English word for neutral

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[ noo-truhl, nyoo— ]

/ ˈnu trəl, ˈnyu- /

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not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others: a neutral nation during World War II.

not aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy: The arbitrator was absolutely neutral.

of or belonging to a neutral state or party: neutral territory.

of no particular kind, characteristics, etc.; indefinite: a neutral personality that made no impression whatever; a sex-neutral job title.

(of a color or shade)

  1. gray; without hue; of zero chroma; achromatic.
  2. matching well with many or most other colors or shades, as white or beige.

not causing or reflecting a change in something: It is believed that the new tax law will be revenue neutral.

Chemistry. exhibiting neither acid nor alkaline qualities: neutral salts.


  1. (of a particle) having no charge.
  2. (of an atom, molecule, collection of particles, fluid, or solid) having no net charge; electroneutral; not electrified.
  3. not magnetized.

Phonetics. (of a vowel) pronounced with the tongue relaxed in a central position, as the a in alive; reduced.


a person or a nation that remains neutral, as in a controversy or war.

a citizen of a neutral nation during a war.

Machinery, Automotive. the position or state of disengaged gears or other interconnecting parts: in neutral.

a neutral color.



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Origin of neutral

1400–50; late Middle English <Latin neutrālis grammatically neuter. See neuter, -al1


neu·tral·ly, adverban·ti·neu·tral, adjective, nounan·ti·neu·tral·ly, adverbnon·neu·tral, adjective, noun

non·neu·tral·ly, adverbquasi-neutral, adjectivequa·si-neu·tral·ly, adverbsem·i·neu·tral, adjectiveun·neu·tral, adjectiveun·neu·tral·ly, adverb

Words nearby neutral

Neustrian, neut., neuter, neutercane, Neutra, neutral, neutral axis, neutral corner, neutral density, neutral ground, neutralism

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to neutral

disinterested, evenhanded, fair-minded, inactive, indifferent, nonaligned, nonpartisan, unbiased, uncommitted, undecided, uninvolved, vague, calm, cool, noncombatant, abstract, achromatic, drab, intermediate, vanilla

How to use neutral in a sentence

  • As a neutral observer, though, this is one of the most enticing matchups in my opinion.

  • In a nod to the neutral-site atmosphere of Super Bowls, the NFL informed the first team to play a Super Bowl in their home stadium that the cannons on the Bucs’ pirate ship will not be booming after every point the team scores.

  • Possible solutions could include finding a neutral site outside of Germany to host the game or switching the date of the matchup so that Liverpool could host the first leg.

  • There will be limited attendance at Raymond James Stadium, including plenty of neutral spectators.

  • Now the share of counter-speech and neutral posts increased.

  • For decades, toy production and marketing was increasingly gender neutral.

  • The winter can be so drab—all greys, blacks, and neutral tones.

  • But Herx showed that this “gender-neutral” rule had never been applied against men.

  • The fact is, there are facially neutral religious rules that have been unevenly enforced for millennia.

  • A key principle of Wikipedia was that articles should have a neutral point of view.

  • A desultory conversation on politics, in which neither took the slightest interest, was a safe neutral ground.

  • Foreign families of neutral nationality sought more tranquil asylum far beyond the suburbs or on ships lying in the harbour.

  • Neutral passenger-steamers were allowed to take away refugees other than Spanish subjects.

  • A pretty dispute followed, in which Edna warmly espoused her father’s cause and the Doctor remained neutral.

  • The reaction of human milk is slightly alkaline; of cow’s, neutral or slightly acid.

British Dictionary definitions for neutral


not siding with any party to a war or dispute

of, belonging to, or appropriate to a neutral party, country, etcneutral land

of no distinctive quality, characteristics, or type; indifferent

(of a colour such as white or black) having no hue; achromatic

(of a colour) dull, but harmonizing with most other colours

chem neither acidic nor alkaline

physics having zero charge or potential

rare having no magnetism

phonetics (of a vowel) articulated with the tongue relaxed in mid-central position and the lips midway between spread and roundedthe word «about» begins with a neutral vowel


a neutral person, nation, etc

a citizen of a neutral state

the position of the controls of a gearbox that leaves the transmission disengaged

Derived forms of neutral

neutrally, adverb

Word Origin for neutral

C16: from Latin neutrālis; see neuter

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for neutral

Neither acid nor alkaline.

Having no inherent or net charge, especially electric charge.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    • See Also:
      • neurulation
      • Neusatz
      • Neuss
      • neuston
      • Neustria
      • Neustrian
      • neut.
      • neuter
      • neutercane
      • Neutra
      • neutral
      • neutral acriflavine
      • neutral axis
      • neutral corner
      • neutral ground
      • neutral monism
      • neutral spirits
      • neutral zone
      • neutralism
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

neu•tral /ˈnutrəl, ˈnyu-/USA pronunciation  

  1. Governmentnot taking part or giving assistance in a disagreement, dispute, or war between others:a neutral nation.
  2. of no particular kind, characteristics, etc.:a neutral personality.
  3. (of a color or shade)
    • having no hue;
      being black, gray, beige, or white in color.

  4. Physics
    • (of particles) having no electric charge.

  5. being in the position or state of not being attached to wheels or of not providing moving power to another part:the neutral gear in a car’s transmission.


  1. Government a person or nation that is neutral:[countable]Sweden was a neutral during World War II.
  2. Automotive[uncountable] a neutral gear.
  3. [countable] a neutral color.

neu•tral•ly, adv. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(no̅o̅trəl, nyo̅o̅-),USA pronunciation adj. 

  1. Governmentnot taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others:a neutral nation during World War II.
  2. Governmentnot aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy:The arbitrator was absolutely neutral.
  3. Governmentof or belonging to a neutral state or party:neutral territory.
  4. of no particular kind, characteristics, etc.;
    indefinite:a neutral personality that made no impression whatever; a sex-neutral job title.
  5. (of a color or shade)
    • gray;
      without hue;
      of zero chroma;
    • matching well with many or most other colors or shades, as white or beige.

  6. Zoology, Genetics, Botany[Bot., Zool.]neuter.
  7. not causing or reflecting a change in something:It is believed that the new tax law will be revenue neutral.
  8. Chemistryexhibiting neither acid nor alkaline qualities:neutral salts.
  9. Physics
    • (of a particle) having no charge.
    • (of an atom, molecule, collection of particles, fluid, or solid) having no net charge;
      not electrified.
    • not magnetized.

  10. Phonetics(of a vowel) pronounced with the tongue relaxed in a central position, as the a in alive;


  1. Governmenta person or a nation that remains neutral, as in a controversy or war.
  2. Governmenta citizen of a neutral nation during a war.
  3. Automotive[Mach., Auto.]the position or state of disengaged gears or other interconnecting parts:in neutral.
  4. a neutral color.
  • Latin neutrālis grammatically neuter. See neuter,al1
  • late Middle English 1400–50

neutral•ly, adv. 

    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged impartial, disinterested, dispassionate, uninvolved, unbiased.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

neutral /ˈnjuːtrəl/ adj

  1. not siding with any party to a war or dispute
  2. of, belonging to, or appropriate to a neutral party, country, etc
  3. (of a colour such as white or black) having no hue; achromatic
  4. (of a colour) dull, but harmonizing with most other colours
  5. a less common term for neuter
  6. neither acidic nor alkaline
  7. having zero charge or potential
  8. (of a vowel) articulated with the tongue relaxed in mid-central position and the lips midway between spread and rounded: the word «about» begins with a neutral vowel


  1. a neutral person, nation, etc
  2. a citizen of a neutral state
  3. the position of the controls of a gearbox that leaves the transmission disengaged

Etymology: 16th Century: from Latin neutrālis; see neuter

ˈneutrally adv

neutral‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

‘Bummer’ in neutral register
A non-neutral case
acknowledge positive or neutral feedback
adorable or a neutral synonym
another of those ethically neutral dilemmas
as Britain and France remained neutral
as neutral a posture as possible
as supposedly neutral bodies
By invading the neutral nation
came the <neutral voice>, like one in a dream
Can’t get it out of neutral
Change gear to neutral
for a native speaker to explain ‘their’ mother tongue [gender neutral pronouns]
Gender neutral 3rd person singular pronouns — she, he, them, they, their, he/she, s/he, his, her, its
Gender neutral pronouns
Gender neutral pronouns — in their pocket.
Gender neutral pronouns: A shift to genderless she? Historic use of singular their
Gender neutral pronouns: General question?
Gender neutral pronouns: he or she, s/he, they?
Gender neutral pronouns: If anyone needs help, <they> …
Gender neutral pronouns: If some person … lost <?> phone? Its! Historic use of singular their.
Gender neutral pronouns: Individual — she?
Gender neutral pronouns: They & themselves for him & himself
Gender neutral pronouns: To catch a person and keep <them> as a prisoner?
Gender neutral pronouns: When a person …
Gender neutral singular term for cows.
gender neutral: its/their
Gender neutral: man vs humans / his, their
Gender-neutral [referring to both men and women?]
gender-neutral gender-sensitive

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A Word A Day : Neutral

Saturday, 19th April 2008 : Today’s Word is …


( Noun & Adjective )

Pronunciation : noo-trel

Definition : Adjective

1. belonging to, favoring or assisting no side in a war, dispute, contest or controversy

2. possessing no distinctive quality or revealing no attitude or feeling

3. describes a color such as white, black, or gray that is not in the spectrum

4. not strongly or strikingly colored and thus relatively inconspicuous and able to blend easily with other colors


Chemistry : neither acidic nor alkaline

Definition : Noun


automotive : a gear in which no power is transmitted from the engine to the moving parts


politics : a person or country that remains neutral in a war, dispute, contest, or controversy


14th century — Latin — ne — not + uter — which of two


impartial, neuter, nonaligned, nonpartisan, unbiased, uncommitted, uninvolved, unprejudiced, detached, disinterested, dispassionate, impersonal, indifferent


biased, committal, partial, partisan, predisposed, prejudiced, bright, colorful, loud, strong

Contextual Examples:

• During World War II Portugal was


• She was careful to explain the problem in

neutral terms.

• Switzerland remained

neutral during World War II.

• she slipped the gear into


• I am by disposition one of life’s

neutrals, a human Switzerland.

Related Words:

neuter : Verb

neutrally : Adverb

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The word games Words With Friends, 4pics1Word, Word Chums, and Jumble which is by far one of the most successful of the word games. Jumble was created in 1954 — below, you will find the most unscrambled letters for each descramble word game that others have solved or decoded to make the word neutral.

Is neutral a scrabble word or can you use neutral in Words With Friends? The probability of getting this word in scrabble is 1 out of every 42887 games and in Words With Friends it’s 1 out of every 54038 games. This 7 letter 7 point scrabble word can be rearranged 5,040 ways. What other words can be made with the letters a, e, l, n, r, t, and u? There’s 3 with 9 letters or less with the letters a, e, l, n, r, t, and u. Here is a list of 3 to try to get you more points.

Translation examples

  • нейтральное слово

Many languages lack a gender neutral word for «spouse.»

Во многих языках отсутствует гендерно нейтральное слово в отношении термина «spouse».

His delegation therefore considered that «findings» should be replaced by a more neutral word, such as «material».

Поэтому его делегация считает, что слово «выводы» следует заменить более нейтральным словом, таким, как «материалы».

A proposal was made to delete the phrase and replace it with more neutral words, such as «irrespective of the name and form of that measure».

Было предложено исключить эту формулировку и заменить ее более нейтральными словами, такими как «независимо от названия и формы этой меры».

The term «easement», used in the English version, reflected only common law, whereas the model provision called for a juridically neutral word that also covered civil law.

Термин <<easement>>, используемый в английской языковой версии, отражает только обычное право, в то время как типовое положение предусматривает юридически нейтральное слово, которое охватывает также гражданское право.

45. At its eighth session in May 1993, to promote gender awareness, the Committee decided to amend its rules of procedure to replace the word «Chairman», wherever it occurs, with the gender-neutral word «Chairperson».

45. Для повышения информированности о гендерных проблемах Комитет на своей восьмой сессии в мае 1993 года постановил заменить в своих правилах процедуры слово «Chairman» («Председатель») во всех случаях его употребления более нейтральным словом «Chairperson» («Председательствующее лицо»).

Half of them unscramble sentences with neutral words, like, «he saw the train.»

Одна часть составляет предложения из нейтральных слов, например, «он увидел тот поезд.»

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