English make sentence with word sentences

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A wordy sentence contains too many words than you really need. The extra words do not make your writing sound better and, in fact, they can even interfere with your message. Look at the examples below.

Wordy: Viseth, who is an accountant, has been promoted.
Revised: Viseth, an accountant, has been promoted. [The clause ‘who is an accountant’ could be simply replaced by an appositive ‘an accountant’.]

Wordy: The company is taking applications at this point in time.
Revised: The company is taking applications now. [The phrase ‘at this point in time’ could be simply replaced by a word ‘now’.]


Avoiding wordiness makes your sentences varied and sound more fluent. To do so, you may use one of the following methods:

[1] Remove unnecessarily repeated ideas or words. 

Wordy: The teacher decided to give extra work to his students. The main reasons of giving extra work to his students  was that students were so dependent on their teachers.
Revised: The teacher decided to give extra work to his students because they were so dependent on their teachers.

[2] Take out words that are already implied by other words in the same sentence.

Wordy: The round yellow sun shone brightly among the clouds in the sky. [The sun is understood to be round; the clouds too is understood to be in the sky.]
Revised: The sun shone brightly among the clouds.

[3] Replace wordy phrases with single words.

Wordy: It is hard to find a good job at the present time.
Revised: It is hard to find a good job now.

Wordy: Mary dropped her school due to the fact that she was poor.
Revised: Mary dropped her school because she was poor.

[4] Simplify your sentence structures.

Wordy: Kra-nhoung, which is a rare wood, is being logged and illegally traded.
Revised: Kra-nhoung, a rare wood, is being logged and illegally traded.

Wordy: He wears a watch which is made of gold.
Revised: He wears a gold watch.

[5] Remove or reword expletives (there is, there are, it is) and similar expressions which refer to nothing in particular.

Wordy: There are many factors causing poverty.
Revised: Many factors cause poverty.

Wordy: It is not known that my boss will decide to choose a new supplier.
Revised: My boss’ decision to choose a new supplier is unknown.

[6] Limit or avoid phrases describing your attitudes and writing strategies.

Wordy: It seems to me that teachers should allow students to skip class.
Revised: Teachers should allow students to skip class.

Wordy: The purpose of this paper is to inform you of my opinion that all students need to study harder.
Revised: All students need to study harder.

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10000+ результатов для ‘sentence maker with word list’

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Word order
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Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

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Привести в порядок

Word order
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Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes. Pre-int. WB page 10. Listening 2.1. Question word order

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Привести в порядок

Word order
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Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Solutions.Pre-int. Into.Present Simple&Continuous

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Outcomes. Pre-int. WB unit 2, page 10. Listening 2.1

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Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 11

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 11
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 7

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 7
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes.Pre-int.U2.Complimenting. SB page 17

Make a sentence with a word

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 5

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 5
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 14

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 14
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 1

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 1
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Make up a sentence with the word...

Make a sentence with the word

Make up the sentence with a word

Make a sentence with the word

Make up a sentence with the word

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 10

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 10
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Make a sentence with a word given

Create a sentence with the word given.

Make your sentence with word in box

Make a sentence with the word

make the sentence with the word

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 3

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 3
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 4

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 4
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 9

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 9
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Outcomes.Pre-int.U2.I bought it online. SB page 18

Make a sentence with a word

Outcomes pre-int. Unit 2. WB page 10. Listening 2.1

Outcomes.Pre-int.U2.Comparatives. SB page 21

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 2

Outcomes beg. VB1, part 2
Привести в порядок

Word order
Sentence structure
Outcomes beginner Vocab.Builder

Solutions pre-int. Into. Track 1.02

Complete each sentence with one word.

Make the sentence with the word.

Make up a sentence with the word...

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Explain the spelling of these words and make sentences with them.

Объясните правописание этих слов и составьте с ними предложения.

Try to make sentences with the words that you know.

Start with the 100 most common words and then make sentences with them over and over again.

To make sentences with indirect speech, It is necessary to study the rules of punctuation in such situations.

Дополнения с Чтобы составить предложения с косвенной речью, нужно изучить правила постановки знаков препинания в таких ситуациях.

You know those magnet words that people make sentences with?

When learning a new word, try to make sentences with it a few times and you won’t forget it.

Когда Вы выучили новое слово, попробуйте несколько раз произнести его в предложениях, и Вы его никогда не забудете.

I think it will be a language that will… (Laughing) The children are setting the example: they know several languages and make sentences with words from every language, and… it’s quite colorful!

(Смеясь) Дети дают пример этому: они знают много языков и составляют фразы из слов на всех языках и… Это очень красиво!

Другие результаты

Make a sentence with each of these words.

To remember the word once and for all, make up sentences with it.

Thus, you can make sentences interchanging material and make sentences as with nouns, as with adjectives.

This is the verdict of justice, which, based on the evidence provided and documents, makes sentences in accordance with the law.

Судья Это вершитель правосудия, который, основываясь на предоставленных доказательствах и документах, выносит приговоры в соответствии с законом.

Make up several sentences with this word.

It is essential that learners also make up their own sentences with that vocabulary, taking into consideration real life situations.

Важно, чтобы ученики также составляли свои собственные предложения с данными словами, учитывая реальные жизненные ситуации.

It is essential that students of English also make up their own sentences with difficult vocabulary.

And when we come and try to prove that this message is wrong, we make 10 sentences with a lot of numbers, and that is the additional intellectual pressure on the audience.

А когда мы пытаемся доказать, что это утверждение — ложь, мы приводим аргументацию, добавляем еще 10 предложений, с множеством цифр, и создаем дополнительный интеллектуальный прессинг на аудиторию.

How to Make Your Own English Sentences with These 18 Easy Forms

Though all living things share the same dictionary, they don’t all make the same sentences with their shared dictionary.

Хотя все живые существа имеют один и тот же словарь, они не сочиняют одних и тех же предложений на основе этого общего словаря.

When we want to make up sentences with comparative adjectives, we should remember that the second part of the comparison (an object that is compared) can be as in Nominative as in Genitive cases. For example:

Когда мы хотим составить предложение со сравнительной формой прилагательных, то нужно запомнить, что вторая часть, с которой мы сравниваем первую, может стоять как в именительном, так и в родительном падеже. Например:

I will go to the party tomorrow. See? We can make any sentence expressive even with a simple word order just changing the logical stress.

You can make a one-word sentence with a verb, for example: «Stop!»

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1812. Точных совпадений: 7. Затраченное время: 676 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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