English word for class 1

In order to help ESL students, here is a list of words for first-grade level classes. The words are in alphabetical order and pronunciation is provided as well. This will surely make learning English easier for non-native speakers!

English Words For Class 1

25 English Words For Class 1

In order to help ESL students, here is a list of words for first-grade level classes. The words are in alphabetical order and pronunciation is provided as well. This will surely make learning English easier for non-native speakers!

English Words For Class 1

  1. Apple

Meaning: a round fruit with smooth green, yellow, or red skin and a sour to sweet taste

Example: I always have an apple for breakfast.

  1. Ball

Meaning: a round object that is thrown, kicked, or hit in a game

Example: The little boy was playing with his ball in the park.

  1. Banana

Meaning: a long curved fruit with yellow skin and a sweet taste

Example: I like to put bananas in my cereal.

  1. Cat

Meaning: a small, usually furry, domesticated animal that is kept as a pet

Example: I have a black cat. His name is Midnight.

  1. Dog

Meaning: a domesticated Mammal with short hair, four legs, and a tail

Example: We take our dog for walks every day.

  1. Elephant

Meaning: a very large mammal with thick grey skin, a long trunk, and large ears

Example: I saw an elephant at the zoo.

  1. Fish

Meaning: a cold-blooded animal that lives in water and has gills

Example: I catch fish in the lake near my house.

  1. Giraffe

Meaning: a mammal with a very long neck and legs, found in Africa

Example: The giraffe is my favorite animal.

  1. Horse

Meaning: a large mammal with long legs and hooves, used for transportation and riding

Example: I go horseback riding every weekend.

  1. House

Meaning: a building that people live in

Example: I have a big house. It has four bedrooms and two bathrooms.

  1. Lion

Meaning: a large mammal with a mane, found in Africa and India

Example: The lion is the king of the jungle.

  1. Monkey

Meaning: a small to medium-sized mammal with long arms and a tail, found in tropical forests

Example: I saw a monkey at the zoo. He was eating a banana.

  1. Mouse

Meaning: a small mammal with pointy ears and a long tail, often kept as a pet

Example: I have a pet mouse. His name is Jerry.

  1. Orange

Meaning: a round fruit with thick orange skin and a sour to-sweet taste

Example: I like to eat oranges. They are full of vitamin C.

  1. Pig

Meaning: a mammal with short legs, found on farms

Example: Pigs are very dirty animals.

  1. Rabbit

Meaning: a mammal with long ears and short fur, often kept as a pet

Example: I have two pet rabbits. They are white and black.

  1. School

Meaning: a place where children go to learn

Example: I go to school every day.

  1. Sheep

Meaning: a mammal with thick wool, found on farms

Example: Sheep are often used to make clothes.

  1. Snake

Meaning: a long, thin reptile that lives in warm climates

Example: I saw a snake in the zoo. He was very long!

  1. Tiger

Meaning: a large mammal with orange and black fur, found in Asia

Example: The tiger is a very dangerous animal.

  1. Tooth

Meaning: one of the hard white objects in your mouth that you use for biting and chewing

Example: I brush my teeth every morning.

  1. Turtle

Meaning: a reptile with a hard shell, found in warm climates

Example: Turtles are often kept as pets.

  1. Umbrella

Meaning: a device used to protect you from the rain or sun, consisting of a handle and a canopy

Example: I always take an umbrella with me when I go outside.

  1. Violin

Meaning: a musical instrument with four strings, played with a bow

Example: My sister plays the violin. She is very good!

  1. Whale

Meaning: a very large mammal that lives in the ocean

Example: I saw a whale at the aquarium. He was huge!

  1. Zebra

Meaning: a mammal with black and white stripes, found in Africa

Example: The zebra is a very interesting animal.

  1. Pencil

Meaning: a thin piece of wood with a lead core, used for writing or drawing

Example: I always carry a pencil with me.

  1. Book

Meaning: a bound set of pages containing printed or written material, used for reading

Example: I like to read books. They are a great way to learn new things.

  1. Desk

Meaning: a table or other surface where you can put things, usually in an office or classroom

Example: My desk is very cluttered. I need to clean it up!

  1. Chair

Meaning: a piece of furniture with a seat, back, and legs, used for sitting

Example: I need to buy a new chair. Mine is starting to fall apart.

Приветствие и знакомство

Кликните на фразу, чтобы прослушать, затем нажмите кнопку «Тренировать»

What is your name? Как тебя зовут?
My name is … Меня зовут …

На странице большой объем материала, помните, что она рассчитан на целый год занятий. Если перед школой вы доведете прогресс этого курса до 10% за счет любых слов на ваш выбор, то, скорее всего, ваш ребенок будет лучше всех в классе по успеваемости в английском!

Не удивляйтесь большому количеству слов в 1–м классе: сначала мы изучаем много простых слов и фраз, а в старших класса — грамматику!

How old are you? Сколько тебе лет?
I am five Мне пять
I am six Мне шесть
I am seven Мне семь

Самостоятельно регулируйте нагрузку: учите от 1 до 6 фраз или слов за раз, можете уделить одно занятие простому повтору за диктором, а второе — карточкам, также полезно «вести словарь» (переписывать слова в тетрадь)

Правило №1 — не переутомляться, не спешить, заниматься с интересом и регулярно (каждый день понемногу или через день)

Правило №2 — повторять уже изученные слова и фразы

На этой странице вы изучаете слова и это отличная подготовка! Вам также может быть интересно изучать английский в нашем онлайн-курсе для 1-го класса, где вы будете не только изучать слова, но также слушать диалоги, отвечать на вопросы и выполнять другие интересные задания. Рекомендуем ознакомиться и выбрать то, что вам ближе!

Курс «Английский для 1 класса»

Курс уроков по английскому для первоклассников и дошкольников, разработанный на основе учебника «Английский в фокусе» Spotlight Starter для 1 класса

Простые фразы и команды учителя

Не забывайте отмечать любимые слова звездочкой!



Учимся считать


Дни недели и названия месяцев

Day день
Week неделя
Month месяц

Времена года и природа

Домашние питомцы




Еда и напитки





Умения, действия

to run бегать
to jump прыгать
to play играть
to swim плавать
to climb взбираться
to eat есть
to drink пить
to dance танцевать
to sing петь
to read читать
to write писать

English Words For Class 1 PDF, In this article, we will be discussing some English vocabulary words for class 1. These words are important for students to know in order to improve their English language skills. By the end of this article, students will have a better understanding of these words and how to use them correctly.

Belch Class Curry leaf
century Declare Believer
Aid Dill Leader
Busy Control Build
Curd Cromp Actress
Abortion Awaken Appear
Accusation Squirm Chin
Report Cholera Blind
Oconut Consist Curve
Bury Cause Bachelor
Circle Adopted Coriander powder
Bring Measuring Book
Belong anemia Broke
Fascinating Apostate jealous
Protect Ankle Drag
Breast Bad cold cell
Distant Create Disappoint
Able Admit Frustrated
Ascetic Door Bake
Disappear Cherry Die
Directress Break Bronchitis
Comfortable Ordinary Decade
Always Absolution Cow
Attempt Bay leaf Arise
Discuss Miserable Certain
Decide Gigantic Burn
Dress Ignore Course
Cleave Repeat City
Call Clarified Carry
Clap Area Listen
Bran Basil seeds Dictionary
Become Embarrassed Blue
Best Butter milk Bind
Black pepper Giving

Colic pain

English Words For Class 1

Also learn About : English Vocabulary Words Examples

Naming words for class 1 Opposite words for class 1

Done Cheese Cut
Opposite Against Uncomfortable
Care Often Direct
Dive Bird Suddenly
Between Blame Banana
cool Special Citric acid
Reminds Cure Crusade
Buttocks Dad Apostle
Big Begin Arrest
Anchor Box Almond
Art destroy Cardamom
Curious Awake Do
Cataract Blood Nervous
charge Cent Believe
Cottage cheese Consequences consonant
Blow Important Searching
Climb Fair Observing
Compulsory Cheek Believe
Beat Defeat Butter
Positive Catridge Feast
Beget Bid Accuse
Beard Bend Question
Better Aniseed Before
Divide Warning Constitution
Accept Brain Design
Client Backbone Claim
Cumin seed Cough Alkanet root
Disappointed Diarrhea Alms
Diabetes Deep Brother
Asafoetida Clean Ablution
Day Behold Armpit
Negative Case Children
Correct Nibbled Bad
Am Explore Surprise
Decimal Bridge of the nose Deaf
Atheist Center Brother-in-law
Director Develop Dates
Belly Acidity Chest
Camel Come Among
Behind Adopted son Custard
Rhyme Directress Ear-wax
Earn Adopt Anorexia
Advise Dance Answer
Asthma Bottom Bullet
Bull Cheddar Catarrh
Crease Above Choose
Copy Afternoon Respect
Accusation Common Cashew nut
Daughter Early Discover
Child Cousin Brown
Draw Investigate Bow
Actor Custard apple Bruise
Collect Brought Coriander seed
color Ago Note
Chisel Adieu Pretty
Cost Abide Albino
Apocalypse Authoress Auger
Bite Agree Carbage
Enormous Clear Base
Contain catch Worried
Bread Car Annoy
Act Abuse Deceive
Check Apply Attack
Black cumin seed Connect Bank
Dig Complete Black salt
Did Bough Chase
Dagger Mumble Lovely
Compass Aunt Customer
Beg Angle Cat
Bitch list Don’t
Author Focus Describe
Clavicle Bright Bed
Allspice Bear Arm
Beef depend Corn-ear
Devil Black Both
Cock Be Exhausted
Crush Behave Cry
Complexion Break one’s fast Cross
Arrange Stomped Directions
daily Spotless Decide
Acne All Crow
Constipation Rum Blister
Notice Suggestion Beauty
Anus Calm Breath
Cue Cleaver Armour
Choose Proud Apple
Dog Boy Ball
Bladder Wonder Count
Arrow Cancer Colf
Grumpy Invite Ascension

You can Download English Words For Class 1 pdf


Vocabulary words for kids of Grade 1! Here are some basic to advance level vocabulary words for a kid of first-grader, these vocabulary words are essential for a 1st-grade child, some of these words may feel difficult but believe me these all are necessary for a kindergarten kid. They will likely pop up in your child’s books and educational TV programs.

Vocabulary Words for Kids of Grade 1

Abide Able Ablution Abortion Above
Absolution Abuse Accept Accusation Accuse
Acidity Acne Act Actor Actress
Adieu Admire Admit Adopt adopted daughter
adopted son Advise Afternoon Against Age
Ago Agree Aid Ajwain seed Albino
Alkanet root Allspice Almond Alms Always

Also Check: List of Adverbs for Kids

Am Among Anchor Anemia Angle
Aniseed Ankle Anorexia Answer Anus
Apocalypse Apostate Apostle Appear Appear
Apple Apply Area Arise Arm
Arm Armour Armpit Arrange Arrest
Arrow Art Asafoetida Ascension Ascetic
Asthma Atheist Attack Attempt Auger
aunt Aunt Author Author Authoress
Authoress Awake Awaken Ax Bachelor
Backbone Bad Bad cold Bake Ball
Banana Bank Base Basil seeds Bay leaf

Bear Bear Bear Beard Beat
Beauty Become Bed Beef Beg
Beget Begin Begin Begin Behave
Behind Behold Belch Believe Believe
Believer Belly Belong Bend Best
Better Between Bid Bind Bird
Bitch Bite Black Black Cardamom Black pepper
Black Salt Black cumin seed Bladder Blame Blind
Blister Blood Blood Blow Blow
Blue Board Boat Body Boil

Also check: Vocabulary Words with Pictures

Bolt Bone Book Borrow Bosom
Both Bottom Bough Bow Box
Boy Brain bran Bread Break
Break Break one’s fast Breast Breath Bridge of the nose
Bright Bring Broke Bronchitis Brother
brother Brother brother-in-law Brought Brown
Bruise Build Bull Bullet Burn
Burn Bury Busy Butter Butter Milk
Buttocks Call Camel Cancer Cannon
Car Carbage Cardamom Care Carry
Case Cashew nut Cashew-nut Cat Cataract
Catarrh Catch Catridge Cause Cell
Cent Center Century Certain Charge, accusation
Chase Check Cheddar Cheese Cheek cheese
Cherry Chest Child Children Chin
Chisel Cholera Choose Choose Cinnamon
Circle Citric acid City Claim Clap
Clarified Butter Class Clavicle Clean Clear
Cleave Cleaver client Climb Climb

Vocabulary words for Grade 1

Cling Close Clothe Cloud Cloves
Cock Coconut Cold Colf Colic pain
Collect Color Common Compass Complete
Complexion Compulsory Connect Consist Consonant
Constipation Constitution Contain Control Cool
Copy Coriander powder Coriander seed corn-ear Correct
Cost Cottage cheese Cough Count Course
Cousin Cousin Cow Cow Cracked mustard seeds
Crease Create Cromp Cross Crow
Crusade Crush Cry Cue Cumin seed
curd Curd Cure Curry Leaf Custard
Custard apple customer Cut Dagger Daily
Dance Dare Dare Dark Date
Dates daughter Daughter daughter-in-law Dawn
Day Deaf Decade Deceive Decide
Decimal Declare Deep Defeat Depend
Describe Design Destroy Develop Devil
Diabetes Diarrhea Dictionary Die Dig
Dill Direct Director Director Directress
Directress Disappear Disappoint Discuss Distant
Dive Divide Do Dog Dog
Don’t Done Door Drag Draw
Dress Dried fenugreek leaf Dried ginger powder Drill Drink
Drive Drive Drop Drown Dry
Dump Dung During Dysentery Dyspepsia
Ear Ear Ear drum Early Earn

vocabulary words for first grader

Ear-wax Ease East Eat Eat
Eczema Edge Educate Egg Elbow
Else Emblica Gooseberry Emperor Emperor Employ
Empress Empress Enable Energy Engage
Engine Enlarge Enough Enter Epilepsy
Epistaxes Equal Equality Equate Escape
Evening Ever Exact Example Except
Excite Excuse Exercise Exodus Experiment
Eye Eye Eye-ball Eye-brow Eye-lash
Eye-lid Face Fact Fade Fair
Fall Fall Falsa (Grewia) False imputation Family
Far Farm Fast Fast Father
Father Feel Feet Fell Felt
Female Fennel seed Fenugreek Fenugreek seeds Fever
Few Field Fig Fight Figure
File Fill Final Fine Finger
Finish Finish Fire Firmness Fish
Fistula Fit Five Flash Flat
Flatter Flax seeds Flesh Fling flour
Flow Flower flummery Fly Fly
Fold Food-pipe Foot Foot Forbear
Force Fore-arm Fore-finger Fore-head Forest
Forge Forget Forsake Found Four
Fox Fraction Freckle Free Freeze
Friend friend Friend Friend Front
Full Fun Funeral Gain Gall
Gamble Game Garam masala Garden Garden cress seeds
Garlic Gas Gather Gave General
Generous Genuflection Get Giddiness Gild
Ginger Gird Girl Girl Give

Vocabulary words for kids of Grade 1 Vocabulary words for kids of Grade 1

Vocabulary Words for Kids of Grade 1 – Worksheet

Alphabetizing Words worksheet for kids of grade 1 Alphabetical Order worksheet for kids of grade 1 1

Kindergarten Worksheets (Tracing Alphabets)

Download all the worksheets in a PDF, Here.

12 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Vocabulary words for kids of grade 1 PDF

About The Author

‘Receive’ or ‘Recieve’? Not sure? Do you often find it difficult to identify the correct spelling of words? Well, if you do, exploring dictation words can be one of the ways to help you through it.

One of the key factors that help in the quick learning of a new language is enriching your vocabulary, and in order to do that, all you have to do is learn as many new words as possible with its spelling, meaning and usage. Learning the spellings of words is a gradual process, especially in the English language, as there are multiple words with similar pronunciation, similar sounds having different spellings and so on.

Only with constant use and practice will you be able to master the language. Dictation words can be a good starting point. Check out the lists of dictation words given in the article suitable for classes 1-8.

Table of Contents

  • Improving Vocabulary – Tips and Techniques
  • Dictation Words for Class 1
  • Dictation Words for Class 2
  • Dictation Words for Class 3
  • Dictation Words for Class 4
  • Dictation Words for Class 5
  • Dictation Words for Class 6
  • Dictation Words for Class 7
  • Dictation Words for Class 8
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Dictation Words

Improving Vocabulary – Tips and Techniques

English is a language that has words with very peculiar spellings. Most often, English language learners confuse the spellings of similar sounding words like homophones and homonyms. The language also has a way of using different spellings for the same phonetic sound. All of these can be reasons that scare a student or any new language learner of English; however, these are also the reasons that make the language very interesting.

Learning new words on a regular basis is the key to improve your language skills as a whole. Here are some tips and techniques that will help you structure your learning process meticulously.

  • Maintain a personal vocabulary notebook.
  • Make sure you learn at least three to five new words every day.
  • Every time you come across a new word (spoken or read), note it down, learn what it means and try to use them in your communication appropriately.
  • Learning synonyms and antonyms of the words you learn everyday will also add to your vocabulary.
  • Going through dictation words can also be a good vocabulary-building exercise.
  • Read as much as possible and converse in English with your friends and peers.

In Grade 1, students can work on their vocabulary by learning the spellings of monosyllabic and disyllabic words. Check out the table below.

List of Dictation Words for Class 1

An Cat Man Pat Cut
Pin Ten Sit Net Let
Hen Goat Fish Dog Ring
Table Jar Boat Tie Fry
Neat Bat Cup Mad Help

Dictation Words for Class 2

Students of Class 2 can learn words that are slightly longer monosyllabic and disyllabic words. Here is a list of 25 words that you can go through.

List of Dictation Words for Class 2

That Chair Game Play Yellow
Hair Nothing Bring Lamb Horse
Short Treat Moon Hole Paper
Loose Nasty Floor Green Parent
Brother Sister Coat Finger Earth

Dictation Words for Class 3

Learning words with double consonants and diphthongs can be a good way to improve your vocabulary. When you are in Class 3, you would have already come across simple words like pan, can, mat, etc. Check out the table below and go through the words given.

List of Dictation Words for Class 3

Better Redder Achieve Receive Geese
Chatter Butter Potter Theatre Deeper
Aeroplane Free Perceive Mail Hoop
Shoot Rain Baggage Brought Door
Fleet Sheep Grieve Thief Root

Dictation Words for Class 4

Students of Class 4 can start learning disyllabic and trisyllabic words to build their vocabulary. Go through the table given below for dictation words that would improve your vocabulary.

List of Dictation Words for Class 4

Notebook Newspaper Later Juice Seashore
Salad Teacher Laughter Message Computer
Motorbike Video Rhythm Sweater Dusty
Gymnasium Knock Jasmine Kangaroo Butterfly
Chandelier Watchman Maroon Corridor Staircase

Dictation Words for Class 5

As you grow, you come across a lot of simple words. Now that you are a Grade 5 student, you can go on to learn polysyllabic words. Check out the table below for some dictation words that you can learn.

List of Dictation Words for Class 5

Comfortable Poetry Environment Perambulator Ambulance
Lavender Paranoid Entertainment Autorickshaw Straighten
Scratch Gratitude Brevity Courageous Toaster
Luggage Potassium Thoughtfulness Attitude Curtains
Poultry Military Automatic Compulsory Refrigerator

Dictation Words for Class 6

Adding to your vocabulary will help you improve your language skills on the whole. Students of Class 6 can go through the following list of words and build their vocabulary.

List of Dictation Words for Class 6

Encyclopaedia Vacation Biscuit Diabetics Rhinoceros
Column Scissors Prudent Convenience Conscience
Insurance Octopus Typewriter Pavement Bravery
Repentance Barrier Impartial Technology Broccoli
Termination Philosophy Psychology Apartment Velocity

Dictation Words for Class 7

Below is a list of dictation words that would students of Class 7 improve their vocabulary range.

List of Dictation Words for Class 7

Investigation Realisation Personalisation Radiance Percussion
Appearance Apparition Disapproval Pathetic Revolution
Involuntary Exhaustion Movement Nutrition Automotive
Performance Errand Magazine Malfunction Furniture
Amazement Psychologist Reflection Dermatologist Perfection

Dictation Words for Class 8

Building your vocabulary is one of the most important factors that help your language learning to a great extent. As students of Class 8, you will be coming across a number of difficult words that you can use in your everyday communication. Check out the table of dictation words given below.

List of Dictation Words for Class 8

Unbelievable Independence Boundary Discovery Invention
Patriotism Temperature Fraudulent Questionable Appreciation
Flibbertigibbet Commitment Responsibility Instrumental Syllabification
Acknowledgement Communication Ambiguation Continuation Longevity
Misunderstanding Miscellaneous Sesquicentennial Vengeance Mature

Frequently Asked Questions on Dictation Words

Give some words for dictation.

Here are a few words for dictation:

  • Manageable
  • Resurrection
  • Photography
  • Prescription
  • Enough
  • Sedimentary
  • Technology
  • Pandemic
  • Universe
  • Binge-worthy

What are the ten most misspelt words?

Here is a list of ten commonly misspelt words for your reference.

  • Receive
  • Thief
  • Capability
  • Entrepreneur
  • Conscience
  • Necessity
  • Occasion
  • Bureaucracy
  • Encyclopaedia
  • Colleague

There are 26 letters between A to Z that can be used in several combinations to form words. All the words give out different meanings, and they can also be used to identify the objects in place.

Therefore, understanding each word and its meaning is very important for every class one student. Here, we will discuss words along with their meanings.

These are some of the simple words, which we use in our daily routine.

  • Cry- This word means someone is in extreme pain, and his or her tears are rolling out.
  • Laugh – Laugh means you are very happy about something or someone cracks a job, and you cannot stop yourself from laughing.
  • Buy- It means you are willing to purchase a particular product, and you are paying money for it.
  • Bye – It means that you are saying bye to someone. For example, suppose you are going to school, and you are saying bye to your parents.
  • Appreciate – It means you are praising someone for the work they have done. For example, suppose your friend has acquired good marks in the class, and you are praising them for their work.

We hope the above information related to words and its meaning was helpful for you in understanding the concept.

Learning Videos for 1st Grade English — Words and their Meanings

Words and their Meanings Sample Questions for Class 1

Question 1

The tea cup is ________ than the soda bottle.

A. Hotter

B. Colder

C. Drier

D. Wetter

Question 2

Mr. Sharma is ________ than Rita.

A. Bitter

B. Slower

C. Faster

D. Older

Question 3

See more practice tests
See more practice tests
The packing box is _________ than the gift box.

A. Smarter

B. Heavier

C. Prettier

D. Clever

Question 4

What emotion does the picture show?

A. Crying

B. Smiling

C. Laughing

D. Scared

Question 5

What emotion does the picture show?

A. Smiling

B. Scared

C. Laughing

D. Crying

Words - Their Meanings and Opposites

 The letters from A — Z are used in various combinations to form words. These words have different meanings. These meanings help us to understand the language. They also help us to visualise different objects.

Simple Words with Their Meanings

Let us go through some simple and widely used words and their meanings. The pictures will help us to visualise the meanings.

Words and Their Opposites

In the above examples, we have seen some commonly used words in day to day life and their meanings. Now some of the words from the above list have the exact opposite meanings. Pairs of such words that have opposite meanings are called opposites. Let us find such opposites from the above examples and learn some new pairs.

1) Laugh X cry/weep/wail

2) Buy X sell

3) Borrow X steal/lend

4) Whisper X Scream

5) Appreciate X insult


Meanings of words that we learned:

  • Laugh: An action that shows that someone is very happy
  • Weep: Cry loudly
  • Wail: A long cry of pain
  • Buy: To get something by paying money for it
  • Borrow: Take something with the intention of returning it
  • Whisper: Talk very softly
  • Swim: Moving in water with the help of particular action of arms and legs
  • Run: Move quickly using legs
  • Appreciate: Praise
  • Scream: Make a loud cry showing strong emotions.

Quiz for Words — Their Meanings and Opposites


Which among the following make a correct pair with the word: Domestic?










Which among the following is odd one from the given option?

a) Engine
b) Steering Wheel
c) Car
d) Tyre


Which among the following make a correct pair with the word: Failure?

a) Struggle
b) Success
c) Story
d) Sad


Which among the following is odd from the given images set?



Which among the following make a correct pair with the word: fast?










Which among the following make a correct pair with the word: Few?

a) Hare
b) More
c) Many
d) Much


Identify the odd one from the options:

a) Samveda
b) Ayurveda
c) Atharvaveda
d) Rigveda


Which among the following make a correct pair with the word: Host?

a) Organize
b) Halt
c) Guest
d) Ghost


Which among the following is odd one from the given images set?



Which among the following make a correct pair with the word: God father?


Goon uncle


God moon


God mother


None of these

Your Score: 0/10

  • Benefits of Learning Opposite Words In English For Kids

  • List Of Opposite Words For Class 1

  • Questions On Opposite Words With Answers For Class 1

  • Effective Ways To Teach Children Opposite Words

In English, the usage of words is the key. Children need to learn to use appropriate words when they write their answers to questions or essays. Synonyms and antonyms are an integral part of the English curriculum. Hence, opposite words in English for Class 1 could be a useful topic to prepare. Class 1 English assessments comprise sections on antonyms for Class 1, meanings, and writing sentences.

By learning opposites, children will also familiarise themselves with words that are useful to them. Teaching opposites to children helps them expand their knowledge base in terms of words, and it eventually helps them in creative writing. A knowledge of opposites will also be useful for learning subjects like Science, History, Geography, and Maths. The description is essential in every subject, and a strong knowledge of words and their opposites will be very useful to children.

Benefits of Learning Opposite Words In English For Kids

Learning opposites is an important skill set for children to learn. They learn how to compare and describe words that they constantly hear. It helps them develop an understanding of essential concepts in their lives. For example, hot vs cold, hard vs soft, rough vs soft. Knowledge of opposites helps to develop critical thinking skills. Apart from learning vocabulary, children also learn to interpret real-life concepts. By learning antonyms or meanings and opposites of words, children can expand their word bank and also excel in the use of the language of English in every subject. Opposites are useful in the future when children need to write descriptive answers or essays. English requires children to use vocabulary as they graduate to higher classes. A strong foundation in learning words by focussing on meanings and opposites will be very useful.

List Of Opposite Words For Class 1

While introducing or tutoring your child to learn English, you would need a start. It is too soon to be teaching a child in the lower primary classes words from the dictionary. Although picture dictionaries help children learn words in the lower classes, a quick reference guide to basic words would be very useful. Below is a Class 1 English Opposite Word list to help your child learn basic skills. This list will help your child learn keywords and vocabulary that will help them in their regular assessments and tests.

Word Opposite Word
Above Below
Absent Present
Accept Refuse
Alive Dead
Ally Enemy
Ask Respond
Awake Asleep
Beginning End
Black White
Blank Complete
Break Join
Build Destroy
Cheap Expensive
Clean Dirty
Clever Foolish
Come Go
Cool Warm
Dark Light
Drop Catch
Dull Shiny
Dusk Dawn
Early Late
East West
Easy Difficult
Empty Full
Entry Exit
Fancy Plain
Far Near
Fast Slow
Fat Thin
Foreigner Native
Friend Foe
Full Empty
Funny Serious
Future Past
Give Receive
Good Bad
Healthy Sick
Heavy Light
Heaven Hell
High Low
Honest Dishonest
Hot Cold
Ill Well
Import Export
Inside Outside
Insult Compliment
Junior Senior
Kind Cruel
Lack Abundance
Large Small
Laugh Cry
Launch Shut
Lead Follow
Lies Truth
Liquid Solid
Long Short
Love Hate
Major Minor
Man Woman
Many Few
Married Single
More Less
Mountain Valley
Night Day
North South
Odd Even
Old Young
Old New
On Off
Open Close
Opposite Similar
Part Whole
Pass Fail
Past Present
Perfect Imperfect
Pretty Ugly
Professional Amateur
Public Private
Pull Push
Question Answer
Regret Satisfaction
Remember Forget
Rich Poor
Right Wrong
Rough Smooth
Rude Polite
Save Waste
Short Long
Sit Stand
Small Big
Son Daughter
Special Common
Start Finish
Sunny Cloudy
Sweet Sour
Thick Thin
Throw Catch
Tight Loose
Tiny Huge
Together Separate
Under Over
United Divided
Urban Rural
Visible Invisible
Visitor Host
War Peace
Waste Utilise
Wet Dry
Wide Narrow
Winner Loser
True False

Questions On Opposite Words With Answers For Class 1

For children in the lower primary classes, questions in assessments take different formats. They could be asked to pick answers or write answers that will test their ability in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. From filling in blanks to completing a tabular format, children need to be prepared to tackle any kind of question. Children will also be quizzed about opposites and antonyms in a question and answer format. Sometimes, they may be given a multiple-choice format, making it trickier to answer. By preparing them for questions, you could ensure they are better equipped to answer questions. A few questions are listed below:

1. What is the opposite of the word “Vacant”?  

Answer: Occupied

2. What is the opposite of the word “Strong”?  

Answer: Weak

3. What is the opposite of the word “Clean”?  

Answer: Dirty

4. What is the opposite of the word “Full”?  

Answer: Empty

5. What is the opposite of the word “Question”?  

Answer: Answer

6. What is the opposite of the word “Argue”?  

Answer: Agree

7. What is the opposite of the word “Attack”?

Answer: Defend

8. What is the opposite of the word “Safety”? 

Answer: Danger

9. What is the opposite of the word “Working”? 

Answer: Unemployed

10. What is the opposite of the word “Arrive”? 

Answer: Depart

Effective Ways To Teach Children Opposite Words

Start by explaining to children what opposites mean. Tell them that opposites mean exactly different to a particular word. You need to tell the child that the opposite will have no similarity. The best way to get children to understand the word “opposites” is by demonstrating. For example, fill a glass with water and tell them it is now “full”. Empty the glass and then tell them it is now “empty”. Then elaborate on how the two situations are opposite to each other and different. Learning about opposites is an important concept. It helps the child to learn the descriptive language around them. A good way to teach opposites is by using “flashcards”. Flashcards with pictures are the best way to get children to understand opposites. When visuals are used to explain a concept, it reinforces the idea. Another way to teach children the concept of opposites is to demonstrate it practically. Movement, games, and instructions are great to get them to understand the concept. For example, when you walk to school or the park with your child, you can say “start”. At a point, you can say “stop”. This will help the child understand the importance of the opposite of the word. You could try it with the lights at home too. For example, switch “on” and switch “off” the light. A game like “Simon Says” is also a great way to get kids to do the opposite of the word given to them practically. For example, if you say “Simon says stand, they have to do the opposite-“Sit”.

You can also have flashcards with the words on them, and children have to read them out. Once they read the word, they have to do the opposite. For example, if a flashcard says, “pulling a friend”, they have to do the opposite, “pushing a friend”. Flashcards, songs, and visuals are a great way to teach children concepts. Children learn better with kinaesthetic structure.

From learning the letters of the alphabet to learning words and making sentences, children have a gradual learning curve whilst their journey in learning the English language. It is important to strengthen the concepts of words to develop a good base that will help them in the future. Command of the English language primarily demands a wide knowledge of words. Introducing children to words, meanings, and their opposites can help them develop their language, which will be an asset for the future.

Shraddha Mishra

Writer, journalist and content creator, she has worked across several publications. She takes a keen interest in travel, food and culture. A new mother, she loves talking about her parenting journey and watching her toddler play, learn and grow. When not working, you will find her watching a movie or web series, or reading a novel, chasing a good story everywhere.

Word usage worksheets

Use these worksheets to practice and improve vocabulary and word usage. These grade 1 vocabulary exercises also cover suffixes, homonyms, homophones, synonyms, antonyms and alphabetizing.

The meanings of words

Match pictures to words: identify the picture that matches the word

Match and write words: circle the rewrite the word that matches the picture

Definitions: choose the correct definition for each word

Context clues: figure out unknown words using cross sentence clues

Categorize: sort words into subject categories

Same & different: cross out the word that doesn’t belong


Completing sentences: use vocabulary words to complete sentences

Match sentences to pictures: understand vocabulary words in sentences

Homonyms, homophones and word usage

Multiple meaning words: match homonyms with their 2 meanings

Homophones: completing sentences with sound-alike words

To, too or two?

Am, is or are?

I or me?

Word practice

Vocabulary cards: match pictures to words, organized by subject

Word search: circle the hidden words

Hidden letters: fill in the missing letters in repeated words

Jumbled words: unscramble the jumbled words

Missing letters: fill in the missing letters to complete each word

Picture crosswords: crosswords with picture clues

Suffixes and compound words

Suffixes: identify the suffixes and root words

Using suffixes: choose the correct suffix to complete each sentence

Root words: deconstruct words into a root word and suffix

Words ending with -ing: add -ing to root words

Words ending with -ed: add -ed to root words

Compound words: match words to form compound words

Write compound words: use pictures clues to write compound words

Synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms: match and write words with similar meaning

Synonym crosswords: solve crosswords by matching synonyms

Antonyms: write words with the «opposite» meaning


Identify the word that comes 1st in alphabetical order

Write words in alphabetical order

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