English expressions with the word time

Time expressions are a part of the English language that help us communicate about time. It is used in a variety of contexts, such as in conversations to indicate the duration of an event, in schedules for planning purposes, and in mathematical equations for calculating elapsed time.

In this article, we will be discussing time expressions in English. We will be looking at how they are formed and what are their meanings? Let’s learn the list of time expressions with English Tivi here now!

See more at: English Words

Times of Day in English

Times of the day




Early morning

2:00 a.m. to 5:59 a.m.

Good morning


Times of the day around sunrise

Good morning


6:00 a.m to 8:59 a.m

Good morning

Late morning

9:00 a.m to 11:59 a.m Good morning
Noon/ midday 12:00 p.m.

Good afternoon


12:01 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Good afternoon
Late afternoon 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Good afternoon

Early evening

5:01 pm to 7:00 pm. Good evening
Dusk around sunset

Good evening


5:01 pm to 9:00 pm. Good evening
Late evening 9:01 p.m. to 10:59 p.m.

Good evening


11:00 pm till sunrise Good evening for the night
Midnight 12:00 a.m.

Middle of the night 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.

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Days of the Week in English

Days of the Week

Day of the Week Day of the Week Images Abbreviation
Weekdays (5 days) Monday Days of the Week








Weekend (2 days)




Month of the Year | 12 Month Name in English

Sr no.

Month Name Month Images Short-form No.of days
1 January Month of the Year Jan.



February Feb. 28/29
3 March Mar.



April Apr. 30
5 May May



June Jun. 30
7 July Jul.



August Aug. 31
9 September Sep.



October Oct. 31
11 November Nov.



December Dec.


4 Seasons of the Year

4 Seasons of the Year Seasons Images Time and Date Weather
Spring Seasons of the Year March 1 to May 31



June 1 to August 31


Autumn (Fall)

September 1 to November 30



December 1 to February 28 (February 29 in a leap year)


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Time Expressions to Use With the Present Simple

Name Time Expressions


Usually, Always, Often, occasionally, rarely, Never, etc. They sometimes play golf with together.

She never smokes.

Every day/ week/ year, etc. She travels to Viet Nam every year.

He tries to exercise every day

Once/ Twice/ Three time, etc. I brush my teeth twice a week.

I wash my hand once a day

Time Expressions to Use With the Present Continuous

Name Time Expressions


Now, At the moment, Today, These days, This week/ year, etc. We are learning English now.

She’s not waiting here at the moment

This week/ month/ year, etc. He is taking three courses this year.

They are playing football this month.

Time Expressions Often Used in the Past

Name Time Expressions


Yesterday They go to school yesterday.
Ago I went to New York ago.
Last night/ week/ month/ year, etc. Last week I went to the movies

Time Expressions Used in the Future

Name Time Expressions


Tomorrow He’ll finish the job by tomorrow.
Next week/ month/ year, etc. The kids are going to school next week.
In the future I advise her to take more care of herself in the future.

Using Time Expressions with Preposition AT




Specific time

at 12:30 Linda usually eats lunch at 12:30.
at midnight She alway asleep at midnight


at night They often go out at night to buy some drinks.
at Christmas He visits our family and friends at Christmas.
at the moment He’s busy at the moment.
at lunchtime We’ll talk about it at lunchtime.
at sunset I love walking by the beach at sunset.

Using Time Expressions with Preposition ON




ON with dates and days

on July 3th My birthday is on July 3th.
on Monday The concert is on Monday.
on Christmas day They have a special meal on Christmas day.

One day + time of day

on Monday morning They have a class on Monday morning.
on Tuesday afternoon Where did you go on Tuesday afternoon?
on Friday evening We last spoke on Friday evening.

Using Time Expressions with Preposition IN




IN with months in July They will go to Ha Noi in July.
IN with years in 2005 They moved to London in 2005.
IN with seasons in summer / in the summer The Olympics were held in Vancouver in the summer.
IN the morning/ afternoon/ evening I drink coffee in the morning.

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Adverbs Time in English

Adverbs Time


To talk about the past

yesterday John went to the cinema yesterday.
the day before He had to work the day before.
ago They arrived in Vietnam six weeks ago
last week/month/year Last week she moved out.
To talk about the present still He advised her to go abroad while he was still young.
yet I haven’t seen that movie yet.
while I don’t want you to drive while you’re so tired.
when He had climbed many a tree when he was a boy.

To talk about the future

soon I will go to Ha Noi soon.
then First I went to the hospital, and then I go to supermarket.
next week/month/year He will take over Class 9801 next week.
in 2 days I will leave for London in two days.
tomorrow I have class tomorrow.
the day after tomorrow They’re going to roast her the day after tomorrow.

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Время – одна из главных ценностей в нашей жизни. Важно уметь управлять им правильно. Это умение начинается, в частности, со способности выразить свои мысли о времени на разных языках, если вы ими увлекаетесь. На страницах нашего сайта можно научиться это сделать по-английски. Мы предлагаем вам 20 устойчивых выражений с переводом и примерами использования со словом time – время.

Выражения с Time - Time idioms

  1. be on time – не опоздать

    ‘The trains always run on time in my country. They are never late.’

  2. time flies – время летит быстро

    ‘Time flies when you are having fun.’

  3. in the nick of time – в мгновение ока

    ‘My team scored in the nick of time. The game was in the last few seconds.’

  4. turn back the hands of time – повернуть время вспять

    ‘If I could turn back the hands of time, I wouldn’t have done what I did.’

  5. save time – экономить время

    ‘We will save time if we drive instead of taking the bus.’

  6. spare time – свободное время

    ‘In my spare time I like to learn English.’

  7. as time goes by – со временем

    ‘As time has gone by I have become less interested in going to nightclubs on the weekends.’

  8. be out of time – испытывать нехватку времени

    ‘Please stop writing. You are out of time. The exam has finished.’

  9. make time – выкроить, уделить время

    ‘I know that you are busy, but you will have to make time to attend the meeting.’

  10. time for a change – время перемен

    ‘After working in the same job for 5 years, I now feel like it is time for a change.’

  11. time is money – время — деньги

    ‘I can’t wait here all day. Time is money, you know?’

  12. time heals all wounds – время лечит раны

    ‘I was sad for a long time after I broke up with my boyfriend, but time heals all wounds. I’m fine now.’

  13. only time will tell – время покажет

    ‘Will we ever have peace in the world? Only time will tell.’

  14. kill time – убить время

    ‘We’ve got 4 hours until our flight leaves. What are we going to do until then? How are we going to kill time?’

  15. time after time – время от времени

    ‘Time after time Tom was late for school. His teacher told him if he was late again he would be in big trouble.’

  16. time off — отпуск

    ‘You are working too much. You need to take some time off.’

  17. a waste of time – напрасная трата времени

    It’s a waste of time calling that company. They never answer the telephones.’

  18. a hard time – тяжелые времена

    ‘She’s had a hard time recently; she lost her job and then her mother died.’

  19. too much time on my hands – вагон времени

    ‘He watches so much TV because he has too much time on his hands.’

  20. a whale of a time — развлечение

    ‘I had a whale of a time at your party. Please invite me to your next one.

The following idioms and expressions use ‘time’. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help to understand these common idiomatic expressions with ‘time’. Once you have studied these expressions, test your knowledge with quiz testing idioms and expressions with time.

Ahead of One’s Time

Definition: To be more talented than others recognize.
He’s ahead of his time. No one knows how important his discoveries are.
She’s always felt that she was ahead of her time, so she isn’t disappointed.

Ahead of Time

Definition: Before the agreed-upon time.
I think we’ll get there ahead of time.
Wow, we’re ahead of time today. Let’s keep it up!

All in Good Time

Definition: Within a reasonable amount of time.
I’ll get to you all in good time. Please be patient.
Her professor kept on saying that she’d be successful, but that it would be all in good time.

At a Set Time

Definition: At an agreed-upon time.
We’ll meet at the set time.
Let’s make sure that we meet at a set time.

At All Times

Definition: Always
Make sure to keep your seat belts on at all times.
Students need to pay attention at all times.

At the Appointed Time

Definition: At an agreed-upon time.
We’ll meet at the appointed time and place.
Did you get into the doctor’s office at the appointed time?

Behind the Times

Definition: Not fashionable, not up on current fashions.
My Dad is so behind the times!
She dresses like it was the 70s she’s behind the times!

To Bide One’s Time

Definition: To wait.
I’m biding my time until he arrives.
She decided to bide her time in a shop.

From Time to Time

Definition: Occasionally
I like playing golf from time to time.
Petra speaks with Tom from time to time.

Have the Time of One’s Life

Definition: Have a fantastic experience.
My daughter had the time of her life in Disneyland.
Believe me. You’re going to have the time of your life.

Keep Time

Definition: Keep the beat in music.
Can you keep time while we practice this piece?
He kept time with his foot.

Live on Borrowed Time

Definition: To live dangerously.
He’s living on borrowed time if he keeps that up!
She felt she was living on borrowed time because she smoked.

Make Time for Something or Someone

Definition: Create a period of time especially for a thing or person.
I need to make some extra time for reading.
I’ll make time for you on Saturday.

Out of Time

Definition: Not having any more time available.
I’m afraid we’re out of time for today.
You’re out of time for that competition.

Pressed for Time

Definition: To not have a lot of time to do something.
I’m pressed for time today. Hurry up!
She couldn’t see me because she was pressed for time.

Time Is Money

Definition: An expression meaning that someone’s time is important.
Remember that time is money, let’s hurry up.
Time is money, Tim. If you want to talk, it’s going to cost you.

When the Time Is Ripe

Definition: When it is the proper time.
We’ll get there when the time is ripe!
Don’t worry you’ll be successful when the time is ripe.

Once you have studied these expressions, test your knowledge with quiz testing idioms and expressions with time.

English Idioms Course

ahead of one’s time = having ideas or attitudes that are too advanced for the culture/society at the moment

My grandmother was ahead of her time – she opened her own company in an era when there were few women in the business world.

behind the times = old-fashioned, not keeping up with current developments

Bob is a bit behind the times – he doesn’t know how to use a computer, much less a smartphone!

a race against time = a situation when you need to rush to do something before the deadline (time limit)

The last day for submitting project proposals is one week from today – so now it’s a race against time.


in the nick of time = at the last moment before it’s too late.

We got to the airport in the nick of time – if we’d arrived 15 minutes later, we would’ve missed our flight.

have the time of your life = have a super wonderful experience

My kids had the time of their lives at Disney World.

have a devil/hell of a time = a very difficult experience

I’m having a devil of a time trying to install this software – every time I try, I get a different error message.


bide your time until = wait patiently for a good opportunity

He was just biding his time until he got a chance to work at his dream job.

catch at a bad time = attempt to speak to someone in a moment that is inconvenient for him/her

Hi Peter! You caught me at a bad time – I’m about to go into a meeting. Could I call you back in an hour?

have a lot of time on your hands = have a lot of free time (maybe too much)

That guy completely covered the walls of his room with colored pencil drawings. He must have a lot of time on his hands!

all in good time = it will happen when the time is right, so be patient

“Why is it taking so long for my career to take off??”
All in good time… just keep working hard and you’ll make it.”

only a matter of time = it will definitely happen sooner or later

The company has lost money for the third year in a row; it’s only a matter of time before it goes bankrupt.

time will tell = the passing of time will show the result, whether good or bad

“I was surprised that Bill and Jackie got married. Do you think they’ll be happy together?”

“Only time will tell.

stand the test of time = last for a long time and continue to be successful

This is a classic work of literature. It has stood the test of time.

the time is ripe = it is the best time to do something

Real estate prices are low, and we have a lot of money saved up – I think the time is ripe for us to buy a house.

Ripe fruit is at the perfect moment to eat!

Ripe fruit is at the perfect moment to eat!

two-time = deceive, betray, or cheat someone

You two-timing bastard! You’ve been seeing another woman for the entire time we’ve been engaged!

the big time = the highest or most profitable level

She made it to the big time with the launch of her latest novel – it sold hundreds of thousands of copies in the first week.

time flies = time passes very quickly

Your son is already 12 years old? I remember when he was a baby! How time flies

Another expression: “Time flies when you’re having fun” – Time passes more quickly when you’re doing something you enjoy


time heals all wounds = the passing of time makes emotional injuries get better

Right now she’s very upset that her boyfriend broke up with her, but you know what they say: Time heals all wounds.

time is of the essence = correct timing is very important (often used for things that are urgent)

In order to meet the deadline, you need to send us the contract by Monday – time is of the essence.

third time’s the charm = the third time you try something, it will work (when the previous two attempts have failed)

I’ve called her twice, but she hasn’t answered. Let me try again – the third time’s the charm.

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Considering that time is such a critical element in our lives, it’s no surprise that the word time should crop up so often in English idiomatic usage. Here’s a list of phrases that refer directly to time.

1. a devil of a time: said of an ordeal
2. a legend in one’s own time: one who gains renown within his or her lifetime (also inspired “a legend in (one’s) own mind,” referring to an egotistical person who believes himself or herself to be more significant than he or she actually is)
3–4. a matter/question of time: said in reference to a state that will soon change
5. a rare old time: an enjoyable experience
6. a race against time: said of trying to accomplish something critical in a short time frame
7. a stitch in time: the first half of a proverb (ending with “saves nine” and with an obscure origin) that refers to the wisdom of taking precaution
8. a whale of a (good) time: an especially exciting or fun experience
9. ahead of time: before the agreed time
10. ahead of (one’s) time: said of someone or something that has an innovative approach or style or one that the world is not ready for
11. all in good time: an expression that encourages patience
12. all the time in the world: an unlimited amount of time
13. all the time: in addition to referring to habitual or continuous occurrence, can refer to knowing about something throughout a given period
14. at a set time: at the agreed time
15. at all times: always
16. at no time: never
17. at the appointed time: at the agreed time
18. bad time: an inconvenient moment or an unfortunate experience
19. before (one’s) time: said of something that existed or occurred before one was born or when one was too young to recall that thing, or said in reference to someone’s unexpectedly early death
20–21. behind its time/the times: late, not keeping up, or obsolete
22. bide (one’s) time: be patient
23. big-time operator: someone who is or thinks he or she is important or influential
24. big-time spender: one who spends a lot of money, or said ironically about a frugal person
25. borrowed time: an uncertain amount of time, at the end of which something will no longer exist or occur
26. buy time: postpone an event for one’s advantage
27. by the time: said in reference to a time after something else has occurred
28. caught in a time warp: unchanged in an antiquated or obsolete way
29. crunch time: a critical period
30. face time: time spent in someone else’s company
31. for the time being: for now
32. from time to time: occasionally
33. do (the) time: serve time in jail or prison
34. down time: rest period
35. get the time: become available
36. give (one) a hard time: be critical
37. good-time Charlie: one who seeks pleasure
38. good times: pleasant experiences
39. hardly have time to breathe: said when one is busy
40. have a time of it: experience difficulty
41. having quite a time: having a pleasurable experience, or having difficulty
42. have time on (one’s side): don’t have to hurry
43. I’ll catch you some other time: I’ll talk to you later when it’s more convenient for you
44. in next to no time: almost instantly
45. in the fullness of time: after enough time passes
46. in the right place at the right time: in a figurative sense, fortuitously prepared for some eventuality; also, literally, located in a position that is advantageous or fortunate
47. it’s about time: said to express impatience, or relief that something has finally occurred (usually accompanied by an exclamation point)
48. it’s high time: it is the appropriate time; one has waited long enough
49. keep time: maintain the beat in music
50. lose no time: do something immediately
51. make good time: proceed quickly or in a reasonable amount of time
52. make time for: set aside a period of time to accommodate someone or something
53. make up for lost time: catch up on time wasted or as a result of going slowly or not going at all
54. mark time: wait
55. not able to call (one’s) time (one’s) own: too busy
56. old-time: old-fashioned
57. on time: punctual
58. once upon a time: long ago
59. out of time: said in reference to no longer having time to do something
60. pass the time (of day) with: chat with
61. pressed for time: lacking enough time to do something
62. run that by me one more time: say that again
63. sands of time: a poetic reference to the passage of time as represented by sand in an hourglass
64. the big time: said in reference to achieving prominence in some endeavor
65. the time has come: the occasion is appropriate
66. the time of (one’s) life: a memorable experience
67. time and tide wait for no man: the world makes no allowance for one being late
68. time bomb: something that will inevitably result in a negative consequence
69. time flies: a reference to the fleeting nature of time
70. time is money: time is important because using it wisely or unwisely affects one’s ability to earn money
71. time on (one’s) hands: spare time
72. time out: in sports, a short period when play ceases; by extension, a break from activity (also used as the announcement of a request for a time out, as is time by itself)
73. (stuck in a) time warp: said in reference to observing something that or someone who appears outdated
74. time was: there was a time when
75. time’s a-wastin’: time is running out
76. time to hit the road: time to depart
77. time works wonders: the passage of time resolves problems
78. when the time is ripe: when the time is appropriate
79. withstand the test of time: endure
80. wouldn’t give (one) the time of day to: ignored

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«Time is money» — цитата, которую обычно приписывают Бенджамину Франклину, замечательно характеризует, например, отношение американцев, особенно американских бизнесменов ко времени. Сверхпунктуальность иногда пугает, но с другой стороны это демонстрация вашего уважения к другим людям и к самому себе. Конечно, у каждой нации свое отношение ко времени, проявляющееся в языке. Но все-таки хорошо, что со развитием средств коммуникации, мы получаем больше знаний и формируем всеобщий этикет ведения дел в международном масштабе. Понятие времени является важным в английской и американской культуре и напрямую связано с социальной необходимостью в этих культурах быть вежливым (об этом вы можете почитать в статье «Как быть вежливым на английском языке»). В языке же существует множество выражений со словом «time». Взглянем на самые популярные и полезные из них.

Race-against-time-Minimalist-Illustration-by-Ray-Orangesahead of time — заблаговременно, раньше срока

I think we’ll get there ahead of time.

(Я думаю, мы приедем туда раньше времени)

to have a hard time (doing something) — иметь сложности, испытывать трудности

I had a hard time trying to find this place. The directions you gave me were terrible!

(Мне тяжело было найти это место. Маршрут, который ты мне дал, был просто ужасным!)

to give a hard time — усложнять кому-то жизнь, упрекать кого-либо

I was really late to work on Monday. Ever since then, my coworkers have been giving me a hard time about it.

(Я опоздал на работу в понедельник. С тех пор мои коллеги достают меня упреками об этом)

all in good time — всему свое время, все по порядку

I’ll get to you all in good time. Please be patient.

(Я подойду к вам в свое время. Пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы)

at a set time — в заранее назначенное время

We’ll meet at the set time.

(Мы встретимся в назначенное время)

to take one’s time — не торопиться

Take your time. We still have time before the concert.

(Не торопись. У нас все еще есть время до концерта)

it’s about time — самое время, наконец-то

It’s about time! I’ve been waiting for you for two hours.

(О, самое время! Я жду тебя уже два часа)

in no time (at all) — вмиг, в мгновение ока, в один момент

Jane learned to speak English in no time at all.

(Джейн в момент выучила английский)

at all times — всегда

Make sure to keep your seat belts on at all times.

(Убедитесь в том, что ваши ремни безопасности все время застегнуты)

behind the times — отсталый, устарелый

She dresses like it was the 70s; she’s behind the times!

(Она одевается так, будто 70-ые на дворе; она совсем отстала от времени)

to bide one’s time — ждать благоприятного случая, выжидать

She decided to bide her time in a shop.

(Она решила выждать в магазине)

from time to time — время от времени

I like playing golf from time to time.

(Я люблю играть в футбол время от времени)

have the time of one’s life — отлично проводить время

Believe me. You’re going to have the time of your life.

(Поверь мне. Ты отлично проведешь время.)

live on borrowed time — доживать последние дни

She felt she was living on borrowed time because she smoked.

(Она чувствовала, что ее дни были сочтены из-за того, что она курит)

to be out of time — не иметь больше времени

I’m afraid we’re out of time for today.

(Боюсь, у нас закончилось время на сегодня)

pressed for time — быть занятым, очень торопиться

I’m pressed for time today. Hurry up!

(У меня времени в обрез сегодня. Поторопись давай!)

Time is money — Время — деньги

Remember that time is money, let’s hurry up.

(Помни, что время — деньги, давай поторопимся)

when the time is ripe — когда будет пора, в свое время

We’ll get there when the time is ripe!

(Мы приедем туда в свое время)

on time — вовремя

The trains always run on time in my country. They are never late.

(Поезда всегда ходят по расписанию в моей стране. Они никогда не опаздывают)

time flies — время летит

Time flies when you are having fun.

(Время летит, когда веселишься)

in the nick of time — точно в срок, в последнюю секунду

My team scored in the nick of time.

(Моя команда забила гол в последнюю секунду)

to save time — сэкономить время

We will save time if we drive instead of taking the bus.

(Мы сэкономим время, если поедем на машине вместо автобуса)

spare time — свободное время

In my spare time I like to learn English.

(В свободное время я люблю изучать английский)

as time goes by — с течением времени

As time has gone by I have become less interested in going to nightclubs on the weekends.

(С течением времени мне стало не так интересно ходить в ночные клубы по выходным)

only time will tell — только время покажет

Will we ever have peace in the world? Only time will tell.

(Будет ли мир на земле? Только время покажет)

to kill time — убивать время

We’ve got 4 hours until our flight leaves. How are we going to kill time?

(У нас 4 часа до отправления. Как нам убить это время?)

time after time — неоднократно, не раз, раз за разом

Time after time Tom was late for school.

(Том раз за разом приходил в школу с опозданием)

time off — отдых, отгул; время, свободное от работы

You are working too much. You need to take some time off.

(Ты слишком много работаешь. Тебе нужно взять отгул)

a waste of time — бессмысленная трата времени

It’s a waste of time calling that company. They never answer the telephones.

(Это бессмысленная трата времени звонить в эту компанию. Они никогда не отвечают)

too much time on my hands — слишком много свободного времени

He watches so much TV because he has too much time on his hands. He needs to get a job.

(Он так часто смотрит телевизор потому, что у него слишком много свободного времени. Ему нужно найти работу)

to have a whale of a time — замечательно провести время

I had a whale of a time at your party. Please invite me to your next one.

(Я замечательно провел время у тебя на вечеринке. Пожалуйста, пригласи меня на следующую)

to run out of time/time is up — не успевать, опаздывать

You are running out of time to do your homework.

(Не успеваешь сделать свою работу)

Your time is up. Hand me your tests.

(Ваше время закончилось. Передавайте мне свои тесты)

© ЛандышTime_Management_2C

By Robby Kukurs

If you are new here please read this first.

Hello my friends foreign English speakers!

As you may already know, the English Harmony blog is all about showing you how English fluency can be achieved by doing loads of spoken English practice in combination with acquiring plenty of naturally occurring speech patterns and using them.

And in case you’re wondering – what the heck is a “naturally occurring speech pattern” anyway? – just let me spell it out for you – it’s a phrase, an expression, a word combination.

So, this time around we’re going to look at English phrases involving the word TIME, and there’s a good chance that you haven’t heard all of them so this is going to be the perfect opportunity for you to expand your English phrase pool.

And please bear in mind – make sure to repeat these phrases out loud and say at least a few sample sentences. Just because you’re reading them, doesn’t mean you’ll be able to use them, you’re just going to add them to your passive vocabulary.

So, are you ready?

It’s about time – this is a very handy English phrase to have at your disposal, and it can be used whenever you want to indicate that something is about to begin, or maybe you want to finish a conversation with someone: “OK Jimmy, it’s about time we carried on with our work, we only have one hour left to go!” And did you notice something weird in the sample sentence? Yes, this phrase demands the Past Tense after it, so bear it in mind: “It’s about time I stopped this relationship”, “It’s about time we went inside, the storm is coming!”

Big time – no matter how short, even a two-word combination can be very useful and help you big time to express yourself properly in certain situations, and this one is no exception. Now, did you just notice I already used this phrase in the previous sentence? So, just to clarify – this phrase simply means “a lot”, and here’s another sample sentence for you: “Listen, have you forgotten that Mike helped you big time when you were in trouble? So now it’s your turn to help him!”

From time to time – this English phrase referencing time simply means “sometimes”, here’s an example: “I would have some issues with my car from time to time, but for the most part it’s running just fine!” And in case you’re wondering – “well, if it means “sometimes”, why can’t I just say “sometimes” instead?” – the answer is – well, yes, you can, but if you use a phrase like this one, it will make you sound more native-like and fluent!

This time around – this phrase implies that whoever is the person saying this, they’ve already been involved in the process before, basically this isn’t the first time they’re making the announcement. “Now, this time around we’re going to look at the following…” – from the context alone you can gather that this time is just one time in a series of repeated events.

Time and time again – typically this English time related idiom is used when someone wants to emphasize the fact that something is happening again and again, and more often than not the connotation would be a negative one: “I keep telling her time and time again that she should spend more time doing her homework, but she just doesn’t listen!”

There was this time when – this is a very handy way of telling a story about something specific that happened at some stage in the past. Personally I love this phrase as it allows you to captivate your listeners’ attention – “There was this time when I was working in a coffee shop, and you know who walked in one day? John Travolta, no kidding!”

Hitting an all-time high – this is somewhat an industry-specific phrase and would be used when discussing finances and economy: “Now, according to the latest reports, the level of unemployment in the region is now hitting an all-time high of 17.5% which is an outrageous figure!”

How are we fixed for time? – you’d be most likely using this phrase when starting a meeting or some sort of a formal conversation and making sure that the people involved won’t be running out of time anytime soon – “So, Max, Tracey, now I want to run over some quarterly sales figures with you, how are we fixed for time?”

A number of times – as simple as this English collocation is, it’s still a very valid phrase. It’s pretty self-explanatory, and here’s an example sentence where you can see this phrase in action: “I’ve taken that road a number of times, but I’ve never noticed there was a derelict building on the left, that’s weird!”

In the meantime – let’s start with an example so you can see exactly how this phrase is used: “OK, I’m going to check out this information for you, in the meantime, do you mind doing something else for me?” Basically this phrase is used to describe a process or an event which is taking place while something else is going on.

While at the same time – this is a very handy phrase to be used in situations when you have to describe two things one of which is being contrasted with the other one – “Have you noticed that Rashid is very quiet and keeps mostly to himself while at the same time Tanja is full of life and is always running around with other kids?”

Running out of time – I’m sure you’ve heard this one before, but in case you haven’t – this idiomatic expression describes a situation when there’s no more time left to get something done. “I’m sorry, but you’re running out of time and by the looks of it, you’re not going to be able to finish all the exam questions.”

Having a hard time – are you having a hard time developing your English fluency? Well – guess what? – I bet you don’t spend enough time opening your mouth and practicing your English, am I not right? Just to specify – “having a hard time” means having difficulties with something; in other words, it’s when you find something difficult.

* * *

Now, I hope you’ll find this phrase list useful my friends, and just to remind you, please make sure you read these phrases out loud and come up with a number of sample sentences for each.

Remember – if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it – and English phraseology and your ability to use it is no different!


P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System

P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System

In this post, you will learn 10 common English expressions with TIME. Use them in your own natural conversation after you learn with 30 real natural sentence examples. At the end of the post, there is a video for listening practice.

10 Common English expressions with TIME
1. You can spend time. (Use time doing something)
2. You can waste time. (Use time for nothing)
3. Time can be a waste. (Time that is used for nothing)
4. You can value time. 
5. You can run out of time. (Have no time left)
6. You can spare time. (Have extra time)
7. Time can be precious. (very important or valuable)
8. You can afford time. (Have time to use.)
9. You can save time. (This is the opposite of waste time.)
10. You can have plenty of time. (Have a lot of time)

List of 10 common English
expressions with time.

You can spend time. (Use time doing something)

  • I spent 3 hours making dinner.
  • I really enjoy spending time at home. 
  • The boss said not to spend any more time on projects that don’t make money.

You can waste time. (Use time for nothing)

  • I wasted an hour waiting for her.
  • Brian didn’t want to waste time in the morning so he prepared everything he needed before he went to bed.

Time can be a waste. (Time that is used for nothing)

  • It’s not worth going. The whole exhibition is a waste of time.
  • We stood in line for 30 minutes and then they closed the restaurant! What a waste. (of time)

“Optimism doesn’t wait on facts. It deals with prospects. 

Pessimism is a waste of time.”

~Norman Cousins

You can value time. 

(Appreciate [understand] that time is important)

  • I value every minute I get to spend with my family.
  • We should value the time we have when we are young.

“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.”

~M. Scott Peck

You can run out of time. (Have no time left)

  • I didn’t get the project finished as I would’ve liked. I ran out of time.
  • The movie starts in 20 minutes! We have to leave now, we’re running out of time!

You can spare time. 
(Have extra time)

  • Can you spare a few minutes?
  • Hurry! There’s no time to spare!

Time can be precious. (very important or valuable)

  • I travel a lot so the time I spend at home is very precious to me.
  • Time is precious. After it’s gone we can’t get it back.

“Everything matters. Time is precious.”

~Jessica Hagedorn

You can afford time. (Have time to use.)

This is usually used in the negative ~ can’t afford time ~ and with other time expressions. See examples below

  • We can’t afford to spend any more time on this. We have a lot to do today.
  • Final exams are in 3 days. I can’t afford to waste time playing video games.

Quickly Improve English Pronunciation – To BE Contractions (+ Video)

You can save time. 
(This is the opposite of waste time.)

You give yourself extra time by doing something earlier, faster or better)

  • I prepared the old files last night to save time today.
  • If we take a shortcut through the park we’ll save time.

“To save time is to lengthen life.”


You can have plenty of time. (Have a lot of time)

  • Let’s focus on our main job today; we’ll have plenty of time to worry about these other things later.
  • Mom and Dad won’t be home until 9:30, we have plenty of time to wash the dishes.

“I always think that I have plenty of time for everything, and then the reality of it doesn’t quite match up.”

~Kate Micucci

Watch the video below

Review these expressions and improve your listening skills.

Learn more ways to use time at Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries HERE

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  • English exercises with word formation
  • English esl word formation
  • English dictionary word origin
  • English dictionary word list with meaning
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