English word for new beginning

  1. Что включает в себя словарный запас на уровне Elementary?
  2. Глаголы уровня А1
  3. Список имен существительных уровня Beginner
    1. Список слов по теме «Окружающий мир»
    2. Слова уровня А1 на тему «Семья»
    3. Английские слова на тему «Социальная коммуникация»
    4. Слова General Basic Words для туриста начального уровня
  4. Прилагательные уровня Elementary
  5. Список важных наречий базового уровня
  6. Техники увеличения словарного запаса
    1. Техника «Комментатор»
    2. Техника «Домашний актёр»
    3. Техника «Радужный текст»
  7. В качестве заключения

Чем больше слов знает человек, тем интереснее и осмысленнее его речь. Даже начальный уровень английского, усиленный достаточным словарным запасом, позволит вам чувствовать себя уверенно в любой ситуации, которая может возникнуть в другой стране. Лексика – это отличный инструмент, с помощью которого можно донести свою точку зрения, обратиться за помощью, решить проблему. Давайте разберёмся с английскими словами уровня А1.

Что включает в себя словарный запас на уровне Elementary?

Активный лексический запас на этом этапе включает до 1000 слов и состоит из таких употребляемых частей речи:

  • глаголов (verbs),
  • имен существительных (nouns),
  • прилагательных (adjectives),
  • местоимений (pronouns),
  • числительных (numerals),
  • наречий (adverbs).

В английском предложение строится на основании глагола в правильном времени. Они выражают действия (Olga drinks juiceОльга пьет сок) и состояния (Denis seems very happyДенис кажется очень счастливым). Глаголы, в отличие от других частей речи, меняются в зависимости от времени и рода подлежащего.

Не стоит волноваться, если на первый взгляд все перечисленные слова окажутся незнакомыми. Наверняка, вы не раз слышали их в песнях, рекламе или крылатых выражениях. Подобранные в этой статье частицы речи полезны тем, что вы можете сразу же начинать их использовать. Это наиболее легкие и часто применимые English words.

Глаголы уровня А1

Для того, чтобы иметь возможность общаться с англоязычными людьми и понимать в общих чертах их беглую речь – необходимо выучить список главных глаголов английского языка. После того, как вы запомните хотя бы половину нижеперечисленного материала – вы можете начинать общаться с не носителями: индейцами, китайцами, французами, арабами, испанцами. Смысл разговоров в невозможности перейти на русский и в применении простейших слов в бытовых беседах с живыми людьми.

Глагол Транскрипция Перевод
To be [tə biː] Быть
To do [du] Делать
To feel [fiːl] Чувствовать
To see [siː] Видеть
To hear [hɪər] Слышать
To run [rʌn] Бежать
To get [ɡet] Получать
To make [meɪk] Сделать
To cook [kʊk] Готовить
To sing [sɪŋ] Петь
To speak [spiːk] Разговаривать
To say [seɪ] Говорить
To tell [tel] Рассказывать
To take [teɪk] Брать
To sit [sɪt] Садиться
To stand [stænd] Стоять
To laugh [lɑːf] Смеяться
To smile [smaɪl] Улыбаться
To open [ˈəʊpən] Открывать
To close [kləʊz] Закрывать
To love [lʌv] Любить
To like [laɪk] Нравиться
To give [ɡɪv] Давать
To bring [brɪŋ] Приносить
To breath [breθ] Дышать
To buy [baɪ] Покупать
To sell [sel] Продавать
To forget [fəˈɡet] Забывать
To believe [bɪˈliːv] Верить
To have [həv] Иметь
To go [ɡəʊ] Идти
To know [nəʊ] Знать
To think [θɪŋk] Думать
To come [kʌm] Приходить
To want [wɒnt] Хотеть
To use [juːz] Использовать
To find [faɪnd] Находить
To work [wɜːk] Работать
To eat [iːt] Есть
To drink [drɪŋk] Пить
To write [raɪt] Писать
To read [riːd] Читать
To call [kɔːl] Звонить
To try [traɪ] Пытаться
To need [niːd] Нуждаться
To become [bɪˈkʌm] Становиться
To put [pʊt] Класть
To leave [liːv] Оставлять
To pay [peɪ] Платить
To play [pleɪ] Играть
To pray [preɪ] Молиться
To stay [steɪ] Оставаться
To mean [miːn] Означать
To keep [kiːp] Держать, хранить
To let [let] Оставлять
To begin [bɪˈɡɪn] Начинать
To start [stɑːt] Стартовать
To finish [ˈfɪnɪʃ] Заканчивать
To help [help] Помогать
To show [ʃəʊ] Показывать
To cry [kraɪ] Плакать
To move [muːv] Двигаться
To jump [dʒʌmp] Прыгать
To live [lɪv] Жить
To die [daɪ] Умирать
To happen [ˈhæpən] Случаться
To lose [luːz] Проигрывать
To hate [heɪt] Ненавидеть
To include [ɪnˈkluːd] Включать в себя
To turn on [tɜːn ɒn] Включать (о приборе)
To turn off [tɜːn ɒf] Выключать
To continue [kənˈtɪnjuː] Продолжать
To change [tʃeɪndʒ] Менять
To wash [wɒʃ] Мыть
To clean [kliːn] Убирать, очищать
To lead [liːd] Вести
To understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] Понимать
To watch [wɒtʃ] Смотреть
To discover [dɪˈskʌvə(r)] Исследовать
To imagine [ɪˈmædʒɪn] Представлять
To introduce [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs] Представить
To follow [ˈfɒləʊ] Следовать
To create [kriˈeɪt] Создавать
To grow [ɡrəʊ] Расти
To spend [spend] Тратить
To win [wɪn] Выигрывать
To offer [ˈɒfə(r)] Предлагать
To learn [lɜːn] Изучать
To appear [əˈpɪə(r)] Появляться
To disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)] Исчезать
To build [bɪld] Строить
To break [breɪk] Ломать
To send [send] Посылать
To fall [fɔːl] Падать
To cut [kʌt] Резать
To achieve [əˈtʃiːv] Достигать
To communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt] Общаться
To kill [kɪl] Убивать
To pass [pɑːs] Проходить
To fly [flaɪ] Летать
To swim [swɪm] Плавать
To decide [dɪˈsaɪd] Решать
To return [rɪˈtɜːn] Возвращаться
To hope [həʊp] Надеяться
To explain [ɪkˈspleɪn] Объяснять
To propose [prəˈpəʊz] Предлагать
To develop [dɪˈveləp] Развивать
To support [səˈpɔːt] Поддерживать
To dance [dɑːns] Танцевать
To draw [drɔː] Рисовать
To book [bʊk] Бронировать
To be afraid [bi əˈfreɪd] Бояться
To agree [əˈɡriː] Соглашаться
To check up [tʃek ʌp] Проверять
To delete [dɪˈliːt] Удалять
To choose [tʃuːz] Выбирать
To catch [kætʃ] Ловить
To ask [ɑːsk] Спрашивать
To answer [ˈɑːnsə(r)] Отвечать
To hesitate [ˈhezɪteɪt] Cомневаться

Мы рекомендуем изучать эту базу в самом начале. Как можно эффективно выучить их в правильном контексте? Надо выбрать простой текст, прочитать его, подчеркнуть найденные глаголы и попробовать самостоятельно составить с ними несколько десятков предложений.

Очень здорово помогает в запоминании подборки слов по смыслу. Вы можете самостоятельно сформировать наборы, отталкиваясь от ваших ассоциаций. Например, набор «Любопытный Лис» может состоять из таких близких по сути глаголов: to ask, to discover, to learn, to check up, to think. Еще можно выделить группу «Злобный Волк»: to kill, to cut, to hate, to break или «Очаровательный Зайка»: to love, to dance, to communicate, to smile, to laugh.

Если придумывать эмоциональные названия, то учиться будет интереснее и легче. Конечно же, вы можете составлять подборки и по сфере использования, например «Отношения», «Работа», «Конфликт». Здесь нет правил – важен только ваш результат.

Также вы можете использовать ваш индивидуальный формат запоминания: картинки, мемы, аудиоверсии, видеоролик или текст.

Список имен существительных уровня Beginner

Конечно же, одних глаголов мало, чтобы выразить свою точку зрения. Давайте рассмотрим несколько списков с базовой лексикой А1.

Освоив эти подборки, вы можете тренироваться и составлять примитивные рассказы. На этом этапе идеально подойдут языковые приложения и кроссворды. Можно также играть в развивающие игры для малышей на английском.

Список слов по теме «Окружающий мир»

Существительное Транскрипция Перевод
air [ən eə(r)] Воздух
wind [wɪnd] Ветер
water [ˈwɔːtə(r)] Вода
west [west] Запад
east [iːst] Восток
north [nɔːθ] Север
south [saʊθ] Юг
tree [triː] Дерево
sea [siː] Море
ocean [ˈəʊʃn] Океан
rock [rɒk] Скала
plant [plɑːnt] Растение
flower [ˈflaʊə(r)] Цветок
forest [ˈfɒrɪst] Лес
person [ˈpɜːsn] Личность
night [naɪt] Ночь
morning [ˈmɔːnɪŋ] Утро
day [deɪ] День
evening [ˈiːvnɪŋ] Вечер
life [laɪf] Жизнь
mountain [ˈmaʊntən] Гора
land [lænd] Земля
house [haʊs] Дом
fire [ˈfaɪə(r)] Огонь
country [ˈkʌntri] Страна
animal [ˈænɪml] Животное
bird [bɜːd] Птица
fish [fɪʃ] Рыба
insect [ˈɪnsekt] Насекомое
city [ˈsɪti] Город
world [wɜːld] Мир

Мы советуем вам подписаться на аккаунты известных людей: Twitter Илона Маска, в котором инженер оставляет колкие твиты с ярким сленгом. Молодежный язык полезен тем, что содержит огромное количество простых слов, которые, тем не менее, могут здорово разнообразить вашу речь:

  • Yeet! — Есть! — Используется вместо классического Yes!
  • Pretty sus — очень подозрительно.
  • Obnoxion – облом, отстой.

Не запрещается зарегистрироваться в Tik Tok – вдруг это окажется вашим самым успешным учебным форматом.

Слова уровня А1 на тему «Семья»

Этот набор нужен тем, кто ещё не умеет рассказывать о себе и своих близких. Однако, чтобы найти друзей и вызывать доверие – очень важно уметь рассказывать о семье и родных.

Обязательно составьте развернутый легкий рассказ про каждого члена семьи или просто подберите под каждое слово ваши ассоциации с вашей семьей. Любые действия с новыми словами помогут вам зафиксировать их в памяти. Поэтому вы можете рисовать, делать схемки, смайлики, записывать голосовые сообщения с вашим вариантом предложения – важна любая осознанная умственная деятельность.

Существительное Перевод Транскрипция
boy Мальчик [bɔɪ]
girl Девочка [ɡɜːl]
mother Мама [ˈmʌðə(r)]
father Отец [ˈfɑːðə(r)]
son Сын [sʌn]
daughter Дочь [ˈdɔːtə(r)]
baby Малыш [ˈbeɪbi]
family Семья [ˈfæməli]
grand mother Бабушка [ɡrænd ˈməT͟Hər]
grand father Дедушка [ɡrænd ˈfɑːðə(r)]
children Дети [ˈtʃɪl.drən]
home Дом [həʊm]
love Любовь [lʌv]
apartment Квартира [əˈpɑːtmənt]
joy Радость [dʒɔɪ]
nephew Племянник [ˈnefjuː]
aunt Тетя [ɑːnt]
uncle Дядя [ˈʌŋkl]
cousin Двоюродная сестра или брат [ˈkʌzn]
man Мужчина [mæn]
woman Женщина [ˈwʊmən]
child Ребенок [tʃaɪld]
sister Сестра [ˈsɪstə(r)]
brother Брат [ˈbrʌðə(r)]
Relatives Родственники [ˈrel.ə.tɪv]
friend Друг [frend]
wife Жена [waɪf]
husband Муж [ˈhʌzbənd]
address Адрес [əˈdres]
happiness Счастье [ˈhæp.i.nəs]
People Люди [ˈpiːpl]

Для того, чтобы материал усвоился – его необходимо постоянно использовать. Важно не только понимать значение, но и обстоятельства применения. Поэтому, как только вы узнали что-то новое – применяйте на практике: пишите письма друзьям, оставляйте комментарии в социальных сетях, придумывайте посты или сторис с новыми словами. В обучении действует всё, что вам нравится и что получается.

Создайте собственный тред в канале Telegram или в блоге «Как я стал англичанином, не зная ни одного слова» и записывайте каждый день несколько новостей, предложений или шуток.

Классная штука – юморной Twitter, куда можно заносить несколько веселых фраз с новым словом. Кстати, это может помочь вам с продвижением личного бренда и с отслеживанием собственного прогресса. Любая креативность будет только в плюс.

В деле с иностранным языком цель – научиться на нем выражаться грамотно и понятно, а способы достижения этой цели могут разными: от комиксов до сочинения песенок.

Английские слова на тему «Социальная коммуникация»

Если вы планируете общаться на специальных сайтах с англоязычной молодежью, то эти слова вам очень пригодятся.

Существительное Транскрипция Перевод
phone [fəʊn] Телефон
question [ˈkwestʃən] Вопрос
place [pleɪs] Место
market [ˈmɑːkɪt] Рынок
order [ˈɔːdə(r)] Заказ
food [fuːd] Еда
work [wɜːk] Работа
communication [kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn] Общение
story [ˈstɔːri] История
relax [rɪˈlæks] Отдых
time [taɪm] Время
word [wɜːd] Слово
dialogue [ˈdaɪ.ə.lɒɡ] Диалог
meeting [ˈmiːtɪŋ] Встреча
week [wiːk] Неделя
distance [ˈdɪstəns] Дистанция
club [klʌb] Клуб
theatre [ˈθɪətə(r)] Театр
cinema [ˈsɪnəmə] Кинотеатр
coffee shop [ˈkɒfi ʃɒp] Кофейня
friendship [ˈfrendʃɪp] Дружба
behavior [bɪˈheɪ.vjər] Поведение
attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd] Отношение
student [ˈstjuːdnt] Студент
university [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti] Университет
union [ˈjuːniən] Объединение
party [ˈpɑːti] Вечеринка
date [deɪt] Свидание
sweetheart [ˈswiːt.hɑːt] Партнер, возлюбленный
leisure time [ˈleʒ.ər taɪm] Досуг

Слова General Basic Words для туриста начального уровня

Этот список важно читать и изучать всем тем, кто планирует переезд с минимальным знанием языка. Это самые важные слова для туриста с уровнем А1.

Существительное Транскрипция Перевод
road [rəʊd] Дорога
ticket [ˈtɪkɪt] Билет
map [mæp] Карта
motel [məʊˈtel] Мотель
highway [ˈhaɪweɪ] Шоссе
reception [rɪˈsepʃn] Регистратура, ресепшн
wallet [ˈwɒlɪt] Бумажник
bank [bæŋk] Банк
subway [ˈsʌb.weɪ] Метро
cab [kæb] Такси
parking [ˈpɑː.kɪŋ] Парковка
food order [fuːd ˈɔːdə(r)] Заказ еды
cash [kæʃ] Наличные
passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt] Паспорт
permission [pəˈmɪʃn] Разрешение
lawyer [ˈlɔːjə(r)] Адвокат
problem [ˈprɒbləm] Проблема
waiting room [weɪtin: ruːm] Зал ожидания
transfer [trænsˈfɜː(r)] Пересадка
bag [bæɡ] Сумка
suitcase [ˈsuːtkeɪs] Чемодан
property [ˈprɒpəti] Имущество
law [lɔː] Право, закон
police station [pəˈliːs ˈsteɪʃn] Полицейский участок
price [praɪs] Стоимость, цена
price list [praɪs lɪst] Ценник
courier [ˈkʊr.i.ər] Курьер
delivery [dɪˈlɪvəri] Доставка
location [ləʊˈkeɪʃn] Местоположение
route [ruːt] Маршрут
agreement [əˈɡriːmənt] Договор
hospital [ˈhɒspɪtl] Больница
ambulance [ˈæmbjələns] Скорая помощь

Комбинируйте лексику между собой и получайте актуальные варианты для диалогов и общения.

Прилагательные уровня Elementary

Прилагательные необходимы для характеристики предмета, человека, ситуации или действия. Без них невозможно донести законченную мысль и быть до конца понятым. Мы рекомендуем миксовать все единицы речи из нашего материала в коротких отрезках текста, связанных по смыслу.

Прилагательное Транскрипция Перевод
Afraid [əˈfreɪd] Напуганный
Angry [ˈæŋɡri] Сердитый
Asleep [əˈsliːp] Спящий
Attentive [əˈten.tɪv] Внимательный
Available [əˈveɪləbl] Доступный
Basic [ˈbeɪsɪk] Базовый
Beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl] Красивый
Big [bɪɡ] Большой
Brave [breɪv] Смелый
Busy [ˈbɪzi] Занятой
Calm [kɑːm] Спокойный
Careful [ˈkeəfl] Внимательный, заботливый
Cheap [tʃiːp] Дешевый
Clean [kliːn] Чистый
Clever [ˈklevə(r)] Умный
Cold [kəʊld] Холодный
Comfortable [ˈkʌmftəbl] Комфортный
Confident [ˈkɒnfɪdənt] Уверенный
Constant [ˈkɒnstənt] Постоянный
Curious [ˈkjʊəriəs] Любопытный
Dangerous [ˈdeɪndʒərəs] Опасный
Dark [dɑːk] Темный
Deep [diːp] Глубокий
Different [ˈdɪfrənt] Разный
Difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] Трудный
Dirty [ˈdɜːti] Грязный
Easy [ˈiːzi] Легкий
Every [ˈevri] Каждый
Expensive [ɪkˈspensɪv] Дорогой
Exact [ɪɡˈzækt] Точный
Fast [fɑːst] Быстрый
Fair [feə(r)] Честный, светлый
Fine [faɪn] Замечательный
Foreign [ˈfɒrən] Иностранный
Free [friː] Свободный
Fresh [freʃ] Свежий
Full [fʊl] Полный
Funny [ˈfʌni] Забавный
Guilty [ˈɡɪlti] Виновный
Healthy [ˈhelθi] Здоровый
Hard [hɑːd] Тяжелый
Helpful [ˈhelpfl] Полезный
Honest [ˈɒnɪst] Честный
Hot [hɒt] Горячий
Hungry [ˈhʌŋɡri] Голодный
Important [ɪmˈpɔːtnt] Важный
Illegal [ɪˈliːɡl] Нелегальный, незаконный
Impossible [ɪmˈpɒsəbl] Невозможный
Independent [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt] Независимый
Interesting [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ] Интересный
Kind [kaɪnd] Добрый
Legal [ˈliːɡl] Законный
Little [ˈlɪtl] Маленький
Lucky [ˈlʌki] Удачливый
Necessary [ˈnesəsəri] Необходимый
Normal [ˈnɔːml] Нормальный
Old [əʊld] Старый
Opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt] Противоположный
Perfect [pəˈfekt] Идеальный
Poor [pɔː(r)] Бедный
Powerful [ˈpaʊəfl] Мощный
Possible [ˈpɒsəbl] Возможный
Quiet [ˈkwaɪət] Тихий
Rare [reə(r)] Редкий
Recent [ˈriːsnt] Недавний
Relevant [ˈreləvənt] Релевантный, актуальный
Remote [rɪˈməʊt] Удаленный
Safe [seɪf] Безопасный
Short [ʃɔːt] Короткий
Small [smɔːl] Маленький
Strange [streɪndʒ] Странный, незнакомый, чужой
Successful [səkˈsesfl] Успешный
Tasty [ˈteɪ.sti] Вкусный, приятный
Terrible [ˈterəbl] Жуткий
Tired [ˈtaɪəd] Усталый
Warm [wɔːm] Теплый
Weak [wiːk] Слабый
Responsible [rɪˈspɒnsəbl] Ответственный, надежный
Sad [sæd] Грустный
International [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl] Международный

Список важных наречий базового уровня

Английские наречия – самостоятельная часть речи, которая обозначает признак действия и обстоятельства, при которых действие происходит. Оно отвечает на вопросы: как? каким образом? где? почему? Наречия очень украшают речь. Стоит обязательно ознакомиться и запомнить эти слова, чтобы ваш разговор стал красочнее, живее и понятнее.

Наречие Транскрипция Перевод
Together [təˈɡeðə(r)] Вместе
According [əˈkɔːdɪŋ] В соответствии
Again [əˈɡen] Снова
Always [ˈɔːlweɪz] Всегда
Beautifully [ˈbjuːtɪfli] Красиво
Carefully [ˈkeə.fəl.i] Осторожно
Correctly [kəˈrektli] Верно, правильно
Especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] Особенно
Friendly [ˈfrendli] Дружелюбно
Indeed [ɪnˈdiːd] Действительно
Above [əˈbʌv] Выше
Accidentally [ˌæk.sɪˈden.təl.i] Случайно
Actually [ˈæktʃuəli] На самом деле
Badly [ˈbædli] Плохо
Besides [bɪˈsaɪdz] Помимо этого
Briefly [ˈbriːfli] Кратко
Certainly [ˈsɜːtnli] Конечно
Daily [ˈdeɪli] Ежедневно
Dreamily [ˈdriː.mɪ.li] Мечтательно
Even [ˈiːvn] Даже
Eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli] В конце концов
Foolishly [ˈfuːlɪʃli] Глупо
Forward [ˈfɔːwəd] Вперед
Ever [ˈevə(r)] Когда-либо
Equally [ˈiːkwəli] Одинаково
Fortunately [ˈfɔː.tʃən.ət.li] К счастью
Honestly [ˈɒnɪstli] Честно
Instead [ɪnˈsted] Вместо
Inside [ˌɪnˈsaɪd] Внутри
Also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] Также
Hardly [ˈhɑːdli] С трудом
Lately [ˈleɪt.li] Недавно
Less [les] Меньше
Loudly [ˈlaʊd.li] Громко, шумно
Nearly [ˈnɪəli] Около
Never [ˈnevə(r)] Никогда
Only [ˈəʊnli] Только
Once [wʌns] Один раз
Often [ˈɒfn] Часто
Perhaps [pəˈhæps] Возможно
Quickly [ˈkwɪkli] Быстро
Probably [ˈprɒbəbli] Вероятно
Rarely [ˈreəli] Редко
Really [ˈriːəli] Действительно
Sometimes [ˈsʌmtaɪmz] Иногда
Yesterday [ˈjestədeɪ] Вчера
Thus [ðʌs] Таким образом
Somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ] Как-то
Soon [suːn] Скоро
Regularly [ˈreɡjələli] Регулярно
Somewhere [ˈsʌmweə(r)] Где-то

Техники увеличения словарного запаса

Есть несколько забавных и оригинальных приёмов, чтобы расширить свой активный словарик.

Техника «Комментатор»

Называйте все предметы, действия, характеристики вещей на английском, когда что-то делаете дома. Например, наводите порядок, готовите, складываете одежду. Называйте знакомые вам слова на улице, в магазине, в кино, на выставке. Если нет возможности говорить вслух или вы стесняетесь – заведите блокнот, в котором можно в конце дня писать все слова, которые вам встречались за день. Такие упражнения позволят вам тренироваться каждый день, соотносить слово и его образ, запоминать часто встречающую лексику.

Техника «Домашний актёр»

Выберите любой фильм, сериал или мультик и выключите звук. А дальше попробуйте произносить слова и реплики вместо главных героев на экране. Эта забавная техника повеселит вас от души и постепенно уберет страх устной речи. Поначалу вы будете говорить односложно, затем вы втянетесь в процесс и будете использовать фразы из 5 и более структурных единиц. Очень здорово, если вы будете подбирать лексику под тематику фильма и пытаться отразить сюжет.

Техника «Радужный текст»

Нужен адаптированный художественный текст минимальной сложности, в котором вы выделяете зеленым маркером те слова, которые точно знаете, желтым – в которых сомневаетесь и красным – незнакомые. Затем текст надо несколько раз прочитать вслух, перевести, а потом по памяти назвать зеленые, желтые и красные слова. Зачастую в процессе человек интуитивно догадывается, что означают непонятные слова, а многократное произнесение вслух способствует запоминаю контекста.

В качестве заключения

При работе со словарным запасом очень важно выбрать подходящий словарь. В современных изданиях каждое слово отмечено специальным знаком – A1, A2, B1 и так далее, что означает, кем оно слово чаще всего используется. Самым оптимальным вариантом будет использование официальных источников, например: Oxford Dictionaries, Macmillan Dictionary.

Самое важное в совершенствовании языка – не переживать, что вы знаете недостаточно. Поставьте себе цель – несколько новых слов в день, и через год вы удивитесь, как же хорошо вы разбираетесь в языке.

100 Basic English Words For Beginners! If you’re just starting to learn English, you need to begin with the basics. Memorizing 100 basic English words will give you a great foundation on which to build. And once you know these words, you can start using them in simple conversations. Here’s a list of 100 essential English words for beginners. Start learning them today and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a fluent English speaker!

basic words for beginners

Table of Contents

Basic English Words For Beginners

  1. Bell
  2. Santa Claus
  3. Star
  4. Time
  5. Bear
  6. Box
  7. Chocolate
  8. Tree
  9. Kitty
  10. Man
  11. Night
  12. Seed
  13. Dog
  14. Father
  15. Garden
  16. Door
  17. Hand
  18. Letter
  19. Bed
  20. Chicken
  21. Story
  22. Way
  23. Farm
  24. Friend
  25. Ground
  26. Name
  27. Baby
  28. Thing
  29. Top
  30. Nest
  31. Paper
  32. Song
  33. Apple
  34. Cake
  35. Water
  36. Back
  37. Birth
  38. Bread
  39. Brother
  40. Christmas
  41. Day
  42. Boat
  43. Snow
  44. Sun
  45. Toy
  46. Car
  47. Egg
  48. Head
  49. Book
  50. Boy
  51. Doll
  52. Rabbit
  53. Stick
  54. Window
  55. House
  56. Ring
  57. Street
  58. Child
  59. Duck
  60. Fish
  61. Money
  62. Bath
  63. Chair
  64. Eye
  65. Wood
  66. Morning
  67. Rain
  68. Shoe
  69. Table
  70. Picture
  71. School
  72. Smile
  73. Coat
  74. Cow
  75. Goodbye
  76. Grass
  77. Leg
  78. Robin
  79. Girl
  80. Hill
  81. Milk
  82. Sheep
  83. Sister
  84. Watch
  85. Ball
  86. Squirrel
  87. Wind
  88. Fire
  89. Floor
  90. Horse
  91. Home
  92. Mother
  93. Party
  94. Flower
  95. Game
  96. Pig
  97. Bird
  98. Cat
  99. Corn
  100. Foot

Basic English Words for Beginners and Example Sentences

  • Answer: She answered the question correctly.
  • Ask: He asked if I wanted to join him.
  • Call: I called my friend to ask for help.
  • Change: I need to change my mind about something.
  • Close: He closed his eyes in order to relax.
  • Find: He found his way back home in the dark.
  • Follow: Follow your dreams and never give up!
  • Give: Can you give me a hand with this?
  • Help: Can you help me with this project?
  • Include: The package includes free shipping!
  • Listen: Listen carefully to what I have to say.
  • Live: I want to live an adventurous life!
  • Look: Let’s look at all our options before deciding.
  • Make: She made a delicious dinner for us.
  • Move: The dog moved quickly across the field.
  • Need: You need to plan ahead for success.
  • Open: She opened the door and stepped inside.
  • Play: The children were playing in the park.
  • Point: I pointed to the correct answer on the board.
  • Read: He reads a lot of books every month.
  • Say: What did he say when you asked him?
  • Share: Let’s share our ideas with each other.
  • Show: He showed us his collection of coins.
  • Speak: She spoke softly to her little brother.
  • Start: It’s time to start a new chapter in life!
  • Stop: Stop and think before you make a decision.
  • Take: I took a deep breath before speaking.
  • Talk: Can we talk about this another time?
  • Think: I need to think before making my decision.
  • Try: She tried her best to finish the race.
  • Understand: Do you understand what I’m saying?
  • Use: We can use this tool to fix the problem.
  • Wait: We need to wait for the right moment.
  • Walk: We should walk instead of taking the car.
  • Work: He always works hard for what he wants.
  • Write: She wrote her thoughts down in her journal.
  • Believe: I believe in the power of positive thinking.
  • Bring: Please bring me a glass of water.
  • Choose: Choose your words carefully before speaking.
  • Come: Come over here and have a seat.
  • Carry: She carried her backpack on her back.
  • Drive: He drives to work every morning.
  • Eat: I like to eat a healthy breakfast every day.
  • Feel: How do you feel about this situation?
  • Go: Let’s go for a walk in the park!
  • Hold: He holds the world record for running a mile.

Basic English Words for Beginners with Pictures

School Words for Beginners

1. Teacher Teacher
2. Student Student
3. Eraser Eraser
4. Pen Pen
5. Book Book
6. Desk Desk
7. Pencil Pencil
8. Chair Chair
9. Bag Bag
10. Whiteboard Whiteboard

Animals Words for Beginners

1. Cat Cat
2. Dog Dog
3. Horse Horse
4. Pig Pig
5. Sheep Sheep
6. Cow Cow
7. Duck Duck
8. Lion Lion
9. Elephant Elephant
10. Tiger Tiger

Fruits Words for Beginners

1. Apple Apple
2. Banana Banana
3. Orange Orange
4. Watermelon Watermelon
5. Grape Grape
6. Strawberry Strawberry
7. Pineapple Pineapple
8. Mango Mango
9. Cherry Cherry
10. Lemon Lemon 1

Colors Words for Beginners

1. Red Red
2. Blue blue
3. Green green
4. Yellow yellow
5. Cyan Cyan
6. Purple Purple
7. Orange Orange 2
8. Brown Brown
9. Pink pink
10. Black Black

Transportation Words for Beginners

1. Plane Plane
2. Car Scarf
3. Train Train
4. Bus Bus
5. Boat Boat
6. Bicycle Bicycle
7. Helicopter Helicopter
8. Motorcycle Motorcycle
9. Subway Subway
10. Taxi Taxi

Kitchen Words for Beginners

1. Plate Plate
2. Bowl bowl
3. Spatula Spatula 1
4. Knife Knife 1
5. Fork Fork 1
6. Spoon Spoon 1
7. Chopping board Chopping board
8. Refrigerator Refrigerator 1
9. Oven Oven 1
10. Stove Stove 1

Vegetable Words for Beginners

1. Potato Potato 1
2. Carrot Carrot 1
3. Onion Onion 1
4. Broccoli Broccoli 1
5. Cauliflower Cauliflower 1
6. Spinach Spinach 1
7. Cucumber Cucumber 1
8. Tomato Tomato 1
9. Garlic Garlic 1
10. Peas Peas 1

Shopping Words for Beginners

1. Cashier Cashier
2. Customer Customer
3. Cart Cart
4. Bill Bill
5. Shop Shop
6. Store Store
7. Mall Mall
8. Discount Discount
9. Bargain Bargain
10. Receipt Receipt

Clothing Words for Beginners

1. Shirt shirt
2. Dress Dress
3. Jeans Jeans
4. Shorts Shorts
5. Hat Hat
6. Jacket Jacket
7. Shoes Shoes
8. Scarf Scarf
9. Socks Socks
10. Gloves Gloves

Sports Words for Beginners

1. Soccer Soccer
2. Baseball Baseball
3. Basketball Basketball
4. Volleyball Mountain
5. Tennis Tennis
6. Swimming Swimming
7. Running Running
8. Skiing Skiing
9. Golf Golf
10. Cycling cycling

Nature Words for Beginners

1. Forest Forest
2. Tree Tree
3. Animal Animal
4. Sky Sky
5. Cloud Cloud
6. Sun Sun
7. Moon Moon
8. Star Star
9. Flower Flower
10. Mountain Mountain

Worksheets for Beginners

Winter clothes Spelling worksheet landforms worksheet MY ORGANS woksheet STRING instruments worksheet Thanksgiving Words worksheet thanksgiving worksheet Toys worksheet

Unit 1 — The Lion and the Rabbit

Unit 2 — The Laboratory

Unit 3 — The Report

Unit 4 — The Dog’s Bell

Unit 5 — The Jackal and the Sun Child

Unit 6 — The Friendly Ghost

Unit 7 — The Best Prince

Unit 8 — How the Sun and the Moon Were Made

Unit 9 — The Starfish

Unit 10 — The First Peacock

Unit 11 — Princess Rose and the Creature

Unit 12 — The Crazy Artist

Unit 13 — The Farmer and the Cats

Unit 14 — A Magical Book

Unit 15 — The Big Race

Unit 16 — Adams County’s Gold

Unit 17 — The Race of Water

Unit 18 — The Little Red Chicken

Unit 19 — Shipwrecked

Unit 20 — The Seven Cities of Gold

Unit 21 — Katy

Unit 22 — A Better Reward

Unit 23 — The Camp

Unit 24 — A Strong Friendship

Unit 25 — Joe’s Pond

Unit 26 — Archie and His Donkey

Unit 27 — The Spider and the Bird

Unit 28 — The Party

Unit 29 — How the World Got Light

Unit 30 — Cats and Secrets


A: “Have you seen Clara today?”
B: “Yeah! She was at the…uhm…the…the community center.”

Have you ever had this happen to you during a conversation? 

Forgetting the word for something is common enough in one’s native language, but it can become a real struggle when speaking a foreign language. 

Vocabulary is the most essential element in being able to communicate with others. Knowing just a couple hundred words can help you express your needs and wants and allow you to talk with others.

In this article, we’ll introduce 245 basic English words for beginners. These are words that you should know at the beginner level (levels A1 and A2 of the CEFR scale). You will hear and use the words on this list every day!

Many of these words may be familiar to you already, and some of them may be new to you. We recommend taking note of any words you don’t recognize and adding them to a flashcard deck. 

Let’s get started.

Three Women Chatting in the Kitchen

A good vocabulary will help you communicate effectively in English and make friends!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in English

Table of Contents

  1. Pronouns
  2. Numerals
  3. Nouns
  4. Verbs
  5. Adjectives
  6. Conjunctions
  7. Final Thoughts

1. Pronouns

The first set of words you should add to your English vocabulary are pronouns. Many learners struggle to learn them, but they serve a few important functions. Pronouns are the words we use in place of nouns to make sentences smoother and to avoid redundancy of proper nouns. 

    → You can hear the pronunciation of different pronouns on our vocabulary list of the Most Useful Pronouns and learn how to use them in our Comprehensive Guide to English Pronouns.



I I make soup.


You [s] You make soup.


He / She / It He makes soup.


We We make soup.


You [p] You make soup.


They They make soup.

Chicken Noodle Soup

I make soup.



This What is this?


That What is that?


These What are these?


Those What are those?

A Little Boy Pointing at Something at a Carnival

What is that?



What What does it mean?


Who Who are you?


Where Where is the bathroom?


When When is the meeting?


Why Why did you leave early?


How How do you feel?

A Question Mark Written in Chalk

Interrogative pronouns help you ask questions.



Myself I ate the pizza myself.


Yourself Where do you see yourself in ten years?


Himself He needs to take better care of himself.


Herself She went to the mall by herself.


Ourselves We were ashamed of ourselves.


Yourselves What will you do with yourselves?


Themselves They ate the whole pie themselves.

A Stack of Pumpkin Pies

They ate the whole pie themselves.

2. Numerals

Numbers are everywhere, so it’s important that you know how to read numbers and talk about numbers out loud.

    → You can find a few more numbers in our Numbers vocabulary list and learn how to use them in our article Numbers in English. 


One (1) I’ll have one cookie, please.


Two (2) I’ll have two cookies, please.


Three (3) I’ll have three cookies, please.


Four (4) I’ll have four cookies, please.


Five (5) I’ll have five cookies, please.


Six (6) I’ll have six cookies, please.


Seven (7) I’ll have seven cookies, please.


Eight (8) I’ll have eight cookies, please.


Nine (9) I’ll have nine cookies, please.


Ten (10) I’ll have ten cookies, please.

Chocolate Chip Cookies Beside and Inside a Brown Paper Bag

I’ll have seven cookies, please.

3. Nouns

Nouns are the most important English words for beginners to learn. Even if you have a limited vocabulary, nouns can help you get your point across. 

In English, there are common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns simply label an object or idea (boy, park, month). Proper nouns give a specific name to a common noun (Jim, Eisenhower Park, October). As you will notice, proper nouns are capitalized in English. 

You will see both types of nouns on this list.

    → Learn 100+ Must-Know Nouns in English with us and significantly expand your vocabulary!



People Who are those people?


Man That man is wearing a hat.


Woman That woman is wearing a scarf.


Child That child is playing a game.


Husband This is my husband, Roger.


Wife This is my wife, Ellen.


Son Here is our son, Thomas.


Daughter Here is our daughter, Susan.


Grandmother Is Grandmother doing well?


Grandfather Is Grandfather doing well?


Brother I have a younger brother.


Sister I also have a younger sister.


Siblings They are my siblings.

Neighbors Greeting Each Other

This is my wife, Ellen.



Work That was hard work.


Job Do you have a job?


Occupation What is your occupation?


Lawyer Steve is a lawyer.


Farmer Sue is a farmer.


Engineer He is an engineer.


Mechanic She is a mechanic.


Electrician He wants to be an electrician.


Designer She wants to be a designer.


Gardener Her mother is a gardener.


Doctor His father was a doctor.


Pharmacist Polly works as a pharmacist.


Plumber David works as a plumber.


Barber David’s brother is a barber.


Salesperson Polly’s sister is a salesperson.


Clerk You are a good clerk.

A Doctor Examining a Pill Bottle

His father was a doctor.



Time What time is it?


Second A second is a very short unit of time.


Minute A minute is sixty seconds.


Hour An hour is sixty minutes.


Day What day is this?


Week I made cookies last week.


Month What are you doing next month?


Year Next year is full of opportunities.


Monday Monday is the first day of the work week.


Tuesday Tuesday is the second day of the work week.


Wednesday Wednesday is the third day of the work week.


Thursday Thursday is the fourth day of the work week.


Friday Friday is the fifth day of the work week.


Saturday Saturday is the first day of the weekend.


Sunday Sunday is the second day of the weekend.


January January is the first month.


February February is the second month.


March March is the third month.


April April is the fourth month.


May May is the fifth month.


June June is the sixth month.


July July is the seventh month.


August August is the eighth month.


September September is the ninth month.


October October is the tenth month.


November  November is the eleventh month.


December December is the twelfth month.

An Image of All Twelve Months

Body Parts


Head My head hurts.


Face You have a pretty face.


Neck Her neck is sore.


Shoulder She dislocated her shoulder.


Chest Are you having chest pains?


Arm What happened to his arm?


Hand Let me see your hand.


Finger I cut my finger chopping vegetables.


Leg Don’t put pressure on your leg.


Foot Which foot did you hurt?


Toe I stubbed my toe.


Stomach My stomach is rumbling.


Back Sitting too much is bad for your back.

A Woman Rubbing Her Neck

Her neck is sore.



Vegetable Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.


Fruit Avocado is my favorite fruit.


Grain Quinoa is a healthy grain.


Meat She doesn’t eat meat.


Dairy Milk and cheese are dairy products.


Egg Crack the egg in the bowl.


Oil Put oil in the pan.


Butter Melt the butter in the microwave.


Salt Add salt to taste.


Pepper Add pepper to taste.

A Chef Seasoning a Dish

Add salt to taste.

Around Town


Hospital He is sick in the hospital.


Supermarket Can you pick up milk at the supermarket?


School I don’t want to go to school.


Downtown We can meet up downtown.


Movie theater We saw a film at the movie theater.


Jail / Prison She was taken to jail yesterday for a crime.


Library You must be quiet in the library.


Community center Our community center has a pool.


Park She took her son to the park.


Restaurant  The food at the restaurant was wonderful!


Mall We can buy clothes at the mall.


Car You must travel there by car.


Road He walked up the road.


Street Make a left on the next street.


Train You must travel there by train.


Bus You must travel there by bus.

A Woman Reading the Label on a Milk Jug

Can you pick up milk at the supermarket?

School and Office


Desk Ryan sat at his desk.


Chair Lily bought a new chair yesterday.


Pencil I need to sharpen this pencil.


Pen That pen is out of ink.


Notebook The notebook is full.


Book Turn to page 228 in your book.


Paperclip May I have a paperclip?


Stapler Use the stapler to keep the pages in order.


Drawer Put your sack lunch in the drawer.


Cabinet There’s more glue in the cabinet.


Folder Place the assignment in your folder.


File Which computer file do I open?


Computer This computer isn’t working.


Keyboard This keyboard is missing a letter.


Mouse I use an ergonomic mouse every day.


Email Have you received my email?

A Man Frustrated with His Computer Work

This computer isn’t working.

4. Verbs

When you use verbs and nouns together, you can form a complete sentence. Here are some of the most common English beginner verbs. 

    → We list plenty of verbs here, but if you want to learn more, read our article on 100+ Verbs in English!

Daily Routine


Get up I get up at six every morning.


Brush (one’s) teeth You should brush your teeth every day.


Comb (one’s) hair Did Peter comb his hair today?


Get cleaned up I should get cleaned up before dinner.


Bathe Does Emma bathe often?


Shower I shower after a workout.


Eat Lacy doesn’t eat much.


Drink I drink black tea in the morning.


Go to work What time do you go to work?


Go to school Do you still go to school?


Work I don’t like to work on the weekend.


Study Dan wants to study nutrition.


Drive Can Wendy drive yet?


Ride May I ride with you to work?


Sleep She needs to sleep more.

A Little Girl Brushing Her Teeth

You should brush your teeth every day.

Other Common Verbs


Give Let me give you this present.


Get Can you get the remote for me?


Bring Did you bring her the flowers?


Return Eric forgot to return the library book.


Do Does Sherri do yoga?


Use How do you use that device?


Make Tori makes dinner every night.


Can I can speak a little Spanish.


Put Where did you put the scissors?


Let Why won’t he let me help?


Leave The angry man was asked to leave.


Ask May I ask you a question?


Tell She promised not to tell the secret.


Talk Harry and Helen need to talk.


Find Did you find your cell phone yet?


Greet He didn’t greet me.


Smile You should smile more.


Run They run together every morning.


Sit Where can I sit?


Lie down He is sick and needs to lie down.


Rest After the hike, she needed to rest.


Cook Do you know how to cook?


Read I like to read books sometimes.


Write It is hard to write a book.


Go out I need to go out to the grocery store.


Shop  Lucy shops at the mall often.


Buy We need to buy more clothing.


Watch They watch movies at night.


Listen I listen to music while I work.


Feel She feels sad today.


Think They think it’s a bad idea.


Agree Do you agree with them?


Disagree I disagree with them.


Open What time does the coffee shop open?


Close Please close the door.

A Couple Jogging Together

They run together every morning.

5. Adjectives

Adjectives are used to describe nouns. Here are the most useful English beginner adjectives.

    → If these aren’t enough for you, read our article on 100+ Adjectives in English!

Describing Objects


Big Arizona has big spiders.


Small Our neighbor’s dog is small.


Long This is a long list of words.


Short He read a short book.


Round The basketball is round.


Flat The ground here is flat.


Narrow He made a narrow escape from prison.


Wide That road is very wide.


Hard My desk is hard.


Soft The blanket is soft.


Light The sky is light blue.


Dark It will be dark outside soon.


Cheap These pencils are cheap.


Expensive That sofa is expensive.

A Man About to Throw a Basketball into a Hoop

The basketball is round.

Describing People


Good He is a good person.


Bad She is a bad person.


Pretty Sarah looks very pretty.


Handsome Richard looks very handsome.


Tall That boy is tall.


Short The other boy is short.


Thin Karen is too thin; she should eat more.


Fat Mike is too fat; he should exercise more.


Kind Linda is a kind person.


Mean Quinten is a mean person.


Polite Mary is always polite to others.


Rude Elliot is rude to his mother.

A Woman Holding an Older Woman’s Hands

Linda is a kind person.

Describing Emotions


Happy Eating good food makes me happy.


Sad Kelly is sad after her breakup.


Angry Louis becomes angry too easily.


Tired They were tired after work.


Upset I was upset when I spilled the soup.


Excited Cecilia was excited for the camping trip.

A Woman Sadly Staring Out the Window

Kelly is sad after her breakup.

Describing Weather


Sunny Today it was sunny.


Cloudy Washington is always cloudy.


Rainy I don’t go outside when it’s rainy.


Foggy It was too foggy to drive.


Windy The trees bend when it’s windy.


Hot The desert is very hot.


Cold It gets cold in the winter.


Warm It is warm where I live.


Cool The autumn air is cool.

Cars Driving in Fog

It was too foggy to drive.

6. Conjunctions

Conjunctions are small words that allow you to connect two or more clauses to each other. Due to their essential role in language, they’re among the most important words every English beginner must know. Here are a few common ones.

    → Study our article What is a Conjunction in English Grammar? to learn more about how these little words work!


And I love chocolate and red wine.


But He likes fruit, but not bananas.


Or Do you want Chinese food or Mexican food?


If If he says yes, then I will be happy.


Then If he says yes, then I will be happy.


Because We left early because of an appointment.


So Mark lied so he wouldn’t get in trouble.


Before I eat breakfast before work.


After I make dinner after work.


Than She likes cake more than Nina does.

A Variety of Fruits and Berries Against a White Background

He likes fruit, but not bananas.

7. Final Thoughts

You just read 245 simple English words for beginners and saw them used in sentences. What are your thoughts? Were any of these words new to you?

The best way to memorize them is to create your free lifetime account with EnglishClass101.com and add them to your Flashcards. Our spaced repetition flashcard system is a proven method for easily memorizing new words. You can also create your own flashcards using index cards or another online system. 

Alternatively, you can write these words on sticky notes and place them around your house on the object they identify or describe. This will help you quickly start to associate the word with its definition because you’ll see the words all day long! 

We know that learning new vocabulary can be hard. But we encourage you not to give up! EnglishClass101 will be here with you every step of the way with help and useful resources.

Keep studying and practicing so that you’ll be ready for our upcoming articles on Intermediate Words and Advanced Words!

Happy learning and stay safe out there.

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This is a topic that I discuss with my students all the time. When deciding to learn a new language, it is important to know where to start. More than likely, you will start asking a bunch of questions.

What words are the most useful to know in the very beginning? What expressions are a must? Am I going to be able to pronounce all the different sounds correctly?

That being said, here is my definitive list of the best English words to practice as a beginner, along with their corresponding sounds, as mentioned in one of my previous articles, How to Speak English — The Ultimate Guide to English Pronunciation.

If you are unsure how to pronounce a specific word, just click on it to listen to its pronunciation.

Words with Vowels

Words with Vowels

As always, we’re going to start with vowels. What is worth noting again is that all English vowels have a long, short, schwa, and a diphthong version of their sounds.

However, to make matters easier for you, I will only focus on the long and short sound versions for each individual vowel and have the schwa and diphthong sounds as separate ones at the end of the vowel list. Also, the letter y can sound as both a vowel and a consonant, so expect to find it twice on the list.

Let’s get into it!

The long «a» sound /ɑ:/

Example #1: car

female voice
male voice

Example #2: park

female voice
male voice

Example #3: father

female voice
male voice

Example #4: March

female voice
male voice

Example #5: large

female voice
male voice

Quick tip: Do not draw the «a» sound for too long, as you many end up saying something like «farther» (with the British English «r») instead of «father». It’s the long «a» sound, not too long.

The short «a» sound /ʌ/

Example #1: cup

female voice
male voice

Example #2: lump

female voice
male voice

Example #3: bus

female voice
male voice

Example #4: bulb

female voice
male voice

Example #5: funny

female voice
male voice

Even though the vowel «u» is predominantly used here, its specificity lies in its tendency to sound like a very quick, short «a» vowel sound when it is found in one- or two-syllable words.

The long «e» sound /æ/

Example #1: and

female voice
male voice

Example #2: back

female voice
male voice

Example #3: black

female voice
male voice

Example #4: cat

female voice
male voice

Example #5: clap

female voice
male voice

Note: English does not necessarily have a long «e» sound, but more of a mix between «a» and «e». The phonetic symbol of this sound is /æ/. It may be very hard for some folks to pronounce correctly. However, practice makes perfect.

The short «e» sound /ɛ/

Example #1: hello

female voice
male voice

Example #2: pet

female voice
male voice

Example #3: chest

female voice
male voice

Example #4: mess

female voice
male voice

Example #5: yes

female voice
male voice

Note: Even though the pronunciation difference between a long and short «e» sound is just a few milliseconds, the difference in word meanings is much greater, e.g. «pat» vs. «pet» or «bat» vs. «bet».

The long «i» sound /i:/

Example #1: ski

female voice
male voice

Example #2: green

female voice
male voice

Example #3: mean

female voice
male voice

Example #4: clean

female voice
male voice

Example #5: clear

female voice
male voice

Note how the long «i» vowel sound rarely appears with the vowel «i».

The short «i» sound /ɪ/

Example #1: wish

female voice
male voice

Example #2: clip

female voice
male voice

Example #3: kitten

female voice
male voice

Example #4: skin

female voice
male voice

Example #5: milk

female voice
male voice

Note: Just like in the case of long and short «e» vowel sounds, the same goes for «i». The difference in word meanings could be huge, e.g. «re-peat» vs. «pit» or «meal» vs «mill».

The long «o» sound /ɔː/

Example #1: afford

female voice
male voice

Example #2: thought

female voice
male voice

Example #3: lawn

female voice
male voice

Example #4: naughty

female voice
male voice

Example #5: lord

female voice
male voice

Note: I’ve seen plenty of sources out there that label words such as «only» and «mode» as ones with the long «o» vowel sound. That isn’t necessarily true because they don’t contain just the «o» vowel sound but a diphthong with «o».

Anyway, we’ll get into that in just a second. Sit tight.

The short «o» sound /ɒ/

Example #1: hot

female voice
male voice

Example #2: not

female voice
male voice

Example #3: sock

female voice
male voice

Example #4: rock

female voice
male voice

Example #5: top

female voice
male voice

Note: Short words with a quick pronunciation — it’s as simple as that.

The long «u» sound /uː/

Example #1: who

female voice
male voice

Example #2: too

female voice
male voice

Example #3: cool

female voice
male voice

Example #4: school

female voice
male voice

Example #5: move

female voice
male voice

If you want to be cool, you have to know how to pronounce the word «cool». Hint: it’s with a long «u» vowel sound.

The short «u» sound /ʊ/

Example #1: June

female voice
male voice

Example #2: push

female voice
male voice

Example #3: pull

female voice
male voice

Example #4: sugar

female voice
male voice

Example #5: book

female voice
male voice

Note: Being that most short words with the vowel «u» are not pronounced with the «u» vowel sound, be careful not to confuse words such as «cup», «bus», «funny», etc. with the ones above, as they are quite similar on paper but totally different in pronunciation and meaning.

The «y» vowel sound

Example #1: funny

female voice
male voiceords)

Example #2: sunny

female voice
male voice

Example #3: rainy

female voice
male voice

Example #4: fly

female voice
male voice

Example #5: sky

female voice
male voice

Note: When it is found at the end of a word, particularly all adverbs ending with «-ly», «y» is usually pronounced as the vowel sound /i/ or as a diphthong.

As promised, I’ve saved the best for last. Now, let us cover the basic words with the schwa sound and a diphthong real quick.

The «schwa» sound /ə/

Example #1: the «a» in «about»

female voice
male voice

Example #2: the «e» in «water»

female voice
male voice

Example #3: the «i» in «pencil»

female voice
male voice

Example #4: the «o» in «lemon»

female voice
male voice

Example #5: the «u» in «nature»

female voice
male voice

Despite being the only English sound that exerts zero energy to pronounce, the schwa /ə/ can be quite confusing at times, as it can act as any other vowel sound. Nonetheless, you’ll get the hang of it through proper practice.

The Diphthong

A diphthong, by definition, is a combination of two vowels. Essentially, it is one vowel letter pronounced as two vowel sounds. The list of examples here can go on for days, but I’ll keep it sweet and short for you, just like with any other sound here today.

Example #1: «light» with /aɪ/

female voice
male voice

Example #2: «sky» with /aɪ/

female voice
male voice

Example #3: «fake» with /eɪ/

female voice
male voice

Example #4: «no» with /əʊ/

female voice
male voice

Example #5: «town» with /aʊ/

female voice
male voice

Note: You don’t necessarily notice diphthongs when pronouncing a word because it is something you automatically do, but it’s definitely worth knowing that there is not just one vowel sound there, but two.

With that being said, let us now travel to the world of English consonant sounds and their corresponding words.

Words with Consonants

Words with Consonants

Unlike vowels, English consonants are much easier to get around. The following word list does not contain any huge variations, speficic cases, or exceptional rules. It’s actually pretty straight-forward. Let’s get into it.

The «b» as in «beach»

Example #1: book

female voice)
male voice

Example #2: brick

female voice
male voice

Example #3: black

female voice
male voice

Example #4: beautiful

female voice
male voice

Example #5: back

female voice
male voice

The «c» as in «cook»

Example #1: cry

female voice
male voice

Example #2: come

female voice
male voice

Example #3: clean

female voice
male voice

Example #4: cookie

female voice
male voice

Example #5: cap

female voice
male voice

The «c» as in «civil»

Example #1: ceiling

female voice
male voice

Example #2: cement

female voice
male voice

Example #3: cedar

female voice
male voice

Example #4: cinnamon

female voice
male voice

Example #5: police

female voice
male voice

The «ch» as in «church»

Example #1: catch

female voice
male voice

Example #2: chair

female voice
male voice

Example #3: chase

female voice
male voice

Example #4: chapter

female voice
male voice

Example #5: champion

female voice
male voice

The «d» as in «daddy»

Example #1: Monday

female voice
male voice

Example #2: dear

female voice
male voice

Example #3: dance

female voice
male voice

Example #4: glad

female voice
male voice

Example #5: danger

female voice
male voice

The «f» as in «far»

Example #1: soft

female voice
male voice

Example #2: fly

female voice
male voice

Example #3: Friday

female voice
male voice

Example #4: find

female voice
male voice

Example #5: giraffe

female voice
male voice

The «g» as in «big»

Example #1: glory

female voice
male voice

Example #2: gate

female voice
male voice

Example #3: strong

female voice
male voice

Example #4: plague

female voice
male voice

Example #5: gig

female voice
male voice

The «g» as in «giant»

Example #1: gentle

female voice
male voice

Example #2: generation

female voice
male voice

Example #3: original

female voice
male voice

Example #4: Germany

female voice
male voice

Example #5: apology

female voice
male voice

The «h» as in «home»

Example #1: house

female voice
male voice

Example #2: behave

female voice
male voice

Example #3: hand

female voice
male voice

Example #4: his

female voice
male voice

Example #5: history

female voice
male voice

The «j» as in «joke»

Example #1: January

female voice
male voice

Example #2: just

female voice
male voice

Example #3: enjoy

female voice
male voice

Example #4: journey

female voice
male voice

Example #5: subject

female voice
male voice

The «k» as in «keep»

Example #1: book

female voice
male voice

Example #2: kiss

female voice
male voice

Example #3: market

female voice
male voice

Example #4: make

female voice
male voice

Example #5: kick

female voice
male voice

The «l» as in «land»

Example #1: clean

female voice
male voice

Example #2: low

female voice
male voice

Example #3: like

female voice
male voice

Example #4: fall

female voice
male voice

Example #5: salt

female voice
male voice

The «m» as in «mom»

Example #1: money

female voice
male voice

Example #2: information

female voice
male voice

Example #3: number

female voice
male voice

Example #4: woman

female voice
male voice

Example #5: family

female voice
male voice

The «n» as in «no»

Example #1: never

female voice
male voice

Example #2: man

female voice
male voice

Example #3: question

female voice
male voice

Example #4: new

female voice
male voice

Example #5: funny

female voice
male voice

The «kn» as in «know»

Example #1: know

female voice
male voice

Example #2: knife

female voice
male voice

Example #3: knee

female voice
male voice

Example #4: knight

female voice
male voice

Example #5: knit

female voice
male voice

The «p» as in «people»

Example #1: put

female voice
male voice

Example #2: problem

female voice
male voice

Example #3: place

female voice
male voice

Example #4: opinion

female voice
male voice

Example #5: help

female voice
male voice

The «q» as in «queen»

Example #1: quick

female voice
male voice

Example #2: consequence

female voice
male voice

Example #3: request

female voice
male voice

Example #4: quality

female voice
male voice

Example #5: question

female voice
male voice

The «r» as in «red»

Example #1: right

female voice
male voice

Example #2: rule

female voice
male voice

Example #3: car

female voice
male voice

Example #4: marry

female voice
male voice

Example #5: round

female voice
male voice

The «s» as in «send»

Example #1: past

female voice
male voice

Example #2: sit

female voice
male voice

Example #3: see

female voice
male voice

Example #4: pass

female voice
male voice

Example #5: post

female voice
male voice

The «sh» as in «crash»

Example #1: sheep

female voice
male voice

Example #2: shark

female voice
male voice

Example #3: sunshine

female voice
male voice

Example #4: posh

female voice
male voice

Example #5: wash

female voice
male voice

The «t» as in «take»

Example #1: top

female voice
male voice

Example #2: gate

female voice
male voice

Example #3: mountain

female voice
male voice

Example #4: tree

female voice
male voice

Example #5: hot

female voice
male voice

The «th» as in «think»

Example #1: thought

female voice
male voice

Example #2: Thursday

female voice
male voice

Example #3: everything

female voice
male voice

Example #4: three

female voice
male voice

Example #5: month

female voice
male voice

The «th» as in «this»

Example #1: there

female voice
male voice

Example #2: another

female voice
male voice

Example #3: together

female voice
male voice

Example #4: father

female voice
male voice

Example #5: mother

female voice
male voice

The «v» as in «vision»

Example #1: view

female voice
male voice

Example #2: love

female voice
male voice

Example #3: vehicle

female voice
male voice

Example #4: visit

female voice
male voice

Example #5: never

female voice
male voice

The «w» as in «wait»

Example #1: water

female voice
male voice

Example #2: swim

female voice
male voice

Example #3: win

female voice
male voice

Example #4: always

female voice
male voice

Example #5: wow

female voice
male voice

The «x» as in «tuxedo»

Example #1: box

female voice
male voice

Example #2: fox

female voice
male voice

female voice
male voice

Example #4: mix

female voice
male voice

Example #5: expect

female voice
male voice

The «y» as in «yellow»

Example #1: you

female voice
male voice

Example #2: year

female voice
male voice

Example #3: yes

female voice
male voice

Example #4: yesterday

female voice
male voice

Example #5: young

female voice
male voice

The «z» as in «zero»

Example #1: zebra

female voice
male voice

Example #2: size

female voice
male voice

Example #3: zone

female voice
male voice

Example #4: zoo

female voice
male voice

Example #5: crazy

female voice
male voice


Okay, that’s been about it! I certainly hope that your first steps as an English learner are going to be that much more secure and easier to have with these hand-picked word choices.

Now, all you have to do is practice, practice, pratice… and memorize.

Once you do that, I suggest you check out The Ultimate Guide to English Pronunciation to really master all the tips and tricks for achieving native-like English pronunciation through proper tongue placement, lip movements, and all that. Hope it helps!

I will be patiently waiting for you at the next stage. Until then… happy learning!

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