English word for sixty

шестьдесят, шестьдесят


- группа из шестидесяти человек или предметов

sixty of — шестьдесят (предметов или людей)
there were sixty of them — их было шестьдесят
in /by/ sixties — по шестидесяти

- шестьдесят лет (о возрасте)

he is sixty — ему шестьдесят
he must be under [about, over] sixty — ему (ещё) нет [около, больше] шестидесяти
he is not far off sixty, he is getting on for sixty — ему скоро будет шестьдесят (лет)
at sixty — в шестьдесят лет, в шестидесятилетнем возрасте
a woman of sixty — шестидесятилетняя женщина
like sixty — сл. стремительно, молниеносно

- num (число) шестьдесят

sixty houses — шестьдесят домов
sixty tens are six hundred — шестьдесят, помноженное на десять,
sixty times as much — в шестьдесят раз больше

- (номер) шестьдесят, (номер) шестидесятый

chapter sixty — шестидесятая глава
Room sixty — комната (номер) шестьдесят
sixty-first, sixty-second, etc — шестьдесят первый, шестьдесят второй и т. д.

Мои примеры


sixty three — шестьдесят три  
sixty men — шестьдесят человек  
sixty-fourth note — шестьдесят четвёртая нота; шестьдесятчетвертая нота; 1/64 нота  
sixty fourth — шестьдесят четвёртая  
sixty-fourth — шестьдесят четвёртый; шестьдесят четвёртая  
he is over sixty — ему за шестьдесят  
he is past sixty — ему за шестьдесят  
at a speed of sixty miles an hour — со скоростью шестьдесят миль в час  
sixty-nine — одновременное исполнение партнёрами орального полового акта  
sixty-pounder — 127-мм пушка  

Примеры с переводом

She is over sixty.

Ей за шестьдесят.

He is close on sixty.

Ему около шестидесяти.

They were doing sixty.

Они ехали со скоростью шестьдесят миль в час.

She had now struck sixty.

Ей стукнуло 60.

He was in his early sixties.

Ему было шестьдесят с небольшим.

Sixty percent of people voted no.

Шестьдесят процентов людей проголосовали «против».

Five twelves make sixty.

Пять раз по двенадцать составляет шестьдесят.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He retired when he was in his sixties.

‘How old do you think he is?’ ‘Oh, I don’t know, sixty, seventy?’

Sixty pounds for a thirty-minute consultation. I think that’s disgusting!

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sixties  — шестидесятые годы, шестьдесят лет, седьмой десяток

  • 1

    sixty [ˊsɪkstɪ]


    num. card.




    шестьдеся́т (единиц, штук)

    like sixty стреми́тельно, с большо́й си́лой; чрезвыча́йно

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > sixty

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > sixty

  • 3

    1. [ʹsıkstı]

    1) группа из шестидесяти человек предметов

    in /by/ sixties — по шестидесяти

    he must be under [about, over] sixty — ему (ещё) нет [около, больше] шестидесяти

    he is not far off sixty, he is getting on for sixty — ему скоро будет шестьдесят (лет)

    at sixty — в шестьдесят лет, в шестидесятилетнем возрасте

    like sixty — стремительно, молниеносно

    2. [ʹsıkstı]

    1) (число) шестьдесят

    sixty tens are six hundred — шестьдесят, помноженное на десять, — шестьсот

    2) (номер) шестьдесят, (номер) шестидесятый

    || sixty-one, sixty-two,

    — шестьдесят один, шестьдесят два

    sixty-first, sixty-second, — шестьдесят первый, шестьдесят второй

    НБАРС > sixty

  • 4


    sixty num. card. шестьдесят; sixtyone шестьдесят один; sixtytwo шестьдесят два; he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят sixty шестьдесят (единиц, штук); like sixty амер. разг. стремительно, с большой силой; чрезвычайно sixty шестьдесят (единиц, штук); like sixty амер. разг. стремительно, с большой силой; чрезвычайно sixty num. card. шестьдесят; sixtyone шестьдесят один; sixtytwo шестьдесят два; he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят sixty num. card. шестьдесят; sixtyone шестьдесят один; sixtytwo шестьдесят два; he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят sixty num. card. шестьдесят; sixtyone шестьдесят один; sixtytwo шестьдесят два; he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят

    English-Russian short dictionary > sixty

  • 5



    Five twelves make sixty. — Пять раз по двенадцать составляет шестьдесят.



    She is over sixty. — Ей за шестьдесят.

    3) возраст от 60 до 69 лет

    He was in his early sixties. — Ему было шестьдесят с небольшим.


    б) температура от 60 до 69 градусов по Фаренгейту

    They were doing sixty. — Они ехали со скоростью шестьдесят миль в час.


    like sixty — разг. стремительно, молниеносно; с большой силой; чрезвычайно

    Англо-русский современный словарь > sixty

  • 6

    1. числ. колич. шестьдесят
    2. сущ. шестьдесят (единиц, штук)
    группа из шестидесяти человек или предметов — * of шестьдесят (предметов или людей) — there were * of them их было шестьдесят — in sixties по шестидесяти шестьдесят лет( о возрасте) — he is * ему шестьдесят — he must be under * ему (еще) нет шестидесяти — he is not far off *, he is getting on for * ему скоро будет шестьдесят (лет) — at * в шестьдесят лет, в шестидесятилетнем возрасте — a woman of * шестидесятилетняя женщина > like * (сленг) стремительно, молниеносно (число) шестьдесят — * houses шестьдесят домов — * tens are six hundred шестьдесят, помноженное на десять, — шестьсот — * times as much в шестьдесят раз больше (номер) шестьдесят, (номер) шестидесятый — chapter * шестидесятая глава — Room * комната( номер) шестьдесят > *-one, *-two шестьдесят один, шестьдесят два > *-first, *-second шестьдесят первый, шестьдесят второй
    ~ num. card. шестьдесят;
    sixtyone шестьдесят один;
    sixtytwo шестьдесят два;
    he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят
    sixty шестьдесят (единиц, штук) ;
    like sixty амер. разг. стремительно, с большой силой;
    sixty шестьдесят (единиц, штук) ;
    like sixty амер. разг. стремительно, с большой силой;
    чрезвычайно ~ num. card. шестьдесят;
    sixtyone шестьдесят один;
    sixtytwo шестьдесят два;
    he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят
    ~ num. card. шестьдесят;
    sixtyone шестьдесят один;
    sixtytwo шестьдесят два;
    he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят
    ~ num. card. шестьдесят;
    sixtyone шестьдесят один;
    sixtytwo шестьдесят два;
    he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sixty

  • 7

    1. n группа из шестидесяти человек или предметов

    2. n шестьдесят лет

    3. num шестьдесят, шестидесятый

    English-Russian base dictionary > sixty

  • 8

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > sixty

  • 9

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > sixty

  • 10

    1. num. card.

    шестьдесят; sixtyone шестьдесят один; sixtytwo шестьдесят два и т. д.; he is over sixty ему за шестьдесят

    шестьдесят (единиц, штук)

    like sixty

    amer. collocation

    стремительно, с большой силой; чрезвычайно

    * * *

    (a) шестьдесят

    * * *

    * * *

    [six·ty || ‘sɪkstɪ]

    * * *

    * * *

    1. числ. колич.
    2. сущ.
    1) шестьдесят (число)
    2) шестьдесят лет (возраст)
    3) а) шестьдесят человек
    б) шестьдесят предметов

    Новый англо-русский словарь > sixty

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > sixty

  • 12

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > sixty

  • 13

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > sixty

  • 14

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sixty

  • 15
    sixty of

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sixty of

  • 16




    шестьдесят лет

    шестьдесят человек

    шестьдесят предметов

    номер шестьдесят

    шестидесятые годы

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > sixty

  • 17

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > sixty

  • 18

    English-Russian smart dictionary > sixty

  • 19


    šesťdesęt · шестьдесет

    Dictionary English-Interslavic > sixty

  • 20
    sixty-four-thousand-dollar question

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > sixty-four-thousand-dollar question


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • sixty — [siks′tē] adj. [ME sixti < OE sixtig: see SIX & TY2] six times ten n. pl. sixties the cardinal number between fifty nine and sixty one; 60; LX the sixties the numbers or years, as of a century, from sixty through sixty nine …   English World dictionary

  • Sixty — Six ty, n.; pl. {Sixties}. 1. The sum of six times ten; sixty units or objects. [1913 Webster] 2. A symbol representing sixty units, as 60, lx., or LX. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sixty — O.E. sixtig, from siex (see SIX (Cf. six)) + tig (see TY (Cf. ty) (1)). Phrase sixty four dollar question is 1942, from radio quiz show where that was the top prize. Sixty nine in sexual sense is first attested 1888, as a translation of Fr. faire …   Etymology dictionary

  • Sixty — Six ty, a. [AS. siextig; akin to G. sechzig, Goth. sa[ i]hs tigjus. See {Six}, {Ten}, and cf. {Sixteen}.] Six times ten; fifty nine and one more; threescore. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sixty — eight …   English expressions

  • sixty — ► CARDINAL NUMBER (pl. sixties) ▪ ten more than fifty; 60. (Roman numeral: lx or LX.) DERIVATIVES sixtieth ordinal number …   English terms dictionary

  • sixty — n. & adj. n. (pl. ies) 1 the product of six and ten. 2 a symbol for this (60, lx, LX). 3 (in pl.) the numbers from 60 to 69, esp. the years of a century or of a person s life. 4 a set of sixty persons or things. adj. that amount to sixty. Phrases …   Useful english dictionary

  • sixty — noun (plural sixties) Etymology: Middle English, from sixty, adjective, from Old English siextig, noun, group of sixty, from siex six + tig group of ten; akin to Old English tīen ten Date: 14th century 1. see number table 2. plural the numbers 60 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sixty — /siks tee/, n., pl. sixties, adj. n. 1. a cardinal number, ten times six. 2. a symbol for this number, as 60 or LX. 3. a set of this many persons or things. 4. sixties, the numbers, years, degrees, or the like, from 60 through 69, as in referring …   Universalium

  • sixty — [[t]sɪ̱ksti[/t]] ♦ sixties 1) NUM Sixty is the number 60. …the sunniest April in Britain for more than sixty years. 2) N PLURAL When you talk about the sixties, you are referring to numbers between 60 and 69. For example, if you are in your… …   English dictionary

  • sixty — /ˈsɪksti / (say sikstee) noun (plural sixties) 1. a cardinal number, ten times six. 2. a symbol for this number, as 60 or LX. 3. (plural) the numbers from 60 to 69 of a series, especially with reference to the years of a person s age, or the… …  

How Do You Spell SIXTY?

Correct spelling for the English word «sixty» is [sˈɪksti], [sˈɪksti], [s_ˈɪ_k_s_t_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Table of Contents

Anagrams for sixty

  • 3 letters
  • 4 letters
  • 5 letters

Common Misspellings for SIXTY

Below is the list of 92 misspellings for the word «sixty».

  • scociety
  • sixity
  • seociety
  • secioty
  • sercirty
  • sicurity
  • spciety
  • soicty
  • ccity
  • socity
  • secuiity
  • escasty
  • serciety
  • soceiety
  • sixze
  • toxity
  • socioty
  • secuirty
  • soceity
  • socieety
  • socciaty
  • soiciety
  • cisty
  • socicety
  • socieity
  • socitiy
  • mixta
  • siste
  • sicoety
  • socioety
  • soeicty
  • sixtys
  • sasiety
  • socitey
  • scocity
  • sxith
  • sixthy
  • secutirty
  • sosiety
  • sixed
  • sersiety
  • sisxty
  • socioity
  • sicity
  • seucirty
  • eixt
  • socety
  • scoiety
  • sosaiety
  • sociity
  • safisty
  • sexuaity
  • socirty
  • axity
  • sixith
  • socetiy
  • necsity
  • sosciety
  • sociuety
  • sociotey
  • sixpac
  • soscity
  • soctiety
  • mixtur
  • sixtee
  • sicty
  • sighyt
  • secty
  • sixtyfive
  • socciety
  • sixy
  • soiecty
  • scociaty
  • sixtth
  • soecity
  • sity
  • socsity
  • soicity
  • sexly
  • sexite
  • scacity
  • sixtes
  • sixt
  • sixities
  • seciety
  • sosaity
  • jusity
  • sixtey
  • secirty
  • sitty
  • socierty
  • sexyy

Similar spelling words for SIXTY

  • sagacity,
  • XXDYE,
  • SGSD,
  • SISTO,
  • SCOST,
  • skyest,
  • SYCSD,
  • sixty-day,
  • Sixto,
  • sixty-odd,
  • sixth,
  • sagasti,
  • XXEED,
  • ZCCSD,
  • XXDDA,
  • XGSD,
  • SCSSD,
  • CICST,
  • PSXT,
  • XXT,
  • seacoast,
  • XXAYD,
  • saksida,
  • SCUSD,
  • sexte,
  • SCPSD,
  • Sequacity,
  • SCOSD,
  • XXEET,
  • XXD,
  • Sexto,
  • CYXD,
  • SOCSD,
  • sixt,
  • XQZT,
  • SAXD,
  • SIGSD,
  • skeighest,
  • ZXD,
  • sext-,
  • XXTAH,
  • SXAD,
  • SKSST,
  • XXCAD,
  • XIXED,
  • SGSET,
  • Seaquist,
  • soughest,
  • succussed,
  • XKSD,
  • zygocyte,
  • PSXD,
  • SXDT,
  • SCWSD,
  • skycity,
  • syquest,
  • succeed,
  • un-sexed,
  • SXIT,
  • XAXD,
  • XXCDD,
  • sickest,
  • Czexit,
  • XXTWA,
  • SGSSD,
  • XXDDH,
  • zygosity,
  • skieyest,
  • SCSST,
  • SQSD,
  • CICSD,
  • sixed,
  • sixte,
  • scruzed,
  • CEXT,
  • SKSD,
  • Sixta,
  • SGASD,
  • Zeuxite,
  • XXDDE,
  • SCWST,
  • XCOST,
  • XXXWD,
  • SXCT,
  • seaquest,
  • saggest,
  • XX2D,
  • skewest,
  • SGST,
  • sexed,
  • SCVST,
  • SXT,
  • sixty-two,
  • XCSD,
  • SGCID,
  • XXTDA,
  • suggest,
  • CECSD,
  • SKCET,
  • scused,
  • sixty-one,
  • XXYDA,
  • seikest,
  • SWCSD,
  • SCCSD,
  • XCAST,
  • SKST,
  • SGZD,
  • sext,
  • squeezit,
  • XXADA,
  • SXID,
  • sexhood,
  • suckiest,
  • SCRSD,
  • SKUSD,
  • HSXD,
  • skisuit,
  • ZGSD,
  • SJCSD,
  • SAGSD,
  • SUCSD,
  • sight,
  • XXDTA,
  • SGUSD,
  • Squeezed,
  • XXAAD,
  • SECSD,
  • CYXT,
  • SECST,
  • SCDST,
  • Sexta,
  • CIXT,
  • SCAST,
  • SCMST,
  • XXAID,
  • SSCSD,
  • XXOD,
  • sciquest,
  • SWCST,
  • SCASD,
  • XXAAT,
  • skyiest,
  • SGSST,
  • CECST,
  • de-sexed,
  • SXDE,
  • screwiest,
  • ZCSD,
  • SQST,
  • sixty-six,
  • XXOUD,
  • SXD,
  • SCFST,
  • SIXD.

Plural form of

11 words made out of letters SIXTY


Correct spelling for sixty

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

noun, plural six·ties.

a cardinal number, ten times six.

a symbol for this number, as 60 or LX.

a set of this many persons or things.

sixties, the numbers, years, degrees, or the like, from 60 through 69, as in referring to numbered streets, indicating the years of a lifetime or of a century, or noting degrees of temperature: Her grandfather is in his late sixties. The temperature is in the low sixties.


amounting to 60 in number.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about sixty

    like sixty, Informal. with great speed, ease, energy, or zest: Everyone was working like sixty to finish up before the holidays.

Origin of sixty

before 900; Middle English (adj. and noun), Old English sixtig (adj.); cognate with Dutch zestig,German sechzig,Old Norse sextigir.See six, -ty1

Words nearby sixty

Sixtus I, Sixtus II, Sixtus III, Sixtus IV, Sixtus V, sixty, sixty-eight, sixty-eighth, sixty-fifth, sixty-first, sixty-five

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

How to use sixty in a sentence

  • Sixty-seven Republicans voted against it, a margin in line with estimates of many conservatives from earlier in the day.

  • Requests received more than sixty (60) days after January 31st, 2015, will not be honored.

  • Sixty vaccinators have been killed in the area in the last few years.

  • But a recently purchased automated bottling line has increased their output to sixty cases per hour.

  • Sixty-five years altogether,” she pointed out with a laugh.

  • But what might have been very practicable for eight hundred and sixty men, was impossible for three hundred and sixty.

  • At that time, the postage on letters from that region was very high, sometimes as much as fifty or sixty cents, or even a dollar.

  • Fujiyama, the noted volcano of Japan, is twelve thousand three hundred and sixty-five feet high.

  • Madame Coquereau, in spite of her sixty-five years trudged along with springing step.

  • We are going to send our butler to the sale to-morrow, to pick up some of that sixty-four.

British Dictionary definitions for sixty

noun plural -ties

the cardinal number that is the product of ten and sixSee also number (def. 1)

a numeral, 60, LX, etc, representing sixty

something represented by, representing, or consisting of 60 units


  1. amounting to sixtysixty soldiers
  2. (as pronoun)sixty are dead

Word Origin for sixty

Old English sixtig

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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It was only about sixty years ago that the expansion of the universe was first observed.

Michael Behe



Old English sixtig.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Sixty can act as a noun and a determiner.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The determinant is a modifier that provides context to the noun, often in terms of quantity and possession.



60 (number)

60 (sixty) ( Listen (help·info)) is the natural number following 59 and preceding 61. Being three times 20, it is called «three score» in older literature.

Definition of sixty in the English dictionary

The first definition of sixty in the dictionary is a numeral, 60, LX, etc, representing sixty. Other definition of sixty is something represented by, representing, or consisting of 60 units. Sixty is also amounting to sixty.


Synonyms and antonyms of sixty in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «sixty» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of sixty to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of sixty from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «sixty» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Enam puluh

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

sáu mươi

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of sixty


The term «sixty» is very widely used and occupies the 11.963 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «sixty» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of sixty

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «sixty».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «sixty» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «sixty» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about sixty


Famous quotes and sentences with the word sixty.

Sixty percent of all Indians live in urban areas, but nobody’s writing about them. They’re really an underrepresented population, and the ironic thing is very, very few of those we call Native American writers actually grew up on reservations, and yet most of their work is about reservations.

Sixty per cent of people entering prison today are illiterate.

It was only about sixty years ago that the expansion of the universe was first observed.

We all agree now — by ‘we’ I mean intelligent people under sixty — that a work of art is like a rose. A rose is not beautiful because it is like something else. Neither is a work of art. Roses and works of art are beautiful in themselves.

I’ve been a member of the Labour Party sixty five years, and I remain in it, but I think it’s all about campaigning for justice and peace, and if you do that, you get a lot of support.

Short stories have no net. The writer cannot take a leisurely sixty pages to get things moving, or make a side trip onto a barely related subject, or slack off in the last forty pages. Everything is right now, right here, in the reader’s grasp and mind’s eye. The writer has twenty to thirty pages to entice, seduce, enter, and alter the reader.

In this time the enemy began to undermine our fort, which was situated sixty yards from Kentucky River.

If Sir John A. MacDonald or any other leader of that day were here now, he would have a different program from that of sixty years ago. He sought to give his people policies suited to the time in which he lived.

The normal profits of a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and sometimes twelve percent. But war-time profits — ah! that is another matter — twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent — the sky is the limit.

Twenty can’t be expected to tolerate sixty in all things, and sixty gets bored stiff with twenty’s eternal love affairs.


Discover the use of sixty in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to sixty and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Presents a collection of sixty short stories by twentieth-century American author Donald Barthelme.


Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything

One, our life is about to change. And two, it’s a day we will not soon forget. Sixty Seconds is an uplifting collection of intimate, heartfelt stories from prominent people who graciously share their personal experiences with the profound.


Zero to Sixty: The Motorcycle Journey of a Lifetime

The author describes his motorcycle journey through Minnesota to the Alaskan Highway, recalling the events in his life that have made him the man he is today and other challenges he has faced on the road of life.


The Sixty-Second Motivator

Have you ever had trouble sticking to a diet? Regularly exercising? How about difficulty saving more money and spending less? These are exactly the kind of everyday problems that «The Sixty Second Motivator» is designed to tackle.


Sixty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong: Why We Love France …

» —Montreal Mirror «In an era of irrational reactions to all things French, here is an eminently rational answer to the question, ‘Why are the French like that?'» —Library Journal «A must-read.» —Edmonton Journal

Jean-Benoit Nadeau, Julie Barlow, 2003


One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families

This work is an exhaustive study of 160 New England families.

John Osborne Austin, 1893

Looks at the first six decades of the American sports car, from the early concepts to the sixth-generation incarnation of today, featuring rare and unpublished photographs from General Motors’ archive.

Fans of Chasing Vermeer, The Doll People, and From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler will be swept up in the magic of this exciting art adventure! From the Hardcover edition.


Neil Young: Zero to Sixty : a Critical Biography

This comprehensive biography tackles every phase of Neil Young’s life, from his childhood in Canada, through the highs and lows of his long musical career, until the end of the 20th century.

The Newfoundland Poetry Series was begun in 1993 as Breakwater’s twentieth anniversary project to honour and preserve the literary talents of our Newfoundland and Labrador poets.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term sixty is used in the context of the following news items.

Sixty-six people on one enormous surfboard set a world record

On Sunday, 66 people rode a 42-foot, 1,300-pound surfboard into the history books — breaking the record for the most people riding on a surfboard. “We’re Surf … «Washington Post, Jun 15»

Nautilus, a Sixty Hotel in Miami Beach, Will Now Open in October

The other week we strolled by another new hotel coming to Miami Beach—Nautilus, a Sixty Hotel at 18th and Collins Ave, which we last heard was opening on … «HotelChatter, Jun 15»

Sixty firefighters battle west side fire

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (May 25, 2015) – Two firefighters suffered injuries in a large fire on the west side of Indianapolis Monday morning. Wayne Township Fire … «Fox 59, May 15»

Jones Lang LaSalle, an integrated commercial real estate and …

“Tower Two-Sixty is a bold and exciting addition to the marketplace,” said JC Pelusi, Market Leader/Managing Director in JLL’s Pittsburgh office. “The building … «Area Development Online, May 15»

‘Sex Please, We’re Sixty:’ Scandalous senior fun at the Colonial …

Colonial Playhouse’s production of ‘Sex Please, We’re Sixty‘ stars, from left, Lou Wheeler, Loretta Miller and John Devine. The show runs at the Aldan theater … «The Delaware County Daily Times, May 15»

Take your oral care routine from «zero to sixty» with the new Philips …

Rutledge Wood, seasoned auto racing analyst and host of History Channel’s Top Gear and Lost in Transmission knows what it takes to go from zero to sixty. «PR Newswire, Apr 15»

Iowa Lawmaker Reads ‘Sex After Sixty‘ During Debate

Things are getting a little steamy in the Iowa statehouse. During a lengthy debate on public school teachers’ collective bargaining rights, Republican state Rep. «ABC News, Mar 15»

Rehoboth woman dies in crash at Sixty Foot Road

A 71-year-old Rehoboth Beach woman is dead after a collision on Route 50 at Sixty Foot Road in the Pittsville area, police say. Margaret Ann Joiner was … «Delmarva Daily Times, Mar 15»

Man On Life Support For 15 Years In Coronado Dubbed Sixty-Six …

His full name is Sixty-Six Garage — after the place the van he was traveling in was taken after it crashed near the Mexican border about 100 miles east of San … «KPBS, Feb 15»

Nonsense on “Sixty Minutes”

Sixty Minutes” correspondent Scott Pelley gave Mickens a pass, as if the truth of Mickens’ assertion were self-evident. But if there’s anything self-evident about … «First Things, Jan 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Sixty [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/sixty>. Apr 2023 ».

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