English word for arabic words


You’re studying English, right? Or was it Arabic?

When you look at certain types of Arabic words, it can be hard to notice the difference. 

The English language has left its permanent mark on Arabic, just as it has on many other languages around the world. In every Arabic-speaking country, people at all levels of society mix English with Arabic from time to time. Even people not fluent in English do some mixing now and then.

How exactly does this mixing work? What’s involved, and what should an Arabic learner look out for? That’s exactly what you’ll find out in our guide to English words in Arabic!

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Table of Contents

  1. The Basics of English Words Used in Arabic
  2. Arablish Examples
  3. English Loanwords in Arabic
  4. How to Pronounce Brand Names in Arabic
  5. Arabic Words in English
  6. Outro

The Basics of English Words Used in Arabic

A Bookshelf Holding Many Books

As in many societies the world over, English is considered a prestigious language in Arabic-speaking countries. It outpaces French as the most-learned foreign language by a significant margin, and a foreign traveler to the capital cities anywhere between Morocco and Iraq can expect to get around pretty well using English.

Part of this popularity is because of the perceived economic or cultural benefits that come with speaking English as a second language, though necessity also plays a huge role here.

English speakers are spoiled when it comes to global communication. The English language has always been a primary language of software development, and as such, electronic devices tend to support English first and foremost. Arabic has sadly been left far behind in this area. It took a while for popular operating systems to start supporting Arabic, and even in 2020 there are significantly fewer fonts, programs, and websites with Arabic display options.

Therefore, computer usage in Arabic is intrinsically linked with English. Not just in the typing of Romanized Arabic words using the Latin alphabet, but also in the vocabulary of computers, software, and the internet.

In a similar sense, the language of business is also linked with English. With the rise of globalization and internationalization, many firms based in Arabic-speaking countries are used to using English as a common language when dealing with other companies.

And, following the natural progression of the two points mentioned above, prestige and internet culture have led to “new” and “cool” companies readily adopting marketing and business terms from English wholesale—and expecting to be understood.

Naturally, when a word is adopted into another language, there’s not always a perfect equivalent of the original meaning.

Let’s look at a few examples of English words in Arabic whose meanings have shifted slightly along the journey.

Arablish Examples

Someone about to Click

There are a few domains of language, such as business and technology, where English loanwords have been adopted into Arabic with slightly different meanings. Here are some of the common ones you’ll hear:

1. “Message” / مِسِج 

When you use the word “message” in English, you might mean any number of things: a short note left on someone’s desk, a popup box on a computer program, a voice message on an answering machine, or of course a text message. The Arabic word refers specifically to phones and internet messages. Because the meaning is preserved in these contexts, it would be easy to assume that all the senses of the loanword have been carried over to English, when this is not the case.

2. “Goal” / جول

In a similar way, the word “goal” in English as spoken by Arabs only refers to a sports goal. Since there are other words in the business sphere, like “creative,” that have been totally adopted into modern marketing Arabic, it’s reasonable to assume that a phrase like “meet your quarterly goal” could be used directly in Arabic as well as in English.

How do you learn something like this in depth? Well, you pick it up through immersion. Articles like this are only going to have a couple of examples of these at a time, and the meanings of loanwords change fast in today’s world. There is nothing better than firsthand experience to help you get the hang of how to use something as complex as ‘Arablish.’

English Loanwords in Arabic

A Vlogger Editing Videos for YouTube

Now let’s flip the script a bit. Here are some words that either roughly match the Arabic sound system already, or that have been modified slightly for easier pronunciation.

These pronunciation features allow English words to enter the Arabic language more naturally than if they stood out as “foreign words.” Gulf Arabic speakers, in particular, feel quite at home using the following words.

  • شَيِّك (chayek) – “review” 

Note that this first one does not mean “check a box.” It only means to look something over for mistakes or suggestions.

  • أَكَنسِل (akansal) – “cancel” 

It’s possible to use this word as an equivalent to the English “to close a program.”

  • أَفَرمَت (afarmat) – “format” 
  • أَدَلِّت (adallet) – “delete” 

Next, the words “creative,” “confirm,” and “focus” are frequently used in business Arabic—to such an extent that foreign learners can become frustrated at the lack of pure Arabic they get to hear! Here are two example phrases:

First is an example of how “creative” would be used in Egyptian Arabic.

الديزاينَر الجِديد كِريِيتيف أَوِي.

el-dīzāynar el-gedīd keryeītīv ʾawī.

The new designer is so creative.

Here is an example of what would be said in a small conversation in an office in Gulf Arabic:

رَح نِنشُر التَحديث بَعدما يِشَيِّكو المُدير.

raḥ nenšor el-taḥdīs baʿdmā yešayyeko el-modīr.

We will publish the update after the manager checks it.

How to Pronounce Brand Names in Arabic

A Sketch of the Facebook Logo

In addition to loanwords, branding often undergoes serious translation and localization as well. Localization as a trend—and even as an academic field—has never been more popular than it is today. More and more brands want to connect with the world on the other side of language barriers.

Many brands have been localized into Arabic with expert logo designers creating great-looking Arabic versions of well-loved logos. Naturally, when people read these words aloud, they’re going to pronounce them in Arabic, which may be odd to hear if you’re only used to the originals.

One of the classic examples of this is “Pepsi.” The Arabic language doesn’t have an aspirated P sound like English does, so this is actually pronounced bebsi in Arabic. If you’re speaking fluent Arabic and you pronounce this word with the original English pronunciation in the middle of a sentence, it may be a bit jarring or sound like you’re being overly correct!

Here are some other examples of Arabic pronunciations of foreign brand names:













In the 1980s and 1990s, it was pretty rare in big metropolitan areas to see an Arabic name for a new and “modern” business, but now there’s a trend toward Arabization of business names. Picking a business name in Arabic is a big deal for companies that want to go global but still want to retain something that speaks to their mother tongue. As Arabic popular culture takes greater hold on the world, the Arabic language is becoming more accessible and will hopefully be even trendier in the future.

Arabic Words in English

Complicated Algebra Equations Written in Blue Pen

Loanwords don’t only flow one direction, you know. And Arabic has had a huge start on English in that regard.

Most Arabic loanwords in English are totally integrated into the language, since they were adopted many centuries ago and have undergone the same vowel shifts and usage changes as native English words have.

One such word is “cotton,” originally from the Arabic word qutun, which was brought to England around the time of the Crusades. Later on, during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the words “algebra” and “algorithm” entered the English language. Their al­- prefix gives them away as Arabic words at first sight. Another example is “elixir,” from the Arabic word al-iksir, which has undergone one of those vowel changes we mentioned.

Words related to Islam and food are among the most common Arabic words used in English today. These include hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), fatwa (religious decree), Fattoush (Levantine salad), and falafel (balls made of chickpeas).


When it comes to something as slippery as loanwords, it’s hard to really sit down and study vocabulary.

Sure, you can read articles like this one to get an overview, but it mostly has to come with time. After all, what’s in vogue now may not be nearly as popular in the future.

For that reason, the best way to pick up natural use of English loanwords in Arabic is to have a good understanding of standard Arabic first. Only then should you branch out into consuming more songs, TV, and movies that have more colloquial Arabic in them (complete with loanwords).

And the best way to get this solid knowledge base is to use ArabicPod101, the world-famous podcast-based Arabic course! We’ll lead you step by step from basic to advanced Arabic with vocab lists, flashcards, video lessons, and more, including interesting cultural articles like this one. Sign up now and see just how natural your Arabic can get with ArabicPod101!

Which of these English words in Arabic were you the most surprised to find out about? Are there any we didn’t mention that you think your fellow learners should know about? Let us know in the comments!

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabic is a Semitic language and English is an Indo-European language. The following words have been acquired either directly from Arabic or else indirectly by passing from Arabic into other languages and then into English. Most entered one or more of the Romance languages, before entering English.

To qualify for this list, a word must be reported in etymology dictionaries as having descended from Arabic. A handful of dictionaries have been used as the source for the list.[1] Words associated with the Islamic religion are omitted; for Islamic words, see Glossary of Islam. Archaic and rare words are also omitted. A bigger listing including words very rarely seen in English is at Wiktionary dictionary.

Given the number of words which have entered English from Arabic, this list is split alphabetically into sublists, as listed below:

  • List of English words of Arabic origin (A-B)
  • List of English words of Arabic origin (C-F)
  • List of English words of Arabic origin (G-J)
  • List of English words of Arabic origin (K-M)
  • List of English words of Arabic origin (N-S)
  • List of English words of Arabic origin (T-Z)
  • List of English words of Arabic origin: Addenda for certain specialist vocabularies

Addenda for certain specialist vocabularies[edit]

Islamic terms[edit]

Arabic astronomical and astrological names[edit]

Arabic botanical names[edit]

The following plant names entered medieval Latin texts from Arabic. Today, in descent from the medieval Latin, they are international systematic classification names (commonly known as «Latin» names): Azadirachta, Berberis, Cakile, Carthamus, Cuscuta, Doronicum, Galanga, Musa, Nuphar, Ribes, Senna, Taraxacum, Usnea, Physalis alkekengi, Melia azedarach, Centaurea behen, Terminalia bellerica, Terminalia chebula, Cheiranthus cheiri, Piper cubeba, Phyllanthus emblica, Peganum harmala, Salsola kali, Prunus mahaleb, Datura metel, Daphne mezereum, Rheum ribes, Jasminum sambac, Cordia sebestena, Operculina turpethum, Curcuma zedoaria, Alpinia zerumbet + Zingiber zerumbet. (List incomplete.)[2]

Over ninety percent of those botanical names were introduced to medieval Latin in a herbal medicine context. They include names of medicinal plants from Tropical Asia for which there had been no prior Latin or Greek name, such as azedarach, bellerica, cubeba, emblica, galanga, metel, turpethum, zedoaria and zerumbet. Another sizeable portion are ultimately Iranian names of medicinal plants of Iran. The Arabic-to-Latin translation of Ibn Sina’s The Canon of Medicine helped establish many Arabic plant names in later medieval Latin.[2] A book about medicating agents by Serapion the Younger containing hundreds of Arabic botanical names circulated in Latin among apothecaries in the 14th and 15th centuries.[3] Medieval Arabic botany was primarily concerned with the use of plants for medicines. In a modern etymology analysis of one medieval Arabic list of medicines, the names of the medicines —primarily plant names— were assessed to be 31% ancient Mesopotamian names, 23% Greek names, 18% Persian, 13% Indian (often via Persian), 5% uniquely Arabic, and 3% Egyptian, with the remaining 7% of unassessable origin.[4]

The Italian botanist Prospero Alpini stayed in Egypt for several years in the 1580s. He introduced to Latin botany from Arabic from Egypt the names Abrus, Abelmoschus, Lablab, Melochia, each of which designated plants that were unknown to Western European botanists before Alpini, plants native to tropical Asia that were grown with artificial irrigation in Egypt at the time.[5]

In the early 1760s Peter Forsskål systematically cataloged plants and fishes in the Red Sea area. For genera and species that did not already have Latin names, Forsskål used the common Arabic names as the scientific names. This became the international standard for most of what he cataloged. Forsskål’s Latinized Arabic plant genus names include Aerva, Arnebia, Cadaba, Ceruana, Maerua, Maesa, Themeda, and others.[6]

Some additional miscellaneous botanical names with Arabic ancestry include Abutilon, Alchemilla, Alhagi, Argania, argel, Averrhoa, Avicennia, azarolus + acerola, bonduc, lebbeck, Retama, seyal.[7] (List incomplete).

Arabic textile words[edit]

The list above included the six textile fabric names cotton, damask, gauze, macramé, mohair, & muslin, and the three textile dye names anil, crimson/kermes, and safflower, and the garment names jumper and sash. The following are three lesser-used textile words that were not listed: camlet,[8] morocco leather,[9] and tabby. Those have established Arabic ancestry. The following are six textile fabric words whose ancestry is not established and not adequately in evidence, but Arabic ancestry is entertained by many reporters. Five of the six have Late Medieval start dates in the Western languages and the sixth started in the 16th century. Buckram, Chiffon, Fustian, Gabardine, Satin, and Wadding (padding). The fabric Taffeta has provenance in 14th-century French, Italian, Catalan, Spanish, and English, and today it is often guessed to come ultimately from a Persian word for woven (tāftah), and it might have Arabic intermediation. Fustic is a textile dye. The name is traceable to late medieval Spanish fustet dye, which is often guessed to be from an Arabic source.[10] Carthamin is another old textile dye. Its name was borrowed in the late medieval West from Arabic قرطم qartam | qirtim | qurtum = «the carthamin dye plant or its seeds».[11] The textile industry was the largest manufacturing industry in the Arabic-speaking lands in the medieval and early modern eras.

Arabic cuisine words[edit]

The following words are from Arabic, although some of them have entered Western European languages via other languages. Baba ghanoush, Falafel, Fattoush, Halva, Hummus, Kibbeh, Kebab, Lahmacun, Shawarma, Tabouleh, Tahini, Za’atar . Some cuisine words of lesser circulation are Ful medames, Kabsa, Kushari, Labneh, Mahleb, Mulukhiyah, Ma’amoul, Mansaf, Shanklish, Tepsi Baytinijan . For more see Arab cuisine. Middle Eastern cuisine words were rare before 1970 in English, being mostly confined to travellers’ reports. Usage increased rapidly in the 1970s for certain words.

Arabic music words[edit]

Some words used in English in talking about Arabic music: Ataba, Baladi, Dabke, Darbouka, Jins, Khaleeji, Maqam, Mawal, Mizmar, Oud, Qanun, Raï, Raqs sharqi, Taqsim.

Arabic place names[edit]


  1. ^ The dictionaries used to compile the list are these: Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales: Etymologies, Online Etymology Dictionary, Random House Dictionary, Concise Oxford English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche, by Raja Tazi (year 1998), A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (a.k.a. «NED») (published in pieces between 1888 and 1928), An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (year 1921) by Ernest Weekley. Footnotes for individual words have supplementary other references. The most frequently cited of the supplementary references is Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l’arabe (year 1869) by Reinhart Dozy.
  2. ^ a b References for the medieval Arabic sources and medieval Latin borrowings of those plant names are as follows. Ones marked «(F)» go to the French dictionary at Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales, ones marked «(R)» go to Random House Dictionary, and other references are identified with terse labels: Berberis(R), انبرباريس anbarbārīs = Berberis(Ibn Sina), امبرباريس ambarbārīs = Berberis(Ibn Al-Baitar), الأمبرباريس al-ambarbārīs is also called البرباريس al-barbārīs Archived 29 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine(Fairuzabadi’s dictionary), Galen uses name «Oxyacantha» for Berberis(John Gerarde), Arabic amiberberis = Latin Berberis(Matthaeus Silvaticus), Berberis is frequent in Constantinus Africanus (Constantinus Africanus was the introducer of plantname Berberis into medieval Latin), Berberis(Raja Tazi 1998), Barberry(Skeat 1888);; Cakile(Henri Lammens 1890), Cakile(Pierre Guigues 1905), Kakile Serapionis(John Gerarde 1597), Chakile(Serapion the Younger, medieval Latin);; for Carthamus see Carthamin;; Cuscute(F), Cuscuta (Etimología), spelled كشوث kushūth in Ibn al-Baitar;; Doronicum(F), Doronicum(R), spelled درونج dorūnaj in Ibn al-Baitar;; Garingal & Galanga(F), Galingale & Galanga(NED);; Musa(Devic), Musa(Alphita), موز mauz(Ibn al-Baitar), Muse #4 and Musa(NED);; Nuphar (nénuphar)(F), Nénuphar(Lammens);; Ribès(Pierre Guigues 1903 in preface to translation of Najm al-Din Mahmud (died 1330)), Ribes(Lammens 1890), the meaning of late medieval Latin ribes was Rheum ribes – e.g. e.g. – and the medieval Arabic ريباس rībās had the very same meaning – e.g. ;; Senna(F), Senna(R), Séné(Lammens), Sene in Alphita, السنى al-sanā and السني al-senī in Ibn al-Baitar;; Taraxacum(Skeat), Ataraxacon(Alphita), Taraxacum(R);; Usnea(F), Usnea(R), Usnee(Simon of Genoa), Usnée(Lammens);; alkekengi(F), alkekengi(R);; azedarach(F), azedarach(Garland Cannon), azadarach + azedarach(Matthaeus Silvaticus anno 1317), azedarach produced Azadirachta;; béhen(Devic, year 1876), Behemen = behen = behem says Matthaeus Silvaticus (year 1317); this name is بهمن behmen | bahman in Ibn al-Baitar and Ibn Sina;; bellerica(Yule), bellerica(Devic), beliligi = belirici = bellerici(Simon of Genoa), بليلج belīlej in Ibn al-Baitar;; chebula(Yule), kebulus = chebulae(Alphita), chébule(Devic);; cheiranthe(Devic), keiri(NED), خيري kheīrī(Ibn al-Awwam);; cubeba(F), cubeba(R);; emblic(Yule), emblic(Devic), emblic(Serapion the Younger);; harmala(Tazi), harmale(Devic), harmala(other), harmala(more details);; (Salsola) kali(F), kali = a marine littoral plant, an Arabic name(Simon of Genoa year 1292 in Latin, also in Matthaeus Silvaticus);; mahaleb(F), mahaleb(Ibn al-Awwam), mahaleb(Matthaeus Silvaticus year 1317);; mathil->metel(other), metel(Devic), nux methel(Serapion the Younger), جوز ماثل jūz māthil(Ibn Sina);; mezereum(R), mézéréon(Devic), mezereon(Alphita: see editor’s footnote quoting Matthaeus Silvaticus and John Gerarde), spelled مازريون māzarīūn in Ibn Sina and Ibn al-Baitar;; sambac(Devic), zambacca(synonyms of Petrus de Abano, died c. 1316), sambacus(Simon of Genoa), زنبق = دهن الياسمين (zanbaq in Lisan al-Arab);; sebesten(other), sebesten(Devic), sebesten(Alphita) (sebesten in late medieval Latin referred to Cordia myxa, not Cordia sebestena, and the medieval Arabic سبستان sebestān was Cordia myxa);; turpeth(F), turpeth(R);; zedoaria(F), zedoaria(R);; zérumbet(F), zerumbet is from medieval Latin zurumbet | zurumbeth | zerumbet which is from Arabic زرنباد zurunbād | zarunbād. The great majority of the above plant names can be seen in Latin in the late-13th-century medical-botany dictionary Synonyma Medicinae by Simon of Genoa (online) and in the mid-15th-century Latin medical-botany dictionary called the Alphita (online); and the few that are not in either of those two dictionaries can be seen in Latin in the book on medicaments by Serapion the Younger circa 1300 (online). None of the names are found in Latin in early medieval or classical Latin botany or medicine books — partially excepting a complication over the name harmala, and excepting galanga and zedoaria because they have Latin records beginning in the 9th or 10th centuries. In other words nearly all the names were introduced to Latin in the later-medieval period, specifically from the late 11th through late 13th centuries. Most early Latin users lived in Italy. All of the names, without exception, are in the Arabic-to-Latin medical translations of Constantinus Africanus (died c. 1087) and/or Gerardus Cremonensis (died c. 1187) and/or Serapion the Younger (dated later 13th century Latin). The Arabic predecessors of the great majority of the names can be seen in Arabic as entries in Part Two of The Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina, dated about 1025 in Arabic, which became a widely circulated book in Latin medical circles in the 13th and 14th centuries: an Arabic copy is at DDC.AUB.edu.lb. All of the Arabic predecessor plant-names without exception, and usually with better descriptions of the plants (compared to Ibn Sina’s descriptions), are in Ibn al-Baitar’s Comprehensive Book of Simple Medicines and Foods, dated about 1245, which was not translated to Latin in the medieval era but was published in the 19th century in German, French, and Arabic – an Arabic copy is at Al-Mostafa.com and at AlWaraq.net.
  3. ^ «Les Noms Arabes Dans Sérapion, Liber de Simplici Medicina«, by Pierre Guigues, published in 1905 in Journal Asiatique, Series X, tome V, pages 473–546, continued in tome VI, pages 49–112.
  4. ^ Analysis of herbal medicine plant-names by Martin Levey reported by him in «Chapter III: Botanonymy» in his 1973 book Early Arabic Pharmacology: An Introduction.
  5. ^ Each discussed in Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen, by Helmut Genaust, year 1996. Another Arabic botanical name introduced by Prospero Alpini from Egypt was Sesban meaning Sesbania sesban from synonymous Arabic سيسبان saīsabān | saīsbān (Lammens 1890; Ibn al-Baitar). The Latin botanical Abrus is the parent of the chemical name Abrin; see abrine @ CNRTL.fr. The Arabic لبلاب lablāb means any kind of climbing and twisting plant. The Latin and English Lablab is a certain vigorously climbing and twisting bean plant. Prospero Alpini called the plant in Latin phaseolus niger lablab = «lablab black bean». Prospero Alpini published his De Plantis Aegypti in 1592. It was republished in 1640 with supplements by other botanists – De Plantis Aegypti, 1640. De Plantis Exoticis by Prospero Alpini (died 1617) was published in 1639 – ref.
  6. ^ A list of 43 of Forsskål’s Latinized Arabic fish names is at Baheyeldin.com/linguistics. Forsskål was a student of Arabic language as well as of taxonomy. His published journals contain the underlying Arabic names as well as his Latinizations of them (downloadable from links at the Wikipedia Peter Forsskål page).
  7. ^ Most of those miscellaneous botanical names are discussed in Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen, by Helmut Genaust, year 1996. About half of them are in Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D’Origine Orientale, by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876. The following are supplemental notes. The names argel and seyal were introduced to scientific botany nomenclature from الحرجل harjel and سيال seyāl in the early 19th century by the botanist Delile, who had visited North Africa. Retama comes from an old Spanish name for broom bushes and the Spanish name is from medieval Arabic رتم ratam with the same meaning – ref, ref. Acerola is from tropical New World Spanish acerola = «acerola cherry» which is from medieval Spanish and Portuguese acerola | azerola | azarola = «azarole hawthorn» which is from medieval Arabic الزعرور al-zoʿrūr = «azarole hawthorn» – ref, ref. Alchimilla appears in 16th century Europe with the same core meaning as today’s Alchemilla (e.g.). Reporters on Alchemilla agree it is from Arabic although they do not agree on how.
  8. ^ In late medieval English, chamelet | chamlet was a costly fabric and was typically an import from the Near East – MED, NED. Today spelled «camlet», it is synonymous with French camelot which the French CNRTL.fr says is «from Arabic khamlāt, plural of khamla, meaning plush woollen cloth…. The stuff was made in the Orient and introduced to the Occident at the same time as the word.» The historian Wilhelm Heyd (1886) says: «The [medieval] Arabic khamla meant cloth with a long nap, cloth with a lot of plush. This is the common character of all the camlets [of the late medieval Latins]. They could be made from diverse materials…. Some were made from fine goat hair.» – Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen-âge, Volume 2 pages 703–705, by W. Heyd, year 1886. The medieval Arabic word was also in the form khamīla. Definitions of خملة khamla | خميلة khamīla, and the plural khamlāt, taken from medieval Arabic dictionaries are in Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon page 813 and in the Lisan al-Arab under خمل khaml Archived 29 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine.
  9. ^ The English word morocco, meaning a type of leather, is a refreshed spelling of early 16th-century English maroquin, from 15th-century French maroquin meaning a soft flexible leather of goat-skin made in the country of Morocco, or similar leather made anywhere, with maroquin literally meaning «Moroccan, from Morocco». Maroquin @ NED, morocco @ NED, maroquin @ CNRTL.fr, FEW XIX.
  10. ^ Fustic in the late medieval centuries was a dye from the wood of a Mediterranean tree. After the discovery of America, a better, more durable dye from a tree wood was found, and given the same name. The late medieval fustic came from the Rhus cotinus tree. «Rhus cotinus wood was treated in warm [or boiling] water; a yellow infusion was obtained which on contact with air turned into brown; with acids it becomes greenish yellow and with alkalies orange; in combination with iron salts, especially with ferrous sulphate a greenish-black was produced.» – The Art of Dyeing in the History of Mankind, by Franco Brunello, year 1973 page 382. The earliest record of the word as a dye in the Western languages is in 13th-century Spanish as «fustet», followed by 14th-century French as «fustet» and «fustel» – CNRTL.fr, DMF. Medieval Spanish had alfóstigo = «pistachio», medieval Catalan festuc = «pistachio, which were from Arabic فستق (al-)fustuq = «pistachio». Medieval Arabic additionally had fustuqī as a color name, yellow-green like the pistachio nut (e.g.), (e.g.), (e.g.). Many dictionaries today report that the Spanish dye name somehow came from this medieval Arabic word. But the proponents of this idea do not cite evidence of fustuq carrying the dye meaning in Arabic. The use of the word as a dye in medieval Arabic is not recorded under the entry for fustuq in A Dictionary of Andalusi Arabic (1997) nor under the entries for fustuq in the medieval Arabic dictionaries – Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon, page 2395, Baheth.info Archived 29 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine. This suggests that the use of the word as a dye may have started in Spanish. From a phonetic angle the medieval Spanish and French fustet is a diminutive of the medieval Spanish and French fuste = «boards of wood, timber», which was from classical Latin fustis = «wooden stick» – DRAE, Du Cange. From the semantic angle, since most names of natural dyes referred to both the plant that produces the dye and the dye itself, fustet meaning «little pieces of wood» can plausibly beget the dye name fustet. The semantic transformation from «pistachio» to «fustic dye» is poorly understood, assuming it happened. New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (year 1901) says «the name was transferred from the pistachio [tree] to the closely allied Rhus cotinus«. But the two trees are not closely allied.
  11. ^ «Carthamin» and «Carthamus» in New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (year 1893). Similarly summarized in CNRTL.fr (French) and Diccionario RAE (Spanish). For the word in medieval Arabic see قرطم @ Baheth.info Archived 29 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine (see also عصفر ʿusfur), قرطم @ Ibn al-Awwam and قرطم @ Ibn al-Baitar.

Top 50+ English Words—of Arabic Origin!
Posted by on Feb 21, 2012 in Arabic Language, Culture, Vocabulary

Did you know that words like Adobe and Safari  are actually Arabic? 

Of course, you already knew of the existence of so-called “loanwords” in English, meaning words which are originally French, German, Spanish, etc.

But were you actually aware that several of them also come from ARABIC?


  • ALCHEMY and CHEMISTRY (الكيميـــــــــاء.)
  • ALCOHOL (الكُحُـــــــــول.) 
  • ALGEBRA (الجبــر: More on the eponymous founder of Algebra as an independent mathematical discipline here.)
  • ALGORITHM (خوارزم: More on the eponymous founder of algorthimics here.)
  • ALKALINE (القلوي: Meaning “non-acid, basic.”) 
  • ALMANAC (المنــــــاخ: Literally meaning “climate”)
  • AVERAGE (From Old French avarie, itself from the Arabic term عوارية, meaning “damaged goods”, from عور meaning “to lose an eye.”)
  • AZIMUTH (السمــــــــت: This concept is used in several fields, such as الفلك/astronomy، هندسة الطيران/aerospace engineering، and فيزياء الكم/quantum physics.)
  • CIPHER (صِفـــــــــــــــــــــــــــر: The term “cipher” is now mostly applied in cryptography—see الكَندي/Al-Kindi’s work.)
  • ELIXIR (الإكسيــــــــــــــر: Something like a “syrup”—also an Arabic term, possibly borrowed from Persian.) 
  • NADIR (نظيـــــــــــــر: It is the opposite of the zenith.)
  • SODA (صـــــــــودا.)
  • ZENITH (سمت الرأس: Literally the “azimuth of the head”، it is the opposite of the “nadir.”)
  • ZERO (same as “cipher.”)

Names of many stars and constellations: 

(Altair: الطَّائـــــــــر meaning “the bird”; Betelgeuse: بيت الجــــــوزاء, meaning “the House of the Gemini”; Deneb: ذنب meaning “tail”; Fomalhaut: فم الحوت which means “the mouth of the Pisces”, Rigel: رِجـــــــل meaning “foot”, it stands for رجل الجبَّار, or the “foot of the Titan”, Vega: الواقع meaning “the Falling”, refers to النسر الواقع، meaning “the falling eagle”, etc.)

  • An entirely separate post is necessary to list all of the astronomical terms which are of Arabic origin.


  • ADMIRAL (أميــــــــر الرحلة, meaning commander of the fleet, or literally “of the trip”) 
  • ADOBE (الطوب: meaning a “brick.” Next time you use an Adobe Acrobat product, you will remember that Adobe is originally Arabic!)
  • ALCOVE (القبة: meaning “the vault”, or “the dome”)
  • AMBER (عنبر: Anbar, “ambergris.”)
  • ARSENAL (Do fans of F.C. Arsenal today, including those living in the Arab world, know where the name of their favorite team came from? دار الصناعــــــــــــــــة : “manufacturing house”)
  • ASSASSIN (Just like the word MAFIA, it is of Arabic origin: It either comes from “حشَّــــــــــــــاشين”, referring to the medieval sect of the same name famous for the heavy hashish consumption by its knife-wielding members, or “العسَّاسيــــــــــــــــن”, meaning “the watchmen.”)
  • CALIBER (قـــــــالب: meaning “mold”) 
  • CANDY (from قندي, itself from Persian for “hard candy made by boiling cane sugar”)
  • CHECK (from صکّ, also from Persian meaning “letter of credit.” It would give the Chess expression “Checkmate”, from “الشيخ مات”, or “the Shaikh is dead.”)
  • CORK (القورق)
  • COFFEE (قهوة: For long snubbed by Europeans as the “wine of the infidels”—that is, many centuries before the age of Starbucks and instant coffee!)
  • COTTON (قُطْـــــــــن)
  • GAUZE (either from قَــــــــــزّ, meaning “silk”, or from غَــــــــزّة, “Gaza”, the Palestinian city.)
  • GUITAR (just as LUTE, العود, a musical instrument known to Europeans through the Arabic قيثارة, itself possibly borrowed from a word of Ancient Greek.)
  • HAZARD (الزّهر: “the dice”—Think of an Arabic TV series hazardly titled “The Dukes of Al-Azhar”…) 
  • LAZULI (As in “Lapis Lazuli”, لاژورد: Arabic word for a semi-precious stone famous for its intense blue color. The Arabic word is said to come from a Persian city where the stone was mined.)
  • MASCARA (Just as with the English “masquerade” and the French “mascarade“, mascara comes from the Arabic word مسخرة, an event during which people wear masks, such as carnivals.) 
  • MATTRESS (مطـــــــــــــــــــرح.)
  • MONSOON (موسم: Arabic for “season.”)
  • MUMMY (مومياء: Originally from Persian root “موم”, meaning “wax”.)
  • RACQUET (As in a “tennis racket”. Some point to an Arabic origin of Tennis. The word racket comes the Arabic word “راحـــــــة”, as in “راحـــــة اليد”, meaning the “palm of the hand.”)
  • REAM (as in a “ream of paper”, it comes from Arabic رزمة, meaning a “bundle.”) 
  • SAFARI (سفـــــــر: “travel”—As in Apple’s Safari web browser)
  • SASH (شــــــــاش.)
  • SATIN (زيتــــــــــــوني: “Olive-like”, perhaps related to modern Tsinkiang in Fukien province, southern China.) 
  • SOFA (الصُفــــــــة)
  • TALCUM (التلك)

SWAHILI (Comes from سواحــــــــــل: Plural of ساحــــــــــل, meaning a “coast.”)

  • ZIRCON (زرقـــــــــــــون: “golden-colored.” Zirconium is a chemical element with the symbol Zr and atomic number 40)
  • TARIFF (تعاريـــــــــــــــف, plural of تعريـــــــــــــــفة, meaning a “fee”, or simply تعريـــــــــــــــف, as in “بطاقــــــــة التعريـــــــــــــــف“, meaning an “identity card.”)

Finally, to close this list, it is fitting to greet everyone by saying “SO-LONG” (an English expression which, according to The Penguin Dictionary of Historical Slang, may come from the Arabic word ســـــــــــــــــــــــلام/SALAAM!)

Tags: admiral, adobe, adobe acrobat, alchemy, alcohol, alcove, algebra, algeria, algorithm, alkaline, almanac, altair, altair ibn-la’ahad, amber, arabic loanwords, arsenal, assassin, assassin’s creed, average, azimuth, beetlejuice, betelgeuse, caliber, candy, chemistry, cipher, deneb, elixir, f.c. arsenal, fomalhaut, french, gauze, gaza, german, guitar, hazard, lapis lazuli, lazuli, lute, lyes salem, mafia, mascara, mascarades, masquarade, mattress, merzak allouech, monsoon, mummy, nadir, obama, racquet, rais hamidou, ream, rigel, safari, sash, satin, soda, spanish, street fighters, swahili, talcum, tariff, tunisia, vega, zenith, zero, zircon, zr, أميــــــــر الرحلة, الإكسيــــــــــــــر, الجبــر, الرايس حمِّيـــــــــــدو, الزّهر, السمــــــــت, الصُفــــــــة, الطَّائـــــــــر, الطوب, العسَّاسيــــــــــــــــن, القبة, القلوي, القورق, الكُحُـــــــــول, الكيميـــــــــاء, المنــــــاخ, النسر الواقع, الواقع, بطاقــــــــة التعريـــــــــــــــف, بيت الجــــــوزاء, تعاريـــــــــــــــف, حشَّــــــــــــــاشين, خوارزم, راحـــــــة, راحـــــة اليد, رِجـــــــل, رجل الجبَّار, رزمة, زرقـــــــــــــون, زيتــــــــــــوني, سفـــــــر, سمت الرأس, سواحــــــــــل, شــــــــاش, صـــــــــودا, صِفـــــــــــــــــــــــــــر, صکّ, عوارية, غَــــــــزّة, فم الحوت, قَــــــــــزّ, قندي, لاژورد, مسخرة, مطـــــــــــــــــــرح, موسم, مومياء, نظيـــــــــــــر

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1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings

Word Arabic Meanings Arabic in English Letters
Communication Sources وَسائِلُ الاَعلامِ Wasaail ul A’laam
Radio رَادِیُو Radiyoo
News اَلاَنباءُ Anbaa’u
Local News انباءُ مُحَلِیَّۃُ Anbaa’ Muhaliyyatu
International News اخبارٌ عالَمِیَّۃُ Akhbar Aalamiyyatu
Breaking News اخبارُ الحدِیثیّۃُ Akhbaru Hadeesiyyatu
Current Situations اَحوالُ الحَدِیثِیّۃُ Ahwaal ul Hadeesiyyatu
Reporter المُراقِبُ Muraaqib
Radio Seat جِھازُ الرّادِیو Jihaaz ur Radiyoo
Interview on Radio المُقابَلَۃُ علی الرَّادِیوُ Muqabaltu Ala Radiyoo
Newspaper Agency وَکالَۃُ الاَنباءِ Wakalat ul Anbaa’u
Short Wave مُوجۃٌ قَصیرۃٌ Moojatun Qaseerah
Radio Station مُحطَّۃُ الاذاعۃِ Muhattat ul Izaa’ati
Radio Producer المُنتِجُ Muntij
Short News مُوجِزُ الاَخبار Moojiz ul Akhbar
Radio Announcer مُذِیعٌ فی الرّادِیو Muzee’u fil Radiyoo
Correspondent مُراسِلٌ Muraasilun
Constant Correspondent مُراسلٌ دائمٌ Muraasilun Daaimun
Circular Correspondent مُراسلٌ مُتَجوِّلٌ Muraasilun Mutajawwalun
Broadcast by Radio المُذاعُ بالرَّادِیُو Muzza’u bil Radiyoo
Radio Reviewer المُعلَّقُ الاذَاعیُّ Muallaq ul Azaziyyu
News Reviewer المُعلَّق علی الانباءِ Muallaqu Ala Anbaa’i
Studio غُرفَۃُ المُصوِّر Ghurafat ul Musawwir
Transistor Radio رادیو ترانسستر Radiyoo Transistor
Radio Programme بَرنامَجُ الرَّادِیُو Barnamaj ur Radiyoo
Listeners مُستَمِعِینَ الکرام Mustami’en al Karaam
Sencership الرّقابۃُ Raqaabtau
Television التِلفِیزُون Tilfeezoon
TV station مُحطَّۃُ التِلفِیزون Muhattat ul Tilfeezoon
Drama مسرَحِیّۃُ Masrahiyyatu
Drama Writer کاتِبُ المَسرحیِّ Kaatib ul Masrahiyy
Act a Drama مثَّلَ بِمَسرحِیّۃُ Massala Bimasrahiyyatu
Colored Television التِلفیزونِ المُلوَّنُ Tilfeezoon il Mulawwan
Daily News الاخبارُ الیومِیَّۃُ Akhbaar ul Yowmiyatu
Director المُخَرِّجٌ Mukharriju
International Condition ظاھِرۃٌ عالَمِیَّۃٌ Zaahiratun Aalamiyyatun
TV screen شاشَۃُ التِّلفِیزون Shashat ut Tilfeezoon
International Observers المُراقِبُ الدُّوَلِیُّ Muraaqib ud Dowliyy
Review علَّق Allaq
Newspaper الجریدۃُ Jareedatu
Weekly Newspaper الصَحِیفَۃُ الاُسبُوعِیَّۃُ Sahifat ul Usbooiyyatu
Local Newspaper الصَّحِیفۃُ المَحَلِیَّۃُ Sahifat ul Mahaliyyatu
Islamic Newspaper الصَّحِیفَۃُ الاِسلامِیّۃُ Sahifat ul Islamiyyatu
Daily Newspaper الصَّحِیفۃُ الیومَیَّۃٌ Sahifat ul Yowmiyyatu
Weekly publication نشرۃٌ اُسبوعِیَّۃٌ Nashratun Usbooiyyatu
Evening Edition نشرۃُ المَساءِ Nashrat ul Masa’i
Monthly Publication نَشرۃٌ شَھرِیّۃٌ Nashratun Shahriyyatun
Magazine مُجَلَّۃٌ Mujallatun
Monthly Magazine المُجلَّۃُ الشَّھَرِیّۃٌ Mujallt ush shahriyyatu
Cartoon رُسُومٌ ھَزَلِیَّۃٌ Rusoomun Hazaliyyatu
Newspaper Editor مُدیرُ الجرِیدَۃُ Mudeer ul Jareedatu
Chief Editor رَئِیسُ التَّحریرُ Raees ut Tahreer
Press Journalist مُمَثِّلُ الجَرِیدَۃُ Mumassal ul Jareedatu
Press المَصحَفُ Mashafu
Press Club نادِیُ الصُحُفِ Nadiy us Suhufi
News Reporter المُراسِلُ الصَّحِفِیُّ Muraasil us Suhufee
Old Newspaper الجَرِیدَۃُ القَدِیمَۃُ Jareedat ul Qadeematu
Newspaper Topics موادُ الصَّحِیفَۃِ Mawad us Saheefatu
Column Writer کاتِبُ العُموُد Kaatib ul Umwud
Topic عُنوان Unwaan
Newspaper Writer المَکاتِبُ Mukaatib
Newspaper Stall الکَشکُ لِبَیعِ الجَرائِد Kashaku Libia’I Jaraaid
Copy المُحاکاۃُ Muhakaatu
Addition طبعۃٌ Tab’atu
New Addition طبعَۃٌ جدِیدَۃٌ Taba’tun Jadeedatun
Old Addition طبعَۃٌ قدِیمَۃٌ Tab’atun Qadeematun
Printing Press مَطبَعَۃُ Matba’atu
Next Addition طبعَۃُ القَادِمَۃٌ Tab’at ul Qaadimatun
Main Point نُقطَۃُ الاَساسِیّۃُ Nuqtat ul Asaasiyyatu
Starting Point نُقطَۃُ الاِنطِلاق Nuqtat ul Intilaaq
News Agency وکالَۃُ الصُّحُفِ Wakalat us Suhufe
Article مَقالَۃٌ Maqalatu
Oratory خِطابَۃٌ Khitabatun
Lecture المُحاضِرَۃُ Muhaazirtau
Propaganda الدِعایَۃٌ Diaayatun
Inform اَعلامٌ A’laam
Announce اِعلانٌ I’laan
Telephone ھاتِفٌ Haatif
Telegram بَرقِیّۃٌ Barqiyyatun
Fax فَاکَسٌ Faakasun
Morning/Evening الأَبردان Al-Abradan
Morning/Evening البردان Al-Bardan
Morning/Evening الخفقان Al-Khafaqan
Morning/Evening الکرَّتان Al-Karratan
Morning/Evening الرَّدفان Ar-Radfan
Morning/Evening الفَتَیان Al-Fatyan
Morning/Evening القرَّتان Al-Qarratan
Morning/Evening الصّرعان As-Sara’n
Day/Night الملوان Al-Malawan
Day/Night العصران Al-Asaran
Day/Night الجدیدان Al-Jadeedan
Day/Night الأجدّان Al-Ajiddan
Day/Night الصّرفان As-Sarfan
Day/Night الدّائیان Ad-Daaiyan
Relationship اَلقَرابَۃُ Qarabatu
Brotherhood اَلاُخوَۃُ Ukhwatu
Family عَائِلَۃٌ Aailatu
Parents والِدَین Walidain
Father أبٌّ Abbun
Mother أُمٌّ Ammun
Paternal Grand Father جَدٌّ Jaddun
Maternal Grand Father جَدٌّ مِن الاُمِّ Jaddun Min al Umm
Paternal Grand Mother جَدَّۃٌ Jaddatu
Maternal Grand Mother جَدَّۃٌ مِن أُمٍّ Jaddat un Min Umm
Son اِبنٌ Ibnun
Grand Son اِبنُ الاِبنٌ Ibn ul Ibn
Grand-daughter بِنتُ الاِبنٌ Bint ul Ibn
Daughter بِنتٌ Bint
Brother أَخٌ Akhun
Nephew اِبنُ الاَخِ Ibn ul Akhi
Niece بِنتُ الاَخِ Bint ul Akhi
Sister اُختٌ Ukhtun
Nephew اِبنُ الاُختِ Ibn ul Ukht
Niece بِنتُ الاُختِ Bint ul Ukht
Uncle عَمِّ Amm
Aunt زَوجَۃُ العَمِّ Zowjat ul Ammi
Cousin اِبنُ العَمِّ Ibn ul Ammi
Cousin بِنتُ العَمِّ Bint ul Ammi
Uncle خَالٌ Khal
Aunt زَوجَۃُ الخَالِ Zowjat ul Khal
Cousin اِبنُ الخَالِ Ibn ul Khal
Cousin بِنتُ الخَالِ Bint ul Khal
Husband زَوجٌ Zowj
Wife زَوجَۃٌ Zowjatu
Father In-law وَالِدُ الزَّوجِ Walid uz zowj
Mother in-law وَالِدَۃُ الزَّوجِ Walida tuz zowj
Son in-law خَتَنٌ Khatanu
Daughter in-law کَنَّۃٌ Kannatu
Step Daughter الرَّبِیبَۃٌ Rabeebah
Step Son الرَّبِیبٌ Rabeeb
Foster Brother أخُّ الرَّضَاعَۃِ Akkh ur Raza’ati
Friend زَمِیلَۃٌ Zameelah
Neighbour الجَارٌ Jaar
Morning صباح Sabahu
Evening مساء Masaa’u
Day النھار Nahar
Night اللیل Lail
Now الآن Al-Aan
Today الیوم Yowm
Yesterday الامس Ams
Day Before yesterday قبل الامس Qabl al Ams
Tomorrow غدا Ghadan
Day After Tomorrow بعد الغد Ba’d al Ghadd
Hour الساعۃ Saa’ati
Minute الدقیقۃ Daqeeqatun
Second ثانیۃ Sanitun
Short Time لحظۃ Lahzatun
Short Part of Night دھن اللیل Dahn ul Lail
Midnight نصف اللیل Nisf ul Lail
Midday Noon نصف النھار Nisf ul Nahar
Week الاسبوع Usboo’
Month شھر Shahr
Year سنۃ Sanat
Century قرن Qarn
Era عصر Asar
Time وقت Waqt
Short time بعض الوقت Ba’z ul Waqt
After Noon بعد الظھر Ba’d ul Zohar
Two Days منذ یومین Munz Yowmain
After Three Days بعد ثلاثۃ ایام Ba’d Salasata Ayyam
Last Week فی الاسبوع الماضی Fil Usboo’il Mazi
Next Week فی الاسبوع القادم Fil Usboo’il Qadim
Current year فی الاسبوع الحالیۃ Fil Usboo’il Haliya
Last Year فی السَّنۃِ المَاضِیۃ Fil Sanatil Maziya
Hijri Era السّنَۃُ الھِجرِیۃ Sanat ul Hijriya
Christian Era السَّنَۃُ المِیلادی Sanat ul Milaadi
Next Year فی السنۃِ القادِمۃِ Fil Sanat il Qadima
Current Era المرحلۃ الرُّاھِنۃ Marhalat ur Rahina
Past Era المرحلۃ الماضیۃ Marhalat ul Maziya
Next Era مرحلۃ المُقبِلۃِ Marhalat ul Muqbila
Starting Ear مرحلۃ المُبَکِّرَۃِ Marhalat ul Mubakkira
Holiday یومُ الاجازۃِ Yowm ul Ijazah
A week later بعد الاسبوع Ba’d ul Usboo’
Before one Week قبل الاسبوع Qabl al Usboo’
Talking کَلاَمٌ Kalam
Dream حُلمٌ Hulm
Voice صَوتٌ Sawt
Breath نَفَسٌ Nafas
Sleep نَومٌ Nowm
Getup سَھَرٌ Sahar
Snoring غَلِیطٌ Ghaleet
Drowsiness نَعَسٌ Na’as
Shape ھَیئَۃٌ Hai’atu
Color لَونٌ Lown
Moan أَنِینٌ Aneen
Cry صَرّاخٌ Sarrakh
Sneezing عَطَسٌ Atas
Yawn تَثَاوُبُ Tasawub
Laugh ضِحکٌ Zihk
Weep بُکَاءٌ Bukaau
Power قُوْۃٌ Quwwat
Leanness نَحَافَۃٌ Nahafatu
Hunger الجَوعُ Jo’u
Picnic رَیّانٌ Rayyan
Thirst العَطشُ Atash
Walk المَشیٌ Mashyu
Stand القِیَامٌ Qiyaam
Sit جُلُوسٌ Juloos
Wakefulness سَھَرٌ Sahar
Nausea تَھَوُّع Tahwwa’u.
Yawning تَمؐطِّیُّ Tatmattiyyu
Blister نِفطَۃُ Niftatu
Hot Wind خَدِر Khadir
Slits غُصُونٌ Ghusoon
Man رَجُلٌ­­­ Rajul
Woman اِمرأۃٌ Imra’tu
Boy وَلَدٌ Walad
Girl بنت Bint
Bridegroom عَرِیس Arees
Bride عَرِیسَۃٌ Areesah
Unmarried أعزب A’azab
Married متزوّج Mutzawwij
Widower ارمل Armil
Educated عالم Aalim
Uneducated جاھل Jahil
Pleased مسرور Masroor
Sad محزون Mahzoon
Powerful قویٌّ Qawiyyu
Weak ضعیفٌ Zaeef
Live حیٌّ Hayy
Dead body میّتٌ Mayyit
Beautiful جمیلٌ Jameel
Ugly یشیحٌ Yashheh
Healthy صحیحٌ Saheeh
Sick مریضٌ Mareez
Cheerful ظریفٌ Zareef
Handsome لطیفٌ Lateef
Tall طویلٌ Taweel
Small قصیرٌ Qaseer
Fat سمینٌ Sameen
Abdominal ثخینٌ Sakheen
Slim نحیف Naheef
Soft لیِّنٌ Layyin
Slim رقیقٌ Raqeeq
Hard صلبٌ Salb
Tender ناعمٌ Naaim
Tender أملسٌ Amlas
Rough خشینٌ Khasheen
Large کبیرٌ Kabeer
Middle مُتوسِّطٌ Mutwassit
Small صغِیرٌ Sagheer
Wide واسِعٌ Wasi’
Bent معوَّجٌ Muawwaj
Seiner بصیرٌ Baseer
Blind اعمی A’maa
Straight مستقیمٌ Mustaqeem
Heavy ضخیمٌ Zakheem
Weight Lerr خفیفٌ Khafeef
Clean نظیفٌ Nazeef
Dirty وسخٌ Wasakh
Large Eyed أعینٌ A’yun
Black Eyed أحورٌ Ahwar
Brave شُجَاعٌ Shujaa’u
Bravery الجَسَارَۃُ Jasaarat
Enduring قَانِعٌ Qaani’u
Enduring صَابِرٌ Sabir
True صَادِقٌ Sadiq
Honest اَمِینٌ Ameen
Cheerful مَبسُوطٌ Mabsoot
Splendid مُستَنِیرٌ Mustaneer
Wise عَاقِلٌ Aaqil
Faithful مُخلِصٌ Mukhlis
Sensitive حَسَّاسٌ Hassas
Hard Worker مُجتَھِدٌ Mujtahid
Effective فَعَّالٌ Fa’aal
Skillful مَاھِرٌ Maahir
Leap نَشِیطٌ Nasheet
Helper مُسَاعِدٌ Musaa’id
Obedient مُطِیعٌ Mutee’u
Moderate مُعتَدِلٌ Mu’tadil
Kind لؒطِیفٌ Lateef
Civil مُھَذِّبٌ Muhazzib
Ready مُستَعِدٌ Musta’id
Respectable مُحتَرَمٌ Muhtaram
Brave جَرِئٌ Brave
Humble مُتَوَاضِعٌ Mutawazi’u
Simple سَاذِجٌ Saazij
Kind شَفِیقٌ Shafeeq
Fortunate سَعِیدٌ Saeed
Cheerful مُبتَھِجٌ Mubtahij
Broad Minded کَرِیمٌ Kareem
Well-Meaning مُتَفَائِلٌ Mutafaail
Serious رَزِینٌ Raeen
Modest ذُومُرَوَّۃٌ Zoo Murawwatu
Linguist الأدِیبٌ Adeeb
Well-Habitual ذُوعَادَۃٍ حَسَنَۃٍ Zoo Aadat Hasanat
Dignified وَقُورٌ Waqoor
Smiler مُبتَسِمٌ Mubtasim
Cleanness of Heart طَھَارَۃُ القَلبِ Taharat ul Qalb
Friendship وَدَّادٌ Waddad
Sure-Maker مُصَدِّقٌ Musaddiq
Virtuous عَفِیفٌ Afeef
Generous جَوَّادٌ Jawwad
Wealthy غَنِیٌّ Ghaniyy
Clever شَاطِرٌ Shatir
Thankful شَاکِرٌ Shakir
Worshiping عَابِدٌ Aabid
Steadfast ثَابِتٌ Saabit
Just عَادِلٌ Aadil
Mentioning ذَاکِرٌ Zakir
Care الأعتِنَاءُ I’tinaau
Careful المُحطَاطٌ Muhtaat
Clever ذَکِیٌّ Zakiyyu
Intelligent فَطِینٌ Fateen
Popular مَعرُوفٌ Maroof
Detention of Time مُحَافَظُ الوَقتُ Muhafiz ul Waqt
Hospitality ضِیَافَۃٌ Ziyafat
Patriotism مُحِبُّ الوَطَنِ Muhibb ul Watan
Respectful مُؤَدِّبٌ Muaddib
Moderation اَقتِصَادٌ Iqtisaad
Modest ذُوحَیَاءٍ Zoo Hayain
Tolerant حَلِیمٌ Haleem
Morning الصّباح Sabbah
Evening مساء Masaau
Day النھار Nahaar
Night اللیل Lail
Now الآن Al-Aan
Today الیوم Yowm
Yesterday الامس Amsi
Day Before yesterday قبل الامس Qabl al Ams
Tomorrow غدا Ghadan
Day After Tomorrow بعد الغد Ba’d al Ghaddi
Hour الساعۃ Al-Saa’tu
Minute الدقیقۃ Al-Daqeeqatu
Second ثانیۃ Saniatu
Short Time لحظۃ Lahzatu
Short Part of Night دھن اللیل Dahn ul lail
Midnight نصف اللیل Nisf ul lail
Midday Noon نصف النھار Nisf ul Nahar
Week الاسبوع Al-Usboo
Month شھر Shahr
Year سنۃ Sanat
Century قرن Qarnun
Era عصر Asr
Time وقت Waqt
Short time بعض الوقت Ba’z ul Waqt
After Noon بعد الظھر Ba’d al Zohr
Two Days منذ یومین Munzu Yowmain
After Three Days بعد ثلاثۃ ایام Ba’d Salasata Ayyam
Last Week فی الأسبوع الماضی Fil Usboo il Mazi
Next Week فی الأسبوع القادم Fil usboo il Qaadim
Current year فی الأسبوع الحالیۃ Fil Usbooil Haliyat
Last Year فی السنۃ الماضیۃ Fil Sanat il Maziya
Hijri Era السنۃ الھجریۃ Al- Sanat ul Hijriya
Christian Era السنۃ المیلادی Al- Sanat ul Melaadi
Next Year فی السنۃ القادمۃ Fil Santi l Qadima
Current Era المرحلۃ الراھنۃ Al-Marhalt ur Rahinat
Past Era المرحلۃ الماضیۃ Al-Marahalat ul Maziya
Next Era المرحلۃ المقبلۃ Al-Marhalat ul Muqbila
Starting Ear المرحلۃ المبکّرۃ Al-Marhalat ul Mubakkira
Holiday یوم الاجازۃ Yowm ul Ijazatu
A week later بعد الأسبوع Ba’d al Usbooi
Before one Week قبل الأسبوع Qabl al Usbooi
1st hour of day شروق Sharooq
2nd hour of day بکور Bukoor
3rd hour of day غدوۃ Ghadwatu
4th hour of day الضحی Al-Zuhaa
5th hour of day حاجرۃ Hajiratu
6th hour of day الظہیرۃ Al-Zaheeratu
7th hour of day رواح Rawah
8th hour of day عصر Asar
9th hour of day قصر Qasar
10th hour of day أصیل Aseel
11th hour of day عشیّ Ashiyyu
12th hour of day غروب Ghuroob
1st hour of twilight شفق Shafaq
2nd hour of night غسق Ghsaq
3rd hour of night عتمۃ Atamatu
4th hour of night سدفۃ Sadafatu
5th hour of night فحمۃ Fahamatu
6th   hour of night زلّۃ Zallatu
7th hour of night زلفۃ Zalfatu
8th hour of night بھرۃ Bahratu
Dawn سحر Sahar
10th hour of night/Fajar فجر Fajar
Morning صبح Subah
12th hour of night صبّاح Sabbah
Saturday یوم السّبت Yowm us Sabt
Sunday یوم الأحد Yowm ul Ahad
Monday یوم الاثنین Yowm ul Isnain
Tuesday یوم الثلثاء Yowm ul Sulasaa
Wednesday یوم الاربعاء Yowm ul Arba’aa
Thursday یوم الخمیس Yowm ul Khamees
Friday یوم الجمعۃ Yowm ul Jumua
Muharram محرّم Muharram
Safar صفر Safar
Rabi-ul-Awwal ربیع الاوّل Rab-ul-Awwal
Rabi-us-Saani ربیع الثانی Rab-us-Saani
Jamd-il-Awaal جمادی الاولی Jamad-il-Awwal
Jamad-is-Saani جمادی الثانیّۃ Jamad-is-Saniyy
Rajab رجب Rajab
Sha’ban شعبان Sha’ban
Ramzan رمضان المبارک Ramzan
Shawwal شوّال Shawwal
Ze-Qadah ذی القعدۃُ Ze-Qadah
Zil-Hajah ذی الحجۃ Zil-Hajah
January ینابر Yanabar
February فبرائر Fabraair
March مارس Mars
April أبریل Abreel
May مایو Mayoo
June یونیو Yonioo
July یولیو Yolioo
August اغُسطُس Aghustus
September ستمبر Sitambar
October اُکتوبر Uctoobar
November نوِمبر Novimbar
December دیسمبر December
East المشرق Mashriq
West المغرب Maghrib
North الشّمال Shimaal
South الجُنوب Junoob
Up فوق Fwoq
Down تحت That
Right Side یمین Yameen
Left Side یسیر Yasaar
Front أمام Amam
Back خلف Khalf
Around ھناوھنا Huna wa Huna
Parts of Body اجزاء جسم Ajzaa Jisam
Body الجسم Jisam
Hair الشعر Shi’r
Head الراس Ra’s
Brow الجبھۃ Jubha
Temple الصدغ Suddagh
Eyebrow الحاجب Haajib
Eyelid الجفن Jufn
Eyelash الھدب Hudab
Eye العین Ain
Cheek الخد Khhad
Nose الانف Anf
Nostril الخیشوم Khaishoom
Mouth الفم Famm
Lip الشفۃ Shuffah
Teeth السن Sin
Tongue اللسان Lisaan
Chin الذقن Zuqan
Ear الاذن Uzan
Shoulder الکتف Katifu
Forearm الساعد Saa’id
Hand الید Yadd
Finger الاصبع Asba’
Forefinger السبابۃ Sabbabah
Middle Finger الوسطی Wustaa
Little Finger الخنصر Khinsar
Nail الظفر Zufr
Thumb الابھام Ibhaam
Chest الصدر Sadar
Stomach المعدہ Mei’dah
Heart القلب Qalb
Back الظھر Zohr
Knee الرکبۃ Rukbah
Calf الساق Saaq
Foot القدم Qadam
Muscle العضلۃ Uzlah
Nerve العصب Asab
Waist الخاصرۃ Khasirah
Saliva اللعاب Lu’aab
Heel العقب Aqib
Breast الثدی Sadiyy
Abdomen البطن Batan
Pericardium غلاف القلب Ghilaf ul Qalb
Palate الحنک Hanak
Spleen الطحال Tihaal
Skin الجلد Jild
Jaw الفک Fakk
Liver الکبد Kabid
Joint المفصل Mafsil
Face الوجہ Wajhu
Throat الحنجرۃ Hanjarah
Molar Tooth الضرس Zirras
Beard اللحیۃ Lihyah
Brain المخ Mukhh
Uterus الرحم Rahim
Vein الورید Wareed
Artery الشریان Sharyan
Elbow المرفق Mirfaq
Skull الجمجمۃ Jumjuma
Armpit الابط Ibat
Neck العنق Unuq
Question سوال Sawal
What? ماذا Maazaa
When? متی Mataa
Where? این Aina
Who? من Mann
Why? لماذآ Limazaa
Which? ای Ayyu
How? کیف Kaifa
How Much کم Kamm
What is this? ماھذا Ma Haazaa
What is that? ماذالک Ma Zaaalik
What is happening? ماذا یحدث Ma Za Yahdis
What is the matter? مالامر Ma Al Amar
What does it mean? ماذایعنی ھذا Ma Za Ya’nee Haazaa
What do you want? ماذا ترید؟ Maazaa tureed?
What I can do for you? ماذا افعل من اجلک؟ Maazaa afa’l min ajalik?
What will you do today? ماالذی ستفعلہ الیوم؟ Mallazee satafa’l hul yom?
What do I do now? ماذا افعل الآن؟ Maazaa afa’l al’aan?
What do you do with it? ماذا تفعل بہ؟ Maazaa tafa’l bih?
Where is your office? این مکتبک؟ Ain maktabuk?
Where are you staying? این تقیم؟ Ain taqeem?
From where are you? من این انت؟ Min ain ant?
Who is that woman? من ھی تلک مراتہ؟ Mann hiya tilk mra’tuh?
Why not. لم لا Lim laa?
Do you understand me? ھل تفھمنی؟ Hal tafhamunee?
Can you help me? ھل تستطیع مساعدتی؟ Hal tastateeu musaa’dutii?
Can you speak more slowly? ھل تستطیع ان تتحدث ببطء اکثر؟ Hal tastateeu an tatuhaddis bibtin aksar?
Diseases الامراض Al-Amraaz
Inflammation الالتھاب Iltihab
Muscular Pain الالم العضلی Alam ul Azaliyy
Abdominal Pain الالم البطنی Alam ul Bataniyy
Constipation االامساک Imsaak
Diarrhoea الاسھال Ishaal
Pneumonia الالتھاب الرنوی Iltihaab ul Rinawiyy
Bronchitis الاتھاب الشعبی Iltihaab ul Shu’abiyy
Hepatitis الالتھاب الکبد Iltihaab ul Kabid
Piles البواسیر Bawaseer
Sputum البلغم Balgham
Urine البول Bowl
Stool البراز Biraaz
Obesity البدانۃ Bndaanah
Eczema الاکزیما Akzeema
Insanity الجنون Junoon
Smallpox الجدری Judariyy
Abortion الاجھاض Ijhaaz
Leprosy الجذام Jizaam
Sun Stroke ضربۃ الشمس Zarbat Alshams
Fever الحمی Humma
Acidity حمضیۃ Hamziyya
Gonorrhoea السیلان Sayalaan
Spotted Fever الحمی النمشیۃ Humma Nnamshiyya
Acne حب الشباب Habb ul Shabab
Profession مھن Mihan
Engineer مھندس Muhandis
Civil Engineer مھندس مدنی Muhandis Madanee
Mechanical Engineer مھندس میکانیکی Muhandis Mikaanikee
Electrical Engineers مھندس کھربائی Muhandis Kahrabaaee
Chief Editor رئیس تحریر Raees Tahreer
Editor مدیر تحریر Mudeer Tahreer
Correspondent مراسل صحفی Muraasil Suhufee
Journalist صحافی Sahafee
Clerk کاتب Kaatib
Author کاتب Kaatib
Compiler مؤلف Muallif
Translator مترجم Mutarjim
Teacher مدرس Mudarris
Tutor معلم Muallim
Lecturer محاضر Muhaazir
Professor استاذ Ustaaz
Doctor طبیب Tabeeb
Surgeon جراح Jarah
Dentist طبیب اسنان Tabeeb Asnaan
Physician طبیب عام Tabeeb Aam
Profession مھن Mihan
Eye-Specialist طبیب عیون Tabeeb Uyoon
Veterinary Doctor طبیب بیطری Tabeeb Baitriyy
Nurse ممرضۃ Mumarriza
Specialist اخصائی Ikhsaa’ee
Accountant محاسب Muhaasib
Book-Keeper ماسک دفاتر Maasik Dafaatir
Auditor مدقق حسابات Mudaqqiq Hisaabaat
Judge قاضی Qaazii
Chief Justice رئیس القضاۃ Raees ul Qazaat
Advocate محام Muhaam
Draftsman رسام Rassaam
Actor ممثل Mumassil
Actress ممثلۃ Mumassila
Photographer مصور Musawwir
Producer مخرج Mukhrij
Cameraman مصور Musawwir
Soldier جندی Jundiyy
Policeman شرطی Shurtiyy
Announcer مدیع Mudee’u
Businessman تاجر Taajir
Profession مھن Mihan
Magician ساحر Saahir
Poet شاعر Shaair
Contractor مقاول Muqaawil
Book Binder مجلد الکتب Mujallid ul kutub
Politician سیاسی Siyasee
Landlord مالک الارض Maalik ul Arz
Novelist روائی Riwaaee
Builder بناء Banna’u
Greengrocer بائع خضار Baai’e Khuzaar
Gardener بستانی Bustaanee
Salesman بائع Baai’e
Sailor بحارۃ Bahharah
Newspaper Vendor بائع الصحف Baai’u ssuhuf
Hawker بائع متجول Baai’u mutajawwil
Cobbler اسکاف Iskaaf
Baker خباز Khabbaz
Barber حلاق Hallaaq
Confectioner حلوائی Halwaa’ee
Turner خراط Kharrat
Watchman حارس Haaris
Profession مھن Mihan
Butcher جزار Jazzaar
Knitter حائک Haaik
Shoe Maker حذاء Hazza’u
Jeweler جوھری Jouhary
Servant خادم Khaadim
Treasurer خازن Khaazin
Artisan حرفی Hirafee
Potter خزاف Khazzaaf
Coachman حوذی Hooziyy
Milkman حلاب Hallaab
Tailor خیاط Khayyat
Oil dealer زیات Zayyat
Painter دھان Dahhaan
Butter Merchant سمان Sammaan
Dyer صباغ Sabbagh
Potter شیال Shayyaal
Fisherman سماک Sammaak
Glassmaker زجاج Zajjaj
Miller طحان Tahhan
Labourer عامل Aamil
Profession مھن Mihan
Perfume Seller عطار Attar
White Washer طراش Tarrash
Pressman طباع Tabbaa’
Cook طباخ Tabbakh
Laundryman غسال Ghassaal
Welder لحام Lahham
Farmer فلاح Fallah
Sweeper کناس Kannas
Artist فنان Fannan
Waiter جرسون Jarsoon
Carpenter نجار Najjar
Vaccinator ملقح Mulaqqih
Sculptor نحات Nahhaat
Joker محرج Muharrij
Sailor نوتی Nootiyy
Mechanic عامل میکانیکی Aamil Mekanikee
Upholsterer منجد Munajjid
Electrician کھربائی Kahrabaaee
Conductor قاطع التذاکر Kaati ul Tazaakir
Kindergarten روضۃ الاطفال
School مدرسۃ
Primary School مدرسۃ ابتدائیۃ
Middle School مدرسۃ اعدادیۃ
High School مدرسۃ ثانویۃ
College کلیۃ
University جامعہ
Class فصل
Institute معھد
Teacher معلم/مدرس
Professor استاذ
Student/Pupil طالب علم/تلمیذ
Headmaster مدیر
Chancellor رئیس
Dean/Principal عمید
Inspector مفتش
Registrar مسجل
Primary ابتدائی
Preparatory اعدادی
Secondary ثانوی
School Library مکتبۃ المدرسۃ
Laboratory معمل
Technical Institute معھد فنی
Register سجل
Note Book کراسۃ
Academy مجمع علمی
Fountain Pen قلم حبر سائل
Ball Point Pen قلم حبر ناشف
Pencil قلم رصاص
Book کتاب
Dictionary قاموس
Rubber ممحاۃ/محایۃ
Pencil Sharpener برایۃ
Inkpot محبرۃ
Ink حبر
Blotter/Blotting Paper نشافۃ
Slate لوح حجر
Blackboard سبورۃ
Chalk طبثور
Bench مقعد
Map نقشہ
Globe گلوب
Shelf شیلف
Paper کاغذ
Line سطر
Margin کتاب کا حاشیہ
Practice مشق
Volume جلد
Preface مقدمہ
Index فہرست
Programme پروگرام
Language زبان
Illiterate جاہل
Uneducated ان پڑھ
Success کامیابی
Biology علم حیاتیات
Zoology علم ھیوانیات
Geology علم طبقات الارض
Sociology عمرانیات
Addition جمع
Subtraction تفریق
Multiplication ضرب
Division تقسیم
Science سائنس
Records ریکارڈ
Documents دستاویزات
Translation ترجمہ
Failure رسوب
Lesson درس
Sentence جملۃ
Letter کلمۃ
Grammar قواعد
Reading قراؑت
Literature ادب
History تاریخ
Drawing رسم
Poetry شعر
Music موسیقی
Science of Law علم الحقوق
Mathematics ریاضیات
Physics علم الطبیعۃ
Chemistry علم الکیمیاء
Geography علم الجغرافیۃ
Philosophy فلسفہ
Gymnastics ریاضۃ بدنیۃ
Botany علم النبات
Mineralogy علم المعادن
Dictation املاء
Diction انشاء
Permission اذن
Interval فترۃ استراحۃ
Maximum النھایۃ العظمی
Minimum النھایۃ الصغری
Viva شفہی
Written تحریری
Punctuality مواظبۃ
Discipline نظام
Guardian ولی اؑمر تلمیذ
Record Book دفتر قید
Expenditure Book سجل المصروفیات
Librarian اؑمین مکتبۃ
Holiday عطلۃ
Marks علامت
Reward مکافاۃ
Punishment عقاب
Bell جرس
Homework واجبات منزلیۃ
as كما
I أنا
his له
that أن
he هو
was كان
for إلى
on في
are هي
with مع
they هم
be يكون
at في
one واحد
have ديك
this هذا
from من
by بواسطة
hot حار
word كلمة
لكن but
ما what
بعض some
هو is
هو it
أنت you
أو or
كان had
و the
من of
إلى to
و and
و a
في in
نحن we
علبة can
خارج out
البعض other
و were
التي which
القيام do
من their
الوقت time
إذا if
سوف will
كيف how
قال said
و an
كل each
أقول tell
لا does
مجموعة set
ثلاثة three
تريد want
هواء air
جيد well
أيضا also
لعب play
صغير small
نهاية end
وضع put
المنزل home
قرأ read
يد hand
ميناء port
كبير large
تهجى spell
إضافة add
حتى even
الأرض land

Learn 1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings in English for Speaking. English Vocabulary through 1000 common Arabic Words in English Translation. Learning English has always been an uphill task for Arabic Speakers, but theses most commonly used English Vocabulary Words given with their English meanings will extraordinarily help speak English easily. Similarly, English speakers find it difficult to speak Arabic as they are unable to find the vocabulary they should have to speak Arabic, so these Arabic Vocabulary Words are equally going to help English speakers speak Arabic.

Learn 1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings in English for Speaking. English Vocabulary through 1000 common Arabic Words in English Translation. Learning English has always been an uphill task for Arabic Speakers, but theses most commonly used English Vocabulary Words given with their English meanings will extraordinarily help speak English easily. Similarly, English speakers find it difficult to speak Arabic as they are unable to find the vocabulary they should have to speak Arabic, so these Arabic Vocabulary Words are equally going to help English speakers speak Arabic.

Learn 1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings in English for Speaking. English Vocabulary through 1000 common Arabic Words in English Translation. Learning English has always been an uphill task for Arabic Speakers, but theses most commonly used English Vocabulary Words given with their English meanings will extraordinarily help speak English easily. Similarly, English speakers find it difficult to speak Arabic as they are unable to find the vocabulary they should have to speak Arabic, so these Arabic Vocabulary Words are equally going to help English speakers speak Arabic.

Learn 1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings in English for Speaking. English Vocabulary through 1000 common Arabic Words in English Translation. Learning English has always been an uphill task for Arabic Speakers, but theses most commonly used English Vocabulary Words given with their English meanings will extraordinarily help speak English easily. Similarly, English speakers find it difficult to speak Arabic as they are unable to find the vocabulary they should have to speak Arabic, so these Arabic Vocabulary Words are equally going to help English speakers speak Arabic.

Learn 1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings in English for Speaking. English Vocabulary through 1000 common Arabic Words in English Translation. Learning English has always been an uphill task for Arabic Speakers, but theses most commonly used English Vocabulary Words given with their English meanings will extraordinarily help speak English easily. Similarly, English speakers find it difficult to speak Arabic as they are unable to find the vocabulary they should have to speak Arabic, so these Arabic Vocabulary Words are equally going to help English speakers speak Arabic.

Learn 1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings in English for Speaking. English Vocabulary through 1000 common Arabic Words in English Translation. Learning English has always been an uphill task for Arabic Speakers, but theses most commonly used English Vocabulary Words given with their English meanings will extraordinarily help speak English easily. Similarly, English speakers find it difficult to speak Arabic as they are unable to find the vocabulary they should have to speak Arabic, so these Arabic Vocabulary Words are equally going to help English speakers speak Arabic.

Learn 1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings in English for Speaking. English Vocabulary through 1000 common Arabic Words in English Translation. Learning English has always been an uphill task for Arabic Speakers, but theses most commonly used English Vocabulary Words given with their English meanings will extraordinarily help speak English easily. Similarly, English speakers find it difficult to speak Arabic as they are unable to find the vocabulary they should have to speak Arabic, so these Arabic Vocabulary Words are equally going to help English speakers speak Arabic.

Learn 1000 Common Arabic words and their meanings in English for Speaking. English Vocabulary through 1000 common Arabic Words in English Translation. Learning English has always been an uphill task for Arabic Speakers, but theses most commonly used English Vocabulary Words given with their English meanings will extraordinarily help speak English easily. Similarly, English speakers find it difficult to speak Arabic as they are unable to find the vocabulary they should have to speak Arabic, so these Arabic Vocabulary Words are equally going to help English speakers speak Arabic.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF. List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF. List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF. List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF. List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF. List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF. List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

1000 Most Common Arabic Words with Pronunciation

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

List of 1000 most common and important Arabic Words in English Translation. Learn Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and transcription. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

1000 most common Arabic Words in English. A list of Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and Urdu. A list of 1000 core Arabic Words with pronunciation in English and Urdu. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

1000 most common Arabic Words in English. A list of Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and Urdu. A list of 1000 core Arabic Words with pronunciation in English and Urdu. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

1000 most common Arabic Words in English. A list of Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and Urdu. A list of 1000 core Arabic Words with pronunciation in English and Urdu. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

1000 most common Arabic Words in English. A list of Most commonly spoken Arabic Words in English and Urdu. A list of 1000 core Arabic Words with pronunciation in English and Urdu. Top Arabic Words you definitely need to learn to have basic idea of Arabic Language. 1000 Arabic Words Vocabulary necessary to learn as you know vocabulary is the key to unlocking fluency. One of the easiest ways to master the Arabic Script - these are he top words used. 1000 Most Common Arabic Words in English with PDF.

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Most Common Arabic Words | 1000 Arabic Words PDF

1000 Words PDF Book

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Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Arabic translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Arabic words, this place will help you to learn common words in Arabic language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Arabic language quickly and also play some Arabic word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Arabic.

1000 most common Arabic words

1000 words in English to Arabic

Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Arabic language and their pronunciation in English.

Simple words / 2 letter words

I أنا ana
Do فعل fl
Go اذهب adhhb
He هو hw
Me أنا ana
My لي ly
No لا la
On تشغيل tshghyl
Or أو aw
So وبالتالي wbaltaly
Up أعلى aly
We نحن nhn

Easy words

3 letter words

Act فعل fl
Add يضيف ydyf
Age سن sn
Aim هدف، تصويب hdf, tswyb
Air هواء hwa
All الكل alkl
And و w
Ant نملة nmlt
Any أي ay
Ask يطلب ytlb
Bad سيء sy
Big كبير kbyr
Buy يشترى yshtry
Cry بكاء bka
Dam سد sd
Die موت mwt
Dry جاف jaf
End نهاية nhayt
Ear أذن adhn
Eat تأكل takl
Egg بيضة bydt
Eye عين yn
Fat سمين smyn
Fly يطير ytyr
Fun هزار hzar
Get احصل على ahsl ly
God الله allh
Hen دجاجة djajt
Hot الحار alhar
Job وظيفة wzyft
Leg رجل rjl
Lie يكذب ykdhb
Low قليل qlyl
Mad مجنون mjnwn
Man رجل rjl
Not ليس lys
Now الآن alan
New الجديد aljdyd
Old قديم qdym
Own خاصة khast
Run يركض yrkd
Sad حزين hzyn
Sea بحر bhr
See نرى nry
Shy خجول khjwl
Sit تجلس tjls
Sum مجموع mjmw
Sun الشمس alshms
Tax ضريبة drybt
Try يحاول yhawl
Use استعمال astmal
War حرب hrb
Wet مبلل mbll
Why لماذا lmadha
Win فوز fwz
Yes نعم nm
You أنت ant

4 letter words

Also أيضًا aydaa
Baby طفل tfl
Back الى الخلف aly alkhlf
Bake خبز khbz
Bald أصلع asl
Ball كرة krt
Bark لحاء الشجر lha alshjr
Bath حمام hmam
Beet الشمندر alshmndr
Bend يلوي ylwy
Best الأفضل alafdl
Bird الطير altyr
Bold بالخط العريض balkht alryd
Bone عظم zm
Book كتاب ktab
Born وُلِدّ wulid
Both على حد سواء ly hd swa
Busy مشغول mshghwl
Call مكالمة mkalmt
Calm هدوء hdw
Care رعاية rayt
Come اتى aty
Cost كلف klf
Cute جذاب jdhab
Crow الغراب alghrab
Dare تجرؤ tjrw
Dark داكن dakn
Date تاريخ tarykh
Deal صفقة sfqt
Diet حمية hmyt
Dish طبق tbq
Door باب bab
Down أسفل asfl
Dust تراب trab
Each كل kl
Earn يكسب yksb
Easy سهل shl
Edge حافة haft
Evil شرير shryr
Exit خروج khrwj
Face وجه wjh
Fact حقيقة hqyqt
Fair معرض mrd
Fake مزورة mzwrt
Farm مزرعة mzrt
Fast سريع sry
Fear يخاف ykhaf
Feel شعور shwr
Find تجد tjd
Fine بخير bkhyr
Fish سمكة smkt
Food غذاء ghdha
Fool أحمق ahmq
Free مجانا mjana
Frog ضفدع dfd
Full ممتلئ mmtly
Gape تثاءب tthab
Gift هدية مجانية hdyt mjanyt
Girl فتاة ftat
Goat ماعز maz
Good حسن hsn
Grab إختطاف akhttaf
Grow تنمو tnmw
Half نصف nsf
Hate يكره ykrh
Head رأس ras
Hear يسمع ysm
Heat الحرارة alhrart
Help يساعد ysad
Here هنا hna
Hide إخفاء akhfa
High عالي aly
Hold يمسك ymsk
Hole الفجوة alfjwt
Home الصفحة الرئيسية alsfht alryysyt
Huge تسربت tsrbt
Hurt جرح jrh
Idea فكرة fkrt
Jump القفز alqfz
Just فقط fqt
Kill قتل qtl
Land الأرض alard
Last الاخير alakhyr
Late متأخر mtakhr
Left اليسار alysar
Life الحياة alhyat
Line خط kht
Lion أسد asd
Long طويل twyl
Look ينظر ynzr
Lost ضائع day
Love الحب alhb
Luck حظ hz
Lung رئة ryt
Many عديدة dydt
Meet يجتمع yjtm
Melt إنصهار anshar
Milk حليب hlyb
Must يجب yjb
Name اسم asm
Near قرب qrb
Neat مرتب mrtb
Neck رقبة rqbt
Need يحتاج yhtaj
Next التالي altaly
Only فقط fqt
Pain ألم alm
Pair زوج zwj
Park منتزه mntzh
Path طريق tryq
Play لعب lb
Poor مسكين mskyn
Pull يحذب yhdhb
Pure نقي nqy
Quit استقال astqal
Quiz اختبار akhtbar
Race العنصر alnsr
Rain تمطر tmtr
Rare نادر nadr
Real حقيقة hqyqt
Rent إيجار ayjar
Rest راحة raht
Rich ثري thry
Ride اركب arkb
Rise ترتفع trtf
Risk مخاطرة mkhatrt
Room مجال mjal
Rope حبل hbl
Rude قلة الادب qlt aladb
Sage المريمية almrymyt
Sail ريشة rysht
Salt ملح mlh
Same نفس nfs
Sand رمل rml
Save حفظ hfz
Scam غش ghsh
Seed بذرة bdhrt
Seek طلب tlb
Self الذات aldhat
Sell يبيع yby
Send يرسل yrsl
Shop متجر mtjr
Show تبين tbyn
Sick مرض mrd
Side جانب janb
Site موقع mwq
Size بحجم bhjm
Skin بشرة bshrt
Slow بطيء bty
Soft لين lyn
Soil تربة trbt
Some بعض bd
Soon هكذا hkdha
Stay البقاء albqa
Stop توقف twqf
Such مثل mthl
Swap تبديل tbdyl
Swim السباحة alsbaht
Take يأخذ yakhdh
Talk حديث hdyth
Tall طويل twyl
Team فريق fryq
Tell أقول aqwl
Tent خيمة khymt
That الذي – التي aldhy – alty
Then ومن بعد wmn bd
Thin نحيف nhyf
This هذه hdhh
Tide المد almd
Time الوقت alwqt
Tour جولة jwlt
Town مدينة mdynt
Tree شجرة shjrt
Trip رحلة قصيرة rhlt qsyrt
Turn منعطف أو دور mntf aw dwr
Ugly البشع albsh
Vase مزهرية mzhryt
Vein الوريد alwryd
Very للغاية llghayt
View منظر mnzr
Wage الأجر alajr
Wait انتظر antzr
Wake استيقظ astyqz
Walk سير syr
Wall حائط hayt
Want يريد yryd
Warm دافئ dafy
Warn تحذير thdhyr
Weak ضعيف dyf
Wear البس، ارتداء albs, artda
Week أسبوع asbw
Well نحن سوف nhn swf
Went ذهب dhhb
What ماذا او ما madha aw ma
When متى mty
Wide واسع was
Wife زوجة zwjt
Wild بري bry
Will إرادة aradt
Wind ريح ryh
Wine خمر khmr
Wish يتمنى ytmny
Wood خشب khshb
Wool صوف swf
Word كلمة klmt
Work الشغل alshghl
Worm الفيروس المتنقل alfyrws almtnql
Yarn غزل ghzl
Your لك lk
Zoom تكبير tkbyr

5 letter words

About حول hwl
Above فوق fwq
Adapt تأقلم taqlm
Admit اعتراف atraf
Adult بالغ balgh
After بعد، بعدما bd, bdma
Again تكرارا tkrara
Agree يوافق على ywafq ly
Alert إنذار andhar
Allow يسمح ysmh
Alone وحده whdh
Along على امتداد ly amtdad
Anger الغضب alghdb
Angle زاوية zawyt
Angry غاضب ghadb
Asset أصل asl
Avoid تجنب tjnb
Awake استيقظ astyqz
Aware واعي way
Begin يبدأ ybda
Birth ولادة wladt
Blood الدم aldm
Brain مخ mkh
Built مبني mbny
Bring احضر ahdr
Build يبني ybny
Camel جمل jml
Canal قناة qnat
Carry احمل ahml
Cheap رخيص rkhys
Cheat يغش yghsh
Check التحقق من althqq mn
Chest صدر sdr
Claim مطالبة mtalbt
Clean ينظف ynzf
Clear صافي safy
Climb تسلق tslq
Close أغلق aghlq
Cloth قماش qmash
Cloud غيم ghym
Color اللون allwn
Crime جريمة jrymt
Crowd يحشد yhshd
Crown تاج taj
Daily اليومي alywmy
Dance الرقص alrqs
Death الموت almwt
Decay تسوس tsws
Delay تأخير takhyr
Devil شيطان shytan
Dirty قذر qdhr
Dress فستان fstan
Drink يشرب yshrb
Drive قيادة qyadt
Dwell يسكن yskn
Eager حريص hrys
Eagle نسر nsr
Early مبكرا mbkra
Earth  الارض alard
Elder المسنين almsnyn
Empty فارغة farght
Enemy العدو aldw
Enjoy التمتع altmt
Entry دخول dkhwl
Equal مساو msaw
Essay مقال mqal
Event حدث hdth
Every كل kl
Exact بالضبط baldbt
Exist يخرج ykhrj
Extra إضافي adafy
Faith إيمان ayman
Fault خطأ khta
Fever نشاط nshat
Field مجال mjal
Final نهائي nhayy
Fleet سريع sry
Float تطفو ttfw
Flood فيضان fydan
Floor الأرض alard
Flour دقيق dqyq
Fluid مائع may
Focus التركيز altrkyz
Force فرض frd
Fraud تزوير tzwyr
Fresh طازج tazj
Front أمامي amamy
Fruit فاكهة fakht
Ghost شبح shbh
Globe كره ارضيه krh ardyh
Going ذاهب dhahb
Grain قمح qmh
Grant منحة mnht
Grass عشب shb
Great عظيم zym
Group مجموعة mjmwt
Guard يحمي yhmy
Guest زائر zayr
Habit عادة adt
Heart قلب qlb
Honey عسل sl
Horse حصان hsan
House بيت byt
Human بشري bshry
Ideal المثالي almthaly
Issue قضية qdyt
Judge قاضي qady
Knife سكين skyn
Labor العمل alml
Ladle مغرفة mghrft
Large كبير kbyr
Laugh يضحك ydhk
Learn يتعلم ytlm
Leave غادر ghadr
Legal قانوني qanwny
Limit حد hd
Lunch غداء ghda
Metal فلز flz
Mixed مختلط mkhtlt
Money مال mal
Month شهر shhr
Mount تتعدد ttdd
Mouth فم fm
Music موسيقى mwsyqy
Maize الذرة aldhrt
Naked عارية aryt
Never مطلقا mtlqa
Night ليل lyl
Niece ابنة الاخ abnt alakh
Noise الضوضاء aldwda
Occur يحدث yhdth
Ocean محيط mhyt
Onion بصلة bslt
Offer عرض rd
Order ترتيب trtyb
Organ عضو dw
Other آخر akhr
Owner صاحب sahb
Paddy حقول الأرز hqwl alarz
Panic هلع hl
Peace سلام slam
Place مكان mkan
Plant مصنع msn
Price سعر sr
Pride الاعتزاز alatzaz
Proud فخور fkhwr
Prove يثبت ythbt
Quilt لحاف lhaf
Quick بسرعة bsrt
Quite الى حد كبير aly hd kbyr
Raise يرفع yrf
Reach يصل ysl
React تتفاعل ttfal
Ready جاهز jahz
Reply الرد alrd
Right حقا hqa
Round مستدير mstdyr
Rural قروي qrwy
Saint القديس alqdys
Scope مجال mjal
Score نتيجة ntyjt
Sense حاسة hast
Shake هزة hzt
Shape شكل shkl
Share شارك shark
Sharp حاد had
Shrub شجيرة shjyrt
Skill مهارة mhart
Sleep نايم naym
Slope ميل myl
Small صغير sghyr
Smell رائحة rayht
Smile ابتسامة abtsamt
Snake ثعبان thban
Snore شخير shkhyr
Solid صلب slb
Sound يبدو ybdw
Space الفراغ alfragh
Speak تحدث thdth
Speed سرعة srt
Spend أنفق anfq
Spent أنفق anfq
Sperm الحيوانات المنوية alhywanat almnwyt
Sport رياضة ryadt
Stand يفهم yfhm
Steam بخار bkhar
Stone حصاة hsat
Story قصة qst
Taste المذاق almdhaq
Teach يعلم ylm
Teeth أسنان asnan
Thank شكر shkr
There هناك hnak
These هؤلاء hwla
Thick سميك smyk
Thing شيء shy
Tiger نمر nmr
Today اليوم alywm
Total مجموع mjmw
Treat يعامل yaml
Trend اتجاه atjah
Tried حاول hawl
Trust يثق ythq
Truth حقيقة hqyqt
Twice مرتين mrtyn
Under تحت tht
Upper العلوي allwy
Urban الحضاري alhdary
Visit يزور yzwr
Voice صوت بشري swt bshry
Vomit القيء alqy
Waste المخلفات almkhlfat
Water ماء ma
Wheat قمح qmh
Where أين ayn
White أبيض abyd
Whole كل kl
Woman النساء alnsa
World العالمية alalmyt
Worst أسوأ aswa
Write اكتب aktb
Wrong خطأ khta
Yield أَثْمَر aathmar
Young صغيرة sghyrt

Medium words

6 letter words

Absent غائب ghayb
Accept قبول qbwl
Admire معجب mjb
Advice النصيحة alnsyht
Almost بالكاد balkad
Always دائماً daymaa
Animal حيوان hywan
Answer إجابه ajabh
Appeal مناشدة mnashdt
Appear يظهر yzhr
Arrive يصل ysl
Artist فنان fnan
Assist يساعد ysad
Attack هجوم hjwm
Attach يربط yrbt
Attend حضر hdr
Bangle الإسورة alaswrt
Before قبل qbl
Behind خلف khlf
Bellow أدناه adnah
Better أفضل afdl
Borrow يستعير ystyr
Bottom قاع qa
Broken مكسور mkswr
Budget تبرع tbr
Cancel إلغاء algha
Cancer سرطان srtan
Carrot جزرة jzrt
Cattle ماشية mashyt
Common شائع shay
Compel تجبر tjbr
Corner ركن rkn
Couple زوج zwj
Course مسار msar
Create خلق khlq
Custom العادة aladt
Damage تلف tlf
Dancer راقصة raqst
Danger خطر khtr
Decade عقد qd
Defeat هزيمة hzymt
Delete حذف hdhf
Demand الطلب altlb
Desire رغبة rghbt
Detail التفاصيل altfasyl
Dinner وجبة عشاء wjbt sha
Divine إلهي alhy
Donkey حمار hmar
Double مزدوج mzdwj
Edible صالح للأكل salh llakl
Effect تأثير tathyr
Either إما ama
Empire إمبراطورية ambratwryt
Energy طاقة taqt
Enough كاف kaf
Ensure التأكد من altakd mn
Entire بأكمله bakmlh
Except إلا ala
Expand وسعت wst
Expect توقع twq
Export يصدّر ysdr
Extend يمتد ymtd
Facade مظهر زائف mzhr zayf
Family الأسرة alasrt
Famous مشهور mshhwr
Faulty متعطل mttl
Favour محاباة mhabat
Famous مشهور mshhwr
Favour محاباة mhabat
Female أنثى anthy
Fiance خطيب khtyb
Finish ينهي ynhy
Flower زهرة zhrt
Forest غابة ghabt
Forgot نسيت nsyt
Freeze تجميد tjmyd
Friend صديق sdyq
Future مستقبل mstqbl
Garage كراج kraj
Garden حديقة hdyqt
Garlic ثوم thwm
Ginger زنجبيل znjbyl
Global عالمي almy
Ground أرض ard
Growth نمو nmw
Health الصحة alsht
Hidden مختفي mkhtfy
Honest صادق sadq
Honour شرف shrf
Hostel نزل nzl
Humble متواضع mtwad
Hungry جوعان jwan
Ignore يتجاهل ytjahl
Impact تأثير tathyr
Impure غير نقية ghyr nqyt
Income الإيرادات alayradat
Inform يخبر ykhbr
Insect حشرة hshrt
Inside في داخل fy dakhl
Jungle الغابة alghabt
Kidnap خطف khtf
Kindle أضرم adrm
Labour تَعَب taab
Leader زعيم zym
Length الطول altwl
Letter رسالة rsalt
Liquid سائل sayl
Little قليل qlyl
Living معيشة mysht
Lizard سحلية shlyt
Locate حدد hdd
Luxury فخم. ترف fkhm. trf
Making صناعة snat
Mammal الحيوان الثديي alhywan althdyy
Manage تدبير tdbyr
Manual دليل dlyl
Market سوق swq
Mental عقلي qly
Method طريقة tryqt
Middle وسط wst
Monkey قرد qrd
Mother أم am
Muscle عضلة dlt
Narrow ضيق dyq
Native محلي mhly
Nature طبيعة سجية tbyt sjyt
Normal عادي ady
Number عدد dd
Object موضوع mwdw
Office مكتب mktb
Option اختيار akhtyar
Parent الأبوين alabwyn
Parrot ببغاء bbgha
People اشخاص ashkhas
Person شخص shkhs
Pickle ورطة wrtt
Picnic النزهة alnzht
Pigeon حمامة hmamt
Planet كوكب kwkb
Please من فضلك mn fdlk
Plenty كثير kthyr
Police شرطة shrtt
Potato البطاطس albtats
Praise مدح mdh
Prayer دعاء da
Pretty جميل jmyl
Prince أمير amyr
Profit ربح rbh
Proper لائق layq
Public عام am
Rabbit أرنب arnb
Recent الأخيرة alakhyrt
Recipe وصفة wsft
Record سجل sjl
Reduce خفض khfd
Regret ندم ndm
Reject رفض rfd
Remind تذكير tdhkyr
Remove إزالة azalt
Repair يصلح yslh
Repeat كرر krr
Return إرجاع arja
Rotate استدارة astdart
Safety سلامة slamt
Salary راتب ratb
Sample عينة ynt
School مدرسة mdrst
Screen شاشة shasht
Script النصي alnsy
Scroll التمرير altmryr
Search بحث bhth
Season الموسم almwsm
Secret سر sr
Secure يؤمن ywmn
Select تحديد thdyd
Senior أول awl
Shield درع dr
Should ينبغي ynbghy
Shower دش dsh
Silent صامتة samtt
Single غير متزوج ghyr mtzwj
Sister أخت akht
Smooth ناعم nam
Social اجتماعي ajtmay
Speech خطاب khtab
Street شارع shar
Strong قوي qwy
Sudden مفاجئ mfajy
Summer الصيف alsyf
Supply إمداد amdad
Talent موهبة mwhbt
Temple معبد mbd
Thread مسلك mslk
Thrill التشويق altshwyq
Throat حلق hlq
Tittle القراد alqrad
Toilet الحمام alhmam
Tomato طماطم tmatm
Tongue لسان lsan
Travel السفر alsfr
Tunnel نفق nfq
Turtle سلحفاة slhfat
Unseen غير مرئي ghyr mryy
Update تحديث thdyth
Urgent العاجلة alajlt
Useful مفيد mfyd
Vacate يخلى ykhly
Vacuum مكنسة كهرباء mknst khrba
Vapour بخار bkhar
Verify تحقق thqq
Virgin عذراء dhra
Wealth ثروة thrwt
Weekly أسبوعي asbwy
Weight وزن wzn
Winter شتاء shta
Winner الفائز alfayz
Wonder عجب jb
Worker عامل aml
Writer كاتب katb
Yearly سنوي snwy

7 letter words

Achieve التوصل altwsl
Advance تقدم tqdm
Against ضد dd
Already سابقا sabqa
Ancient عتيق tyq
Anybody اي شخص ay shkhs
Approve أوافق awafq
Apology اعتذار atdhar
Archive أرشيف arshyf
Arrange يرتب yrtb
Arrival وصول wswl
Article مقالة – سلعة mqalt – slt
Attempt محاولة mhawlt
Attract جذب jdhb
Average معدل mdl
Bandage ضمادة dmadt
Barrage وابل wabl
Barrier حاجز hajz
Because لان lan
Benefit المنفعة almnft
Between ما بين ma byn
Cabbage كرنب krnb
Capture إلتقاط altqat
Careful حذر hdhr
Carrier الناقل alnaql
Century مئة عام myt am
Certain تأكيد takyd
Chamber غرفة ghrft
Chapter الفصل alfsl
Charity الاعمال الخيرية alamal alkhyryt
Climate مناخ mnakh
Coconut جوزة الهند jwzt alhnd
Collect تجميع tjmy
College كلية klyt
Comfort راحة raht
Command يأمر yamr
Comment تعليق tlyq
Company شركة shrkt
Compare يقارن yqarn
Concept مفهوم mfhwm
Concern الاهتمام alahtmam
Conduct إجراء ajra
Confirm تؤكد twkd
Connect يتصل ytsl
Contact اتصل atsl
Control يتحكم ythkm
Convert يتحول ythwl
Correct صحيح shyh
Costume زي zy
Cottage كوخ kwkh
Country بلد bld
Courage شجاعة shjat
Cucumber خيار khyar
Curious فضولي fdwly
Declare يعلن yln
Defense دفاع dfa
Dentist دكتورالاسنان dktwralasnan
Deposit الوديعة alwdyt
Despite على الرغم من ly alrghm mn
Destiny مصير msyr
Destroy هدم hdm
Develop طور twr
Disease مرض mrd
Display عرض rd
Disturb يزعج yzj
Dynasty سلالة حاكمة slalt hakmt
Eagerly بلهفة blhft
Earning كسب ksb
Eatable مأكول makwl
Ecology علم البيئة lm albyyt
Economy اقتصاد aqtsad
Edition الإصدار alasdar
Elegant أنيق anyq
Enhance تحسين thsyn
Episode حلقة hlqt
Example مثال mthal
Evening مساء msa
Exclude استبعاد astbad
Explain يشرح yshrh
Explore يكتشف yktshf
Educate تعليم tlym
Factory مصنع msn
Failure بالفشل balfshl
Feature خاصية khasyt
Finance المالية almalyt
Flavour نكهة nkht
Fluency الطلاقة altlaqt
Forever إلى الأبد aly alabd
Further بالإضافة إلى ذلك baladaft aly dhlk
Garment ملابس mlabs
General جنرال لواء jnral lwa
Genuine حقيقي. صادق. صميم hqyqy. sadq. smym
Glamour بريق bryq
Grammar قواعد qwad
Grocery خضروات khdrwat
Habitat موطن mwtn
Harmful مضر mdr
Harvest محصول mhswl
Heading عنوان nwan
Hearing سمع sm
Helpful معاون، مساعد، مفيد، فاعل خير mawn, msad, mfyd, fal khyr
History التاريخ altarykh
Holding تحتجز thtjz
Holiday يوم الاجازة ywm alajazt
Hundred مائة mayt
Husband الزوج alzwj
Hygiene النظافة alnzaft
Impress اعجاب ajab
Improve تحسن thsn
Include يشمل yshml
Initial مبدئي mbdyy
Inspect فحص fhs
Inspire يلهم ylhm
Journey رحلة rhlt
Justice العدل aldl
Leading قيادة qyadt
Leather جلد jld
Leaving مغادرة mghadrt
Lecture محاضرة mhadrt
Liberal ليبرالية lybralyt
Lovable محبوب mhbwb
Luggage أمتعة amtt
Manager إدارة adart
Maximum أقصى aqsy
Meaning المعنى almny
Measure يقيس yqys
Medical طبي tby
Message رسالة rsalt
Migrant مهاجر mhajr
Mineral المعدنية almdnyt
Minimum الحد الأدنى alhd aladny
Miracle معجزة mjzt
Missile صاروخ sarwkh
Missing مفقود mfqwd
Mistake خطأ khta
Morning صباح sbah
Mustard خردل khrdl
Mystery لغز lghz
Narrate يروي yrwy
Natural طبيعي tbyy
Naughty شقي shqy
Neglect أهمل ahml
Neither لا la
Nervous متوتر mtwtr
Network شبكة الاتصال shbkt alatsal
Nothing لا شيئ la shyy
Observe رصد rsd
Opening افتتاح afttah
Operate العمل alml
Opinion رأي ray
Organic عضوي dwy
Ostrich نعامة namt
Package صفقة sfqt
Painful مؤلم mwlm
Partial جزئي jzyy
Passage العبور albwr
Patient مريض mryd
Payment قسط qst
Penalty ضربة جزاء drbt jza
Pending ريثما rythma
Penguin البطريق albtryq
Pension راتب تقاعد ratb tqad
Perfect في احسن الاحوال fy ahsn alahwal
Perfume عطر tr
Popular المحبوب almhbwb
Pottery الفخار alfkhar
Poverty فقر fqr
Prevent يحول دون yhwl dwn
Privacy الإجمالية alajmalyt
Private خاص khas
Problem مشكلة mshklt
Produce ينتج yntj
Propose اقترح aqtrh
Purpose هدف hdf
Quality جودة jwdt
Quickly بسرعة bsrt
Receive تسلم tslm
Regular عادي ady
Related ذات صلة dhat slt
Release إطلاق سراح atlaq srah
Replace يحل محل yhl mhl
Reptile الزواحف alzwahf
Request طلب tlb
Respect احترام ahtram
Respond رد rd
Revenge انتقام antqam
Revenue إيرادات ayradat
Reverse يعكس yks
Robbery سرقة srqt
Romance رومانسي rwmansy
Science علم lm
Serious جدي jdy
Servant خادم khadm
Service الخدمات alkhdmat
Similar مشابه mshabh
Society المجتمع almjtm
Sparrow عصفور sfwr
Special مميز mmyz
Stomach معدة mdt
Student طالب talb
Success النجاح alnjah
Suggest يقترح yqtrh
Suicide انتحار anthar
Support الدعم aldm
Suspend تعليق tlyq
Teacher مدرس mdrs
Teenage سن المراهقة sn almrahqt
Tension توتر twtr
Tourism السياحة alsyaht
Trouble مشكلة mshklt
Uniform زى موحد zy mwhd
Utility خدمة khdmt
Vacancy شاغر shaghr
Variety تشكيلة tshkylt
Vehicle عربة rbt
Village قرية qryt
Vintage كلاسيكي klasyky
Victory فوز fwz
Violent عنيف nyf
Visible مرئي mryy
Visitor زائر zayr
Vitamin فيتامين fytamyn
Walking المشي almshy
Wanting يريد yryd
Warning تحذير thdhyr
Wealthy ثري thry
Weather طقس tqs
Wedding حفل زواج hfl zwaj
Welcome أهلا بك ahla bk
Welfare خير khyr
Winning الفوز alfwz
Working عمل ml
Worried قلق qlq
Worship يعبد ybd
Writing جاري الكتابة jary alktabt

8 letter words

Abnormal غير طبيعي ghyr tbyy
Absolute مطلق mtlq
Accepted وافقت wafqt
Accident حادثة hadtht
Accuracy صحة sht
Activate تفعيل tfyl
Addition إضافة adaft
Adequate مناسب mnasb
Affected متأثر mtathr
Alphabet الأبجدية alabjdyt
Anything اى شئ ay shy
Anywhere في أى مكان fy ay mkan
Appraise تثمين tthmyn
Approach يقترب yqtrb
Approval موافقة mwafqt
Argument جدال jdal
Assemble جمعيه jmyh
Attitude موقف سلوك mwqf slwk
Audience جمهور jmhwr
Attorney محامي mhamy
Aviation طيران tyran
Backward الى الوراء aly alwra
Beginner مبتدئ mbtdy
Birthday عيد الميلاد yd almylad
Bleeding نزيف nzyf
Building بناء bna
Campaign الحملة العسكرية alhmlt alskryt
Carriage عربه قطار rbh qtar
Children الأطفال alatfal
Cleavage انقسام anqsam
Complete اكتمال aktmal
Conserve حفظ hfz
Consider يعتبر ytbr
Consumer مستهلك msthlk
Continue استمر astmr
Criminal مجرم mjrm
Critical حرج – انتقادي hrj – antqady
Daughter بنت bnt
Decision قرار qrar
Decrease تخفيض tkhfyd
Delicate دقيق او حساس dqyq aw hsas
Delivery توصيل twsyl
Delusion الوهم alwhm
Describe يصف ysf
Disagree تعارض tard
Disallow عدم السماح dm alsmah
Duration المدة الزمنية almdt alzmnyt
Economic اقتصادي aqtsady
Elephant الفيل alfyl
Eligible مؤهل mwhl
Employee عامل aml
Enormous ضخم dkhm
Entrance مدخل mdkhl
Envelope ظرف zrf
Estimate تقدير tqdyr
Everyday كل يوم kl ywm
Exercise ممارسه الرياضه mmarsh alryadh
Explicit صريح sryh
Exposure مكشوف mkshwf
External خارجي kharjy
Facility امكانية amkanyt
Faithful مخلص mkhls
Favorite المفضل almfdl
Favorite المفضل almfdl
Festival مهرجان mhrjan
Flexible مرن mrn
Friction احتكاك ahtkak
Generate انشاء ansha
Greeting تحية thyt
Guardian وصي wsy
Heritage إرث arth
Horrible رهيب rhyb
Hospital مستشفى mstshfy
Humorous روح الدعابة rwh aldabt
Identity هوية hwyt
Incident حادثة hadtht
Increase يزيد yzyd
Indicate يشير yshyr
Industry صناعة snat
Jealousy الغيرة alghyrt
Learning التعلم altlm
Location موقعك mwqk
Majority غالبية ghalbyt
Marriage زواج zwaj
Material مواد mwad
Medicine دواء dwa
Moderate معتدل mtdl
Mosquito البعوض albwd
Mountain جبل jbl
Narrator راوي rawy
Nutrient العناصر الغذائية alnasr alghdhayyt
Opposite عكس ks
Original أصلي asly
Ornament زخرفة zkhrft
Painting لوحة lwht
Particle الجسيم aljsym
Patience الصبر alsbr
Pleasure بكل سرور bkl srwr
Position وضع wd
Positive إيجابي ayjaby
Possible المستطاع almstta
Postpone يؤجل ywjl
Powerful قوي qwy
Precious ثمين thmyn
Pregnant حامل haml
Pressure الضغط aldght
Previous السابق alsabq
Progress تقدم tqdm
Prohibit يحظر yhzr
Property خاصية khasyt
Purchase شراء shra
Quantity كمية kmyt
Recovery التعافي altafy
Regional إقليمي aqlymy
Relevant ذو صلة dhw slt
Religion دين dyn
Remember تذكر tdhkr
Research ابحاث abhath
Resource الموارد almward
Response استجابة astjabt
Restrict بتقييد btqyyd
Revision مراجعة mrajt
Sensible عاقل aql
Sentence جملة او حكم على jmlt aw hkm ly
Separate متفرق mtfrq
Stranger شخص غريب shkhs ghryb
Strategy إستراتيجية astratyjyt
Strength قوة qwt
Struggle كفاح kfah
Suitable مناسب mnasb
Superior متفوق mtfwq
Surprise مفاجئة mfajyt
Swelling تورم twrm
Terrible كريه kryh
Together سويا swya
Tomorrow غداً ghdaa
Training تمرين tmryn
Transfer نقل nql
Transmit يحيل yhyl
Treasure كنز knz
Umbrella مظلة mzlt
Universe كون kwn
Vacation عطلة tlt
Validate التحقق من صحة althqq mn sht
Vertical عمودي mwdy
Vigorous قوي qwy
Violence عنف nf
Vocation مهنة mhnt
Vomiting التقيؤ altqyw
Wildlife الحيوانات البرية alhywanat albryt
Yielding العائد alayd
Yourself نفسك nfsk
Youthful شاب shab

Hard Words

9 letter words

Accession انضمام andmam
Accessory ملحق mlhq
Accompany مرافقة mrafqt
Actualize تحقق thqq
Admirable رائع ray
Advantage أفضلية afdlyt
Advisable المستحسن almsthsn
Affection عاطِفَة atifat
Affiliate شركة تابعة shrkt tabt
Afternoon بعد الظهر bd alzhr
Aggregate مجموع mjmw
Agreement اتفاق atfaq
Allowance مخصص mkhss
Alternate البديل albdyl
Ambiguous غامض ghamd
Animation الرسوم المتحركة alrswm almthrkt
Apologist مدافع mdaf
Applicant طالب وظيفة talb wzyft
Architect مهندس معماري mhnds mmary
Associate مساعد msad
Astronomy الفلك alflk
Attention الانتباه alantbah
Attribute ينسب ynsb
Authority السلطة alsltt
Automatic تلقائي tlqayy
Available متوفرة mtwfrt
Awareness وعي wy
Beautiful جميلة jmylt
Behaviour سلوك slwk
Butterfly فراشة frasht
Calibrate معايرة mayrt
Candidate مُرَشَّح murashah
Celebrate احتفل ahtfl
Challenge التحدي althdy
Confident موثوق mwthwq
Confusion الالتباس alaltbas
Conscious واع wa
Crocodile تمساح tmsah
Curiosity حب الاستطلاع hb alasttla
Dangerous خطير >> صفة khtyr >> sft
Delicious لذيذ ldhydh
Democracy ديمقراطية dymqratyt
Dependent متكل mtkl
Different مختلف mkhtlf
Difficult صعبة sbt
Discovery اكتشاف aktshaf
Dishonest غير شريفة ghyr shryft
Diversity تنوع tnw
Duplicate مكرر mkrr
Education التعليم altlym
Effective فعال fal
Emergency حالة طوارئ halt twary
Equipment معدات mdat
Essential أساسى asasy
Establish إنشاء ansha
Evolution تطور ttwr
Excellent ممتاز mmtaz
Expensive غالي ghaly
Fantastic جميل jmyl
Fertility خصوبة khswbt
Financial مالي maly
Generally عموما mwma
Glamorous براقة braqt
Happening يحدث yhdth
Household أُسرَة ausrat
Identical تطابق ttabq
Important الأهمية alahmyt
Incorrect غير صحيح ghyr shyh
Incorrupt غير فاسد ghyr fasd
Influence تأثير tathyr
Insurance تأمين tamyn
Interview مقابلة mqablt
Intestine الأمعاء alama
Introduce تقديم tqdym
Invention اختراع akhtra
Invisible غير مرئى ghyr mryy
Irregular غير عادي ghyr ady
Jewellery مجوهرات mjwhrat
Knowledge المعرفه almrfh
Liability مسؤولية mswwlyt
Misbehave تسيء التصرف tsy altsrf
Narration السرد alsrd
Necessity ضروري drwry
Negotiate تفاوض tfawd
Nutrition تَغذِيَة taghdhiat
Offensive هجومي hjwmy
Partition تقسيم tqsym
Political سياسي syasy
Pollution التلوث altlwth
Potential القدره alqdrh
Practical عملي mly
Precision الاحكام alahkam
Privilege امتياز amtyaz
Procedure إجراء ajra
Prominent شائعة أو كثيرة shayt aw kthyrt
Professor دكتور جامعى dktwr jamy
Promotion ترقية trqyt
Provoking استفزاز astfzaz
Qualified تأهلت tahlt
Reference المرجعي almrjy
Repulsion تنافر tnafr
Residence إقامة aqamt
Sacrifice تضحية tdhyt
Sensitive حساس hsas
Something شيئا ما shyya ma
Statement بيان byan
Subscribe الإشتراك alashtrak
Substance مستوى mstwy
Sugarcane قصب السكر qsb alskr
Sunflower دوار الشمس dwar alshms
Surrender يستسلم ystslm
Technical فني fny
Temporary مؤقت mwqt
Terrorist إرهابي arhaby
Treatment علاج او معاملة laj aw mamlt
Variation الاختلاف alakhtlaf
Vegetable الخضروات alkhdrwat
Virginity العذرية aldhryt
Yesterday في الامس fy alams

10 letter words

Abbreviate اختصر akhtsr
Absolutely إطلاقا atlaqa
Absorption استيعاب astyab
Acceptable مقبول mqbwl
Achievable قابل للتحقيق qabl llthqyq
Additional إضافي adafy
Admiration إعجاب ajab
Adolescent مراهق mrahq
Adulterant زانية zanyt
Adventurer مغامر mghamr
Afterwards عقب ذلك مباشرة qb dhlk mbashrt
Aggression عدوان dwan
Alteration تغيير tghyyr
Ambassador سفير sfyr
Analytical تحليلي thlyly
Antibiotic مضاد حيوي mdad hywy
Anticipate يتوقع ytwq
Appreciate يقدر yqdr
Artificial مصطنع mstn
Aspiration طموح tmwh
Assignment تكليف tklyf
Atmosphere الغلاف الجوي alghlaf aljwy
Attachment المرفق almrfq
Attraction جاذبية jadhbyt
Chloroform الكلوروفورم alklwrwfwrm
Combustion الإحتراق alahtraq
Commission لجنة ljnt
Compassion تعاطف tatf
Compulsory إلزامي alzamy
Conclusion استنتاج astntaj
Confection حلويات hlwyat
Corruption فساد fsad
Decoration زخرفة zkhrft
Dedication تفان tfan
Deficiency نقص nqs
Definition تعريف tryf
Department Ø قسم، أقسام  qsm, aqsam
Depression كآبة kabt
Dictionary قاموس qamws
Discipline انضباط andbat
Disclaimer تنصل tnsl
Disclosure إفشاء afsha
Discussion نقاش nqash
Efficiency نجاعة njat
Employment توظيف twzyf
Engagement الارتباط alartbat
Everything كل شىء kl shy
Everywhere في كل مكان fy kl mkan
Exhibition معرض mrd
Experience خبرة khbrt
Experiment تجربة – قام بتجارب tjrbt – qam btjarb
Expiration انتهاء الصلاحية antha alslahyt
Expression التعبير altbyr
Fertilizer سماد smad
Foundation المؤسسة almwsst
Generation التوليد altwlyd
Government الحكومي alhkwmy
Importance أهمية ahmyt
Impossible مستحيل msthyl
Inadequate غير كافٍ ghyr kafi
Incomplete غير مكتمل ghyr mktml
Incredible لا يصدق la ysdq
Individual فرد frd
Inspection تفتيش tftysh
Instrument أداة adat
Irrigation الري alry
Journalism الصحافة alshaft
Management إدارة adart
Moderation الاعتدال alatdal
Motivation الدافع aldaf
Negligible ضئيلة dyylt
Occupation الاحتلال alahtlal
Particular معين myn
Passionate عاطفي atfy
Permission الإذن aladhn
Population تعداد السكان tdad alskan
Production إنتاج antaj
Prostitute بائعة هوى bayt hwy
Protection الحماية alhmayt
Psychology علم النفس lm alnfs
Punishment عقاب qab
Quarantine الحجر الزراعي alhjr alzray
Retirement التقاعد altqad
Sufficient كافٍ kafi
Supervisor مشرف mshrf
Supplement ملحق mlhq
University جامعة jamt
Vegetarian نباتي nbaty
Visibility الرؤية alrwyt
Vulnerable مُعَرَّض muarad

Advanced Words

11 letter words

Accommodate يستوعب ystwb
Achievement إنجاز anjaz
Acknowledge يُقرّ yuqr
Affirmation تأكيد takyd
Aggregation تجميع tjmy
Agriculture الزراعة alzrat
Alternation التناوب altnawb
Anniversary ذكرى سنوية dhkry snwyt
Application تطبيق ttbyq
Appointment موعد mwd
Appreciable ملموس mlmws
Approximate تقريبي tqryby
Association جمعية jmyt
Certificate شهادة shhadt
Competition منافسة mnafst
Cultivation زراعة zrat
Corporation شركة shrkt
Cooperation تعاون tawn
Dehydration تجفيف tjfyf
Discontinue توقف twqf
Elimination إزالة azalt
Environment بيئة byyt
Evaporation تبخر tbkhr
Examination فحص fhs
Expenditure المصروفات almsrwfat
Fabrication تلفيق tlfyq
Improvement تحسين thsyn
Independent مستقل mstql
Information معلومة mlwmt
Inspiration وحي why
Institution المعهد almhd
Instruction تعليمات tlymat
Intelligent ذكي dhky
Manufacture صناعة snat
Measurement قياس qyas
Mensuration قياس qyas
Observation الملاحظة almlahzt
Opportunity فرصة frst
Participant مشارك mshark
Performance أداء ada
Preparation تجهيز tjhyz
Significant كبير kbyr
Temperature درجة الحرارة drjt alhrart
Translation ترجمة trjmt
Transparent شفاف shfaf
Vaccination تلقيح tlqyh

12, 13 letter words

Abbreviation اختصار akhtsar
Administrate إدارة adart
Appreciation تقدير tqdyr
Accommodation الإقامة alaqamt
Accompaniment مرافقة mrafqt
Administrator مدير mdyr
Advertisement إعلان alan
Administration الادارة aladart
Acknowledgement إعتراف atraf
Conformation التشكل altshkl
Conservation الحفاظ على alhfaz ly
Constitution دستور dstwr
Construction اعمال بناء amal bna
Contribution إسهام asham
Communication الاتصالات alatsalat
Classification تصنيف tsnyf
Congratulation تهنئة thnyt
Disadvantage عيب yb
Entrepreneur ريادي ryady
Entertainment وسائل الترفيه wsayl altrfyh
Extraordinary فوق العاده fwq aladh
Horticulture البستنة albstnt
Intermediate متوسط mtwst
Introduction المقدمة almqdmt
Investigation تحقيق thqyq
International دولي dwly
Identification هوية hwyt
Justification التبرير altbryr
Knowledgeable واسع المعرفة was almrft
Maintainable قابل للصيانة qabl llsyant
Organization منظمة mnzmt
Presentation عرض rd
Preservation الحفظ alhfz
Purification طهارة thart
Participation مشاركة msharkt
Registration التسجيل altsjyl
Reproduction التكاثر altkathr
Satisfaction إشباع ashba
Self-confidence الثقة بالنفس althqt balnfs
Transformation تحويل thwyl
Transportation وسائل النقل wsayl alnql


Household Items




Daily use Arabic Sentences

English to Arabic – here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Arabic meanings with transliteration.

Good morning صباح الخير sabah alkhyr
What is your name ما اسمك ma aismak
What is your problem? ما هي مشكلتك؟ ma hi mushkilatuka?
I hate you أكرهك akrahik
I love you أحببك ahababak
Can I help you? أيمكنني مساعدتك؟ ‘ayumkinuni musaeadatuka?
I am sorry أنا آسف ‘ana asf
I want to sleep أريد أن أنام ‘urid ‘ana ‘anam
This is very important هذا مهم جدا hadha muhimun jiddaan
Are you hungry? هل انت جوعان؟ hal ant juean?
How is your life? كيف هي حياتك kayf hi hayatuk
I am going to study سأدرس sa’adrus
  • Day
  • Job
  • Law
  • Gems
  • Time
  • Food
  • Bird
  • Color
  • Month
  • Fruit
  • Ocean
  • Cloth
  • Shape
  • Crime
  • Planet
  • Season
  • Zodiac
  • Flower
  • Plants
  • Number
  • Animal
  • School
  • Places
  • Grains
  • Travel
  • Cinema
  • Google
  • Disease
  • Climate
  • Weather
  • Cereals
  • Ecology
  • Meeting
  • Computer
  • Minerals
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Hospital
  • Greeting
  • Building
  • Picture
  • Relation
  • Direction
  • Vegetable
  • Insurance
  • Stationery
  • Landscape
  • Ornaments
  • Body parts
  • Occupation
  • Restaurant
  • Healthcare
  • Newspaper
  • Real Estate
  • Ology words
  • Management
  • Measurement
  • House items
  • Kitchen items
  • Grocery items

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  • English word for agenda
  • English word that starts with i
  • English word ending with of
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  • English word dictionary with sentence