English compound word list

What are the Compound Words?  These are the words which are created when two words get joined to form a new word which has completely different meaning.                                     For Example, "Honey" and "Comb" are two different words, but when joined, they form another word  "Honeycomb" .                                                    Here is a list of almost 1000 Compound Words in alphabetical order. These compound words are formed when two single words combine. Combination of two single word gives Compound Word. Find the most important and Unique Compound Words Here. 1000 examples of Compound Words.

Get Compound Words List in Alphabetical Order with Printable PDF. Before we dive into the lesson, we need to know What Compound nouns really are.

What are the Compound Words?

These are the words which are created when two words get joined to form a new word which has completely different meaning.

For Example, “Honey” and “Comb” are two different words, but when joined, they form another word  “Honeycomb” .

Here is a list of almost 1000 Compound Words in alphabetical order. These compound words are formed when two single words combine. Combination of two single word gives Compound Word. Find the most important and Unique Compound Words Here. 1000 examples of Compound Words.

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom.

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom.

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom.

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom.

What are the Compound Words? These are the words which are created when two words get joined to form a new word which has completely different meaning. For Example, "Honey" and "Comb" are two different words, but when joined, they form another word  "Honeycomb" . Here is a list of almost 1000 Compound Words in alphabetical order. These compound words are formed when two single words combine. Combination of two single word gives Compound Word. Find the most important and Unique Compound Words Here. 1000 examples of Compound Words.

Above + Board = Aboveboard
After + Noon = Afternoon
Air + Port = Airport
Air + Plane = Airplane
Air + Line = Airline
Along + Side = Alongside
An + Other = Another
Any + Body = Anybody
Any + One = Anyone
Any + Way = Anyway
Any + Place = Anyplace
Any + Time = Anytime
Ash + Tray = Ashtray
Baby + Sitter = Babysitter
Back + Bone = Backbone
Back + Pack = Backpack
Back + Log = Backlog
Back + Track = Backtrack
Back + Space = Backspace
Back + Ache = Backache
Back + Fire = Backfire
Back + Spin = Backspin
Back + Bite = Backbite
Back + Ground = Background
Back + Lash = Backlash
Back + Stroke = Backstroke
Ball + Room = Ballroom
Ball + Park = Ballpark
Bank + Roll = Bankroll
Bank + Book = Bankbook
Base + Ball = Baseball
Basket + Ball = Basketball
Be + Come = Become
Be + Cause = Because
Be + Low = Below
Beach + Comb = Beachcomb
Bed + Room = Bedroom
Bell + Bottom = Bellbottom
Black + Smith = Blacksmith
Black + Berries = Blackberries
Black + Out = Blackout
Black + Jack = Blackjack
Black + Board = Blackboard
Black + mail = Blackmail
Black + Bird = Blackbird
Black + Top = Blacktop
Black + List = Blacklist
Black + Ball = Blackball
Blue + Fish = Bluefish
Blue + Print = Blueprint
Board + Walk = Boardwalk
Body + Work = Bodywork
Bold + Face = Boldface
Book + Case = Bookcase
Book + End = Bookend
Book + Store = Bookstore
Book + Mark = Bookmark
Book + Shelf = Bookshelf
Book + Mobile = Bookmobile
Boot + Strap = Bootstrap
Bow + Tie = Bowtie
Brain + Child = Brainchild
Bug + Spray = Bugspray
Butter + Flies = Butterflies
Butter + Nut = Butternut
By + Pass = Bypass
Can + Not = Cannot
Candle + Light = Candlelight
Car + Pool = Carpool
Car + Port = Carport
Car + Load = Carload
Car + Hop = Carhop
Car + Rack = Carrack
Card + Board = Cardboard
Card + Stock = Cardstock
Car + carfare = Carfare
Carpet + Bagger = Carpetbagger
Cat + Walk = Catwalk
Center + Cut = Centercut
Clock + Wise = Clockwise
Coffee + Maker = Coffeemaker
Common + Place = Commonplace
Corn + Meal = Cornmeal
Crew + Cut = Crewcut
Cross + Walk = Crosswalk
Cross + Over = Crossover
Cross + Bow = Crossbow
Day + Light = Daylight
Day + Time = Daytime
Day + Break = Daybreak
Day + Dream = Daydream
Day + Book = Daybook
Dead + Line = Deadline
Dead + End = Deadend
Dish + Washer = Dishwasher
Dish + Pan = Dishpan
Dish + cloth = Dishcloth
Disk + Drive = Diskdrive
Dog + Wood = Dogwood
Door + Stop = Doorstop
Down + Beat = Downbeat
Down + Under = Downunder
Drive + Way = Driveway
Ear + Ache = Earache
Ear + Drum = Eardrum
Earth + Quake = Earthquake
Earth + Ward = Earthward
Earth + Worm = Earthworm
Egg + Shell = Eggshell
Eye + Balls = Eyeballs
Eye + Sight = Eyesight
Eye + Catching = eye-catching
Eye + Lid = Eyelid
Father + Land = Fatherland
Fire + Flies = Fireflies
Fire + House = Firehouse
Fire + Fighter = Firefighter
Fire + Ball = Fireball
Fire + Proof = Fireproof
Fire + Break = Firebreak
Fire + Arm = Firearm
Fish + Tail = Fishtail
Fish + pond = Fishpond
Fish + Net = Fishnet
Fish + Monger = Fishmonger
Fisher + Man = Fisherman
Foot + Prints = Footprints
Foot + Ball = Football
Foot + Hill = Foothill
For + Give = Forgive
For + Mat = Format
For + Bearer = Forbearer
For + Bid = Forbid
Fore + Head = Forehead
Fore + Father = Forefather
Fore + Hand = Forehand
Fore + See = Foresee
Fore + Arm = Forearm
Fore + Cast = Forecast
Fore + Close = Foreclose
Fore + Bear = Forebear
Fore + Closure = Foreclosure
Fore + Castle = Forecastle
Fore + Most = Foremost
Fore + Paws = Forepaws
Fore + Doom = Foredoom
Fore + Stall = Forestall
Forget + Get = Forget
Fort + Night = Fortnight
Friend + Ship = Friendship
Fruit + Cup = Fruitcup
Gear + Shift = Gearshift
Glass + Making = Glassmaking
Go + Go = Cargo
Good + Bye = Goodbye
Good + Night = Goodnight
Grand + Mother = Grandmother
Grand + Parent = Grandparent
Grand + Aunt = Grandaunt
Grand + Stand = Grandstand
Grand + Child = Grandchild
Grand + Master = Grandmaster
Grand + Son = Grandson
Grand + Father = Grandfather
Grand + Nieces = Grandnieces
Grand + Children = Grandchildren
Grand + Daughter = Granddaughter
Grand + Nephew = Grandnephew
Grand + Uncle = Granduncle
Grass + Hopper = Grasshopper
Grave + Yard = Graveyard
Gum + Ball = Gumball
Ham + Burger = Hamburger
Hammer + Head = Hammerhead
Hand + Made = Handmade
Head + Quarters = Headquarters
Head + Ache = Headache
Her + Self = Herself
Here + In = Herein
Here + After = Hereafter
High + Way = Highway
High + Ball = Highball
Home + Made = Homemade
Home + Town = Hometown
Honey + Dew = Honeydew
Honey + Moon = Honeymoon
Honey + Comb = Honeycomb
Honey + Bee = Honeybee
Hook + Up = Hookup
Horse + Back = Horseback
Horse + Play = Horseplay
Horse + Radish = Horseradish
House + Keeper = Housekeeper
House + Hold = Household
How + Ever = However
In + Side = Inside
It + Self = Itself
Jack + Pot = Jackpot
Jail + Bait = Jailbait
Jelly + Fish = Jellyfish
Jelly + Bean = Jellybean
Jet + Port = Jetport
Jet + Liner = Jetliner
Jump + Shot = Jumpshot
Key + Board = Keyboard
Key + Note = Keynote
Key + Word = Keyword
Key + Hole = Keyhole
Key + Stone = Keystone
Key + Stroke = Keystroke
Life + Time = Lifetime
Life + Boat = Lifeboat
Life + Long = Lifelong
Life + Like = Lifelike
Life + Blood = Lifeblood
Life + Line = Lifeline
Life + Saver = Lifesaver
Life + Work = Lifework
Lime + Stone = Limestone
Lime + Light = Limelight
Long + House = Longhouse
Long + House = Longhouse
Luke + Warm = Lukewarm
Main + Line = Mainline
Match + Box = Matchbox
Mean + Time = Meantime
Mean + While = Meanwhile
Moon + Light = Moonlight
Moon + Struck = Moonstruck
Moon + Walk = Moonwalk
Moon + Lit = Moonlit
More + Over = Moreover
Mother + Hood = Motherhood
Motor + Cycle = Motorcycle
Near + By = Nearby
Never + More = Nevermore
New + Born = Newborn
News + Worthy = Newsworthy
News + Stand = Newsstand
News + Paper = Newspaper
News + Reel = Newsreel
News + Room = Newsroom
News + Man = Newsman
News + Letter = Newsletter
News + Person = Newsperson
Night + Fall = Nightfall
No + Body = Nobody
Noise + Maker = noisemaker
North + East = Northeast
Nut + Cracker = Nutcracker
One + Self = Oneself
Over + Abundance = Overabundance
Over + Flow = Overflow
Over + Board = Overboard
Over + Shoes = Overshoes
Pace + Maker = Pacemaker
Pan + Cake = Pancake
Pass + Port = Passport
Pass + Key = Passkey
Pay + Check = Paycheck
Pepper + Mint = Peppermint
Pick + Up = Pickup
Pin + Stripe = Pinstripe
Play + Back = Playback
Pop + Corn = Popcorn
Post + Card = Postcard
Racquet + Ball = Racquetball
Rain + Check = Raincheck
Rain + Bow = Rainbow
Rain + Drop = Raindrop
Rain + Water = Rainwater
Rattle + Snake = Rattlesnake
Rattle + Trap = Rattletrap
Repair + Man = Repairman
River + Banks = Riverbanks
Rubber + Band = Rubberband
Sand + Stone = Sandstone
Sauce + Pan = Saucepan
Scare + Crow = Scarecrow
School + House = Schoolhouse
School + Boy = Schoolboy
School + Bus = Schoolbus
Sea + Shore = Seashore
Shady + Side = Shadyside
Ship + Bottom = Shipbottom
Side + Show = Sideshow
Silver + Smith = Silversmith
Skate + Board = Skateboard
Sky + Scraper = Skyscraper
Slow + Down = Slowdown
Slum + Lord = Slumlord
Snake + Skin = Snakeskin
Snow + Drift = Snowdrift
Snow + Shovel = Snowshovel
Soft + Ware = Software
Some + Times = Sometimes
Some + Thing = Something
Some + One = Someone
Some + Day = Someday
Some + How = Somehow
Sound + Proof = Soundproof
South + West = Southwest
South + East = Southeast
Spear + Mint = Spearmint
Spokes + Person = Spokesperson
Stand + By = Standby
Stop + Watch = Stopwatch
Store + Rooms = Storerooms
Sub + Way = Subway
Sun + Flower = Sunflower
Sun + Bathe = Sunbathe
Sun + Day = Sunday
Sun + Fish = Sunfish
Sun + Roof = Sunroof
Sun + Up = Sunup
Sun + Down = Sundown
Sun + Ray = Sunray
Super + Structure = Superstructure
Super + Sensitive = supersensitive
Super + Sonic = Supersonic
Super + Star = Superstar
Super + Charge = Supercharge
Super + Weapon = Superweapon
Super + Woman = Superwoman
Super + Fine = Superfine
Super + Hero = Superhero
Super + Impose = Superimpose
Sweet + Heart = Sweetheart
Tad + Pole = Tadpole
Tail + Bone = Tailbone
Tape + Worm = Tapeworm
Tax + Payer = Taxpayer
Taxi + Cab = Taxicab
Tea + Cup = Teacup
Team + Work = Teamwork
Teen + Ager = Teenager
Them + Selves = Themselves
There + Fore = Therefore
Thunder + Storm = thunderstorm
Thunder + Bird = Thunderbird
Time + Pieces = Timepieces
To + Gether = Together
To + Day = Today
Tool + Box = Toolbox
Tooth + Paste = Toothpaste
Tooth + Pick = Toothpick
Touch + Down = Touchdown
Town + Ship = Township
Turn + Table = Turntable
Type + Writer = Typewriter
Under + Ground = underground
Under + Charge = undercharge
Under + Belly = Underbelly
Under + Bid = Underbid
Under + Dog = Underdog
Under + Act = Underact
Under + Estimate = Underestimate
Under + Arm = Underarm
Under + Cover = Undercover
Under + Current = Undercurrent
Up + Stream = Upstream
Up + Lift = Uplift
Up + Tight = Uptight
Up + State = Upstate
Up + Coming = Upcoming
Up + Land = Upland
Up + Held = Upheld
Up + End = Upend
Up + Hill = Uphill
Up + Ward = Upward
Up + Date = Update
Up + Beat = Upbeat
Up + Keep = Upkeep
Up + Turn = Upturn
Up + Bringing = Upbringing
Up + Wind = Upwind
Up + Grade = Upgrade
Up + On = Upon
Up + Link = Uplink
Up + Root = Uproot
Up + Shot = Upshot
Up + Roar = Uproar
Up + Load = Upload
Up + Right = Upright
Up + Stage = Upstage
Up + Rising = Uprising
Up + Start = Upstart
Up + Time = Uptime
Up + Set = Upset
Up + Market = Upmarket
Uphold + Hold = Uphold
Upper + Most = Uppermost
Upper + Case = Uppercase
Upper + Cut = Uppercut
War + Fare = Warfare
Wash + Room = Washroom
Wash + Stand = Washstand
Wash + Out = Washout
Wash + Tub = Washtub
Wash + Bowl = Washbowl
Wash + Board = Washboard
Waste + Paper = Wastepaper
Waste + Basket = Wastebasket
Waste + Water = Wastewater
Watch + Maker = Watchmaker
Watch + Dog = Watchdog
Watch + Case = Watchcase
Watch + Tower = Watchtower
Watch + Band = Watchband
Watch + Man = Watchman
Water + Fall = Waterfall
Water + Way = Waterway
Water + Melon = Watermelon
Water + Line = Waterline
Water + Proof = Waterproof
Water + Craft = Watercraft
Water + Scape = Waterscape
Water + Cooler = Watercooler
Water + Log = Waterlog
Water + Fowl = Waterfowl
Water + Power = Waterpower
Water + Spout = Waterspout
Water + Color = Watercolor
Water + Front = Waterfront
Water + Side = Waterside
Water + Mark = Watermark
Water + Tight = Watertight
Water + Works = Waterworks
Water + Wheel = Waterwheel
Wave + Like = Wavelike
Wave + Length = Wavelength
Wax + Work = Waxwork
Way + Farer = Wayfarer
Way + Bill = Waybill
Way + Side = Wayside
Way + Laid = Waylaid
Way + Ward = Wayward
Weather + Man = Weatherman
Weather + Proof = Weatherproof
Week + End = Weekend
Week + Day = Weekday
What + Ever = Whatever
Wheel + Base = Wheelbase
Wheel + Barrow = Wheelbarrow
Where + Where = Elsewhere
White + Fish = Whitefish
White + Wall = Whitewall
White + Cap = Whitecap
White + Wash = Whitewash
Wide + Spread = Widespread
With + Out = Without
Wood + Shop = Woodshop

Compound Words List with  A

earn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. What are the Compound Words? These are the words which are created when two words get joined to form a new word which has completely different meaning. For Example, "Honey" and "Comb" are two different words, but when joined, they form another word  "Honeycomb" . Here is a list of almost 1000 Compound Words in alphabetical order. These compound words are formed when two single words combine. Combination of two single word gives Compound Word. Find the most important and Unique Compound Words Here. 1000 examples of Compound Words.

Compound Words List with  B

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. What are the Compound Words? These are the words which are created when two words get joined to form a new word which has completely different meaning. For Example, "Honey" and "Comb" are two different words, but when joined, they form another word  "Honeycomb" . Here is a list of almost 1000 Compound Words in alphabetical order. These compound words are formed when two single words combine. Combination of two single word gives Compound Word. Find the most important and Unique Compound Words Here. 1000 examples of Compound Words.

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. What are the Compound Words? These are the words which are created when two words get joined to form a new word which has completely different meaning. For Example, "Honey" and "Comb" are two different words, but when joined, they form another word  "Honeycomb" . Here is a list of almost 1000 Compound Words in alphabetical order. These compound words are formed when two single words combine. Combination of two single word gives Compound Word. Find the most important and Unique Compound Words Here. 1000 examples of Compound Words.

What are the Compound Words?  These are the words which are created when two words get joined to form a new word which has completely different meaning. For Example, "Honey" and "Comb" are two different words, but when joined, they form another word  "Honeycomb" . Here is a list of almost 1000 Compound Words in alphabetical order. These compound words are formed when two single words combine. Combination of two single word gives Compound Word. Find the most important and Unique Compound Words Here. 1000 examples of Compound Words.

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom.

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom.

Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom. Learn 1000 Compound Words in their Alphabetical Order, moreover, for the ease of the learners the list is provided in PDF as well. You may avail the compound words list Lesson in PDF at bottom.

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Here is our list of compound words to add to your writing projects.

Learning and understanding compound words expand your vocabulary and make your speaking and writing more interesting. 


  • What Are Compound Words in the English Language?
  • Closed Compound Words
  • Open Compound Words
  • Hyphenated Compound Words
  • Compound Verbs
  • Compound Nouns
  • Compound Adjectives
  • Author

What Are Compound Words in the English Language?

List of Compound Words

Headache is an example of compound words

A compound is a result of combining two or more words to form a new English term with different meanings. It is vital in writing, reading, and speaking as a compound word provides information from two different ideas. Because the English language is so flexible and constantly changing, more and more new compound words appear in English dictionaries.

Look at the list of compound words you can use every day:

A-frame Hard-working Pass Away
Absent-minded Headache Part-time
Airborne Headlight Photo Id
Ask Out Heartbeat Post Office
Blow Up High-tech Proofread
Breathtaking In-depth Quarterback
Brown-eyed Innkeeper Rattlesnake
Bow Tie Jaywalk Real Estate
Cave In Jigsaw Puzzle Role Play
Call Off King-size Self-service
Caregiver Knothole Skateboard
Check-in Labor Day Snowman
Christmas Tree Life-size Sort Out
Course Work Lifespan Spreadsheet
Database Life Vest Sweet Tooth
Doorbell Living Room Take Off
Drop Out Long-lasting Tennis Shoes
Editor-in-chief Long-term Three-dimensional
English-speaking Loudspeaker Time Capsule
Extracurricular Make Over Time-saving
Father-in-law Marketplace Timetable
Fill Up Merry-go-round U-turn
Fine Art Mouth-watering Underdog
Fireproof Movie Theater Up-to-date
Full-length Myself Videocassette
Full Moon Nationwide Well-being
Fund-raiser Notebook Woodpecker
Get Away On-site Word-of-mouth
Gingerbread Ourselves World-famous
Grandchild Outer Space X-ray
Grand Jury Over-the-counter Yearbook
Good-looking Pancake Zookeeper

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Closed Compound Words

These are formed using two unique and independent words written as one. Unlike other types, a closed compound word doesn’t have spaces or special characters. 

  1. Airborne

You can transmit airborne diseases like COVID-19 to others by sneezing and coughing.

  1. Breathtaking

The sea view from my bedroom window is breathtaking.

  1. Database

Our company plans to build a new database for all our clients’ information.

  1. Extracurricular

Geneva likes to join and attend extracurricular activities at her school.

  1. Fireproof

My grandfather has a fireproof safe for all his important documents, jewelry, and money.

  1. Gingerbread

My sister invites me to make a gingerbread house for Christmas.

  1. Headlight

The headlight in Carlo’s car is not working.

  1. Jaywalk

There are signs warning people not to jaywalk, but people still do it.

  1. Knothole

I get weird vibes from him because he has the habit of peeking through the knothole to watch other people.

  1. Loudspeaker

Glen put the call on loudspeaker so we could hear the whole conversation.

  1. Marketplace

You can buy and sell almost anything on the Facebook marketplace.

  1. Nationwide

We are currently experiencing a nationwide water interruption.

  1. Ourselves

Nowadays, it’s best to trust ourselves than other people.

  1. Proofread

She likes to thoroughly proofread her essay before submitting them to her teacher.

  1. Spreadsheet

I use Microsoft Excel to create spreadsheet files on my computer.

  1. Timetable

May I know where I can see the train timetable going to the city?

  1. Underdog

We believe our underdog basketball team will win this season.

  1. Videocassette

Can you teach me how to use your videocassette recorder, grandpa?

  1. Woodpecker

A woodpecker uses its strong beak to make holes in trees and search for food.

  1. Yearbook

The school photography club will take our yearbook photos today!

When there’s a space that separates a compound word, it’s called an open compound word. These words are separate but still have different meanings when used together. Other examples of open compound words include:

  1. Bow Tie

The new CEO prefers to wear a bow tie rather than a necktie to complete his work outfit.

  1. Cave In

The earthquake was so strong that I thought the ground below me would cave in.

  1. Christmas Tree

Mom and I will look for the perfect Christmas tree tomorrow.

  1. Course Work

Agatha’s English professor gives her a lot of course work to pass the semester.

  1. Fine Art

There are many antiques and fine art in the new museum.

  1. Full Moon

Can you join me in watching the full moon tonight?

  1. Grand Jury

The grand jury will hear the testimony of all the witnesses in the case this week.

  1. Jigsaw Puzzle

This world map jigsaw puzzle is so big that we must spend many nights completing it.

  1. Labor Day

In the US, we celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September.

  1. Life Vest

A life vest and life jacket have the same primary purpose – to prevent you from drowning.

  1. Living Room

Dad wants to change the interior design of our living room, but mom thinks it’s just a waste of money.

  1. Movie Theater

Liam plans to ask Cleo out on a date to the movie theater.

  1. Outer Space

The little boy asks his dad if he can buy him a spacecraft so he can go to outer space.

  1. Photo ID

Here’s the application form, and please do not forget to attach a clear photo ID before submitting it.

  1. Post Office

There is a notice that my parcel will arrive at the post office tomorrow.

  1. Real Estate

Clementine is a great and successful real estate agent, which is why her company values ​​her.

  1. Role Play

With her family’s influence and no real acting talent, many complained that she didn’t deserve to be the main character in the new school role play

  1. Sweet Tooth

My little sister has a sweet tooth. Give her a box of chocolates, and she will love you.

  1. Tennis Shoes

This new pair of tennis shoes is from my supportive parents, whom I love the most.

  1. Time Capsule

My friends and I will bury a time capsule with wishes for our future selves.

Hyphenated Compound Words

A hyphenated compound word is easy to recognize because of its special character. It is two or more words joined together and separated by a hyphen. Here are some examples of a hyphenated compound word in an English sentence:

  1. A-frame

Unlike what other people say, the A-frame house is not cheap to build, but it is durable.

  1. Check-in

According to the hotel’s policy, we must check-in at two in the afternoon.

  1. Editor-in-chief

Wrenne is the new editor-in-chief of a famous magazine.

  1. Father-in-law

My father-in-law is celebrating his birthday on Sunday, here’s your invitation!

  1. Fund-raiser

The fund-raiser has concerns about distance and security at the sports fest venue.

  1. High-tech

I’m jealous of my friend’s home appliances because everything is high-tech and expensive.

  1. In-depth

Owners of high-rise condominiums expect contractors to provide in-depth monitoring during project completion.

  1. King-size

Except for the width, a queen and a king-size bed has the same length of 80 inches.

  1. Life-size

What if we give her a life-size standee of her favorite celebrity?

  1. Long-term

Looking for long-term investment is the best thing to do rather than waste your money on temporary luxuries.

  1. Merry-go-round

The little boy has been waiting for his turn at the merry-go-round for hours despite his mother coaxing him to try tomorrow.

  1. On-site

We need to get to your first on-site filming location early tomorrow.

  1. Over-the-counter

Be careful when taking over-the-counter medications, as others can harm your health.

  1. Self-service

We’ll eat at a self-service restaurant later, is that okay with you?

  1. Three-dimensional

The third participant has excellent skills in using three-dimensional effects in painting.

  1. U-turn

That U-turn slot is out of place and is likely to cause many accidents.

  1. Up-to-date

I like watching home design videos on YouTube to get up-to-date with the most innovative home ideas.

  1. Well-being

A healthy diet promotes a sense of well-being.

  1. Word-of-mouth

Word-of-mouth is their primary marketing strategy.

  1. X-ray

The doctor wants to see my X-ray results.

Compound Verbs

There are three sub-categories within each type of compound word. A compound verb comprises two separate regular verbs to describe an action. Usually, compound verbs come under open compound words. 

  1. Ask Out

“Mia, is he the one you want to ask out?”

  1. Blow Up

His enemies will do everything to blow up his plan.

  1. Call Off

It’s best to call off the outdoor event if it continues to rain.

  1. Drop Out

Many students drop out of school due to financial, personal, and social issues.

  1. Fill Up

Students who wish to join must fill up the form and submit it to their professors today.

  1. Get Away

I promise you’ll never get away from your crimes!

  1. Make Over

Are you sure you want a total make over just to make him like you?

  1. Pass Away

It’s a harrowing thought, but many will pass away because of the super typhoon.

  1. Sort Out

It’s time to sort out your things and just keep the essential things. 

  1. Take Off

The airplane will take off soon, hurry!

Compound Nouns

People use these words to label something with a new name. A compound noun is usually formed by combining two nouns or an adjective and a noun. However, there are other combinations. 

  1. Caregiver

Sheena’s mom is working as a caregiver in the US.

  1. Doorbell

Please press the doorbell three times. Thank you!

  1. Grandchild

She’s his grandparents’ favorite grandchild.

  1. Headache

“Please try to keep the noise down; I have a terrible headache.”

  1. Heartbeat

“Oh, this is bad – my heartbeat becomes irregular whenever he smiles.”

  1. Innkeeper

The innkeeper welcomes all their guests with a smile.

  1. Lifespan

“Did you know that an individual with down syndrome has a lifespan of 60 years?”

  1. Myself

“I’ll do it myself if you don’t want to do it.”

  1. Notebook

There’s an apparent notebook shortage whenever the new school year starts.

  1. Pancake

He woke up early to make a big pancake for his lover.

  1. Quarterback

I can’t believe my parent’s love story is the typical quarterback who fell in love with the nerd type.

  1. Rattlesnake

“Quick! She was bit by a poisonous rattlesnake!”

  1. Skateboard

Dave feels down because his savings aren’t enough for a new skateboard.

  1. Snowman

My son loves to play outside during winter to build a snowman.

  1. Zookeeper

“This is Jake, our new zookeeper!”

Check out our list of interjection words and our list of contraction words.

Compound Adjectives

Regular and compound adjectives both describe a noun. But unlike a regular adjective, a compound is made of two words joined with a hyphen. 

  1. Absent-minded

He becomes more absent-minded as his dementia progresses.

  1. Brown-eyed

Alexa’s newborn is a beautiful brown-eyed baby.

  1. Full-length

It’ll be great if I can paint the frame of my full-length mirror green, so it matches the colors of my room.

  1. English-speaking

He can just ask around if ever he gets lost. He’s an English-speaking visitor.

  1. Good-looking

Jay is tall, dark, and quite good-looking.

  1. Hard-working

Gia is a very hard-working person, and she deserves rest.

  1. Long-lasting

The accident caused her to suffer long-lasting psychological damage.

  1. Mouth-watering

There are lots of mouth-watering sweets in the buffet!

  1. Part-time:

He needs to get a part-time job to earn money.

  1. Time-saving

Mom likes to purchase items with time-saving features.

  1. World-famous

June dreams of being a world-famous singer someday.Are you concerned about writing incomplete sentences? Check out our guide to sentence fragments for writers.

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  • Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn’t only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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This is a list of the compound words made from the BE850, in alphabetical order.

Compound words can be made of Basic English words much like sentences or phrases can be made.
These must only be made from appropriate root words, so that the interpretation is obvious to the reader.

These are some examples.



afterthought • airplane • another • anybody • anyhow • anyone • anything • anywhere


backbone • backspace • backwoods • become • bedroom • beeswax • birthday • birthright • blackberry • blackbird • blackboard • bloodvessel • bluebell • bookkeeper • brushwood • buttercup


cardboard • carefree • caretaker • clockwork • commonsense • copyright • cupboard • cartwheel


daylight • downfall


ear-ring • earthwork • evergreen • everybody • everyday • everyone • everything • everywhere • eyeball • earthworm


fatherland • fingerprint • firearm • fire-engine • firefly • fireman • fireplace • firework • first-rate • football • footlights • footman • footnote • footprint • footstep


gasworks • goldfish • goodlooking • good-morning • goodnight • gunboat • gun-carriage • gunmetal • gunpowder


handbook • handwriting • headdress • headland • headstone • headway • hereafter • herewith • highlands • highway • himself • horseplay • horsepower • hourglass • houseboat • housekeeper • however


inasmuch • income • indoors • inland • inlet • input • inside • instep • into • itself





landmark • landslip • lighthouse • looking-glass


manhole • myself


network • newspaper • nobody • nothing • nowhere


offspring • oncoming • oneself • oneline • onlooker • onto • outburst • outcome • outcry • outdoor • outgoing • outhouse • outlaw • outlet • outline • outlook • output • outside • outskirts • outstretched • overacting • overall overbalancing • overcoat • overcome • overdo • overdressed • overfull • overhanging • overhead • overload • overbearing • overland • overleaf • overseas • overseer • overshoe • overstatement • overtake • overtaxed • overtime overturned • overuse • overvalued • overweight • overworking


pincushion • plaything • policeman • postman • postmark • postmaster • postoffice





seaman • secondhand • shorthand • shutdown • sideboard • sidewalk • somebody • someday • somehow • someone • something • sometime • somewhat • somewhere • startup • suchlike • sunburn • sunlight • sunshade • sweetheart


today • tonight • tradesman


underclothing • undercooked • undergo • undergrowth • undermined • undersigned • undersized • understatement • undertake • undervalued • undo • update • upkeep • uplift • upon • upright • uptake




waterfall • weekend • well-being • well-off • whatever • whenever • whereas • whereby • wherever • whichever • whitewash • whoever • windpipe • within • without • woodwork • workhouse




yearbook • yourself




See also

  • Wiktionary:Basic English alphabetical wordlist also known as the BE850
  • Wiktionary:Basic English ordered wordlist
  • Wiktionary:Basic English picture wordlist
  • Wiktionary:Extended Basic English alphabetical wordlist also known as the BE1500
    • Wiktionary:Basic English international wordlist

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