celom (celomate);

2. hernia (celotomy); 3. abdomen

(celoscope). Also coelo- (coeloscope)

-celo-2 base dry; burnt (celosia)

celsi- base dignity; eminence; lofty

position (celsitude)

Celto- comb Celt; Celtic (Celto-


cen- base meal (cenatory)

-cene comb geological epoch


ceno-1 comb new; recent (cenogenesis).

Also caeno-, caino-, kaino-

(Caenozoic, Cainozoic, Kainozoic)

ceno-2 comb in common; common

(cénobite). Also coeno- (coeno¬


ceno-3 comb empty (cenotaphic).

Also keno- (kenosis)

cenoto- comb new (cenotophobia)

-centered comb focused on (mar¬

ket-centered). Also cainoto-,

kainoto- (cainotophobia, kainotophobia)

-centesis comb puncture ( amnio —


centi- 1. comb hundred-fold (cen¬

tipede); 2. hundredth part (centi¬


centri-, centro- comb center (cen¬

tripetal, centrobaric)

DICTIONARY 17 -centric • chim-

-centric 1. comb having center

(polycentric); 2. focused around


-cep-1 base take (receptor). See -cap-

-cep-2 base onion; bulb (cepivorous)

cephal-, -cephalic, cephalo-,

-cephalous, -cephaly comb head;

skull (cephalitis, dolichocephalic,

cephalopod, brachycephalous,


cephalopod- base squid (cephalopodal)

-ceptor comb taker; receiver (neuroreceptor)

ceras- base cherry (cerasin)

cerato- comb horn; hornlike (cera-

‘tophyllous). Also kerato- (keratoglobus)

cerator- base rhino (ceratorhine)

cerauno- comb thunder (ceraunoscope).

Also kerauno- (keraunoscope)

-cerca, -cereal, cerco- comb having a

tail (Schistocerca, heterocercal,


cerebri-, cerebro- comb brain

(cerebritis, cerebrospinal)

-cern- base to sift (excernent)

cero- comb wax (cerograph)

cerr- base evergreen oak (cerrial)

cerul- base blue (cerulean)

cerumini- comb wax-like secretion


ceruss- base white (cerussal)

-cerv- base deer; elk; moose


cervico- comb cervical; of the neck


cervis- base beer (cervisial)

cespitoso- comb growing in dense

tufts or clumps (cespitosoramose)

-cess-, -ced- comb move; go; give

way (procession, concede)

-cet- base whale (cetology)

-chaem- base low (chaemacephalic)

chaeti-, chaeto- comb hair; bristle;

seta (chaetiferous, chaetophorous)

chalast- base laxative; relaxant


chalax- base hailstone (chalaxa)

chalco- comb copper; brass (chalcocite)

chalyb- base steel (chalybean). See


chamae- comb low-growing; dwarflike


chao- 1. base abyss (chaotic); 2. at¬

mosphere (chaomancy)

charadr- base sandpiper, snipe,

plover, woodcock (charadrine)

char it- base love (charity)

charto- comb paper; map (chartomancy)

chasmo- comb fissure (chasmophobia)

cheilo- comb lip (cheiloplasty). See


comb cold (cheimaphilic)

cheir(o)- comb hand (macrocheiria).

See chiro-

-chela, cheli- comb claw (isochela,


chelid- base a swallow (chelidonian)

-chelo(n)-, chelys base turtle (chelonian,


chemo- comb chemicals (chemo¬


cheno- base goose (chenopod)

chero-1 comb happy (cherophobia)

chero-2 base hyrax (cherogril)

cherso- base dry (chersonese)

-chezia comb defecation condition


chili- comb one thousand (chiliasm)

chilo- comb lip (chiloplasty)

chilopod- base centipede ( chilo —


chim- base transplant; tissues from

foreign source (chimera)

Chino- • cinque- 18 DICTIONARY

Chino- comb Chinese (Chino-Tibetan)

-chion- base snow (chionodoxa).

See -chium

chiro- comb hand (chiromancy).

Also cheirochirur-

base surgeon (chirurgery)

-chium base snow (hedychium). See


comb cloak; sheath


chloro- 1. comb green (chlorophyll);

2. having chlorine (chloroform)

choano- comb funnel (choanocyte)

chol-, chole-,cholo- comb bile; gall;

anger (cholagogue, cholecyst,


chondr-, chondrio-, chondrocomb

cartilage (chondrify, chondriosome,


chord-, -chorda comb cord; sinew

(chorditis, (Protochorda). Also

cord- (cordotomy)

-chorea, choreo- comb involuntary

movement; spasm; dance (labiochorea,


chori- comb apart; separate (choripetalous)

chorio- comb membrane; skin


choristo- comb apart; separate


choro- comb region; land (chorolchoroid-

comb membrane; skinlike


chrem-, chremat- base wealth;

money (chrematistic)

chreo- comb useful (chreotechnics)

chresis- base used for doing (catachresis)

chresmo- comb oracle (chresmomancy)

chresto- base useful (chrestomathic)

chromato- comb color; chromatin

( chromatogenous )

-chrome 1. comb color (mono¬

chrome); 2. chromium (ferrochrome)

chromo- comb color (chromosome)

chrono- comb time (chronometer)

-chroous comb colored (xanthocroous)

chrys(o)- comb yellow; golden


chyl-, chyli-, chylo- comb con¬

nected with chyle; digestive fluid

gastric juice (chylaqueous, chyliferous,


chymo- comb

    • See Also:
      • parsley
      • parsley family
      • parsnip
      • parson
      • parson bird
      • parson’s nose
      • parsonage
      • Parsons
      • Parsons table
      • Parsva
      • part
      • part music
      • Part of Fortune
      • part of speech
      • part song
      • part time
      • part work
      • part-score
      • part-song
      • part-time
      • part-timer
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

part /pɑrt/USA pronunciation  

  1. a separate or distinct portion of a whole;
    a piece;
    constituent: [countable]the rear part of the house.[uncountable]Part of the problem is your lack of organization.
  2. an essential, necessary, or basic quality:[uncountable]A sense of humor is part of a healthy personality.
  3. a portion, piece, or organ of an animal body:[countable]learning the names of body parts in English.
  4. any of a number of quantities or proportions that make up a whole:[countable]Use three parts olive oil and one part wine vinegar.
  5. a portion given out;
    a share:[countable]This part is mine; you can’t have it.
  6. either of the opposing sides in a contest, contract, etc.:[countable]The party of the first part —that’s me— promises to pay the party of the second part —that’s you— a just and fair price.
  7. the dividing line formed in separating the hair of the head when combing it:[countable]His part was crooked.
  8. Mechanical Engineering a basic piece of a machine or tool, esp. a replacement for the original piece:[countable]harder to get parts for foreign cars.
  9. Music and Dance the written section of a piece of music assigned by the composer or arranger to a single performer or section of the band, orchestra, or chorus:[countable]an interesting trombone part in that jazz piece.
  10. a section or division of a written work: [countable]a history of the world in six parts.[uncountable* before a number]Part 1 is very interesting, but Part 2 puts me right to sleep.
  11. a person’s participation, contribution, or concern in something: [uncountable]I had no part in hiring her.[countable* usually singular]Is there a useful part I can play in her life?
  12. a role in a play or the lines that make up the role:[countable]That actress is fabulous playing the part of Lady Macbeth.


  1. to (cause to) be or become divided into parts;
    break up: [uncountable]Finally the storm clouds parted and the sun shone through.[+ object]Moses lifted his staff, and God parted the Red Sea.
  2. to (cause to) go apart from, or leave one another, as persons: [+ object]till death do us part.[no object]We ought to be able to part as friends.
  3. Nautical, Naval Termsto (cause to) break or become torn apart, as a cable: [no object]The cable parted, and the tram slid back down the hill.[+ object]He parted the cable with his knife.
  4. to comb (the hair) away from a dividing line:[+ object]He parted his hair on the right.
  5. part with, [+ with + object] to give up, hand over, or relinquish:She couldn’t bear to part with her favorite toy.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. partial;
    not total or complete:part payment.


  1. in part;
    partly:He’s part crazy, part mean.


  1. Idioms for one’s part, as far as (something) concerns one:For my part, you can do whatever you please.
  2. Idioms in part, in some measure or degree:We’re losing money — in part because, with our ancient computers, we can’t stay competitive.
  3. Idioms on the part of, as done by;
    by (someone):too much rowdiness on the part of the class.
  4. Idioms part and parcel, an essential part that must not be ignored:Unemployment is part and parcel of the bigger problem, a sagging economy.
  5. Idioms take part, [~ ( + in + object)] to participate;
    share or partake:He refused to take part in the festivities.
  6. Idioms take someone’s part, to support or defend someone:I’ll take your part when times get rough.

See -par-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(pärt),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. a portion or division of a whole that is separate or distinct;
    piece, fragment, fraction, or section;
    constituent:the rear part of the house; to glue the two parts together.
  2. an essential or integral attribute or quality:a sense of humor is part of a healthy personality.
  3. a section or division of a literary work.
  4. a portion, member, or organ of an animal body.
  5. any of a number of more or less equal quantities that compose a whole or into which a whole is divided:Use two parts sugar to one part cocoa.
  6. an allotted portion;
  7. Usually, parts. 
    • a region, quarter, or district:a journey to foreign parts.
    • a quality or attribute establishing the possessor as a person of importance or superior worth:Being both a diplomat and a successful businesswoman, she is widely regarded as a woman of parts.

  8. either of the opposing sides in a contest, question, agreement, etc.
  9. the dividing line formed in separating the hair of the head and combing it in different directions.
  10. Mechanical Engineeringa constituent piece of a machine or tool either included at the time of manufacture or set in place as a replacement for the original piece.
  11. Music and Dance
    • the written or printed matter extracted from the score that a single performer or section uses in the performance of concerted music:a horn part.
    • a section or division of a composition:the allegro part of the first movement.

  12. participation, interest, or concern in something;
    role:The neighbors must have had some part in planning the surprise party.
  13. a person’s share in or contribution to some action;
    duty, function, or office:You must do your part if we’re to finish by tonight.
  14. a character or role acted in a play or sustained in real life.
  15. Idioms for one’s part, as far as concerns one:For my part, you can do whatever you please.
  16. Idioms for the most part, with respect to the greatest part;
    on the whole;
    mostly:They are good students, for the most part.
  17. Idioms in good part:
    • without offense;
      in a good-natured manner;
      amiably:She was able to take teasing in good part.
    • to a great extent;
      largely:His success is in good part ascribable to dogged determination.

  18. Idioms in part, in some measure or degree;
    to some extent;
    partially:The crop failure was due in part to unusual weather conditions.
  19. Idioms on the part of:
    • so far as pertains to or concerns one:He expressed appreciation on the part of himself and his colleagues.
    • as done or manifested by:attention on the part of the audience.Also, on one’s part. 

  20. Idioms part and parcel, an essential, necessary, or integral part:Her love for her child was part and parcel of her life.
  21. Idioms take part, to participate;
    share or partake:They refused to take part in any of the activities of the community.
  22. Idioms take someone’s part, to align oneself with;
    defend:His parents took his part, even though he was obviously in the wrong.


  1. to divide (a thing) into parts;
  2. to comb (the hair) away from a dividing line.
  3. to divide into shares;
    distribute in parts;
  4. to put or keep apart;
    separate:They parted the calves from the herd.
  5. Metallurgy
    • Metallurgyto separate (silver) from gold in refining.
    • Metallurgyto cut (one part) away from a piece, as an end from a billet.
    • Metallurgyto keep the surface of (a casting) separate from the sand of the mold.

  6. [Obs.]to leave.


  1. to be or become divided into parts;
    break or cleave:The oil tanker parted amidships.
  2. to go or come apart;
    separate, as two or more things.
  3. to go apart from or leave one another, as persons:We’ll part no more.
  4. to be or become separated from something else (usually fol. by from).
  5. Nautical, Naval Termsto break or become torn apart, as a cable.
  6. to depart.
  7. to die.
  8. Idioms part company:
    • to bid farewell or go separate ways;
      leave one another.
    • to dissolve a personal affiliation, relationship, etc., esp. because of irreconcilable differences.
    • to disagree.

  9. part with, to give up (property, control, etc.);
    relinquish:to part with one’s money.


  1. partial;
    of a part:part owner.


  1. in part;
    partly:part black.
  • Latin partīre, derivative of pars
  • Old French partir
  • Latin part- (stem of pars) piece, portion; (verb, verbal) Middle English parten
  • Latin), Old English
  • Old French
  • (noun, nominal) Middle English (bef. 1000

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged component, ingredient, division, sector.
      Part, piece, portion, segment, section, fraction, fragment refer to something that is less than the whole.
      Part is the general word:part of a house.A piece suggests a part which is itself a complete unit or it may mean an irregular fragment:a piece of pie; a piece of a broken vase.A portion is a part allotted or assigned to a person, purpose, etc.:a portion of food.A segment is often a part into which something separates naturally:a segment of an orange.Section suggests a relatively substantial, clearly separate part that fits closely with other parts to form a whole:a section of a fishing rod, a book.Fraction suggests a less substantial but still clearly delimited part, often separate from other parts:a fraction of his former income.Fragment suggests a broken, inconsequential, incomplete part, with irregular or imprecise outlines or boundaries:a fragment of broken pottery, of information.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged apportionment, lot.
    • 13.See corresponding entry in Unabridged responsibility.
    • 26.See corresponding entry in Unabridged sever, sunder, dissociate, disconnect, disjoin, detach.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged whole.
    • 23.See corresponding entry in Unabridged join.


    1. Grammarparticipial.
    2. Grammarparticiple.
    3. particular.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

part /pɑːt/ n

  1. a piece or portion of a whole
  2. an integral constituent of something: dancing is part of what we teach
  3. an amount less than the whole; bit: they only recovered part of the money
  4. one of several equal or nearly equal divisions: mix two parts flour to one part water
  5. an actor’s role in a play
  6. a person’s proper role or duty: everyone must do his part
  7. (often plural) region; area: you’re well known in these parts
  8. any portion of a larger structure
  9. a component that can be replaced in a machine, engine, etc: spare parts
  10. US Canadian Austral the line of scalp showing when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions
    British equivalent: parting
  11. one of a number of separate melodic lines making up the texture of music
  12. for the most partgenerally
  13. in partto some degree; partly
  14. of many partshaving many different abilities
  15. on the part ofon behalf of
  16. part and parcelan essential ingredient
  17. play a partto pretend to be what one is not
  18. (followed by in) to have something to do (with); be instrumental (in): to play a part in the king’s downfall
  19. take in good partto respond to (teasing) with good humour
  20. take part into participate in
  21. take someone’s partto support someone in an argument


  1. to divide or separate from one another; take or come apart: to part the curtains, the seams parted when I washed the dress
  2. to go away or cause to go away from one another; stop or cause to stop seeing each other: the couple parted amicably
  3. (intransitive) followed by from: to leave; say goodbye (to)
  4. (intransitive) followed by with: to relinquish, esp reluctantly: I couldn’t part with my teddy bear
  5. (transitive) followed by from: to cause to relinquish, esp reluctantly: he’s not easily parted from his cash
  6. (intransitive) to split; separate: the path parts here
  7. (transitive) to arrange (the hair) in such a way that a line of scalp is left showing
  8. (intransitive)
    a euphemism for die1
  9. (intransitive) archaic to depart


  1. to some extent; partly

See also partsEtymology: 13th Century: via Old French from Latin partīre to divide, from pars a part

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

part. abbreviation for

  1. participle
  2. particular

part‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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  1. root word the form of a word after all affixes are removed

  2. northwards in a northern direction

  3. southwards toward the south

  4. outwards toward the outside

  5. leotards skintight knit hose covering the body from the waist to the feet worn by acrobats and dancers and as stockings by women and girls

  6. frontwards at or to or toward the front

  7. rearwards at or to or toward the back or rear

  8. root rot disease characterized by root decay; caused by various fungi

  9. two-thirds two of three equal parts of a divisible whole

  10. sidewards toward one side

  11. retrorse bent or curved backward or downward

  12. Rotterdam the 2nd largest city in the Netherlands

  13. Edwards American theologian whose sermons and writings stimulated a period of renewed interest in religion in America (1703-1758)

  14. Richards English literary critic who collaborated with C. K. Ogden and contributed to the development of Basic English (1893-1979)

  15. stewardess a woman steward on an airplane

  16. idle words empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk

  17. good word something that recommends (or expresses commendation of) a person or thing as worthy or desirable

  18. toothwort North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots

  19. westwards toward the west

  20. eastwards toward the east

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