English sentence with word were

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Erwin Lockman Jr.

Score: 4.5/5
(10 votes)

[M] [T] If I were you, I would trust her. [M] [T] They were fighting on the street. [M] [T] They were scolded by the teacher. [M] [T] He speaks as if he were an expert.

What is the sentence of were example?

«They were child actors.» «Those boys were star athletes in high school.» «My grandfather and my father were pilots in the Air Force.»

Where or were in a sentence?

Were is the past tense of be when used as a verb. Where means in a specific place when used as an adverb or conjunction. A good way to remember the difference is that where has an «h» for «home», and home is a place. Out of the two words, «were» is the most common.

Where and were in a sentence example?

Were is a verb that’s the second person singular past, plural past, and past subjunctive of the verb «be.» For instance, «I was out last night,» becomes, «you were out last night,» or «they were out last night.» Also, «were» is pronounced different than «where» and «wear,» except when it’s used in the word «werewolf,» …

Are and were examples?

The verb ‘are’ can also be used for an event that was true long ago, For example: My siblings were naughty, but my siblings are no longer annoying. The verb ‘were’ can often be found in the old conditions. The verb ‘are’ seems to have more than one purpose but the verb ‘were’ is being for a sole purpose.

28 related questions found

Are vs were in a sentence?

Since ‘are’ is in the present tense, it must be used to denote an action that is being done in the present. Its counterpart, ‘were’, is used when the subject of the sentence is plural, and the action or condition that is expressed has already been completed or the event happened in the past.

Are or is in a sentence?

When deciding whether to use is or are, look at whether the noun is plural or singular. If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are.

Where is used in a sentence?

We use where as a conjunction meaning ‘in the place that’ or ‘in situations that’. The clause with where is a subordinate clause and needs a main clause to complete its meaning. If the where clause comes before the main clause, we use a comma: Where you find a lot of water, you will also find these beautiful insects.

Is where D a word?

contraction of where did:Where’d you go on your holiday? contraction of where would:Where’d you like to go?

Where and were pronounced the same?

WHERE and WEAR are all pronounced the same. They are pronounced with two sounds: W-AIR. WERE Is pronounced with two sounds: W-ER. Watch this video lesson to learn these words.

Is were a verb or noun?

As detailed above, ‘were’ can be a noun or a verb. … Verb usage: They were a fine group. Verb usage: I wish it were Sunday. Verb usage: I wish I were with you.

Where is as is meaning?

What does it mean for a vehicle to be offered for auction with the phrase «as is where is». … «As is» denotes that the seller is selling, and the buyer is buying an item in whatever condition it presently exists, and that the buyer is accepting the item «with all faults», whether or not immediately apparent.

Can we say I were?

«I were» is called the subjunctive mood, and is used when you’re are talking about something that isn’t true or when you wish something was true. If she was feeling sick… <— It is possible or probable that she was feeling sick. «I was» is for things that could have happened in the past or now.

Is there were correct grammar?

We use there is for a singular object in the present tense and there are for plural objects in the present. There was is used when you refer to one thing or person. There were is used when you refer to more than one thing or person.

Where are simple sentences?

«I visited my old neighborhood where I have the best memories.» «I went back to the store where I bought my sweater.» «I went to the library where I studied until 8 o’clock.»

What is a simple sentence easy definition?

A simple sentence is a sentence that contains a single independent clause. In grammar, a clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. … A simple sentence has only one subject and one predicate, as in Tom is hungry.

How do you make a sentence?

The simplest sentence consists only of a noun and a verb. For example, in the sentence “Mary walked”, Mary is the naming noun and walked is the action verb. … Write two examples of nouns and verbs, and then combine them to form sentences. Most sentences have a subject noun and an object noun.

What is a defined word?

The definition of a word is a letter or group of letters that has meaning when spoken or written. … The definition of a word is a letter or group of letters that has meaning when spoken or written. An example of a word is dog. An example of words are the seventeen sets of letters that are written to form this sentence.

What word can I use instead of your?

Replace instances of «you» in your essay either by using «individual» or «one» to refer to a single hypothetical person and using «people» to refer to a large group to whom something you’re saying applies. Replace instances of «your» in your essay by using the possessive forms of «individual,» «one,» and «people.»

Does is singular or plural?

We use does and is with third person singular pronouns (he, she, it) and with singular noun forms. We use do and are with other personal pronouns (you, we they) and with plural noun forms. For the verb be, we need is or are as question words.

What is I am in grammar?

Am is the first person singular of the present tense of be1. Am is often shortened to ‘m in spoken English. The negative forms are ‘I am not’ and ‘I’m not’. … English Easy Learning GrammarBeThe verb be is used as an auxiliary verb and it can also be used as a main verb.

Do it or does it?

“Does” is used for singular subjects like “he,” “she,” “it,” “this,” “that,” or “John.” “Do” is used to form imperative sentences, or commands. Example: Do your homework. “Does” is never used to form imperative sentences.

Has or had meaning?

Summary: 1. ‘Has’ is the third person singular present tense of ‘have’ while ‘had’ is the third person singular past tense and past participle of ‘have. ‘ … Both are transitive verbs, but ‘has’ is used in sentences that talk about the present while ‘had’ is used in sentences that talk about the past.

Was and Were - Basic English grammar

Speak English fluently using was and were

The post is about How to use was and were information but also try to cover the following subject:
– How to make WH-Questions?
– Basic English grammar
– Past Continuous Tense

Today we will learn the use of was and were. If you want to speak English, you have to learn the use of was and were very well. Then you can speak English fluently. Today I will teach you how to use them very easily. I hope after today it will never be wrong to use them again.

Was and were used in Past Tense. Or ‘was, were’ is used to explain past events.
Was – is used with I, he, she, it, John (any name)
Were –used with we, they, you, (Plural subject)

You – ‘Were’ always sits with ‘you’. Although ‘You’ is Singular Number.

In a word, they are called Be Verb. It is also called Helping Verb. Was were used as a helping verb. Sometimes they are used as Main Verb.

If ‘Was were’ is used in a sentence, then the sentence should be taken as Past Indefinite Tense. And if ‘ing‘ is added to the verb which means Was / were + Verb + ing then it will be Past Continuous Tense.

How to use was and were correctly?

S + Was/were + O
For example –
He was sick.
If I say –
He was not sick.
Using ‘not’ here makes this sentence a Negative Sentence. If you want to make a Negative Sentence then the sentence structure will be-
S + Was/were + not + O
This means you have to put ‘not’ after Was / were.
For example –
They were not happy.

Daily use Sentences with Was and were

  • I was tired.
  • I was wrong.
  • He was alone.
  • He was brave.
  • It was night.
  • I was at home.
  • He was patient.
  • I was a teacher.
  • He was very happy.
  • We were all tired.
  • There were two cakes.
  • All of us were silent.
  • They were very excited.
  • Forty people were present.
  • There were ten eggs in all.
  • We were very busy last week.
  • All our efforts were in vain.

Questions with was and were

How to make Interrogative Sentence?

When we make an Interrogative Sentence, we will place the Be Verb before the subject and the Interrogative sign at the end.
Was/were + S + O + ?
For example –
Was I wrong?

Let’s see more examples –

  • Was the movie good?
  • Was the book interesting?
  • Was he at home yesterday?
  • Was there a lot of traffic?
  • Were you busy yesterday?
  • Were you out last night?
  • Were you at home yesterday?
  • Were you at school at that time?
  • Were you playing cricket yesterday?

WH-Questions with was and were

If you have to use Wh-Word in a sentence, then the sentence structure will be like this:
Wh-Word + was/were + S + O + ?
For example –

  • How was your day?
  • When was she born?
  • Where was John born?
  • How was your summer?
  • What was that noise?
  • How was today’s game?
  • How was your weekend?
  • How was the math test?
  • How was your afternoon?
  • Who was the book written by?
  • What was served at the party?
  • When was the last time we met?
  • What was it that you gave him?
  • Where were you going?
  • Why were you absent yesterday?
  • What were you doing there?
  • Why were you late this morning?
  • Why were you absent from school yesterday?

Was and Were in Past Continuous Tense

Past continuous Tense is used when something was happening or was going on for a while in the past.

Sentence Structure: Subject is followed by was or were according to person and number and ‘ing’ is added at the end of the main verb.

Subject + was/were + main verb + ing + O

  • He was standing.
  • She was making tea.
  • It was getting dark.
  • He was cleaning his room.
  • He was playing the piano.
  • I was eating dinner then.
  • He was listening to music.
  • He was sitting on a bench.
  • It was really interesting.
  • He was reading a newspaper.
  • The dog was digging a hole.
  • He was standing at the door.
  • They were lying on the grass.
  • They were fighting on the street.
  • You were talking in your sleep last night.
  • They were watching television.
  • Where were you going?
  • Why were you late this morning?

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was were usage


Let’s start from the beginning.

These are the past simple forms of the verb ‘to be’. Generally, ‘was’ is used with singular pronouns (one subject), and ‘were’ is used with plural pronouns (more than one subject), but the pronoun ‘you’ is an exception!

WAS is usually used with the pronouns ‘I’, ‘she’, ‘he’, and ‘it’.
WERE is usually used with pronouns ‘you’, ‘we’, and ‘they’.

(See the information just before and after ‘USE 2’ below, for more information about the use of the pronouns ‘you’ and ‘I’.)

[Tweet “WAS is usually used with the pronouns ‘I’, ‘she’, ‘he’, and ‘it’. “]

USE 1:


Some basic sentence examples:

  • I was married for 5 years.
  • She was unwell last week.
  • It was not my fault!
  • We were worried about the test results.
  • They were busy working all day yesterday.
  • You were supposed to help me.

However, there are exceptions to this rule!
Firstly, as I mentioned before, even though ‘you’ is a singular pronoun it is used with WERE.

  • You were asleep when he rang.
  • Where were you yesterday?
  • Whom were you talking to?

[Tweet “WERE is usually used with pronouns ‘you’, ‘we’, and ‘they’.”]

USE 2:


Secondly, the pronoun ‘I’ can be used with WERE as a conditional as well as with WAS. WERE is the past subjunctive of the present verb ‘to be’, meaning it expresses hope, possibility or supposition rather than stating a fact.

  • If I were you, I wouldn’t touch that.
    (I’m not you, it’s hypothetical – used for the present or future)
  • If I were a multi-billionaire, I would rid the world of poverty.
    (I’m not a multi-billionaire, it’s hypothetical – used for the present or future)
  • If I were in his shoes, I would accept their offer.
    (I’m not him or in his position, it’s hypothetical – used for the present and future)
  • If I was rude to you yesterday, I’m very sorry.
    (The condition is unclear, but it is presumed to have been true in the past)
  • If I was annoying you last night, I’m sorry. I was in a bad mood.
    (The condition is unclear, but it is presumed to have been true in the past)
  • If I was healthier, I probably would have been able to win the race.
    (The condition is unclear, but it is presumed to have been a possibility of being true in the past)

Read more:
If I Was or If I Were?

Remember that in Past Simple, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In Past Continuous (Progressive), a specific time only interrupts the action.

USE 3:


[subject 1 + WAS/WERE + verb+ing + WHEN + subject 2 + past simple verb]
Use Past Continuous to indicate when a longer action in the past was interrupted, usually by a shorter action that occurs (Past Simple).

Here are some examples:

  • She was studying when he called.
  • He was cooking when the phone rang.
  • They were shopping when they heard an explosion.
  • We were dancing when the power went out.
  • I was listening to music when the doorbell rang.

Read more:
How to use IS, WAS, THAT, THE!

USE 4:


Similar to USE 1 above, however you can use a specific time as an interruption.

  • At 3am last night, I was studying.
  • Last night at 8pm, we were watching a movie.
  • Yesterday at this time, I was sitting in my office.

USE 5:


You can use the Past Continuous to describe two parallel actions in one sentence. It expresses the idea that they were happening at the same time.

  • I was cooking while he was playing with the baby.
  • While Eleanor was studying, Toby was cooking a meal for them.
  • I wasn’t paying attention when he was talking to me, so I don’t remember everything he said.

Read more:
Subjunctive “I Wish I Were” [Infographic]

USE 6:


A series of parallel actions can be used to describe the atmosphere at a particular time in the past.

  • When I walked into my house, my husband was watching TV, the baby was crying, my son was playing computer games, and the dog was barking in the garden!
  • When I stepped into the office, my boss was shouting at someone on the phone, his secretary was running towards his office, my assistant was printing a document, and all the telephones were constantly ringing!

USE 7:


[Subject + WAS/WERE + adjective + at/by/with + noun]
Used to show the reaction of a subject towards a noun.

  • I was amazed at how clean the house was!
  • We were surprised by their eagerness to help us.
  • She was very happy with her new car.

USE 8:


The Past Continuous is used with adverbs of frequency such as ‘always’ or ‘constantly’ to express that something happened often in the past. Note: This does not apply to all the adverbs of time.

[Subject + WAS/WERE + adverb of time + verb+ing]

  • He was always buying me flowers.
  • She was constantly talking throughout my lessons.
  • They were always sitting next to each other in class.
  • She was usually sitting in the garden on a Friday.
  • I was continuously exceeding expectations.

Read more:
How To Use The Passive Voice With Helpful Examples

USE 9:


Dependent clauses are groups of words which have meaning but aren’t complete sentences. Some clauses can start with the word ‘when’ and others can start with the word ‘while’ (Note: This does not apply to all dependent clauses). When you talk about things in the past, ‘when’ is usually followed by the Past Simple verb, whereas ‘while is followed by the Past Continuous verb. They have similar meanings but

When you talk about things in the past, ‘when’ is usually followed by the Past Simple verb, whereas ‘while is followed by the Past Continuous verb. They have similar meanings but emphasize different parts of a sentence.

Here are some examples:

  • I was studying when the doorbell rang.
  • While I was studying, the doorbell rang.
  • She was cooking when her friends arrived. 
  • While she was cooking, her friends arrived.

USE 10:


Adverbs of time can be added to sentences in the Past Continuous tense. You can use adverbs such as always, never, ever, only, still, just, etc. Here are some examples to show you the placement for adverbs:

  • Weren’t you ever listening to what I said?
  • You were never listening to anything I said.
  • Was she always telling you off?
  • She was always telling you off.
  • He was still shouting as she walked away.
  • Was he still shouting as she walked away?

USE 11:


Sentences can be active or passive. Most sentences are active, where the subject is doing the action and the object is receiving the action. The subject and object can be swapped around to change a sentence from active to passive.

Active – The professor was teaching his students.
Passive – The students were being taught by the professor.

Active – Jenny was making tea for her friends.
Passive – Tea was being made by Jenny for her friends.

Active Her brother was hugging her.
PassiveShe was being hugged by her brother.

USE 12:


You can describe the state of a noun at a particular time in the past.

[Subject + WAS/WERE + time period]

  • I was only 16 when I started working full-time.
  • Why were you being horrible to me last week?
  • I was just a paperboy before I became CEO of the New York Times.

Read more:
When to Use THIS and THAT in English?

The words «were,» «we’re,» and «where» are easily confused because they have similar sounds and spellings. They are not homophones—words that have the same sounds or spellings—and their meanings and uses are quite different. «Were» (rhymes with «fur») is a past form of the verb «to be.» «We’re» (rhymes with «fear») is a contraction of «we are.» The adverb and conjunction «where» (rhymes with «hair») refers to a place.

How to Use Were

Use «were» as a past tense verb, as the:

  • First-person plural of «be» (We «were» busy last week.)
  • Second-person singular and plural of «be» (You «were» busy last week.)
  • Third-person plural of «be» (They «were» busy last week.)
  • Subjunctive of «be» for all persons (If I «were» you, I’d demand a raise.)

How to Use We’re

Since «we’re» is a contraction for «we are»—and in rarer cases «we were»—simply use «we’re» when you want to write or say a shorter version of the first-person plural pronoun «we» and to be verb «are.» The apostrophe replaces letter «a» (for «we are») or the letters «we» (for «we were, though that use is much less common). For example:

  • «We’re» going back to work tomorrow.

In this sentence, which is perfectly acceptable English, you are saying: «We are» going back to work tomorrow.

How to Use Where

Use «where» as an adverb referring to a location, as in:

  • I don’t know «where» you live.

Here, the writer is stating that she does not know «where» (at what place or location) the listener or reader lives. This word is also often used to start a question, such as:

  • «Where» do you live?

In the sentence, the speaker is trying to find out at what location the listener or reader lives. Often, the person speaking (or even writing, as in a letter or email), is trying to find the exact address where the person resides.

How to Remember the Differences

To determine the difference between «were» and «we’re,» try substituting «we are» for the word. If it works, you know you can use «we’re.» If it doesn’t, you need «were.» For example, take the sentence:

  • «We’re» going to the movies.

You could swap in «we are» for «we’re,» and the sentence still makes sense:

  • «We are» going to the movies.

However, if you replace «were» for «we are,» the sentence does not work:

  • «Were» going to the movies.

If you read the sentence aloud, your ear might tell you that the sentence lacks something. Indeed, it does: Since «were» is a past form of «to be,» you are lacking a subject. The sentence would work if you added in the word «we,» as in:

  • We «were» going to the movies.

When trying to determine the difference between «were» and «we’re» versus «where,» remember that «were» and «we’re» are both «to be» verbs, or at least contain a «to be» verb; whereas, «where» always refers to a location. So, use the terms at the end of each sentence, as in:

  • You live «were?» (This is the past form of «are.»)
  • You live «we’re?» (This actually means: You live «we are?»)

Both of these uses don’t make sense. However, if you say:

  • You live «where?»

That sentence works, because you are ending the sentence with the location word, «where.» To further clarify, swap out «where» with a location:

  • You live in California?
  • You live upstairs?
  • You live in Europe?
  • You live where?

Remember this trick, and you’ll never confuse «where» for «were» and «we’re.»


To understand examples, simply apply the above rules and tricks to create sentences making up a brief narrative.

  • We’re going to Savannah for St. Patrick’s Day.

This sentence means «we are» going to a particular location, Savannah. The word «we’re» contains the subject of the sentence, «we,» as well as a verb «are.»

  • But, we don’t know where we’ll be staying.

In this case, the term «where» refers to a location—or more specifically, the lack of a location. The writer/speaker does not know in what location his group will be staying.

  • Last year we were forced to sleep in the van.

In this sentence, the speaker describes a past action—last year—when the group (sans a location to stay) had to sleep in a vehicle. The following sentence—and the end of this brief narrative—uses all three terms:

  • We were lost in the middle of Timbuktu. No one knew where we were. Next time we travel, we’re going to bring along a map.

In the first bolded word, the group (in the past) was lost. Therefore, no one knew «where» (the location) we «were» (past tense of «are»). Switching to the present, the writer notes that in the future, «we’re» (we are) going to bring a map.


  • » Common Errors in English Usage: Were / Were.» Washington State University.
  • «Commonly Confused Word, were, we’re, where.» Online Writing Support/Townson University.
  • Shrives, Craig. “Wear, Were, We’re, and Where.” The Difference between Wear, Were, We’re, and Where (Grammar Lesson). Grammar-monster.com.

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Word order (предложения БЕЗ глагола действия)
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Past Simple verb to be
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Word order was/were Affirmative, Negative, Questions
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Spotlight 4

Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)

Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)
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от Babrasin

Sentence word order

Was/were - questions: word order

Was/were — questions: word order
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4 клас
Past Simple was were
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Was / were order

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Past Simple
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Past Simple

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Was / were — words order
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Order (was/were)

Order (was/were)
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ORDER Was / were

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 Was / were -  words order

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от Lalaeng

Word order
Sentence structure
Среднее образование

Sales&purchasing. Track 21. Unit 5

Sales&purchasing. Track 21. Unit 5
Привести в порядок

от Lalaeng

Word order
Sentence structure



от Katerinastashev

Discover English 1

was/ were

was/ were

от Jandstatiana

Was/were - ?

Was/were — ?
Откройте поле

от Maryys

Was / Were

Was / Were
Случайное колесо

от Freshstart

Think 1

Was/Were + Adjectives

Was/Were + Adjectives
Найди пару

от Loveenglish

Fairyland 4

was/ were +-?

was/ were +-?

от Kostyukovaev

Was / were

Was / were
Привести в порядок

от Guninalib

Prepare 1



от Lovelypost

English World 2

Was Were

Was Were
Групповая сортировка

от Bashirova031


Ударь крота

от Irina4


Случайные карты

от Kovalskaya

was/ were

was/ were

от Vesna2000


Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Vystavkinanadez

Was / were

Was / were
Привести в порядок

от Mariyagordienko



от Msolga

7-9 лет
Английский язык
Spotlight 4


Правда или ложь

от Ms8

Family and friends 2

Was Were

Was Were
Откройте поле

от Oksana12

AS3 U8 Was / were

AS3 U8 Was / were

от Marinavserova1

AS3 U8

was were

was were

от Mikhailina2

Past Simple

was were

was were

от Jandstatiana

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  • English sentence with word down
  • Engineer history of word
  • English sentence with only one word
  • Engage to excel перевод

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