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smoker heavy smoker 2643 N:mod:A

But only suitable , we should imagine , for very heavy smokers .

He was known to be a very heavy smoker .

He is mostly silent and is a heavy smoker .

smoker cigarette smoker 1751 N:nn:N

He ‘d live as normal a life as a cigarette smoker .

An increase in miscarriage is also associated with the father being a cigarette smoker .

There has also been a drop in the number of cigarette smokers .

smoker inveterate smoker 997 N:mod:A

You used to be a most inveterate smoker , Horace .

As an inveterate smoker , I feel for you .

This latter was especially hard on such a crowd of inveterate smokers .

smoker chain smoker 942 N:nn:N

He was an amateur painter and a chain smoker .

We used to do that all the time chain smoker .

He ‘s still as much a chain smoker as before .

smoker opium smoker 903 N:nn:N

Modern day Iran has the highest amount of opium smokers in the world .

Opium joint , a low resort of opium smokers .

That ‘s the sure sign of the habitual opium smoker .

smoker cigar smoker 718 N:nn:N

Bones , who was no cigar smoker , watched the proceedings anxiously .

This lower risk of lung cancer among pipe and cigar smokers is due to the lesser amount smoked and the lower degree of inhalation .

Cancer of the larynx is also developed by pipe and cigar smokers at rates comparable to those of cigarette smokers ( ie .

smoker pipe smoker 686 N:nn:N

Cancer of the lip in pipe smokers is a case in point .

When I went out there , I was a pipe smoker .

Ron Carter is a pipe smoker and has been featured in a few advertisements for tobacco pipes , clothing lines , and basses .

smoker lifelong smoker 452 N:mod:A

Sabo was a lifelong smoker until he quit in 2003 .

Death A lifelong heavy smoker , Phoenix was diagnosed with lung cancer in March 1986 .

He had been a lifelong cigarette smoker , but switched to cigars after his strokes .

smoker tobacco smoker 422 N:nn:N

Halitosis or bad breath is common among tobacco smokers .

It is used particularly to refer to opiate users and tobacco smokers .

Psychology Most tobacco smokers begin during adolescence or early adulthood .

smoker smoker smoke 399 V:subj:N

Despite the increase in knowledge of the health effects of smoking , many female smokers continue to smoke .

An ordinary smoker will smoke four cigars a day .

Youth smokers have been shown to smoke the most heavily advertised brands .

smoker smoker quit 347 V:subj:N

Spirituality Spiritual beliefs and practices may help some smokers quit .

It is a day when smokers quit smoking for at least a day .

In the summer of 1904 , Smoker decided to quit professional football to concentrate on his cricket career .

smoker marijuana smoker 325 N:nn:N

He later studied the identity formation of marijuana smokers .

Cue reactivity in young marijuana smokers : a preliminary investigation .

It is incorrect to use it for the high obtained by inhaling the smoke of other marijuana smokers .

smoker smoker have 320 V:subj:N

Some smokers have an outer grid attached , as a safety guard against burns .

Smokers also have lower levels of some B vitamins .

For example , a smoker might have a habit of only smoking on his porch .

smoker black smoker 315 N:mod:A

The same process is attributed to the formation of black smokers .

Alvin was able to sample the water from a black smoker .

Under the sea , hydrothermal vents may form features called black smokers .

smoker habitual smoker 314 N:mod:A

That ‘s the sure sign of the habitual opium smoker .

In habitual smokers , this preliminary stimulation may not occur .

He was not an habitual smoker , but the evening cigar was a sort of nocturnal ceremonial .

smoker regular smoker 291 N:mod:A

At this stage , youths tend to become regular smokers .

It was the first tobacco I had tasted for forty-eight hours , and I was a very regular smoker .

The earlier children become regular smokers and persist in the habit as adults , the greater the risk of dying prematurely .

smoker great smoker 284 N:mod:A

Blackburn , Archbishop of York , was a great smoker .

Do you know I thought all bushmen were great smokers .

Great smoker , and was fond of the bowl .

smoker current smoker 281 N:mod:A

The results revealed that current smokers felt significantly less attractive than non-smokers .

The results indicated that current smokers showed excess mortality when compared with non-smokers .

Smoking : Current smokers are several times more likely to develop anal cancer compared with nonsmokers .

smoker number of smoker 274 N:prep:N

The number of smokers has fallen from 45 per cent .

There has also been a drop in the number of cigarette smokers .

Since then , the number of smokers has been reduced by one quarter .

smoker cannabis smoker 246 N:nn:N

The same approach is investigated to be used for identifying heavy coffee drinkers , cannabis smokers , and users of various other drugs .

For example , unlike tobacco smokers , cannabis smokers typically follow a custom of sharing a single pipe among two or more people .

Altered regional blood volume in chronic cannabis smokers .

smoker smoker inhale 237 V:subj:N

Smokers usually heat the liquid and inhale the vapors through a straw .

Some smokers inhale the smoke into the lungs , particularly with little cigars , but this is uncommon otherwise .

Human smokers inhale smoke voluntarily and therefore do so more deeply than do animal test subjects that typically adopt short , shallow breaths when exposed to smoke .

smoker male smoker 231 N:mod:A

The increase to an average of 120 cigarettes therefore suggests a reversal of the trend to lower consumption among male smokers .

Male smokers had more than a 30 % increase in risk of dying from the disease compared to men who never had smoked .

Cancer mortality was not higher in the subgroup of interest in the MRC trial , male smokers taking atenolol .

smoker cancer in smoker 223 N:prep:N

Recent studies have found an increased risk of diseases other than lung cancer in passive smokers .

However , results from at least three studies suggest that heavy alcohol consumption may increase the risk of stomach cancer in heavy smokers .

The view that polonium 210 is responsible for many cases of cancer in tobacco smokers is disputed by at least one researcher .

smoker smoker of cigarette 220 N:prep:N

The most disgusting thing ever created is a smoker of cigarettes !

Caruso was a heavy smoker of strong Egyptian cigarettes , too .

Pramoedya was also known to be a heavy smoker of clove cigarettes and had encountered years of abuse .

smoker passive smoker 199 N:mod:A

Recent studies have found an increased risk of diseases other than lung cancer in passive smokers .

Two hundred and forty one adults were known to be active smokers and 261 children passive smokers .

The newer studies , which exclude passive smokers from the control group , generally show elevated risks associated with active as well as passive smoking .

smoker us tareyton smoker 181 N:nn:N

Another popular slogan from the 1960s was » Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch !

In each commercial , the protagonist would say » Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch !

See also » Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch !

smoker smoker tend 164 V:subj:N

Smoking Smokers tend to be at a lower risk for endometriosis .

So smokers may be more likely to buy insurance , or may tend to buy larger amounts , than non-smokers .

Smokers and alcoholics tend to be UAWs because instead of building net worth , they spend their income to purchase alcohol or cigarettes .

smoker woman smoker 159 N:nn:N

The men are all confirmed sak� drinkers , and both men and women persistent smokers .

Women smokers were not confined to any one class of society .

Though portrayals of women smokers became more common , they were shown in a negative light because smoking was still not acceptable for women .

smoker to become smoker 141 V:obj:N

At this stage , youths tend to become regular smokers .

Another effect of the job was that I ‘d become a heavy smoker .

He had become a heavy smoker and by August was no longer eating or sleeping , suffering severely from nervous exhaustion .

smoker pot smoker 132 N:nn:N

Thunder Canyon is infamous for it ‘s dense population of pot smokers and drug abusers .

The small entrance vestibule inside this entryway was historically known as the » Airlock » by house pot smokers .

Her father was a » former pot smoker with anger-management problems » and her mother was a » Republican with an anti-authoritarian streak » .

smoker smoker than nonsmoker 131 N:prep:N

The loss of oestrogen at the onset of menopause may also be greater in smokers than nonsmokers . smoker hashish smoker 131 N:nn:N

The hashish smoker does not desire any luxury or brightness .

Hashish smokers are without exception homicidal maniacs , vicious criminals .

Kou�dah , the boy , ran on naked feet to tell him in the caf� of the hashish smokers .

smoker female smoker 125 N:mod:A

Other factors contribute to the rise in female smokers .

Despite the increase in knowledge of the health effects of smoking , many female smokers continue to smoke .

Since the mid 1990s , the number of female smokers has risen , among young women in particular .

smoker to encourage smoker 124 V:obj:N

MTCP has continued over the years to encourage smokers to quit through increasing taxes on cigarettes .

Smokers are encouraged to quit smoking for these 24 hours , in hopes that they will quit forever .

Smoking has also been noted to have an association with Crohn ‘s , and smokers with Crohn ‘s are encouraged to quit .

smoker smoker die 121 V:subj:N

Smokers die at a younger age and do n’t draw on the funds they ‘ve paid into those systems .

About half of cigarette smokers die of tobacco-related disease and lose on average 14 years of life .

Smokers are more likely to die of colorectal cancer than non-smokers .

smoker avid smoker 120 N:mod:A

She was said to be a vegetarian as well as an avid cigarette smoker .

An avid smoker , Weisenfeld died at age 76 from complications of lung cancer .

Supposedly , they were avid cigar smokers and used cigars as a promotion tool for their customers .

smoker smoker use 110 V:subj:N

For this reason , many smokers prefer to use a glass bottle .

Smokers who want to kick the habit would also use betel nut to wean themselves off tobacco .

Philip chanced to have in his pocket a box of wax-tapers which smokers use .

smoker to go into smoker 105 V:obj:N

We quarrelled , and he went into the smoker .

Finally he arose stiffly and went into the smoker .

Dr. Archie had gone into the smoker .

smoker smoker give up 103 V:subj:N

Undoubtedly far more smokers could give up if only health services were more alert .

Thus , for both pharmacological and psychological reasons many smokers experience difficulty in giving up the habit .

Most smokers want to give up because of the effect of smoking on their health — not to mention the smelly clothes , the bad breath , the coughs and wheezes .

Word Of The Day

lingua franca

A region usually adopts a lingua franca, or common language, when its inhabitants speak many different languages or dialects.

When people hear the term lingua franca, they often think of English. Although there are millions of people worldwide who don’t speak English, it has still become the lingua franca of many regions and areas of communication. One example is aviation — for airline pilots around the world, English is the lingua franca. The term means «Frankish tongue» in Italian, a reference to the original, 11th-century lingua franca, a mixture of Italian, French, Turkish, and other Mediterranean languages.

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