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verb (used with object)
to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly: He checked the horse at the edge of the cliff.
to restrain; hold in restraint or control: They built a high wall to check the tides.
to cause a reduction, such as in rate or intensity; diminish: The new measures checked the rapidity with which the epidemic was spreading.
to investigate or verify as to correctness: She checked the copy against the original.
to make an inquiry into, search through, etc.: We checked the files, but the letter was missing.
to inspect or test the performance, condition, safety, etc., of (something): Check a used car thoroughly before buying it.
to mark (something) so as to indicate examination, correctness, preference, etc. (often followed by off): Please check the correct answer. They checked off the names of people they wanted to invite.
to leave in temporary custody: Check your umbrellas at the door.
to accept for temporary custody: We accept responsibility for any article we check here.
to send (baggage) on a passenger’s ticket, usually on the same carrier used by the passenger, for pickup at the destination: We checked two trunks through to Portland.
to accept (baggage) for conveyance, and to convey, under the privilege of a passenger’s ticket: Check this trunk to Portland.
to mark with or in a pattern of squares: to check fabric.
Chess. to place (an opponent’s king) under direct attack.
Ice Hockey. to obstruct or impede the movement or progress of (an opponent).Compare back-check, fore-check.
Baseball. (of a batter) to hold back on (a swing of the bat) just after the swing has been started: The umpire is saying Cruz did check his swing, so that’ll be ball three.See also checked swing.
Baseball. (of a pitcher) to turn and look at (a base runner) to inhibit the runner from leading: Lopez checks the runner on second, looks back at Hamilton, and fires another sidearm pitch.
verb (used without object)
to prove to be right; correspond accurately: The reprint checks with the original, item for item.
to make an inquiry, investigation, etc., such as for verification (often followed by up, into, etc.): He checked to make sure his answer was correct. Check into the matter.
to make a sudden stop; pause: The horse checked before he jumped.
Chess. to make a move that puts the opponent’s king under direct attack.
Baseball. (of a batter) to hold back on a swing of the bat just after the swing has been started: From our perspective, it’s hard to tell whether he checked or not.See also checked swing.
to crack or split, usually in small checks: Painted surfaces may check with age.
Poker. to decline to initiate the betting in a betting round, usually to force another player to make the first bet rather than raise it.
Hunting. (of hounds) to stop, especially because the line of scent has been lost.
Falconry. (of a hawk) to forsake the proper prey and follow baser game (followed by at).
noun, plural checks or, for 43, chex.
Also British, cheque .Banking. a written order, usually on a standard printed form, directing a bank to pay money.
a slip or ticket showing the amount owed, especially a bill for food or beverages consumed.
a ticket or token that when matched with a counterpart identifies an article left in the temporary custody of another, the purchaser of a ticket, a person who is to be served next, etc.
a criterion, standard, or means to insure against error, fraud, etc.: This handmade sample is a check that the machine-made samples have to match.
an inquiry, search, or examination: We made a quick check but found nothing missing.
Also called check mark . a mark, often indicated by (✓), as on a list, to indicate that something has been considered, acted upon, or approved.
a person or thing that stops, limits, slows, or restrains: The increase of duty was an effective check on imports. He was a check on her enthusiasm.
a sudden arrest or stoppage: Taxation caused a check in the accumulation of vast fortunes.
a control, test, or inspection that ascertains performance or prevents error: They ran a check on the dependability of the automobile.
a pattern formed of squares, as on a checkerboard.
one of the squares in such a pattern.
a fabric having a check pattern.
Chess. the exposure of the king to direct attack: The king was in check.
a counter used in card games, as the chip in poker.
a small crack: There were several checks in the paint.
an egg, designated for market, having a slightly cracked shell and an intact inner membrane.
Masonry. a rabbet-shaped cutting on the edge of a stone, by which it is fitted to another stone.
- the losing of the scent by a dog or pack.
- (in fox hunting) a period in a hunt, following the losing of the scent by the hounds, during which the field rests quietly while the hounds cast to regain the scent.
serving to check, control, verify, etc.: a check system.
ornamented with a pattern of squares; checkered: a check border.
Chess. (used as a call to warn one’s opponent that their king is exposed to direct attack, having just one move in which to escape or parry.)
Informal. all right! agreed!
Verb Phrases
check in, to register, as at a hotel; indicate one’s arrival or presence at a place, function, etc., usually by signing an appropriate form: We checked in at the reception desk.
check on / up on to investigate, scrutinize, or inspect: Don’t forget to check on his work. We have to check up on him.
check out,
- to vacate and pay for one’s quarters at a hotel.
- to verify or become verified; examine or investigate.
- to fulfill requirements, as by passing a test: The engine checked out and we proceeded on our way.
- to itemize, total the cost of, and collect payment for (a purchase): The supermarket cashier was exhausted from checking out groceries all day long.
- to have the cost added up and pay for merchandise.
- to borrow (an item) by having it listed as one’s temporary responsibility: The adding machine was checked out in your name.
- Informal. to depart quickly or abruptly; leave in a hurry.
- Slang. to die.
check over, to examine or investigate, especially thoroughly.
The Word «Check» Has A Very Regal Origin
Asking for checks and filling out forms with checkmarks is boring, so it’s easy to forget that «check» was a word that originated from a game of knights, kings, and queens; basically the stuff Game of Thrones is made of.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Idioms about check
check the helm, Nautical. to alter the helm of a turning vessel to keep the bow from swinging too far or too rapidly.
in check, under restraint: He held his anger in check.
Origin of check
First recorded in 1275–1325; Middle English chek, chekke (in the game of chess), from Old French eschec (by loss of the initial unstressed vowel), variant of eschac, from Arabic shāh “check” (in the game of chess), from Persian: literally, “king” (an exclamation: i.e., “look out, your king is threatened”);see shah
synonym study for check
1. See stop. 2. Check, curb, repress, restrain refer to putting a control on movement, progress, action, etc. Check implies arresting suddenly, halting or causing to halt: to check a movement toward reform. Curb implies the use of a means such as a chain, strap, frame, wall, etc., to guide or control or to force to stay within definite limits: to curb a horse. Repress, formerly meaning to suppress, now implies preventing the action or development that might naturally be expected: to repress evidence of excitement. Restrain implies the use of force to put under control, or chiefly, to hold back: to restrain a person from violent acts.
check·less, adjective
Words nearby check
Chechen, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic, Chechen Republic, chéchia, Chechnya, check, checkable, checkback, check bit, checkbook, checkbook journalism
Other definitions for check (2 of 2)
noun South Midland and Southern U.S.
Often checks . the game of checkers.
any of the playing pieces used in this game.
Origin of check
By shortening
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to check
analysis, audit, checkup, control, inquiry, investigation, research, review, test, analyze, confirm, correct, find out, go through, investigate, monitor, probe, scrutinize, study, try
How to use check in a sentence
Same coaches and same teammates, but practices were off campus and often took at least some precautions, like distancing and temperature checks.
It will be writing checks ranging between roughly half a million and $3 million dollars, and it is only planning to raise $40 million — so the checks will be selective.
To do so, check your local government website for OHV laws and regulations or head over to the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association, which has tons of resources like basic off-road driver courses and tips for minimizing your impact.
Votes aren’t just little sheets of paper with boxes you check with a crayon.
Ballot designs and rules vary by state, but check that you’ve signed everywhere and sealed all the envelopes as instructed.
In this cockamamie get-rich scheme, would they all issue an apology if he cut a check?
We try to avoid going away for too long, so we can check back in.
She came to sound check, that was the first time we ever performed it, and it was really cool.
To judge her acting abilities for yourself, check out her videos on YouTube for “Sex Shooter.”
While the desk sergeant ran a background check, he was roughed up by another officer in the lock-up.
«Very well,» said the other, handing him a check for twenty-five dollars as a retainer, and straightway left the office.
The new Government to preserve public order and check all reprisals against the Spaniards.
But in the organization in which we live over-production tends to check itself at once.
Am I to check the number of rounds in the limbers; on the beaches and in transit during a battle?
Scarcely were they bandaged when the news arrived that Augereau’s division had received a severe check.
British Dictionary definitions for check
to pause or cause to pause, esp abruptly
(tr) to restrain or controlto check one’s tears
(tr) to slow the growth or progress of; retard
(tr) to rebuke or rebuff
(when intr, often foll by on or up on) to examine, investigate, or make an inquiry into (facts, a product, etc) for accuracy, quality, or progress, esp rapidly or informally
(tr) mainly US and Canadian to mark off so as to indicate approval, correctness, or preferenceUsual Brit word: tick
(intr often foll by with) mainly US and Canadian to correspond or agreethis report checks with the other
(tr) mainly US, Canadian and NZ to leave in or accept (clothing or property) for temporary custody
chess to place (an opponent’s king) in check
(tr) to mark with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
to crack or cause to crack
(tr) ice hockey to impede (an opponent)
(intr) hunting (of hounds) to pause in the pursuit of quarry while relocating a lost scent
(intr foll by at) falconry to change from one quarry to another while in flight
(intr) to decline the option of opening the betting in a round of poker
check the helm nautical to swing back the helm of a vessel to prevent it from turning too quickly or too far
a break in progress; stoppage
a restraint or rebuff
- a person or thing that restrains, halts, etc
- (as modifier)a check line
- a control, esp a rapid or informal one, designed to ensure accuracy, progress, etc
- (as modifier)a check list
a means or standard to ensure against fraud or error
the US spelling of cheque
mainly US the bill in a restaurant
mainly US and Canadian a ticket or tag used to identify clothing or property deposited for custody
a pattern of squares or crossed lines
a single square in such a pattern
- fabric with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
- (as modifier)a check suit
chess the state or position of a king under direct attack, from which it must be moved or protected by another piece
a small crack, as one in veneer or one that occurs in timber during seasoning
part of the action of a piano that arrests the backward motion of a hammer after it has struck a string and holds it until the key is released
a chip or counter used in some card and gambling games
hunting a pause by the hounds in the pursuit of their quarry owing to loss of its scent
angling a ratchet fitted to a fishing reel to check the free running of the line
ice hockey the act of impeding an opponent with one’s body or stick
in check under control or restraint
chess a call made to an opponent indicating that his king is in check
mainly US and Canadian an expression of agreement
Derived forms of check
checkable, adjective
Word Origin for check
C14: from Old French eschec a check at chess, hence, a pause (to verify something), via Arabic from Persian shāh the king! (in chess)
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with check
In addition to the idioms beginning with check
- check in
- check into
- check off
- check on
- check out
- check over
- checks and balances
- check up
also see:
- blank check
- claim check
- in check
- pick up (the check)
- rain check
- reality check
- rubber check
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
a. The act or an instance of inspecting or testing something, as for accuracy or quality: gave the paper a final check.
b. A standard for inspecting or evaluating; a test: The condition of the wiring can serve as a check for the level of the seller’s home maintenance.
c. A check mark.
a. A ticket or slip of identification: a baggage check.
b. A bill at a restaurant or bar.
c. A chip or counter used in gambling.
a. Something that stops or slows down motion, action, or expression; a restraint: Heavy rains were a check on the army’s advance.
b. The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint: kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays.
c. A stopping or slowing down of something: «The medicines … gave a check to the disorder that was destroying him» (Richard Henry Dana).
d. Sports The act of blocking or impeding an opponent with the puck in ice hockey, either with one’s body or one’s stick.
4. A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit; a draft.
a. A pattern of small squares, as on a chessboard.
b. One of the squares of such a pattern.
c. A fabric patterned with squares: a dress of pale green check.
6. Games
a. A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent’s king but does not constitute a checkmate.
b. The position or condition of a king so attacked.
7. A small crack; a chink.
1. Games Used to declare that a chess opponent’s king is in check.
2. Informal Used to express agreement or understanding.
v. checked, check·ing, checks
a. To inspect so as to determine accuracy, quality, or other condition; test: checked the brakes for wear; checked the paper for misspellings.
b. To verify by consulting a source or authority: checked her facts before speaking; check a spelling in the dictionary.
c. To put a check mark on or next to: checked off each item on the list.
a. To arrest or slow the motion or progress of: checked the flow by shutting a valve.
b. To hold in restraint; curb: check an impulse to laugh. See Synonyms at restrain.
c. Baseball To stop (the swing of the bat) in an attempt to avoid swinging at a pitch that is out of the strike zone: The batter checked his swing, and the pitch was called a ball.
d. Sports To block or impede (an opposing player with the ball or puck), as in ice hockey, by using one’s body or one’s stick.
3. To deposit or consign for safekeeping or shipment: checked his coat at the door; checked my bags and boarded the plane.
4. Games To move in chess so as to put (an opponent’s king) under direct attack.
5. To make cracks or chinks in: Sunlight dried and checked the paint.
a. To make an examination or investigation; inquire: phoned to check on the departure time; checked into the rumor.
b. To be verified or confirmed; pass inspection: The suspect’s story checked out.
c. To agree point for point; correspond: The fingerprints checked with the ones on file.
a. Sports To block or impede an opposing player with the ball or puck, as in ice hockey.
b. To come to an abrupt halt; stop: The soldiers rushed into the room but checked when they saw their commander.
3. To write a check on a bank account.
4. To undergo cracking in a pattern of checks, as paint does.
5. Games
a. To place a chess opponent’s king in check.
b. In certain card games, to announce that one is declining the option of making a bet.
a. To pause to relocate a scent. Used of hunting dogs.
b. To abandon the proper game and follow baser prey. Used of trained falcons.
Phrasal Verbs:
check in
To register, as at a hotel.
check out
1. To settle one’s bill and leave a hotel or other place of lodging.
2. To withdraw (an item) after recording the withdrawal: check out books.
3. To record and total up the prices of and receive payment for (items being purchased) at a retail store: The cashier checked out and bagged my order.
4. Slang To die.
check over
To look over; examine: The teacher checked the students’ papers over.
[Middle English chek, check in chess, from Old French eschec, from Arabic šāh, from Persian, king, check; see shah.]
check′a·ble adj.
Word History: The words check, chess, and shah are all related. Shah, as one might think, is a borrowing into English of the Persian title for the monarch of that country. The Persian word shāh was also a term used in chess, a game played in Persia long before it was introduced to Europe. One said shāh as a warning when the opponent’s king was under attack. The Persian word in this sense, after passing through Arabic, probably Old Spanish, and then Old French, came into Middle English as chek about seven hundred years ago. Chess itself comes from a plural form of the Old French word that gave us the word check. Checkmate, the next stage after check, goes back to the Arabic phrase shāh māt, meaning «the king is dead.» Through a complex development having to do with senses that evolved from the notion of checking the king, check came to mean something used to ensure accuracy or authenticity. One such means was a counterfoil, a part of a check, for example, retained by the issuer as documentation of a transaction. Check first meant «counterfoil» and then came to mean anything, such as a bill or bank draft, with a counterfoil—or eventually even without one.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. to pause or cause to pause, esp abruptly
2. (tr) to restrain or control: to check one’s tears.
3. (tr) to slow the growth or progress of; retard
4. (tr) to rebuke or rebuff
5. (when: intr, often foll by on or up on) to examine, investigate, or make an inquiry into (facts, a product, etc) for accuracy, quality, or progress, esp rapidly or informally
6. (tr) chiefly US and Canadian to mark off so as to indicate approval, correctness, or preference. Usual Brit word: tick
7. chiefly (often foll by: with) US and Canadian to correspond or agree: this report checks with the other.
8. (tr) chiefly US and Canadian and NZ to leave in or accept (clothing or property) for temporary custody
9. (Chess & Draughts) chess to place (an opponent’s king) in check
10. (tr) to mark with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
11. to crack or cause to crack
12. (Agriculture) agriculture short for checkrow
13. (Hockey (Field & Ice)) (tr) ice hockey to impede (an opponent)
14. (Hunting) (intr) hunting (of hounds) to pause in the pursuit of quarry while relocating a lost scent
15. (Falconry) falconry (foll by: at) to change from one quarry to another while in flight
16. (Card Games) (intr) to decline the option of opening the betting in a round of poker
17. (Nautical Terms) check the helm nautical to swing back the helm of a vessel to prevent it from turning too quickly or too far
18. a break in progress; stoppage
19. a restraint or rebuff
a. a person or thing that restrains, halts, etc
b. (as modifier): a check line.
a. a control, esp a rapid or informal one, designed to ensure accuracy, progress, etc
b. (as modifier): a check list.
22. a means or standard to ensure against fraud or error
23. the US word for tick1
24. (Banking & Finance) the US spelling of cheque
25. chiefly US the bill in a restaurant
26. chiefly US and Canadian a ticket or tag used to identify clothing or property deposited for custody
27. a pattern of squares or crossed lines
28. a single square in such a pattern
29. (Textiles)
a. fabric with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
b. (as modifier): a check suit.
30. (Chess & Draughts) chess the state or position of a king under direct attack, from which it must be moved or protected by another piece
31. a small crack, as one in veneer or one that occurs in timber during seasoning
32. (Instruments) part of the action of a piano that arrests the backward motion of a hammer after it has struck a string and holds it until the key is released
33. (Card Games) a chip or counter used in some card and gambling games
34. (Gambling, except Cards) a chip or counter used in some card and gambling games
35. (Hunting) hunting a pause by the hounds in the pursuit of their quarry owing to loss of its scent
36. (Angling) angling a ratchet fitted to a fishing reel to check the free running of the line
37. (Hockey (Field & Ice)) ice hockey the act of impeding an opponent with one’s body or stick
38. in check under control or restraint
39. (Chess & Draughts) chess a call made to an opponent indicating that his or her king is in check
40. chiefly US and Canadian an expression of agreement
[C14: from Old French eschec a check at chess, hence, a pause (to verify something), via Arabic from Persian shāh the king! (in chess)]
ˈcheckable adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly.
2. to restrain; control: to check an impulse.
3. to cause to diminish, as in rate or intensity.
4. to verify the correctness of, as by comparison.
5. to inquire into, search through, etc.: to check the files for a missing letter.
6. to inspect or test the condition, performance, safety, etc., of.
7. to mark so as to indicate choice, correctness, verification, etc. (often fol. by off).
8. to leave in or accept for temporary custody: Check your coats at the door.
9. to surrender (baggage) for conveyance.
10. to mark with or in a pattern of squares: to check fabric.
11. (in chess) to place (an opponent’s king) under direct attack.
12. (in ice hockey) to obstruct or impede the movement or progress of (an opponent).
13. to prove to be right; correspond accurately.
14. to make an inquiry or investigation, as for verification (often fol. by up, into, etc.): Check into the matter.
15. to stop suddenly.
16. (in chess) to make a move that puts the opponent’s king under direct attack.
17. to crack or split, as paint.
18. (in poker) to decline to bet.
19. check in, to register or report one’s arrival, as at a hotel or airport.
20. check (up) on, to investigate, scrutinize, or inspect.
21. check out,
a. to leave a hotel, hospital, etc., officially, esp. after settling one’s account.
b. to verify or become verified.
c. to confirm or be confirmed as fulfilling necessary requirements, being in working condition, etc.
d. to total the cost of purchases and collect payment from (a customer).
e. to lend or borrow (an item) officially, as from a library.
f. Informal. to depart quickly or abruptly.
g. Slang. to die.
22. check over, to examine or investigate thoroughly.
23. a written order, usu. on a standard printed form, directing a bank to pay money.
24. a slip showing an amount owed, esp. a bill as for food or beverages consumed.
25. a ticket given for items left in a checkroom, to customers waiting to be served, etc.
26. a criterion, standard, or means to insure against error, fraud, etc.
27. an inquiry, search, or examination.
28. a mark, often indicated by (✓), as on a list, to indicate that something has been noted, acted upon, approved, etc.
29. a sudden arrest or stoppage.
30. a means of stopping, limiting, or restraining.
31. a test or inspection, as to ascertain quality or performance.
32. a pattern formed of squares.
33. one of the squares in such a pattern.
34. a fabric having such a pattern.
35. (in chess) the exposure of the king to direct attack.
36. an ice hockey maneuver designed to obstruct or impede the movement of an opponent.
37. a counter used in card games, as the chip in poker.
38. a small crack, as in a painted surface.
adj. interj.
39. (used as a call in chess to warn that an opponent’s king is in check.)
40. Informal. all right! agreed!
in check, under restraint: to hold one’s anger in check.
[1275–1325; Middle English chek, chekke (at chess) < Old French eschec (by aphesis), variant of eschac < Arabic shāh check (at chess) < Persian: literally, king (an exclamation: i.e., look out, your king is threatened); see shah]
syn: check, curb, restrain refer to putting a control on movement, progress, action, etc. check implies arresting suddenly, halting or causing to halt by means of drastic action: to check a movement toward reform. curb implies slowing or stopping forward motion: to curb inflation; to curb a horse. restrain implies the use of force to put under control or hold back: to restrain one’s enthusiasm; to restrain unruly spectators. See also stop.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– check
In British English, a bill is a piece of paper showing how much money you must pay for a meal in a restaurant.
We paid our bill and left.
In American English, a piece of paper like this is called a check.
He waved to a waiter and asked for the check.
In both British and American English, a bill is a piece of paper that shows how much money you must pay for services such as electricity or gas.
If you are finding it difficult to pay your gas bill, please let us know quickly.
I ran up a huge phone bill.
In American English, a bill is also a piece of paper money.
– check
1. ‘cheque’
In British English, a cheque is a printed form on which you write an amount of money and say who it is to be paid to. Your bank then pays the money to that person from your account.
Ellen gave the landlady a cheque for £80.
2. ‘check’
In American English, this word is spelled check.
They sent me a check for $520.
In American English, a check is also a piece of paper showing how much money you owe for a meal in a restaurant.
He waved to a waiter and got the check.
In British English, a piece of paper like this is called a bill.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: checked
Gerund: checking
Imperative |
check |
check |
Present |
I check |
you check |
he/she/it checks |
we check |
you check |
they check |
Preterite |
I checked |
you checked |
he/she/it checked |
we checked |
you checked |
they checked |
Present Continuous |
I am checking |
you are checking |
he/she/it is checking |
we are checking |
you are checking |
they are checking |
Present Perfect |
I have checked |
you have checked |
he/she/it has checked |
we have checked |
you have checked |
they have checked |
Past Continuous |
I was checking |
you were checking |
he/she/it was checking |
we were checking |
you were checking |
they were checking |
Past Perfect |
I had checked |
you had checked |
he/she/it had checked |
we had checked |
you had checked |
they had checked |
Future |
I will check |
you will check |
he/she/it will check |
we will check |
you will check |
they will check |
Future Perfect |
I will have checked |
you will have checked |
he/she/it will have checked |
we will have checked |
you will have checked |
they will have checked |
Future Continuous |
I will be checking |
you will be checking |
he/she/it will be checking |
we will be checking |
you will be checking |
they will be checking |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been checking |
you have been checking |
he/she/it has been checking |
we have been checking |
you have been checking |
they have been checking |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been checking |
you will have been checking |
he/she/it will have been checking |
we will have been checking |
you will have been checking |
they will have been checking |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been checking |
you had been checking |
he/she/it had been checking |
we had been checking |
you had been checking |
they had been checking |
Conditional |
I would check |
you would check |
he/she/it would check |
we would check |
you would check |
they would check |
Past Conditional |
I would have checked |
you would have checked |
he/she/it would have checked |
we would have checked |
you would have checked |
they would have checked |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | bank check, cheque bill of exchange, draft, order of payment — a document ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or bank on another bad check, bad cheque — a check that is dishonored on presentation because of insufficient funds; «issuing a bad check is a form of larceny» kite — a bank check drawn on insufficient funds at another bank in order to take advantage of the float kite — a bank check that has been fraudulently altered to increase its face value counter check — a blank check provided by a bank for the convenience of customers who are making withdrawals giro, giro cheque — a check given by the British government to someone who is unemployed; it can be cashed either at a bank or at the post office paycheck, payroll check — a check issued in payment of wages or salary certified check, certified cheque — a check containing certification that the person who issued the check has sufficient funds on deposit to cover payment personal check, personal cheque — a check drawn against funds deposited in your personal checking account cashier’s check, cashier’s cheque, treasurer’s check, treasurer’s cheque — a check issued by the officer of a bank on the banks own account (not that of a private person); «cashier’s checks are as good as cash» blank cheque, blank check — a check that has been signed but with the amount payable left blank medicare check, medicare payment — a check reimbursing an aged person for the expenses of health care |
2. | assay appraisal, assessment — the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth double check, countercheck — something that checks the correctness of a previous check Apgar score — an assessment of the physical condition of a newborn infant; involves heart rate and muscle tone and respiratory effort and color and reflex responsiveness paternity test — a test based on blood groups to determine whether a particular man could be the biological father of a particular child; negative results prove he was not the father but positive results show only that he could be stress test — a test measuring how a system functions when subjected to controlled amounts of stress |
3. | check — the bill in a restaurant; «he asked the waiter for the check»
tab, chit invoice, bill, account — an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered; «he paid his bill and left»; «send me an account of what I owe» |
4. | halt, stoppage, arrest, hitch, stay, stop inaction, inactiveness, inactivity — the state of being inactive countercheck — a check that restrains another check logjam — any stoppage attributable to unusual activity; «the legislation ran into a logjam» |
5. | check — additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct; «fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory»
confirmation, substantiation, verification cogent evidence, proof — any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something; «if you have any proof for what you say, now is the time to produce it» bed check — a check that everyone is in bed by the time they should be crosscheck — an instance of confirming something by considering information from several sources odd-even check, parity check, redundancy check — a system of checking for errors in computer functioning checksum — a digit representing the sum of the digits in an instance of digital data; used to check whether errors have occurred in transmission or storage |
6. | check — the act of inspecting or verifying; «they made a check of their equipment»; «the pilot ran through the check-out procedure»
checkout, check-out procedure spot check — a check on work performance or product quality made at random times without warning; «spot checks ensure a high level of performance by employees» inspection, review — a formal or official examination; «the platoon stood ready for review»; «we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator» |
7. | check mark, tick mark — a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation); «his answer was just a punctuation mark» |
8. | check — something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
deterrent, hinderance, hindrance, impediment, balk, baulk, handicap difficulty — a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result; «serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent» albatross, millstone — (figurative) something that hinders or handicaps; «she was an albatross around his neck» bind — something that hinders as if with bonds diriment impediment — (canon law) an impediment that invalidates a marriage (such as the existence of a prior marriage) drag — something that slows or delays progress; «taxation is a drag on the economy»; «too many laws are a drag on the use of new land» obstacle, obstruction — something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted; «lack of imagination is an obstacle to one’s advancement»; «the poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education»; «the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan» straitjacket — anything immaterial that severely hinders or confines; «they defected because Russian dance was in a straitjacket»; «the government is operating in an economic straitjacket» |
9. | check — a mark left after a small piece has been chopped or broken off of something
chip blemish, mar, defect — a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person’s body); «a facial blemish» |
10. | check — a textile pattern of squares or crossed lines (resembling a checkerboard); «she wore a skirt with checks»
dogstooth check, dog’s-tooth check, dogs-tooth check, houndstooth check, hound’s-tooth check — textile with a pattern of small broken or jagged checks weave — pattern of weaving or structure of a fabric |
11. | check — the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess; «his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper»
bridle, curb restraint — the act of controlling by restraining someone or something; «the unlawful restraint of trade» |
12. | check — obstructing an opponent in ice hockey
hockey game, ice hockey, hockey — a game played on an ice rink by two opposing teams of six skaters each who try to knock a flat round puck into the opponents’ goal with angled sticks obstruction — getting in someone’s way crosscheck — an illegal check (chopping at an opponent’s arms or stick) poke check — knocking the puck away by jabbing at it with the hockey stick |
13. | check — (chess) a direct attack on an opponent’s king
chess move — the act of moving a chess piece discovered check — a check on the opponent’s king that is delivered by moving a piece out of the line of attack by a queen or rook or bishop chess game, chess — a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent’s king |
Verb | 1. | check — examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; «check the brakes»; «Check out the engine»
check into, check out, check over, check up on, suss out, look into, go over analyse, analyze, examine, study, canvass, canvas — consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; «analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare»; «analyze the evidence in a criminal trial»; «analyze your real motives» check off, tick off, mark off, tick, check, mark — put a check mark on or near or next to; «Please check each name on the list»; «tick off the items»; «mark off the units» keep an eye on, watch over, watch, observe, follow — follow with the eyes or the mind; «Keep an eye on the baby, please!»; «The world is watching Sarajevo»; «She followed the men with the binoculars» |
2. | check — make an examination or investigation; «check into the rumor»; «check the time of the class»
examine, see — observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect; «The customs agent examined the baggage»; «I must see your passport before you can enter the country» screen, test — test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; «screen the blood for the HIV virus» countercheck — check a second time breathalyse, breathalyze — test someone’s alcohol level in his blood by means of a breathalyzer |
3. | check — be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; «He verified that the valves were closed»; «See that the curtains are closed»; «control the quality of the product»
insure, see to it, ensure, ascertain, assure, control, see proofread, proof — read for errors; «I should proofread my manuscripts» check off, tick off, mark off, tick, check, mark — put a check mark on or near or next to; «Please check each name on the list»; «tick off the items»; «mark off the units» control — verify by using a duplicate register for comparison; «control an account» check — verify by consulting a source or authority; «check the spelling of this word»; «check your facts» double-check — check once more to be absolutely sure cross-check — check out conflicting sources; crosscheck facts, for example cinch — make sure of card — ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor; «I was carded when I tried to buy a beer!» spot-check — pick out random samples for examination in order to ensure high quality verify — confirm the truth of; «Please verify that the doors are closed»; «verify a claim» ascertain, find out, learn, watch, determine, see, check — find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; «I want to see whether she speaks French»; «See whether it works»; «find out if he speaks Russian»; «Check whether the train leaves on time» cover — maintain a check on; especially by patrolling; «The second officer covered the top floor» verify, control — check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard; «Are you controlling for the temperature?» |
4. | curb, control, hold in, moderate, contain, hold confine, limit, throttle, trammel, restrain, restrict, bound — place limits on (extent or access); «restrict the use of this parking lot»; «limit the time you can spend with your friends» conquer, inhibit, stamp down, suppress, subdue, curb — to put down by force or authority; «suppress a nascent uprising»; «stamp down on littering»; «conquer one’s desires» damp — restrain or discourage; «the sudden bad news damped the joyous atmosphere» mortify, subdue, crucify — hold within limits and control; «subdue one’s appetites»; «mortify the flesh» abnegate, deny — deny oneself (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure; «She denied herself wine and spirits» keep back, restrain, hold back, keep — keep under control; keep in check; «suppress a smile»; «Keep your temper»; «keep your cool» restrict — place under restrictions; limit access to; «This substance is controlled» train — cause to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it; «train the vine» catch — check oneself during an action; «She managed to catch herself before telling her boss what was on her mind» bate — moderate or restrain; lessen the force of; «He bated his breath when talking about this affair»; «capable of bating his enthusiasm» thermostat — control the temperature with a thermostat countercheck, counteract — oppose or check by a counteraction |
5. | check — stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution; «She checked for an instant and missed a step»
stop, halt — come to a halt, stop moving; «the car stopped»; «She stopped in front of a store window» check — stop in a chase especially when scent is lost; «The dog checked» check — abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey |
6. | check off, tick off, mark off, tick, mark check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, suss out, look into, go over — examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; «check the brakes»; «Check out the engine» receipt — mark or stamp as paid insure, see to it, ensure, ascertain, check, assure, control, see — be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; «He verified that the valves were closed»; «See that the curtains are closed»; «control the quality of the product» verify — confirm the truth of; «Please verify that the doors are closed»; «verify a claim» |
7. | check — slow the growth or development of; «The brain damage will retard the child’s language development»
retard, delay alter, change, modify — cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; «The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city»; «The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue» dampen — check; keep in check (a fire) detain, delay, stay — stop or halt; «Please stay the bloodshed!» |
8. | check — be verified or confirmed; pass inspection; «These stories don’t check!»
check out correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check — be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; «The two stories don’t agree in many details»; «The handwriting checks with the signature on the check»; «The suspect’s fingerprints don’t match those on the gun» |
9. | check — be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; «The two stories don’t agree in many details»; «The handwriting checks with the signature on the check»; «The suspect’s fingerprints don’t match those on the gun»
gibe, jibe, match, tally, correspond, agree, fit consist — be consistent in form, tenor, or character; be congruous; «Desires are to be satisfied only so far as consists with an approved end» check out, check — be verified or confirmed; pass inspection; «These stories don’t check!» look — accord in appearance with; «You don’t look your age!» answer — match or correspond; «The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave» coincide — be the same; «our views on this matter coincided» align — be or come into adjustment with correlate — to bear a reciprocal or mutual relation; «Do these facts correlate?» parallel — be parallel to; «Their roles are paralleled by ours» twin, duplicate, parallel — duplicate or match; «The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse» square — be compatible with; «one idea squares with another» bear out, underpin, corroborate, support — support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm; «The stories and claims were born out by the evidence» equal, be — be identical or equivalent to; «One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!» resemble — appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to; «She resembles her mother very much»; «This paper resembles my own work» conform to, fit, meet — satisfy a condition or restriction; «Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?» homologize — be homologous; «A person’s arms homologize with a quadruped’s forelimbs» befit, beseem, suit — accord or comport with; «This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman!» accord, concord, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, consort, agree — go together; «The colors don’t harmonize»; «Their ideas concorded» pattern — form a pattern; «These sentences pattern like the ones we studied before» adhere — be compatible or in accordance with; «You must adhere to the rules» rime, rhyme — be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable; «hat and cat rhyme» |
10. | check — block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey
blockade, obstruct, stymie, stymy, embarrass, hinder, block — hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; «His brother blocked him at every turn» |
11. | check — develop (children’s) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control; «Parents must discipline their children»; «Is this dog trained?»
discipline, condition, train make grow, develop — cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development; «The perfect climate here develops the grain»; «He developed a new kind of apple» mortify — practice self-denial of one’s body and appetites groom, train, prepare — educate for a future role or function; «He is grooming his son to become his successor»; «The prince was prepared to become King one day»; «They trained him to be a warrior» |
12. | check — consign for shipment on a vehicle; «check your luggage before boarding»
check — hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping; «Check your coat at the door» consign, charge — give over to another for care or safekeeping; «consign your baggage» |
13. | check — hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping; «Check your coat at the door»
consign, charge — give over to another for care or safekeeping; «consign your baggage» check — consign for shipment on a vehicle; «check your luggage before boarding» |
14. | check — abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey
falconry — the art of training falcons to hunt and return stop, halt — come to a halt, stop moving; «the car stopped»; «She stopped in front of a store window» check — stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution; «She checked for an instant and missed a step» |
15. | check — stop in a chase especially when scent is lost; «The dog checked»
stop, halt — come to a halt, stop moving; «the car stopped»; «She stopped in front of a store window» check — stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution; «She checked for an instant and missed a step» |
16. | check — mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on
checker, chequer draw — represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface; «She drew an elephant»; «Draw me a horse» |
17. | check — decline to initiate betting
card game, cards — a game played with playing cards move, go — have a turn; make one’s move in a game; «Can I go now?» |
18. | check — hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of; «Arrest the downward trend»; «Check the growth of communism in South East Asia»; «Contain the rebel movement»; «Turn back the tide of communism»
hold back, arrest, turn back, contain, stop cut down, cut out — intercept (a player) defend — be on the defensive; act against an attack |
19. | check — place into check; «He checked my kings»
chess game, chess — a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent’s king aggress, attack — take the initiative and go on the offensive; «The Serbs attacked the village at night»; «The visiting team started to attack» |
20. | check — write out a check on a bank account
make out, write out, issue, cut — make out and issue; «write out a check»; «cut a ticket»; «Please make the check out to me» |
21. | check — find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; «I want to see whether she speaks French»; «See whether it works»; «find out if he speaks Russian»; «Check whether the train leaves on time»
ascertain, find out, learn, watch, determine, see insure, see to it, ensure, ascertain, check, assure, control, see — be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; «He verified that the valves were closed»; «See that the curtains are closed»; «control the quality of the product» ascertain, determine, find out, find — establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; «find the product of two numbers»; «The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize» test — determine the presence or properties of (a substance) |
22. | check — verify by consulting a source or authority; «check the spelling of this word»; «check your facts»
insure, see to it, ensure, ascertain, check, assure, control, see — be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; «He verified that the valves were closed»; «See that the curtains are closed»; «control the quality of the product» verify — confirm the truth of; «Please verify that the doors are closed»; «verify a claim» |
23. | check — arrest the motion (of something) abruptly; «He checked the flow of water by shutting off the main valve»
stanch, staunch, stem, halt — stop the flow of a liquid; «staunch the blood flow»; «stem the tide» stop — cause to stop; «stop a car»; «stop the thief» |
24. | check — make cracks or chinks in; «The heat checked the paint»
crack, check, break — become fractured; break or crack on the surface only; «The glass cracked when it was heated» crack — cause to become cracked; «heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair» |
25. | check — become fractured; break or crack on the surface only; «The glass cracked when it was heated»
crack, break change — undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature; «She changed completely as she grew older»; «The weather changed last night» check — make cracks or chinks in; «The heat checked the paint» crack — cause to become cracked; «heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair» crack — break partially but keep its integrity; «The glass cracked» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. (often with out) examine, test, study, look at, research, note, confirm, investigate, monitor, probe, tick, vet, inspect, look over, verify, work over, scrutinize, make sure of, inquire into, take a dekko at (Brit. slang) Check the accuracy of every detail in your CV. Get a mechanic to check the car out for you before you buy it.
examine ignore, overlook, neglect, disregard, pass over, pay no attention to
2. stop, control, limit, arrest, delay, halt, curb, bar, restrain, inhibit, rein, thwart, hinder, repress, obstruct, retard, impede, bridle, stem the flow of, nip in the bud, put a spoke in someone’s wheel Sex education is expected to help check the spread of Aids.
stop start, help, begin, further, release, encourage, advance, accelerate, give free rein
2. control, limitation, restraint, constraint, rein, obstacle, curb, obstruction, stoppage, inhibition, impediment, hindrance, damper There is no check on the flood of new immigrants arriving in the country.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Something that limits or restricts:
circumscription, constraint, cramp, curb, inhibition, limit, limitation, restraint, restriction, stricture, trammel.
3. The act of examining carefully:
4. A precise list of fees or charges:
Informal: tab.
1. To prevent the occurrence or continuation of a movement, action, or operation:
2. To come to a cessation:
3. To control, restrict, or arrest:
bit, brake, bridle, constrain, curb, hold, hold back, hold down, hold in, inhibit, keep, keep back, pull in, rein (back, in, or up), restrain.
4. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose:
5. To subject to a procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality:
Idioms: bring to the test, make trial of, put to the proof.
6. To subject to a test of knowledge or skill:
7. To look at carefully or critically.Also used with out:
Idiom: give a going-over.
8. To be compatible or in correspondence:
accord, agree, chime, comport with, conform, consist, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, square, tally.
phrasal verb
check in
To come to a particular place:
phrasal verb
check out
Slang. To cease living:
decease, demise, depart, die, drop, expire, go, pass away, pass (on), perish, succumb.
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَذْكِرَه تَشْهَدُ بِتَسْليمِ الحَقائِبتَعْريضُ الشّاهِ للخَطَرشِيكشيك، صَك ماليفاتورة الحِساب
athugaathuga, fara yfir, prófaávísun, tékkigeymslumiîihafa hemil á
…을 점검하다수표체크 표시체크하다확인
čekisčekių knygelėduoti matąišsiregistruotiištirti kieno patikimumą
kockovaný vzorkontrolovaniepreskúšaťšachšek
čekračunšahodjaviti sepregledati
đánh dấudấu kiểmkiểm trasécsự kiểm tra
3. (= look at) (also check out) → mirar
wow, check that car! → ¡hala! ¡mira or fíjate qué coche!
6. (US) [+ luggage] (at airport) → facturar, chequear (LAm); (at station) → dejar en consigna; [+ clothes, property] (in cloakroom) → dejar (en el guardarropa)
7. (Chess) [+ king] → dar jaque a
4. (US) (= agree) → concordar (with con)
check in
check on VI + ADV [+ information, time etc] → verificar
to check on sb → investigar a algn
check out
1. (of hotel) → (pagar y) marcharse (of de)
check up on VI + PREP
2. (= investigate) we’ve checked up on you and it seems you are telling the truth → hemos hecho indagaciones or averiguaciones sobre usted y parece que nos está diciendo la verdad
I’m sure he knew I was checking up on him → estoy seguro de que sabía que lo estaba espiando or vigilando
El sistema de checks and balances es uno de los principios de gobierno de Estados Unidos, cuyo objetivo es prevenir abusos de poder por parte de uno de los tres poderes del Estado. Para garantizar la libertad dentro del marco constitucional, los padres de la Constitución estadounidense crearon un sistema por el que tanto el poder del Presidente, como el del Congreso, el de los Tribunales o el de los gobiernos de cada estado puede ser sometido a debate o, si fuera necesario, controlado por el resto de los poderes.
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= do an inspection) to check to see if → s’assurer que
[time, details, figures, temperature, blood pressure] → vérification f
to keep a check on sb/sth → surveiller qn/qch
to hold sth/sb in check, to keep sth/sb in check (= control) → maîtriser qch/qn
(= inspection) [passport, ticket] → contrôle m security check
(= curb) → frein m
a check to sth → un frein à qch
(US) (= bill) → addition f
Can we have the check, please? → L’addition, s’il vous plaît.
adj (= checked) [pattern, cloth] → à carreaux
excl (CHESS) → échec
check in
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n → Kontrollpunkt m; Checkpoint Charlie → Checkpoint Charlie m, → Ausländerübergang m → Friedrichstraße
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
check in
check out
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(tʃek) verb
1. to see if something (eg a sum) is correct or accurate. Will you check my addition?
2. to see if something (eg a machine) is in good condition or working properly. Have you checked the engine (over)?
3. to hold back; to stop. We’ve checked the flow of water from the burst pipe.
1. an act of testing or checking.
2. something which prevents or holds back. a check on imports.
3. in chess, a position in which the king is attacked. He put his opponent’s king in check.
4. a pattern of squares. I like the red check on that material.
5. a ticket received in return for handing in baggage etc.
6. (especially American) a bill. The check please, waiter!
7. (American) a cheque.
checked adjective
having a pattern of check. She wore a checked skirt; Is the material checked or striped?
ˈcheckbook noun
(American) a chequebook.
ˈcheck-in noun
1. the place where passengers show travel documents at an airport or seaport. the check-in desk; (American) the check-in counter.
2. the process of checking in at an airport etc.
ˈcheckmate noun
in chess, a position from which the king cannot escape.
to put (an opponent’s king) in this position.
ˈcheckout noun
a place where payment is made for goods bought in a supermarket.
ˈcheckpoint noun
a barrier where cars, passports etc are inspected, or a point that contestants in a race must pass.
ˈcheck-up noun
a medical examination to discover the state of a person’s health. my annual check-up.
check in
to register at a hotel as a guest or at an airport as a passenger. We checked in last night.
check out
1. to leave (a hotel), paying one’s bill etc. You must check out before 12 o’clock.
2. (especially American) to test. I’ll check out your story.
check up (on)
to investigate to see if (someone or something) is reliable, honest, true etc. Have you been checking up on me?
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ شِيك, فَحْص, قُرَادَة, يَضِعُ عَلَامَة, يَفْحَصُ odškrtnutí, ověření, šek, zatrhnout, zkontrolovat check, hak, sætte hak ved, tjek, tjekke ankreuzen, Häkchen, Kontrolle, prüfen, Scheck έλεγχος, ελέγχω, επιταγή, σημάδι, τσεκάρω cheque, comprobar, control, controlar, marca, marcar ruksata, ruksi, sekki, tarkistaa, tarkistus chèque, coche, cocher, vérification, vérifier ček, kucati, kvačica, provjera, provjeriti assegno, controllare, controllo, segno di spunta, ticchettare 小切手, 照合, 照合の印, 照合の印をつける, 調べる …을 점검하다, 수표, 체크 표시, 체크하다, 확인 aankruisen, cheque, controle, controleren, teek sjekk, sjekke, tikke, tikking czek, kontrola, sprawdzić, zakreślenie, zaznaczyć cheque, pôr um visto, sinal de visto, ticar, tique, verificação, verificar отметить, отметка галочка, проверка, проверять, чек check, fästing, kontroll, kontrollera, ticka เครื่องหมายถูก, ใบสั่งจ่ายเช็ค, การตรวจ, ตรวจ, ทำเครื่องหมาย çek, denetleme, denetlemek, im, imleme đánh dấu, dấu kiểm, kiểm tra, séc, sự kiểm tra 勾号, 打勾, 支票, 检查
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. control; acción o efecto de regular.
[bank] cheque;
vt. controlar; chequear, verificar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Where do I check in for the flight to …?
- When do I have to check in?
- When is the latest I can check in?
- I’d like to check in, please
- Where do I check in my luggage?
- Could you check the air, please? (US)
Can you check the air, please? (UK) - Could you check the water, please? (US)
Can you check the water, please? (UK) - Could you check the tires, please? (US)
Can you check the tyres, please? (UK) - Can I cash a check? (US)
Can I cash a cheque? (UK) - I want to cash a check, please (US)
I want to cash a cheque, please (UK) - Can I pay by check? (US)
Can I pay by cheque? (UK) - Please bring the check (US)
Please bring the bill (UK)
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt chequear, revisar
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
проверка, чек, контроль, проверять, контролировать, контрольный, клетчатый
существительное ↓
- препятствие, остановка; задержка
- преим. воен. отпор, приостановка наступления или продвижения
- проверка, контроль
accuracy check — проверка точности
spot checks — полигр. выборочная корректура, выборочный редакционный просмотр
- галочка, птичка, отметка (знак проверки)
- номерок (в гардеробе)
hat check — номерок на шляпу
ещё 12 вариантов
глагол ↓
- останавливать, сдерживать; препятствовать; удерживать; обуздывать
- проверять, контролировать; ревизовать; сличать; расследовать
to check figures [examination papers] — проверять цифры [экзаменационные работы]
to check by sight — проверять /определять/ на глаз
to check for errors — корректировать, исправлять
to check an instrument — выверять прибор
to check one’s speed — контролировать скорость
check into the matter — разберитесь в этом деле
check bearing! — спец. проверить пеленг!, взять контрольный пеленг! (команда)
- (on) проверять, выяснять; убеждаться (в чём-л.)
we must check on him — его надо проверить
to check on a statement — проверить правильность какого-л. утверждения
to check on the past experience of the applicants — выяснить уровень квалификации претендентов на должность
- (with, редк. against) сверять, сличать
check your text with /against/ mine — сличите /сверьте/ ваш текст с моим
check your watch with the tower clock — проверьте свои часы по башенным
- амер. (with, редк. against) соответствовать, совпадать
his statement checks with yours — его заявление совпадает с вашим
the description checks with the photograph — описание соответствует фотографии /сходится с фотографией/
ещё 13 вариантов
прилагательное ↓
- шахм. шах!
- прост. ладно!, точно!, договорились!
- амер. = cheque
Мои примеры
a fabric with a blue and yellow check — ткань в синюю и жёлтую клетку
a check on its dependability under stress — проверка на надёжность в условиях стресса
the mechanic’s failure to check the brakes — то, что механик не проверил тормоза
to charge / check a book (out of a library) — заказывать книгу (из библиотеки)
to nip / check / crush in the bud — пресечь в корне, подавить в зародыше
to check calibration of instrument — поверять измерительный прибор
background check — расследование истории вопроса, проблемы
to produce a check — сделать шах
to hold / keep in check — держать под контролем, сдерживать
check ballot — проверочное голосование
check shirt — клетчатая рубашка
check specimen — контрольный экземпляр
Примеры с переводом
Check your spelling and grammar.
Проверьте свои правописание и грамматику .
Hey, check out that car!
Эй, зацени ту машину!
Can I pay by check?
Могу ли я расплатиться чеком?
Can you check these proofs?
Вы можете проверить эти доказательства?
Does his story check out?
Его рассказ подтверждается?
Check your baggage in at the desk.
Зарегистрируйте багаж на стойке регистрации.
Check the time of the class.
Уточните время начала занятия.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He checked my kings
Better just check she’s okay.
Payment can be remitted by check.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Фразовые глаголы
check back — перепроверять, переспрашивать, уйти в защиту
check in — регистрировать, регистрироваться, проверять, записывать, записываться
check off — удерживать из заработной платы, вычет
check out — проверять, отстроиться, сверять, выехать из гостиницы, одергивать
check through — посылать, пересылать, посылать багажом, проверять
check up — проверять, регистрировать, регистрироваться
Возможные однокоренные слова
checker — шашка, шашки, контролер, шахматная доска, пестрить, графить в клетку
checking — проверяющий, контрольный, проверочный
checked — остановленный, сдержанный, задержанный
uncheck — отменять проверку
checkable — могущий быть удержанным, сдержанным, поддающийся проверке, контролю,
checkage — вычет, удержание
checkless — бесчековый, беспрепятственный, незатрудненный, ничем не сдерживаемый
checky — клетчатый
overcheck — ткань с рельефными или накладными клетками, ткань с рельефными клетками
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: check
he/she/it: checks
ing ф. (present participle): checking
2-я ф. (past tense): checked
3-я ф. (past participle): checked
ед. ч.(singular): check
мн. ч.(plural): checks
1 to pause or cause to pause, esp. abruptly
2 tr to restrain or control
to check one’s tears
3 tr to slow the growth or progress of; retard
5 when intr, often foll by: on or up on to examine, investigate, or make an inquiry into (facts, a product, etc.) for accuracy, quality, or progress, esp. rapidly or informally
6 tr (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) to mark off so as to indicate approval, correctness, or preference, (Usual Brit. word)
7 intr; often foll by: with (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) to correspond or agree
this report checks with the other
8 tr (Chiefly U.S., Canadian, and N.Z.) to leave in or accept (clothing or property) for temporary custody
9 (Chess) to place (an opponent’s king) in check
10 tr to mark with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
11 to crack or cause to crack
12 (Agriculture) short for →
13 tr (Ice hockey) to impede (an opponent)
14 intr (Hunting) (of hounds) to pause in the pursuit of quarry while relocating a lost scent
15 intr; foll by: at (Falconry) to change from one quarry to another while in flight
16 intr to decline the option of opening the betting in a round of poker
17 ♦
check the helm (Nautical) to swing back the helm of a vessel to prevent it from turning too quickly or too far
18 a break in progress; stoppage
a a person or thing that restrains, halts, etc.
b (as modifier)
a check line
a a control, esp. a rapid or informal one, designed to ensure accuracy, progress, etc.
b (as modifier)
a check list
22 a means or standard to ensure against fraud or error
23 the U.S. word for →
tick 1
24 the U.S. spelling of →
25 (Chiefly U.S.) the bill in a restaurant
26 (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) a ticket or tag used to identify clothing or property deposited for custody
27 a pattern of squares or crossed lines
28 a single square in such a pattern
a fabric with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
b (as modifier)
a check suit
30 (Chess) the state or position of a king under direct attack, from which it must be moved or protected by another piece
31 a small crack, as one in veneer or one that occurs in timber during seasoning
32 part of the action of a piano that arrests the backward motion of a hammer after it has struck a string and holds it until the key is released
33 a chip or counter used in some card and gambling games
34 (Hunting) a pause by the hounds in the pursuit of their quarry owing to loss of its scent
35 (Angling) a ratchet fitted to a fishing reel to check the free running of the line
36 (Ice hockey) the act of impeding an opponent with one’s body or stick
37 ♦
in check under control or restraint
38 (Chess) a call made to an opponent indicating that his king is in check
39 (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) an expression of agreement, (See also)
check in →
check off →
check out →
(C14: from Old French eschec a check at chess, hence, a pause (to verify something), via Arabic from Persian shah the king! (in chess))
checkable adj
check digit
n (Computing) a digit derived from and appended to a string of data digits, used to detect corruption of the data string during transmission or transcription
check in
vb adv
1 intr to record one’s arrival, as at a hotel or for work; sign in or report
2 tr to register the arrival of (passengers, etc.)
a the formal registration of arrival, as at an airport or a hotel
b (as modifier)
check-in time
4 the place where one registers arrival at an airport, etc.
check list
n a list of items, facts, names, etc., to be checked or referred to for comparison, identification, or verification
check off
vb tr, adv
2 to deduct (union contributions) directly from an employee’s pay
3 a procedure whereby an employer deducts union contributions directly from an employee’s pay and pays the money to the union
check out
vb adv
1 intr to pay the bill and depart, esp. from a hotel
2 intr to depart from a place; record one’s departure from work
3 to investigate or prove to be in order after investigation
the police checked out all the statements, their credentials checked out
4 tr
Informal to have a look at; inspect
check out the wally in the pink shirt
a the latest time for vacating a room in a hotel, etc.
b (as modifier)
checkout time
6 a counter, esp. in a supermarket, where customers pay
check valve
n a valve that closes by fluid pressure to prevent return flow, (Also called)
nonreturn valve
discovered check
n (Chess) check given by moving a man that has been masking a potential check from a bishop, rook, or queen
dog’s-tooth check , dog-tooth check
n other names for →
hound’s-tooth check
1 to check twice or again; verify
double check
2 a second examination or verification
3 (Chess) a simultaneous check from two pieces brought about by moving one piece to give check and thereby revealing a second check from another piece
hound’s-tooth check
n a pattern of broken or jagged checks, esp. one printed on or woven into cloth, (Also called)
dogs-tooth check, dogtooth check
parity check
n a check made of computer data to ensure that the total number of bits of value 1 (or 0) in each unit of information remains odd or even after transfer between a peripheral device and the memory or vice versa
perpetual check
n (Chess) a consecutive series of checks that the checked player cannot avoid, leading to a drawn game
rain check
1 (U.S. and Canadian) a ticket stub for a baseball or other game that allows readmission on a future date if the event is cancelled because of rain
2 the deferral of acceptance of an offer, esp., a voucher issued to a customer wishing to purchase a sale item that is temporarily out of stock, enabling him to buy it at the special price when next the item is available
3 ♦
take a rain check
Informal to accept the postponement of an offer
sound check
n an on-the-spot rehearsal by a band before a gig to enable the sound engineer to set up the mixer
spot check
1 a quick random examination
2 a check made without prior warning
3 tr to perform a spot check on
English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus
bill [1]
1 money owed for goods or services supplied
an electricity bill
2 a written or printed account or statement of money owed
3 (Chiefly Brit) such an account for food and drink in a restaurant, hotel, etc, (Usual U.S. and Canadian word)
4 any printed or written list of items, events, etc., such as a theatre programme
who’s on the bill tonight?
5 ♦
fit or fill the bill
Informal to serve or perform adequately
6 a statute in draft, before it becomes law
7 a printed notice or advertisement; poster
8 (U.S. and Canadian) a piece of paper money; note
9 an obsolete name for →
promissory note
10 (Law) See →
bill of indictment
11 See →
bill of exchange
13 Archaic any document
vb tr
14 to send or present an account for payment to (a person)
15 to enter (items, goods, etc.) on an account or statement
16 to advertise by posters
17 to schedule as a future programme
the play is billed for next week
(C14: from Anglo-Latin billa, alteration of Late Latin bulla document, bull3)
1 to pause or cause to pause, esp. abruptly
2 tr to restrain or control
to check one’s tears
3 tr to slow the growth or progress of; retard
5 when intr, often foll by: on or up on to examine, investigate, or make an inquiry into (facts, a product, etc.) for accuracy, quality, or progress, esp. rapidly or informally
6 tr (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) to mark off so as to indicate approval, correctness, or preference, (Usual Brit. word)
7 intr; often foll by: with (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) to correspond or agree
this report checks with the other
8 tr (Chiefly U.S., Canadian, and N.Z.) to leave in or accept (clothing or property) for temporary custody
9 (Chess) to place (an opponent’s king) in check
10 tr to mark with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
11 to crack or cause to crack
12 (Agriculture) short for →
13 tr (Ice hockey) to impede (an opponent)
14 intr (Hunting) (of hounds) to pause in the pursuit of quarry while relocating a lost scent
15 intr; foll by: at (Falconry) to change from one quarry to another while in flight
16 intr to decline the option of opening the betting in a round of poker
17 ♦
check the helm (Nautical) to swing back the helm of a vessel to prevent it from turning too quickly or too far
18 a break in progress; stoppage
a a person or thing that restrains, halts, etc.
b (as modifier)
a check line
a a control, esp. a rapid or informal one, designed to ensure accuracy, progress, etc.
b (as modifier)
a check list
22 a means or standard to ensure against fraud or error
23 the U.S. word for →
tick 1
24 the U.S. spelling of →
25 (Chiefly U.S.) the bill in a restaurant
26 (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) a ticket or tag used to identify clothing or property deposited for custody
27 a pattern of squares or crossed lines
28 a single square in such a pattern
a fabric with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
b (as modifier)
a check suit
30 (Chess) the state or position of a king under direct attack, from which it must be moved or protected by another piece
31 a small crack, as one in veneer or one that occurs in timber during seasoning
32 part of the action of a piano that arrests the backward motion of a hammer after it has struck a string and holds it until the key is released
33 a chip or counter used in some card and gambling games
34 (Hunting) a pause by the hounds in the pursuit of their quarry owing to loss of its scent
35 (Angling) a ratchet fitted to a fishing reel to check the free running of the line
36 (Ice hockey) the act of impeding an opponent with one’s body or stick
37 ♦
in check under control or restraint
38 (Chess) a call made to an opponent indicating that his king is in check
39 (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) an expression of agreement, (See also)
check in →
check off →
check out →
(C14: from Old French eschec a check at chess, hence, a pause (to verify something), via Arabic from Persian shah the king! (in chess))
checkable adj
check digit
n (Computing) a digit derived from and appended to a string of data digits, used to detect corruption of the data string during transmission or transcription
check in
vb adv
1 intr to record one’s arrival, as at a hotel or for work; sign in or report
2 tr to register the arrival of (passengers, etc.)
a the formal registration of arrival, as at an airport or a hotel
b (as modifier)
check-in time
4 the place where one registers arrival at an airport, etc.
check list
n a list of items, facts, names, etc., to be checked or referred to for comparison, identification, or verification
check off
vb tr, adv
2 to deduct (union contributions) directly from an employee’s pay
3 a procedure whereby an employer deducts union contributions directly from an employee’s pay and pays the money to the union
check out
vb adv
1 intr to pay the bill and depart, esp. from a hotel
2 intr to depart from a place; record one’s departure from work
3 to investigate or prove to be in order after investigation
the police checked out all the statements, their credentials checked out
4 tr
Informal to have a look at; inspect
check out the wally in the pink shirt
a the latest time for vacating a room in a hotel, etc.
b (as modifier)
checkout time
6 a counter, esp. in a supermarket, where customers pay
check valve
n a valve that closes by fluid pressure to prevent return flow, (Also called)
nonreturn valve
discovered check
n (Chess) check given by moving a man that has been masking a potential check from a bishop, rook, or queen
dog’s-tooth check , dog-tooth check
n other names for →
hound’s-tooth check
1 to check twice or again; verify
double check
2 a second examination or verification
3 (Chess) a simultaneous check from two pieces brought about by moving one piece to give check and thereby revealing a second check from another piece
hound’s-tooth check
n a pattern of broken or jagged checks, esp. one printed on or woven into cloth, (Also called)
dogs-tooth check, dogtooth check
parity check
n a check made of computer data to ensure that the total number of bits of value 1 (or 0) in each unit of information remains odd or even after transfer between a peripheral device and the memory or vice versa
perpetual check
n (Chess) a consecutive series of checks that the checked player cannot avoid, leading to a drawn game
rain check
1 (U.S. and Canadian) a ticket stub for a baseball or other game that allows readmission on a future date if the event is cancelled because of rain
2 the deferral of acceptance of an offer, esp., a voucher issued to a customer wishing to purchase a sale item that is temporarily out of stock, enabling him to buy it at the special price when next the item is available
3 ♦
take a rain check
Informal to accept the postponement of an offer
sound check
n an on-the-spot rehearsal by a band before a gig to enable the sound engineer to set up the mixer
spot check
1 a quick random examination
2 a check made without prior warning
3 tr to perform a spot check on
English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus
cheque , (U.S.) check
1 a bill of exchange drawn on a bank by the holder of a current account; payable into a bank account, if crossed, or on demand, if uncrossed
2 (Austral. and N.Z.) the total sum of money received for contract work or a crop
3 (Austral. and N.Z.) wages
(C18: from check, in the sense: a means of verification)
1 to pause or cause to pause, esp. abruptly
2 tr to restrain or control
to check one’s tears
3 tr to slow the growth or progress of; retard
5 when intr, often foll by: on or up on to examine, investigate, or make an inquiry into (facts, a product, etc.) for accuracy, quality, or progress, esp. rapidly or informally
6 tr (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) to mark off so as to indicate approval, correctness, or preference, (Usual Brit. word)
7 intr; often foll by: with (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) to correspond or agree
this report checks with the other
8 tr (Chiefly U.S., Canadian, and N.Z.) to leave in or accept (clothing or property) for temporary custody
9 (Chess) to place (an opponent’s king) in check
10 tr to mark with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
11 to crack or cause to crack
12 (Agriculture) short for →
13 tr (Ice hockey) to impede (an opponent)
14 intr (Hunting) (of hounds) to pause in the pursuit of quarry while relocating a lost scent
15 intr; foll by: at (Falconry) to change from one quarry to another while in flight
16 intr to decline the option of opening the betting in a round of poker
17 ♦
check the helm (Nautical) to swing back the helm of a vessel to prevent it from turning too quickly or too far
18 a break in progress; stoppage
a a person or thing that restrains, halts, etc.
b (as modifier)
a check line
a a control, esp. a rapid or informal one, designed to ensure accuracy, progress, etc.
b (as modifier)
a check list
22 a means or standard to ensure against fraud or error
23 the U.S. word for →
tick 1
24 the U.S. spelling of →
25 (Chiefly U.S.) the bill in a restaurant
26 (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) a ticket or tag used to identify clothing or property deposited for custody
27 a pattern of squares or crossed lines
28 a single square in such a pattern
a fabric with a pattern of squares or crossed lines
b (as modifier)
a check suit
30 (Chess) the state or position of a king under direct attack, from which it must be moved or protected by another piece
31 a small crack, as one in veneer or one that occurs in timber during seasoning
32 part of the action of a piano that arrests the backward motion of a hammer after it has struck a string and holds it until the key is released
33 a chip or counter used in some card and gambling games
34 (Hunting) a pause by the hounds in the pursuit of their quarry owing to loss of its scent
35 (Angling) a ratchet fitted to a fishing reel to check the free running of the line
36 (Ice hockey) the act of impeding an opponent with one’s body or stick
37 ♦
in check under control or restraint
38 (Chess) a call made to an opponent indicating that his king is in check
39 (Chiefly U.S. and Canadian) an expression of agreement, (See also)
check in →
check off →
check out →
(C14: from Old French eschec a check at chess, hence, a pause (to verify something), via Arabic from Persian shah the king! (in chess))
checkable adj
check digit
n (Computing) a digit derived from and appended to a string of data digits, used to detect corruption of the data string during transmission or transcription
check in
vb adv
1 intr to record one’s arrival, as at a hotel or for work; sign in or report
2 tr to register the arrival of (passengers, etc.)
a the formal registration of arrival, as at an airport or a hotel
b (as modifier)
check-in time
4 the place where one registers arrival at an airport, etc.
check list
n a list of items, facts, names, etc., to be checked or referred to for comparison, identification, or verification
check off
vb tr, adv
2 to deduct (union contributions) directly from an employee’s pay
3 a procedure whereby an employer deducts union contributions directly from an employee’s pay and pays the money to the union
check out
vb adv
1 intr to pay the bill and depart, esp. from a hotel
2 intr to depart from a place; record one’s departure from work
3 to investigate or prove to be in order after investigation
the police checked out all the statements, their credentials checked out
4 tr
Informal to have a look at; inspect
check out the wally in the pink shirt
a the latest time for vacating a room in a hotel, etc.
b (as modifier)
checkout time
6 a counter, esp. in a supermarket, where customers pay
check valve
n a valve that closes by fluid pressure to prevent return flow, (Also called)
nonreturn valve
discovered check
n (Chess) check given by moving a man that has been masking a potential check from a bishop, rook, or queen
dog’s-tooth check , dog-tooth check
n other names for →
hound’s-tooth check
1 to check twice or again; verify
double check
2 a second examination or verification
3 (Chess) a simultaneous check from two pieces brought about by moving one piece to give check and thereby revealing a second check from another piece
hound’s-tooth check
n a pattern of broken or jagged checks, esp. one printed on or woven into cloth, (Also called)
dogs-tooth check, dogtooth check
parity check
n a check made of computer data to ensure that the total number of bits of value 1 (or 0) in each unit of information remains odd or even after transfer between a peripheral device and the memory or vice versa
perpetual check
n (Chess) a consecutive series of checks that the checked player cannot avoid, leading to a drawn game
rain check
1 (U.S. and Canadian) a ticket stub for a baseball or other game that allows readmission on a future date if the event is cancelled because of rain
2 the deferral of acceptance of an offer, esp., a voucher issued to a customer wishing to purchase a sale item that is temporarily out of stock, enabling him to buy it at the special price when next the item is available
3 ♦
take a rain check
Informal to accept the postponement of an offer
sound check
n an on-the-spot rehearsal by a band before a gig to enable the sound engineer to set up the mixer
spot check
1 a quick random examination
2 a check made without prior warning
3 tr to perform a spot check on
English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus
1 check out (informal) compare, confirm, enquire into, examine, inspect, investigate, look at, look over, make sure, monitor, note, probe, research, scrutinize, study, take a dekko at (Brit. slang) test, tick, verify, vet, work over
2 arrest, bar, bridle, control, curb, delay, halt, hinder, hobble, impede, inhibit, limit, nip in the bud, obstruct, pause, put a spoke in someone’s wheel, rein, repress, restrain, retard, stem the flow, stop, thwart
3 admonish, bawl out (informal) blame, carpet (informal) chew out (U.S. & Canad. informal) chide, give (someone) a rocket (Brit. & N.Z. informal) give (someone) a row (informal) rap over the knuckles, rate, read the riot act, rebuff, rebuke, reprimand, reprove, scold, slap on the wrist, tear into (informal) tear (someone) off a strip (Brit. informal) tell off (informal)
4 examination, inspection, investigation, once-over (informal) research, scrutiny, test
5 constraint, control, curb, damper, hindrance, impediment, inhibition, limitation, obstacle, obstruction, rein, restraint, stoppage
6 blow, disappointment, frustration, rejection, reverse, setback, whammy (informal, chiefly U.S.)
, vb
1 disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook, pass over, pay no attention to
2 accelerate, advance, begin, encourage, further, give free rein, help, release, start
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
criminal check
verification conducted by police to find out if a person has a criminal record or not.
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 check1 /tʃɛk/USA pronunciation
adj. [usually: before a noun]
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 check1
check′less, adj.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: check /tʃɛk/ vb
ˈcheckable adj WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 cheque /tʃɛk/USA pronunciation
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 cheque
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: cheque, US check /tʃɛk/ n
Etymology: 18th Century: from check, in the sense: a means of verification ‘check‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): |
- препятствие, остановка; задержка
to serve as a check ― служить препятствием; обуздывать
wind acts as a check on speed ― ветер мешает быстрой езде
his illness gave a check to our plans ― его болезнь сорвала
наши планыto keep in check ― держать в руках, контролировать
keep your emotions in check ― сдерживайте свои чувства
to keep a check on smb. ― держать кого-л в руках, не давать
воли кому-лto keep a check on smth. ― следить за чем-л.; контролировать
что-л; держать что-л. в своих рукахkeep a check on your tongue ― думай, прежде чем говорить
- воен. отпор, приостановка наступления или
продвижения - проверка, контроль
accuracy check ― проверка точности
spot checks ― полигр. выборочная корректура, выборочный
редакционный просмотр - галочка, птичка, отметка (знак проверки)
- номерок (в гардеробе)
hat check ― номерок на шляпу
- ярлык; богажная квитанция
a check for a suitcase ― квитанция на чемодан
- контрольный штемпель
- контрамарка; корешок (билета)
- клетка (рисунок ткани)
- клетчатая ткань; шотландка
do you want a stripe or a check? ― вам в полоску или в клетку?
- счет (в ресторане)
- шахм. шах
double check ― двойной шах
perpetual check ― вечный шах
check to the king ― шах королю
- с-х. чек, делянка, окруженная валом и затапливаемая водой
- с-х. контрольная делянка
- охот. потеря (собакой) следа
- спец. трещина, щель (в дереве); волосная трещина
- ам. карт. фишка, марка
checks and balances ― принцип взаимозависимости и
взаимозависимости и взаимоограничения законодательной,
исполнительной и судебной власти - контрольный, проверочный, испытательный
check analysis ― контрольный анализ
check cage ― клетка или садок для контрольных животных
check experiment ― поверочный опыт
check flight ― ав. контрольный полет
check sample ― контрольный образец
check station ― воен. пункт технического осмотра
check test ― поверочное испытание
- клетчатый
check handkerchief ― клетчатый платок
check system of irrigation ― с-х. орошение способом затопления
по клеткам - запирающий, задерживающий
check dam ― задерживающая плотина, защитная дамба или плотина
check valve ― тех. запорный клапан, обратный клапан
check work ― тех. периодическое включение и выключение
механизмаcheck wine ― марочное вино
- останавливать, сдерживать; препятствовать; удерживать;
обуздыватьto check the advance of the enemy ― приостановить продвижение
противникаto check extravagant spending ― положить конец расточительству
to check anger ― подавить гнев
to check the growth ― замедлять рост
he checked his impetuous son ― он сдерживал своего необузданного
сынаto check a fire ― остановить пожар
to check oneself ― остановиться, удержаться; сдержаться
she checked herself ― она не договорила
he checked himself just as he was about to blurt out his
indignation ― он подавил готовые вырваться слова негодования - проверять, контролировать; ревизовать; сличать;
расследоватьto check figures ― проверять цифры
to check by sight ― проверять на глаз
to check for errors ― корректировать, исправлять
to check an instrument ― выверять прибор
to check one’s speed ― контролировать скорость
check into the matter ― разберитесь в этом деле
check bearing! ― спец. проверить пеленг!, взять контрольный
пеленг! (команда) - проверять, выяснять; убеждаться (в чем-л.)
we must check on him ― его надо проверить
to check on a statement ― проверить правильность какого-л
утвержденияto check on the past experience of the applicants ― выяснить
уровень квалификации претендентов на должность - сверять, сличать
check your watch with the tower clock ― проверьте свои часы
по башенным - ам. соответствовать. совпадать
his statement checks with yours ― его заявление совпадает
с вашимthe description checks with the photograph ― описание
соответствует фотографии - ам. сдавать (в гардероб, в камеру хранения, в багаж)
have you checked all your luggage? ― вы все свои вещи сдали
в багаж?check in your coat and hat ― сдайте в гардероб пальто и шляпу
- принимать на хранение
the hotel checked our baggage ― гостиница приняла на хранение
наш багаж - отмечать галочкой, значком
how many mistakes did the teacher check? ― сколько ошибок
учитель отметил (птичкой)? - шахм. объявлять шах
- карт. пасовать
- располагать в шахматном порядке
- делать выговор; давать нагоняй; разносить
- с-х. приостанавливать (рост)
- спец. делать щели; вызывать трещины
- спец. покрываться трещинами, щелями
- уст. внезапно остановиться (перед чем-л); отшатнуться
(от чего-л) - мор. травить
- шахм. шах!
- простореч. ладно!, точно!, договорились!
- ам. фин. чек
bank check ― банковский чек
certified check ― удостоверенный чек, чек с надписью банка о
принятии к платежуcrossed check ― кроссированный чек
town check ― чек на банк в Лондонском Сити
traveller’s check ― дорожный чек
- ам. выписывать чек
to check upon a banker for $100 ― выдать чек на какой-л. банк
на сумму в 100 долларов
- перепроверять
- спец. переспрашивать (по телефону)
- спорт. уйти в защиту
- ам. сл. лицо, выдающее необеспеченные чеки
- сдавать под расписку; сдавать на хранение
to check in one’s coat ― сдать (в гардероб) пальто
`check in all equipment after using` ― `сдавайте
инвентарь по использовании` (объявление) - регистрировать; записывать
- регистрироваться (в гостинице, на собрании); записываться
you must check in at the airport an hour before your plane
leaves ― вам следует зарегистрироваться в аэропорту за час
до вылета - ам. отметиться при приходе на работу
- спец. настраиваться; входить в связь
- сл. умереть
- контрольный список; перечень; памятка
flight check list ― список авиапассажиров
- список избирателей
- спец. порядок поверки, схема контрольного испытания
(оборудования) - ведомость (результатов) проверки
- галочка, птичка (отметка в списке, плане)
- отмечать галочкой (проверенное, выполненное)
- отбросить, отмести
robbery was checked off as a motive ― ограбление было отвергнуто
как мотив (преступления) - ам. удерживать из заработной платы (профсоюзные взносы)
- отметиться при уходе с работы по окончании рабочего дня
- расплатиться в гостинице и уехать
- подсчитать стоимость всех покупок и выбить чек (особ. о
кассире в магазине самообслуживания) - оформить выдачу или получение (чего-л)
to check out a library book ― получить книгу по абонементу
в библиотеке - рад. связ. отстраиваться; кончать связь
- подтверждаться, оправдываться (о гипотезе)
- сл. рассчитаться с жизнью, умереть
- контрольно-пропускной пункт
- посылать, пересылать (багажом без пассажира)
we checked two trunks through to New York ― мы отправили
багажом два сундука прямо в Нью-Йорк
- проверять
- выяснять (что-л)
to check up on the facts ― уточнить факты; проверить
обстоятельстваto check up on smb. ― выяснять чье-л лицо; узнавать, что собой
представляет кто-лshe felt the police were checking up on her ― она почувствовала,
что ею интересуется полицияto check up the marks ― спорт. разметить дорожку
- спорт. разбег с остановкой
- лес. определение размеров порубки
- регистрация, отметка о прибытии (в гостиницу)
- запись в книге прихода и ухода
- регистратура
- редк. ключ от английского замка
- небольшой навесной замок (к засову)
- контролер (поездной)
- учетчик
- тех. контргайка
- ам. вычет, удержание из заработной платы (профсоюзных
взносов, квартплаты, стоимости покупок)
check-off agreement ― соглашение между профсоюзом и
предпринимателем об удержании профсоюзных взносов из
заработной платы
- ам. воен. увольнительная записка
- поименный список
- гардероб, гардеробная; раздевалка
check-room attendant ― гардеробщик
- камера хранения
- подбородный ремень оголовья (часть узды)
- ам. театр. билетер
- ам. ж-д. кондуктор
- ам. касса (выбивающая чеки); кассовый аппарат
Make sure to check your spelling.
She checked her makeup in the mirror.
We should check the equipment to make sure that it’s working properly.
The guards checked my passport.
He checked his watch and saw that it was almost noon.
I’ll just check the map to see where we are.
I’ll check the newspaper to see when the movie starts.
If you’re looking for a spoon, check the top drawer.
I checked his office but he wasn’t there.
If you’re looking for the umbrella, check in the closet.
Please give the schedule a check to see if the times are correct.
I gave the ingredients list a quick check to see if the cereal contained any sugar.
She ran a quick check of the computer to make sure it was working properly.
The police ran a check on the license plate and found out that the car had been stolen.
He was penalized for an illegal check.
He made out the check to me and signed it, and I deposited it in my account.
Do you want to pay in cash, by check, or by credit card?
a fabric with a blue and yellow check
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Recent Examples on the Web
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Remember, check with your local nursery to see which option will work best for your climate and region because that is a factor in choosing the right selection that will thrive in your area.
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘check.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.