English word learning apps

Last updated:

December 22, 2022

English vocabulary is arguably the most important aspect of learning English. 

Nowadays, just looking up “English vocabulary” in the App Store or on Google Play will give you infinite results. So how do you choose the best one for you?

Thankfully, we have combed through tons of great apps to learn English and picked out the very best that help with word acquisition. 

In this article, we’ll help you find the resources to study English words for each unique type of learner.


  • 1. Best for Busy Learners: Word of the Day
  • 2. Best for Learning in Context: FluentU
  • 3. Best for Serious Learners: Voxy
  • 4. Best for Conversational Phrases: Memrise
  • 5. Best for Visual Learners: English Vocabulary by Picture
  • 6. Best All-in-one App: Busuu
  • 7. Best for Flashcards: VocApp English Flashcards
  • 8. Best for Beginners: English Vocabulary Builder
  • 9. Best for Intermediate Vocabulary: Galvanize Test Prep Ultimate Vocabulary Builder
  • 10. Best for Offline Practice: Fortitude Vocabulary Builder
  • 11. Best for TOEFL Takers: TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards
  • 12. Best for Proficiency Tests: Test Your English Vocabulary
  • 13. Best for Spelling Practice: Catena
  • 14. Best for Word Picture Association: 4 Pics 1 Word
  • 15. Best for Advanced Learners: Words with Friends
  • 16. Best for Puzzle Lovers: Alphabear
  • 17. Best for Casual Learners: Words of Wonders
  • How Do Vocabulary Apps Help You Learn English Words Faster?

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1. Best for Busy Learners: Word of the Day

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free


The best way to learn new words is to make them a daily habit. Learning one or two new words each day will help you in the long run. If you’re already busy with jobs and other work and therefore can’t devote much time to learning, there’s a very simple app to help you out.

With Word of the Day, you’ll learn a new word each day, remember your favorite words and even browse and find out what other people like. They also have a number of pronunciation options, so you’ll know exactly where to put the accents and the stresses!


2. Best for Learning in Context: FluentU

Available on: iOS | Android 

Price: Monthly subscription, Free trial available

FluentU uses authentic videos such as music, news, politics and more to can grow your English vocabulary and build your English cultural knowledge at the same time. The videos are targeted toward native speakers, so you will be learning with authentic and relevant content. 

You can start by watching any video in the extensive library that interests you—they’re easily organized by topic and difficulty (beginner to advanced). As you watch, you can click on the interactive subtitles for an instant definition of any word, as well as its pronunciation and example sentences.

FluentU also works as a video dictionary, letting you look up any word and discover all clips in the library that feature your search.

After you finish a video, you can review new vocabulary through quizzes and multimedia flashcards to make sure you remember all the new words.

3. Best for Serious Learners: Voxy

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Monthly subscription, Free trial available

Voxy is focused on providing English training for employees of companies and corporations.

Voxy adapts to your needs and gives you personalized lessons. So whether you need English words to ace an exam or meet a client, Voxy ensures that you pick up the relevant vocabulary.

It does so by analyzing your learning needs and providing audio and visual content. You can take your lessons anywhere with the app and even get fun practice options, like karaoke-style music lessons.

You can schedule a one-on-one live tutoring session and receive feedback. If you’re learning with others—for example, a team of employees—Voxy is specially designed to help with that. 


4. Best for Conversational Phrases: Memrise

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free, Premium subscription available

free-english-learning-appsMemrise is essentially a flashcard app. But don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s simple. The app uses SRS, or a Spaced Repetition System, which is a unique algorithm proven to help you remember words and phrases faster. 

The app uses video examples of language being used in real life, so you will be listening to real native speakers use their language in a natural way while you learn. The gamified method of learning will also keep you entertained and motivated to continue learning. 

Memrise also has courses created by the company and other users, which gives you tons of options to choose from while you learn. If you want a more methodical approach, you can go through their courses that start from beginner and move on to advanced. 


See our full review of Memrise here. 

5. Best for Visual Learners: English Vocabulary by Picture


Available on: iOS

Price: Free

Are you a visual learner? Lots of people are! You can definitely learn English vocabulary words through pictures and this app from oCoder proves it.

With this app, you can access thousands of vocabulary words divided into 100 topics. Each word is accompanied by a clear image and audio clip. You can browse different words and use the test function to quiz yourself.

This app also has a translation feature that allows you to look up and translate English words into your mother language. If you’re not used to Latin lettering, you can also test your typing skills for different vocabulary words. This app really is packed with a lot of features that all levels of learners can enjoy.

6. Best All-in-one App: Busuu

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free, Premium subscription available

Icon imageBusuu is a great app for connecting with one of the largest online learning communities. According to its website, tens of millions of language lovers are part of its worldwide network. The features are focused on community-based learning including its own video chat platform.

The app boasts that it covers all areas of language acquisition, which means it can be used as a comprehensive learning approach. Not only will you pick up English vocabulary in their lessons, but you will also be able to practice writing, speaking and reading every word you learn. 

And once you have the basics down, you can connect with native speakers and learners from all over the world to help you with tricky vocab. 


See our full review of Busuu here.

7. Best for Flashcards: VocApp English Flashcards


Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free

Flashcards are still popular for a reason—they really do work at teaching vocabulary words!

This little flashcard tool from VocApp is perfect for English learners at any level. You can select your preferred difficulty within the app.

This flashcard vocabulary app is unique in that it uses more complex elements to teach you every aspect of a vocabulary word, from the pronunciation to example sentences to definitions.

You can even create your own flashcards in the app for a more customized experience.

8. Best for Beginners: English Vocabulary Builder


Available on: Android

Price: Free

This vocabulary builder app is a must-have for English learners of any level.

The interface is simple and it’s very user-friendly. Select a word theme (such as “Important Words” or “Antonyms”) and take the test to see how well you know that particular word set. Afterward, you can review the words that you incorrectly defined and save them to a custom list to study later.

It’s really a simple app, but sometimes simple is good! All levels of learners can use this handy vocabulary builder, but beginners will benefit the most from the vocabulary words provided.

9. Best for Intermediate Vocabulary: Galvanize Test Prep Ultimate Vocabulary Builder


Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free

This app is one of the most popular English vocabulary apps in the Google Play store, and for good reason. Not only is it great for learning English words, but the design and game-like functions also make it a bit addictive.

For every word you correctly define, you earn points. With these points you can unlock more words as you improve your fluency. The challenge aspect is really fun!

If you’re studying for the GRE—the test that graduate school candidates take in North America—you’re also in luck. This app teaches you the small nuances and details of different English words, which is necessary to pass the GRE.

This app would best suit intermediate and advanced learners, but beginners who want a challenge can certainly try it out.

10. Best for Offline Practice: Fortitude Vocabulary Builder


Available on: Android

Price: Free

Don’t want to use up your data plan? Don’t worry, this vocabulary app from Fortitude works offline.

This app boasts a vocabulary bank of over 1,400 words, complete with accurate and simple definitions, plenty of real-world examples and crystal-clear audio pronunciation. There are pictures to help you understand and remember the words, so even absolute beginners can use this app to power through vocabulary words in English.

You can select beginner, intermediate or advanced and get live updates on how well you’re doing at each level.

If you love a simple and clean design and also want something that can teach you vocabulary offline, this app is for you.

11. Best for TOEFL Takers: TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards


Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free

While this is yet another English flashcard vocabulary app, it’s perfect for any English learner who’s currently cramming for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) in order to enroll in an English-speaking university.

The TOEFL is a big deal for students who want to study abroad in English-speaking countries and this app can be a real lifesaver during the study process. You can access hundreds of vocabulary words that’ve been selected by a professional TOEFL tutor and quiz yourself on their meaning through digital flashcards.

It’s simple, accurate and perfect for intermediate and advanced learners.

12. Best for Proficiency Tests: Test Your English Vocabulary


Available on: Android

Price: Free

If you’re preparing for an English proficiency test and want to get caught up on more complex English vocabulary words, this is the perfect app to use.

Search through thousands of words that you’ll need for English proficiency exams that are popular around the globe. Test your knowledge of these words by matching them with their definitions or vice-versa. You can also play word games for a little bit of entertainment.

This app is also handy because it allows you to define English words in your mother tongue, so beginners can really benefit from this one.

13. Best for Spelling Practice: Catena

Available on: iOS

Price: Free


Catena is a very unique word game that’s especially suited for those who make frequent spelling mistakes or are exceptionally eager to learn moderate or difficult words.

The game is rather simple—you have to use the last or last few letters of the opponent’s word to form a new word. In this way, you’ll build a word chain. So if your opponent had spelled “mostly” you can begin a new word with “lying.”

There are a number of difficulty modes, and you can even challenge other players to a battle of words! With online opponents, both of you will take turns forming new words, building a word chain and earning points accordingly.

This vocabulary app will force you to think on your feet, come up with the right word at the right time and help you pick up words you wouldn’t have encountered in an average class.

14. Best for Word Picture Association: 4 Pics 1 Word

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free


If you love riddles and prefer a visual learning approach, then 4 Pics 1 Word is the app for you. It’ll not only help you sharpen your mental skills, but also help you build a vocabulary for everyday objects and other commonly-used words.

The premise is simple. You’ll be provided with four pictures that share a common quality or element. You must guess the word that connects them together.

New puzzles are always being added and there are many levels to explore, so you’re not likely to run out of material anytime soon.


15. Best for Advanced Learners: Words with Friends

Available on:  iOS | Android

Price: Free


Many of us loved the board game Scrabble as kids. We have fond memories of just how much fun it was putting random letters together to create the highest-scoring words.

Well, Words with Friends provides a similar experience and much more.

Even if you haven’t played Scrabble, it’s pretty easy to learn. There’s a grid and certain areas offer a certain number of points. You have to select letters and form words in the right parts of the grid to earn maximum points. Your opponent may use some of your letters to form new words and score points.


Not only can you challenge your Facebook friends to a match, but you can also match up with other opponents with similar skills. There’s also a “hindsight” option that shows you the best word you could’ve played in the previous turn, an offline mode and weekly challenges to make you play more often.

By playing regularly, you’ll better remember the new words you encounter and expand your vocabulary further.

16. Best for Puzzle Lovers: Alphabear

Available on:  iOS | Android

Price: Free, VIP subscription available


For those who love puzzle games, Alphabear is an extremely fun game to kick-start your vocabulary learning. You have to spell new words and when you select letters that are adjacent to each other, cartoon bears will appear. These bears may increase the points, extend the timer or help you out in some other way.

The game’s design is cute and fun to ensure that you have a good time while you play. There’s even a built-in dictionary for English learners. If you’re bored of memorizing new words, this game will help you pick up where you left off.


17. Best for Casual Learners: Words of Wonders

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free


Solving crosswords is an enjoyable way to pass the time in transit or while you’re waiting for something. If you like crosswords and you’re keen to improve your general knowledge about this world, then Words of Wonders is the game that will test your English vocabulary to its limits.

You’ll be provided with a few letters as clues. You’ll use them to create new words and connect them to figure out the final solution to a crossword. With every right answer, you’ll virtually travel to different cities and visit new wonders.

Not only will you be learning new words, but you’ll also discover new and interesting things about this planet. At the same time, you’ll sharpen problem-solving skills that will benefit you in real life.


How Do Vocabulary Apps Help You Learn English Words Faster?

Many vocabulary apps are designed to help you learn words faster and remember them better, compared to traditional teaching methods. Here are some of the reasons why.

  • They usually have the relevant vocabulary to suit your needs: English learners have diverse needs. A student of business English won’t benefit much from studying engineering or medical vocabulary—while a general English learner doesn’t need to know academic terms.

Therefore choosing resources to cater to your needs is very important.

  • They’re often in the form of interesting and engaging games that make it more fun: You’re not likely to remember much if you memorize a bunch of words from a list. But if you encounter those same words in a game, you’re bound to remember them and their meanings.
  • They encourage you to use them daily: Practice makes perfect and unless you devote time every day to learning something, you won’t get very far. These apps come with daily reminders and motivational messages so that you become enthusiastic about learning and getting your English vocabulary exercises on the regular.
  • They constantly give you new words to learn. Many of these apps have enormous dictionary banks of vocabulary words. Whether you’re a beginner learner, an intermediate learner or an advanced learner, most of these apps are worth having on hand for their vocabulary banks alone.
  • They often have multiplayer options, so you can learn and compete in a study group: Learning on your own isn’t as fun as being part of a study circle. Many of these apps allow you to compete with your friends or have a scoreboard where you can compete with other players. This will make you more invested in the game and help you learn faster.
  • They let you practice English on the go and on your own time since you can take apps anywhere on your device.  When you’re on the bus or on a work break, you can easily learn a couple of new words with these apps on hand.

If you’re serious about improving your English vocabulary, using apps such as the ones mentioned above is a must. Try to pick up English phrases and words that are relevant to you and review them periodically.

Look for opportunities to use these newly-learned words often, and even if you make mistakes, learn from them and keep at it.

As long as you remain passionate and disciplined about your learning, you’re sure to be successful in growing a beautiful English word garden!

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These apps will grow your vocabulary in a minute or two a day. And they’re fun.

Best Vocabulary Apps to Learn Words

Looking to find the best vocabulary app to help improve your lexicon? We’ve curated a list highlighting the best vocabulary apps for smartphones and tablets and resources, along with handful of research-based strategies for remembering what you learn. 

Vocabulary app make learning new words painless or even fun. Vocabulary apps can help you to expand your mastery of any language, thus building your own confidence. Some of these apps includes playing games to improve your vocabulary, and explore language.

Below is a list of the best vocabulary apps that can provide you with vocabulary games, activities, and quizzes.

Learn vocabulary with Wozzol

Wozzol is a flashcard app designed to teach you vocabulary in a pleasant and efficient way. Wozzol is an app that has been developed to learn any combination of facts, mainly targeted to learn vocabulary in a different language. 

There are ready made vocabulary list that you can add but most times you have to create your own. Wozzol app helps to improve your vocabulary knowledge in another language. Wozzol app also allows users to improve their reading comprehension, their spelling and their understanding of the English language in general. 

Utilizing the flashcard technique, you will be able to easily approach new words and language with the added bonus of the app acting as a coach to personalize your learning.

Devices: iOS, Android

If we missed any of the Best Vocabulary Apps to Learn Words, tell us about them!

Word of the Day - Learn Daily

Looking for the best vocabulary app? Word of the Day is one of the most comprehensive vocabulary apps available that aims at helping young people, with a good understanding of the English language, the ability to continue to improve your vocabulary. 

The app uses a wide variety of learning experiences to help users maximise the content and opportunities for learning through games and tests. It provides a word of the day, browsing, and quiz-type features to let learners develop the variety of words at their disposal. The app helps its users to grow their vocabulary using its built-in dictionary and any custom words they decide to add. Words and their definitions are stored within the app, and it can help with pronunciation by reading the words aloud.

Devices: iOS, Android


Vocabulary.com mobile app is the quickest, easiest way to learn vocabulary. This is the vocabulary app that grows with you and also helps you memorize words. Users move through a series of quick questions to determine their level, and Vocabulary.com can cater a list to fit their abilities. You can also choose from over 50,000 pre-made lists. With the incentive to earn points and badges, you can be motivated and start building your vocabulary by competing with world-wide users. 

This combined learning tool and game helps you learn over 12,000 words more effectively. This vocabulary app includes clever usage tips and thousands of real-world example sentences that’ll show you how words live in the wild and will make you more confident about using them yourself.

This word learning app reinforces word skills until mastery is achieved. With the integration of topic lists, personalized lists, and user selected words, this app really is an all-inclusive vocabulary study companion. Vocabulary.com can also be accessed from the web.

PowerVocab is not only a fun word game – it also has a built-in dictionary that you can use everyday making it one of the best vocabulary apps on the market. PowerVocab is a free word game for Android which is not available anymore in the Google Play Store. 

Devices: Android

Vocabulary Builder: Daily Word

Vocabulary Builder: Daily Word is an app to help people who are already proficient in English to expand their vocabulary. It provides a word of the day, browsing, and quiz-type features to let learners develop the variety of words at their disposal.

The app helps its users grow their vocabulary using its built-in dictionary and any custom words they add. Words and their definitions are stored within the app, and it can help with pronunciation by reading the words aloud.

There are various options in the app to learn and revise words.

Devices: Android

Vocab Victor English Word Game

Vocab Victor can support English Language Learners who are building their language proficiency. The app can help English speakers improve their vocabulary too, but is particularly useful for students learning the language. With Vocab Victor, students can explore intermediate-level vocabulary to increase competence across four language skills.

This is a game based app that follows the story of Victor who, living in a castle, has had all of his words taken away by a dragon. It is up to the user to move through the game completing the word exercises in a bit to retrieve them and to help Victor recover all his words.

This word learning app is designed to supplement classroom instruction. Assign this fun app in lieu of vocabulary lists, flashcards, and worksheets to give students focused instruction that will hold their attention. Victor teaches intermediate-level vocabulary, increasing competence across all four language skills, and helps students build native-like word association networks making it one of the best vocabulary apps on the market!

Vocabulary knowledge builds up over time, and studies show that students know more about words than they think they do. 

Devices: Android, iPad and iPhone

Download Vocab Victor

Word of the day

Word of the Day is a simple vocabulary app that every day select a word for you to know and memorize and deemed by many as the best vocabulary app on the market. Read the definition and expand your vocabulary in an easy way. This word learning app also allows you to save your favorite words.

Word of the Day is a vocabulary app that will help you to expand your vocabulary in an easy way. Get a new word every day, remember your favorite words, know what other people like and share words with your friends. This knowledge app is also designed to provide vocabulary trivia and learn words daily. It features quizzes for a more fun vocabulary learning.

Using a word a day calendar, or subscribe to a website to receive Word of the Day email every day, or install widget on the home screen of your devices and you will get a new word every day with its definition or develop your own list of words to learn. 

It is a well-known fact that ‘A word a day’ method is highly effective when mastering a language. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Merriam-Webster Word of the Day (Web, Email)
  • Dictionary.com Word of the Day (Web, Email, iOS, Android)
  • Wordsmith.org: A.Word.A.Day (Email, Web)

Devices: Android, iPad and iPhone

Download Word of the Day

Magoosh Vocabulary Builder

Like all other vocabulary apps, Vocabulary Builder aims to expand your grasp of words. The app provides a word, its definition, and examples of its use within real sentences. Vocabulary Builder spans difficulty levels so you can focus on words that are the right difficulty for you, no matter what your verbal skills are which is one of the reasons we think it is one of the best vocabulary apps.

Magoosh, known to some as the best vocabulary app, offers not just one but many English flashcard apps to choose from, depending on the kind of vocabulary you need to learn. Magoosh Vocabulary builder (available for Android and iOS) is just one of their vocabulary apps aimed at students preparing for their GRE, GMAT, TOEFL and SAT tests. Magoosh’s vocabulary app is ideal for students on the go that may have just a few minutes at a time to learn new words.

Devices: Android, iPad and iPhone

Download Magoosh Vocabulary Builder

Words With Friends

The insanely popular game from Zynga will help you learn and master English with crosswords, spelling bees and word search, among many other games making it a great improve vocabulary app. While you are playing, you will learn vocabulary, and you will be able to challenge your friends to beat your score.

The updated social dictionary contains 50,000 new words suggested by players on top of the existing words that were in Words With Friends. Players could already use the social dictionary in Words With Friends, but now it comes with usage stats that let you see how your creativity in using the new words stacks up against other players’.

The classic one-on-one gameplay you love is here too with additional themed challenges and personalized daily goals to keep you engaged and learning. If you like crosswords and you’re keen to improve your general knowledge about this world, then Words with Friends (available on both iOS and Android smartphones) is the game that will test your English vocabulary to its limits.

Devices: Android, iPad and iPhone

Download Words With Friends


Learn English vocabulary by using flashcards, then by seeing the words twice and using your different senses (seeing and hearing), you’ll be making it easier to remember the words. Quizlet, with more than 50 million users is much more than just a vocabulary app.   

Quizlet’s app has more than just flashcards.This improve vocabulary app also has a “learn” mode with word pronunciations from native speakers, a fast-paced vocabulary matching game, the ability to share your words with others and much more.

You can choose from flashcard lists made by other users or make your own. After you’ve studied your word list and feel confident, you can test yourself with customizable quizzes. The simple and smooth design of this learning vocabulary app means no distractions.

Flashcards are an incredibly simple and effective way to memorize new words. Flashcard apps make learning even more effective by adding many different features and options to reinforce your learning.

Devices: Android, iPad and iPhone

Download Quizlet

Memrise: Learn Languages Free

Memrise is a free vocabulary app dedicated to help people learn languages and vocabulary quick and effectively. It offers an app for Android and iOS devices to allow you to follow the courses wherever you are. It uses audio, images, and fun, creative activities to help you learn and remember words and their meanings.

Memrise also utilises what is called “spaced repetition” to regularly review your progress. It does so with frequent easier tests in the beginning as you’re starting to learn new words, and then less frequently, but with harder tests, as the new words are committed to long-term memory making this one of the best vocabulary apps on the market.

Devices: Android, iPad and iPhone

Download Memrise

There are so many good vocabulary apps available on the app stores. By using one of the following vocabulary-building apps, you are guaranteed to develop a strong vocabulary and keep improving it every day.

Read More:

Apps for Learning English

Spelling Games for Adults

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In this article, we will take a look at the best apps to learn English vocabulary that can help you improve your English language communication skills. We will provide an overview of each app and the most important features.

Let’s get started.

Best Apps to Learn English Vocabulary

Why Use Apps to Improve Your English Vocabulary?

People who are becoming proficient in English, whether native or non-native speakers, will often find themselves in situations where they need to use English in a specific context. Because of this, learning vocabulary in English is an essential aspect of the language.

There are many different apps that you can use to learn these types of words. Some apps are better than others, but they all have one thing in common: they are all beneficial for learning English vocabulary.

There are many reasons why you should use apps to learn English vocabulary. These apps can be a lot of fun. 

Learn new words quickly: Many people learn English vocabulary because they want to learn the language and learn new words. They do not want just to memorize a bunch of words but instead want to understand the meaning of the words. These apps are a great way to do this. 

Flexibility: They can be used in many different ways to help you learn the meaning of words. They can be used in your free time, during work, or at school.

Apps are effective: Technological advances have allowed people to do things that were once very difficult. These advances will enable you to learn English vocabulary in a fun and effective way.

Proven data: One study conducted by the Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, found a significant correlation between the use of apps and improved English vocabulary. The study showed that students who used an app to learn English vocabulary had a higher vocabulary test score than students who did not use an app. 

Using the quasi-experimental method, the study compared the test scores of students who used an app to learn English vocabulary with those who did not use an app. 

The results of the study found that the students who did not use an app scored an average of 73.13, and the students who used an app scored an average of 87.66.

Another study conducted by the Multimedia University, Malaysia, found that using mobile applications helped enhance the learning of vocabulary, confidence, class participation, and task completion. 

According to this study, mobile apps affect second language acquisition in intermediate-level English learners by giving them a better understanding of English and the vocabulary, giving them a better idea of how to communicate, and helping them develop self-confidence.

45 Best Apps to Learn and Improve Your English Vocabulary 

There are just so many different apps that you can use to learn English vocabulary. 

The apps that are available to you will depend on what you are looking for. 

Some apps are focused on one group of vocabulary, while others are more general. 

Some apps are free, while others are paid.

Here, we have compiled a list of the best apps for learning English vocabulary. We’ve done the research and the hard work, so you don’t have to. This extensive list will help you understand the apps, some features, and pricing model.

Each of these apps has the key features that make it the best choice for learning English vocabulary. These apps are great for all people, but they are great for some people, depending on what they are looking for.

So, let’s look at each of these apps and find out what makes them so great.

1. Vocab 

Vocab is a premium app that helps you learn vocabulary by assisting you with your memory and writing skills. It has a cloud-based system that allows you to access your entire vocabulary history.

Vocab has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to record your words and grammar easily and to record your words and grammar and study your progress and analyze your progress. The app is available for Windows and Mac OS tablets or laptops.

  • Price: USD 67.00
  • Available on: Mac OS | Windows

2. Memrise

Memrise is a very popular app that many people have used to learn English vocabulary. There are many different types of lessons that you can use to learn vocabulary. There are short ones, long ones, and even special topics.

This app has an excellent rating, scoring 4.6 out of 5 with over 10,000,000 downloads. With Memrise, you can learn and improve your vocabulary to a much greater extent than you could with any other type of app. Memrise can learn words and understand them when you see them in a sentence.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 2.99 to USD 139.99 per plan.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

3. Duolingo

Duolingo is a free language learning app designed to help you learn English vocabulary. The app has over 100,000,000 downloads and is rated 4.7 out of 5 with over 11,000,000 reviews.

This app provides you with fun lessons created by experts in the field of language learning. The lessons are very interactive, and the sentences are easy to understand.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 125.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

4. LinGo Play

With a simple, clean, and easy-to-use interface, LinGo Play is one of the best apps for learning English vocabulary while playing games. It has an interactive design and lots of activities that you can do to learn new words.

The app has a rating of 4.4 in the Play Store, but the potential of this app is much higher than that. This app provides you with the perfect learning environment where you can learn English vocabulary and have fun at the same time.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 2.75 to USD 29.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

5. Alphabear 2

Alphabear 2 is a great app for children and adults alike with cute characters and a funny story. It is a dynamic dictionary with puzzle-based learning.

Alphabear 2 has a rating of 4.6 out of 5, with over 500,000 downloads and almost 9,000 reviews. It has a great mix of story and puzzle-based learning that makes your learning fun.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 4.99 to USD 19.99 per bundle.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

6. WordReference

If you need a free, reliable app that will help you learn English vocabulary, then WordReference is the one for you. WordReference is an online dictionary that you can use from anywhere in the world.

It is a powerful dictionary with many definitions for words and phrases. It also includes many audio pronunciations. The app is very useful if you are planning to study abroad or for those who need to know the pronunciation of the English language.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases of around USD 4.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

7. 7 Little Words

For fans of puzzles, word finds, anagrams, or trivia quizzes, 7 Little Words is a fun and interactive app perfect for all ages. The app has over 1,000,000 downloads and is rated 4.5 out of 5 with over 130,000 reviews.  

The best part about this app is that it is very simple, and you don’t need to be an expert in English to use it. You can have fun with it even if you are just starting.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 39.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

8. WordUp

WordUp is a free app that teaches you English vocabulary through movie references, music, books, etc. It provides you with English words chosen from a wide range of different topics.

The app has a rating of 4.7 out of 5, with over 1,000,000 downloads and mostly positive reviews. This app can also learn IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC vocabulary.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 2.99 to USD 124.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

9. Magoosh Vocabulary App

Building vocabulary is one of the most important skills that you can learn to improve your English skills. The Magoosh Vocabulary App is designed to help you learn new words every day.

This app has over 1,200 unique words and has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 with over 5,000,000 downloads. Magoosh Vocabulary App is also very interactive and includes quizzes, flashcards, games, and more.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: iOS | Android

10. Busuu

Busuu is a free language learning app available for Android and iOS devices. It has over 10,000,000 downloads and is rated 4.4 out of 5 with over 450,000 reviews.

This app offers an excellent interface that makes it easy to learn new words. You can also socialize, make friends, and chat with other app users. The best part about this app is that it allows you to practice your new words and phrases with native speakers.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 6.99 to USD 89.99 per plan.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

11. Volt – Vocabulary Learning

For students preparing for the TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, and the like, Volt is a great app to use. It provides various courses and learning techniques designed to help you learn vocabulary.

This app has a rating of 4.4 out of 5, with over 500,000 downloads and mostly positive reviews. The best part about this app is that it provides you with various exercises designed to help you learn new words in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android

12. Word Games by Knudge

Knudge’s Word Games app is a free English vocabulary learning app that helps you learn words by playing mini-games, quizzes, and puzzles.

With a rating of 4.5 out of 5 with over 52,000 reviews and 1,000,000 downloads, the app also provides you with courses that will help you learn specific English vocabulary words. The courses are very easy to follow, and the app makes it easy for you to track your progress.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around INR 89 to INR 1,799 per plan (or approximately USD 1 to USD 25)
  • Available on: iOS | Android

13. Quizlet

With an AI learning assistant designed to help you learn vocabulary, Quizlet is an excellent app for students and adults alike. You can learn with flashcards, online games, and various other options.

The app has over 10,000,000 downloads and is rated 4.7 out of 5 with over 400,000 reviews. The best part about this app is that it allows you to share your progress with other users. This is a great way to help you learn more about the language and expand your vocabulary.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 1.99 to USD 47.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

14. Vocabulary.com

Vocabulary.com is a comprehensive program for lifelong learning of vocabulary, in which each activity is specially chosen for you.

With more than 15,000 words to teach, Vocabulary.com offers a personalized approach to learning vocabulary that allows you to go beyond just memorizing words. You can play games and quizzes to expand your vocabulary. The app has a rating of 4.2 out of 5 in the App Store, but it is currently under development in the Play Store.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: iOS | Android

15. Anki

Anki is a free app that helps you learn new words by creating flashcards for you. The app has over 5,000,000 downloads and is rated 4.8 out of 5, with over 87,000 reviews.

The app is especially great for those who are looking to learn vocabulary on the go. You can also use the app to review your vocabulary before taking a test.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Windows | Mac OS | Linux | Android | iOS

16. The Vocabulary Builder App

The Vocabulary Builder App is a very simple app that offers more than 4000 words and phrases. You can easily create your own word lists, look up new words, or learn the meaning of new words.

The app is rated 4.4 out of 5 in the Play Store, but with so much potential, the rating can be much higher in the future. This app is very useful for those looking to build their vocabulary.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases of around USD 3.99 per item.
  • Available on: Android

17. Vocab Genius

Applying the latest cognitive science techniques, Brainscape helps you efficiently learn over 1,300 dynamic flashcards covering both vocabulary words and their roots.

Brainscape’s Vocab Genius is a flashcard app that features brain-training exercises. The app provides users with a series of vocab flashcards on various topics and exercises them in the areas of grammar, vocabulary, and reading. Vocab Genius is rated 4.5 out of 5 with over 360 reviews.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases of around USD 4.99 to unlock all features.
  • Available on: iOS

18. Ultimate Vocabulary Prep for English; GRE

Ultimate Vocabulary Prep for English; GRE is an excellent app for students and adults, especially those preparing for the TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, and the like. It has a wide range of topics that you can choose from.

The app has a rating of 4.7 out of 5, with over 500,000 downloads and mostly positive reviews. The best part about this app is that it awards you points in dollars for every new word that you learn. This helps you keep track of how much you have learned and keeps you motivated to learn more.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: iOS | Android

19. Vocabador

Play, learn, and study vocabulary in an immersive, highly visual environment. Vocabador features high-quality sound, warm graphics, and a unique theme to help you learn vocabulary.

With over 400 words and hundreds of images, Vocabador is a great tool for improving your vocabulary. It is also suitable for SAT and GRE vocabulary practice.

  • Price: USD 1.99
  • Available on: iOS

20. Learn English Vocabulary

If you have problems memorizing new words, this app is perfect for you. The app helps you memorize new words by providing words and pictures. The flashcard system will help you learn all of the words you need to know.

The app has over 1,000,000 downloads and is rated 4.6 out of 5, with over 14,000 reviews.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 2.49 per item
  • Available on: Android

21. Word of the Day

Word of the Day provides you with over 8,000 different English words and phrases to learn every day. The app allows you to record your progress and even know what other people think about the words you have learned.

Learn new words daily, track your progress, and build your vocabulary. The app is free to download and has a very nice interface. The app is rated 4.5 out of 5, with over 3,000 reviews and 500,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 1.99 to USD 19.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

22. Daily Word

Giving you in-depth English vocabulary words that you can learn through a simple to use interface, Daily Word is a free app that is made for both students and teachers.

This app has lots of word lists, definitions, and grammar information for you to use to learn English vocabulary every day. It also comes with a widget that can be added to your home screen to quickly access the words you need to learn daily. The app is rated 4.6 out of 5 with over 10,000 installs.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 9.99 per item.
  • Available on: Android

23. Word to Word

Do you like puzzle games? If so, then Word to Word is a great app for you. This app is an offline word association game that helps you learn new words.

The game is easy to play and can be played anywhere. It is free to download and comes with many trivia facts, idioms, riddles, popular sayings, history, movies, and many other categories. The app is rated 4.4 out of 5, with over 100,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 49.99 per item
  • Available on: iOS | Android

24. Words with Friends

Words with Friends is a classic game of strategy and quick thinking. The game is great for learning vocabulary because you are required to make words to earn points.

Words with Friends is also a great way to improve your English grammar. The app is rated 4.2 out of 5, but the potential that the game has to help you learn English is incredible. Over 50,000,000 users have downloaded the app.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 149.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

25. Advanced English & Thesaurus

Advanced English & Thesaurus is a must-have for any language learner with colorful themes and hundreds of advanced features.

The interface is very easy to use, and you can choose between many different categories of vocabulary, including general English, scientific, technical, legal, medical, and many others. This pocket dictionary is rated 4.4 out of 5 with over 5,000,000 installs.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 2.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

26. Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary is a must-have app for anyone learning English vocabulary, especially university students and people learning English as a second language.

The app contains all the definitions from the official Merriam-Webster company’s dictionary, trusted by millions of students, educators, and language learners worldwide. The app is rated 4.5 out of 5, with over 10,000,000 downloads.

  •  Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 2.99 to USD 5.99 per plan.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

27. uVocab – Vocabulary Trainer

If you are looking for a good English vocabulary app that is also very affordable, then uVocab is the perfect choice for you. This app has been designed to help you learn English vocabulary and improve your pronunciation.

You can also prepare for various tests that are commonly used in the English language, such as the TOEFL and TOEIC. The app is rated 4.4 out of 5, with over 100,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android

28. Voxy

The app provides a library of courses that expert language teachers and certified trainers have personally developed. The courses cover a wide range of topics and can be selected by the user to learn daily. The app is rated 4.5 out of 5, with over 1,000,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 19.99 to USD 299.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

29. Penny Dell Crosswords

Penny Dell Crosswords provides daily challenges and games to help you learn and retain new vocabulary. The app is rated 4.5 out of 5, with over 100,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 69.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

30. Crosswords

Remember those puzzle books that you used to read as a kid? They were full of vocabulary words that you had to figure out, and Crosswords is a classic game of word-finding, just like those books.

The app provides daily word puzzles, quizzes, clues, and crosswords that cover a wide range of topics. The app is rated 4.5 out of 5 with over 500 ratings in the App Store.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 1.99 to USD 9.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS

31. IELTS Vocabulary Flashcards

IELTS Vocabulary Flashcards is the app for you. This app contains thousands of high-quality words for you to learn. You can test your English vocabulary by quizzing yourself with these flashcards and preparing for the IELTS exam with the app. The app is rated 4.6 out of 5, with over 10,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases of around USD 4.99 per item.
  • Available on: Android

32. Learn English – 6000 Essential Words

For visual learners, Learn English – 6000 Essential Words is the best app to learn English vocabulary with flashcards and learn new words every day. The app provides the user with many flashcards to learn words, with a colorful and neat user interface.

It also includes a dictionary that will help you find the exact word you are looking for. This app is rated 4.7 out of 5 with mostly positive reviews and has been downloaded over 1,000,000 times.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 4.99 to USD 29.00 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

33. Learn English Words Free

With over 10,000 words, Learn English Words Free is a great app for people who want to learn new words quickly. The app provides definitions, examples, and audio pronunciations for each word.  

The app is also great for anyone learning English as a second language from beginner to advanced levels. Learn English Words Free is rated 4.7 out of 5 with over 5,000,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android

34. English Vocabulary – 90,000 Words with Pictures

English Vocabulary – 90,000 Words with Pictures is an English vocabulary app that uses pictures to teach vocabulary. It is available for free with in-app purchases. The app is rated 4.3 out of 5, with over 1,000,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases of around USD 8.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

35. Words Booster: Learn Languages

Words Booster is a free vocabulary learning app that teaches students words that are important in their language of choice. The app has a lot of different words and phrases for learners to choose from. You can learn new words and enjoy a colorful, simple, and fun learning experience.  

The app is rated 4.3 out of 5 with over 1,000,000 downloads, but this app has a massive number of users and maybe the right choice for some users.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 5.42 to USD 48.59 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

36. Sentence Master Pro

Language experts have carefully selected over 10,000 sentences to help students learn grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in Sentence Master Pro. The app lets you form sentences by adding words to the bottom of the screen and learn vocabulary and grammar at the same time.

Sentence Master Pro has over 100,000 downloads with a 4.4 out of 5 rating in the Play Store. The app is perfect for beginners who want to learn grammar and vocabulary.

  • Price: USD 10.99.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

37. Learn English with Babbel

Learn English with Babbel is a platform that has been built from the ground up to make learning language fun and effective. It offers lots of lessons and quizzes for learning vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

Learn English with Babbel also has a feedback system where users can check whether they have pronounced a word correctly or not. This helps them to improve their pronunciation and also allows them to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. The app is rated 4.6 out of 5, with over 10,000,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 15.99 to USD 84.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

38. Learn Languages: Rosetta Stone

Learn Languages: Rosetta Stone is a fun and effective way to learn a new language with a colorful user interface. The app includes courses in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Chinese.

The courses are structured with bite-sized chunks of learning, with games and exercises to make learning easier. The app is rated 4.6 out of 5, with over 10,000,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 44.99 to USD 199.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

39. WordPower

WordPower is a program that offers many language learning options. The programs are very user-friendly and can be customized to fit any learning style.

The app is an excellent option for people who want to learn new words and improve vocabulary. WordPower is rated 4.3 out of 5 with over 10,000 downloads, but its potential to help you with your vocabulary learning is enormous.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android

40. Bravolol

Bravolol is a pocket dictionary and online translator that will help you learn foreign languages. The app provides thousands of words, phrases, and translations to help you learn a new language quickly.

Bravolol is rated 4.6 out of 5 with over 1,000,000 downloads, and it is one of the most popular foreign language learning apps.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 4.99 to USD 19.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

41. SpeakingPal

SpeakingPal’s Learn English, Speak English is an English learning app that focuses on pronunciation and English vocabulary. The app is designed to help students improve their English language skills by looking at real English words and images.

This app provides regular exercises meant to improve students’ vocabulary and listening skills. The app is rated 4.4 out of 5, with over 1,000,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 8.99 to USD 28.99
  • Available on: iOS | Android

42. Daily Vocabulary

Daily Vocabulary provides daily practice in thousands of words and phrases with colorful cartoon graphics. Each day, students receive a new word to practice from idioms, slang, grammar, and more.

This app is rated 4.5 out of 5 with over 10,000 downloads and is an excellent app for beginners.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android

43. Word Store

Word Store is designed to help users learn the language of their choice by giving them access to all kinds of content in a simple and easy-to-use interface. The app also offers flashcards, quizzes, and games to keep users on track. The app is rated 4.4 out of 5, with over 50,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 1.99 to USD 4.99 per item.
  • Available on: Android

44. Oxford Dictionary

Oxford Dictionary is the leading English dictionary for learners of all ages. It offers both audio pronunciations and real-life examples for over 300,000 words.

The app also includes a full search function to help users find the meaning of a word. It’s rated 4.1 out of 5 with over 50,000,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free with in-app purchases around USD 0.99 to USD 29.99 per item.
  • Available on: iOS | Android

45. Master Vocabulary 

Master Vocabulary helps students and English learners master important English words and improve their vocabulary. The app is very user-friendly and has an attractive interface. Master Vocabulary is entirely free, with over 5,000 downloads.

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android

Summary Table – Best Apps to Improve Your English Vocabulary

App Name Key Features Free Version
(Y or N)
(per month)
App Store
Vocab Assists in enhancing memory and writing skills with cloud-based systems and recording features. N USD 67.00
  • Mac OS
  • Windows
Memrise Many courses and lessons to learn from Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Duolingo Interactive lessons, popular courses made by experts Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
LinGo Play Neat interface with interactive design and fun games to play and learn at the same time Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Alphabear 2 Cute cartoon character and challenging puzzle game Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
WordReference Simple dictionary with audio pronunciations and other basic features Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
7 Little Words Many puzzles, games, and trivia quizzes to play, suitable for all ages Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
WordUp Uses movie, music, and books as reference, suitable for teenagers and young adults Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Magoosh Vocabulary App Excellent rating, many quizzes, flashcards, and games to play Y Free
  • iOS
  • Android
Busuu Has social features to make friends online and learn with native speakers Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Volt – Vocabulary Learning Various courses to learn from and focused on TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS preparations Y Free
  • Android
Word Games by Knudge Many games and puzzles to play, plus courses to help the learning process Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Quizlet Smart AI to assist users’ learning process, plus flashcards and games to play every day Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Vocabulary.com Focused on understanding vocabulary through games and quizzes, not only remembering new words Y Free
  • iOS
  • Android
Anki Uses flashcards as the main feature, great for language learning especially English and Japanese Y Free
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Linux
The Vocabulary Builder App Many words to learn, users’ can list and write the words to re-read later Y Free with in-app purchases
  • Android
Vocab Genius Uses flashcards as the main feature, combining English language learning, grammar, and reading comprehension with cognitive science. Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
Ultimate Vocabulary Prep for English; GRE Focused on tests preparations with many common and complex topics to learn Y Free
  • iOS
  • Android
Vocabador The unique concept of using wrestling-themed cartoons with colorful graphics to learn and play at the same time N USD 1.99
  • iOS
Learn English Vocabulary Uses flashcards and focused on assisting users in learning and remembering new vocabulary easily Y Free with in-app purchases
  • Android
Word of the Day Provides new different words daily, one word a day to help users’ learn consistently Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Daily Word It has a widget feature to add to the home screen, providing new words to learn each day Y Free with in-app purchases
  • Android
Word to Word Offline puzzle game with lots of trivia facts and movie reference Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Words with Friends A good strategy game to learn vocabulary and challenge yourself with others Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Advanced English & Thesaurus Simple pocket dictionary and thesaurus with a colorful interface, providing many topics and vocabulary to learn Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Merriam-Webster Dictionary Trusted, official dictionary with the simple interface used by beginners and professionals alike Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
uVocab – Vocabulary Trainer Focused on tests preparation and English pronunciation Y Free
  • Android
Voxy Many courses created by experts and certified trainers to learn from Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Penny Dell Crosswords Interactive crosswords puzzle with daily challenges to learn and play every day Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Crosswords It brings back the classic crosswords puzzle with many topics to learn Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
IELTS Vocabulary Flashcards Focused on IELTS preparations with the help of flashcards and quizzes Y Free with in-app purchases
  • Android
Learn English – 6000 Essential Words Provides 6000 most important words to learn and flashcards to help the learning process Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Learn English Words Free Many words to learn, with examples and audio pronunciations Y Free
  • Android
English Vocabulary – 90,000 Words with Pictures Provides 90.000 most common and important words with pictures to help the visualization Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Words Booster: Learn Languages Cute illustrations and simple interface to assist users’ learning process Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Sentence Master Pro Words especially selected by experts, users can play, challenge themselves, and learn at the same time N USD 10.99
  • iOS
  • Android
Learn English with Babbel Has a feedback system, so users know whether the words they pronounced are correct or not Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Learn Languages: Rosetta Stone Colorful illustrations and design interface to assist the learning process Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
WordPower Focused on last-minute tests preparations, users can learn new words and understand the meaning of the words easily Y Free
  • Android
Bravolol A pocket dictionary and online translator to learn from Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
SpeakingPal Focused on users’ vocabulary and listening skills, using real-life images as illustrations Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Daily Vocabulary Many idioms, slang, and vocabulary to learn every day Y Free
  • Android
Word Store Focused on specific topics, users can learn vocabulary with the help of flashcards and quizzes Y Free with in-app purchases
  • Android
Oxford Dictionary Trusted, official dictionary with audio pronunciations and real-life examples Y Free with in-app purchases
  • iOS
  • Android
Master Vocabulary Focused on the most common and important words to learn Y Free
  • Android

Final Thoughts

The key to any of these apps is to choose the best app to learn English vocabulary for you. Some people will prefer one app over another, while others will prefer a different app. The best way to find out which app is best for you is to try each one and see which one you like the best.

Keep in mind that it is essential to learn vocabulary with a plan. So, take some time to think about what you want to learn and how you will learn it. You will find that learning vocabulary is much easier than you thought it would be! 

Additional Reading — Resources for Learning English

There are roughly 170,000 words in use in the English language. Thankfully, most native English speakers only have a vocabulary of around 35,000 words. Still, that’s a lot of language for you to study!

The good news is, with the right app in your pocket, it has never been easier – or more fun – to learn vocabulary in your free time.

We’ve put together a list of our 7 top apps to learn new vocabulary. Read on to find out what they are!

1. Busuu – The best all-rounder

Does learning vocabulary sometimes feel like a chore? Try Busuu. Just like Duolingo, Busuu uses gamification to make learning English a lot more enjoyable. However, unlike Duolingo, Busuu is actually useful for learning real-world language.

Busuu teaches you how a word sounds and gives an example sentence for each one. Topics cover everything from business, to travel, to language from The Economist. It also tests you with gap-fills and true or false questions, and includes a section for weak words to show you where you need to improve.

Download Busuu here

Busuu - 7 Apps for Learning English Vocabulary | Oxford House Barcelona

2. Memrise – The best for user-generated content

If you’re part of the TikTok generation, and you love memes, Memrise might be the app for you. It uses short clips, from real-life local people, to demonstrate how words and phrases are used in natural conversation.

An added bonus is that it offers a translation in your native language as well. There’s also the Immerse videos. These work a bit like Instagram Reels, featuring short, funny video dialogues with captions. Just listen for the tone and pronunciation – then copy it just like the person in the video!

Download Memrise here

Memrise - 7 Apps for Learning English Vocabulary | Oxford House Barcelona

3. LinGo Play – The best for basics

Ahh. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as a simple picture flashcard. That’s why beginner learners of English might enjoy the app LinGo Play. You’ll find a range of basic vocabulary on topics such as Fruits and vegetables, Clothing and Furniture.

First learn the word with the flashcard, and listen to the pronunciation. Then, test yourself on what you’ve learnt with one of the in-built, spelling or listening activities. When you’re feeling really confident, have a go at playing a game against a genuine opponent!

Download LinGo Play here

Lingo Play - 7 Apps for Learning English Vocabulary | Oxford House Barcelona

4. Quizlet – The best for exam prep

Have you got an English test coming up? Need to memorise a list of new words quickly? Consider downloading Quizlet. This is by far the best app for English exam preparation on our list. With matching games, memory tests, and quizzes, it offers more than flashcards. There are a huge number of study sets, which means you’re sure to find the topic you’re looking for. And if you can’t find it, why not create your own?

Download Quizlet here

Quizlet - 7 Apps for Learning English Vocabulary | Oxford House Barcelona

For more ways to use Quizlet check out our article: 5 tips to get the best out of Quizlet.

5. Alphabear 2 – The best for word puzzles

This Scrabble-style app must be the cutest word app on the planet. Players have to spell out words by selecting letters from a grid. When they spell a word correctly, bears appear! The longer the word the bigger the bear.

There’s also a dictionary function which makes it great for language learners. Kids will love it too. Get them to create their own bear character, follow the story and navigate the map on their mission to build new words.

Download Alphabear 2 here

Alphabear 2 - 7 Apps for Learning English Vocabulary | Oxford House Barcelona

6. WordReference – The best dictionary translation

Looking for a good, reliable, dictionary translation app? Look no further. This classroom favourite comes highly recommended by teachers and students alike. What makes it stand out from the crowd? WordReference offers multiple accurate translations of a word, and gives you an example sentence for each in both languages. It’s also an excellent tool for learning colloquial words, slang, synonyms and collocations on the go.

Download WordReference here


7. Word of the Day – the best for daily vocabulary

Do you know what procrastinate means? We’ll tell you later.

Advanced English learners looking for more challenging and clever words to add their vocabulary might appreciate Word of the Day.

Not only does it give you a daily word complete with definition, there’s also an option to search the whole database for more popular vocabulary. And, if you’re bored on the bus, have a go at the word search function. Look up any words you don’t know the meaning of on the list, or click on the word to see the definition!

Download Word of the Day here

Word of the Day - 7 Apps for Learning English Vocabulary | Oxford House Barcelona

Do you have a favourite app for learning English vocabulary? We’d love to know! Leave us a comment in the box below.

If you haven’t already, check out our hugely popular post 8 of the best apps for learning English.

Glossary for Language Learners

Find the following words in the article and then write down any new ones you didn’t know.

Chore (n): a routine task e.g. housework.

Captions (n): subtitles.

Range (n): variety.

Cute (adj): sweet or adorable.

Stand out from the crowd (exp): to be more noticeable than other people or things.

Clever (adj): intelligent.


n = noun

adj = adjective

exp = expression

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15 лучших приложений для изучения английского

Все приложения созданы для людей с разным знанием английского. Вы можете устанавливать уровень сложности, изучать язык в удобном для вас режиме и в свободное время. Достаточно выбрать хотя бы одну программу, к которой вы будете обращаться ежедневно.

Приложения можно использовать как самостоятельный инструмент пополнения лексики и повторения грамматики, так и в качестве дополнительного элемента, который поможет сделать ваше обучение на курсах английского или у репетитора ещё более эффективным.

1. LinguaLeo

Приложение популярного сервиса с массой разнообразных тренировок, которые помогут расширить словарный запас, а также развить навыки чтения, письма и аудирования. Например, там можно учить лексику по любимым трекам, фильмам и книгам, а ещё соревноваться в «Лео‑баттлах» с другими пользователями. Всё обучение построено на геймификации, так что вы не потеряете интерес к английскому, будете постоянно чувствовать прогресс и стимул двигаться дальше.

2. Duolingo

Удобное приложение, благодаря которому можно учиться английскому в игровой форме, тратя всего по несколько минут в день. Начните с простых глаголов и фраз, упражняйтесь, подтягивая грамматику, и выполняйте ежедневные задания, чтобы обогатить словарный запас и приблизиться к своей цели. Дополнительно прокачать навык аудирования и понять, как применять выученные слова и фразы в жизни, поможет раздел «Истории»: там вам предложат прослушать диалоги и параллельно выполнять задания.

3. Полиглот‑16

Приложение от автора одноимённого курса, известного полиглота Дмитрия Петрова. По словам разработчика, программа позволяет освоить английский на базовом уровне всего за 16 занятий. Уделяя обучению хотя бы по 15 минут ежедневно, вы узнаете правила грамматики, запомните необходимый минимум слов и научитесь составлять из них множество фраз для свободного общения с носителями языка.

4. Memrise

Ещё одно приложение с необычным игровым подходом, которое превратит изучение английского в удовольствие и позволит с лёгкостью запоминать новые слова. Чтобы стимулировать себя заниматься регулярно, установите цель — осваивать 5, 10 или 15 слов ежедневно. Кроме упражнений в Memrise есть видео с диалогами, которые позволяют лучше ориентироваться в разговорном английском: ищите их в разделе «Погружение».

5. BBC Learning English

Официальное приложение BBC, в котором собраны материалы различных передач для изучения английского, выходивших на радио и в подкастах вещательной корпорации. Помимо аудиоконтента, доступны разнообразные упражнения для понимания грамматики, построения фраз и освоения новых слов.

6. Easy Ten

С помощью этой программы вы сможете ежедневно пополнять лексикон, запоминая 10 новых слов. Приложение не требует много времени: достаточно уделять в день 20 минут. Программа содержит более 20 тысяч английских слов, поможет вам совершенствовать произношение благодаря специальным тренажёрам. Кроме того, новую лексику вы можете распределять по тематическим спискам и отслеживать прогресс для дополнительной мотивации.

7. Words

Это приложение не случайно становилось лучшим в категории «Образование» App Store. База программы содержит более 8 000 слов, и она доступна в офлайн‑режиме. Главное преимущество: приложение адаптируется к конкретному пользователю и в заданиях и тестах предлагает именно те элементы лексики, с которыми ранее у вас возникали сложности. Допустили ошибку при определении значения — ещё несколько раз вам будет попадаться именно это слово, пока вы не запомните его. В бесплатной версии доступны только первые пять лексических наборов.

8. Simpler

В этом приложении уроки посвящены разным грамматическим правилам, например пассивному залогу и отглагольным прилагательным. Каждый состоит из трёх частей: в первой нужно познакомиться с новыми словами, во второй — с закономерностями их употребления в речи, в третьей — протестировать полученные знания на тренажёре. В Simpler также есть платная подписка, которая открывает дополнительные слова, упражнения и раздел «Детективные истории» — это игровая практика для закрепления знаний.

9. Rosetta Stone

Это приложение помогает запоминать новые слова благодаря ассоциациям. Программа оценки произношения позволит вам научиться правильно выговаривать выученные слова. Приложение доступно бесплатно, но есть и платные материалы.

10. Tongo

Программа для изучения английского по персональному плану: алгоритм подбирает его с помощью короткого опроса. Сразу после регистрации Tongo предлагает поставить цель обучения, определить уровень языка, интересные темы, удобное время и дни для занятий, а также количество минут, которые вы готовы отводить на уроки. Кроме упражнений в приложении есть библиотека со статьями, известными цитатами и книгами: если во время чтения увидите незнакомые слова, отметьте их галочкой — они автоматически попадут в список для тренировки.

11. Ремемба

Простое и удобное приложение, специально созданное для запоминания новых фраз и расширения словарного запаса. Процесс обучения строится на проверенной методике карточек, которые после добавления отображаются реже или чаще по мере усвоения. Можно добавлять элементы лексики вручную или использовать готовые наборы словарей.

12. English Grammar in Use

Программа от Cambridge University Press, которая поможет вам усовершенствовать грамматические навыки. С помощью English Grammar in Use вы сможете довести до автоматизма использование артиклей, неправильных глаголов и существительных. Кроме упражнений, в приложении есть полезные текстовые материалы, объясняющие, например, правила применения времён глаголов.

appbox fallback https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.cambridge.englishgrammar.egiu&hl=ru&gl=ru

appbox fallback https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/id848215354

13. English Galaxy

Приложение для пользователей с любым уровнем английского — от А0 до С1: определить свой перед началом обучения легко с помощью теста. В каждом разделе по 50 блоков с упражнениями на грамматику, лексику и аудирование. В настройках можно выбрать удобный вариант озвучки: британский или американский. А если с правилами проблем нет и ваша цель — просто пополнить словарный запас, пользуйтесь разделом «Словарь»: в нём более 14 000 лексических элементов разной сложности и из разных категорий.

14. Quizlet

Приложение для запоминания слов и фраз по карточкам. Quizlet позволяет создавать собственные подборки или применять готовые модули из библиотеки, предварительно просмотрев их содержимое. Тренироваться можно с помощью пяти упражнений: заучивание, карточки, письмо, подбор или тест.

15. Puzzle English

Увлекательное приложение с видео- и аудиопазлами, а также другими интересными заданиями для освоения английского независимо от имеющихся навыков. Программа обучения составляется индивидуально исходя из уровня владения языком, доступного времени и поставленных целей.

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  • 11 советов для тех, кто учит иностранный язык самостоятельно
  • 5 советов для тех, кто хочет выучить английский по сериалам и фильмам
  • Как учить иностранный язык с радостью: 8 советов от преподавателей и переводчиков

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