English word meaning with example sentences

Vocabulary word meaning with Synonyms, Antonyms and Sentence

Hello Readers, here is the Vocabulary word meaning Day-52 list with Synonyms, Antonyms, and Sentence. These 10 English vocabulary words will expand your Vocabulary. You can learn the complete vocabulary list here.

Vocabulary word meaning with Sentence Day-52

1) Glean- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बटोरना, बीनना

English MeaningMeaning- gather something from various sources.

Synonyms- obtain, gather, harvest, extract, collect, deduce, earn

Antonyms- spread, dispose of, distribute, sow

Example Sentence- People are reacting to fake news gleaned from an unauthorized source.

2) Proviso- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- प्रतिबंध, शर्त

English Meaning- a condition attached to an agreement.

Synonyms- a prerequisite, condition, stipulation, onerous, clause, caveat

Antonyms- disorder, optional, volition

Example Sentence- Two companies always make a deal with some proviso.

3) Ludicrous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ऊटपटांग, उपहासपूर्ण, बेतुका

English Meaning- Something weird or absurd.

Synonyms- laughable, nonsensical, idiotic, absurd, ridiculous, foolish, stupid

Antonyms- prudent, intelligent, logical, solemn, reasonable, believable

Example Sentence- His ludicrous statements are entertainment source for people.

4) Succinct- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- संक्षिप्त, छोटा

English Meaning- something expressed briefly.

Synonyms- concise, short, brief, summary, abbreviated, terse

Antonyms- lengthy, long, redundant, enlarged, prolonged

Example Sentence- An ideal speech should be succinct and to the point.

5) Adhesive- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- चिपकने वाला, गोंद

English Meaning- something sticky.

Synonyms- gummy, tenacious, glutinous, gooey, gluey, glue

Antonyms- separated, loose, incoherent

Example Sentence- I’m not too fond of the adhesive hair oil which feels sticky.

6) Predator- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- an organism that naturally preys on others.

English Meaning- दरिंदा, परभक्षी, लूट मार करने वाला

Synonyms- killer, marauder, vulture, hunter, rapacious, buzzard

Antonyms- vegetarian, herbivore, victim, graminivore

Example Sentence- The eagle is a predator, that eats dead animals, which helps to keep clean the earth.

7) Indecorous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- गंदा, अभद्र, अमर्यादित

English Meaning- something inappropriate.

Synonyms- immodest, improper, unseemly, indecent, inappropriate, shameless

Antonyms- decent, relevant, respectable, relevant, appropriate, decorous

Example Sentence- The behaviour of the corrupt policeman was indecorous with the innocent man.

8) Peculiar- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अनोखा, असामान्य

English Meaning- something unusual.

Synonyms- bizarre, strange, unusual, weird, queer, eccentric, freakish

Antonyms- familiar, ordinary, regular, general, usual

Example Sentence- Statue of Unity is a peculiar destination for the tourist.

9) Muster- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- इकठ्ठा करना, गिनती

English Meaning- gather together.

Synonyms- collect, congregate, meet, gather, summon, collection, mobilize.

Antonyms- separate, adjourn, disperse, division, terminate.

Example Sentence- The farmers were mustered to protest against the government policy.

10) Chaotic- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अस्तव्यस्त, विशृंखल

English Meaning- a state of disorder.

Synonyms- jumbled, turbulent, disorganized, disordered, messy, lawless, hectic

Antonyms- orderly, organized, systematic, calm, quiet, arranged.

Example Sentence- Markets are the most chaotic places in India.


This is the Vocabulary word meaning Day-52 list with synonyms, antonyms and example sentence from various newspapers like The Hindu, Indian Express, and New York Times.

One of the best and most efficient ways to
learn new words quickly and build up your vocabulary is to see how they are used in a sentence.

Learning words by seeing how they are used in a sentence is called
learning vocabulary in context. It is considered much more efficient than just memorizing the word and its meanings. It’s also much more interesting. 

When you learn vocabulary in context, you look at the word and its meaning, then read or hear a sentence that uses that word. This helps you internalize the meaning of the word and can also help you see how to use that word to make your own sentences. So, you are not just improving your vocabulary, you are also
picking up grammar tips as well. 

In this post, we’re going to show you 50 words with their meanings and sentences. We’re also going to provide you

with a PDF file of the words and their meanings and the example sentences at the end of this post.

1. Accommodate


This is a verb that means that you gave consideration to someone. It’s often used to say that you agreed to a request.


The shopkeeper accommodated Jack’s request to buy a toothbrush, even if he was already closing up.

2. Advantageous


This is an adjective that means that you gave or were given an advantage. It is
a synonym for favorable.


They specifically looked for a hostel near the train station as it would be advantageous for their travel plans.

3. Absolve


This verb is used to say that you have forgiven someone or decided that they are not guilty


After listening to their story, the policeman absolved them and turned their attention to the truck driver.

4. Antidote


An antidote is a noun that means something that will relieve or counteract the negative effects of something. It’s commonly used to talk about a cure for poison.


A stroll in the sunny park was the perfect antidote to Mark’s bad mood.

5. Boredom


You can use this noun to say that you, or someone else, are very disinterested in what is happening or about the current state of affairs. Most of the time, people who are suffering from boredom need to try something new.


Boredom drove me to finally pursue my dream of
learning Russian.

6. Broach


You can
use this verb if you want to say that someone introduced a topic into the conversation.


The teacher broached the subject about different
swear words in Chinese.

7. Clannish


This adjective is used to describe a group of people who are very close and as such rather closed off or standoffish towards others.


Their clannish behavior makes it hard to approach them to ask for help.

8. Competence


This noun is used to indicate that someone is considered capable of
doing a good job.


Fred’s competence as an engineer led to his being entrusted with several projects for the organization.

9. Compassion


This is a noun that is used to describe acting with kindness or pity.


Show some compassion for those left homeless by the fire and donate some clothes you no longer use.

10. Consider 


This is a verb that means to think carefully about a decision you need to make.


Before deciding what language to learn, you need to consider what language is
important for your career.

11. Cull


This is a noun that means to reduce the population of a group of animals by killing a select few.


The farmer will cull sickly chickens in the hope of saving the flock.

12. Dauntless


This adjective is used to describe a person or a person’s actions that are considered bold or brave. It also implies that they are persistent in the face of danger or people advising them to change their minds.


The most famous explorers in history needed to be dauntless in the face of the unknown.

13. Dreary


The adjective is used to describe a situation or a person that is gloomy or cheerless.


Dark clouds and the hint of rain cast a dreary light over the beach.

14. Evident


This adjective is used to say that something is clear, easily seen, or understood.


Bert’s eagerness to learn is evident in the way he keeps asking for
new lists of idioms and their meanings.

15. Flurry


This noun is a synonym for the commotion. It means that a lot of activity is taking place.


The news that their mother was on the way home caused a flurry of activity as the children put away their toys.

16. Fickle


You can use this adjective to indicate that someone changes their mind often.


Mark was very fickle when we were younger; he first wanted to be a doctor, then an actor, before he decided to just go to culinary school.

17. Fictitious


This word is an adjective that describes something that is imaginary. A character in a fiction book is fictitious.


I know he is a fictitious character, but I would love to find my own Mr. Darcy.

18. Irate


You use this adjective when you want to say that someone is angry and irritated.


Polly was irate that John and his friends insisted on playing loud music as she tried to study.

19. Gambol


You can use this verb if you want to say that someone or something is running and jumping around in a playful manner.


Watching the children gambol with their new puppy really lifted my spirits.

20. Grotesque


You can use this adjective to say that you think something is very ugly and odd-looking. 


The gargoyles on medieval cathedrals were deliberately carved to be as grotesque as possible.

21. Jubilant


This adjective is used to imply that someone is extremely, visibly happy about something.


Henry and Paul were so jubilant over their football team winning they were dancing in the street.

22. Justifiable


When you use this adjective, you are saying that someone’s actions were reasonable or acceptable.


Given the fact that she needed to take her cat to the vet this morning, it was justifiable that Karen was later to our lunch.

23. Laud


This is a verb that means that someone is praising someone else in a public setting.


The mayor lauded the efforts of the city’s firemen in quickly putting out the blaze.

24. Laconic


This is an adjective that means brief. It’s usually meant to describe a short answer to a question. A laconic person is someone who can be referred to by
the idiom “man of few words”.


The always laconic Pedro just said “yes” to the proposal.

25. Mammoth


This adjective is used to describe something that is very, very big. Synonyms for this word are huge and enormous.


The huge burger also came with a mammoth heap of fries.

26. Meddlesome


This adjective is used to describe behavior that is considered interfering or intrusive. The English idiom “stick their nose in” describes a meddlesome person.


The problem with a small town is the many meddlesome neighbors.

27. Misstep


People use this verb when they want to say someone misjudged the situation and did the wrong thing.


Mary made a misstep when she mentioned the professor’s ex-wife.

28. Obtuse


This adjective is basically a synonym for stupid. Someone who is obtuse doesn’t seem to comprehend what is happening around them.


Bobby is so obtuse he didn’t understand that Fred was making fun of him.

29. Officious


This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is overeager and offering unwanted help.


Allan and Betty just wanted to browse, but the officious salesperson trailing them around made them uncomfortable.

30. Opulence


This is a noun that denotes a show of wealth or abundance.


The opulence of the grand hotel had them staring around in awe.

31. Overt


This adjective is used to say that something is obvious. It is a synonym for apparent.


There were no overt signs that Zoe had heard Dan and Ben talking about her.

32. Pallid


This adjective is used to describe someone who is pale and white. It’s usually meant to say that someone looks unhealthy.


After coming home from the hospital, friends were concerned about how pallid John still looked.

33. Paragon


A paragon is someone who is considered a perfect example. This noun is a synonym for model.


Superheroes were originally meant to be paragons of humanity.

34. Pariah


This is a noun that is used to describe someone who is a social outcast or who is being shunned by the majority of their social group.


After Ben was caught trying to pass off Mandy’s work as his own, he became the office pariah.

35. Perfunctory


This adjective is used to describe how someone performs a dull and routine task. Someone performs their duty perfunctory if they do it and do it properly but have little interest in it.  


Alice was a perfunctory employee; she accomplished her tasks and went home.

36. Precocious


This adjective is usually used when describing children. It means that someone displays behavior that is advanced for their age.


Sally was always precocious; she was reading Shakespeare by age seven.

37. Propensity


This is a noun that is used to say that someone has a natural inclination or preference for something.


While Sam is very smart, he has a propensity to be dismissive of others’ opinions.

38. Quandary


This is a noun that means a difficult situation or decision.


 Having to decide between his job and an
opportunity to study abroad had Harry in a quandary.

39. Querulous


This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is fretful or has a habit of whining or complaining.


While Mindy loved working at the nursing home, Mr. Santos strained her patients with his querulous questions about meals.

40. Ransack


When you use the verb ransack you are saying that someone was searching for something so frantically, that they made a huge mess.


I ransacked my room looking for my phone and it turned out to be behind the sofa cushions. 

41. Rebuke


This is a verb that means to scold or criticize someone.


Seeing how hurt Peter was at Alice’s words, Lucy rebuked her friend.

42. Revelry 


This is a noun to denote a feeling of festivity or celebration.


The revelry of the town festival is something you don’t want to miss.

43. Rift


A rift is a division or a gap. You can use this noun to say that two people disagreed about something and it ruined their relationship.


The rift between Tom and Nick happened when they found themselves competing for the same job.

44. Simpleton


This noun is used for someone who is not very bright or who has a low mental capacity.


He’s a simpleton and doesn’t really understand why people laugh at him.

45. Spurious


The use of this adjective implies that something is false or counterfeit.


Politicians make a lot of spurious promises during the campaign trail.

46. Strain


When someone or something is under strain, they cannot meet the demands of the situation. This noun means that the resources available are just barely meeting the need or are on the verge of running out.


Between losing her job and her mortgage, having to pay for car repairs really strained Jenny’s budget.

47. Teem


You can use this verb to say that something is full or overflowing.


The bar was teeming with language learners hoping to practice their conversational skills.

48. Tout


This verb means that someone is praising or promoting a person or a product.


Much of my makeup collection consists of products touted by my favorite beauty bloggers.

49. Tranquil


This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is at peace or to say that the mood is peaceful.


The tranquil mood of the quiet beach was just what I needed to destress after a tough week.

50. Unscathed


This adjective describes someone or something that was untouched or unhurt by a bad situation like an accident.


While Kyle had a small cut on his forehead, Lindsey was unscathed by the accident.


Here is a PDF of these 50 words with meaning and sentences that you can download, print, and study at your leisure.

If you really want to learn how to use these words in daily conversation, however, we suggest you take this list and go through the words with an online native English language speaking tutor. 

A good tutor can provide you with other examples of how to use these words properly and help you work on your pronunciation and accent. 

New English words occur day by day. Some become popular, and some sink or disappear in months or years. Here we collect 100 hot new words, including meanings and sentences, to show you the alive English in today’s media and communications.

The 100 new words with sentence are not limited to 100 words. Our editors maintain the list monthly and keep it 100 words around; they add or remove words, definitions, and examples to cover the latest hot words.

Group 2: cool hunter — hangry

crema  n.  Speak
a brownish foam that forms on the top of freshly made coffe
Example sentences    Close

crowdfund  v.  Speak
fund a project from lots of people who usually donate a small amount.
Example sentences    Close

dark web  n.  Speak
part of the Internet intentionally hidden from search engines with masked IP addresses, usually illegal content
Example sentences    Close

ear tickler  n.  Speak
someone who pleases other people with paying lot of compliments or flattering
Example sentences    Close

echo chamber  n.  Speak
an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, especially in social media
Example sentences    Close

eggcorn  n.  Speak
word or phrase that results from a mishearing because of similar sounds
Example sentences    Close

emoji  n.  Speak
a small digital image or icon used to express an idea, emotion
Example sentences    Close

facepalm  v.  Speak
cover one’s face with the hand as an expression of embarrassment, dismay, or exasperation
Example sentences    Close

facerape  v.  Speak
hack someone’s social-media profile in order to fiddle with its personal information or to post fake status updates
Example sentences    Close

fast fashion  n.  Speak
an approach that emphasizes making fashion clothing trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers
Example sentences    Close

flash mob  n.  Speak
brief public gathering for a common purpose, typically organized by the Internet or social media.
Example sentences    Close

fomo  n.  Speak
the fear of missing out, the anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere
Example sentences    Close

freegan  n.  Speak
a person who rejects consumerism and seeks to help the environment by reducing waste
Example sentences    Close

frenemy  n.  Speak
a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike
Example sentences    Close

frousin  n.  Speak
a friend that is a cousin or a cousin that is a friend, very close relationship as family members
Example sentences    Close

froyo  n.  Speak
frozen yogurt, a slightly sour thick food made from milk, and often sugar and fruit
Example sentences    Close

gig economy  n.  Speak
a labor market characterized by short-term contracts or work as opposed to permanent jobs
Example sentences    Close

glamping  n.  Speak
outdoor camping with amenities and comforts, such as beds and electricity, not usually used when camping
Example sentences    Close

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«His life lost all meaning after his wife passed away.«

«This has taken on a new meaning for me.«
(taken on, acquired)

«I misunderstood the meaning of the story.«

«I try to find meaning in little things.«

«He communicated the meaning through body language.«
(communicated, conveyed, expressed)

«Let’s ponder the meaning of those words.«
(ponder, explore)

«This locket has a lot of meaning to me.«
(has, carries, bears)

«I don’t quite grasp the meaning of this.«
(grasp, get, comprehend, understand, know)

«Can you explain the meaning of all of this?«
(explain, clarify)

Used with adjectives:

«There is a deeper meaning in his words.«
(deeper, underlying, hidden, intrinsic, double, symbolic, clear)

«What’s the exact meaning of the word?«
(exact, precise, real, true, original, literal, correct)

«What is the book’s intended meaning?«

Used with prepositions:

«What’s the meaning behind the painting?«

«My life is without meaning.«

«What is the meaning of life?«

English is a hard language, that contains several words with multiple meanings. Take a second (measurement of time) to consider all the words that have confused you with their second (placement, after something that has gone first) meaning. Learning these types of vocabulary can be complicated and for advanced English students, but we’ve broken it down into parts to make it easier for you to understand. 

Keep reading to learn about the kinds of words that have different meanings, like homophones, homonyms, homographs, and more!  

Words with Multiple Meanings

In English, when we refer to words with multiple meanings, we mean two words meaning that are spelled or pronounced the same but have different meanings. While these type of words may sound the same to you, they can change your speaking level! The three types of words that have different meanings are: 

A homonym is a case where two or more words sound the same but have completely different meanings.

However, some cases with similarities in words and pronunciations are homophones. These are considered to be words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.

On the other hand, homographs are words that are spelt the same but have different pronunciations and meanings.

There are also Capitonyms, where the word changes its meaning when it’s either capitalized or not.

Source: Pinterest

10 Homonym Examples

Don’t forget homonyms, are words that are spelled and pronounced the same in conversational English but have totally different meanings!

1. Address – Address

I can give you the address of a good Doctor. 

That man was addressing me in his speech.

2. Band – Band

The band was playing songs from the 80s.

She ties her hair up in a band.

3. Bat – Bat

I am scared of bats.

It’s his first time to bat in his baseball matches.

4. Match – Match

If you suspect a gas leak do not strike a match or use electricity.

Her fingerprints match those found at the scene of the crime.

5. Mean – Mean

What does this sentence mean?

He needed to find a mean of the data.

6. Right – Right

I’m sure my answer is right.

Take a right turn at the intersection.

7. Ring – Ring

What a beautiful wedding ring!

I heard the doorbell ring.

8. Rock – Rock

He formed a rock music band with some friends while in college.

To mine the ore, they had to dig through solid rock.

9. Rose – Rose

She has a beautiful rose garden.

Crime rates rose by 50% over the Festive season.

10. Spring – Spring

I’m sorry to spring it on you, but I’ve been offered another job.

My favourite season is spring.

Source: Ricky Cheung

10 Homophone Examples

Homophones are words that have different spelling and meaning, but the same pronunciation.

1. Fort – Fought

I will hold down the fort today.

He fought so many wars in his time.

2. Foul – Fowl

There was a foul stench in the air.

The farm had cattle such as fowl, sheep, and cows.

3. Groan – Grown

He let out a groan of pain

She has grown up so much.

4. Holy – Wholly

The priest pours holy water on the child’s head.

The incident was wholly the fault of the criminal.

5. Hour – Our

The concert was over an hour long.

We love our new home.

6. I – Eye

My sister had left to college when I was 25.

I hurt my eye.

7. Know – No

I already know what it means.

He said no.

8. Links – Lynx

The chain links are sturdy.

The lynx is a dangerous predator.

9. Meet – Meat

I do hope we can meet again soon.

I do not like eating meat anymore.

10. Peace – Piece

She hopes he rests in peace.

There was a piece of meat left in the stew.

10 Homograph Examples

Homographs are words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently, and also have another type of meaning.

1. Attribute

Many Scientists attribute the experiment’s success to the good specimens provided.

My physical attributes make me an ideal candidate for the job.

2. Abstract

He enjoys viewing abstract art.

Abstracts of about 300 words in your thesis.

3. Back

I’ll be back in a minute.

He stood with his back to the door.

4. Ball

Bounce the ball against the wall.

We had a ball of a time.

5. Can

Don’t worry, I can work from home.

I would really like a can of soda with my meal.

6. Capital

Cairo is the capital of Egypt.

Please write your details in capital letters

7. Date

The date on the email was incorrect.

They went on a date tonight.

8. Dessert

I like to eat my dessert, before my meal. 

I’ve never visited the Sahara dessert, but I’ve heard its scorching hot!

9. Effect

My abusive childhood had a significant effect on me.

Teachers need to effect change in their student’s learning.

10. Fine

I’m fine with pineapple on pizza.

Offenders will be liable to a hefty fine.

Source: Giphy

10 Capitonym Examples

Capitonym are words, whose meaning can changed if they first letter is not correctly capitalised. 

China – china

China is a country

He displayed much fine china in his home

Divine – divine

The Divine Providence of God

To divine is to discover through intuition.

Earth – earth

The planet Earth

The earth en soil

March – march

The concert is in March

We will march forward

May – may

The match is happening in May

He may come to visit today

Mercury – mercury

The planet Mercury

The mercury in the thermometer is heating up.

Orient – orient

He comes from the Orient – in the Middle East

I will try to orient myself in this new area.

Polish – polish

He is of Polish descent

Please polish my shoes

Titanic – titanic

The sinking of the ship Titanic was a tragic event in history.

That mountain is titanic in size.

Turkey – turkey

I hope to visit Turkey someday.

I love turkey at thanksgiving.

Source: Giphy

Now you Know Words with Multiple Meanings, No?

Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, and Capitonyms are what make English a tricky and confusing language to learn. Many eager English students can be quickly scared off by these confusing words and rules. We have a great article on online writing courses to keep you going on your language journey.

Learning all the tricky and confusing aspects of English doesn’t have to be a daunting task, with English tutors that provide customized learning plans, you can learn in no time. Check out AmazingTalker find professional and affordable English tutors that are ready to help you learn all the tricky parts of English in a jiffy!

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