English word for not giving up

Everyone likes to think of themselves as persevering. People don’t often like to “give up,” and it would help to come up with some encouraging ways to remind them not to. This article will look at good synonyms for “never give up.”

Good Synonyms For Never Give Up

The preferred versions are “keep going,” “be persistent,” and “don’t stop trying.” They are all great replacement phrases that show someone is working hard toward achieving a certain goal. We don’t have to use “give up” (which can be a negative word) in any of these alternatives.

Keep Going

“Keep going” might look simple on the surface, but it’s one of the best ways to encourage someone to keep going and push through the pain. It works well because it doesn’t require any explanation as to what it means.

Sometimes, the best thing to say to someone that needs help is “keep going.” Keeping things simple is great because it’s clear what you mean from the get-go.

The idiom “keep it simple, stupid” is common in English. It lets people know that you should sometimes stop overthinking the things you’re trying to say because you’ll get more of a response out of simpler words or phrases.

  • Keep going, Matthew! We’re all behind you every step of the way! You just have to prove this to yourself.
  • We need you to keep going! We’re certain that you’ll be able to get this sorted if you just keep trying.
  • Keep going! Do not let your intrusive thoughts cloud your judgment! We all know you can do this just fine!

Be Persistent

“Be persistent” is another great phrase for encouragement. We can use “persistent” to make sure someone keeps doing something in the same fashion until it’s completed.

Sometimes, when a person tires, they slow down or stop working as effectively. “Persistence” is what someone must rely on if they want to keep pushing through, even when they are getting to the brink of tiredness and fatigue.

  • Remember to be persistent no matter what. It’s important that you keep going with this because quitting is not an option.
  • I want you to be persistent. No son of mine was born a quitter. You just have to show me what you’re made of.
  • Just be persistent! That’s all I can ask of you, really. I know you’re destined for truly great things.

Don’t Stop Trying

“Don’t stop trying” is a simple motivational quote we can use. It’s important for people to “try” when they’re trying to win something or to get to a specific target or goal.

Encouraging someone not to “stop trying” shows that we’re backing them. It allows them to understand that we’re supporting them, which should be enough to help them get through it.

  • Don’t stop trying. Why have you slowed down? You know you’ve got this in you, and we all believe in you.
  • Do not stop trying! You haven’t given it your all yet. We are all behind you every step of the way! Just make it happen.
  • You can’t stop trying now! You’re so close to the end. I know you’re capable. You just need to prove it to yourself.

“Never say never” is an idiomatic expression used to help encourage someone to keep going. The idea is that saying “never” means that someone has given up.

If they can avoid saying “never,” they will instead think of the opposite word, “always,” which encourages them to keep pushing.

  • Look, never say never. You never know when you’re going to succeed with something like this. Trust yourself.
  • Never say never, mate. I’ve believed in you for as long as I’ve known you, and now it’s time for you to see it for yourself.
  • Never say never! I don’t like how much you hate yourself for this. I know you’re capable of doing it.

Never Say Die

“Never say die” is another great idiom. This time, we use “die” as the negative phrase. The implication is that if you say “die,” it means you have surrendered, and you will never know whether you would have completed your task.

  • Never say die! That’s all I can say! It’s not over until it’s over, after all. Just keep pushing on.
  • Never say die, Sandra. I want you to get the most out of this, and I know you will do it if you keep working toward it.
  • This looks like a “never say die” situation to me. Just keep moving on. I know it hurts now, but it’ll be over soon.

Never Surrender

“Never surrender” is a more simple phrase involving “never.” It is not an idiom in the same sense as the other two. Instead, it just uses “surrender” to show that you should never back down or quit from whatever you’re trying to work toward.

  • Never surrender! Do you hear me? You can’t quit now! I know you’re going to get this done because I believe in you.
  • Never surrender, Jacqueline! I want you to show me that you can do it, even though I already believe you can.
  • I just have to say, never surrender! It’s important that you get this win to show yourself you can do it.

Don’t Back Down

“Don’t back down” is a great phrase we can use in many circumstances. “Back down” implies that someone has given up or taken themselves out of the running of a race. Naturally, using “don’t” shows the opposite of that, meaning they’ll have to keep fighting.

  • Don’t back down now! Look at how far you’ve come! Do you really want to give up on that chance?
  • No. Don’t back down! You can’t keep going at it like this. I know you can approach it differently.
  • Don’t back down again! I don’t want to see you throw away your hopes and dreams for no good reason.

Do Not Yield

“Do not yield” is another great demand. We usually say it to other people when we are convincing them to keep fighting toward a goal or target.

“Yield” means to give in or surrender. It’s a more old-fashioned word that doesn’t get used much these days. However, it’s still powerful enough to get the results you want.

We think it’s a great choice when you’re trying to be supportive and let someone know that they shouldn’t give up.

  • Do not yield! I know I say that a lot, but I actually mean it this time. I can see that you want this, and I know you’re going to get it.
  • Do not yield, mister! I think you’re more than capable of getting this done. Just keep moving until you’re at the end.
  • I do not yield. I don’t see the point in it. I want to make sure I see everything through until the end.

Do Not Quit

“Do not quit” is another great demand. We can use “quit” this time to show that someone should not surrender their opportunity. Quitting almost always ends in regret, which is what we’re trying to avoid doing.

“Quit” is more commonly used (thus, more clearly defined) than “yield.” That’s why it’s still a great choice in its own right when supporting someone.

  • I do not quit. There’s no reason to, after all. If I quit, I would never learn what I’m truly capable of, and that’s no fun.
  • Do not quit! You can’t get all this way only to fall at the final hurdle. Go out there and show them that you’re able to do this.
  • Do not quit! Why do you keep thinking like you’re not good enough? I’m tired of you pretending it’s over.

Don’t Concede

“Don’t concede” is a great choice to make sure someone doesn’t give up too easily. “Concede” is just like “yield.” It means “surrender,” but it’s not commonly heard anymore because words like “quit” are much more common.

Still, you can use “concede” whenever you want someone to stick to their guns. It’s also common to combine it into phrases like “concede your victory” or “concede your worth.”

  • Don’t concede your victory. You’ll be surprised by how far you can get. You just have to keep going until you’ve finally got it figured out.
  • Do not concede. You will hate yourself for the rest of your life if you give up on this right now.
  • I don’t concede. Never. I have a lot to prove to myself, and I will always find a way to make sure I can show the world who I am.

Keep Pushing On

“Keep pushing on” is a motivational phrase we use to remind someone not to give in. Sometimes, things can be very difficult or painful, and we need to “push” mentally to make sure we get through them.

We could also use “push” in the physical sense if someone is going through a sporting or athletic competition of some kind. They will physically need to push to make sure they succeed with whatever they’re doing.

  • Just keep pushing on! I know it hurts now, but you’re almost through the worst of it. Show me that you can do it.
  • I want you to keep pushing on now! I think you’ll surprise yourself if you just stick to the things you’re doing.
  • I want to keep pushing on. I don’t see any reason to quit right now. I’m ahead of most of the others.

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12 Words For Someone Who Never Gives Up
11 Words For Someone Who Gives Up Easily

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

When someone doesn’t give up easily, you might want to come up with a few words that work well to describe them. That’s where this article comes in. We’ll give you some of the best words to talk about someone who never gives up.

What Do You Call Someone Who Never Gives Up?

There are plenty of great words you can use here. Why not check out one of the following:

  • Tenacious
  • Persevering
  • Persistent
  • Committed
  • Determined
  • Steadfast
  • Dogged
  • Strong-willed
  • Tireless
  • Resolute
  • Purposeful
  • Unyielding

Words For Someone Who Never Gives Up

The preferred versions are “tenacious” or “persevering.” They both work well to talk about specific types of people that never give up. It can be both positive or negative depending on the context and how you want to use the words.


“Tenacious” is great because it works both positively and negatively. We can use it when someone refuses to give up on an action, view, or belief. This can be positive if it doesn’t harm anybody, but it can be negative if some people are insulted by what they believe in.

The definition of “tenacious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “holding tightly onto something, or keeping an opinion in a determined way.”

  • You’re quite the tenacious sort, aren’t you? I’m very impressed.
  • She’s too tenacious to back down from this! I don’t think you’ll ever change that.
  • I don’t mean to be so tenacious, but when I know I’m right, I stick to my guns.


“Persevering” is a positive synonym we can use to show that someone doesn’t give up. It’s a good quality if someone is persevering because it means they’ll put all the necessary effort into completing something and won’t give up until it’s done.

The definition of “persevering,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having the quality of continuing to make an effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time.”

  • She’s a very persevering character, which is why I know she has what it takes to do this.
  • He’s quite persevering when it counts. That’s why he makes all the progress he does.
  • I don’t think I could be more persevering if I tried! I have already given it my everything!


“Persistent” works well in mainly negative situations. We use it to show that someone doesn’t give up, but it’s often because they have an unreasonable view or expectation.

The definition of “persistent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way.”

  • You’re quite persistent; I’ll give you that. I’m not sure I’m fond of that trait, though.
  • You’re being too persistent! I don’t think anyone is going to want to listen to you anymore!
  • Stop being so persistent! You need to start accepting some other people’s opinions.


“Committed” means that someone has a lot of time and energy to give. They will often devote all of this energy to something they enjoy and won’t give up. Even when some people might think it smart for them to quit, they still won’t.

The definition of “committed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in.”

  • You’re very committed to this work, which is why so many of us our impressed with your output.
  • I didn’t think you’d show such a committed attitude toward something that seems so boring.
  • He’s very committed, which is why I know he’s got it in him! Just wait until you see what he can do!


“Determined” is a simple word we can use when someone doesn’t give up. We can use it to show that they have a specific goal in mind, and they will not stop working toward it until they consider it to be a success on their part.

The definition of “determined,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you.”

  • I’m very determined when it counts. That’s why I’m certain I’m going to get all the things I want out of life.
  • She’s not determined enough to see this through. Just you wait; she’ll be quitting in no time.
  • I’d love to be more determined, but I don’t think I have that in me! I simply can’t hold on for that long!


“Steadfast” is a great synonym to show that someone keeps the same opinion or view. They will very rarely listen to the input of other people because they feel like they already have the only correct view that applies.

The definition of “steadfast,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly.”

  • I really like how steadfast you are on these views.
  • You’re quite steadfast, and I’m sure you’re going to ignore me, but I think you should change your opinion.
  • Stop being so steadfast! It’s time you listen to someone else for a change to see what they can do to help you!


“Dogged” is a great word that applies when someone is so determined that they refuse to give up. It usually applies to situations that are notoriously difficult to complete.

The definition of “dogged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very determined to do something, even if it is very difficult.”

  • You have such a strong and dogged determination about yourself. That’s why I think so many people respect you.
  • She’s too dogged to let you get away with that!
  • Don’t be so dogged next time! Sometimes it’s okay to admit defeat!


“Strong-willed” works both positively and negatively. We use it when someone refuses to give up on their beliefs or ideals.

It can be positive if it shows they don’t succumb to persuasion. It can be negative if it shows that they’re not willing to change their views even when it’s evident that they are in the wrong.

The definition of “strong-willed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “determined to behave in a particular way although there might be good reasons for not doing so.”

  • He’s too strong-willed to back down from his commitment now. You simply cannot get through to him.
  • You’re quite strong-willed, and I respect that. Though, I’m sure there are ways we can get you to change your mind.
  • I appreciate how strong-willed he’s being, but I’m certain I can break through his defenses!


“Tireless” means that someone is incapable of tiring. In this context, it refers to them being able to continue working toward something without ever needing to give up. It’s a great quality to have if you’re willing to work toward a goal.

The definition of “tireless,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “working energetically and continuously.”

  • I’m tireless when I know what I want. I’ll make sure to get it because I know that I deserve it, and that’s enough for me.
  • You’re not the most tireless person out there, which is why you always find that you give up before long.
  • He’s got such a tireless spirit about him. I wish I had his qualities because it would have helped me achieve so many things.


“Resolute” refers to someone’s determination. It mainly refers to their character or actions, which is why it’s a great complimentary word to use. It applies whenever someone refuses to give up in almost everything they do in life.

The definition of “resolute,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “determined in character, action, or ideas.”

  • Your resolute character is what drew me to you. I wish I had your ideas and ability to stay above the rest.
  • It’s his resolution that surprises me the most! I don’t think the man is even capable of giving up without a fight.
  • You should show off more of that resolution when you can! I think more people will be impressed with the things you can do.


“Purposeful” is a great way to show that someone has determination in their spirit. It’s another complimentary term that refers to someone refusing it give up until they’ve achieved something that they intended to achieve.

The definition of “purposeful,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “aimed at achieving something; determined.”

  • I’m very purposeful in the things I do. It’s because I know what I want, and I also know how to get it.
  • You’re quite the purposeful sort! That’s why you’ve always found ways to get what you want in life.
  • It’s not the most purposeful way to do things, but she still manages to get results when it counts.


“Unyielding” works well to show that someone doesn’t give up. it refers mainly to their viewpoints or beliefs, and they will refuse to let anyone else come up with anything that might be able to change their opinions.

The definition of “unyielding,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not giving up control or responsibility for (something) as a result of influence or persuasion.”

  • His unyielding attitude is what he used to get himself this far, and we couldn’t be prouder.
  • She’s unyielding in the way she carries herself! It’s both a blessing and a curse.
  • You don’t have enough of an unyielding attitude to warrant the way you’re acting right now, Ben!

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11 Good Synonyms For “Never Give Up”

What is another word for not giving up?

keeping at persevering with
lasting maintaining
persevering persisting
remaining seeing through
showing determination in slaving


  • 1 What is a synonym for not giving up?
  • 2 What is another phrase for giving up?
  • 3 What is the opposite of give up?
  • 4 What is the antonym of forfeit?
  • 5 What is a synonym for wasting away?
  • 6 What does relinquishment mean?
  • 7 What is the synonyms of abandon?
  • 8 Are ignore and forfeit synonyms?
  • 9 What is the synonym of irritable?
  • 10 What is the synonym of conceded?
  • 11 What do you call a non professional?
  • 12 What does it mean to waste away?
  • 13 What’s another word for wasting time?
  • 14 How do you use the word relinquish?
  • 15 What is R deed?
  • 16 What does voluntary relinquishment mean?
  • 17 What is the synonym of leave?
  • 18 What is a word for being forgotten?
  • 19 What is the synonym of Forgotten?
  • 20 What is the synonym of Fortify?

What is a synonym for not giving up?

synonyms: tenacious, persevering, determined, resolute, purposeful, dogged, single-minded, tireless, indefatigable, patient, unflagging, untiring, insistent, importunate, relentless, unrelenting; more stubborn, intransigent, obstinate, continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period.

In this page you can discover 45 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for give up, like: quit, surrender, renounce, lose courage, abandon, lose-heart, cease, cede, hand over, yield and relinquish.

What is the opposite of give up?

(of an activity) Opposite of to stop or quit. continue. keep. maintain. persevere.

What is the antonym of forfeit?

Antonyms: won, lay claim, arrogate, claim. Synonyms: forfeited, confiscate. forfeit, give up, throw overboard, waive, forgo, foregoverb.

What is a synonym for wasting away?

nounbreaking down, collapse. adulteration. atrophy. blight. caries.

What does relinquishment mean?

1 : to withdraw or retreat from : leave behind. 2 : give up relinquish a title. 3a : to stop holding physically : release slowly relinquished his grip on the bar.

What is the synonyms of abandon?

Some common synonyms of abandon are relinquish, resign, surrender, waive, and yield.

Are ignore and forfeit synonyms?

  • drop,
  • lose.

What is the synonym of irritable?

bad-tempered, irascible, tetchy, testy, touchy, scratchy, grumpy, grouchy, moody, crotchety, in a mood, in a bad mood, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, ill-tempered, ill-natured, ill-humoured, peevish, having got out of bed on the wrong side, cross, fractious, disagreeable, pettish, crabbed, crabby, waspish, prickly,

What is the synonym of conceded?

Frequently Asked Questions About concede
Some common synonyms of concede are accord, award, grant, and vouchsafe. While all these words mean “to give as a favor or a right,” concede implies yielding something reluctantly in response to a rightful or compelling claim.

What do you call a non professional?

Find another word for nonprofessional. In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nonprofessional, like: amateur, lay, layperson, unprofessional, dabbler, dilettantish, dilettante, laywoman, tyro, smatterer and uninitiate.

What does it mean to waste away?

Definition of waste away
: to become thinner and weaker because of illness or lack of food.

What’s another word for wasting time?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for waste-time, like: procrastinate, fritter away time, loiter, lollygag, dawdle, pass-the-time, dillydally, skive (British), delay, lose time and idle away time.

How do you use the word relinquish?

Relinquish sentence example

  1. The son was reluctant to relinquish involvement in the company.
  2. He was entitled in return to call upon them to relinquish the protection which they enjoyed.
  3. No state will relinquish any control over their military.

What is R deed?

Through this legal document, an heir can transfer or release his legal right of the inherited property.Must be registered: Relinquishment deed falls under Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908 and hence, a release of rights in the immovable property must be registered.

What does voluntary relinquishment mean?

Glossary Term. Voluntary relinquishment. To voluntarily relinquish possession with the intent of terminating ownership, but without vesting it in any other person. In determining whether one has abandoned his property or rights, intent is the paramount object of inquiry, for to abandon, one must intend to abandon.

What is the synonym of leave?

depart from, go away from, go from, withdraw from, retire from, take oneself off from, exit from, take one’s leave of, pull out of, quit, be gone from, decamp from, disappear from, abandon, vacate, absent oneself from, evacuate.

What is a word for being forgotten?

Words related to forgotten
abandoned, buried, erased, gone, lapsed, lost, obliterated, omitted, repressed, suppressed, blotted out, bygone, disremembered, left out, past, unrecalled, unremembered.

What is the synonym of Forgotten?

In this page you can discover 49 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for forgotten, like: unremembered, neglected, ignored, overlooked, beyond recall, not remembered, clean out of one’s mind, unretained, obliterated, consigned to oblivion and unrecalled. Words That Rhyme With Orange.

What is the synonym of Fortify?

Synonyms for fortify. beef (up), harden, strengthen, toughen.

What is another word for not giving up?


What does it mean to never quit?

It means believing in yourself. It means willingness to accept failure so you can learn the critical skill of adaptation. It means not compromising on your most important values, and walking the walk, rather than just talking the talk. It means living the life you want and are passionate about.

What do you call a person who don’t give up easily?

One word that describes someone who doesn’t give up easily is perseverant. Then there’s the word tenacious, which describes someone who ferociously refuses to give up on the thing they’re trying to do.

What is the word for not wanting to do anything?

unwilling. adjective. if you are unwilling to do something, you do not want to do it or you refuse to do it.

How do you say I don’t want politely?

11:02Suggested clip 81 seconds15 Smart and Polite Ways to Say ‘I DON’T LIKE’ – Do NOT be RUDE …YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip

How do you say no nicely?

How to Say No: A Guide to Saying No Politely1 Cushion it with kindness or a compliment. 2 Give your reasons. 3 Be brief, but not brusque. 4 Leave the door cracked. 5 Offer an alternative.

How do you tell someone no after you say yes?

3:19Suggested clip 116 secondsHow Do I Tell Someone, “No”, After Already Saying, “Yes”? – YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip

How do you say no in a difficult situation?

Here, then, are 9 ways to defuse the negativity of your having to be negative:Know why you’re saying no. Recognize that saying no can be stressful. Figure out how to say no without being hurtful to others. Look for something positive in the situation. Take pride in your willingness to stick up for your values.

How do you indirectly say no?

How to Say No Without Ever Saying NoSay nothing. Ask for more information. Say “Maybe.” After they get back to you with that information you were sure they wouldn’t have, say you’ll have to think about it. Say “Not right now.” After they don’t forget about it, say that now isn’t a good time. Say you’ll get back to them. Offer something else instead.

Why do we hesitate to say no?

It helps as the person know it’s nothing wrong about what he/she is offering, but that you are looking for something else. At the same time, by saying you’ll keep him/her in mind, it signals you are open to future opportunities. “I’m not the best person to help on this.

What are the benefits of saying no?

Saying no means you value your time. Saying no is the best tool you have for distancing yourself from negative people or situations. Remind yourself how valuable your time is, and you’re less likely to hesitate when it comes to saying no to something you really don’t want to do.

What does saying no mean?

: to say that one will not accept or agree to something We requested more time, but she said no. —often + toShe said no to our request.

Having or showing tenacity and grim persistence. dogged. staunch. perseverant. resolute.

What is the synonym of dedication?

devotion, devotedness, commitment, loyalty, faithfulness, adherence, allegiance, constancy, staunchness. indifference.

Is dedication a characteristic?

Dedication is one of the traits which is most easily inspired by example. Integrity – integrity inspires trust and respect, which in turn inspires people to follow someone as their leader.

What does it mean when someone is dedicated?

A person who is dedicated is defined as: devoted to a task or purpose. Having single minded loyalty or integrity. Over that last couple of days we have spent time talking about different ways you can change your life.

What to call someone who perseveres?

Persevering is used to describe people who persevere—continue to do or try to achieve something despite difficulty or discouragement. A close synonym is persistent.

Why is never giving up important?

We learn a lot when we keep going and decide not to give up. We can learn that there are hidden strength and potentials within us. We learn how to keep ourselves motivated. More importantly, we decide not to give up, and we learn how we can effectively convert our failures to success.

What is the biblical definition of dedication?

Dedication is the act of consecrating an altar, temple, church, or other sacred building. It also refers to the inscription of books or other artifacts when these are specifically addressed or presented to a particular person.

Is determination a personal quality?

When you are determined, you force yourself to work for a cause and show your firmness of purpose. It is the much needed push. This personal quality requires you to be decisive and dynamic. Taking firm decisions and abiding by them is the hallmark of determination.

What is a character trait for someone who doesn’t give up?

A sedulous person is someone who works hard and doesn’t give up easily.

Why you should never give up hope?

Life will throw difficult scenarios at you when you least expect it, and that’s why it is good not to give up hope. You can turn anything positive if you set your mind to it. God is always with you and will help you through what your going through. He will give you the hope and strength you need.

What it means to never give up?

So what does never giving up really mean? It means believing in yourself. It means willingness to accept “failure” so you can learn the critical skill of adaptation. It means not compromising on your most important values, and walking the walk, rather than just talking the talk.

What does it mean to dedicate a house in the Bible?

In the Christian religion, new homes must be dedicated to God so that the homeowners reside within one of God’s shelters. A home dedication is a spiritual, religious ceremony where the home is blessed by a religious official, such as a priest or pastor, and the house then becomes a home of God.

What is a sentence for dedication?

Dedication sentence example. She removed the book from the shelf and opened it to the dedication page. In later times the psalms for the encaenia or feast of dedication embraced Ps.

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