English word for japanese words


The Japanese language can be very difficult for English speakers to learn as these two languages are completely different in every aspect: origin, writing system, grammar, and phonetics. But when it comes to vocabulary, you may be surprised to hear that this isn’t really the case. There are actually quite a few English loanwords in Japanese!

There’s even a name for the mixing of these two languages: Japanglish. 

Some of the English words used in Japanese have the same meaning as the original ones, while others have been localized and modified (often shortened), combined with Japanese words, and/or used with a completely different meaning. 

In this article, we’ll introduce English words that are commonly used in Japanese. Although you may find some of them very weird, learning Japanglish is one of the easiest parts of learning Japanese and it will be helpful in your language studies.

A Map of Japan

There is a lot of Japanglish vocabulary used in Japan.

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Japanglish
  2. Typical English Loanwords in Japanese
  3. Japanglish Wasei Eigo
  4. How to Say These Names in Japanese
  5. English Words Borrowed From Japanese
  6. How JapanesePod101 Can Help You Learn More Japanese

1. Introduction to Japanglish

There are two types of English words used in the Japanese language: loanwords and Wasei-Eigo. Let’s take a closer look at each group. 

Loanwords Used in Japanese

Loanwords, or 外来語 (gairai-go), are commonly used in modern Japanese. After two centuries of isolation, called 鎖国 (Sakoku), Japan became “open” to foreign countries in the mid-nineteenth century. This new status brought with it influences from Western cultures, and many of the first loanwords in Japan came from Portuguese, Dutch, French, and German. English loanwords started to gain prevalence during the post-World War II period. Since then, Japanglish has continued to evolve and grow in popularity. 

While the younger Japanese generations often use loanwords without even realizing they’re originally from foreign languages, the older population hardly uses or understands them.

The most basic loanwords are English words used in Japanese with the same meaning, but with Japanese pronunciation. Examples include: 

  • カメラ (kamera) – “camera”
  • タクシー (takushī) – “taxi”
  • クリック (kurikku) – “click”

You have to keep in mind that loanwords are normally written with カタカナ (Katakana) letters and follow Japanese pronunciation rules. Also, when they’re written in alphabet form using ローマ字 (Roma-ji), or the romanization of Japanese, the spelling is often different from that of the original English words. This is because they’re transcribed according to how the Japanese read and pronounce words.

For example, all of the consonants in Japanese end with a vowel (あ a, い i, う u, え e, お o). In addition, since there’s no particular distinction between L and R in Japanese, all of the “L” sounds in English are expressed using “R” in Japanese. Thus, “click” is expressed as kurikku in Japanese.

To learn more about Japanese pronunciation, please see our “Japanese Pronunciation” article!

A Katakana chart

カタカナ (Katakana) characters are used to write loanwords.

Japanglish Wasei-Eigo: English Made in Japan 

There are also English words used in Japanese that have been more fully integrated into the language. These are called 和製英語 (Wasei Eigo), or literally, “English made in Japan.”

Wasei Eigo refers to English words adopted into Japanese with unique meanings, word combinations, and/or abbreviations only used in Japan. Examples include:

  • サラリーマン (sararīman
    • from “salaryman,” meaning “businessman who works at a company and gets a monthly salary”
  • シャーペン (shāpen) 
    • short for “sharp pencil,” meaning “mechanical pencil”

A Japanese Businessman Getting Ready to Leave for Work

サラリーマン (sararīman), or “salaryman” meaning “businessman,” is one of the most typical Japanglish words.

2. Typical English Loanwords in Japanese

These loanwords have the same meaning as their English counterparts and are commonly used in daily Japanese conversations.

Loanword Roma-ji / Reading English Word
グラス gurasu glass
スプーン supūn spoon
フォーク fōku fork
ナイフ naifu knife
ビール bīru beer
ワイン wain wine
バス basu bus
バイク baiku (motor) bike
コンピューター conpyūtā computer
インターネット intānetto internet
ウェブサイト webusaito website
ホテル hoteru hotel
レストラン resutoran restaurant
テーブル tēburu table
サービス sābisu service
エレベーター  erebētā elevator
ドア doa door
サイズ saizu size
シャツ shatsu shirt
ネクタイ nekutai necktie
サンダル sandaru sandal
サングラス sangurasu sunglasses
テスト tesuto test

A Table Set with Wine Glasses, Silverware, and Plates

Words that are associated with Western-style restaurants are often used as loanwords in Japanese. These include レストラン (resutoran) – “restaurant” / ナイフ (naifu) – “knife” /ワイン (wain) – “wine.”

3. Japanglish Wasei Eigo

Learning Wasei-Eigo may be a bit more difficult, as these words and phrases have undergone alterations during their journey into the Japanese language. In this section, we’ll give you several Japanglish examples and explain them in more detail as needed.

English Words Used With Different Meanings

Wasei Eigo Roma-ji / Reading English Word Meaning
マンション manshon mansion apartment (bigger building than アパート)
アパート apāto apart apartment (smaller building than マンション)
コンセント consento consent  electrical outlet

Many Japanese people use the word “consent” to mean “electrical outlet.” It is said that it originates from the word “concentric plug.”

メイク meiku make makeup
リンス rinsu rinse hair conditioner
アイス aisu ice ice cream
ホットケーキ hotto kēki hot cake pancake
スーパー sūpā super supermarket
レジ reji register It originally comes from “cash register,” meaning “checkout counter” or “cashier.”
ファイト! faito! fight This word is used to cheer someone up. It can mean “Hang in there,” “You can do it,” or “Do your best.”
ハイテンション hai tenshon high tension very excited / hyper
テキスト tekisuto text textbook / school manual 
カンニング kanningu cunning cheating on an exam
タレント tarento talent television personality / entertainer


  • 次の試合は必ず勝つよ!ファイト

    Tsugi no shiai wa kanarazu katsu yo! Faito!

    “You will definitely win the next match! Do your best!”
  • 彼は昨日なぜかとてもハイテンションでした。

    Kare wa kinō naze ka totemo hai tenshon deshita.

    “He was very excited yesterday for some reason.”
  • あなたの一番好きなタレントは誰ですか。

    Anata no ichi-ban suki na tarento wa dare desu ka.

    “Who is your most favorite TV personality?”

Two Pancakes on a Griddle

 ホットケーキ (hotto kēki), or “hot cake,” means “pancake” in Japan.

Abbreviated Word Combinations

In Japanese, it’s common for two or more English words to be shortened into one word (usually with four syllables). Let’s see some examples.

Wasei Eigo Roma-ji / Reading English Word Meaning / Description
リモコン rimokon remote controller remote controller

In Japanese, the first syllables from each word are combined.

マスコミ masukomi mass communication mass communication / mass media / the press / journalism
エアコン/ クーラー eakon / kūrā air conditioner / cooler  air conditioner

クーラー (kūrā), or “cooler,” is also commonly used to mean “air conditioner.”

パソコン pasokon personal computer computer

Along with コンピューター (conpyūtā), パソコン (pasokon) is also commonly used when talking about computers.

コンビニ konbini convenience store This word refers to convenience stores that are open 24 hours a day and seen everywhere throughout Japan.
イメチェン imechen image change This refers to changing one’s image, especially in terms of one’s hairstyle or clothing.
OL (オーエル) ōeru office lady Similar to “salaryman,” this word refers to a woman who works at an office. This word is also an abbreviation.
CM (シーエム) shīemu commercial message commercial

This abbreviation is used to mean “commercial” in Japanese.

BGM (ビージーエム) bījīemu background music This refers to background music, especially when it’s played in a store, cafe, restaurant, etc. 


  • 昨日私の古いパソコンが壊れました。

    Kinō watashi no furui pasokon ga kowaremashita.

    “Yesterday, my old computer broke.”
  • イメチェンしたいなら髪型を変えるのが一番だよ!

    Imechen shitai nara kamigata o kaeru no ga ichi-ban da yo!

    “If you want to change your image, it’s best to change your hairstyle!”
  • あのカフェのBGMはジャズがかかっていておしゃれです。

    Ano kafe no bījīemu wa jazu ga kakatte ite oshare desu.

    “That cafe plays jazz as background music and it’s fashionable.”

Someone about to Change the Channel with a Remote Controller

リモコン (rimokon) is an abbreviation of “remote controller.”

Words That Combine English and Japanese

Wasei Eigo can also get creative, with some words being a combination of an English loanword and a Japanese word. 

Wasei Eigo Roma-ji / Reading Composition of Words Meaning
省エネ shōene 省 (Kanji that represents “save”) + energy energy-saving 
軽トラ keitora 軽 (Kanji that represents “light”) + truck light (engine) truck / small truck
ガス欠 gasuketsu gas + 欠 (Kanji that represents “lack”) running out of gasoline (petrol)
懐メロ natsumero 懐 (Kanji that represents “nostalgic”) + melody nostalgic song / all-time favorite song
ドタキャン dotakyan 土壇場 (dotanba), meaning “last moment” + cancellation cancellation at the last moment
イタ飯 itameshi Italian + 飯 (meal/food) Italian food
猛ダッシュ mōdasshu 猛 (Kanji that represents “fierce” / “intense” / “acute”) + dash  sprint / run as fast as one can


  • 新しい冷蔵庫は省エネモデルです。

    Atarashii reizōko wa shōene moderu desu.

    “The new refrigerator is an energy-saving model.”
  • ガス欠により道の真ん中で車が止まった。

    Gasuketsu ni yori michi no mannaka de kuruma ga tomatta.

    “The car stopped in the middle of a road due to running out of gasoline.”
  • まりこはいつもデートをドタキャンする。

    Mariko wa itsumo dēto o dotakyan suru.

    “Mariko always cancels a date at the last moment.”

Loanwords Turned Into Japanese Verbs

By adding the Japanese word する (suru), or “to do,” after a loanword (whether it’s a noun or a verb), it becomes a verb in Japanese.

Wasei Eigo Roma-ji / Reading Composition of Words Meaning
ドライブする doraibu suru drive + suru to go for a drive
ノックする nokku suru knock + suru to knock
キャンセルする kyanseru suru cancel + suru to cancel
ジョギングする jogingu suru jogging + suru to jog
リラックスする rirakkusu suru relax + suru to relax
ジャンプする janpu suru jump + suru to jump
キスする kisu suru kiss + suru to kiss
メイクする meiku suru make + suru to put on makeup
パーティーをする pātī o suru party + o + suru to party
ギャンブルする gyanburu suru gamble + suru to gamble


  • 私はお風呂に入ってリラックスするのが好きです。

    Watashi wa o-furo ni haitte rirakkusu suru no ga suki desu.

    “I like to take a bath and relax.”
  • 私たちは週末に誕生日パーティーをする予定です。

    Watashi-tachi wa shūmastu ni tanjōbi pātī o suru yotei desu.

    “We plan to have a birthday party over the weekend.”
  • 入る前にドアをノックしてください。

    Hairu mae ni doa o nokku shite kudasai.

    “Please knock on the door before entering.”

To learn all about conjugation in Japanese, please see our article on Japanese Verb Conjugations.

A Party

パーティーをする (pātī o suru) – “to party”

4. How to Say These Names in Japanese

In Japan, world-famous brand names are pronounced according to Japanese pronunciation rules and are sometimes called something different. Here are a few examples.

  • Google: グーグル (Gūguru)
  • Apple: アップル (Appuru)
  • Starbucks: スターバックス (Sutābakkusu)

     A shortened version, スタバ (Sutaba), is commonly used in daily conversations.

  • Kentucky Fried Chicken: ケンタッキー フライド チキン (Kentakkī furaido chikin)

    There are also a couple of shortened versions often used in daily conversations: ケンタッキー (Kentakkī) and ケンタ (Kenta).

  • McDonald’s: マクドナルド (Makudonarudo)

    Depending on the region of Japan, there are different shortened versions for this brand name.

      ➢ Kanto (Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa) and other regions: マック (Makku)
      ➢ Kansai region (around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Hyogo, etc.): マクド (Makudo)

A McDonald’s Cheeseburger and French Fries

There are even different dialect forms for “McDonald’s” in Japanese!

5. English Words Borrowed From Japanese

Due to globalization, there are also plenty of popular Japanese words in English! Let’s look at a few of these borrowed words: 

Food-Related Words Kanji / Hiragana Meaning / Description
Sushi 寿司 / すし Sushi is a famous Japanese food, consisting of vinegared rice and raw and/or cooked seafood.
Teriyaki 照り焼き / てりやき Teriyaki is a Japanese cooking technique and flavor. Foods are broiled or grilled with a glaze of sauce made of soy sauce, mirin, and sugar. 照り(teri) refers to a shine/luster and 焼き (yaki) means “grill.”
Tofu 豆腐 / とうふ Tofu is bean curd made of soybeans. The Japanese word Tofu originates from the Chinese word 豆腐 (dòufu), which literally means  豆 (“bean”) + 腐(“curdled” or “fermented”).
Edamame 枝豆 / えだまめ Edamame is a dish of immature soybeans, usually boiled and salted.
Sake 酒 / さけ Sake literally means “alcoholic drink” in Japanese, but it often refers to Japanese rice wine, or 日本酒 (Nihonshu).
Matcha 抹茶 / まっちゃ Matcha refers to green tea leaves that have been finely ground into a powder. Green tea leaves for Matcha are grown and processed using a specific method.
Bento 弁当 / べんとう Bento is a reusable lunch box that can contain a single-portion meal, usually consisting of rice and some sides.

Culture-Related Words Kanji / Hiragana Meaning / Description
Bonsai 盆栽 / ぼんさい Bonsai is an artform of planting that uses cultivation techniques to produce small trees in containers. Bonsai literally means “tray planting.”
Origami 折り紙 / おりがみ Origami is the art of folding papers, usually done with square papers that have color on one side and white on the other side. Origami breaks down as:

折り(ori) – “fold” 

紙 (kami/gami) – “paper”

Emoji 絵文字 / えもじ Emoji is a type of pictograph that is used in electronic messages, originally invented in Japan. Emoji breaks down as:

絵 (e) – “picture”

文字 (moji) – “character”

Manga 漫画 / まんが Manga refers to Japanese-style comics that are often animated.
Cosplay (Kosupure) コスプレ The word コスプレ (Kosupure) comes from “costume play.” It is a type of performance art in which participants (cosplayers) dress up as characters from their favorite manga or anime. 
Karaoke カラオケ Karaoke is a shortened version of 空 (kara), meaning “empty,” and オーケストラ (ōkesutora), meaning “orchestra.” 

It is a form of entertainment where an amature sings popular songs using a microphone, following along with the instrumental music/melody and lyrics displayed on a video screen.   

Sudoku 数独 / すうどく Sudoku is a logic-based number-placement puzzle. The word 数独 (Sudoku) is an abbreviation that means “number” + “single,” coming from the rule of this puzzle: “the digits must be single” or “the digits are limited to one occurrence.”

 Other Famous Words Kanji / Hiragana Meaning / Description
Kaizen 改善 / かいぜん 改善 (Kaizen) is literally translated as “improvement.” Kaizen in English often refers to “continuous improvement” in business atmospheres. It became known as the Japanese way of doing business to optimize processes and produce better results.
Karoshi 過労死 / かろうし 過労死 (Karoshi) literally means “death of overwork.” It refers to death as the result of mental and/or physical illness from working too much or being under too much pressure.
Tsunami  津波 / つなみ 津波 (Tsunami) literally means “port wave.” It is a series of huge waves, usually in an ocean. A Tsunami can be caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other underwater explosions.
Typhoon  台風 / たいふう A Typhoon is a huge tropical cyclone that can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere, in the region called the Northwestern Pacific Basin. The Japanese word 台風 (taifū) became the English “typhoon.”

A Tsunami Washing Over Buildings

Tsunami (津波) is one of the most famous Japanese words that was adapted into English.

How JapanesePod101 Can Help You Learn More Japanese

In this article, we introduced English words used in Japanese. We covered the history of loanwords in Japan and how Japanglish developed, basic loanwords from English and various types of Wasei Eigo, as well as famous Japanese words in English. While some Japanglish terms sound funny and weird, they are definitely helpful to learn and can help you understand Japanese better!

Did you learn anything new about Japanese today? Are there any important words or terms you know about that we didn’t include? Let us, and your fellow language learners, know in the comments! 

If you would like to learn more about the Japanese language and culture, you’ll find a lot more helpful content on JapanesePod101.com. We provide a variety of free lessons to help you improve your Japanese language skills. For example, you can view the following vocabulary lists to learn the very basics of Japanese: 

  • 100 Most Common Nouns
  • 50 Most Common Verbs
  • 50 Most Common Adjectives

You can also take advantage of our personal one-on-one coaching service, MyTeacher, when you subscribe to a Premium PLUS membership. Your private teacher will help you practice pronunciation and give you personalized feedback and advice to help you improve efficiently. 

And there is so much more we have to offer you! Learn Japanese faster and enjoy studying with JapanesePod101.com!

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Last updated:

December 20, 2022

I wrote a haiku about shamisen music while cuddled up in my futon eating teriyaki chicken.

Japanese words are everywhere in the English language, and being able to identify them enlightens you to a base knowledge of Japanese that you didn’t even know you had.

For instance, did you know the word tsunami, sometimes called a “tidal wave,” is of Japanese origin?

Here, we’ll introduce you to 32 words we use in English that you may not know come from Japanese. The original Japanese word, usually written in kanji, is included for each loanword (plus hiragana in parentheses, for easy reading).

It’s interesting to see how logical the original character’s form usually is, which makes the words altogether easier to remember.

Some Japanese pronunciation tips are also included, as the pronunciation of the original Japanese words can sometimes differ from that of the adapted English versions.

You already know the meanings and how to say them—add the full Japanese knowledge, and you’ll be 32 words closer to mastering this difficult but fascinating language!

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

32 Cool Japanese Loanwords We All Use in English

Japan tends to be on the dangerous side when it comes to the weather, so it isn’t surprising that these first two words came from Japanese and were incorporated into English.

1. Typhoon


Japanese: 台風 (たいふう)

Kanji Meaning: 台 (たい) means “table” or “pedestal,” and 風 (ふう) means “wind.”

Typhoons are common during late summer and early autumn in Japan, often causing minor damages in the southern Okinawa islands and disrupting transportation in large cities.

2. Tsunami


Japanese: 津波 (つなみ)

Kanji Meaning: 津 (つ) is “harbor” or “port,” and 波 (なみ) means “wave.”

Pronunciation Tip: In Japanese, the t is pronounced, unlike in English.

Unfortunately, Japan has had more than its fair share of tsunamis (or “tidal waves”). We commonly use the Japanese word to describe these devastating natural disasters in English.

Now we’ll steer away from these dangerous events and into something more fun. A lot of popular recreational activities actually originated in Japan. Get a faceful of these next words!

3. Karaoke


Japanese: カラオケ (からおけ)

Kanji Meaning: As seen above, “karaoke” is now usually written in katakana in Japanese, such as on signs and buildings. However, the word originally came from the kanji  (から), meaning “empty,” and the katakana オケ, coming from the English “orchestra.” So, if you think about it, “karaoke” is an English word adopted from Japanese, but which originally had influences from English—or from Greek, if you want to get really linguistically fancy. Phew!

Pronunciation Tip: Forget everything you know about the English pronunciation of this word, as I’m afraid we’ve butchered it. Follow the katakana to the letter (literally).

Karaoke is an entirely different experience in Japan, and can be enjoyed alone, as a small group of friends or, similar to Western style, with loud and drunken strangers.

4. Sake


Japanese: 酒 (さけ)

Kanji Meaning: 酒 (さけ) literally means “alcohol.” Add お at the beginning of the kanji (お酒) to describe any alcoholic drink.

Aah, sake. The businessman’s best friend and an essential addition to your “new experiences” to try in Japan. This rich, strong rice wine is often described in English with its original Japanese word.

5. Manga


Japanese: 漫画 (まんが)

Kanji Meaning: 漫 (まん) means “random” or “uncontrolled,” and 画 (が) is “picture.”

Manga, or Japanese comics, are extremely popular in Japan and beyond. Shelves of these visual stories can be seen not only in libraries and bookshops, but also in restaurants and convenience stores.

6. Anime


Japanese: アニメ

Okay, this one might be cheating a little, as the word “anime” technically comes from the English word “animation”—that’s why it appears in katakana, the writing system of choice for foreign words in Japanese—but it wouldn’t have felt right not to include it. “Anime” is the Japanese word for “cartoon,” and more specifically, Japanese-style animation.

7. Otaku


Japanese: お宅 (おたく)

Kanji Meaning: 宅 (たく) literally means “house,” and perhaps refers to the tendency “otaku” have to spend a lot of time indoors.

In both English and Japanese, “otaku” is often used to describe someone who spends a lot of their free time playing video games, reading manga and watching anime, and who takes little or no interest in more social activities. It can also sometimes be used by fans of anime and manga to describe others with similar interests.

8. Emoji


Japanese: 絵文字 (えもじ)

Kanji Meaning: 絵 (え) means “picture” and 文字 (もじ) is “character” or “letter.”

You know what these are! Emoji are those little pictures you can use on your smartphone or computer to communicate an emotion or message. This actually originally came from Japanese, literally meaning “pictograph.”

9. Origami


Japanese: 折り紙 (おりがみ)

Kanji Meaning: 折 (おり) means “to fold,” and 紙 (がみ) is “paper.”

This old Japanese art literally means “paper folding” and is hugely important in July’s Star Festival in Japan.

10. Shiatsu


Japanese: 指圧 (しあつ)

Kanji Meaning: 指 (し) means “finger” and 圧 (あつ) is “pressure.”

You may have seen the word “shiatsu” outside massage parlors—it’s a Japanese style of body massage that supposedly supports the body’s natural defenses, helping people to heal and balance themselves in mind, body and spirit.

Aah, that was relaxing—but now we’re moving on to the delights of Japanese food! Whet your appetite with these next loanwords.

11. Sushi


Japanese: 寿司 (すし)

Kanji Meaning: 寿 (す) means “congratulations” or “longevity,” and 司 (し) is “official.” If you think about it, it’s quite sweet that the kanji for sushi is “official congratulations!”

There was no reason to rename this famous Japanese dish. Sushi is made from rice often wrapped with seaweed, and a filling such as fish or a type of raw or pickled vegetable.

12. Tofu


Japanese: 豆腐 (とうふ)

Kanji Meaning: 豆 (とう) is “beans” and 腐 (ふ) means “ferment” or “rot.” It may sound a bit gross, but the Japanese have cleverly mastered several dishes involving fermenting various foods.

Pronunciation Tip: In Japanese, the “tou” sound is longer than the “fu,” which is very short.

Tofu is made from soybeans and is a delicious addition to many sweet and savory Japanese dishes—as well as dishes in other countries. In Japan, there are still many professional tofu makers.

13. Ramen


Japanese: らーめん, ラーメン

Ramen is actually a Chinese dish, but has been adapted in Japan and is a long-standing Japanese word. Ramen is also used in English to mean many different kinds of noodle-based dishes.

14. Wasabi


Japanese: 山葵 (わさび)

Kanji meaning: 山 means “mountain” and 葵 is “hollyhock.” But 山葵 is ateji, which is kanji used semantically without regard to the readings.

Whether you can get it in your home country or not, most people have heard of wasabi—spicy Japanese horseradish often added to sushi and other fish-based dishes.

15. Teriyaki


Japanese: 照り焼き (てりやき)

Kanji Meaning: 照り (てり) means “shine” and 焼き (やき) means “grilled.” Perhaps this kanji was given to it because the sauce glaze makes the chicken look like it’s “shining.”

Teriyaki is a delicious grilled style of chicken mixed in a special sauce, giving it its unique flavor. Teriyaki chicken is often served outside Japanese restaurants, meaning that some people may be surprised the word is of Japanese origin. The surprise might hit especially hard if you’ve been using teriyaki sauce in your kitchen all these years, without knowing its true origin!

After this food vocabulary, we should get a bit of exercise in. Thanks to movies like “The Karate Kid,” Japanese martial arts have become famous worldwide. How many of these words did you know originally came from Japanese? Take a look.

16. Karate


Japanese: 空手 (からて)

Kanji Meaning: 空 (から) means “empty” and 手 (て) is “hand.” Karate, therefore, is literally battling with no weapons except your bare hands.

Pronunciation Tip: All of the syllables contain the same amount of stress, unlike in English where we say “kah-RAH-tee.”

Karate is an offensive martial art with roots in Chinese fighting, involving complicated attacks using hands, feet and elbows.

17. Judo


Japanese: 柔道 (じゅうどう)

Kanji Meaning: 柔 (じゅう) means “gentle” or”soft,” and 道 (どう) is “way” or “road.”

Pronunciation Tip: Long “juu” and long “dou” sounds are used in Japanese.

The difference between karate and judo is that judo is more defensive—it involves taking advantage of your opponent’s strength and weight.

18. Sumo


Japanese: 相撲 (すもう)

Kanji Meaning: 相 (す) means “together” or “mutual,” and 撲 (もう) means “hit” or “beat.”

Pronunciation Tip: In Japanese, you’ll want to say a very short “su” and long “mou.” It sounds more like “smou.

Sumo is a very unique Japanese martial art which involves enormous wrestlers trying to force each other out of the ring. You can watch traditional Sumo matches in Japan; nowadays, most Sumo champions tend to be from Mongolia.

19. Senpai


Japanese: 先輩 (せんぱい)

Kanji Meaning: 先 (せん) means “before” or “ahead,” and 輩 (ぱい) means “comrade” or “companions.” It’s the perfect kanji for this word—literally “companions ahead of me.”

The word “senpai” is becoming increasingly popular in English, and it’s on its way to being added to the Oxford Dictionary (though some people aren’t too happy about it). “Senpai” in Japanese means someone higher-ranking than you, usually in school, such as a fellow student in a higher grade. In English, it has a similar meaning, often jokingly referring to people the speaker sees as superior, and therefore not noticing their meek and humble selves.

20. Dojo


Japanese: 道場 (どうじょう)

Kanji Meaning: 道 (どう) means “way” or “road,” and 場 (じょう) is “location” or “place.” It’s the place where you are on the road to improving your skills.

Pronunciation Tip: Long “dou” and long “jou.”

The word “dojo” might be familiar to fans of martial arts; it refers to the place where karate, judo and other similar sports are usually practiced.

21. Sensei


Japanese: 先生 (せんせい)

Kanji Meaning: 先 (せん) remember this kanji? It also came up in “senpai.” It means “before” or “ahead.” 生 (せい) means “born”—your teacher is (usually) born before you.

Although in English, “sensei” usually just refers to a martial arts instructor, “sensei” means any type of teacher in Japanese, whether it be for a public school, a cram school or for sports. 先生 is also an honorific suffix that’s commonly used for doctors, politicians, attorneys, etc.

Now we’ll move on to some words that were specifically adopted by English to describe some elements of Japanese culture.

22. Samurai


Japanese: 侍 (さむらい)

Kanji Meaning: If anything can tell you how long Samurai have been around, it’s the fact that this word has an entire kanji for itself. 侍 (さむらい) means “to serve” as well as “warrior.”

The Samurai are ancient Japanese warriors with a unique and quite beautiful culture of their own. Real Samurai are extinct now, but were so well-known that the word is recognized in English.

23. Ninja


Japanese: 忍者 (にんじゃ)

Kanji Meaning: 忍 (にん) means “spy” or “sneak,” and 者 (じゃ) means “person.”

Ninjas are Japanese assassins, experts in stealth and subtle kills. In English, the term “ninja” can also be slang to mean someone who’s extremely quick and unseen; for example:

A: “How did you get here so fast?”

B: “I’m a ninja.”

24. Kimono


Japanese: 着物 (きもの)

Kanji Meaning: 着 (き) means “to wear” and 物 (もの) means “thing” or “goods.” It makes sense, then, that kimono literally means “something to wear.”

A kimono is a Japanese dress traditionally worn by female entertainers (geisha) and nowadays worn at festivals and graduation ceremonies.

25. Yukata


Japanese: 浴衣 (ゆかた)

Kanji Meaning: 浴衣 is another ateji, but 浴 means “bathe” or “bask,” and 衣 means “clothing.” Perhaps this is because yukatas are worn to summer festivals, and therefore one can wear them and bask in the beautiful clothes they’re wearing.

A yukata is very similar to a kimono, but it tends to involve less layers, and therefore is usually worn in summer.

26. Zen


Japanese: 禅 (ぜん)

Kanji Meaning: 禅 (ぜん) literally means “silent meditation.”

Zen is a branch of Buddhism that emphasizes self-control and meditation.

27. Shamisen


Japanese: 三味線 (しゃみせん)

Kanji Meaning: 三 (しゃ) is “three,” 味 (み) is “flavor” and 線 (せん) means “line” or, in this case, “string.”

A shamisen is a stringed musical instrument often featured in traditional Japanese theater.

28. Haiku


Japanese: 俳句 (はいく)

Kanji Meaning: 俳 (はい) means “poem” or “actor,” and 句 (く) means “clause” or “passage.”

You may have studied haiku in school; they’re traditional Japanese poems. The many stanza and syllable rules make them unique in the world of poetry.

29. Futon


Japanese: 布団 (ふとん)

Kanji Meaning: 布 (ふ) means “linen” or “cloth” and 団 (とん) is “group.”

Pronunciation Tip: Say a very short “u”; it sounds more like “fton” in Japanese.

Have you ever slept in a futon? They can either be very comfortable or very uncomfortable, depending on what kind it is and how many layers are involved. Futons have been a traditional bed in Japan for centuries, therefore it’s unsurprising that English speakers borrowed this word to describe them. However, we also use this word in English to describe couches that also have fold-out beds.

30. Koi


Japanese: 鯉 (こい)

Kanji Meaning: 鯉 (こい) just means “carp”—no surprises there!

In English, we tend to say “koi carp,” but in Japanese, it’s just “koi.” Koi-shaped streamers are used in Japanese festivals such as Children’s Day in May and are largely featured in Japanese decorations year-round.

31. Yakuza


Japanese: ヤクザ (やくざ)

Kanji Meaning: The name yakuza comes from “八九三” (八/8=ya, 九/9=ku, 三/3=za). It originates from a card game. In this game, a player’s score is decided by adding the scores on several cards and using only the smallest digit. Because 8+9+3=20=0 points, “893” means “no points.” So this meaning later changed to “useless people” or “gambling people.”

Most people have heard of the Japanese Mafia thanks to movies such as “Kill Bill,” “Battles Without Honor and Humanity” and “Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift.” Today, the yakuza are still very active and powerful in areas such as Tokyo.

32. Tatami


Japanese: 畳 (たたみ)

Kanji Meaning: 畳 (たたみ) means “tatami mat” but can also mean to “shut” or “put away.”

Tatami mats are a comfortable addition to many Japanese homes and usually recognizable to foreign eyes. In English, we tend to say the phrase “tatami mat,” but in Japanese it’s just “tatami.”

With these English-Japanese words you already know, you’ve now instantly gotten a plethora of Japanese vocabulary stored away in your brain—no studying required.

Japanese is a rewarding language to learn, and there are hundreds of ways to easily study it. This just happens to be one of the easiest ways out there.

Keep exploring loanwords, as well as other connections between Japanese and English, as you advance with your new language. You won’t regret it.

Good luck!

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Japanese Words in English

“What a strange thing!

to be alive

beneath cherry blossoms.”

Issa Kobayashi, a Japanese poet

There are numerous English words that are used in everyday Japanese conversations. And even though it’s usually possible to do without Japanese loanwords in daily English conversations, there are some words we simply can’t help using in certain situations. They are usually related to cuisine, culture, history, sports and entertainment. See our list of the most useful Japanese loanwords (sorry for not including sushi, sashimi, okonomiyaki and other yummy things in the list!):

Word  Meaning
Bento /ˈbentəʊ/ / bento box 


a thin box divided into compartments which contain small separate dishes comprising a Japanese meal, esp. lunch; a Japanese-style packed lunch: I left you a bento box. 
Daikon /ˈdaɪkɒn/ / daikon radish  a kind of white radish: I sometimes add daikon to miso /ˈmiːsəʊ/ (a soft Japanese food made from soya beans) soup.
Sake /ˈsɑːki/ an alcoholic drink made from rice: This is a sake brewery. 
Tofu /ˈtəʊfuː/ a soft white food made from soya beans: There’s also a tofu dumpling coming up.
Kabuki /kəˈbuːki/ a form of Japanese drama: That book on kabuki might be expensive.
Kanji /ˈkændʒɪ , ˈkɑːn-/ a Japanese writing system using characters mainly derived from Chinese ideograms; a character of this system: Tom has memorized so many kanji that he can read books for primary school children.
Origami /ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːmi/


the Japanese art of folding pieces of paper to make models: This is not proper origami paper. 
Ikebana /ˌiːkeɪˈbɑːnə/ the Japanese art of arranging flowers in an attractive way according to strict rules: You can’t learn ikebana in 10 days. 
Bonsai /ˈbɒnsaɪ/


a tree grown in a small container; the activity of growing bonsai trees: You know, I’ve been thinking about the bonsai shop idea.
Haiku /ˈhaɪkuː/ a short poem written in a traditional Japanese style: I wrote little haiku poems. I e-mailed them to everyone.
Kimono /kɪˈməʊnəʊ/


a type of traditional Japanese clothing, like a long coat with wide sleeves; a dressing gown in this style: She certainly looks beautiful in a Japanese kimono.
Anime /ˈænɪmeɪ/


a style of Japanese animated film or TV program: She loves anime and manga /ˈmæŋɡə/ (Japanese comics or cartoons with stories that are aimed at adults as well as children)
Kawaii /kəˈwai/ attractive and appealing; in English the word is used when talking about Japanese pop culture: It’s such a kawaii character!
Katana /kəˈtɑːnə / a long curved single-edged sword traditionally used by Japanese samurai ˈsæmʊraɪ/: When a katana is gripped properly, the little finger is the strongest.
Rickshaw /ˈrɪkˌʃɔː/


a small vehicle with two wheels used for carrying passengers and pulled by someone riding a bicycle or walking: My rickshaw got caught in this massive traffic jam.
Sudoku /suˈdəʊkuː/ a kind of number game: I’m a sudoku fan. 
Karaoke /ˌkæriˈəʊki/ a type of entertainment in which people sing popular songs while recorded music is played: Let’s sing karaoke

Note karaoke is not a place, so don’t say Let’s go to a karaoke. Instead, you can say, let’s go to a karaoke bar/place or just let’s go sing karaoke.

Emoji /ɪˈməʊdʒi/


a small digital image or symbol used in electronic communication to convey an idea or feeling: She often uses emojis
Typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ a kind of tropical storm: The typhoon has made landfall. 
Tsunami /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ a very large wave caused when something such as an earthquake moves a large quantity of water in the sea: See the tsunami evacuation map; an extremely large quantity of something bad: This is a tsunami of lies; a disastrous situation that cannot be controlled: A financial tsunami is coming. 

As we have mentioned, numerous English words are used in Japanese nowadays. But some Japanese people learning English may be surprised to find out that some Japanese English expressions are actually not that natural in English. Here are a few notable examples:

ペーパードライバー (peepaa doraibaa) (from the English “paper + driver”) – a person who has a driving license but little or no experience driving

マンツーマン (mantsuman) (from the English “man-to-man”) – in Japanese the word is often used to talk about one-on-oneclasses. In English though, we don’t say “man-to-man classes”. We say “one-on-one classes/lessons” or “private classes/lessons”. In English, “man-to-man” means “involving two men who are telling each other what they really think” (Let’s talk man-to-man). It can also be an adjective: Let’s have a man-to-man conversation.

ワンピース (wanpiisu) (from the English “one-piece”) – a dress. In English, however, a one-piece is a type of woman’s swimming costume that consists of one piece of material and which covers her chest (see the picture below). One-piece is also an adjective: this is a one-piece swimsuit.

ユーティリティー (yuutiritii) (from the English “utility”) – a room with a sink, a washing machine, etc. in a house/apartment​. In English, utility an important service such as water, electricity, or gas that is provided for everyone, and that everyone pays for.

チャームポイント (chaamupointo) (from the English “charm point” – the most attractive feature (of a person))​. Remember it is pseudo-English, so, for example, “her eyes are her charm point” doesn’t sound natural. Say “her eyes are the most beautiful thing about her / the most beautiful part of her body” instead.


They are wearing one-pieces.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Words of Japanese origin have entered many languages. Some words are simple transliterations of Japanese language words for concepts inherent to Japanese culture, but some are actually words of Chinese origin that were first exposed to English via Japan. The words on this page are an incomplete list of words which are listed in major English dictionaries and whose etymologies include Japanese. The reverse of this list can be found at List of gairaigo and wasei-eigo terms.


アニメ listen (help·info), hand-drawn and computer animation originating from or associated with Japan.
(from ぼけ boke), subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image projected by a camera lens.
盆栽 listen (help·info), «tray gardening»; the art of tending miniature trees. Originated from Chinese 盆栽 penzai
[1] 文楽, a form of traditional Japanese puppet theatre, performed by puppeteers, chanters, and shamisen players.
俳句 listen (help·info), a very short poem consisting of three lines of 5, 7, and 5 morae (not syllables as commonly thought) each; see also tanka below.
生花, flower arrangement.
[2] 伊万里, Japanese porcelain wares (made in the town of Arita and exported from the port of Imari, particularly around the 17th century).
[3] 歌舞伎, a traditional form of Japanese theatre; also any form of elaborate theatre, especially metaphorically.[4]
怪獣, Japanese genre of horror and science fiction films featuring giant monsters.
[5] 掛け物, a vertical Japanese scroll, of ink-and-brush painting or calligraphy, that hangs in a recess on a wall inside a room.
[6] 柿右衛門, Japanese porcelain wares featuring enamel decoration (made in Arita, using the style developed in the 17th century by 酒井田 柿右衛門 Sakaida Kakiemon).
カラオケ listen (help·info), (English IPA : [kæriːoʊkiː]) «empty orchestra»; entertainment where an amateur singer accompanies recorded music.
切り紙, similar to origami, but involves cutting in addition to folding.
[7] 琴, a traditional stringed musical instrument from Japan, resembling a zither with 13 strings.
[8] 巻物, a horizontal Japanese hand scroll, of ink-and-brush painting or calligraphy
まんが or 漫画 listen (help·info), (English IPA : [mæŋgɜː]) Japanese comics; refers to comics in general in Japanese
[9] 根付, a toggle used to tie the sash of a kimono also to attach small items such as inro and kinchaku: sometimes beautifully carved.
[10], a major form of classical Japanese music drama
折り紙, artistic paper folding. (British English IPA : [ɒrɪgɑːmiː])
オタク or おたく or ヲタク, a geeky enthusiast, especially of anime and manga.
川柳, a form of short poetry similar to haiku.
[11] 三味線, a three-stringed musical instrument, played with a plectrum.
墨絵, a general term for painting with a brush and black ink.
短歌, «short poetry»; an older form of Japanese poetry than haiku, of the form 5-7-5-7-7 morae (not syllables; see also haiku above).
単行本, «independent/standalone book»; term for a book that is complete in itself and is not part of a series or corpus. In modern Japan, though, it is most often used in reference to individual volumes of a single manga, as opposed to magazines.
浮世絵, a type of woodblock print art or painting. (English IPA : [uːkiːoʊ.iː])
和歌, «Japanese poetry»; a word used primarily to describe tanka (see above) written between the 9th and 19th centuries.
侘び寂び, a world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.


[12] 改善, literally «change for the better.» In practice, a Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement of working practices, personal efficiency, etc. Initially made famous by the 1986 book of same name.
[13] 看板, literally a «signal» or «sign» signals a cycle of replenishment for production and materials and maintains an orderly and efficient flow of materials throughout the entire manufacturing process.
過労死, «death by overwork, stress death»
系列, a set of companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings.
«mistake-proofing» or «inadvertent error prevention».
大君 («taikun»), «great prince» or «high commander», later applied to wealthy business leaders.
財閥, a «money clique» or conglomerate


[14] 下駄, a pair of Japanese raised wooden clogs worn with traditional Japanese garments, such as the kimono
[15] 印籠 inrō, a case for holding small objects, often worn hanging from the obi; (traditional Japanese clothes didn’t have pockets)
着物, a traditional full-length robe-like garment still worn by women, men and children. (English IPA : [kɪmoʊnoʊ])
[16] 帯, a wide belt that is tied in the back to secure a kimono
浴衣, a casual or simplified summer style of kimono
[17] 草履 zōri, sandals made from rice straw or lacquered wood, worn with a kimono for formal occasions


adzuki,[18] azuki bean
[19] あずき or 小豆 listen (help·info), type of bean grown in eastern Asia and the Himalayas, used in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cuisines, usually served sweet
荒布, a type of edible seaweed
弁当 bentō, a single-portion takeout meal, box lunch
大根, a kind of white radish
だし or 出汁, a simple soup stock considered fundamental to Japanese cooking
枝豆, soybeans boiled whole in the green pod and served with salt
enokitake, enoki mushroom
えのきたけ or 榎茸, long, thin white mushrooms, used in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisines
河豚 or フグ, the meat of the toxic pufferfish, must be prepared by specially trained chefs by law. Also means pufferfish itself.
銀杏 or ぎんなん ginnan, a gymnospermous tree (Ginkgo biloba) of eastern China that is widely grown as an ornamental or shade tree and has fan-shaped leaves and yellow fruit (the word is derived from 17th Century Japanese 銀杏 ginkyō)
ギョーザ or 餃子 gyōza, Japanese name for Chinese dumplings, jiaozi (jiǎozi); may also be called pot stickers in English if they are fried
火鉢, a small, portable charcoal grill; used in North America to refer to a teppan or a small shichirin-like aluminium or cast iron grill
ひじき or 鹿尾菜, a type of edible seaweed commonly found on rocky coastlines
カツ, Japanese term for cutlets in general; in English, typically refers to the dish chicken katsu, a type of breaded chicken cutlet served with rice and sauce.[20] (English IPA : [kæt.suː])
鰹, a skipjack tuna
かつおぶし or 鰹節, dried and smoked skipjack tuna (katsuo), which is shaved and then used in dashi
麴 or 麹 kōji, a fungus that is the active agent in the fermentation processes, of producing miso and soy sauce from soybeans, and of producing sake and shōchū from rice.
昆布, dried kelp, which can be eaten or used as dashi
松茸, a type of edible mushroom, with a magnificently spicy aroma similar to cinnamon, considered to be a great delicacy and the most coveted mushroom in Japan
味醂, an essential condiment of the Japanese cuisine, a kind of rice wine similar to sake with a slightly sweet taste
味噌, a thick paste made by fermenting soybeans with salt
水菜, an edible plant, with flavor akin to the mustard plant
餅, sticky rice cake
napa cabbage
菜っ葉, Chinese cabbage, (in Japan, it is a generic term for leaf vegetables.)
nashi (pear)
梨, a species of pear native to eastern Asia, which are juicy, round and shaped like apples. Often simply referred to as «asian pear(s)».
納豆, traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans
海苔, food products created from the seaweed laver by a shredding and rack-drying process that resembles papermaking.
パン粉, Japanese white bread flakes. Panko is made from bread without crusts, thus it has a crisper, airier texture than most types of breading found in Western cuisine.
ラーメン rāmen, the Japanese version of Chinese noodle soup, not limited to the instant variety. (British English IPA : [rɑːmen])
listen (help·info),nihon-shu(日本酒), an alcoholic beverage, brewed from rice. In Japanese, the word commonly refers to alcoholic drinks in general
刺身, a Japanese delicacy primarily consisting of the freshest raw seafoods thinly sliced and served with only a dipping sauce and wasabi.
(from 薩摩 Satsuma, an ancient province of Japan), a type of mandarin orange (mikan) native to Japan
shabu shabu
しゃぶしゃぶ, a meal where each person cooks their own food in their own cooking pot from an assortment of raw ingredients
shiitake mushroom
しいたけ or 椎茸 listen (help·info), an edible mushroom typically cultivated on the shii tree
醬油 or 醤油shōyu, Japanese soy sauce
蕎麦 or ソバ, thin brown buckwheat noodles
from shoyu 醤油
すき焼き or スキヤキ, a dish in the nabemono-style (one-pot), consisting of thinly sliced beef, tofu, konnyaku noodles, negi, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), and enoki mushrooms among others
すり身 or 擂り身, processed meat made from cheaper white-fleshed fish, to imitate the look of a more expensive meat such as crab legs
鮨 or 鮓 or 寿司, a dish consisting of vinegared rice combined with other ingredients such as raw fish, raw or cooked shellfish, or vegetables
たこ焼, たこ焼き, or 章魚焼き, literally fried or baked octopus
溜まり or たまり, liquid obtained by pressing soybeans
てんぷら or 天麩羅, classic Japanese deep fried batter-dipped seafood and vegetables. The word may be from Portuguese tempêro/seasoning.[21]
鉄板焼き, a type of Japanese cuisine that uses a hot iron griddle (teppan) to cook food
照り焼き or テリヤキ, a cooking technique where fish or meat is being broiled/grilled in a sweet soy sauce marinade; in Japanese, it is used exclusively refer to poultry cooked in this manner.
豆腐 tōfu listen (help·info) bean curd. Although the word is originally Chinese, it entered English via Japanese.
ウド or 独活, an edible plant found on the slopes of wooded embankments, also known as the Japanese Spikenard
うどん or 饂飩, a type of thick wheat-based noodle
旨味 or うま味, the taste sensation produced by some condiments such as monosodium glutamate; a basic flavor in sea weed (昆布 kombu)
梅干, pickled ume
ワカメ or 若布, a type of edible kelp, often used in miso soup (Japan), and salads
わさび or 山葵, a strongly flavoured green condiment also known as Japanese horseradish
焼き鳥 or 焼鳥, a type of chicken kebab.

Government and politics[edit]

[22] 大名 daimyō, «great names»; the most powerful Japanese feudal rulers from the 12th century to the 19th century
[23] 元老 genrō, retired elder Japanese statesmen, who served as informal advisors to the emperor, during the Meiji and Taisho eras
[24] 帝, a dated term for «emperor»; specifically for the Emperor of Japan
[25] 将軍 shōgun listen (help·info), the title of the practical ruler of Japan for most of the time from 1192 to the Meiji Era
[26] 天皇, a term for the Emperor of Japan

Martial arts[edit]

[27] 合気道 aikidō
道場 dōjō
[28] 柔道 jūdō, refers to the Olympic sport.
[29] 柔術 jūjutsu, alternately spelt, through mutation, as jiu-jitsu in English.
[30] 空手 a fighting style which includes the use of hands and feet to strike the opponent, without any weapon, and is also a popular international sports event. Literally means «empty handed».
[31] 剣道 kendō
[32] 相撲 sumō


[33] (from 凡僧 bonsō), a Buddhist monk
[34] 公案 kōan, a paradoxical story or statement used during meditation in Zen Buddhism. Inspired the hacker koan tradition among computing circles.
[35] 悟り, enlightenment in Zen Buddhism
[36] 神道 shintō, the native religion of Japan
[37] 鳥居, traditional Japanese gates commonly found at the gateway to Shinto shrines
禅, from Chinese 禪 (Mandarin Chán), originally from ध्यान Sanskrit Dhyāna / Pali झान Jhāna, a branch of Mahāyāna Buddhism.


アヘ顔, a facial expression in pornographic animation and manga usually depicted when someone is having an orgasm
秋田 (from 秋田犬, akitainu or akitaken), the Akita Inu, a large breed of Japanese dog
(馬鹿, ばか in hiragana, or バカ in katakana) means «fool», «silly», «stupid», or «foolish» and is the most frequently used pejorative term in the Japanese language.[citation needed]
ぶっかけ, a sex act portrayed in pornographic films, in which several men ejaculate on a woman, or another man. Note that in Japanese it has a broader meaning of «to pour» or «to splash».
domoic acid
(from ドウモイ doumoi in the Tokunoshima dialect of Japanese: a type of red algae)
絵文字, ideograms used in electronic messages and webpages.
(from 布団, a flat mattress with a fabric exterior stuffed with cotton, wool, or synthetic batting that makes up a Japanese bed.)
外人, lit. outsider/alien is a Japanese word for foreigners and non-Japanese. The word is typically used to refer to foreigners of non-Asian ethnicities.
芸者, traditional Japanese artist-entertainers
変態 listen (help·info), Western usage: pornographic Anime, usually either Japanese in origin or drawn in a Japanese style; Japanese usage: metamorphosis, transformation, abnormality, or perversion
ひきこもり or 引き籠もり, a psychological condition where the affected individual lives an extremely socially isolated lifestyle, a decision of preference not by default, (compare NEET)

Look up hancho or honcho in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

[38] 班長 hanchō, head, chief
[39] 神風, the literal meaning is «divine wind»; used to refer to a Japanese soldier in World War II who crashed an airplane into a target, committing suicide; also refers to the airplane used in the suicide crash
(from かたな literally sword) A Japanese sword that has been forged using traditional Japanese methods. This is referred to as 日本刀 (nihontō) in Japanese.
katsura (tree)
桂, large deciduous trees, native to eastern Asia
可愛い, cute and/or lovely. (English IPA ː [kəwaɪ])
鯉, Western usage: ornamental varieties of the common carp (but in Japan this just means «carp» – the ornamental variety are called «nishikigoi» 錦鯉)
(from 葛 or クズ kuzu) A climbing vine found as an invasive species in the south-eastern US, which is native to Japan and south-eastern China
もぐさ or 艾 mogusa, mugwort or cotton wool or other combustible material, burned on skin during moxibustion
(from moxa + (com)bustion), an oriental medicine therapy which involves the burning of moxa (see above)
Japanese covert agent of the feudal era
(from 人力車 jinrikisha/ninryokusha), a human-pulled wagon
左様なら or さようなら sayōnara the Japanese term for «goodbye»
侍 or 士, Japanese knight
先生, the Japanese term for «master», «teacher» or «doctor». It can be used to refer to any authority figure, such as a schoolteacher, professor, priest, or politician.
先輩, the Japanese term for «upperclassman» or «senior».
指圧, a form of massage
shiba inu
柴犬, the smallest of the six original and distinct Japanese breeds of dog
しんろ, a logic puzzle related to sudoku
[40] A small amount, from 少し or すこし sukoshi, meaning «a bit» or «a few»
数独 sūdoku listen (help·info), a number placement puzzle, also known as Number Place in the United States.
狸, the Japanese name for the animal, Nyctereutes procyonoides, known as a Japanese raccoon dog in English
津波, literally «harbor wave»; Large wave caused by earthquakes or other underwater disturbances. (English IPA ː [(t)suːnɑːmiː])
連れ去り, abducting or kidnapping a child by the parent while defying the rights of the other parent.
(from 漆 or うるし urushi, a plant that gives a skin rash on contact) a chemical substance found in poison-ivy, used to make lacquer-ware


  1. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  2. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  3. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  4. ^ «It’s time for pundits to stop using the word «kabuki.»«. 14 April 2010.
  5. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  6. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  7. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  8. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  9. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  10. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  11. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  12. ^ [1] (Retrieved on October 21, 2013)
  13. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  14. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  15. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  16. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  17. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  18. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  19. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  20. ^ «Chicken katsu curry». The Independent. Retrieved 2020-01-23.
  21. ^ «Home : Oxford English Dictionary».
  22. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  23. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  24. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  25. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  26. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  27. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on March 19, 2010)
  28. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on March 19, 2010)
  29. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on March 19, 2010)
  30. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on March 19, 2010)
  31. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on March 19, 2010)
  32. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on March 19, 2010)
  33. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  34. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  35. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  36. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  37. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 16, 2009)
  38. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on April 30, 2009)
  39. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on October 7, 2011)
  40. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (Retrieved on July 21, 2009)

See also[edit]

  • Glossary of anime and manga
  • Japanese words of English origin
  • Cuisine of Japan
    • Category:Japanese food preparation utensils
  • Etiquette in Japan
  • Japanese honorifics
  • Aizuchi
  • Japanese pronouns

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49 Japanese words in English, courtesy of Busuu's language experts

Did you know that you already know a little Japanese? It’s true! 

Think of karaoke. Emoji. Karate. 

In fact, there are tons of words we use in English that are actually Japanese. That’s why we thought it might be fun to take a look at some of the many Japanese words in English, called loanwords.

But what exactly is a loanword? 

Basically, it’s when a language decides that the term another language uses for something will work just fine. 

There’s no unique English word for sushi, for example – what would be the point in coming up with a different name? Saying sushi is understandable to more people, makes it clear what you’re referring to, and just… works. 

When a language has a pre-existing word for a thing or concept because it existed in the culture or area where the language developed, you’ll have a different word. 

For example, just about every language has a word for water or the sun. But something new or unique to another culture will tend to be introduced with its original name. Ramen. Ukulele. Tango.

In fact, English as a language, being more flexible and having no governing linguistic academy, uses a particularly large number of loanwords. (Like, tens of thousands of loanwords!) 

How many Japanese words are there in the English language? At latest count, Japanese had roughly a modest 150 words from Japanese roots appearing in the English lexicon, but that number is growing. 

That said, we thought we’d showcase the Japanese words we use most in English – and 49 seems like more than enough, don’t you think?

 Without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about our 49 favourite Japanese words in English. 

But wait, you already know these words!

Why spend time poring over English words you’re already familiar with when you could start learning new and exciting Japanese words right now with Busuu’s award-winning online language course?

Here are 49 common Japanese words in English

  1. Anime – fun fact, anime is really a loanword of a loanword! “Animation” became anime (アニメ) in Japanese, which became the English word for Japanese animation. Whew!
  2. Bonsai – from the Japanese bonsai (盆栽), literally “tray planting”
  3. Daikon – from the Japanese daikon (大根), literally “big root”
  4. Dojo  – from the Japanese dōjō (道場),  literally “place of the Way”
  5. Edamame – from the Japanese edamame (枝豆), literally “stem bean” or “branch bean”
  6. Emoji – from the Japanese e (絵, ‘picture’) and moji (文字, ‘character’), originally meaning a pictogram
  7. Futon – from the Japanese futon (布団), meaning a meditation cushion or Japanese-style bedding set up on the floor; itself a loanword from Middle Chinese bu-dwan (蒲團), meaning “meditation cushion”
  8. Geisha – from the Japanese geisha (芸者), used to refer to geishas but meaning, more literally, artisan or performing artist
  9. Haiku – from the Japanese haiku (俳句)
  10. Hibachi – from the Japanese hibachi (火鉢) coming from hi (火, “fire”) and‎ hachi (鉢, “bowl”)
  11. Honcho (as in head honcho) – from the Japanese hanchō (班長), meaning ‘group leader’ or ‘squad leader’
  12. Judo – from the Japanese jūdō (柔道) literally “gentle way”
  13. Jujutsu (a.k.a. jiu jitsu) – from the Japanese jūjutsu (柔術)
  14. Kamikaze – from the Japanese kamikaze (神風), literally “divine wind” or “spirit wind”
  15. Kanban – from the Japanese kanban (看板), meaning “signboard” or “billboard”
  16. Karaoke – from the Japanese karaoke (カラオケ), from the Japanese kara (空, “empty”) and ōkesutora (オーケストラ, “orchestra”)
  17. Karate – from the Japanese karate (空手)
  18. Katana – from the Japanese katana (刀), which simply means “single-edged sword”
  19. Kimono – from the Japanese kimono (着物) literally, “thing to wear (on the shoulders)”
  20. Koi (fish) – from the Japanese koi (鯉)
  21. Manga – from the Japanese manga (漫画), formed from man (漫, whimsical) and ga (画, “pictures”)
  22. Miso – from the Japanese miso (味噌)
  23. Mochi – from the Japanese mochi (餅)
  24. Napa cabbage – from the Japanese nappa (菜っ葉), meaning the leaves of a vegetable as food (the Japanese name for this cabbage is actually hakusai (白菜)!
  25. Ninja – from the Japanese ninja (忍者)
  26. Origami – from the Japanese origami (折り紙), from ori (折り, “to fold”) and kami (紙, “paper”)
  27. Panko – from the Japanese panko (パン粉), from pan (パン, bread – a loanword from the Portuguese pão!) and ko (粉, flour. crumb, or coating)
  28. Ramen – from the Japanese rāmen (拉麺)
  29. Rickshaw – from the Japanese jinrikisha (人力車), literally “human-powered vehicle”
  30. Sake – from the Japanese sake (酒), which in Japanese refers to any alcoholic drink
  31. Samurai – from the Japanese samurai (侍)
  32. Sayonara – from the Japanese sayōnara (さようなら), which, FYI, is more of a “farewell” than a casual goodbye
  33. Sensei – from the Japanese sensei (先生), meaning “elder” or “teacher”
  34. Shiatsu (massage) – from the Japanese shiatsu (指圧), literally “finger pressure”
  35. Shiba Inu – from the Japanese shiba inu (柴犬), which means “brushwood dog”
  36. Skosh (as in just a skosh) – from the Japanese sukoshi (少し), pronounced like “sko-shi”, which means “just a little bit”
  37. Soy – from the Japanese shoyu (醤油), the Japanese name for soy sauce
  38. Sudoku – from the Japanese sūdoku (数独), which literally translates to something like “single digit”
  39. Sumo – from the Japanese sumō (相撲), literally “striking one another”
  40. Sushi – from the Japanese sushi (寿司)
  41. Tempura – from the Japanese tenpura (天麩羅), itself likely borrowed from Portuguese or Spanish
  42. Teriyaki – from the Japanese teriyaki (照り焼き)
  43. Tofu – from the Japanese tōfu (豆腐)
  44. Tsunami – from the Japanese tsunami (津波), meaning “harbour wave”
  45. Tycoon – from the Japanese taikun (大君), meaning a lord, imperial prince, or shōgun
  46. Umami – from the Japanese umami (旨味), a term coined by a chemist in the early 1900s combining umai (うまい, “delicious”) and mi (味, “taste”)
  47. Wabi-sabi – from the Japanese wabi-sabi (侘寂)
  48. Wasabi – from the Japanese wasabi (山葵)
  49. Zen – from the Japanese zen (禅), which was an adaptation of a Chinese word, which was an adaptation of a Sanskrit word – what a wordy world!

See? You learn lots of Japanese words just speaking English

And get this – it doesn’t end there. There are oodles of English loanwords (and loanwords from other European languages) in Japanese that might surprise you. Here are just a few examples of English words in Japanese: 

Katakana Romaji English
ビール bīru beer
アンサー ansā answer
バーゲン bāgen bargain
コインランドリー koin randorī coin laundry
ポスト posuto post – a mailbox (US), a postbox (UK)

Learn anything new? We sure hope so! Let us know your favourite Japanese loan words in English (or vice versa!) in the comments.

Now that you’ve gotten a taste of learning Japanese, why not keep this learning train rolling? With Busuu, you get award-winning course content and help from native Japanese speakers at your fingertips.

So what do you say?

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Japanese: The Borrower Language

Where The Japanese Language Came From, Twisting Words, and Why They Do It

July 25, 2013

words written by

Art by
Aya Francisco

Part 1: Where The Japanese Language Came From

English loanwords in Japanese are often a source of amusement for native speakers of English learning Japanese as a second language. There’s so many of them, it seems like if you don’t know a word in Japanese, you can just guess by taking the word in English, pronouncing it with Japanese sounds, and half of the time you’ll be right! How convenient! It’s true that there are a lot of English loanwords in Japanese, but the language has also absorbed vocabulary from plenty of other languages before English became all that and a bag of chips.

Just like most other languages (except maybe Klingon), Japanese is constantly in flux, slowly becoming a bigger and bigger amalgamation of several outside languages over time. Think Katamari Damacy: bits and pieces from other languages stick to the base language forming a giant mass of mis-matched BLAH (and yet, humans manage to communicate with each other).

screenshot of video game Katamari Damacy

la laaaaa la la la la la la la la Katamari Damacy

But patterns of borrowing are not random. A language’s vocabulary is the reflection of the culture and history of its speakers, and Japanese is no exception. The distribution of foreign vocabulary is often concentrated in different fields, pointing to the significance of the relationship between the two nations (just as the borrowing of チーズバーガー shows the cultural significance of cheeseburgers in the relationship between the US and Japan). We can also observe changes in borrowing that have occurred through history.

Languages in Japanese

The Japanese language has come from many different sources in the past, and we can categorize Japanese words into three groups according to their origin: wago 和語, kango 漢語, and gairaigo 外来語. Wago are native Japanese words, while kango refers to Chinese loanwords and gairaigo to words borrowed from foreign countries other than China.

As stated above, the distribution of foreign vocabulary is often concentrated in different fields of interest. Looking at the relationships between Japan other countries through history can help us understand said focuses. But first, let’s take a closer look at the Japanese language before it became inundated with foreign vocabulary.

Wago 和語

Japanese: weather, fish, feelings, rice (lacking: body parts, domesticated animals, actions)

The term wago 和語, or Yamato-kotoba, refers to native Japanese words passed on from Old Japanese. Although wago did not come from abroad, it too reflects the cultural interests of its speakers, the Japanese.

Traditional Japanese society focused a lot of energy on farming and fishing, and the native vocabulary shows evidence of this fact. Have you ever wondered why there are so many words for weather in Japanese when all are you want to say is “there is water falling from the sky”? The native vocabulary is teeming with words related to weather, especially rain and water (this comes in handy in the Northwest), because it was important for rice farmers to know this stuff if they wanted to have successful crops and eat buckets of rice! There are also many expressions related to nature, crops, fish, rice, bodies of water, and senses/feelings. Take a look:

Wago Words for Rice

English wago 和語
rice plant ine いね
raw rice kome こめ
cooked rice; meal gohan はん
cooked rice; meal meshi めし

Wago Words for Rain

English wago 和語
spring rain harusame 春雨はるさめ
autumn rain akisame 秋雨あきさめ
May Rain samidare 五月雨さみだれ
rain during the rainy season tsuyu 梅雨つゆ
evening rain yuudachi 夕立ゆうだち
light rian kirisame 霧雨きりさめ
passing shower; streaks of pouring rain amaashi 雨脚あまあし
taking shelter from rain amayadori 雨宿あまやど
rain cloud amagumo 雨雲あまぐも

Wago Words for Yellowtail (Fish)

English wago 和語
yellowtail less than 6-9 cm abuko あぶこ
yellowtail less than 6-9 cm tsubasu つばす
yellowtail less than 6-9 cm wakanago わかなご
yellowtail around 15 cm yasu やす
yellowtail around 15 cm wakashi わかし
yellowtail around 36-60 cm warasa わらさ
yellowtail around 36-60 cm inada いなだ
yellowtail around 36-60 cm seguro せぐろ
yellowtail around 45-90 cm hamachi はまち
yellowtail over 1 m buri ぶり
yellowtail caught during the cold season kanburi 寒鰤かんぶり
large, purplish yellowtail kanpachi 環八かんぱち

And this is just the start… There are many, many, MANY more words in Old Japanese related to these topics; I haven’t even scratched the surface here. This just emphasizes how important agriculture was in traditional Japanese society. If you want to know more about Yamato-kotoba, I recommend reading Koichi’s article on the topic. Or, if you just really love rain, this article on Japanese rain words is really fun.

Although Japanese is overflowing with words on these topics, the language also had some pretty major holes in it before all of this globalization mishy-mashy cultural mixing started happening. This included body parts (ashi means foot and leg?), names for domesticated animals, and action words. But sooner or later, (dun dun DUN!) the foreigners arrived, and those gaps were slowly filled.

Kango 漢語

Chinese: abstract concepts and academia

Chinese painting of two men

“And then I said to that turtle, I’ll defeat you next time!”

Chinese has been such a huge influence on the Japanese language in past that it deserves its own classification. It’s believed that Japan was first introduced to Chinese words around the first century A.D. when Korean scholars brought Chinese books to Japan. That’s a long time ago! At first, Chinese was used mainly as a means of documentation and for academic writing, but eventually it became part of everyday Japanese lingo.

Kango makes up as much as 60% of the Japanese language. Because the source of some words isn’t so clear, even words that didn’t originate in China but are written with Chinese characters or use the Chinese reading are referred to as kango. In many ways, kango can be seen as a parallel to Latinate words in English. To this day, kango is mainly used for academic words and abstract concepts. So, these are the words you’ll be seeing a lot of in textbooks and scientific readings, and of course they are mostly written in kanji (Chinese characters)! Everyone’s favorite! Though, of course, there are many casually used kango as well. The differences between kango and wago can be seen when compared side-by-side:

English Wago 和語 Kango 漢語
yesterday kinou 昨日きのう sakujitsu 昨日さくじつ
language kotoba 言葉ことば gengo 言語げんご
play (fun) asobi 遊びあそび yuugi 遊戯ゆうぎ

Kango are a lot more literary and academic, so you won’t be learning a whole lot of them in your Japanese 101 class or using them in conversation (unless you really want to sound sophisticated, or perhaps just snobbish?). However, this is a really interesting point that I feel many classes fail to point out. The status of wago and kango in Japanese is very similar to Latin and German in English. Check it out:

Germanic Latinate
help aid
hide conceal
deep profound

These days, words borrowed from Chinese (and Korean) mainly fall under the categories of culturally specific items such as food. The majority of loanwords, however, come from English. What a change!

Gairaigo 外来語

Loan words coming from countries other than China are classified as gairaigo. More often than not, these words are written in katakana. These days, gairaigo are seen as stylish and cool, so you’re more likely to see them in something like Seventeen Magazine, rather than Popular Science.

Although foreign vocabulary is now dominated by English, there were times when this was not the case. Other countries, namely France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Russia, Portugal, and Spain, have claimed greater shares than English in the past, but I’ll only cover some of them here.

Note: Translations below are English translations of the Japanese terms, not of the native language in question.

Portuguese: Christianity, “modern” technology, and Portuguese products

painting of Portuguese ships arriving in Japan

Can I get off this boat yet, guys?

In 1542 the Portuguese became the first people to establish direct trade between Japan and Europe. Most Portuguese words entered Japanese through Jesuit priests who introduced the Japanese people to Christianity, Western science, and new products (like konpeito) throughout the 15th and 16th centuries. Therefore, most of the Portuguese words in Japanese have to do with the products and customs of the Portuguese people. Here are some words you might already know or might want to remember:

ブランコ balanço swing
イエス Jesus Jesus
イギリス inglês England
かるた cartas cards
コップ copo cup
パン pão bread
天麩羅 tempero tempura
タバコ tabaco tabaco
ボタン botão button
アルコール álcool alcohol
オランダ Holanda The Netherlands

Dutch: medicine, sailing, and astronomy (oh my!)

visual description of the image

“shmoke and a pancake?”

Although the Dutch were not the first to make contact with Japan, they too had a huge impact on the Japanese language. In 1609, the Dutch East India Trading Company started trading with Japan, remaining the only Western country allowed to do so throughout Japan’s seclusion period (those lucky Dutch!). At one point, 3,000 Dutch words were commonly used in Japan (that’s more words than I know… in English), but that number has dwindled to 160 words used in the present day. Most Dutch loanwords are technical in nature, having to do with medical science and diseases (sharing is caring? I mean, oops.), astronomy, sailing, and beer! Yay, beer.

ビール bier beer
ドイツ Duits Germany
ドロンケン dronken drunk (not really used, but cute)
ゴム gom rubber
ハム ham ham
ハトロン patroon pattern
カミツレ kamille camomile
コーヒー koffie coffee
メス mes scalpel
モルモット marmot Guinea pig
お転婆 ontembaar tomboy
ペスト pest black death
オルゴール orgel music box
ピストル pistool pistol
ピント punt focus point
ピンセット pincet tweezers
アロエ aloë aloe

French: culture, diplomacy, and art

old image of one of the first cars in japan

Yup, the first car in Japan was French.

In the late 1800’s, English replaced Dutch as the language of foreign relations. French was also studied heavily during this time due to its status as an international language in the fields of diplomacy and culture during Japan’s Meiji Restoration period. A lot of French words have to do with art and fashion, as you might expect (ooh la la!):

アベック avec romantic couple
アンケート enquête questionnaire; survey
アンニュイ ennui boredom
バイク bike motorcycle
バリカン Bariquand & Marre barber’s clippers
デッサン dessin drawing rough sketch
エスカレーター escalator escalator
コンクール concours a contest
コント conte a funny story
マロン marron chestnut brown eyes
マゾ masochiste masochist
ズボン jupon pants, trousers
ゼロ zéro zero
サボる sabo(tage) + -ru (Japanese verb ending) to skip class, to goof off
ルポ repo(rtage) reportage
ロマン roman novel, romance
レストラン restaurant restaurant
ピーマン pīman bell pepper
ピエロ pierrot clown
ペンション pension a resort hotel, cottage

German: medical science and sports

visual description of the image

“Don’t look down zere, mister!”

French wasn’t the only language studied in Japan during the Meiji period. After Japan opened its doors to the West in 1868, many Germans moved to Japan in order to work in the new government as foreign advisers. During this time, the Germans contributed many terms to the fields of medical and military science. Japanese also absorbed many sports related words from German, many of them involving mountain climbing.

アイゼン eisen crampons, metal pins of climbing shoes
ピッケル (eis)pickel ice axe
ザイル seil climbing rope
アルバイト arbeit part-time job
エネルギッシュ energisch energetic
ガーゼ gaze gauze
ゲレンデ gelände ski slope
ギプス gips cast
ヒステリー hysterie loss of self control; hysteria
ホルモン hormon hormone
カルテ karte medical record
オペ operation surgical operation
レントゲン röntgen X-ray
リュックサック rucksack backpack
テーマ thema theme

Of course, loanwords have been taken from many other languages, too; these are some of the major ones. Other languages that have contributed substantially to Japanese include Ainu, Russian, Spanish, Korean, and Italian. Below I’ve listed a few more miscellaneous gairaigo, just for the fun of it.

イクラ ikura salmon roe (Russian)
ノルマ norma quota (Russian)
ラッコ rakko sea otter (Ainu)
トナカイ tunakkay reindeer (Ainu)
パンツ pants underwear (British English)
ロマンスグレー romance grey silver-grey hair (British English)
ウィンカー winker turning signal (British English)
アメリカンドッグ American dog corn dog (British English)
ライフライン lifeline infrastructure (British English)
パパ papa dad (Italian)

As you can see, the vocabulary of a given language is determined by the cultural interests of its speakers, and the loanwords a language absorbs depends strongly on the nature of the connections between the two communities involved. As globalization continues to happen, more and more words are being adopted and traded. Who knows what language we’ll be speaking tomorrow. I hope it’s Klingon.

Learning Japanese by source is not only fascinating, it can be a good way to form connections in your mind so you can remember words better! At least, that’s worked for me.

Part 2: Twisting Words

The phenomenon of language borrowing is in no way unique, but it seems to stand out more in the Japanese language than others. And in a way, this presumption is true. Japanese has adopted an astounding number of loanwords. Even the written language, consisting of 3 distinct writing systems, gives way to the amount of borrowing that has gone on over the centuries.

However, borrowing, especially from English, has become even more exaggerated in the post WWII era, almost certainly kicked off by the occupation period. Loanwords are everywhere in Japan. They’re like air. You can’t get away from them.

But are they air? Or are they a pollution in the air? That is the question asked by many people in Japan. Taking in loanwords at such a rate has not been a trouble-free, clean-cut process. In fact, so much borrowing has created a bit of a sticky mess in the language; the whole process has rendered many words elusive to both second language learners and native speakers alike.

Borrowing: A Linguistics Perspective

cartoon character swiper the fox

Swiper no… swiping?

So how has Japan, a relatively isolated country with its own distinct language, been able to borrow foreign words at the rate they have? Actually, Japanese has certain linguistic characteristics that have made borrowing much easier than some other languages.

The main reasons why Japanese has accepted foreign words so easily has to do with the lack of nominal inflections and the presence of a syllabary writing system. In other words, Japanese nouns do not change based on person, number, or gender like many other languages do, and since words are simply separated syllabary particles, it makes it easy to just plop a foreign word in the midst of a Japanese sentence where any native word might appear. As for adjectives and verbs, foreign words can be inserted as な (na) adjectives and する (to do) can convert anything into a verb without any changes to the original word. Magic! (I always wondered why there were so many な adjectives and する verbs in Japanese.)

So, foreign words have had an easy time slithering their way into Japanese language from a linguistics perspective, but that hasn’t stopped them from wreaking havoc across the land in their own special way, plaguing both Japanese learners and native speakers.

Making Changes

english loanwords in a japanese newspaper clipping

“I spy, with my little eye… English words!”

You’d think with number of foreign loanwords floating around in the language, Japanese would sound slightly less like “moon speak” to non-Japanese speakers. However, foreign loanwords have been warped and maimed beyond the point of recognition in many cases, making understanding Japanese all the more frustrating!

When a foreign word is adopted in Japanese, it goes through many changes (like a beautiful butterfly). First of all, loanwords are converted to Japanese characters (usually katakana), changing their pronunciation altogether. On top of that, the meaning of a word may shift, a word may be simplified, and sometimes words will even be completely invented! For me, it is particularly upsetting when I think I understand a loanword from English, when actually I don’t know squat. Basically, I can’t even understand my own language in Japanese a lot of the time. Yep. Let’s take a look at some of the changes foreign words have undergone to become a totally different animal.

Changes in Meaning

young Bob Dylan smoking a cigarette

“Honey, them times… they are a changin’”

Changes in meaning often happen in the process of foreign borrowing. The meaning of a word may be narrowed, widened, specialized, shifted, downgraded, you name it. At this point, I’ve come to believe that it’s someone’s job to sit in an office and figure out the best way to mutilate the English language before it enters Japan. Honestly, I really want that job.

Narrowing and Specialization

When a word’s meaning is narrowed or specialized, only one aspect of its original meaning is adopted as the new loanword. So in other words, a word that originally has a more general meaning is changed to mean something very specific.

ホテル hotel Western-style hotel
ステッキ stick cane
ライス rice rice served on a plate
アルバイト work part-time job (usually student)
ダイエット diet purposely losing weight
ストライキ strike demonstration, strike
ストライク strike strike (in baseball)
ゲイ gay relationship between men only
ドレス dress extravagant dress


The widening of a word’s meaning is not nearly as common as narrowing, but it does happen. In these cases, a word’s meaning is more generalized, or used to describe a broader range of ideas.

レジ register cash register, cashier
ハンドル handle car steering wheel, bike handlebar, any other handle

Shifts in Meaning

It’s a fairly common occurrence for a word’s meaning to be shifted when it is enters another language. This means that the original meaning of a word is completely changed, and all hope of the foreign language’s speakers understanding it is lost. “What? サイダー (cider) means soda?!” Check it out:

アベック avec (with) a romantic couple (old saying)
フェミニスト feminist a man who indulges in women; a gentlemen
マンション mansion large apartment complex
アイス ice ice cream
カニング cunning cheating
バイキング Viking all-you-can-eat-buffet

Of course, out post about wasei eigo goes over even more examples.


beyonce with hair in large braid

“Downgrade? Honey, I only do upgrades.”

The meaning of a word can sometimes be downgraded, too. Downgrading is the lowering of importance or rank in terms of the social significance a word holds.

The examples below clarify this phenomenon.

ボス boss the head of a group of politicians or gangsters
マダム/ママさん Madam/mother owner of a drinking establishment

Inventing Words

cartoon character Finn from Adventure Time


Just as many words were created in Japan from Chinese characters in the past, today many new “foreign” words are just inventions. I don’t know about you, but the concept of new English words being created in another language makes me feel both amazed and downright strange.

Often times new foreign words are created in Japanese by combining two or more already existing terms to make a completely new one. Sometime only parts of words such as the -er suffix are used. Some of the most bewildering words are invented by creating acronyms from foreign phrases. As you can imagine, this renders “foreign” words completely unrecognizable to speakers of the word’s language of origin. Mama mia! Invented words are so numerous, it would be insane to list as many as I could here, but here’s a nice sampling:

バックミラー back + mirror rearview mirror
テーブルスピーチ table + speech dinner speech
オーエル OL office lady
オールドミス old + miss an old, childless woman
ヘルスメーター health + meter a bathroom scale
ソープランド soap + land a brothel
アイスキャンディース ice + candy popcicle
マイホーム my home a privately owned home
マイカー my car a privately owned car
パートタイマー part-timer someone who works part-time
ナイター nigher a night baseball game


Taking words directly from another language is often times not the most convenient thing, especially when the word is 100 letters long and no one can pronounce it (antidisestablimentarianism? Riiiiighht). So, why not make it shorter? The Japanese have a tendency to shorten words more so than other languages. Four syllable abbreviations seem to be preferred, but you may also see other variations.

アルミカン aluminum can
セクハラ sexual harassment
プリクラ print club (purikura)
テレビ television
トイレ toilet
パソコン (personal) computer
リモコン remote control
エアコン air conditioner
デジカメ digital camera
ワープロ Word processor

Confusion at Home

old man answering telephone

“English? You have wrong number.”
Source: Max Mayorov

If learning loanwords is confusing for foreigners, it’s really not that much better for the Japanese population themselves. Since foreign loanwords are not written in Chinese characters anymore, Japanese people can’t easily guess their meanings if they don’t already know them. On top of that, foreign words are being poured into Japan at such a rate that even natives don’t understand them anymore. It is also difficult to learn these words because they are often introduced and then dropped faster than a hot potato, leaving no time for full absorption into the language.

NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) conducted a multiple choice survey to see just how well foreign adopted words are understood by people in Japan. The results turned out to be very mixed and depended largely upon respondent groups. In other words, comprehension of foreign words depends largely on factors such as educational and occupational background. The survey also showed that foreign words were mostly understood in their Japanized forms, not in the context of their language of origin. It’s no wonder learning English can be difficult for Japanese students, they know a completely alternate version of it!

Movements have been made (mainly by angry old men) to stop the flow of foreign words into Japanese at the rate it’s been happening, but the madness continues. Stopping such a formidable force is no small feat, and language purist are undoubtedly fighting a losing battle as the “foreigners” take hold of their language. In fact, one 71 year old tried to sue NHK Broadcasting for the “mental distress” caused upon him because of all these foreign words.

But, when foreign words are being adopted, abandoned, changed, and invented the way they are in Japan, it really begs the question: “what is a loanword?” Can I call “back mirror” an English loanword? I honestly don’t know anymore.

Part 3: Why They Do It

So now you know that Japanese has become overwhelmed with English vocabulary, especially in the years following WWII. And when I say “overwhelmed” with English words, I don’t just mean there are a lot of them. I mean they are everywhere in Japan- staring you down and mocking you every way you turn. You can’t hide. They’re watching you.

view of busy city street

Source: Fabien Pfaender

At first, this fact was easy for me to just accept, even if it wasn’t what I expected Japanese to be (Free English words? score!), and it’s not especially apparent to residents of Japan who are surrounded by it everyday.

But, have you ever wondered why there are so many English words lurking about in Japan like a bunch of drunk party crashers?I mean, who invited them there anyway when Japan has a perfectly good language of its own? I’ll tell you why. The motivation for absorbing so many words from other languages can be broken down into four categories: compensation, upgrading, obscuring, and humor.

Compensation and Modernization

movie pirates Jack Sparrow and Barbossa holding telescopes

“Compensation” is probably the most obvious reason for stealing (I mean borrowing) words from foreign languages. In terms of linguistics, compensation has to do with absorption of foreign loanwords into the areas of a language where vocabulary is not yet developed or does not yet already exist. Since languages start off with an abundance of vocabulary in some fields, and a lack of vocabulary in others, it’s only natural that with language contact and the introduction of new cultural concepts, things get traded.

After Japan’s isolation period ended in 1868 and the doors to trade with the West were finally (forced) open, Japan had a lot of “catching-up” to do. With the trading of new goods from aboard, a whole heap of Western and technical terminology breached the floodgates. Then, with the American occupation during the years following WWII, Japan was heavily influenced by the ‘Murican forces – Japan was going to learn the word for cheeseburger whether they liked it or not! Of course, this introduced a whole slew of other words and ideas to the language that had never been present before. One of them was probably type 2 diabetes.

Japanese artistic depiction of the Black Ship

Okay, so it’s pretty obvious that English loanwords have often compensated for gaps in the Japanese vocabulary (spoon, fork, knife) and vice versa (sushi, tsunami, rickshaw). But, what about the cases in which a foreign word is adopted where a perfectly good native Japanese word already exists? This is where things get interesting – and complicated.

As you may have noticed, the rate at which Japanese has absorbed loanwords has resulted in a number of synonyms in the language, making it all the more frustrating for learners. I realize English is even worse, but seriously, does there have to be 6 words in the dictionary for everyone one I look up (Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe?). Yes, it does seem ridiculous, but there are reasons for everything.

Let me Upgrade You

Just as Kango, or words of Chinese origin, can have a classical, academic effect in the Japanese language, Western-based terms, especially from English, have effects of their own. One of these effects is social upgrading.

Due to a mess of political and cultural influences over the years, the English language is often regarded with a sense of elitism and prestige in Japan (though, sometimes it’s the opposite). Therefore, upgrading in this case refers to the social benefits received by using English loanwords in Japanese. In other words, using English vocabulary is a way of building one’s social image and making others say “Oh you fancy, huh?”

white man with grill making gang sign

I got street cred, yo.
Source: Jeremy Noble

One example of this is using technical English terminology to sound as if you know something special and high-level. It’s sort of the same thing old Victorian era men did when they threw in random French words as if everyone knew French. I suppose since everyone is graded on their English skills in school, it’s almost like being really good at a subject like math in the US… sort of.

If it’s true that English carries an air of prestige, then it’s only natural that advertising companies would eat this stuff up (they have to sell you stuff so you can be cool, of course). Countless companies in Japan have created English advertising campaigns in an attempt to make their products look high-class, or “swag” as you kids say. And since commercials have such an influential force over the very flexible minds of young whippersnappers, English has become the coolest of the cool (it’s just so ironic).

Consequently, more and more English words have flooded the Japanese pop culture scene in recent years. However, because English is obviously not the native language of Japan, this has resulted in some pretty hilarious and downright confusing situations.

Embed for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11quU3nqkVE no longer exists

Although social upgrading is not the primary motivation for adopting English loanwords, it is especially associated with communication between youth and in the commercial realm.

Obscuring the Facts

taped over mouth

Source: Jennifer Moo

English loanwords are not absorbed solely for fashion purposes. When I asked my Japanese friend Yuri how she felt when hearing English loanwords, she said:

“English words make everything sound blurry and vague.”

It happens in every language; foreign words are used to cover-up unpleasant or taboo ideas. Using a foreign word in place of a native one has the effect of obscuring the meaning, therefore blunting the force of said word. So, just as I can yell “scheiße!” in an American grocery store surrounded by elderly women without turning too many heads, people in Japan could potentially get away with advertising a big ‘ol F-bomb on their knickers.

unsuspecting woman with inappropriate tshirt

Source: Tauno Tõhk / 陶诺

That’s one classy granny. Now, an older woman in a “fart” shirt might seem innocent enough – just another helpless victim of marketing – but there are times when loanwords are used for less reputable purposes.

Rebel Yell

Japanese in leather biker jackets

Source: Mitch Lorens

Angsty teenagers and rebels everywhere have their own way of sticking it the man, and language is usually a part of that. Japanese people who fit into this “rebellious” category often try to put themselves out of the mainstream by using language opaque to outsiders, and what better way to do that then to confuse everyone with English?

Using English as a rebellious language works in two ways: 1) instead of using it in a positive context, English words are usually selected to refer to negative ideas, and 2) the English language is sometimes mangled and warped to fit a particular group, separating it completely from standard usage.

graffiti with english words

Source: Bryan_Chan

For example, トラブる or トラブする means to make trouble, ペーパー (paper) means counterfeit money, and アド (address) refers to a hidden location. Graffiti written in romanized characters can also be found spewed all over the cities, giving the same effect of obscurity. Much of this has to do with creating in-groups and keeping social distance from the “majority.” Like man, if you don’t know yo street language, you be dissin’ yo homies. Word.

My English subtitles are so street, man.

Don’t Feel Guilty

Another effect English loanwords have is the diminishing of guilt associated with taboo subjects by creating euphemisms or codes. An interesting example is DCブランド. The original meaning of this phrase is “discount on name brand goods,” but it’s come to refer to students whose grades are primarily low Cs and Ds. Oh, the scandal! Money lending companies also like to take advantage of the vagueness of English words. “Money loan? Oh, that doesn’t sound so bad.”

Another example of this would be the words “hug” and “kiss” in Japanese. Have you ever wondered why English loanwords are used in these situations when obviously hugs and kisses weren’t imported from the UK or America (or were they)? Of course, these words do exist in Japanese, but over time their English counterparts have replaced them as common use words. According to my friend Yuri:

“If someone says せっぷん (kiss) or ほうよう (hug) in Japanese, I think everyone would be like, ‘Huh?! What happened?!’”

black and white photo two people hugging

Source: Jesslee Cuizon

So, the Japanese words for hug and kiss sound very heavy and serious, while their English counterparts sound less like a dramatic scene in a K-drama and more like a good pat on the back. Good to know. If you think about English, “taboo” words are disguised all the time, too – especially by widely giggling junior high students. Giggity!

Be Polite!

Obscuring the truth is not always a bad thing. I mean, do you really have to tell your girlfriend that in fact, yes, her butt does look ginormous in those pants? In Japanese, using the English counterparts to native terms can sometimes be polite. For example, if you want to say copulate in Japanese, using “エッチ (ecchi, or H)” is a nicer way to do so, and saying “toire トイレ” instead of “benjo 便所” is always a good choice if you want to save your poor grandmother’s ears from your blasphemous mouth.

old woman surprised by computer

My granddaughter says what on Facebook now?

My friend Yuri gave a great example of this concept, too:

“When I don’t like something I can just say: ‘この部品はスタンダード (standard) から外れているかな’ (kono buhin wa sutandaado kara hazureteiru kana, “I wonder if this part is lacking something…“)

“Standard,” huh? Sounds pretty vague to me. During the interview she went on to describe how even her sociology textbook is filled with indirect English terms, used to avoid being overly harsh on touchy subjects. One of the chapter titles in her sociology textbook was: ネガティブなまなざしを感じ取るースティグマ化 (negatibu na manazashi wo kanjitoru – sutigumaka, Looking at negative perceptions – a changing stigma). If you’ll notice, the words “negative,” and “stigma” are both in English. If you try looking over some Japanese material, you might notice this trend.

Have Some Humor

The last use of English loanwords in Japanese I will touch briefly on is humor. Although it can be difficult to understand humor in other cultures, making fun of other languages is always a classic. However, since English is studied by all students in Japan, it’s a special case. Comedians love to twist the language and make it sound even stupider. For example, one comedian gets laughs by attaching the Japanese honorific “o” to plain loanwords like “juice.” Apparently the ridiculousness of the whole thing is a real gut-buster (I don’t get it).

The use of loanwords in Japanese is very complicated, and this is no way an exhaustive list of uses. However, getting a feel for the flavor English loanwords have in the language is a great way to better understand Japanese, especially when it comes to all those synonyms (and maybe even some Japanese humor). Although this “Westernization” of the Japanese language has been strongly criticized in recent years, all societies have their own ways of expressing social issues through language, and I happen to find the case of English loanwords in Japanese especially mind blowing.


Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate (1179).

1) a top leader (as in politics)
2) a businessperson of exceptional wealth and power : magnate

They become tech tycoons by creating a media platform on which unpaid users do the work, for hours every day, and they sell ads against it.
— Mary McNamara, The Los Angeles Times, 18 Apr. 2022

While tycoon now most often refers to a very wealthy and powerful businessperson, the word has had two other uses in English as well.

When the United States forced Japan to open full commercial and diplomatic relations with the West in 1854, the real ruler of the island nation was the shogun. Officially only a military deputy of the emperor, the shogun—a title shortened from seii-taishōgun, meaning “barbarian-subjugating generalissimo”—stood at the pinnacle of a feudal hierarchy based at Edo (later Tokyo) that effectively controlled the imperial court at Kyoto and ruled the country. Westerners in the initial period of diplomatic relations concluded that the shogun was a sort of secular emperor and the emperor something like the pope. Townsend Harris, the first American consul to Japan, got the idea that the shogun’s correct title was taikun, a Japanese borrowing from Middle Chinese elements equivalent to Beijing Chinese “great” and jūn “prince.” This word, in the spelling tycoon, became quite popular in America immediately before and during the Civil War as a colloquialism meaning “top leader” or “potentate.” (John Hay, President Lincoln’s personal secretary—and later Secretary of State to Presidents McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt—referred to Lincoln as «the Tycoon.») After fading from use for several decades tycoon was revived in 1920s journalism with the narrower sense “a businessman of exceptional wealth and power,” a usage that continues to be part of English.


Definition: a person who is in charge of other people : boss, big shot; also : hotshot

Head honcho Simon Cowell was back behind the judging table, having missed much of the 2020 contest after breaking his back in an e-bike crash.
— Michael Hogan, The Telegraph (London, Eng.), 16 Apr. 2022

Honcho dates back—in English—to at least 1945, as World War II was coming to a close. American prisoners learned the word while in captivity in Japan. In Japanese, the word translates as «squad leader,» from han, meaning «squad,» and chō, meaning «head, chief.» Not long after the war ended, in 1952, General Eisenhower himself was called the «chief honcho» in the Los Angeles Times. Often the word appears in the mildly redundant but pleasantly alliterative phrase head honcho.

MORE: Top Banana, Kingpin, and Other Nicknames for Important People


Definition: a fast-growing Asian vine (Pueraria lobata) of the legume family that is used for forage and erosion control and is often a serious weed in the southeastern United States

The kudzu vine, I’m told, grows about an inch an hour. That’s crazy fast. A single kudzu strand can stretch a hundred feet, which is probably twice as high as the trees it clings to.
— Robert Krulwich, National Geographic, 12 Apr. 2016

Anyone who’s lived in or visited the southeastern U.S. is familiar with kudzu. It’s that thick mass of green that can be spotted climbing up trees and overtaking abandoned buildings and anything else in its path. The plant is native to China and Japan, and was transplanted to North America to help prevent erosion, but it’s since become a bit of a menace. The word kudzu is still perfectly nice, though. It comes from Japanese kuzu, and has been in use in English since at least 1876.

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Definition: a small amount : bit, smidgen —used adverbially with a

Here’s one way to look at it: Rick Nash, one of the most feared goal scorers of his generation, had 437 goals in his 16 years in the NHL, which means he got a skosh more than halfway toward Gretzky’s 894.
— Michael Arace, Marion Star (Marion, OH), 12 Mar. 2022

Skosh is another word introduced into English by U.S. soldiers, though this time those soldiers learned the word while stationed in Japan after World War II had ended—our earliest evidence of it in use in English is from 1952. Our word skosh comes from Japanese sukoshi, which is pronounced skoh-shee. Sukoshi is translated as «a tiny bit» or «a small amount,» making our word skosh identical in meaning to its parent word. The English word, however, is also sometimes used adverbially with a, as in «I’m fine, just a skosh tired.»


Definition: quick-cooking egg noodles usually served in a broth with bits of meat and vegetables

If you’ve never had real ramen before, please allow me a moment to describe the deliciousness. Picture fresh-cooked noodles, rich, savory broth, the perfect amount of spice, and if you want, a few slices of pork and a half-cooked egg.
— Geoffrey Morrison, Forbes, 30 May 2016

Early evidence dates the word ramen in English to 1962, which makes it only a few years younger than the word in Japanese—though the dish itself dates to the 19th century when Chinese workers brought it to Japan. First called Shina soba (Shina is a term for China now disfavored by many; soba refers to noodles made from buckwheat flour—though ramen seems always to have been typically made from wheat-based noodles), the dish was called rāmen in Japan starting in the post-World War II years, from the Chinese (Pekingese) la (meaning «pull») and mien meaning «noodles.» Ramen was also called Chūka soba for a time. (Chūka is a form of Chūgoku, another name for China.)


Definition: a usually cotton-filled mattress used on the floor or in a frame as a bed, couch, or chair

My good deed paid off a few days later when I went shopping online and bought a used futon with three legs (technically it has four legs but one was snapped off).
— Chuck Brown, Waterloo Region Record (Kitchener, Can.), 10 Nov. 2018

A staple of small apartments, dorms, and guest quarters everywhere, the versatile futon has been part of our home furnishing vernacular for a long time. The word itself has been used in English since the late 1800s. While English speakers think of a futon as something you sleep (or sit) on, not under, the word in Japanese can also refer to a thick comforter, though the word kakebuton is the more typical word in that context.


Definition: a puzzle in which several numbers are to be filled into a 9×9 grid of squares so that every row, every column, and every 3×3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9

A juror in Elizabeth Holmes’s criminal fraud trial was dismissed Friday after telling the judge she was playing Sudoku for around half of the trial days to help her stay focused, according to a court transcript.
— Sara Randazzo, Dow Jones Institutional News (New York, NY), 22 Oct. 2021

The first sudoku-type puzzle was called a «Number Place» puzzle, and it appeared in a 1979 New York-based puzzle magazine. Five years later, the puzzles started to appear in Japan where they were dubbed Sudoku, short for sūji wa dokushin ni kagiru, meaning “the numerals must remain single” (i.e., the digits can occur only once). Sudoku puzzles—and the word sudoku itself—didn’t start appearing in English publications until the early part of this century.

PLAY: Solve a New Sudoku Puzzle Every Day


Definition: a small, light vehicle with two wheels that is pulled by one person on foot or on a bicycle and that is used in some Asian countries

Fisher writes of an American psychology grad student attending a conference in Beijing. He had a mad crush on another student. He invited her for a rickshaw ride, knowing that novelty and danger can trigger the dopamine system—goosing the potential for falling in love.
—Mackenzie Dawson, The New York Post, 22 May 2016

The English word rickshaw, also spelled ricksha, originally had another syllable out front: jinricksha (also spelled jinrikisha). That word comes directly from Japanese, where jin means «man,» riki means «strength» or «power,» and sha means «carriage.» Rickshaws originated in Japan, where they were first used in the late 1800s. They’re now common in many parts of Asia as well as in a number of cities in the U.S.


Definition: quite satisfactory : fine

When you’re safe at «home» in the game of tag, it can be said that «everything’s hunky-dory»—since you can’t be tagged there. The first part of the word hunky-dory is derived from a homograph of hunk, a now-obsolete word of New York dialect meaning «goal» or «home» that has connections to tag.

Tag is sometimes rendered more complicated by certain places which are called «hunks» or «homes» being agreed upon where the players may find refuge when closely pursued.
The Journal of American Folk-lore, 1891

All was not well between Benitez, Tom Hicks and George Gillett 15 years ago and indeed, all might not be hunky-dory now between Salah and the club while his contract remains unresolved.
— Theo Squires, Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, Eng.), 10 Apr. 2022

Hunk is from Dutch honk, meaning «home,» and in the 19th century, both hunk and hunky evolved into adjectives meaning “all right” or «safe and sound.» How the adjective came to be partnered with dory is a mystery, but one theory is that it was brought to the States by sailors stationed in Japan. Supposedly there was a thoroughfare in 19th-century Japan that sailors frequented and described as being hunky, meaning «satisfactory.» The pronunciation of the Japanese word for «road» is similar to «dory,» and the sailors could have combined the English and Japanese terms as an allusion to the «satisfactory» street.

Though hunk and hunky were already established in America when hunky-dory made its appearance (remember, even old New York was once New Amsterdam), there is no sure evidence linking the term to American sailors in Japan. As of now, the term’s true origins remain a mystery.


Definition: a style of animation originating in Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in action-filled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes

In Japanese, the word anime is a shortening of animēshiyon, which is based on English animation, and refers to animated films and shows from around the world, not just from Japan. When English speakers adopted anime in the 1980s, however, it was as a name to refer to specifically Japanese animation and animation done in a similar style.

Our cosplay readers might be interested to know that in the past anime was the name for a cuirass (a piece of armor covering the body from neck to waist) or its breastplate―a must-have for the medieval or fantasy warrior. The name is of French origin and is more than likely from Italian anima, meaning «life» or «soul»:

A’nima, the soule of mankind. Also the core of kernell of any fruit. Also a cuirace or brestplate, so called because it armeth the heart.
― John Florio, Queen Anna’s new world of words, or dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues, 1611


Definition: Japanese comic books and graphic novels

Japanese manga is a combination of man-, meaning «involuntary, aimless,» and -ga, «picture.» The first appearance of this word for «involuntary pictures»―or rather, illustrations made impulsively or randomly―is not known, but it seems to have been drawn up in the 18th century.

In the 19th century, it was popularized in its early form mangwa as the title of a collection of sketches by Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai. The word in the title is meant in its literal sense as the drawings were of random subjects and themes.

In the early-20th century, the Japanese term came to designate comic books, and about mid-century, manga was borrowed into English in that sense. As we see with anime, the Japanese use the term for comic books in general, while English speakers apply it to the meticulously-drawn Japanese comics.

Manga is huge among young Koreans; K-Pop is big in Japan; Korean films are hot news everywhere.
Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, Aus.), 18 Apr. 2022


Definition: the Japanese art or process of folding squares of paper into representational shapes

Origami is a compound of two Japanese words, namely, ori, meaning «fold,» and kami, «paper.» The etymology of the word seems straightforward until closer inspection reveals a slight wrinkle: in Japanese, origami was already used to refer to a folded certificate or document of authentication. So why the change?

Earlier Japanese names for the art include orikata, orisue, and orimono. It only came to be called origami in the 20th century, leading some to suggest that its use is linked to Japan’s kindergarten movement in the late-19th century (proposing that the word was easier to spell for schoolchildren). Others point to the fact that the art form was flourishing in other countries and origami was chosen because its base words reflect names like English paper folding and German Papierfalten. Both speculations seem reasonable, but the motivation for the initial change is still unclear.

“WITH so many sporting events being cancelled they’re having to televise the World Origami Championships,” says reader Deborah Raven, who adds: “It’s on Paperview.”
The Herald (Glasgow, Scot.), 14 Apr. 2020


1) a Japanese gangster
2) an organized crime syndicate in Japan

The name yakuza originates from the Japanese card game oicho-kabu in which the goal is to draw three cards adding up to a value of 9. Like in baccarat, the last digit of any total over 10 is the value of the hand. Thus, the worst possible draw in the game is 8-9-3, which totals 20 and results in 0 for the play. In Japanese, the phonetic spelling of the draw is «ya» (8), «ku» (9), «za» (3). Associating this worst hand with the worst of society, people began referring to Japanese gangsters and racketeers as the yakuza

At a news conference in Dublin, Greg Gatjanis, an associate director of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, compared the Kinahan group to the Camorra in Italy, the yakuza in Japan and Los Zetas in Mexico.
— Kevin Draper, The New York Times, 13 Apr. 2022


Definition: a gymnospermous dioecious tree (Ginkgo biloba) of eastern China that is widely grown as an ornamental or shade tree and has fan-shaped leaves and foul-smelling yellowish fleshy seed coats — called also maidenhair tree

The ginkgo tree was formerly known as the maidenhair tree in reference to the tree’s distinctive fan-shaped leaves. The name ginkgo is from Japanese ginkyō, a word ultimately from Chinese words that translate as «silver apricot.» The second g in English ginkgo is from an erroneous transcription of ginkyō that has been perpetuated in scientific writing. Occasionally, you might encounter a misspelling of the misspelled ginkgo that misunderstands the word as gingko

The one-mile loop around the lake immerses visitors in various gardens attracting a variety of butterflies and dragonflies, and arboretums with oak, elm, gingko, hickory and other trees.
Chicago Tribune, 21 May 2017

The tree is also commonly known by its scientific name: ginkgo biloba. Biloba means «having two lobes,» in reference to the shape of the its leaves.


Tanka, from Japanese tan («short») and ka («song»), refers to an unrhymed Japanese verse of five lines containing five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables respectively.

The far meeting point
Of the sea and the pale sky
Trembles in the haze.
The warm sleeping dunes exhale
The remains of the summer.
— Hisashi Nakamura

Although its name translates as «short song,» it is longer than the more familiar haiku, which has three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively.

An old silent pond …
A frog jumps into the pond,
Splash! Silence again.
— Matsuo Basho

Another type of Japanese verse is senryu, a 3-line unrhymed poem that is structurally similar to haiku. However, whereas haiku tends to focus on nature and the seasons and usually has a serious tone, senryu tends toward irony and satire, especially about the human condition.

his favourite deli—
the bald man finds a hair
in his soup

Michael Dylan Welch


Definition: any of various small images, symbols, or icons used in text fields in electronic communication (as in text messages, e-mail, and social media) to express the emotional attitude of the writer, convey information succinctly, communicate a message playfully without using words, etc.

In the 1980s, emoticons—symbols formed using keyboard characters, like ;-) to indicate a joke or, you know, a wink—were crafted by creative typists. Building on their popularity, computer techs began designing images and symbols to graphically encapsulate the emotion of the emoticon. They became known as emojis, and people have been animating their electronic messages with them since the 1990s.

The name comes from Japanese moji, meaning «letter, character,» and e, based on ancient Japanese ye, meaning «picture, drawing» (not «emotion»).

The day after Ben received the Calvert Hall offer, Good Counsel and DeMatha emailed acceptance letters. A Calvert Hall coach, meanwhile, messaged Ben five eyeball emoji on Twitter.
— Kyle Melnick, The Washington Post, 18 Apr. 2022

PLAY: Take the Emoji Quiz


Definition: cold rice dressed with vinegar, formed into any of various shapes, and garnished especially with bits of raw seafood or vegetables

Gastronomes of Japanese food know that sushi—a blend of Japanese su («vinegar») and meshi («rice»)—refers to vinegared rice and that a sushi entree only includes raw fish if requested. But the pairing of sushi and raw fish is common, and for many unacquainted with Japanese cuisine, that is what sushi means, «raw fish.» Evidence of this colloquial misuse is not hard to find.

… sushi are tiny parcels of rice rolled up in seaweed that may or may not contain raw fish. «They’re more of a sandwich format,» says Stuart [Turner]. «I get so tired of people saying ‘erh, raw fish’ that I feel like having ‘sushi is not raw fish’ tattooed on my forehead.»
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 14 Sept. 2017

I don’t eat sushi, but I eat cooked meat.
— Drake Bell, Seventeen, 21 Sept. 2008

For those looking for a Japanese term for «raw fish,» try sashimi, the Japanese name for just that. It is a combination of sashi («pierce») and mi («flesh»), and although sashimi is not pierced when prepared, it is sliced.

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Words of Japanese origin have entered many languages. Some words are simple transliterations of Japanese language words for concepts inherent to Japanese culture, but some are actually words of Chinese origin that were first exposed to English via Japan. The words on this page are words which are listed in major English dictionaries and whose etymologies include Japanese. The reverse of this list can be found at List of gairaigo and wasei-eigo terms.


  • 1 Arts
  • 2 Military and martial arts terminology
  • 3 Writing system
  • 4 Domestic items
  • 5 Clothing
  • 6 Culinary
  • 7 Business
  • 8 Government and politics
  • 9 Religion
  • 10 Other
  • 11 See also


アニメ, Japanese animation; refers to animation in general in Japanese (derived from either the English «animation» or French «dessin animé»)
盆栽, «tray gardening»; the art of tending miniature trees (see the unrelated word «banzai» below)
(from ぼけ, boke), subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image projected by a camera lens
文楽, a form of traditional Japanese puppet theatre, performed by puppeteers, chanters, and shamisen players
茶の湯, Japanese tea ceremony
俳句, a very short poem consisting of three lines of 5, 7, and 5 morae (not syllables as commonly thought) each; see also tanka below
生花, flower arrangement
伊万里, Japanese porcelain wares (made in the town of Arita and exported from the port of Imari, particularly around the 17th century)
歌舞伎, a traditional form of Japanese theatre
掛け物, a vertical Japanese scroll, of ink-and-brush painting or calligraphy, that hangs in a recess on a wall inside a room
柿右衛門, Japanese porcelain wares featuring enamel decoration (made in Arita, using the style developed in 17th century by 酒井田 柿右衛門 Sakaida Kakiemon)
カラオケ, «empty orchestra»; entertainment where an amateur singer accompanies recorded music
鬘物, in Noh, the 3rd Category play (三番目物 sanbanme mono) of a 5 Category play series (五番立 goban date), where the leading role (仕手 shite) is a beautiful woman
切り紙, similar to origami, but involves cutting in addition to folding
箏, a traditional stringed musical instrument from Japan, resembling a zither with 13 strings
九谷, Japanese porcelain wares, made originally in the town of Kutani of the ancient Kaga Province (current day Ishikawa)
巻物, a horizontal Japanese hand scroll, of ink-and-brush painting or calligraphy
まんが or 漫画, Japanese comics; refers to comics in general in Japanese
根付, a toggle use to tie the sash of a kimono also to attach small items such as inro and kinchaku: sometimes beautifully carved.
能, a major form of classical Japanese music drama
折り紙, artistic paper folding
オタク or おたく or ヲタク, a geeky enthusiast, especially of anime and manga
連歌, «renged poetry»; a form of Japanese collaborative poetry
薩摩焼 satsuma-yaki pottery from southern Kyushu
川柳, a form of short poetry similar to haiku
尺八, Japanese bamboo flute
三味線, a three-stringed musical instrument, played with a plectrum
春画, erotic pictures
墨絵, Japanese black ink painting
太鼓, a big drum
短歌, «short poetry»; an older form of Japanese poetry than haiku, of the form 5-7-5-7-7 morae (not syllables; see also haiku above)
浮世絵, a type of woodblock print art or painting
和歌, a genre of Japanese poetry, often refers to tanka

Military and martial arts terminology

合気道, a «blending» art similar to judo
万歳 «ten thousand years»; a blessing for Emperors and in modern usage a word of congratulation (see the unrelated word «bonsai» above)
武道, Japanese martial arts (lit. «martial way»)
武士道, «way of the warrior»
段, a Japanese mark of level, used in several cultural activities of Japanese origin; in budo arts the dan rank distinguishes which level of black belt one has; dan is also used in go, shogi, ikebana, chanoyu, and other arts
道場, a training hall for the martial arts
腹切り, ritual suicide (see also seppuku)
(from 班長, hancho, team leader or class chairperson) as in «the head honcho.» The Japanese term means «squad leader»
柔道, a martial art, a sport and a philosophy developed from jujutsu (see below), lit. «soft way»
柔術, a variety of close combat fighting systems (see article), lit. «soft skill» (also commonly called jiu jitsu)
神風, refers to Japanese World War II suicide pilots in English; in Japanese, refers to strong winds that twice scuppered Mongol attempts to invade the archipelago in the 13th century
空手, lit. «empty hand»: a Japanese weaponless martial art which emphasises striking techniques (i.e. punching and kicking)
型, detailed patterns of defense-and-attack movements used by many traditional martial arts
刀, the Japanese longsword (or Japanese swords in general)
剣道, the martial art of Japanese swordsmanship, lit. «sword-way»
崩し, in Judo, a method of unbalancing one’s opponent
忍者, a stealthy warrior and assassin, lit. «shinobi practitioner» or people who practice ninjutsu (sometimes transliterated as ninjitsu 忍術).
ヌンチャク, a martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected at their ends with a short chain or thong
乱取り, in martial arts, free-style practice or sparring, often specifically multiple-attacker freestyle, lit. «messy striking»
浪人, a name given to masterless samurai during the feudal period of Japan, lit. «wave man» i.e. as if tossed about on a stormy sea
釵, a dagger, with two long, unsharpened projections attached to the handle
侍, a common term for a warrior in pre-industrial Japan (see also bushi, above)
切腹, ritual suicide by disembowelment (lit. «cutting the abdomen»; see also harakiri, above)
相撲, a form of wrestling
脇差, a traditional Japanese sword, similar to but shorter than a katana, together with which it was often worn

Writing system

  • The 4 Japanese writing systems are comprised of: kanji, hiragana, katakana, and romaji.
平仮名, a Japanese syllabary, one of the four Japanese writing systems
仮名, a general term for hiragana and katakana
漢字, Chinese characters used in Japanese, one of the four Japanese writing systems
片仮名, a Japanese syllabary, one of the four Japanese writing systems
ローマ字 rōmaji, the Roman alphabet; the writing of the Japanese language in Roman characters (similar to Chinese Pinyin)

Domestic items

襖 or ふすま, sliding vertical rectangles which redefine spaces within a room, and act as doors
布団, a type of mattress that makes up a Japanese bed (Japanese futons are thinner than the Western variety and do not use frames)
(from うち or 家 uchi), a thatched hut
障子 shōji, a translucent rice paper screen with a wooden frame, used as a room divider or door
畳, traditional Japanese flooring, made of woven straw
床の間, a small raised alcove in a washitsu (a Japanese style room with a tatami floor) where kakemono (decorative scrolls) are hung, and ikebana may be displayed


下駄, a pair of Japanese raised wooden clogs worn with traditional Japanese garments, such as the kimono
happi (coat), Happy coat 
法被 or はっぴ a traditional Japanese workwear (uniform) overcoat.
印籠, a case for holding small objects, often worn hanging from the obi; (traditional Japanese wears didn’t have pockets)
着物, a traditional full-length robe-like garment still worn by women, men and children
帯, a wide belt which is tied in the back to secure a kimono
足袋, traditional Japanese socks, with a separation between the big toe and other toes
浴衣 or ゆかた, a kind of casual kimono, literally «bath clothing», consisting of one big piece of cloth with two wide sleeves
草履, sandals made from rice straw or lacquered wood, worn with a kimono for formal occasions


adzuki, azuki bean 
あずき or 小豆, type of bean grown in eastern Asia and the Himalayas, used in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cuisines, usually served sweet
荒布, a type of edible seaweed
弁当, a single-portion takeout meal, box lunch
大根, a kind of white radish
だし or 出汁, a simple soup stock considered fundamental to Japanese cooking
枝豆, soybeans boiled whole in the green pod and served with salt
enokitake, enoki mushroom 
えのきたけ or 榎茸, long, thin white mushrooms, used in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisines
河豚 or フグ, the meat of the toxic pufferfish, must be prepared by specially trained chefs by law. Also means pufferfish itself.
銀杏 or ぎんなん, a gymnospermous tree (Ginkgo biloba) of eastern China that is widely grown as an ornamental or shade tree and has fan-shaped leaves and yellow fruit (the word is derived from 17th Century Japanese 銀杏 ginkyō)
ギョーザ or 餃子, Japanese name for Chinese dumplings, jiaozi (jiǎozi); may also be called pot stickers in English if they are fried
火鉢, a small, portable charcoal grill; used in North America to refer to a teppan or a small shichirin-like aluminium or cast iron grill
ひじき or 鹿尾菜, a type of edible seaweed commonly found on rocky coastlines
柿, Japanese persimmon
鰹, a skipjack tuna
かつおぶし or 鰹節, dried and smoked skipjack tuna (katsuo), which is shaved and then used in dashi
麹, a fungus which is the active agent in the fermentation processes, of producing miso and soy sauce from soybeans, and of producing sake and shōchū from rice.
昆布, dried kelp, which can be eaten or used as dashi
抹茶, powdered green tea used in the Japanese tea ceremony
松茸, a type of edible mushroom, with a magnificently spicy aroma similar to cinnamon, considered to be a great delicacy and the most coveted mushroom in Japan
味醂, an essential condiment of the Japanese cuisine, a kind of rice wine similar to sake with a slightly sweet taste
味噌, a thick paste made by fermenting soybeans with salt
水菜, an edible plant, with flavor akin to the mustard plant
餅, the Japanese variant of Chinese rice cake
nappa, napa cabbage 
菜っ葉, Chinese cabbage, (in Japan, it is a generic term for leaf vegetables.)
nashi (pear) 
梨, a species of pear native to eastern Asia, which are juicy, round and shaped like apples
海苔, food products created from the seaweed laver by a shredding and rack-drying process that resembles papermaking.
パン粉, Japanese white bread flakes. Panko is made from bread without crusts, thus it has a crisper, airier texture than most types of breading found in Western cuisine.
ラーメン, the Japanese version of Chinese noodle soup, not limited to the instant variety
酒, an alcoholic beverage, brewed from rice. In Japanese, the word can also refer to alcoholic drinks in general
刺身, a Japanese delicacy primarily consisting of the freshest raw seafoods thinly sliced and served with only a dipping sauce and wasabi.
(from 薩摩 Satsuma, an ancient province of Japan), a type of mandarin orange (mikan) native to Japan
shabu shabu 
しゃぶしゃぶ, a meal where each person cooks their own food in their own cooking pot from an assortment of raw ingredients
shiitake mushroom 
しいたけ or 椎茸, an edible mushroom typically cultivated on the shii tree
Japanese soy sauce
蕎麦 or ソバ, thin brown buckwheat noodles
from shoyu 醤油
すき焼き or スキヤキ, a dish in the nabemono-style (one-pot), consisting of thinly sliced beef, tofu, konnyaku noodles, negi, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), and enoki mushrooms among others
すり身 or 擂り身, processed meat made from cheaper white-fleshed fish, to imitate the look of a more expensive meat such as crab legs
鮨 or 鮓 or 寿司, a dish consisting of vinegared rice combined with other ingredients such as raw fish, raw or cooked shellfish, or vegetables
たこ焼, たこ焼き, or 章魚焼き, literally fried or baked octopus
たまり, liquid obtained by pressing soybeans
てんぷら or 天麩羅, classic Japanese deep fried batter-dipped seafood and vegetables
鉄板焼き, a type of Japanese cuisine that uses a hot iron griddle (teppan) to cook food
照焼き or テリヤキ, a cooking technique where fish or meat is being broiled/grilled in a sweet soy sauce marinade
豆腐 bean curd. Although the word is originally Chinese, it entered English via Japanese.
ウド or 独活, an edible plant found on the slopes of wooded embankments, also known as the Japanese Spikenard
うどん or 饂飩, a type of thick wheat-based noodle
旨味 or うま味, the taste sensation produced by some condiments such as monosodium glutamate; a basic flavor in sea weed (昆布 kobu)
梅干, pickled ume
ワカメ or 若布, a type of edible kelp, often used in miso soup (Japan), and salads
わさび or 山葵, a strongly flavoured green condiment commonly known as Japanese horseradish
焼き鳥 or 焼鳥, a type of chicken kebab


過労死, «death from overwork»
改善, literally «improvement»
看板, literally a «signal» or «sign» signals a cycle of replenishment for production and materials and maintains an orderly and efficient flow of materials throughout the entire manufacturing process. Part of Six Sigma
系列, a set of companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings
サラリーマン (derived from English salary + man), a Japanese term for a white-collar worker
(from 大君 «taikun»), «great prince» or «high commander», later applied to wealthy business leaders
財閥, a «money clique» or conglomerate
財界, the grand combination of the business circle (jitsugyōkai 実業界), the economic circle (keizaikai 経済界), and the financial circle (kin’yūkai 金融界) of Japan; controlled by Tycoons with large capitals, who have big influence on the political circle (seikai 政界) and the society as well

Government and politics

大名, «great names»; the most powerful Japanese feudal rulers from the 12th century to the 19th century
元老, retired elder Japanese statesmen, who served as informal advisors to the emperor, during the Meiji and Taisho eras
帝, a dated term for «emperor»; specifically for the Emperor of Japan
将軍, the title of the practical ruler of Japan for most of the time from 1192 to the Meiji Era
天皇, the Emperor of Japan


(from 凡僧 bonsō), a Buddhist monk
神, the Japanese word for any sort of god or spirit
公案, a paradoxial story or statement used during meditation in Zen Buddhism
老師, lit. elder master; an elder master or spiritual leader who leads a school of Zen Buddhism
悟り, enlightenment in Zen Buddhism
神道, the native religion of Japan
鳥居, traditional Japanese gates commonly found at the gateway to Shinto shrines
座禅, sitting meditation; literally «seated concentration»
禅, a branch of Mahāyāna Buddhism


秋田 (from 秋田犬, akitainu or akitaken), the Akita Inu, a large breed of Japanese dog
(from 青木葉 aokiba, lit. «blue tree leaf»), a genus of flowering plants, (in Japanese aucuba translates to aoki-zoku アオキ属)
domoic acid 
(from ドウモイ doumoi in the Tokunoshima dialect of Japanese: a type of red algae)
外人, a foreigner (Gaikokujin 外国人 is a more polite form)
芸者, traditional Japanese artist-entertainers
碁, a strategic, two-player board game based on capturing territory
花見, lit. «flower viewing»
変態, Western usage: pornographic cartoons, usually either Japanese in origin or drawn in a Japanese style; Japanese usage: metamorphosis, transformation, abnormality, or perversion
塾, cram schools
katsura (tree) 
桂, large deciduous trees, native to eastern Asia
競輪, a type of track cycling competition which originated and continues in Japan; keirin has also become a Summer olympics event and a world championships event sanctioned by the UCI
鯉, Western usage: ornamental varieties of the common carp (but in Japan this just means «carp» — the ornamental variety are called «nishikigoi» 錦鯉)
葛 or クズ, a type of Japanese vine; cultivated in Japan, viewed as a weed in the West
松, pine tree
祭り, a local festival, typically sponsored by a local shrine or temple in Japan
めだか or 目高, a small fish found in fresh waters of Japan
もぐさ or 艾, mugwort or cotton wool or other combustible material, burned on skin during moxibustion
(from moxa + (com)bustion), an oriental medicine therapy which involves the burning of moxa (see above)
パチンコ, a device used for gambling and is related to pinball machines
(from 人力車, jinrikisha), a human-pulled wagon
桜 or サクラ, cherry blossom
さようなら the Japanese term for «goodbye» (note, though, that in Japanese, it has formal and final connotations: you wouldn’t say it if you expect to meet again soon)
先生, the Japanese term for «master», «teacher» or «doctor». It can be used to refer to any authority figure, such as a schoolteacher, professor, priest, or politician.
指圧, a form of massage
shiba Inu 
柴犬, the smallest of the six original and distinct Japanese breeds of dog
新幹線, high speed rail in Japan
将棋, a Japanese strategic board game similar to chess, sometimes called Japanese chess
少女, girl(s).
sika (deer) 
(from 鹿 shika), a type of deer native to East Asia, which are widespread in Japan, and at one time regarded as sacred in Japan
(from 少し, sukoshi), a small amount
そろばん or 算盤, the Japanese abacus
数独, a number placement puzzle, also known as Number Place in the United States.
狸, the Japanese name for the animal, Nyctereutes procyonoides, known as a raccoon dog in English
津波, literally «harbour wave»; Large wave caused by earthquakes or other underwater disturbances.
(«insect disease» = scrub typhus)
(from うるし, a plant that gives a skin rash on contact) a chemical substance found in poison-ivy, used to make «Japanned» lacquer ware
yagi (antenna) 
八木, a type of directional antenna, often mounted on the rooftop to be used for TV reception; its official name is the Yagi-Uda Antenna, named after Yagi Hidetsugu (八木 秀次) and Uda Shintaro (宇田 新太郎) who were its coinventors in 1926
やくざ, Japanese organized crime groups

See also

  • Anime and manga terminology
  • Cuisine of Japan
    • Category:Japanese cooking tools
  • Japanese translation note

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