English word meaning and synonyms

  • connotation
  • content
  • context
  • definition
  • effect
  • essence
  • explanation
  • hint
  • implication
  • interpretation
  • nuance
  • sense
  • significance
  • spirit
  • subject
  • substance
  • understanding
  • value
  • acceptation
  • allusion
  • bearing
  • denotation
  • drift
  • force
  • gist
  • heart
  • import
  • intimation
  • meat
  • nitty-gritty
  • pith
  • point
  • purport
  • stuff
  • suggestion
  • symbolization
  • tenor
  • thrust
  • upshot
  • use
  • worth
  • bottom line
  • name of the game
  • nature of beast
  • nuts and bolts
  • subject matter
  • idea
  • intent
  • interest
  • purpose
  • animus
  • design
  • end
  • goal
  • object
  • plan
  • point
  • trend

On this page you’ll find 102 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to meaning, such as: connotation, content, context, definition, effect, and essence.

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • connotation
    • denotation
    • intent
    • meaning
    • message
    • purport
    • sense
    • significance
    • value
    • word meaning
    • application
    • connection
    • import
    • meaning
    • pertinence
    • reference
    • relation
    • relevance
    • weight
    • addresses
    • airs
    • aspects
    • attitudes
    • behaviors
    • carriages
    • comportment
    • demeanor
    • deportment
    • displays
    • fronts
    • looks
    • manners
    • miens
    • poise
    • ports
    • poses
    • presences
    • sets
    • stands
    • association
    • coloring
    • essence
    • hint
    • meaning
    • nuance
    • overtone
    • significance
    • suggestion
    • undertone
    • associations
    • colorings
    • essences
    • hints
    • meanings
    • nuances
    • overtones
    • significances
    • suggestions
    • undertones
    • hinting
    • implying
    • meaning
    • referring
    • suggesting

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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    I. Synonyms and
    synonymic sets

    Synonyms are usually defined as words similar in meaning; as words
    that express the same idea but it is wrong to say that synonyms are
    identical in meaning since the range of the idea they express may be
    very wide. In comparing synonyms we are mostly interested in their
    difference than in their similarity, although the latter is also of

    English is very rich in synonyms. There are about
    8000 synonymic groups in English. A group of synonyms is called a
    synonymic set, e.g. famous, celebrated,
    renowned, illustrious
    may make a
    synonymic set.

    A polysemantic word may enter as many synonymic groups as it has
    lexical semantic variants, e.g. the word “fresh” goes into 5
    synonymic sets:

    Fresh – original – novel – striking – up-to-date

    Fresh – another – different – new

    Fresh – invigorating – pure

    Fresh – inexperienced – green- raw

    Fresh – impertinent – rude

    Each synonymic set has a word, which expresses the
    most general idea and holds a commanding position over other words –
    it is called the synonymic dominant. For instance in the series to
    leave – to depart – to quit – to retire – to clear out

    the word “to leave” is general and neutral and can stand for each
    of the other four terms being the synonymic dominant of this group.
    Thus the synonymic dominant is the most general word belonging to the
    general stock of words stylistically neutral, of greater frequency
    and of widest colloqability.

    Synonyms are grouped according to their similarity
    in their meaning and are contrasted within a group on a principle of
    dissimilation, e.g. weak, feeble,

    In traditional linguistics synonyms are defined on basis of the
    notional criteria; according to it synonyms are words of the same
    category of parts of speech conveying the same notion but differing
    either in shades of meaning or in stylistic characteristics. This
    definition was given by Russian academician Vinogradov.

    The definition of synonyms based on the semantic criteria runs as
    follows: “Lexical synonyms are different words of the same part of
    speech (having the same grammatical distribution) which have some
    common denotational components in their semantic structure but differ
    either in some denotational components and/or in some connotational
    components and thus usually have different lexical colloqability.”
    This definition was given by Pr. Elena Borisovna Cherkasskaya.

    In modern research of synonyms the criteria of interchangeability is
    sometimes applied. According to this, synonyms are defined as words,
    which are interchangeable at least in some context without any
    considerable alteration in denotational meaning. The application of
    these criteria is limited due to the differences in the semantic
    components of meanings of synonyms leading to the differences in
    their colloqability.

    In fact all the definitions of synonyms are opened criticism and
    further perfection.

    1. Functions of synonyms in speech

    Synonyms have 3 main functions in speech:

    • The function of substitution in order to avoid repetition and

    • The function of précising in meaning in order to reach a greater
      accuracy and avoid vagueness.

    • The expressive stylistic function, e.g.
      clean (free from dirt) – neat (clean and tidy) – trim (in good
      order, neat and spruce) – spruce (neat, trim and smart)

    1. Types of synonyms

    According to the classification of synonyms developed by academician
    Vinogradov, there are 3 types of synonyms:

    • Idiographic synonyms. He describes idiographic
      synonyms as words conveying the same notion but differing in
      meaning. Idiographic synonyms refer to the same general concept but
      they differ sometimes in the denotational meaning, e.g.
      a look (a conscious and direct in devour to see) – a glance (a
      look, which is quick and sudden) – a glimpse (a look implying
      only momentary sights)
      . These
      idiographic synonyms differ in quickness of the action and the time
      of duration.

    • Stylistic synonyms are words of the same
      denotational meaning used in different speech styles. They have the
      same denotational components but differ in stylistic components of
      their semantic structure, e.g.
      enemy/farter (neutral) – foe/sire (poetical) – adversary/parent
      (bookish) – opponent (official) / Dad (coloq.)

    • Absolute synonyms in English are words of
      exactly the same meaning, words identical in meanings, e.g.
      fricatives and spirants; fatherland and motherland
      Absolute synonyms are very rare. According to F.R. Palmer it would
      seem unlikely, “that two words with exactly the same meaning
      would both survive in a language”.

    1. Sources of synonyms in English

    The following points are usually considered as sources of synonyms:

    • Borrowings.

    Borrowings from French, Latin and Greek are the
    most numerous ones in English. They often express an idea or name a
    thing for which they already exist in a native word. That’s how
    synonyms appear in the vocabulary. In most cases the native word is
    more ordinary tan its foreign counterpart, e.g.
    to buy – to purchase, brotherly – fraternal, world – universe

    But there exit plenty of cases of all borrowings
    having become thoroughly assimilated. Some of them even express the
    most general idea in synonymic sets and serve as synonymic dominants:
    valley – dale, piece – lump/cake, to
    decide – to settle, action – did

    There are examples of triplets: one native – one
    from French – one directly from Latin, e.g.
    ask–question-interrogate; teaching-guidance-instruction; to
    gather-to assemble-to collect; kingly-royal-regal

    • Dialectisms.

    Dialectisms are words from local dialects, which
    have entered the English vocabulary as regular words creating
    synonyms to the words of Standard English, e.g. Scotch
    synonyms: lass – girl, bonny – pretty, daft –

    • Word-building processes.

    Word-building processes, which are at work in the English Language,
    create synonyms to words already in use. The following cases are to
    be considered here:

        • composite or phrasal verbs (составные
          глаголы), e.g.
          to choose – to pick out; to abandon – to give up; to enter –
          to come in; to descend – to go down; to ascend – to go up

        • compounding which comprises composition and
          conversion working simultaneously,
          e.g. fight-back – resistance; precipitation – fall-out;
          conscription – a call up

        • conversion, e.g.
          to verbalize – to word; laughter – a laugh; to moisten – to

        • shortening, e.g.
          microphone – mike; popular – pop; examinations – exams

        • affixation or loss of affixes, e.g.
          anxiety – anxiousness; affectivity – affectiveness; amongst –
          among; await – wait

        • set expressions,
          to laugh – to give a laugh; to walk – to take a walk

    In this connection the problem of synonyms and lexical variants
    arises: should these cases be regarded as synonyms or lexical

    1. Euphemisms as a specific type of synonyms

    Euphemism is a Greek word (EU means “well” and
    PHEMOS means “speaking” thus “Euphemism” means speaking
    well). A euphemism is a substitution of a harsh, obscene, indelicate
    or otherwise unpleasant word by a less offensive word or periphrastic
    expression, e.g. quieer
    is a euphemism for mad;
    is a euphemism for drunk;
    in one’s birthday suit = naked.

    Euphemisms are divided into 2 main groups according to the character
    of words they subdtitute:

    • Religious and superstitious taboos are
      words and set phrases which are avoided in speech for religious
      reasons or because of superstition,
      e.g. God – goodness, gracious, gosh; Devil – deuce, Dickens,
      Nicolas, old Nick, Darwin; to die – to pass away, to go to one’s
      last home, to go to the way of all flash, to join the majority, to
      kick the bucket

    • Social and moral taboos
      are words and idioms which are avoided in speech as not acceptable
      in the polite conversation, e.g.
      trousers – unmentionables; toilet – powder-room, retiring-room,
      wash-room, restroom, lady’s room, public comfort station, WC
      (Windsor Castle), public conveniences
      pregnant – in an interesting/delicate
      condition; in a family way, with the baby coming, pig with child;
      drunk – intoxicated, tipsy, under the influence, mellow, fresh,
      high, merry, flustered, overcome, full, to be drunk as a lord/owl,
      boiled, fried, tanked, tight, stiff, pickled, soaked;

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    Synonyms are words that are similar in meaning but different in spelling.

    The English language (like many other languages) has both synonyms and antonyms. There are many more
    synonyms than antonyms, as many things do not have the opposite word (for example, the word sandwich
    has a synonym for sandwich, hamburger and many other words, but here is the antonym to the word no
    sandwich). Antonym is also much newer. addition to the English language than a synonym. is he first
    appeared in the 1870s, while the synonym is used more than 500 years ago.

    In our database of more than 1,000,000 (million) words, enter a word in the search field and click

    rephrase-tool.com — supports the free dictionary of synonyms of the English
    , the
    origin of the words pronunciation of synonyms, example sentences, slang phrases. We help millions of
    people learn how to use the English language correctly using our service.

    Enrich your vocabulary.

    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Deceit practice of misleading Fraud, duplicity fairness, honesty Love and deceit, troubles and rewards are as ageless as the heavens.
    Deference A courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard obedience, compliance, yielding dishonour, disregard, noncompliance His deference to her wishes was very flattering
    Detrimental Tending to cause harm Harmful , Hurtful Harmless, Beneficial Recent policies have been detrimental to the interests of many old people
    Dialectic Logical, rational analytic, controversial, persuasive illogical, irrational He not only wrote on dialectics and logic, but also on physics in its various departments.
    Dilapidate Demolish, Deface deform, distort, destroy Build , construct, adorn On the east of the town at the foot of a hill stands a dilapidated fort.
    Dilatory Slow or wasting time procrastinating, lax, dallying diligent, eager, zealous No dilatory motion, or dilatory amendment, or amendment not germane shall be in order.
    Diligent persevering, Hardworking Active, Assiduous Careless, inactive “A diligent worker”; “with diligent industry she revived the failing business”.
    Discerning Discriminating Astute, knowing idiotic, ignorant The keen visions of these birds are not slow in discerning through the gloomy recesses the presence of danger.
    Dispensation allocation of supply favour, indulgence, kindness denial, veto This is your generation, this is your dispensation, this is your wisdom.
    Dissident Characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards heterodox, discordant, nonconformist agreeing, confirming Union dissidents have challenged the leadership of the current president.

    Check out Subject Verb Agreement here.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Edifice Structure monument, building It looks as if the whole political edifice of the country is about to collapse.
    Efficacy Productiveness adequacy, capability, capacity inability, failure Exactly the situation he would have prayed for had he believed in the efficacy of prayer.
    Egregious outstandingly bad; shocking, remarkably good. atrocious, deplorable concealed, good “egregious abuses of copyright”
    Elfish Usually good-naturedly mischievous elfin, naughty behave, good They perpetrated a practical joke with elfish delight.
    Emblematic Serving as a visible symbol for something abstract typical, emblematical, figurative literal ,Real ,straightforward The free discussion that is emblematic of democracy
    Encomium Compliment Accolade, Eulogy Blame, Criticism The encomium holding good of herself, she refrained from lecturing him on the subject of the vilified Denham.
    Engulf Absorb Bury, Consume Dry, Uncover The bright light engulfed him completely
    Enormity Horribleness depravity, evil delight, esteem Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country’s economy
    Entente Agreement Accord, deal, pact disagreement It also contributed towards the conclusion of an entente between Turkey and Rumania in the summer of 1910.
    Enunciation The articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience articulation, elocution, phonation The broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English
    Epiphany A moment of sudden understanding or revelation Flash, oracle Confusion, Secret In the first grade, I experienced an epiphany that girls were always treated dif- ferently than boys.
    Errant wrong , behaving wrongly in some way, especially by leaving home erratic, stray normal Teachers dislike errant spellings and misused words
    Erudite Well-Educated knowledgeable, literate, scholarly uneducated, common, ignorant This erudite priest, born in 1067, was the founder of historical writing in Iceland
    Espouse support adopt, maintain, defend attack, reject He was an optimist or he never wouldhave espoused the American cause.
    Exasperate Provoke Agitate, disturb appease, calm Indeed, the effect would probably only be to exasperate and worsen industrial relations.
    Exigent urgent Insistent, needful easy, ordinary, usual Charles immediately revealed the full and exigent nature of his demands.
    Expats A person who is voluntarily absent from home or country expellee, exile, expatriate citizen, national, native A network of expats in London keeps her from missing the family she left be- hind.
    Exuberance Energy, Enthusiasm Sprit, Zest Apathy, Coolness They were meant to suggest reproductive vigour, exuberance, and abundance.

    Also, check out Reading Comprehension.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Fabrication A deliberately false or improbable account; The act of making something (a product) from raw materials hogwash, forgery, fable truth, entertainment, reality The synthesis and fabrication of single crystals
    Farcical absurd comical, funny, laughable grave, reasonable, sad Amber has been known to behave in a farcical manner when she is under the influence of marijuana
    fauxpas A socially awkward or tactless act slip. solecism, abuse praise, certainty His trust was warranted, until Landor detected the fauxpas
    Fidgety Nervous and unable to relax apprehensive, jittery, twitchy restful, unmoving, composed Until he did so, Mr Frampton was too fidgety to be approachable on any other subject.
    Fissure A long, narrow opening hole, cleavage, crack closure, solid A fissure between philosophy and reality.

    Want to know about Phrasal Verbs? Learn here.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Gesticulate Show, express or direct through movement indicate, pantomime speak He gesticulated his desire to leave
    Gloom depression despair, misery, sadness confidence, joy, delight She could not see a thing; but she waited in the gloom for the steward to come and light the lamps.
    Gory bloody horrible, imbrued mild, pleasing, pleasant The broken and gory body was kicked through the railing for the last time.
    Grandeur The quality of being magnificent, splendid or grand brilliance, expansiveness, magnificence dullness, simplicity, insignificance An imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colourful art
    Grim hopeless gloomy, cruel bright, cheerful Anthony will be in the VIP lounge where he doesn’t have to mix with the hoi polloi
    Gruff Bad tempered Blunt, Nasty Cheerful, Happy I want to say good-bye,” he said in the gruff voice of embarrassment.
    Gullible Trusting Naïve, credulous, innocent Wary, skeptical Finding them, to all seeming, gullible and loquacious, she had even ventured on the Bishop.

    To get details on Common Rules for Spellings, candidates can visit the linked article.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Heckle jeer ridicule, taunt, tease please, praise, aid People in the crowd were booing and heckling as she tried to speak.
    Hoi Polloi The common people generally masses, rabble, herd elite, aristocracy, cream Separate the warriors from the hoi polloi
    Hoodwink deceive or trick dupe, outwit debunk, expose, reveal “staff was hoodwinked into thinking the cucumber was a sawn-off shotgun”
    Hurled throw forcefully fire, toss, launch hold, keep, receive My friend now began to hurl stones at it, but it easily dodged them.
    Hustings The activities involved in political campaigning (especially speech making) catafalque, emplacement, chancery The front door was in continual motion with guests coming and going, amid laughter and boisterous conversation

    Learn about Types of Conjunction Explained with Examples Here.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Ignominious (Adj) embarrassing because of being a complete failure. humiliating, undignified, embarrassing glorious, admirable an ignominious defeat/failure/retreat
    Imbibe absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge). assimilate, absorb, soak up, take in, digest abstain, fast “if one does not imbibe the culture one cannot succeed”
    Implacable merciless cruel. unforgiving kind, remorseful Clinton accused congressional Republicans of “implacable hostility”.
    Impounded kept captured, confiscated give, offer The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers.
    Inception An event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events outset, provenance, kick-off conclusion, outgrowth, ending The strife was thus in its inception political; but it soon became religious as well.
    Incessant Never ending ceaseless, nonstop bounded, finished Night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city.
    Inchoate Only partly in existence; imperfectly formed amorphous, immature, nascent developed, grown, mature In the man, substance is inchoate, inadequate to the desired form; it is a drag on everything.
    Inclement Used of persons or behaviour; showing no clemency or mercy brutal, tempestuous, intemperate merciful, sympathetic, mild The climate is inclement in winter and oppressively hot in midsummer.
    Inclement Bitter brutal, hard, foul clear, merciful, nice One of the most inclement winters in the Gulf of Mexico had passed in the comfortless manner described in the last chapter.
    Indefatigable Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality assiduous, diligent, dogged indifferent, lethargic, wavering He is an indefatigable advocate of equal rights
    Inebriated make (someone) drunk; intoxicate. bombed, plastered, boozy sober, straight He arrived late in the banqueting hall, and there were indications that he was inebriated.
    Inflict Make (someone) do something unpleasant levy, apply hold, take, withhold “The principal inflicted his rage on the students”
    Insinuate Hint, Suggest, to suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true allude, ascribe, imply Conceal, hide, withhold Are you insinuating (that) I’m losing my nerve?
    Intrepid Invulnerable to fear or intimidation brave, nervy, courageous afraid, cowardly, timid The savages were overawed by the coolness and courage of this intrepid officer.
    Irritants annoyance burden,bother,trouble aid, happiness, help The report is bound to add a new irritant to international relations
    Implacable merciless cruel. unforgiving kind, remorseful Clinton accused congressional Republicans of “implacable hostility”.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Jab Poke violently Poke, Thrust, Punch Pull, tear She jabbed a pen at him to wake him up.
    Jargon Technical terminology Slang, vocab, ardot standard A technical paper is filled with jargons
    Jaunt Short trip Outing, trip, journey Stay, bolt, abide She planned a jaunt to the field
    Jeopardize Put at risk Peril, risk, stake, gamble Save, guard, protect By lying, she was jeopardizing her father’s trust.
    Jumble Mix something up to cause confusion Mix up, confuse, fuddle Arange, order The receptionist jumbled their names and assigned them wrong rooms

    Here’s all you need to know about Gerund, Infinitive and Participle


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Kingpin a person or thing that is essential to the success of an organization or operation. bigwig inferior, subordinate, underling; mediocrity, “the kingpins of the television industry
    Knack ability aptitude, skill, bent lack, inability It was horrid of you but you always had a knack of rubbing one up the wrong way.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Labyrinthine complex : twisting, maze like direct, straight it’s hard to find my classes at the labyrinthine building at my school
    Laconic (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words. brief, concise, terse, succinct, short, economical, verbose, long-winded, loquacious “his laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic”
    Legion numerous myriad, countless, many few, numbered The Roman legions brought peace and prosperity, at least most of the time.
    Lenity Mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant altruism, compassion cruelty, harshness It is for the jury to find a just medium between harshness and lenity


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Maraud go about in search of things to steal or people to attack. Raid and plunder (a place). plunder, go looting Guard, protect “bands of robbers crossed the river to maraud
    Martinet Someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms disciplinarian, authoritarian, tyrant He was a good deal of a martinet, but he was justice incarnate.
    Menage Family Ancestors, folk, kindred Three verses quoted by Menage are all we possess.
    Meticulous very careful and precise Careful, Accurate Careless, Lazy Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book
    Myriad A large indefinite number, a countless or extremely great number of people or things gobs, multitudinous, heaping bounded, measurable There’s a myriad of insects on the island.

    For details on the Types and Rules of Tenses, refer to the linked article.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Nigardly Close Tight, mean, narrow Generous, Far, open William had many excellent qualities, but his long life of exile and hardship had made him niggardly and narrow.
    Nigh near nearly,adjacent,close far, distant She also found the last level nigh impossible.
    Nonplussed Filled with bewilderment astonish, baffle, disconcert explicate, enlighten, educate These questions nonplus even the experts


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Obnoxious Causing disapproval or protest offensive, repulsive, abominable agreeable, lovable, wonderful He is a vulgar and obnoxious person
    Occult Secret Concealed, Hidden Bare, clear Vortices may be called an occult quality, because their existence was never proved.
    Ossify to become rigid Congeal, Freeze Liquefy, Soften There is a general growth to be observed, and the bones are beginning to ossify.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Panache Distinctive and stylish elegance brio, flamboyance, swagger spiritless He wooed her with the confident panache of a cavalry officer
    Panoramic (of a view or picture) with a wide view surrounding the observer; sweeping. sweeping, wide, extensive, bird’s-eye, scenic restricted, narrow, limited “on a clear day there are panoramic views”
    Paradox puzzle enigma, oddity normality, regularity The paradox of being calm and serene at the rock concert made her smile.
    Paradox Contradiction Absurdity, enigma Normality, regularity I always lie’ is a paradox because if it is true it must be false”
    Paraphernalia miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity. equipment, stuff, things, apparatus, immovables, “drills, saws, and other paraphernalia necessary for homeParap improvements”
    Parched Dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight arid, withered moist, damp It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown.
    Parley negotiation conference, consult, debate Quite, silence After some serious parleying, both sides agreed to settle their differences.
    Pecuniary relating or involving money monetary, banking nonfinancial that makes good pecuniary sense
    Peddling sell door to door canvas, market, promote pull, buy Conventional politicians should expose the fantasies that the far left and far right are peddling to a vulnerable section of society.
    Peg attach, a reason for discussing something further fix, fasten, join loose, detach They decided to use the anniversary as the peg for/a peg on which to hang a TV documentary.
    Perceive Notice, see Discern, realize disbelieve, overlook She finally perceived the futility of her protest
    Percussion musical instruments played by striking with the hand or with a stick or beater, or by shaking, including drums, cymbals, xylophones, gongs, bells, and rattles. crash, bang, smash, clash, bump “percussion instruments”
    Peril Risk,Danger Hazard, Insecurity, Jeopardy Certainly, Safety, Protection Just be a little careful, and you are perfectly out of peril
    Pernicious hurtful malicious, fatal, evil assisting, good, He thought “such a system would be wrong and pernicious in the extreme.
    Perpetual Continual, lasting Ceaseless, infinite Bounded, Ceasing The perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy
    Perturbed Trouble Bothered, Upset benefit , calm The more he loses, the more perturbed he gets
    Picket a worker or group of workers who protest outside a building to prevent other workers from going inside, especially because they have a disagreement with their employers palisade, stanchion. upright There were pickets outside the factory gates
    Piffle nonsense Foolishness, balone sense, truth “I don’t know anything about that sort of piffle,” said his guest, severely.
    Pilfer steal (things of little value). snatch, embezzle “she produced the handful of coins she had managed to pilfer”
    Piqued Offend Annoy, Arouse Aid, Compose The scientists were piqued because science and hard work made their colleague wealthy.
    Pitting oppose counter, set against, vie agree, go along We determine which is the faster horse by pitting one against the other in a race
    Pliability Adaptability of mind or character flexible, ductile, elastic not flexible, hard “he was valued for his reliability and pliability”
    Plight a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation predicament, quandary, dilemma blessing, delve, boon The idea had sustained him ever since he had learned of the plight of his tribesmen.
    Polemic Argumentative belligerent, contentious benevolent, cordial. Some will find the harsh polemic repetitive and disturbing.
    Precinct A district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes tract, ward, subdivision whole The commissioner made visitations to all the precinct stations
    Pretence falsehood Claim, display reality, honesty From the first there had been no pretence of friendship between thesetwo.
    Primordial earliest primeval. pristine modern, new, last Her immense wooden sculptures refer to a primitive form of life in primordial worlds.
    Pristine clean, pure immaculate, untouched, intact affected, dirty The car seemed to be in pristine condition.
    Proliferate Grow rapidly breed, engender, mushroom decrease, destroy, lessen Pizza parlours proliferate in this area
    Protagonist person who takes the lead hero, idle, advocate antagonist She was herself a vehement protagonist of sexual equality.
    Prudent Wise , Sensible Careful. cautious Careless, Expensive That sacrifice may also be a prudentaction,” observed Madeleine.
    Purport to pretend to be or to do something, especially in a way that is not easy to be- lieve. acceptation, tenor, upshot exterior, insignificance, outside They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.

    To get details on Idioms and Phrases, candidates can visit the linked article.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Quiver Shaking Flash, glimmer Dullness, quiet The city quivered with music and excitement.
    Quixotic idealistic dreamy, foolish, impractical cautious, realistic, wise That sounds quixotically noble, this stand for the ‘inviolability of marriage.

    For details on the Para Jumbles, refer to the linked article.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Remediation Act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil indemnification, restitution, rectification wound He had the unhappy knack of making enemies in the party.
    Reminiscent Suggestive of something in the past Evocative, redolent forgetful, oblivious I find this debate, this lobbying, very reminiscent of that time.
    Resonate Be received or understood echo, vibrate quieten In the higher frequency range both locked and free long waves could be resonated.
    Resuscitate Revive Energize, invigorate Destroy The doctors resuscitated the comatose man
    Ripping Marvelous astonishing, agreeable Dull The tree split with a great ripping sound
    Rugged Sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduring irregular, lumpy even, smooth with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture”


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Sacrament an important religious ceremony in the Christian Church, such as baptism or communion celebration, ceremony neglect, denial, divorce The sacramental character, then, is not in itself a sanctifying gift
    Saddle A seat for the rider of a horse or camel; Load or burden; encumber howdah, pillion, packsaddle relieve, disencumber, disengage Ram is retiring after 14 years in the saddle as chief executive
    Scathing Marked by harshly abusive criticism caustic, mordant, trenchant calm, gentle, generous His scathing remarks about silly lady novelists
    Scorn 1. Contempt 2. to Show contempt Mockery, Sarcasm, Contempt. Praise, Aid, Please 1. There are people who will show you scorn, but you must not mind them. 2. When I asked for his daughter’s hand in marriage, he scorned me.
    Scourge A whip used to inflict punishment; Something causing misery or death plague, torment, bane reward, blessing, boon Pop-up ads have been described as the scourge of the Internet.
    Semblance An outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading pretence, façade, mien concrete, rear The city has now returned to some semblance of normality after last night’s celebrations authenticity
    Sinister Nasty evil, bad, baneful good, happy, auspicious His sinister countenance was watched with terrible constancy by Jude
    Smear spread over cover, stain, patch clean, purify, honour Smear on meat, and place near where the rats are most troublesome.
    Sobriquet A familiar name for a person alias, pen name, byname real name Joe’s mother would not use his sobriquet and always called him Joseph
    Spate continuation Deluge, Torrent not in series A spate of letters.
    Sporadic on and off occasional, in frequent, irregular common, constant, frequent At the beginning the postal communications were rather sporadic and mainly met the military needs
    Sprawled spread out lie, fall straighten, compress, stand Their favorite napping positions are lying flat on their backs with their legs sprawled out.
    Spurious Plausible but false; Intended to deceive counterfeit, specious, apocryphal genuine, authentic, real After receiving a low appraisal on my diamond ring, I realized the suspicious- looking jeweler had sold me a spurious jewel
    Spurn Refuse with contempt despise, disdain, scorn ascend, accept, admire Ellis plays the part of the young lover spurned by his mistress.
    Stout rather fat or of heavy build overweight, porcine, tubby skinny, weak, slight Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes
    Striving to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties conation, conatus, attempt desultory, feeble, indolent We must strive to narrow the gap between rich and poor.
    Scourge A whip used to inflict punishment; Something causing misery or death plague, torment, bane reward, blessing, boon Pop-up ads have been described as the scourge of the Internet.
    Stupor The feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally; Marginal consciousness slumber, hebetude, narcosis liveliness, sensibility, wakefulness Someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor
    Stuttering stammer halting, pause continue Stuttering and wasting moments too precious for words.
    Stymie frustrate, hinder crimp, foil, block aid, forward, support Stan began to think they were stymied when all Hades broke loose from above.
    Succinctly Briefly Shortly, summarily permanently, verbosely Please state your case as succinctly as possible.
    Succour Help given to someone, especially someone who is suffering or in need sustenance, relief, support obstruction, hindrance, blockage Students should be encouraged, supported and succoured
    Succumb die or surrender cease, gave away, defer continue, defend, fight I’m afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cheesecake.
    Swat hit knock, slap, beat lose, surrender Maybe I gave him a swat on his diaper when he was a toddler, but I never re- ally hit him.
    Syllogistic Of or relating to or consisting of syllogism deduction, sanity, ratiocination unreasonableness The bare forms of Syllogistic are a useless item of knowledge unless they are applied to concrete thought.

    For details on the Para Jumbles, refer to the linked article.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Taciturnity reserve aloofness, calmness, coldness agitation, boldness, liberation Smiley is a taciturn, middle-aged intelligence officer who has been forced into retirement.
    Tandem Alongside each other together, in flow alone A tight fiscal policy working in tandem with a tight foreign exchange policy
    Taradiddle a petty lie., pretentious nonsense. fable, fabrication, falsehood, “no sane person would make up such a taradiddle”.
    Tempest a violent windy storm. storm, gale, squall, superstorm, “a raging tempest”
    Tenor intent gist, mood blockage, outside This, however, does not disturb the tenor of the following arguments.
    Tenous very weak or slight. slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible, convincing, substantial, strong The police have only found a tenuous connection between the two robberies.
    Terrestrial on or relating to the earth. earthly, worldly, mundane, earthbound cosmic, heavenly “increased ultraviolet radiation may disrupt terrestrial ecosystems”
    Timid Showing fear and lack of confidence ambivalent, bashful, vacillating conceited, egotistical, extrovert Problems call for bold not timid responses
    Tirade A speech of violent denunciation denunciation, harangue, ranting compliment, harmony, peace Her tirade provoked a counterblast from her husband
    Toil hard work effort, moil , sweat fun, laziness, pastime The actress had to toil for many years before becoming a Hollywood star
    Traverse Travel across or pass over; To cover or extend over an area or time period crisscross, negotiate, perambulate confirm, back up, stay “The caravan traversed almost 100 miles each day
    Trudge walk heavily drag oneself tiptoe A long path that is hard to walk along is an example of a trudge.
    Tumult Uproar agitation, commotion Agreement, Calm Then his words were lost in tumult, for the third day’s fighting began.
    Tyranny dictatorship, a situation in which someone or something controls how you are able to live, in an unfair way autocracy, despotism Democracy Women, the play seems to suggest, must resist the tyranny of domesticity


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Unabashed Not embarrassed blatant, brazen, audacious fearful, ashamed, apologetic A tinselled charm and unabashed sentimentality
    Uncanny Suggesting the operation of supernatural influences superhuman, exceptional, unearthly ordinary, common, familiar Stumps…had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures
    Unctuous Sycophantic Ingratiating, servile blunt, genuine, sincere Anna was thankful that the unctuous man who first greeted her at the modelling agency would not be the person she would be working with.
    Unerrign Accurate certain, errorless mistaken. imperfect He had read the yearning of her heartwith unerring insight

    For details on the Cloze Test, refer to the linked article.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Vaccilation fluctuation hesitation,doubt,indecision certainty,sure The confusion about the project has been made worse by the vacillation and indecision.
    Valiant Having or showing valour gallant, gritty, stalwart afraid, cowardly, timid In course of time the valiant Swedes were obliged to give way before their enemy.
    Veer Change direction Bend, deflect keep to, stay Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter veered off course into an oil platform.
    Vendetta A feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other bickering, grudge, hostility agreement, forgiveness, peace He saw himself as the victim of a personal vendetta being waged by his political enemies.
    Vicarious experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. indirect, second-hand, secondary, derivative, “this catalogue brings vicarious pleasure in luxury living”


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Wading often through water initiate, walk , fall to dodge, end, finish They all removed their shoes and socks and rolled up their pants legs before wading into the cold water.
    Wane to become weaker in strength or influence atrophy, dwindle, taper off brighten, ascend, enlarge By the late 70s the band’s popularity was beginning to wane.
    Weary Tired Exhausted, fatigued refresh, energetic Children weary me with their constant questions and demands.
    Wobbling shaking quaking, staggering, swaying steady The motion of something that wobbles.

    To get detailed knowledge and examples on Prefixes and Suffixes, candidates can visit the linked article.


    Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
    Zenith the time at which something is most powerful or successful. highest point, high point, crowning point, height nadir, bottom “His career reached its zenith in the 1960s.”

    Hope this article helped you with new words and meaning. Do practice these words on the Testbook App for free.

    Q.1 What are Synonyms?

    Ans.1 Synonyms are the same meaning words. Example: See and Look

    Q.2 What are Antonyms?

    Ans.2 Synonyms are different meaning words. Example: Seen and Unseen

    Q.3 What is the importance of Synonyms & Antonyms?

    Ans.3 A student having good knowledge of Synonyms & Antonyms can write better Essays and Reports.

    Q.4  Which are the exams in which Synonyms and Antonyms are asked?

    Ans.4 Synonyms & Antonyms are frequently asked in exams like SSC CGL, NDA, IBPS, UPSC, MBA, bank, and insurance exams.

    Q.5 Where can I practice Synonyms & Antonyms?

    Ans.5 You can practice synonyms and antonyms on our free Testbook App.

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