Encourage word for teacher

Call me partial, but I really do believe there’s a special place for teachers in heaven. Here are 45 affirmations for your favorite teacher, to read and pray over for them.

Call me partial, but I really do believe there’s a special place for teachers in heaven. There’s tons of reasons teachers need encouragement: the constant flow of ungraded papers, pressure to achieve proficiency targets, implementing the ‘latest, scientifically-proven reading strategy.’ Fellow teachers—I feel you! You’re exasperated! Yet what I find most amazing about educators is the wonder, hope and love of learning that doesn’t seem to fade, regardless of how long we’ve been teaching.

I truly believe that in every soul of a teacher is an element of Christ’s very own nature—hope, faith, guidance, and love.  Am I the only one who absolutely loves his or her job? I can’t even! Teachers sense when a student’s mood has turned for the worst. Teachers wear forgiveness on their sleeves. Teachers are caregivers. 

Teachers, I’m praying our God impart his spiritual gifts upon you—words of wisdom, words of knowledge, discernment, faith, gifts of healing, and miracles. (See 1 Corinthians 12:8-10). Why you wonder? Because teaching in the 21st century is not getting easier.

Those we instruct are exposed to a borage of dark elements through music, television and the Internet. Some may come from broken homes. Our young men and women may be forced to grow up faster than they should. Teachers have the capacity to impact their students for eternity’s sake. Some may have never heard one, inspiring word. Yet, YOU—amazing teacher—have the ability to sow seeds of love and hope into your students.

You know what I love most about hope? That we teachers are experts at uplifting, encouraging, and bringing joy to our respective classroom environments.

Teacher-friend, don’t you ever forget your worth. You are a conduit being used for God’s greater glory to impact future generations—believe it!   

25 heartfelt affirmations and words of encouragement for your favorite teacher:

  1. How you care and love your students’ rocks!
  2. Keep smiling, it’s contagious.
  3. Your encouragement may be the only words of life your student is receiving.
  4. Your patience with students is golden.
  5. That outfit that you threw on so quickly, it’s fabulous.
  6. Your ability to teach goes beyond any standardized teacher rating scale.
  7. Laughing aloud in the teaching lounge is mandatory.
  8. No one has more passion for her content than you do.
  9. The way you closed your learning objectives—amazing!
  10. Real learning goes beyond the textbook, thank you for your creativity.
  11. Glitter and paper confetti everywhere? So what?!
  12. You pick the best books for Silent Sustained Reading—you go girl!
  13. It’s okay if you heated up your coffee a gazillion times today.
  14. The principal thinks you’re awesome—and so do I!
  15. Ahhh—Snow Days—a brief respite for your soul.
  16. Who has better handwriting than you?
  17. If the students are rolling their eyes at you, it means they secretly admire you: promise.
  18. What if God placed you in the life of your most difficult student for Heaven’s sake?
  19. Lesson didn’t go so well? Thank God for tomorrow.
  20. Optimism and hope oozes from your soul!
  21. Tenacity is your middle name.
  22. You give the best hugs.
  23. Love the new seating arrangement.
  24. You survived your informal observation—yay you!
  25. No one affirms his students quite like you do.

Quotes to Inspire Teachers

  1. Teachers who love teaching teach children to love learning.
  2. Strive for progress, not perfection.
  3. To the world you may be just a teacher, but to your students you are a hero!
  4. Teaching is the greatest act of optimism—Colleen Wilcox
  5. Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire—William Butler Yeats
  6. There is no failure, only feedback—Robert Allen
  7. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace—Confucius
  8. I like a teacher who give you something to take home to think about besides homework—Lily Tomlin
  9. The future of the world is in my classroom today—Ivan Welton Fitzwater
  10. Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care—Anonymous

Inspiring Scripture for Teachers

  1. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it—Proverbs 22:6
  2. I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion—Proverbs 8:12
  3. Peace be within your walls and security within your towers—Psalm 122:7
  4. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in for this time forth and forevermore—Psa 121:8
  5. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not evil, to give you a future and a hope—Jeremiah 29:11
  6. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair—2 Corinthians 4:8.
  7. For nothing will be impossible with God—Luke 1:37
  8. Therefore, prepare your minds for action—1Peter 1:13
  9. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him—James 1:5
  10. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you—Psa 32:8

Jessica Galán encourages her readers to embrace malleability in the midst of life’s difficult moments. She spends her day teaching amazing students from diverse backgrounds in Fairfield County, Connecticut. She’s wife to a super-creative man and the proud mother of three resilient young women. She’s served as a writing facilitator for Lysa TerKeurst through COMPEL Training. She enjoys daily cups of steaming hot café con leche and breaks out in sporadic salsa dancing when no one’s looking. You’ll find her stories at jessicagalan.net. Connect with her here: Twitter || Instagram ||Facebook

This article is part of our Words of Encouragement series. It is our prayer that these words will bring you blessings while you use the affirmations, quotes, and Bible verses to inspire others to life their life fully alive! 

Words of Encouragement for Men
Words of Encouragement for Women
Words of Encouragement for Kids
Words of Encouragement for Friends
Words of Encouragement for Cancer Patients
Words of Encouragement for Teachers

Encouraging words for students from teachers are the undertone that makes your teaching experience lively and loving. As we all know, after parents, the next most important people in the life of any student are teachers, and teachers’ interaction with their students strives mainly on words.

Teachers wrought so much influence on their students, so much that, with words, they can encourage their students to be the best they can be in life, or completely mar their learning experience. That’s how potent words are, and how vulnerable young minds can be.

No doubt, you are here because you are a good-natured teacher who daily wants to interact with his or her students with grace-filled words because any student out there will need on daily basis words they can get on their way to success.

This has been put together to help you channel the right perfect words and energy to your students. Therefore, you’ll find on this post both inspirational and motivating lines that you can always use to motivate your students and inspire them for greatness.

Positive Messages for Students

Positive messages for students from teachers are to inspire and motivate students, because, sometimes in their learning process, students struggle under the feeling of uncertainty and lack of confidence.

So, as a teacher, they need all the messages of hope and assurance they can get from you while in school and when finally leaving school.

Share these thoughts with them and wait for the amazing result this will bring to your teaching experience.

1. My dear students, all the struggles in recent times will forever be things of the past. Remember, no one has been able to bring the past to the present; the past remains in the past. Forward ever backward never!

2. Today is a new dawn with irrefutable possibilities for you all. Be a goal-getter. Cheers!

3. Your sure way of academic excellence is set already and therein is a success and abounding breakthrough with divine guidance in everywhere you turn. Hurray!

4. Each day comes with the opportunity to be the best in your area of strength. If you can think it, you can achieve it. Whoopee!

5. Just like every other person faced with life challenges, sometimes you feel like giving up, never give up on your dreams, I believe in you all, and you are never alone, dear students.

6. The first step to courage is reminding yourself over and over again that a new day is always a fresh start to push a little harder to succeed.

7. A new school day is here, see yesterday mistakes as something to learn from, though learning from your past mistakes is not always the most excellent way, sometimes it’s the only way. It can only get better!

8. Desire success, plant the seed of greatness early and nurture it as if your life depends on it, then you’ll be unstoppable.

9. The way to success will not be so easy, it will be demanding, and sometimes it will be characterized by solitude, but it will be worth it. Keep courage alive!

10. Desire success enough not to ever give up on it even though the worst comes before you. Keep pressing on!

11. No one is capable of limiting your capacity to succeed, there’s nothing you can’t do if you really want to. Keep pushing!

12. Never at any time live your life in awareness of your limitations than our potential. Go and succeed!

13. Dear students, you all are capable of anything you set your minds to achieve. The only limit to greatness in life are the ones you choose to place before you. Keep faith alive!

14. Great things in life always begin with a small action. Never despise your youth!

15. Dear students, make a fresh start and progress one step at a time to that academic excellence you have always desired. It can only better!

16. The beautiful thing about success is that it brings fulfillment and assurance to know that everything is possible after a milestone of success has been achieved. Always believe in yourself!

17. Treasure the progress of every previous step you took on your way to success in your education. That’s how to know that the future will always be better than the past.

18. You’ve got to take the lead and never give in to the average academic performance we see around this day. Take the lead!

19. Stay positive and be dedicated to your studies and I believe that you will always do well if you don’t give up. Cheers!

20. I will always be there when you need someone to cheer you up. I believe in your dreams, dear students.

21. Keep the glow and run the race with confidence. The world awaits your result of creativity and diligence.

22. It is time to tell the world that your light will shine and rekindle the positive innovative process of development. Dear students, keep the fire burning!

23. The time has come for the world to applaud your creativity and intelligence. The journey begins now!

24. I am certain you know the world expects your dynamic outlook to the underdeveloped world. You can make the world a better place.

25. It is time to show forth the result of your midnight candles. Don’t hoard it, let it speak!

26. Time may change but you have to keep moving. Never give up!

27. Shining stars, remember your process of building and chastisement. It will guide you on the path of discipline.

28. Never allow your fear to belittle your excellence. You don’t need anyone’s approval to be an “A” student.

29. Dear students, you are the change the world waits for. Make a change!

30. Remember Dear students, You are the greatest motivation you need. Nothing moves without a mover. Be your mover!

Quotes for students from teachers will help keep your students positive and motivated always. And more importantly, help them to cultivate a success mindset, self-discipline, hard work and perseverance that is needed to push a student into academic success.

All you need is pick any of these cool lines and wait to see the extra spark in your classroom. Give them some quotes that has shown how in time past, you both have become more of friends than just classroom occupiers.

31. Work a little harder you are few steps to achieving your dreams.

32. Strive to keep your studies in perspective because your pursuit for academic success will never go unrewarded.

33. Always believe for more, go the extra mile and be above all equals. The potential is in you!

34. You are made for the top, keep the star shining. Read, study and learn!

35. Keep in mind the sacrifice of your parents to see you through school. Let this always motivate you to be the best in your pursuit of academic success.

36. Make the right choice, search your heart before taking any step in any direction. Seek counsel, for in the multitude of counsel there’s safety.

37. You can get whatever you want in life, only work hard and be diligent in your endeavors.

38. Keep faith dear student, nothing can stop you from reaching your goals in life.

39. There is something special about you that you treasure and that is your talents, make good use them because they’re unique to you.

40. Always have a mindset something wonderful is about to happen. Stay positive!

41. A little more effort transforms into greater results. Don’t stop trying, every effort counts!

42. You are your greatest fear! Break the limit, value your time and get excellent results.

43. Dear students, knowledge belongs to those who value them. Keep seeking knowledge because understanding is the answer you get.

44. Dear students, your brain only functions when you teach your mind to focus. Focus is the key!

45. Always remember the face of your parents whenever you think of letting go. You are the hope of a better future. Don’t forget!

46. I would not forget to tell you to grow beyond your teacher. Read beyond what you’re taught. It makes your teacher proud!

47. The music of hard work, diligence, and focus are never alien to an “A” student.

48. Break the figures, break the letters and you will see yourself speaking before the king of this world. See beyond your classroom blocks!

49. Dear students, live to tell your story without regrets. Stay focused.

50. No man ever succeeds without a process of intentional discipline. The end is a success, so neglect never the process!

51. Keep pushing and stay motivated, you will surely succeed in your forthcoming exams. I believe that you will do very well. Good luck with your exams.

52. I am so pleased with you. I love your zeal, honesty, and teachable heart. You will definitely succeed in life.

53. You are so unique, special and beautiful person. Always believe that you are made for the top!

54. You have a special understanding of doing things perfectly. Head up and follow your dream.

55. You are responsible for your progress. I can only show you the way. Please live responsibly and courageously. May your path shine bright each day.

56. The ways you have shown your academic prowess it a sign that you’ll go far in your career.

57. Dear student, believe in yourself. Your ability to see things the way they really are is so unique. Dare to dream more!

58. Make friends who will help you grow and happiness will find you.

59. Don’t look down on yourself, you are made to impact your world.

60. Always strive to be a positive influence on the people around you. I know you can do this very well. All the best my dear student.

Motivational Quotes for Students Success

These motivational quotes for students success can help bring anew the way your students think about their education, so you have the capacity and positive influence to inspire them to learn more from our extensive list.

Read it out or send them confidently to them.

61. Love yourself that’s your first motivation for success.

62. Pursue success like your life depends on it.

63. Look for hidden talents in you and make use of them on your way to the limelight.

64. Never give up but always press on to get what life has stored for you.

65. The purpose of education is to unpack the treasure in you, don’t give up from pressing deeper.

66. The learning your mind needs for growth is education. Always welcome it with an open hand.

67. Keep your dreams alive. Keep faith alive!

68. Understand to achieve anything in the realm of education requires dedication and consistency.

69. Always remember all things are possible for those who believe.

70. Learning is like music to the mind and without it, the mind goes dull.

71. You can do it! Just let your attention never drift from the explanation.

72. The secret to learning is to pay attention to details.

73. You never can tell how much you have been learning until your output begins to show the result of it. Keep learning!

74. Smile, believe, and release your mind to learn. You’ll find out that learning is fun.

75. Brace up your mind to learn. It makes you productive!

76. There’s a key to learning, the key is interest. Show interest and participate in learning.

77. Be receptive to difficult letters and figures. They have no technical form until you train your mind to unravel them.

78. Don’t quit until you find the answer you are looking for.

79. Try to be patient when learning because impatient can debar you from understanding.

80. One goal of learning it to understand and reproduce what you have learned. Make your learning productive.

81. Enthusiasm increases the progress of learning. Participate and ask questions!

82. Being dormant in the place of learning equates that no learning activity is taking place. Be sure to participate.

83. Learning is continuous, it never stops!

84. You can only become the master of all subjects when you continue to pass through all stages of learning.

85. Participation is the key to successful learning. Ensure to participate!

86. Get answers to your questions it keeps you on track with learners.

87. The world is full of imperfect learners. Your imperfections do not mean you are less intelligent. It only means that you’ve to increase and boost your learning process.

88. Enjoy the process of learning. The days are coming when people would have to learn from you too.

89. You are the best version of yourself when you give yourself to learning.

90. The mind is your driving force. Subject your mind to learning!

List of Encouraging Words for Students from Teachers

Are you a teacher? Do you find it difficult to pick words randomly especially to encourage your students? Trust me, I understand how tasking that could be! I know there’s a lot that you can’t explain.

One of those moments is when you’re explaining a new topic and they seem not to comprehend and finally, alas, they comprehend but you are short of words and phrases to encourage them. Here is a list that can help you get through those moments.

Check them out and testify!

91. Wow… l love that!

92. You just hit the Jackpot!

93. There you go…

94. I knew you could do it!

95. Doff my hat!

96. Impressive!

97. Raise your thought again!

98. You can do this!

99. I want to hear it from you!

100. Yes, I am proud of you!

101. You are almost there!

102. You deserve applause!

103. You can do better!

104. I believe you are capable!

105. Don’t you think you can do better?

106. That’s really awesome!

107. Really! One mark to your pocket!

108. Good, that’s better!

109. Exactly what I am saying, well done!

110. You got the logic!

111. A round of applause

112. Speak in your terms

113. Be calm…. speak!

114. Incredible!

115. A brainstorming answer!

116. Think again…

117. Right on point!

118. Excellently answer!

119. You’ll get it the next time!

120. I am impressed!

Compliments for Students From Teachers

Looking for that very word to compliment your students? Here are compliments for students from teachers. It is quite good to give your students praising quotes from time to time to motivate and inspire them.

They’ll love to also hear some appreciation and encouraging comments as compliments from you. Find all the positive words on this list of compliments for students from teachers below.

121. You are good with words.

122. Your sense of humor draws people to you.

123. Your act of Kindness is rare.

124. Do you know your fingers find pleasure in art?

125. Your confidence is compelling.

126. Your smile is like wildfire.

127. Your understanding is one in a million.

128. Know the world will follow when you call. Don’t be scared to lead!

129. Your beautiful heart makes you beautiful (handsome).

130. You’re strong, I know you can’t back down.

131. You have always competed with yourself which is why you always come out best.

132. Even when the chips are down, always remain steadfast.

133. Listen to that voice that says “there is more to you”.

134. Your taste for being organized is great, dear student!

135. Express yourself! Don’t limit your thought, keep moving forward.

136. Your manner of tending to questions is admirable.

137. Create thoughts that sustain your vibe.

138. Keep dazzling in your outlook.

139. Good things come to good people like you. Remain kind-hearted.

140. You have the ability to succeed, it’s in you!

141. There is something special about you. Search it out!

142. Open the books and you’ll see the difference you’ll make.

143. Fear is an enemy of learning. Defeat fear, dear student.

144. You can find the secret of the formulas.

145. Speak out! The world is waiting to hear from you.

146. You have the ability to do more I can see that in your eye.

147. You are a star that needs to shine.

148. You are really graced, darling student.

149. You have the strength to challenge your weakness.

150. It doesn’t matter what the world says, you remain a champion.

151. You have the boldness to do it.

152. Your calmness makes you unshakable.

153. Always look inwards to find strength when you are faced with challenges.

154. Encourage yourself because there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

155. Know your strength and leverage on it to be the best in life.

156. You have incredible potential and it is unique to you.

157. You made the world a better place with your contribution.

158. Never think you are not important.

159. Study hard, give yourself to knowledge, and understanding shall be your lot.

160. I see in your eyes future so bright and glorious.

161. Be encouraged, Be courageous and Be smart!

If you find these Encouraging Words useful and lovely, kindly share it with your friends on social media.

Encouragement for Teachers
So I’ve been thinking about this post for a while.  It all started a few weeks ago on Facebook.  I am part of a few different groups for teachers and since school has started I’ve noticed a lot of posts that look and sound like these:

“Anyone else feeling overwhelmed?”

“I’ve never felt like a failure as much as I do this year.”

encouragement for tired stressed teachers

“This is my most difficult year with students.”

“Not sure I can make it through the year.”

These posts just break my heart and not because it is only September.  These posts break my heart because its almost like moments, days, weeks, or years like this extinguish a little bit of that teacher passion. I think we’ve all been there at one time or another.  So if this is you right now, I hope the rest of this post really encourages you.

1.  It Takes a Special Person to be a Teacher – No really it does!  Even on your worst days think about what you do.  In just the first 5-10 minutes you take 20 (sometimes many more) children that aren’t yours and you get them to assemble in a somewhat orderly manner.  Just that in itself is a feat.  Don’t believe me – think about your significant other, neighbor, or friend who is not a teacher trying to do that.  Many people I know would bail during that first 5-10 minutes.   Still don’t believe me – just ask one of those people if they would trade you jobs for just one day.   Most people wouldn’t even have to think about your offer.  You are likely to hear a quick “NO!”  Not everyone can do what you do.  You are special and talented.

teachers are special people

2.  What You Are Doing Makes a Difference!  I know that it doesn’t always feel like you are making a difference.  I know in the day to day grind of teaching parts of speech, or filling out the never ending stack of paperwork making a difference is the last thing you feel like you are doing.  But you are!  You are building our future one child, one day at a time.  You spend more waking moments with the kids in your class than they do with their own parents.  Yes, you teach them academics, but you teach them so much more too.  You teach them how to be kind, caring human beings.  You help develop their character and mold them into the people they will become.  Have no doubt – you play a major role in creating our future.  And if that doesn’t make a difference I don’t know what does.

teachers make a difference

3.  Not Everything Fits Neatly into a Teaching Standard!   It’s OK!  I’ve felt the frustration of ever increasing state demands and the stress of “the test” that leads to sleepless nights.  I know all too well the time constraints that are felt when there is so much to do and not enough time.  But sometimes, it’s necessary to teach something that is not on the lesson plans.  As a kindergarten teacher, much of what I taught at the beginning of the year did not fit neatly into the teaching standards.  But you know what, it still needed to be taught.  The legislators who drafted the standards just don’t get it sometimes.  Someone has to teach 5 year olds how to walk in a line and why it is important and even necessary.  Someone has to teach the kindergarteners how to sit on the carpet, listen, wait their turn, hold their pencil, use scissors safely and how to work with others.  Those things don’t always fit neatly into a teaching standard but are very necessary.  If you teacher 1st – 12th grades I’m sure you will agree that these are skills you like your students to have, yet someone had to teach them.

Then there are those days when a student is upset, scared, nervous or anxious.  Teaching a student how to express their feelings, process their feelings and take appropriate action on their feelings just isn’t found in the teaching standards – but yet again, it is necessary.  Give yourself permission to take advantage of those teachable moments even if they don’t fit into a teaching standard.  Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get to everything that was on the lesson plans.  More often than not, those off the lesson plan lessons are the most important ones.

keep calm not on lesson plans

4.  It’s Okay to Take Time for Yourself.  No – actually it’s not just okay – it’s necessary!  For many years I felt guilty when I took even the smallest amount of time for myself.  Most teachers I know are constantly putting other first.  Your students, your family, other teachers – First!  No that is not a bad thing but neither is taking some time for yourself.  A few years ago I got a gift certificate for a massage and realized after my one hour of “me” time that I felt amazingly different.  It had less to do with the massage (although that was amazing) and a lot more to do with an hour that I gave myself to just rest and rejuvenate.  After that I made some financial sacrifices and started treating myself to a massage each month.  It was amazing what a little hour did for my mood, motivation, and ability to help others.

About 18 months ago, I took a leap into taking even more time for myself.  I began a journey toward a healthier lifestyle.  It absolutely took time for me to commit to making healthy meals and working out, but each and every minute I spent doing that had a great effect.  I lost over 100 pounds and found lots of energy.  Energy that I now use as a better mom and teacher.  You see, I learned that not only is taking time for myself okay, it actually makes me a better person.  I only wish I would have learned this years ago!  Does taking time for yourself have to be expensive – absolutely not.  Find a good book and a quite spot.  Go for a long walk.  Spend some time on a hobby or activity you enjoy.  Make healthy meals.  Exercise.  Sing.  Dance.  Just do something for you!


5.  The Beginning of the School Year Won’t Last Forever!  Take Time to Find Your Groove!  Yes, it is definitely a tough time of the year especially if you are a new teacher, teaching a new grade level, or at a new school.  You’ve got new students, new expectations from your administrators, new plans for yourself.  It’s a time that is crazy busy with preparation, and probably not enough sleep (see #4 above).  And no – this time does not magically end after the first day of school.  Depending on the age of your students, this period of time can last anywhere from a few days to weeks.

I distinctly remember my first year of teaching.  I taught middle school dyslexia reading classes.  We took a couple days at the beginning of the year getting to know each other and the procedures for our class – then we got to work.  Fast forward to my first year teaching third grade.  By the end of the first week I was so frustrated with myself.  I had followed my same procedures, and after a couple days jumped into teaching and didn’t understand why my classroom procedures weren’t working.  I felt rushed and unorganized and so did my students.  But I just knew that I should be teaching so I rushed through everything else.   Big mistake!  The best thing I did was give myself permission to go back, take time to really teach the procedures of our classroom, and not jump right into the hard core academics.  It made all the difference!

Fast forward a few years to my first year teaching kindergarten.  I knew that it was going to take a few weeks getting into the groove because I had learned that with third grade.  In fact, I usually found that we hit our groove in third grade about week 4.  Now picture me at week 4 highly frustrated, feeling like a complete failure and totally doubting my ability to teach kindergarten.  We finished week 4 and we were no where near hitting our groove. I didn’t take into account the fact that 5 year olds, many of who had never been in a school setting before, would need longer than 8 year olds, who needed longer than 12 year olds.  I found myself yet again, taking a step back.

You may find that you can hit your groove faster than me and that is great.  But the important thing to remember is to take the time you need in the beginning to build the relationships, put the procedures into place, and create a comfortable, safe learning environment.  When you do these things, you too will hit your groove and you’ll find that the rest of the year will be smoother because of it.  Now my beginning of the year mantra is “BABYSTEPS!”  That’s my reminder that I need to slow down.  A mentor teacher once told me “it pays to go slow at the beginning so you can go fast later.”  Those words are so very true and ones that I remind myself of every year.

If you haven’t hit your groove yet, just know you are not alone.  Allow yourself and your students the time you need to find your groove.  It might take longer than previous years and that is okay because you have a new class, new personalities and new needs.  Don’t rush it.  Nurture the process and it will pay off in the long run.  If you feel like you rushed it and that is why your feeling a little out of control, it’s not too late to take a couple steps back.  The best is yet to come!

best is yet to come

Do you have an encouraging word for a struggling teacher?  How about an idea to help kick of the year to a great start?  Share it in the comments.  We can all use the encouragement at some time.

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  • I knew you could do it!
  • I couldn’t have done it better myself.
  • That’s the way to do it!
  • I appreciate your help!

Encouraging phrases for kids

Words of Encouragement for Kids

  • I’m so proud of you.
  • You’ve done so well.
  • I knew you could do it!
  • You’ve done yourself proud.
  • You’re getting better every day.
  • How did you get so good at that?
  • Good girl / boy.
  • You must have been practicing.
  • Who taught you that?
  • How did you learn to do that?
  • I’m so impressed!
  • I didn’t know you could do that!

Encouraging phrases for students

If they’re doing well, and you want them to carry on:

  • Well done!
  • Great work!
  • Good job!
  • Keep up the good work!
  • You’ve really got this!
  • I’m really impressed with your progress.
  • You’ve been doing excellent work.
  • You’ve come such a long way!

If they’re struggling but you don’t want them to feel demotivated:

  • Hang in there.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Keep going.
  • You can do it!
  • This is really hard, but you’re doing really well.
  • It’s really great that you’re still trying.
  • Keep working on it, you’re improving.
  • Keep going, you’re almost there.
  • You’re getting better and better.
  • You’re on track!
  • You’ve done really well so far, don’t give up now!
  • Everyone was a beginner once, but it’s the people who keep going who become experts.
  • Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try – you’ve already done half the work just by keeping on trying.
  • Mistakes are proof you’re trying.
  • A little progress each day adds up to big results.
  • Remember where you were last month, and last year. Look at how far you’ve come.

If they haven’t started something yet, and you want to encourage them to try:

  • Give it a try!
  • Go for it!
  • It’s worth a shot!
  • You can do this!
  • What are you waiting for?
  • What do you have to lose?
  • Believe in yourself because I believe in you.
  • You won’t know until you try.
  • The first step is always the hardest.
  • If you make mistakes, all the better – that’s how you learn!
  • This is only your first try. No one gets it right first time, but you have to start to get better.
  • It may not be perfect this time, but next time it will be better.
  • No one’s perfect so I never expect perfection.
  • No one’s judging you.

Words of encouragement for a Friend

To show they have your support:

  • I’m here for you.
  • I’ve got your back.
  • Whatever happens, I’ll support you.
  • I’m behind you 100%.
  • You can always count on me.
  • Call me whenever you need anything.
  • Count on my support.
  • Lean on me if you need to.
  • You’re doing a great job at life – keep going.
  • I’m still cheering for you.

To encourage them to do something they’re scared to do:

  • Follow your dreams.
  • I believe in you.
  • Reach for the stars.
  • The sky is the limit.
  • If anyone can do it, you can.
  • You’re the only person who knows exactly what your potential is.
  • You’ve already proved yourself.
  • No one can hold you back more than yourself.
  • You’ll never know until you try.
  • You’ve got this.
  • Believe in yourself, because I believe in you.
  • You inspire me.
  • Look how far you’ve already come. Imagine looking back in a few years and seeing how far you’ll have gone by then.
  • Take it one day at a time. Small achievements every day will lead to one big achievement in a little while.

Encouraging phrases for Work

To thank your co-workers for their hard work:

  • You inspire me.
  • If everyone worked like you we’d all be millionaires by now!
  • I don’t know what we’d do without you.
  • You’re a gem!
  • You’re a diamond!
  • I couldn’t have asked for a better co-worker.
  • I’ve seen how hard you’ve been working, and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate it.
  • You make this company a better place.

To raise moral during a difficult period:

  • This is a tough time, but we can’t give up now.
  • It’s been really hard recently, but your hard work will pay off.
  • We’re working towards something that will really make a difference. Focus on that.
  • You’re all doing so well. I couldn’t ask for better co-workers.
  • We’re almost where we need to be and that’s thanks to you.
  • We couldn’t have come this far without each and every one of you, and we can’t give up now.
  • We’re on track for success, we just have to keep going.

Encouraging phrases for employees

If they’re already doing well:

  • This team only works because each element of the team works. Well done to each and every one of you.
  • I couldn’t be more impressed with the work you’ve been doing.
  • I couldn’t have chosen better people to work with.
  • Look how far you’ve come in such a short space of time. Well done.
  • I want to thank you for the hard work you’ve been putting in recently.
  • Your hard work is really paying off!
  • You’ve been making a really significant contribution to the work we’ve been doing here.
  • You’ve done me proud with the work you’ve been doing.

If they need to do better:

  • If we make a few improvements, we could really make a difference.
  • We’re not far from success, so if each person gives a little bit more, we’ll get there.
  • We’ve come so far, but we still have a long way to go so I really need each one of you to give it your all.
  • I’m so impressed by your dedication, and we’re on the right path, but we need to improve in a few areas.
  • Let’s talk about what I can do to help you work better.
  • We’re almost there but we need to tweak a few details to make the most of what we’ve got.
  • You’re doing really well but I think you could do even better.
  • Show us what you’ve got. Prove to yourself that you can do it.
  • I think you’ve got more to give.
  • We’ve been underestimating you, and for that, I apologise. But you need to give us more.

25 Ways to Say “Keep Up The Good Work” 💪 & Meaning 🤓

How to Encourage Someone to do something?

101 Phrases for Teachers to Encourage a Child

The right arsenal of vocabulary can help teachers motivate students

Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Teachers want students to buy into what they are offering, so establishing a meaningful rapport with all pupils is important. Most children, by nature, want to please the adults in their lives, including their teachers. They seek out praise and are overjoyed when they are recognized for their achievements.

Teachers should celebrate their students’ successes. Educators are called molders and shapers of young minds, but they should also be master motivators offering continuous encouragement. Great teachers develop an arsenal of vocabulary that allows them to encourage a child creatively and continuously throughout each day.

Encouraging Words

The right phrases from a teacher can make a big difference for students. But those phrases don’t have to be lengthy: To grab a child’s attention, it often helps to keep it short. Even a word or two followed by an exclamation point can be enough to encourage a student to keep trying or to try even harder next time. Use these simple encouraging words with students and see if produce results in terms of student effort and success:

  1. A+ Work!
  2. Amazing!
  3. Astonishing!
  4. Awesome!
  5. Beautiful!
  6. BINGO!
  7. Boom goes the dynamite!
  8. Bravo!
  9. Breathtaking!
  10. Brilliant!
  11. Bueno!
  12. Clever!
  13. Congratulations!
  14. Cool!
  15. En Fuego! (On Fire!)
  16. Excellent!
  17. Exceptional!
  18. Extraordinary!
  19. Fantastic!
  20. Far out!
  21. Good!
  22. Good for you!
  23. Good thinking!
  24. Grand slam!
  25. Great answer!
  26. Great discovery!
  27. Great job!
  28. Hip, Hip Hurray!
  29. Hole in one!
  30. Hot dog!
  31. How did you do that!?
  32. Hurray!
  33. I believe in you!
  34. I knew you could do it!
  35. I love how you did that!
  36. I love it!
  37. I’m proud of you!
  38. Incredible!
  39. Looking good!
  40. Magnificent!
  41. Marvelous!
  42. Neat!
  43. Neat-O!
  44. Nice job!
  45. Nothing can stop you now!
  46. Now you’ve got it!
  47. On target!
  48. Outstanding!
  49. Perfect!
  50. Per-Fect-O!
  51. Phenomenal!
  52. Remarkable!
  53. Right on!
  54. Sensational!
  55. Slam dunk!
  56. Spectacular!
  57. Stupendous!
  58. Super!
  59. Super-duper!
  60. Super Star!
  61. Super work!
  62. Superb!
  63. Sweeeeeet!
  64. Take a bow!
  65. Terrific!
  66. Thank you!
  67. That’s amazing!
  68. That’s correct!
  69. Top notch!
  70. Touchdown!
  71. Tremendous!
  72. Unbelievable!
  73. Very good!
  74. Very impressive!
  75. Way to go!
  76. We have a winner!
  77. Well done!
  78. What a genius!
  79. What an imagination!
  80. Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!
  81. Wonderful!
  82. Wow!
  83. Wow-zers!
  84. Yeeeesss!
  85. You can do it!
  86. You got it!
  87. You figured it out!
  88. You just blew me away!
  89. You just hit a home run!
  90. You just made my day!
  91. You rock!
  92. You’re #1!
  93. You’re a winner!
  94. You’re on fire!
  95. You’re one of a kind!
  96. You’re out of this world!
  97. You’re precious!
  98. You’re so creative!
  99. You’re so smart!
  100. . You’re special!
  101. You’re the best!

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