English word list with frequency

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All word lists were generated from a huge multi-billion sample of language called a corpus which ensures all topics and text types are covered and the word list reflects how words are used by real users. The word lists include the most common and frequently used words, most frequently used nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions and some additional word lists.

How are different forms of the same word counted?

All wordlists are lemmatized (=different forms of the same words are counted together, i.e. goes, went, gone, going and go are counted together and listed as go). This is generally more practical. However, sometimes non-lemmatized word lists listing each word form separately are needed. Sketch Engine can generate both types of word lists.

list of English words starting with gn





words starting gn-

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Please refer to this page to get information about English word lists for commercial use.

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English Frequency Lists[edit]

  • Most Common Words from English Wikipedia (2016)
  • Most common words based off TV and movie scripts (2006)
  • Most common English words in Project Gutenberg (2006, 2005)
  • The 2,000 most common words in contemporary fiction. The same list is also available divided into 60 subject categories.
  • The 2,000 most common words in contemporary poetry.
  • Complete Shakespeare wordlist (with modernised spellings)
  • Appendix:Basic English word list
  • Simple:Wikipedia:Basic English combined wordlist
  • Academic Word List by word family: see the simple:Wiktionary:Academic word list on Simple English Wiktionary.

External Links[edit]

  • Word frequency lists for English and other languages from 10K up to 1M, available for download as part of the Leipzig Corpora Collection (CC BY-4.0)
  • 50K and larger word lists based on www.opensubtitles.org for English and other languages (CC BY-SA-4.0)
  • Frequency lists for English and other languages derived from corpora assembled by Leeds University’s Centre for Translation Studies (CC BY-2.5)
  • Frequency list of lemmas derived from an internet corpus assembled by Leeds University’s Centre for Translation Studies (CC BY-2.5)
  • Frequency lists for learners of English and other languages available as part of the Kelly project. (CC BY-ND-NC-SA 2.0)[1]
  • Wikipedia word frequency list (2022) (MIT License)
  • Open English WordNet (CC BY-4.0)
  • British National Corpus — most frequent word families: see the simple:Wiktionary:BNC spoken freq on Simple English Wiktionary.
  • Adam Kilgariff’s BNC database and word frequency lists.]
  • Most frequently-used words in PewDiePie songs (Bitch Lasagna, Congratulations, Mine All Day and Coco)
  • 5000 frequency dictionary based on all episodes of The Simpsons
  • Top 5,000 lemma and the top 60,000 lemma sampled every 7th word from the COCA corpus (the largest and most up-to-date corpus on American English based on written and spoken English)
  • A Common English Lexical Framework, aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) in a CLIL context.[1] See research base.[2]
  • Vocabulary profiler using the 2,709 most commonly used word families, covering 90% of most English texts (excluding proper nouns) at http://lextutor.ca/vp/bnl See http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.esp.2008.08.001 for research base.

Further reading[edit]

  • Brezina, Vaclav, and Dana Gablasova. A Frequency Dictionary of British English: Core Vocabulary and Exercises for Learners. Routledge, 2024.
  • Davies, Mark, and Dee Gardner. A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American English: Word Sketches, Collocates and Thematic Lists. Routledge, February 2010.
  1. ^ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic Licence, meaning it is incompatible with wiktionary.

English word frequency lists

We are providers of high-quality frequency word lists in English (and many other languages). The lists are generated from an enormous authentic database of text (text corpora) produced by real users of English. Our largest English corpus contains texts with a total length of 40,000,000,000 words.

Data quality

A relatively small corpus is sufficient to generate a list of the 2,000 most frequent English words, or the list of 3,000 words or 5,000 words because such words appear frequently enough in any text.

However, an enormous text database (corpus) is required to ensure reliable word frequency information even for rare and infrequently used words. The only viable option of building corpora of billions of words is using an automatic procedure of downloading content from the web. Lexical Computing developed a sophisticated procedure for collecting only linguistically valuable content from the web. A series of tools is used to focus on the right content and to perform deduplication and cleaning. This ensures that the statistics are not skewed. This blog post gives more details.

Wordlist size

We are able to generate frequency lists of millions of unique words in English. The actual size depends on the specifications. By default, we will not include any word which appears fewer than 5 times in the corpus. Such words are typically noise without any linguistic value. The client can specify any filtering options.

Enriched frequency wordlists

We are also able to provide additional information such as POS tags, lemmas, probabilities of the next word, or any other statistics or morphological information.

Regional varieties

The frequency list can be generated from the whole corpus or only from its parts. Each document in the corpus carries information about the top-level domain (TLD) from which it was downloaded, for example .ca, .us or .uk. This information can be used to generate frequency lists of regional varieties of English.

Wordlist sample

The easiest is to register a free trial account in Sketch Engine and use the wordlist tool to generate a wordlist. The advanced tab of the wordlist tool allows for detailed specifications to be used.

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English word frequency list

A random sample of words from the frequency list of English word forms with part-of-speech tags. The list can be delivered in the required format and supplemented with statistical, morphological and other linguistic information.

English frequency list

English word frequency list sample

Download a spreadsheet with a sample of the last 100 words in each thousand between 1,000 and 100,000. The list is case sensitive. Lists with specific criteria and filtering options can be generated to your requirements.

Studies that estimate and rank the most common words in English examine texts written in English. Perhaps the most comprehensive such analysis is one that was conducted against the Oxford English Corpus (OEC), a massive text corpus that is written in the English language.

In total, the texts in the Oxford English Corpus contain more than 2 billion words.[1] The OEC includes a wide variety of writing samples, such as literary works, novels, academic journals, newspapers, magazines, Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, blogs, chat logs, and emails.[2]

Another English corpus that has been used to study word frequency is the Brown Corpus, which was compiled by researchers at Brown University in the 1960s. The researchers published their analysis of the Brown Corpus in 1967. Their findings were similar, but not identical, to the findings of the OEC analysis.

According to The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists, the first 25 words in the OEC make up about one-third of all printed material in English, and the first 100 words make up about half of all written English.[3] According to a study cited by Robert McCrum in The Story of English, all of the first hundred of the most common words in English are of Old English origin,[4] except for «people», ultimately from Latin «populus», and «because», in part from Latin «causa».

Some lists of common words distinguish between word forms, while others rank all forms of a word as a single lexeme (the form of the word as it would appear in a dictionary). For example, the lexeme be (as in to be) comprises all its conjugations (is, was, am, are, were, etc.), and contractions of those conjugations.[5] These top 100 lemmas listed below account for 50% of all the words in the Oxford English Corpus.[1]

100 most common words

A list of 100 words that occur most frequently in written English is given below, based on an analysis of the Oxford English Corpus (a collection of texts in the English language, comprising over 2 billion words).[1] A part of speech is provided for most of the words, but part-of-speech categories vary between analyses, and not all possibilities are listed. For example, «I» may be a pronoun or a Roman numeral; «to» may be a preposition or an infinitive marker; «time» may be a noun or a verb. Also, a single spelling can represent more than one root word. For example, «singer» may be a form of either «sing» or «singe». Different corpora may treat such difference differently.

The number of distinct senses that are listed in Wiktionary is shown in the polysemy column. For example, «out» can refer to an escape, a removal from play in baseball, or any of 36 other concepts. On average, each word in the list has 15.38 senses. The sense count does not include the use of terms in phrasal verbs such as «put out» (as in «inconvenienced») and other multiword expressions such as the interjection «get out!», where the word «out» does not have an individual meaning.[6] As an example, «out» occurs in at least 560 phrasal verbs[7] and appears in nearly 1700 multiword expressions.[8]

The table also includes frequencies from other corpora. Note that as well as usage differences, lemmatisation may differ from corpus to corpus – for example splitting the prepositional use of «to» from the use as a particle. Also the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) list includes dispersion as well as frequency to calculate rank.

Word Parts of speech OEC rank COCA rank[9] Dolch level Polysemy
the Article 1 1 Pre-primer 12
be Verb 2 2 Primer 21
to Preposition 3 7, 9 Pre-primer 17
of Preposition 4 4 Grade 1 12
and Conjunction 5 3 Pre-primer 16
a Article 6 5 Pre-primer 20
in Preposition 7 6, 128, 3038 Pre-primer 23
that Conjunction et al. 8 12, 27, 903 Primer 17
have Verb 9 8 Primer 25
I Pronoun 10 11 Pre-primer 7
it Pronoun 11 10 Pre-primer 18
for Preposition 12 13, 2339 Pre-primer 19
not Adverb et al. 13 28, 2929 Pre-primer 5
on Preposition 14 17, 155 Primer 43
with Preposition 15 16 Primer 11
he Pronoun 16 15 Primer 7
as Adverb, conjunction, et al. 17 33, 49, 129 Grade 1 17
you Pronoun 18 14 Pre-primer 9
do Verb, noun 19 18 Primer 38
at Preposition 20 22 Primer 14
this Determiner, adverb, noun 21 20, 4665 Primer 9
but Preposition, adverb, conjunction 22 23, 1715 Primer 17
his Possessive pronoun 23 25, 1887 Grade 1 6
by Preposition 24 30, 1190 Grade 1 19
from Preposition 25 26 Grade 1 4
they Pronoun 26 21 Primer 6
we Pronoun 27 24 Pre-primer 6
say Verb et al. 28 19 Primer 17
her Possessive pronoun 29, 106 42 Grade 1 3
she Pronoun 30 31 Primer 7
or Conjunction 31 32 Grade 2 11
an Article 32 (a) Grade 1 6
will Verb, noun 33 48, 1506 Primer 16
my Possessive pronoun 34 44 Pre-primer 5
one Noun, adjective, et al. 35 51, 104, 839 Pre-primer 24
all Adjective 36 43, 222 Primer 15
would Verb 37 41 Grade 2 13
there Adverb, pronoun, et al. 38 53, 116 Primer 14
their Possessive pronoun 39 36 Grade 2 2
what Pronoun, adverb, et al. 40 34 Primer 19
so Conjunction, adverb, et al. 41 55, 196 Primer 18
up Adverb, preposition, et al. 42 50, 456 Pre-primer 50
out Preposition 43 64, 149 Primer 38
if Conjunction 44 40 Grade 3 9
about Preposition, adverb, et al. 45 46, 179 Grade 3 18
who Pronoun, noun 46 38 Primer 5
get Verb 47 39 Primer 37
which Pronoun 48 58 Grade 2 7
go Verb, noun 49 35 Pre-primer 54
me Pronoun 50 61 Pre-primer 10
when Adverb 51 57, 136 Grade 1 11
make Verb, noun 52 45 Grade 2 [as «made»] 48
can Verb, noun 53 37, 2973 Pre-primer 18
like Preposition, verb 54 74, 208, 1123, 1684, 2702 Primer 26
time Noun 55 52 Dolch list of 95 nouns 14
no Determiner, adverb 56 93, 699, 916, 1111, 4555 Primer 10
just Adjective 57 66, 1823 14
him Pronoun 58 68 5
know Verb, noun 59 47 13
take Verb, noun 60 63 66
people Noun 61 62 9
into Preposition 62 65 10
year Noun 63 54 7
your Possessive pronoun 64 69 4
good Adjective 65 110, 2280 32
some Determiner, pronoun 66 60 10
could Verb 67 71 6
them Pronoun 68 59 3
see Verb 69 67 25
other Adjective, pronoun 70 75, 715, 2355 12
than Conjunction, preposition 71 73, 712 4
then Adverb 72 77 10
now Preposition 73 72, 1906 13
look Verb 74 85, 604 17
only Adverb 75 101, 329 11
come Verb 76 70 20
its Possessive pronoun 77 78 2
over Preposition 78 124, 182 19
think Verb 79 56 10
also Adverb 80 87 2
back Noun, adverb 81 108, 323, 1877 36
after Preposition 82 120, 260 14
use Verb, noun 83 92, 429 17
two Noun 84 80 6
how Adverb 85 76 11
our Possessive pronoun 86 79 3
work Verb, noun 87 117, 199 28
first Adjective 88 86, 2064 10
well Adverb 89 100, 644 30
way Noun, adverb 90 84, 4090 16
even Adjective 91 107, 484 23
new Adjective et al. 92 88 18
want Verb 93 83 10
because Conjunction 94 89, 509 7
any Pronoun 95 109, 4720 4
these Pronoun 96 82 2
give Verb 97 98 19
day Noun 98 90 9
most Adverb 99 144, 187 12
us Pronoun 100 113 6

Parts of speech

The following is a very similar list, subdivided by part of speech.[1] The list labeled «Others» includes pronouns, possessives, articles, modal verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions.

Rank Nouns Verbs Adjectives Prepositions Others
1 time be good to the
2 person have new of and
3 year do first in a
4 way say last for that
5 day get long on I
6 thing make great with it
7 man go little at not
8 world know own by he
9 life take other from as
10 hand see old up you
11 part come right about this
12 child think big into but
13 eye look high over his
14 woman want different after they
15 place give small her
16 work use large she
17 week find next or
18 case tell early an
19 point ask young will
20 government work important my
21 company seem few one
22 number feel public all
23 group try bad would
24 problem leave same there
25 fact call able their

See also

  • Basic English
  • Frequency analysis, the study of the frequency of letters or groups of letters
  • Letter frequencies
  • Oxford English Corpus
  • Swadesh list, a compilation of basic concepts for the purpose of historical-comparative linguistics
  • Zipf’s law, a theory stating that the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in a frequency table

Word lists

  • Dolch Word List, a list of frequently used English words
  • General Service List
  • Word lists by frequency


  1. ^ a b c d «The Oxford English Corpus: Facts about the language». OxfordDictionaries.com. Oxford University Press. What is the commonest word?. Archived from the original on December 26, 2011. Retrieved June 22, 2011.
  2. ^ «The Oxford English Corpus». AskOxford.com. Archived from the original on May 4, 2006. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
  3. ^ The First 100 Most Commonly Used English Words Archived 2013-06-16 at the Wayback Machine.
  4. ^ Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way, Harper Perennial, 2001, page 58
  5. ^ Benjamin Zimmer. June 22, 2006. Time after time after time…. Language Log. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
  6. ^ Benjamin, Martin (2019). «Polysemy in top 100 Oxford English Corpus words within Wiktionary». Teach You Backwards. Retrieved December 28, 2019.
  7. ^ Garcia-Vega, M (2010). «Teasing out the meaning of «out»«. 29th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar.
  8. ^ «out — English-French Dictionary». www.wordreference.com. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  9. ^ «Word frequency: based on 450 million word COCA corpus». www.wordfrequency.info. Retrieved April 11, 2018.

External links

Our list of the 1000 most common and frequently used words in English IN ORDER OF FREQUENCY.

Because this list of the 1000 most common words is in order of frequency, the first word on the list is used 2x more than the word below it, and the the next word is used 2x more than the word after that (and so on). Focus on the first 100 words, then the next 100 for the most efficient way to learn English vocabulary. After that, you can really challenge yourself with our list of 3000 English words and here is a version with Hindi translation.

  1. the
  2. be
  3. and
  4. a
  5. of
  6. to
  7. in
  8. i
  9. you
  10. it
  11. have
  12. to
  13. that
  14. for
  15. do
  16. he
  17. with
  18. on
  19. this
  20. n’t
  21. we
  22. that
  23. not
  24. but
  25. they
  26. say
  27. at
  28. what
  29. his
  30. from
  31. go
  32. or
  33. by
  34. get
  35. she
  36. my
  37. can
  38. as
  39. know
  40. if
  41. me
  42. your
  43. all
  44. who
  45. about
  46. their
  47. will
  48. so
  49. would
  50. make
  51. just
  52. up
  53. think
  54. time
  55. there
  56. see
  57. her
  58. as
  59. out
  60. one
  61. come
  62. people
  63. take
  64. year
  65. him
  66. them
  67. some
  68. want
  69. how
  70. when
  71. which
  72. now
  73. like
  74. other
  75. could
  76. our
  77. into
  78. here
  79. then
  80. than
  81. look
  82. way
  83. more
  84. these
  85. no
  86. thing
  87. well
  88. because
  89. also
  90. two
  91. use
  92. tell
  93. good
  94. first
  95. man
  96. day
  97. find
  98. give
  99. more
  100. new
  101. one
  102. us
  103. any
  104. those
  105. very
  106. her
  107. need
  108. back
  109. there
  110. should
  111. even
  112. only
  113. many
  114. really
  115. work
  116. life
  117. why
  118. right
  119. down
  120. on
  121. try
  122. let
  123. something
  124. too
  125. call
  126. woman
  127. may
  128. still
  129. through
  130. mean
  131. after
  132. never
  133. no
  134. world
  135. in
  136. feel
  137. yeah
  138. great
  139. last
  140. child
  141. oh
  142. over
  143. ask
  144. when
  145. as
  146. school
  147. state
  148. much
  149. talk
  150. out
  151. keep
  152. leave
  153. put
  154. like
  155. help
  156. big
  157. where
  158. same
  159. all
  160. own
  161. while
  162. start
  163. three
  164. high
  165. every
  166. another
  167. become
  168. most
  169. between
  170. happen
  171. family
  172. over
  173. president
  174. old
  175. yes
  176. house
  177. show
  178. again
  179. student
  180. so
  181. seem
  182. might
  183. part
  184. hear
  185. its
  186. place
  187. problem
  188. where
  189. believe
  190. country
  191. always
  192. week
  193. point
  194. hand
  195. off
  196. play
  197. turn
  198. few
  199. group
  200. such
  201. against
  202. run
  203. guy
  204. about
  205. case
  206. question
  207. work
  208. night
  209. live
  210. game
  211. number
  212. write
  213. bring
  214. without
  215. money
  216. lot
  217. most
  218. book
  219. system
  220. government
  221. next
  222. city
  223. company
  224. story
  225. today
  226. job
  227. move
  228. must
  229. bad
  230. friend
  231. during
  232. begin
  233. love
  234. each
  235. hold
  236. different
  237. american
  238. little
  239. before
  240. ever
  241. word
  242. fact
  243. right
  244. read
  245. anything
  246. nothing
  247. sure
  248. small
  249. month
  250. program
  251. maybe
  252. right
  253. under
  254. business
  255. home
  256. kind
  257. stop
  258. pay
  259. study
  260. since
  261. issue
  262. name
  263. idea
  264. room
  265. percent
  266. far
  267. away
  268. law
  269. actually
  270. large
  271. though
  272. provide
  273. lose
  274. power
  275. kid
  276. war
  277. understand
  278. head
  279. mother
  280. real
  281. best
  282. team
  283. eye
  284. long
  285. long
  286. side
  287. water
  288. young
  289. wait
  290. okay
  291. both
  292. yet
  293. after
  294. meet
  295. service
  296. area
  297. important
  298. person
  299. hey
  300. thank
  301. much
  302. someone
  303. end
  304. change
  305. however
  306. only
  307. around
  308. hour
  309. everything
  310. national
  311. four
  312. line
  313. girl
  314. around
  315. watch
  316. until
  317. father
  318. sit
  319. create
  320. information
  321. car
  322. learn
  323. least
  324. already
  325. kill
  326. minute
  327. party
  328. include
  329. stand
  330. together
  331. back
  332. follow
  333. health
  334. remember
  335. often
  336. reason
  337. speak
  338. ago
  339. set
  340. black
  341. member
  342. community
  343. once
  344. social
  345. news
  346. allow
  347. win
  348. body
  349. lead
  350. continue
  351. whether
  352. enough
  353. spend
  354. level
  355. able
  356. political
  357. almost
  358. boy
  359. university
  360. before
  361. stay
  362. add
  363. later
  364. change
  365. five
  366. probably
  367. center
  368. among
  369. face
  370. public
  371. die
  372. food
  373. else
  374. history
  375. buy
  376. result
  377. morning
  378. off
  379. parent
  380. office
  381. course
  382. send
  383. research
  384. walk
  385. door
  386. white
  387. several
  388. court
  389. home
  390. grow
  391. better
  392. open
  393. moment
  394. including
  395. consider
  396. both
  397. such
  398. little
  399. within
  400. second
  401. late
  402. street
  403. free
  404. better
  405. everyone
  406. policy
  407. table
  408. sorry
  409. care
  410. low
  411. human
  412. please
  413. hope
  414. TRUE
  415. process
  416. teacher
  417. data
  418. offer
  419. death
  420. whole
  421. experience
  422. plan
  423. easy
  424. education
  425. build
  426. expect
  427. fall
  428. himself
  429. age
  430. hard
  431. sense
  432. across
  433. show
  434. early
  435. college
  436. music
  437. appear
  438. mind
  439. class
  440. police
  441. use
  442. effect
  443. season
  444. tax
  445. heart
  446. son
  447. art
  448. possible
  449. serve
  450. break
  451. although
  452. end
  453. market
  454. even
  455. air
  456. force
  457. require
  458. foot
  459. up
  460. listen
  461. agree
  462. according
  463. anyone
  464. baby
  465. wrong
  466. love
  467. cut
  468. decide
  469. republican
  470. full
  471. behind
  472. pass
  473. interest
  474. sometimes
  475. security
  476. eat
  477. report
  478. control
  479. rate
  480. local
  481. suggest
  482. report
  483. nation
  484. sell
  485. action
  486. support
  487. wife
  488. decision
  489. receive
  490. value
  491. base
  492. pick
  493. phone
  494. thanks
  495. event
  496. drive
  497. strong
  498. reach
  499. remain
  500. explain
  501. site
  502. hit
  503. pull
  504. church
  505. model
  506. perhaps
  507. relationship
  508. six
  509. fine
  510. movie
  511. field
  512. raise
  513. less
  514. player
  515. couple
  516. million
  517. themselves
  518. record
  519. especially
  520. difference
  521. light
  522. development
  523. federal
  524. former
  525. role
  526. pretty
  527. myself
  528. view
  529. price
  530. effort
  531. nice
  532. quite
  533. along
  534. voice
  535. finally
  536. department
  537. either
  538. toward
  539. leader
  540. because
  541. photo
  542. wear
  543. space
  544. project
  545. return
  546. position
  547. special
  548. million
  549. film
  550. need
  551. major
  552. type
  553. town
  554. article
  555. road
  556. form
  557. chance
  558. drug
  559. economic
  560. situation
  561. choose
  562. practice
  563. cause
  564. happy
  565. science
  566. join
  567. teach
  568. early
  569. develop
  570. share
  571. yourself
  572. carry
  573. clear
  574. brother
  575. matter
  576. dead
  577. image
  578. star
  579. cost
  580. simply
  581. post
  582. society
  583. picture
  584. piece
  585. paper
  586. energy
  587. personal
  588. building
  589. military
  590. open
  591. doctor
  592. activity
  593. exactly
  594. american
  595. media
  596. miss
  597. evidence
  598. product
  599. realize
  600. save
  601. arm
  602. technology
  603. catch
  604. comment
  605. look
  606. term
  607. color
  608. cover
  609. describe
  610. guess
  611. choice
  612. source
  613. mom
  614. soon
  615. director
  616. international
  617. rule
  618. campaign
  619. ground
  620. election
  621. face
  622. uh
  623. check
  624. page
  625. fight
  626. itself
  627. test
  628. patient
  629. produce
  630. certain
  631. whatever
  632. half
  633. video
  634. support
  635. throw
  636. third
  637. care
  638. rest
  639. recent
  640. available
  641. step
  642. ready
  643. opportunity
  644. official
  645. oil
  646. call
  647. organization
  648. character
  649. single
  650. current
  651. likely
  652. county
  653. future
  654. dad
  655. whose
  656. less
  657. shoot
  658. industry
  659. second
  660. list
  661. general
  662. stuff
  663. figure
  664. attention
  665. forget
  666. risk
  667. no
  668. focus
  669. short
  670. fire
  671. dog
  672. red
  673. hair
  674. point
  675. condition
  676. wall
  677. daughter
  678. before
  679. deal
  680. author
  681. truth
  682. upon
  683. husband
  684. period
  685. series
  686. order
  687. officer
  688. close
  689. land
  690. note
  691. computer
  692. thought
  693. economy
  694. goal
  695. bank
  696. behavior
  697. sound
  698. deal
  699. certainly
  700. nearly
  701. increase
  702. act
  703. north
  704. well
  705. blood
  706. culture
  707. medical
  708. ok
  709. everybody
  710. top
  711. difficult
  712. close
  713. language
  714. window
  715. response
  716. population
  717. lie
  718. tree
  719. park
  720. worker
  721. draw
  722. plan
  723. drop
  724. push
  725. earth
  726. cause
  727. per
  728. private
  729. tonight
  730. race
  731. than
  732. letter
  733. other
  734. gun
  735. simple
  736. course
  737. wonder
  738. involve
  739. hell
  740. poor
  741. each
  742. answer
  743. nature
  744. administration
  745. common
  746. no
  747. hard
  748. message
  749. song
  750. enjoy
  751. similar
  752. congress
  753. attack
  754. past
  755. hot
  756. seek
  757. amount
  758. analysis
  759. store
  760. defense
  761. bill
  762. like
  763. cell
  764. away
  765. performance
  766. hospital
  767. bed
  768. board
  769. protect
  770. century
  771. summer
  772. material
  773. individual
  774. recently
  775. example
  776. represent
  777. fill
  778. state
  779. place
  780. animal
  781. fail
  782. factor
  783. natural
  784. sir
  785. agency
  786. usually
  787. significant
  788. help
  789. ability
  790. mile
  791. statement
  792. entire
  793. democrat
  794. floor
  795. serious
  796. career
  797. dollar
  798. vote
  799. sex
  800. compare
  801. south
  802. forward
  803. subject
  804. financial
  805. identify
  806. beautiful
  807. decade
  808. bit
  809. reduce
  810. sister
  811. quality
  812. quickly
  813. act
  814. press
  815. worry
  816. accept
  817. enter
  818. mention
  819. sound
  820. thus
  821. plant
  822. movement
  823. scene
  824. section
  825. treatment
  826. wish
  827. benefit
  828. interesting
  829. west
  830. candidate
  831. approach
  832. determine
  833. resource
  834. claim
  835. answer
  836. prove
  837. sort
  838. enough
  839. size
  840. somebody
  841. knowledge
  842. rather
  843. hang
  844. sport
  845. tv
  846. loss
  847. argue
  848. left
  849. note
  850. meeting
  851. skill
  852. card
  853. feeling
  854. despite
  855. degree
  856. crime
  857. that
  858. sign
  859. occur
  860. imagine
  861. vote
  862. near
  863. king
  864. box
  865. present
  866. figure
  867. seven
  868. foreign
  869. laugh
  870. disease
  871. lady
  872. beyond
  873. discuss
  874. finish
  875. design
  876. concern
  877. ball
  878. east
  879. recognize
  880. apply
  881. prepare
  882. network
  883. huge
  884. success
  885. district
  886. cup
  887. name
  888. physical
  889. growth
  890. rise
  891. hi
  892. standard
  893. force
  894. sign
  895. fan
  896. theory
  897. staff
  898. hurt
  899. legal
  900. september
  901. set
  902. outside
  903. et
  904. strategy
  905. clearly
  906. property
  907. lay
  908. final
  909. authority
  910. perfect
  911. method
  912. region
  913. since
  914. impact
  915. indicate
  916. safe
  917. committee
  918. supposed
  919. dream
  920. training
  921. shit
  922. central
  923. option
  924. eight
  925. particularly
  926. completely
  927. opinion
  928. main
  929. ten
  930. interview
  931. exist
  932. remove
  933. dark
  934. play
  935. union
  936. professor
  937. pressure
  938. purpose
  939. stage
  940. blue
  941. herself
  942. sun
  943. pain
  944. artist
  945. employee
  946. avoid
  947. account
  948. release
  949. fund
  950. environment
  951. treat
  952. specific
  953. version
  954. shot
  955. hate
  956. reality
  957. visit
  958. club
  959. justice
  960. river
  961. brain
  962. memory
  963. rock
  964. talk
  965. camera
  966. global
  967. various
  968. arrive
  969. notice
  970. bit
  971. detail
  972. challenge
  973. argument
  974. lot
  975. nobody
  976. weapon
  977. best
  978. station
  979. island
  980. absolutely
  981. instead
  982. discussion
  983. instead
  984. affect
  985. design
  986. little
  987. anyway
  988. respond
  989. control
  990. trouble
  991. conversation
  992. manage
  993. close
  994. date
  995. public
  996. army
  997. top
  998. post
  999. charge
  1000. seat

Strommen has the very best ESL instructors in the world, we work with Film and TV stars as well as fortune 500 CEOS. You don’t have to be in Los Angeles to work with one of our private ESL instructors, you can also take online ESL classes with us.

When learning a new language the amount of vocabulary can be daunting. Have you heard people say things like: “We only use around 700 words when we talk?” This is true to some degree. The number of words to learn to speak a language really depends on your purpose. Remember that 300 to 600 words may be enough to travel, but at least 1,000 words are necessary for a conversation. The most important thing is not knowing how many words you need to speak a language, but which words to know. Complete fluency is in the 10,000 word range. According to the economist: “Most adult native test-takers range from 20,000–35,000 words. Average native test-takers of age 8 already know 10,000 words. Average native test-takers of age 4 already know 5,000 words. Adult native test-takers learn almost 1 new word a day until middle age”

10,000 words. Wow. That does seem daunting when you are first starting out. But like anything new, you just have to start small and keep adding to it. Why not start smart as well? Below is a list of 100 words that are the most commonly used in the Spanish language.

That’s why we wrote this blog article: Find the 1000 words used most often in spoken English below.


Let’s imagine that you just got a job as a bartender. Would you try to learn every cocktail known to man, or would you focus on the cocktails that are most popular in your area? We developed this list of words based on the idea of the 80/20 principle (the cornerstone of results-based living). This strategy developed by David Kock that says “The 80/20 Principle asserts that a minority of causes, inputs or efforts usually lead to a majority of the results, outputs or rewards” So instead of learning 10,000 words in no particular order, learn the most common 100 words, then the most common 500 words, and then the most common 1000 words. If you want to check out this classic business book, you can order it here. You can also scroll down to start reviewing the 1000 most common words in English below.


  1. Watch Netflix in Original language with original language captions
  2. Check out a great book like this: to learn more English Words
  3. Do some quick daily exercises on DuoLingo or any other free language learning app
  4. Take some classes with us at Strømmen and speak to a real human in person or online
  5. Use our list of 1000 most common words in English below. If you don’t know a word you can use google translate to see the meaning.


This list is provided by www.wordfrequency.info (thank you!) and is the list that is most useful for language learners. According to thir site it is “Perhaps most useful for language learners, where they probably don’t care about the separate frequency of individual word forms, e.g. decide, decides, decided. It shows the frequency (raw frequency and frequency per million words) in each of the eight main genres: blogs, other web, TV/Movies, (more formal) spoken, fiction, magazine, newspaper, and academic. If you would like to further explore the data please head over to their site. We have chosen this list of 1000 most common words in English because we feel it is the best data set for those of you looking to improve your English vocabulary.



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