Effect word use in sentence

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  1. Suggests


    sizes for various indexes, including ƒ (where 0.1 is a small,


    , 0.25 is a medium


    and 0.4 is a large


    ). He also offers a
  2. Tragedy is the imitation of action arousing pity and fear, and is meant to,


    ,the catharsis of those same emotions. Aristotle concludes Poetics with a
  3. Of variance accounted for),these guidelines may overestimate the size of the,


    , If going by the r guidelines (0.1 is a small


    ,0.3 a medium


  4. Emancipation in return for their prohibition of slavery (an offer that took,


    ,only in Washington’D. C., in April 1862). Lincoln believed that curtailing
  5. Hot than darker surfaces, reducing their contribution to the urban heat island,


    , The American National Standards Institute (ANSI, ) is a private non-profit
  6. Could produce localized climate cooling (ignoring the lost evaporative cooling,


    ,of trees). Cloud feedbacks further complicate the issue. In seasonally
  7. Variables have been published. Follow-up tests A statistically significant,


    ,in ANOVA is often followed up with one or more different follow-up tests. This
  8. Manner (not diffusely). The glint of light off water is a commonplace,


    ,of this. At small angles of incident light, waviness results in reduced
  9. Violated. To test the hypothesis that all treatments have exactly the same,


    , the F-test’s p-values closely approximate the permutation test’s p-values:
  10. The size of the


    . If going by the r guidelines (0.1 is a small,


    , 0.3 a medium


    and 0.5 a large


    ) then the equivalent guidelines
  11. 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. The,


    ,is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision
  12. Ƒ (where 0.1 is a small


    ,0.25 is a medium


    and 0.4 is a large,


    ,). He also offers a conversion table (see Cohen,1988,p. 283) for eta
  13. Court of Virginia has stated that ‘»This Court has repeatedly held that the,


    ,of an appeal to circuit court is to» annul the judgment of the inferior
  14. And dismisses the appeal without considering its merits, which has the same,


    ,as affirming the judgment below. (This would happen, for example, if the
  15. The current understanding of causality as the relation of cause and,


    , this covers the modern definitions of» cause» as either the agent or agency
  16. Facilitate the comparison of findings in studies and across disciplines. Common,


    ,size estimates reported in univariate-response ANOVA and multivariate-response
  17. Various indexes, including ƒ (where 0.1 is a small


    ,0.25 is a medium,


    ,and 0.4 is a large


    ). He also offers a conversion table (see Cohen
  18. Successfully rejecting the null hypothesis if we assume a certain ANOVA design,


    ,size in the population, sample size and alpha level. Power analysis can assist
  19. Implies that, for every treatment j, the PTH treatment have exactly the same,


    ’t_j on every experiment unit. The assumption of unit treatment additivity
  20. Cohen,1988,p. 283) for eta squared (η2) where 0.0099 constitutes a small,


    , 0.0588 a medium


    and 0.1379 a large


    . Though, considering that η2
  21. The


    . If going by the r guidelines (0.1 is a small


    ,0.3 a medium,


    ,and 0.5 a large


    ) then the equivalent guidelines for eta-squared would
  22. Table below) dropped by nearly half from 1910 to 1920,reflecting the,


    ,of emigration. At the same time, many rural whites and blacks migrated to the
  23. The direct (albedo)


    is generally to cool the planet; the indirect,


    ,(the particles act as cloud condensation nuclei and thereby change cloud
  24. Causality as a relation of mutual dependence or influence of cause upon,


    ,). Moreover, Aristotle indicated that the same thing can be the cause of
  25. To the frequency at which the spacecraft itself vibrated, causing a resonance,


    ,that induced oscillations in the rocket. A system using helium gas to absorb
  26. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued on September 22, 1862,and put into,


    ,on January 1,1863,declared free the slaves in ten states not then under Union
  27. Of glass to create each frame for an animated film. This creates an interesting,


    ,when animated because of the light contrast. * Flip book: A flip book (
  28. Causality does not suggest a temporal relation between the cause and the,


    , Optics Aristotle held more accurate theories on some optical concepts than
  29. Believed that processes that affect minerals and other substances could have an,


    ,on the human body (for example, if one could learn the secret of purifying
  30. Groups had 50 % of sales compared to 32 % in 1992. Although the total,


    ,of the increased market concentration is likely increased efficiency, the
  31. Is strongly directional and non-Lambertian, displaying also a strong opposition,


    , A =left (franc right) ^2,where A is the astronomical albedo’D is the
  32. The r guidelines (0.1 is a small


    ,0.3 a medium


    and 0.5 a large,


    ,) then the equivalent guidelines for eta-squared would be the square of these
  33. Jainism and other Indian religions that do view karma as a law of cause and,


    , Swami Savanna, an Data scholar, reiterates the same views in his
  34. Guidelines for eta-squared would be the square of these,i.e. 0.01 is a small,


    , 0.09 a medium


    and 0.25 a large


    , and these should also be
  35. Home rule for cities was extremely limited or unavailable until statehood took,


    , U. S. Territory Starting in the 1890s and stretching in some places to the
  36. Into liquidation in 1915. The failure of Clara Roads Ltd had a flow-on,


    ,to Claridge’s Company, which was itself compulsorily wound up, ceasing
  37. And indirect


    s on the Earth’s radiative balance. The direct (albedo),


    , is generally to cool the planet; the indirect


    (the particles act as
  38. Anova F–test (of the null-hypothesis that all treatments have exactly the same,


    ,) is recommended as a practical test, because of its robustness against many
  39. Often higher than eta squared, : text eta^2 = franc. Cohen (1992) suggests,


    ,sizes for various indexes, including ƒ (where 0.1 is a small


    ,0.25 is a
  40. The variance explained by the model in the population (it estimates only the,


    ,size in the sample). On average, it overestimates the variance explained in the
  41. Alternative hypothesis is true. Effect size Several standardized measures of,


    ,gauge the strength of the association between a predictor (or set of
  42. For eta squared (η2) where 0.0099 constitutes a small


    ,0.0588 a medium,


    ,and 0.1379 a large


    . Though, considering that η2 are comparable to r2
  43. Of terrestrial albedo


    s The tropics Although the albedo-temperature,


    ,is best known in colder regions on Earth, because more snow falls there, it is
  44. Carbon atoms are characteristically weak, due to the lack of Nuclear Overhauled,


    ,and the long relaxation time, and can be missed in weak samples, or sample that
  45. Would be the square of these,i.e. 0.01 is a small


    ,0.09 a medium,


    ,and 0.25 a large


    , and these should also be applicable to eta-squared.
  46. Strong acids, such as sulfuric, phosphoric and hydrochloric acids also,


    ,dehydration and condensation reactions. In biochemistry, many enzymes employ
  47. Vedanta Data Vedanta differs from the view that karma is a law of cause and,


    ,but instead additionally hold that karma is mediated by the will of a personal
  48. Of these,i.e. 0.01 is a small


    ,0.09 a medium


    and 0.25 a large,


    , and these should also be applicable to eta-squared. When the DF of the
  49. Sold on the open market starting in 1991 were repealed before they could take,


    , Effectively, the corporations hold title (including subsurface title in many
  50. 0.0099 constitutes a small


    ,0.0588 a medium


    and 0.1379 a large,


    , Though, considering that η2 are comparable to r2 when DF of the numerator

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Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Synonym: accomplish, achieve, cause, complete, determine, evoke, execute, influence, make, perform, produce. Antonym: cause. Similar words: in effect, take effect, effectively, effectiveness, the greenhouse effect, affect, infection, effort. Meaning: [ɪ’fekt]  n. 1. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon 2. an outward appearance 3. (of a law) having legal validity 4. a symptom caused by an illness or a drug 5. an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived) 6. the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work. v. 1. produce 2. act so as to bring into existence. 

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1. The effect speaks, the tongue needs not. 

2. The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that,Its use is for life, Its aim is not beauty but goodness. 

3. The snow had a predictable effect on traffic.

4. Paddy’s words had a startling effect on the children.

5. Her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely.

6. The news had an electric effect.

7. Kindly inform us when this is put into effect.

8. The rule is still in effect.

9. His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone.

10. One effect of overeating may be obesity.

11. These tragic incidents have had an immediate effect.

12. Kindly notify us when this is put into effect.

12. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.

13. His words had exactly the opposite effect.

14. Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect.

15. The crisis had a negative effect on trade.

16. Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages.

17. It is important to distinguish between cause and effect.

18. The medicine had a potent effect on your disease.

19. The effect of this change will be to delay…

20. The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.

21. She uses wit with deadly effect.

22. The final scene was dismayingly lacking in theatrical effect.

23. The picture had a three-dimensional effect.

24. Acid rain has a devastating effect on the forest.

25. They had seriously miscalculated the effect of inflation.

26. This drug has a cumulative effect.

27. Alcohol has a noticeable effect on the body.

28. For maximum effect do the exercises every day.

29. Her words had a magical effect on us.

30. Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect

More similar words: in effect, take effect, effectively, effectiveness, the greenhouse effect, affect, infection, effort, efficacy, efficient, offer, efficiency, differ, offense, offender, offering, offensive, different, difference, differ from, decaffeinated, make a difference, elect, reject, expect, insect, detect, aspect, direct, select. 

Example Sentences with EffectPin

59 Example sentences sing word ‘effect’.

  1. The effect of the fall-out was disastrous for the environment.
  2. The event will have a positive effect on my career.
  3. The dentist warned us about the harmful effects of eating too much sugar.
  4. The hot and dry weather conditions can have a negative effect on wildlife.
  5. The teacher was quite overwhelmed by the students’ effect on his grades.
  6. The use of this type of program is limited by its effect on the computer’s hard drive.
  7. The effects of stress and trauma are intermingled in early childhood.
  8. The trombone had a profound effect on the young man studying music.
  9. Tend to have a certain effect or result: Her comments tend to have an inflammatory effect on people.
  10. The instructions of the company will take effect on January 1st.
  11. Taking pain medicine helps you feel better, with the added effect that you sleep better.
  12. Everything turned out fine, with the happy effect that we made even more money.
  13. The effect of an event on the public is determined by how well it was organized.
  14. The effect that brand marketing has had on consumers is based on the perception of quality.
  15. A product’s effect on an individual has determined their decision to purchase.
  16. No other product has had as strong an effect on the human body as tobacco.
  17. Who achieved the effect through clever use of lighting and attention to detail?
  18. The effect of an oncoming truck made her jump.
  19. Having fun is a good way to effect positive emotions in our hearts.
  20. Bill’s charisma had a positive effect on the team.
  21. The new policy will have a tremendous effect on the economy.
  22. We overhauled our manufacturing process to have a more positive effect on the quality of our products.
  23. Ethan Coen’s direction had a negative effect on the overwhelming success of this film.
  24. The demonstration had a big effect on the group as everyone joined in.
  25. The country has seen a rise in the number of tourists from all over the world due to a positive effect on job opportunities among young people.
  26. We must stop the problem before it causes any serious effect.
  27. The new law should have a positive effect on the community.
  28. The increased use of technology has had a negative effect on our attention spans.
  29. The proposal will have a positive effect on the company.
  30. I do not doubt that this will have an adverse effect on our reputation.
  31. There was an effect on the outcome of the election.
  32. She had a direct effect on the company’s assets.
  33. Cold air will also have an effect on growing potatoes.
  34. The effect is real and can also be used to detect planetary movement without the need for human instrumentation.
  35. The effect of a stream of water on the air is due to the force of evaporation and condensation.
  36. The effect of music depends on drums and dancers’ skills.
  37. The sunbed light has a very positive effect on your skin.
  38. Creating a spreadsheet had no effect on the decision-making system.
  39. The flowers have roughly a six-week life span, but their effect is long-lasting.
  40. This method has a very good effect on the results.
  41. We intend to expand the production plant to have a better effect on the market.
  42. A rash on her face is a common side effect of taking certain medications.
  43. The movie had a stunning visual effect; there were many breathtaking scenes.
  44. The effect of the hard work will be visible in no time.
  45. The effect on the national economy is evident by the low unemployment rates present today.
  46. The effect on the sales was instant.
  47. The effect of the marketing campaign on sales is evident.
  48. The report had a stunning effect on the people who read it.
  49. The meeting decided to do more work on this matter, as its effect on profits was clear.
  50. We believe that this will have a positive effect on our bottom line.
  51. The effect of this will be an increase in people who seek employment.
  52. He had a devastating effect on her relationships with her siblings.
  53. The early effect of the new law was disappointing, but now it’s clear that it’s been a massive success.
  54. In addition, the implementation of more advanced lock systems will help to effect more effective safety measures.
  55. The effect of the sun on the ozone layer is a serious problem.
  56. We cannot overestimate the effect of smog on city air.
  57. The effect of infrared rays on a human hair is instantly noticeable.
  58. The effect of volcanic eruptions on the weather has been studied extensively.
  59. In effect, the market’s recovery has been slow.

Sentences with EffectPin

Sentences with Effect

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affect versus effect

What’s the Difference Between Affect and Effect?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Affect and Effect?
  • 2 Using Affect in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Effect in a Sentence
  • 4 Other Uses of Affect and Effect
  • 5 Remembering Affect vs. Effect
  • 6 Outside Examples
  • 7 Quiz: Effect vs. Affect
  • 8 Article Summary

Affect and effect have similar pronunciations and definitions. In fact, the two words are very closely related. However, they are different parts of speech so they cannot be used interchangeably.

Affect is a verb. It means to produce a change in.

  • The weather is affecting my mood.

Effect is a noun that means the result of some cause.

  • The effect of better health care is healthier people.

Let’s look at the usage of these two words.

Using Affect in a Sentence

When to use affect: Affect is a verb that means to enact a change or to cause a result. A second meaning of affect is to put on the appearance of or to pretend to be a certain way.

For example,

  • Medicine can affect people’s health in a positive way. (first definition)
  • The student could see how her studying affected her grades. (first definition)
  • The woman sometimes affects a British accent to seem more interesting. (second definition)

The first meaning of affect is especially common in research and in the field of science. The second meaning of affect is less common than the first, but usually appears when describing how a person acts, especially in literature.

Using Effect in a Sentence

When to use effect: Effect is a noun that means the result of something.

For example,

  • The effect of having a healthy diet is living a long life.
  • Going outside more often has had a good effect on her mood.

There are also several idioms and expressions that use the word effect:

  • something to that effect: something like that
    • He didn’t say exactly that I was the worst employee he had ever had, but he did say something to that effect.
  • bystander effect: a phenomenon in which people are less likely to help a victim if there are many other people around
    • The woman was shocked that no one helped her while the mugger was robbing her, until she later learned about the bystander effect.
  • to go into effect: to begin taking action
    • The new liquor laws will go into effect on January first.
  • ripple effect: the continuing impact that one action has on other events
    • Her good deed had a ripple effect. The person she helped decided to help someone else, and that person in turn helped another person, and it continued all day long.
  • take effect: to start functioning
    • This drug will help you eventually, but it takes several days to take effect.

Effect comes from the Latin effectus, which means the carrying out of a task.

Other Uses of Affect and Effect

What I have outlined above is the general difference between these words.

  • Affect is a verb.
  • Effect is a noun.

This gets you by in most scenarios. But what makes these words confusing is both words can actually be both parts of speech. For a more full discussion on affect as a noun and effect as a verb, see here.

Remembering Affect vs. Effect

One way to help you remember the difference between these two words is to use their spelling.

Affect starts with the letter a, just like the verb act on. It also has an a before an e, just like the similar word change.

Effect has no a but does have e, just the synonym result.

Outside Examples

  • Despite the improved nationwide retail sales, U.S. stock indexes finished close to where they started Tuesday as tech companies and household goods makers rose. But weak second-quarter reports from Dick’s Sporting Goods and Advance Auto Parts affected the market. –Houston Chronicle
  • Two bus routes in north Orange County could be significantly affected in the coming days because of a work stoppage at Pomona operations facility according to a statement this morning from Foothill Transit. –OC Register
  • Getting a tattoo could come with a bizarre side effect: It can change the way you sweat, a new study suggests. –New York Post
  • On the first day of January 1954, 812 years after the end of World War II, Democrat Robert F. Wagner Jr. became, in effect, New York City’s first postwar mayor. –New York Daily News

Quiz: Effect vs. Affect

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either effect or affect in the correct form.

  1. All the pollution in the air can have a negative ____________ on people’s lungs.
  2. The music always really ______________ my mood.
  3. I assure you I have laid the groundwork for your plan to work. It will merely take some time to take ____________.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use affect or effect? These words sound similar and have related definitions. However, their meanings never overlap, so you need to know when to use each word.

  • Affect is a verb that means to enact a change.
  • Effect is a noun that means result.

Don’t let the similar pronunciations of these two words confuse you into using one when you mean to use the other.


  1. effect
  2. affects
  3. effect
All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The main effect of studying more is better grades.«
(main, major, likely, possible)

«After school tutors had a strong effect on test scores.«
(strong, powerful, important)

«Punishing the students had minimal effect on their behavior.«
(minimal, no visible, no measureable)

«Smoking has a harmful effect on your health.«
(harmful, negative, serious, damaging, adverse)

«His argument had the opposite effect on them.«
(the opposite, the desired, an unintended, an immediate)

«This plan will have a lasting effect on the community.«
(lasting, long-term, permanent, positive)

«The music had a calming effect on the babies.«

«This chemical has a toxic effect on the environment.«
(toxic, poisonous, harmful)

«The overall effect of the scene was sad.«

«The filming location created a dramatic effect.«
(dramatic, powerful)

«The movie didn’t have the desired effect on the audience.«
(desired, intended)

«She turned off the lights for maximum effect.«

«The special effects in this movie were excellent.«
(special, sound, lighting, visual)

Used with verbs:

«This medicine has a calming effect.«
(has, produces)

«The aspirin took effect quickly.«

«My teacher explained the effects of not studying.«
(explained, described, illustrated)

«You may feel strong effects from this medicine.«
(feel, experience, suffer from)

«She slowly recovered from the effects of the accident.«
(recovered from)

«The scientist studied the effects of a bad diet.«
(studied, tested, analyzed, examined, observed)

«There is no way to avoid the negative side effects of this medicine.«
(avoid, prevent)

«The effects of the disaster occurred quickly.«
(occurred, spread, disappeared, wore off)

«The effect of this medicine differs greatly.«
(differs, varies)

«The effects of this illness may last a long time.«
(last, continue)

«Laughter spoiled the intended effect.«
(spoiled, ruined)

Used with prepositions:

«The rain had a positive effect on the harvest.«

«She paused for dramatic effect.«

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