Eat the meat of the word

This morning I’m just sitting here.  I have been weeping in my spirit.

As I was talking to another Apostle last night, I begin to tell him how I was grieved and heavy, because there is so much revelation that I have received but I’m not able to release it, because the people are not spiritually mature enough to eat the meat of the Word.

One of the most frustrating things I encounter in ministry is when you’re consistently digging deeper into the Word, your understanding is broader, you are steadily growing and getting downloads from the Throne Room, and you pour out revelation.

But the people seated at the table taste the food and spit it out, because it’s too rich for their sensitive stomachs, so they stay stuck, but want you to continue cooking a meal that they are not going to eat!

As a leader, it is hard to lead a people who want to stay in the cycle of religion and bondage.

I’m truly seeing a people who get caught up in the excitement of the Word, but don’t want the Word to change them.

I told ABBA, the people here in this country are not hungry enough for me.

You try to give them revelation that will grow them spiritually, and they listen and then rebel, against what the Word says.

I asked Him, “What has happened to the people that they don’t want to know You more intimately?

Why do they refuse growth and deeper understanding?

Why do they have a wilderness mentality where they wander in the same cycles of bondage, but when they are presented freedom, they refuse it and they fight against it?

What has happen to the hunger and thirst for more of YAH and wanting to be taught the ways of holiness and righteousness?”

I said to Him,  “ABBA, you know my heart’s desire is to only please you, but today I’m frustrated, because I have so much I want to release, but can’t, because the people don’t want instructions, they just want their flesh pacified.”

I asked,  “What happened, that the hunger for the Word has decreased so much and they are just looking for a prophesy from man?”

I asked Him,  “Why are You continuing to give me these revelations and then I don’t have a people who are ready to receive them?”

I know He gives me revelations, instructions and teachings that are hard for people to receive.

Those things He speaks to me are not popular or well received, because they challenge the thinking of the people and the lifestyle they are living.

I don’t get those little cute messages, but hardcore sayings that cause people to want to literally kill me, because the words expose sin, iniquities, hidden secrets and exposes the works of darkness in the Kingdom.

When you are constantly in YAH’s presence, listening for instructions and directions and seeking for understanding and revelations of His word and ways, people tend to move away from you, because your conversation is always about what YAH is doing, what He is revealing, what He is saying, and I’m finding out that people are not looking for that depth of knowledge.

I observe on social media that people will dismiss those things that correct, rebuke chastise and align to make them a better person and reveal insight that will develop their character attitude and behavior but will go crazy for anything that has prophecies about money fame or a man/ woman!

As I’m sitting here, I’m letting YAH truly deal with me, because I said this morning that I was getting tired of social media, because of so much foolishness and right now I’m seeking Him for a more excellent way to help those who truly want help.

I know I am asking Him, how do I weed out the bad so that I can truly deal with the ones who definitely want help and growth?

I love teaching and revealing mysteries of the Word, that will ignite a fire in the people to learn more about YAH and His ways!

People, there is so much more to be explored in the Word, so much more we can learned. It’s so much we can be doing and seeing concerning YAHWEH.

The miracles, signs and wonders He wants to do and reveal to us is mind blowing.

What He really wants to do will amaze us.  It’s so much more we as leaders want to pour out but the people want to keep us praying about them getting money or rather they going to get a man or woman or for them to get a platform.

I want to open up a Prayerline, but the selfish prayer requests, the “Gimme! Gimme!  Gimme!” mentality just made me wait.

I want to pray for people who are trying to get delivered and set free.  Those who are seeking for salvation, those whom the doctor said, “It doesn’t look good for you!” and they need a miracle.

I want to counsel people with real problems, who are about to lose their minds, who are suicidal, whose homes needs restoration, whose children are acting up, those who are being abused.

But so often we get more requests about pray for me to be rich, or I am waiting on my husband or wife, or looking for some fleshly prophesy.

Today I’m seeking YAH for some answers.  Asking Him, “Is my time up in this country?”   “Do I need to move to another?”  “Is social media what I need to be doing, or is there another way He needs me to go?”

When you see what could happen for the people, but then see that they don’t want it, then it’s hard sometimes to keep pouring into dry unproductive wells.

But in it all, my obedience to YAH is what is important to me.

Being able to serve Him and please Him, is my life.

So I seek Him for His will and I stand and wait as He directs me and guides me in this most critical hour.

I’m praying for the Men and Women of YAH  who are are feeling a little frustrated today at the attitudes of the people they have been sent to serve!

I know the burden is heavy, but don’t make a decision to quit, move or disconnect, until you get in the presence of YAH and seek Him.  Stay there until you are strengthen until you receive a answer.

Sometimes a season of doing something is up and we will continue to do it, because we see the majority doing it.

In this hour, YAH may tell you to move, to close down all social media, to shift the vision of the ministry.

Whatever He says, we must do so that His will can continue to go forth.

Remember, don’t move, don’t stop, because you’re frustrated, but seek YAH for the right way to go.

I know I am!

~ Apostle Barbara R. Thomas

"Apostle/ProphetessApostle Barbara R. Thomas is founder of I Come to Heal Ministries, A Woman’s touch Ministry, The Next Dimension Global Outreach Ministries and Spoken Word School of Ministry and is on a mission, traveling the world, proclaiming the Gospel, for souls to be won to the Kingdom of God. She has life mandate to help bring others to their divine purpose.

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In a meat-eating world, wearing leather for shoes and clothes and even handbags, the discussion of fur is childish.

Karl Lagerfeld





Meat-Eating is an adjective.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.




A carnivore /ˈkɑrnɪvɔər/ meaning ‘meat eater’ is an organism that derives its energy and nutrient requirements from a diet consisting mainly or exclusively of animal tissue, whether through predation or scavenging. Animals that depend solely on animal flesh for their nutrient requirements are considered obligate carnivores while those that also consume non-animal food are considered facultative carnivores. Omnivores also consume both animal and non-animal food, and apart from the more general definition, there is no clearly defined ratio of plant to animal material that would distinguish a facultative carnivore from an omnivore. A carnivore that sits at the top of the foodchain is an apex predator. Plants that capture and digest insects are called carnivorous plants. Similarly, fungi that capture microscopic animals are often called carnivorous fungi.

Definition of meat-eating in the English dictionary

The definition of meat-eating in the dictionary is having meat as the predominant or only component in one’s diet.


Synonyms and antonyms of meat-eating in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «meat-eating» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of meat-eating to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of meat-eating from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «meat-eating» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

el consumo de carne

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

أكل اللحوم

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

comer carne

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

la consommation de viande

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Makan daging

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

ăn thịt

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

புலால் உண்ணுவதை

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

मांस खाणे

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

mangiare carne

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

jedzenie mięsa

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

consumul de carne

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

vleis -eet

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

kjøtt -spising

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of meat-eating


The term «meat-eating» is quite widely used and occupies the 53.911 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «meat-eating» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of meat-eating

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «meat-eating».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «meat-eating» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «meat-eating» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about meat-eating


Famous quotes and sentences with the word meat-eating.

In a meat-eating world, wearing leather for shoes and clothes and even handbags, the discussion of fur is childish.


Discover the use of meat-eating in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to meat-eating and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


MeatEating and Human Evolution

This book takes a novel and strongly interdisciplinary approach to the role of meat in the early hominid diet, inviting well-known researchers who study the human fossil record, modern hunter-gatherers, and nonhuman primates to contribute …

Department of Anthropology University of Southern California Craig B. Stanford Associate Professor, Henry T. Bunn Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin, 2001

Read this book. It will change you.’ Time Out ‘Gripping, horrible, wonderful, breathtaking, original. A brilliant synthesis of argument, science and storytelling. One of the finest books ever written on the subject of eating animals.

Jonathan Safran Foer, 2010


Deadly Equines: The Shocking True Story of MeatEating and …

What if testimony revealed meat-eating horses had been used to explore the Poles and photographs had been discovered of Tibet s blood-eating horses? Deadly Equines is a revolutionary departure from equestrian romance.

CuChullaine O’Reilly, 2011


MeatEating Plants: Toothless Wonders

The fun topic ensures that young readers will enjoy engaging in science while developing their powers of observation and critical thinking. Meat-Eating Plants: Toothless Wonders is part of Bearport’s Plant-ology series.


MeatEating Plants and Other Extreme Plant Life

Describes the world of plants, including characteristics, life cycles, and where they live.


MeatEating: A Cause of Disease

1956 Scientific evidence in favor of a low protein vegetarian diet.


Weird MeatEating Plants

«Examines meat-eating plants, including the different types of carnivorous plants, how they trap their prey, why these plants eat meat, and where they are found»—

Explains why meat-eating plants need nutrients from prey in order to survive as well as the different methods these plants use to trap their food.


Saurophaganax and Other MeatEating Dinosaurs

Meat-eating dinosaurs were among the many dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago. Investigate how these dinosaurs lived and survived, and compare them to modern animals.


Tyrannosaurus Rex Up Close: MeatEating Dinosaur

Provides information about the tyrannosaurus rex and how its features helped it live.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term meat-eating is used in the context of the following news items.

BoJack Horseman Creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg on the Show’s …

In season one I was really hesitant to depict meat-eating in any way. But then someone pitched a joke with a cow waitress serving steak and … «Vulture, Jul 15»

Cameron Wake’s offseason included posing with a massive tiger

On Monday, Wake shared a photo with his Tweeps of himself casually sitting with a massive, meat-eating tiger. Probably not what head coach … «, Jul 15»

A taste of Central City’s new Red Racer restaurant

This is a beer and BBQ joint primarily, with a heavy focus on the meat-eating crowd. There are some vegetarian options available, but this is … «Vancity Buzz, Jul 15»

Vegan and vegetarian diets: a paradigm shift

Weight gain over 5 years in 21,966 meat-eating, fish-eating, vegetarian, and vegan men and women in EPIC-Oxford. Int. J. Obesity, 2006; 30(9) … «6minutes, Jul 15»

Food trucks have a lot to offer for meat-eating patrons

Customers line up at El Chile Toreado food cart, a Santa Fe institution, on Cordova Road. (Eddie Moore/Albuquerque Journal). By Karen … «Albuquerque Journal, Jul 15»

At the Tin Front Cafe, non-meat-eaters are not deprived of delicious …

And, as such, I never really thought about the options for my non-meat-eating pals. Enter: My husband. I married a vegetarian. And with those “I … «Tribune-Review, Jul 15»

Ladies, sometimes it’s OK to have your burger and eat it, too

Should you find yourself firing up the grill this midsummer’s night, please ponder this: Why do we think of meat-eating as a masculine act and … «Grist, Jul 15»

Why aren’t ethicists better people?

… and my arguments help create a culture permanently free of the harms to animals and the environment that are caused by meat-eating.’. «Boing Boing, Jul 15»

Dinosaur egg treasure trove found in Japan

While some of the 110 million year–old eggs belonged to ancient birds, most of them belonged to small meat-eating dinosaurs called … «Fox News, Jul 15»

Carnivorous plants communicate with bats

Clever plant A large, meat-eating pitcher plant in Borneo has evolved a unique way to communicate with bats that it hopes to attract. The plant … «ABC Science Online, Jul 15»


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And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). The peace of God will not only keep your mind but your heart, your soul. His supply of peace is stored in the soul of the born-again Christian. Carry the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your soul, and let the soul feed the mind peace, love, or anything of God needed.

There is no limit to the capacity of a soul. You can have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, all the greatness of Heaven within your soul. The soul came from the breath of God; it is like God Himself, eternal. The soul is so much like God that no one can find it, only what it contains. Sooner or later the contents of your soul rise to the surface and become obvious to others, but just as people cannot look upon the face of God, they cannot look on the soul as it is. Through the gift of discerning of spirits, God lets me look inside a soul to see what is there.

Those Carnal-Minded Corinthians

And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men (I Corinthians 3:1-3)? Paul, writing to the church in Corinth, said he had fed them with milk. Why didn’t he feed them with meat? They were carnal-minded, too much a part of the world, not separated unto God. Great distress occurs when a church gives in to the mind of carnal nature.

The message the Lord gave the church at Corinth when it failed wasn’t necessary in the very beginning. But then the enemy got in; all kinds of sin, strife, disobedience and confusion appeared. They were embroiled in confusion over speaking in tongues, over the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Why? They wouldn’t receive the meat of the Word. Even the milk they digested was contaminated by the erroneous opinions of those who served it. Paul told the people at Corinth they walked as men, not as Jesus, not as saints of God.

Churches passing up the meat of the Word become involved in the same types of problems as the church of Corinth. Some churches have much division, strife, clamor, murmuring, grumbling, complaining. They lack the meat of the Word.

The meat of the Word gives great strength, God’s strength. What is contained in God’s strength? Love, faith, goodness, mercy, grace and all the greatness of God. Those who have not received the strength of God remain babes. If in that state they take in contaminated milk they become sick. Sick Christians abound today, fed the contaminated opinions of others. The pure meat of the Word is what brings the strength they must have.

God’s Paths Aren’t Meant to Be a Mystery

You must be separated from the world before you can receive the meat of the Word. Little babies thrive on milk, but if they are to grow, they need something stronger. So it is with Christians. Some, however, never mature, never go on to the meat of the Word. Like babies, they can’t think for themselves when it comes to the things of God. God’s paths are a mystery to them, and consequently they become entangled in much confusion. Living their adult lives as babes without the strength of the Word, they never grow in the Lord.

A baby doesn’t have knowledge of this life; it doesn’t know how to act in the valley of life’s problems, how to solve them. Christian babes are like that, too, baffled and frustrated by problems until they find the plain path laid out for them in the Word of God.

The Lord carefully looks after each new convert who comes into the Kingdom, seeing that that one receives the milk of the Word. But this is meant to last only a short period of time.

In the baby stage of salvation, the milk is sufficient because minds are filled with joy, peace, contentment. Excited over experiencing the Jesus life, the things of God, the new convert is caught up into heavenly places; all is beautiful. But then they must grow up, start walking into the deepness of God. The cry of each honest heart: Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path (Psalm 27:11).

God’s people are to mature into the stature of Jesus Christ so they will be strong, facing life without discouragement and weakness, overcomers through Jesus.

In this hour, the Bride will dine daily, saith the Lord, on the meat of the Word, not milk. In the meat lies her strength, her power, her greatness. Many fail to go to the Word for power and overcoming strength to solve problems. Because they are not eating the meat of the Word, only the milk, they fail to receive the strength they need.

Slow Learners

We have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat (Hebrews 5:11,12). Without the meat of the Word you will be dull of hearing, dim of vision. The vitamins of the strength of the Word are necessary for good vision, hearing and the ability to follow the paths of the Lord. Unless you take the meat of the Word, you won’t even know where the paths of the Lord are. Many Christians can’t find their way because they won’t take the meat of the Word; they haven’t mastered the first principles of the oracles of God. The meat of the Word gives the strength of God, the eyesight and vision of God, the hearing to listen to what thus saith the Lord in the Holy Scriptures. You can have knowledge and wisdom from the Word of God, but without the meat, no. How much wisdom and knowledge does a baby have, anyway? Not much.

When you are mature in the Lord, you enter the prayer chamber blessing and being grateful to God, thanking Him for His marvelous grace.

A baby is limited in how much it can learn, and that’s the way it is with a babe in the Lord. But some Christians never mature because they are not teachable, never get anywhere with God. Their limited capacity for learning has come about because they refused the meat of the Word. Without the meat of the Word you will never learn about the greatness of God, never have the Jesus victory. It’s an impossibility.

Strength to Cry, Kick and Complain

Just as Paul told the Hebrews they ought to be teachers rather than needing to be taught, he could say the same thing today to many: be real witnesses for the Lord to others. So weak, some Christians depend on others to be their constant crutch. Living for the time they run into someone who will listen to their troubles, they never touch the meat of the Word.

A baby has strength enough to cry over trifles. So do a lot of Christians. Often they exercise their strength to cry, kick and complain. Mother gives her baby food stronger than milk so it will grow, develop and begin to walk. The Lord also seeks to nourish His children so they will grow. He doesn’t want to carry them when they are fully capable of walking, when they are so big their feet would drag on the ground.

Babies want a lot of attention; if they don’t get it, they whimper, cry, pout. They’re spoiled. Some Christian babies are spoiled, too. Babies must develop, grow out of wanting to be the center of attention, wanting someone to wait on them hand and foot.

Almost from day one, a baby learns that when it gives out a scream someone will come running. It screams to get service. Some people try to get God’s attention that way. Like a baby, they expect to be waited on themselves.

Have you ever tried to reason with a baby? Try telling it there is no need to cry. Explain why it should be sleeping. Mention, too, that you need your rest and would rather not be awakened in the middle of the night to carry it around. Reasoning with Christians whose spiritual diet consists only of milk is difficult, also. Weaning time can create a great fuss because there is no understanding why meat is better than milk.

A baby begs and cries for what it wants. Some Christians beg and cry to get their prayers through instead of asking God in faith believing. The Lord said, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened (Matthew 7:7,8). The Lord didn’t say to scream your lungs out and hope He would hear. Just beg, beg, beg and I’ll come—but first learn how to beg. No, Jesus didn’t say that at all. Jesus never told us to beg Him for anything. We’re to grow up in the Lord so we won’t beg. I’m not talking now about babes in Christ who really need the milk of the Word, those just beginning in their Christian walk. Many feel the cry of God in their hearts but have no idea how to respond. I’m talking about those who have been Christians for years yet have never grown up in the Lord, never accepted the meat of the Word. They’re always on milk and always weak.

Trust God with All Your Heart

The Bible says to trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5,6). That’s a promise. God will direct your paths when you trust Him with all your heart. He is not the author of confusion; He doesn’t give it to His children. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace (I Corinthians 14:33). The meat of the Word removes confusion when you yield to God in perfect trust.

After a baby has been fed milk long enough, it’s time for that one to walk. It needs the strength of solid food. We must have the solid food of the Word if we are to work for the Lord, walking the paths He wants us to walk. The Lord made paths that would take strength, His strength, paths that are beyond man and woman to walk on their own. Jesus came to bring that strength, that solid food of trust. It’s yours to dine on if you really want it.

Christians who refuse the meat of the Word, taking only the milk over and over, never really learn to walk. They haven’t the strength to stand. The overcoming power and greatness of God do not operate through them. Unhappy, bound with fear and despair, they collapse as the devil spins them around like tops, totally disorienting them. No wonder they can’t find their way! They won’t use the meat of the Word for the spiritual body, only meat for the physical body. The body needs more than milk—and so does the soul.

You can have the meat of the Word. The way God will lead and direct you then will amaze you, using you to help others.

The Right Foundation

After I received salvation, I started helping others immediately because as a child I had received much of the meat of the Word. Gathering the family around, my dad would get out the Bible and begin to read the Word of God to us. It was family prayer time. They served us the meat of the Word in holy living, the meat of the Word in righteousness, the meat of the Word in the holiness of God, the meat of the Word in regeneration, sanctification, the baptism in the Holy Ghost—the meat of the Word. My parents served us signs following believers, the promises of God. Although we didn’t use all we were served, it was put into us in such a way that we had much to draw from. I can’t remember ever not being able to separate sin from the righteousness of God. From the cradle up we were taught the difference.

Many Christians today have no foundation on which to build because they either weren’t taught the Bible when they were children, or else they learned it the wrong way and now won’t accept the meat of the Word. They think they must have a crutch all the way to Glory. I’m not talking about those who from time-to-time need extra help. Anyone who drives a car can at sometime or other have a flat. If, however, they have a flat every day, something is basically wrong. Pastors are accustomed to fixing “flats,” but when a person starts having an unreasonable amount of spiritual problems, it’s time to reach for the meat of the Word.

Enoch was raptured because he dined on the meat of the Word. The Lord came down and served him personally—meat. Jesus came down to serve us personally. The Holy Ghost lives in you who are saved and baptized in Him. Jesus didn’t come to serve us milk every day, but meat. We’re in the final hour; the Lord told me that His people must have the meat of the Word to do what He wants them to do, to have His understanding, His knowledge, His greatness. To please Him, they must have the meat of the Word, I say again. Get rid of the bottle; stand up with the adults and be counted.

The Bread of Heaven

Thomas, following Jesus for over three years, had not gone on to the meat of the Word; if he had, he would not have doubted. So many times we doubt, fail God because we don’t have the meat, the strength of God’s promises working on the inside. We don’t realize the power of the meat from Heaven. Jesus said, I am the living bread which came down from heaven (John 6:51).

Heaven holds much food; the supply is unlimited, but we must eat it. Looking at food will never give a baby strength. That food must be eaten. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). The Word is the spiritual strength, the life of the child of God.

Vision of This Endtime

In my name, Jesus said, shall they cast out devils (Mark 16:17). In the name of Jesus it will be done; but it can’t be done without the meat, the power and the greatness of the Word. Just as the baby has no knowledge, no vision of the future, no concern for lost souls, so it is with many babes in Christ. They have no burden for the lost at all, no vision. They don’t see what is coming upon the earth nor feel the need of evangelizing the world.

Those living on the meat of the Word have vision of this final hour. Anyone feeding their spiritual being on the meat of the Word today knows that we are the Rapture generation. They know that our generation is the one that will be on Earth when Jesus comes, that the nations are getting ready for the Battle of Armageddon. They know because they have the meat of the Word to give them God’s vision, God’s hearing, the go ye into all the world to preach the Gospel.

Sin Shall Not Have Dominion

For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:13,14). If you use only the milk of the Word, the Bible says you are unskillful in the word of righteousness, babes without understanding. Those who stay on the milk of the Word of God don’t understand the holiness and purity of Him or how He operates. They don’t know how to explain the Word, much less how to use it. That’s the reason some people claim they cannot live free from sin. They don’t have the meat of the Word.

The meat of the Word declares he that committeth sin is of the devil (I John 3:8). When you are born new, sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). The meat of the Word declares, sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee (John 5:14). You have that power through His righteousness to sin no more.

By the meat of the Word you are able to discern that which is good and that which is evil. You can separate them. No one can convince you that you can’t live free from sin, for the Word tells you otherwise. You recognize sin for what it is. You recognize righteousness. Babes do not. They are on dangerous ground.

Grow Up in the Lord

Many come to the Lord without the knowledge of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. They need teaching; they need help. Even the honest-hearted can be confused if there has been no opportunity to have knowledge. We are here to help those people, to help them grow in the Lord. No one is to continue in the milk stage year after year.

The baby is without understanding; Mom and Dad have to make all the infant’s decisions for it. They decide when to feed it, when to bathe it, when to change its clothes, when to put it into bed. However, they don’t expect to do that forever. The Lord gives great care to babes in Christ, but He intends for them to grow up.

Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby (I Peter 2:1,2). Notice, this verse says “newborn babes.” As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word and you will grow. However, if you have no desire for the sincere milk, you will never grow, never get into the meat of the Word.

If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious (I Peter 2:3). The meat of the Word is wonderful, indeed. Study what it means to be a newborn babe in Christ, to go on to grow into the meat of the Word. How long can you safely exist on just the milk of the Word? How soon will you be in danger of the enemy defeating and overcoming you? If he can’t overcome you completely he will try to cripple your mind so it won’t function in agreement with the Lord. You can’t think right, can’t pull your thoughts together. It’s time to grow up.

Of course you can seek help when you really need it, I say again. But let that help take hold through the meat of the Word. Don’t use others as crutches when you can walk alone with the Lord. God doesn’t expect you to be always in a fog, a state of confusion, always weak in the Lord. It can’t be. You never will get to Rapture ground, saith the Lord; you’ll never get there. Rise up and decide that the milk of the Word was fine for you when you were a newborn babe, but now it’s time to grow up and start eating meat. Look around for those who have just come into the Kingdom. They are the ones who require the most attention; show them God’s love and faith.

The Lord needs you. He wants you to help others around you. If you want the same help over and over, you are not growing. You are to get help when you need it, but don’t be a baby about it all the days of your life. Put that help to use. Growing up is the plan of God, living on the meat of the Word.

Like a baby unable to keep its milk, some won’t keep the Word. Something is wrong with their spiritual system. If you have a baby who can’t keep the milk it drinks, you do everything you can to remedy the situation so that baby will grow. Night and day you look after that baby, take it to various specialists. The Lord spends much time with babes in Christ, trying to help them grow up. Grow up we must in this final hour, if we’re going to make it, saith the Lord. You will have to grow up if you are going to do battle for God in this final hour. You need the strength, the power of Heaven to trample devils underfoot. To wear the shoes of Jesus, you must have that strong meat from Heaven that He brought down.

Jesus had trouble with His disciples: They had plenty of milk but not enough meat to provide them with strength to handle the Crucifixion and to expect the Resurrection. Only after Jesus ascended back to Heaven did they really go after the meat.

Strong meat belongs to them that are of full age. A child of God is meant to come to full age in the Lord. Have you come to full age, have you matured or are you still just a babe always getting your feelings hurt, always crying or pouting about something? Paul said, When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things (I Corinthians 13:11). Have you become an adult in the Lord? Have you put away those things that hinder? Strong meat belongs to those who are of full age.

Special Care

When a person comes to the Lord with little knowledge of Him, he needs special care from those who have gone into the meat of the Word. Day and night he needs the milk of the Word until he can begin to digest the meat. He needs strength in the Lord because the devil will be coming after him to defeat him. Everyone mature in the Lord should be helpful to new converts coming to Jesus.

My mother, who had gone to the aid of so many people, said, “I never helped anyone out of the valley but what I came out myself.” Often I have thought about that statement; it has meant much to me in my ministry. “I’ve been sick,” my mother said, “when someone wanted me to pray for them. In praying Heaven down on them and helping them out of the valley of sickness, I came out and had my healing, too.” In her discouraging moments, people came knocking, saying, “Mrs. Angley, I need help.” She always asked them in. It was prayer meeting time. I never saw my mother fail to be lit up, her face shining like an angel’s with the glory of God after she prayed for those who came to her. She had helped another soul out of the valley. You think a housewife can’t do much for the Lord? Mom had a testimony for the insurance man who came to collect each week. I’d hear her telling him about Jesus, how wonderful it was to serve the Lord. The grocery man would stop by; Mom talked to him about Jesus. Anyone that came to the house met a true witness for the Lord. She had something wonderful to say about Jesus, and then she would send them on their way.

I remember in the days of the Great Depression when we had hardly anything at all. An old man knocked on the door. He was hungry. His feet were in a terrible condition; he didn’t have proper socks. Mom fed him, gave him a pair of Pop’s socks—and poor Pop needed his socks, but this man needed them more. Mama handed him a little money out of her meager supply—it may have been the last she had in the house. But he needed help. Where would he go? Take this. Mom passed up her children—God would make a way for us. She passed up herself—God would make a way for her somehow. God would bring in money for the necessities, but here was someone who needed help desperately. She prayed over him and sent him on his way. I never saw him again, but I may meet him up in Heaven one day.

It’s wonderful to have the meat of the Word, to be strong enough to help those struggling in the Lord! My parents dined on the meat of the Word; they both loved it. Strong meat belongs to them of full age.

A Reluctant Baby Sitter

There were seven children in our home. Every time a new one came, the baby had to have the most attention. The other children were expected to help take care of the littlest one even though we didn’t always want to. My baby brother, now one of the partners in my ministry, was a cute one; but I thought we had been blessed with enough babies in our home. Now I was a reluctant baby sitter; I wanted to be out running across the plowed ground in my bare feet, chasing rabbits, throwing rocks at the wasp nests; but my job was to swing the baby to sleep on the front porch. He needed care. I just didn’t feel the need to give it.

That’s the way some Christians are: they don’t feel the need of caring for the newborn babes in Christ. They want the attention. Someone helped them get where they are, and now they aren’t willing to do the same for others.

My two oldest sisters had taken care of me when I was little, but I didn’t want to take care of my baby brother. I thought people should just appreciate my presence and not expect anything from me. Some Christians have no time to listen to problems, no time to teach the babes. Here’s the Bible, take it and get what you can out of it, is their philosophy. Those feelings can be overpowering.

My little brother wasn’t in any hurry to fall asleep, and I didn’t have patience to wait for him. He stayed awake as long as he could. When Mama wasn’t looking, I would gently try to close his eyelids. I thought it would help him fall asleep faster.

Sometimes the Christian doesn’t have patience with newborn children of God. Be mindful; make sure everything you serve is the pure Word with nothing else mixed in that would hurt the babes in any way, upset their systems. Be very careful to give them the pure milk of the Word with all patience, love, understanding and wisdom. Then you can begin to feed them a little meat. They will begin to grow. After a while, they will be on their own.

Before long, my little brother was on his own. I didn’t have to swing him any more. Mom and Dad saw that he got plenty of milk and then made sure he had meat to make him grow. I was overjoyed to see him walking, being able to run and play; I was delighted to no longer hear my mother’s voice saying, “Come, put the baby to sleep.” It was an ordeal for me, but to many it’s a joy.

Take the Love, Patience and Greatness of the Word

Love does many wonderful things for babies, and love does many wonderful things for the babes in Christ. Just as you grandmothers and grandfathers take such loving care of your grandchildren, the mature Christian takes loving care of the babes in Christ. Never telling them anything that will discourage, they give love. When you meet someone who has been saved a long time but is still living without the meat of the Word, be patient to help him. Perhaps he doesn’t know about the baptism in the Holy Ghost or the gifts in the Spirit. Show great care, great patience in teaching him the meat.

I love to teach people who do not know the deepness of God. I love to work with people who have never had anything but the milk of the Word. I delight in telling them about the real Holy Ghost, teaching them the manifestations of the Spirit and how God works, how to serve God, how to walk with Him.

The meat and the milk of the Word: decide not to stay on the milk, but go on to the meat of the Word. Take it all. The Bride will take all of the strength of the Word in this final hour. All of the greatness of the Word will be hers, her meat, her strength and power, and she will be victorious, saith the Lord.

The Sinners’ Prayer

You who are unsaved, give your heart to God, and become a newborn babe in Christ today. It will be the greatest day of your entire life. Pray the sinners’ prayer with me now: Oh, God, save my soul. Forgive me of my sins. I’m so sorry I sinned against you. I’m going to serve you, Lord. I confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died for me. I will live for Him. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins, all of them. Come on in, Jesus! Come on in!

If you can say Hallelujah! and mean it, you have found the Lord today. Start praying, living in the Word, a newborn babe in Christ. You’ll find the milk of the Word is wonderful. In a little while you will be taking some of the meat and then more and more as you continue to reach for Him in prayers, fasting and living in the Word of God. Go on to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, on into the way of the Lord. Walk as Jesus walked; live as He lived here on planet Earth.

The Prayer of Faith Shall Save the Sick

You who are sick and afflicted, believe the Word that says, The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:15). Divine healing is the meat of the Word. I am not the healer; I am a believer in His healing.

The healing power is flowing into your body if you accept it. Carry that healing power with you; let it get you well. It will, you know. It got me well. The Lord loves you just as much as He loved me that night He came and made me whole all over.

Take not only the milk, but reach out for the meat of the Word now. Really dine, oh, Child of God, on the meat of the Word, and be strong, strong like the Master, Jesus. Do His wonderful work in this last hour.

A Message from the Holy Ghost

Yea, saith the Spirit of God: I am moving for you. I am feeding you my greatness. I am feeding you that which you must have in this your final walk with me. I am giving you Heaven’s strength to win all the battles for me that I have willed you to win. I am giving you the courage of Heaven so that your hearts will not faint within you. I am feeding you my greatness [so] that you will go in the power of my Spirit, and you will defeat the powers of the enemy for the multitudes, and you will rescue the lost. You will bring them into my Kingdom because you will have my love and my faith and my compassion.

I am serving you everything that you need. There will be no lack. You will have abundance, and you will deliver my message of greatness to others. You will show my love to others, and you will serve my kindness, my gentleness to others. You will give others a desire to come out of sin into my righteousness, a desire to live and abide in my holiness.

I will give you great, great vision. You will see that which you could never see before, and you will know my Spirit like you have never known it before. Yes, you will know the mind of the Spirit daily, and you will walk in my greatness. Multitudes and multitudes will be turned to righteousness because of your faithfulness, saith the Lord.

THE MEAT OF THE WORD, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1992 Ernest Angley.

All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in its entirety.

eat (one’s) words

To retract, regret, or feel foolish about what one has previously said. You think I can’t get an A in this class, but I’ll make you eat your words when we get our report cards! After my negative prediction for the season, I certainly ate my words when the team started out undefeated.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

eat (one’s) words

Fig. to have to take back one’s statements; to confess that one’s predictions were wrong. You shouldn’t say that to me. I’ll make you eat your words. John was wrong about the election and had to eat his words.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

eat one’s words

Be forced to retract something one has said, as in The incumbent won easily, so I had to eat my words. This expression was already proverbial in John Ray’s English Proverbs (1670). [Second half of 1500s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

eat your words

COMMON If someone has to eat their words, they have to admit that an opinion that they stated publicly has now been proved wrong. He was very doubtful about our chances of success but he’ll be eating his words now. The company’s chairman has had to eat his words about the company being recession-proof.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

eat your words

retract what you have said, especially when forced to do so.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

eat your ˈwords

be forced to admit that what you have said before was wrong: Nick told everyone that he’d be picked for the team, but when he wasn’t chosen he had to eat his words.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

eat (one’s) words

To retract something that one has said.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

eat one’s words, to

To be forced to retract a statement, usually in a humiliating way. The term first appeared in a sixteenth-century tract by John Calvin on Psalm 62: “God eateth not his word when he hath once spoken.” In 1618 Sir Walter Raleigh wrote in his memoirs, “Nay wee’le make you confesse . . . and eat your own words,” and in 1670 the expression appeared in John Ray’s collection of English proverbs.

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • eat one’s words
  • eat one’s words, to
  • eat words
  • eat your words
  • have to eat (one’s) words
  • swallow (one’s) words
  • swallow one’s words
  • parted
  • fool and his money are soon parted
  • a fool and his money are soon parted

Children under 14 are not allowed into pubs but they can stay in the garden (when the weather is fine!). Teenagers between 14 and 18 can enter but cannot drink alcohol (not even beer). The law is very strict and Landlord (the manager of the pub) can refuse entry if he prefers.

Word/word-combination Translation
feed кормить    
fast food еда, которую можно перехватить на скорую руку, фастфуд    
fresh food свежие продукты    
frozen food замороженные продукты    
cooked food готовые к употреблению продукты    
spicy food острые, приправленные специями продукты    
canned food консервы    
takeaway food блюда, отпускаемые навынос    
uncooked food полуфабрикаты    
keep (stick) to a diet придерживаться диеты    
(mal)nutrition питание, пища (недоедание, плохое питание)    
Farinaceous Foods (Мучное)
(home-made) biscuit (домашнее) печенье    
(brown/new/rye/stale/white) bread (чёрный/ свежий/ржаной/чёрствый/белый) хлеб    
bread crumbs хлебные крошки    
bun (roll) сдобная булочка    
(rich/unleavened) dough (сдобное/пресное) тесто    
cake торт, пирог, пирожное    
cereal (cornflakes) сухой завтрак (хлопья)    
cheesecake ватрушка    
doughnut пышка, пончик    
dumpling клецка    
flour мука    
loaf (pl. loaves) of bread батон (буханка) хлеба    
macaroni, pasta макаронные изделия    
muffin горячая булочка, оладья    
pancake блин    
pastry выпечка, сдобное тесто    
pie пирог, пирожок    
puff слойка, слоёный пирожок    
ravioli равиоли (род пельменей)    
ring roll бублик    
rusk сухарь    
scone ячменная или пшеничная лепёшка, булочка    
slice of bread тонкий кусок хлеба    
shortbread, shortcake песочное пирожное    
toast подрумяненный хлеб, гренок    
vermicelli вермишель    
waffle вафля    
Cereals (Злаки)
barley ячмень    
buck wheat гречневая крупа    
corn кукуруза    
cornflakes кукурузные хлопья    
grain зерно, хлебные злаки    
maize злаки кукуруза, маис    
millet просо, пшено    
oats овёс    
pearl barley перловая крупа    
porridge овсяная каша    
rice рис    
semolina манная крупа    
wheat пшеница    
(fat/lean) bacon (жирный/постный) бекон, копчёная грудинка    
(raw) beef (сырая) говядина    
(rare/underdone/overdone/well-done) beefsteak (с кровью/недожаренный/пережаренный/ хорошо прожаренный) бифштекс    
chop отбивная котлета    
cold boiled pork буженина    
cutlet рубленая котлета    
fillet филе, (о рыбе, мясе)    
ham ветчина    
kidney почка    
liver печень    
mutton (lamb) баранина    
pork свинина    
roast beef ростбиф    
salami копченая колбаса    
sausage колбаса (вареная), сосиска    
veal телятина    
Poultry and Game (Домашняя птица и дичь)
chicken цыпленок, курица    
duck утка    
goose гусь    
hazel grouse рябчик    
partridge куропатка    
pheasant фазан    
rabbit кролик    
turkey индейка    
Fish and Sea-food (Рыба и морепродукты)
bream лещ    
carp карп    
clam морской моллюск    
cod треска    
cod liver печень трески    
crab краб    
crayfish (Br.), crawfish (Am.) (речной) рак    
eel угорь    
hake хек    
herring селёдка    
jellied fish заливная рыба    
lobster омар    
mackerel макрель, скумбрия    
mussel мидия    
perch окунь    
pike щука    
plaice камбала    
salmon лосось, сёмга (амер. горбуша)    
sardine сардина    
shellfish моллюск, ракообразное    
sprat килька, салака    
sturgeon осётр    
trout форель    
turbot (halibut) палтус    
oyster устрица    
shrimp (prawn) креветка    
Dairy Products (Молочные продукты)
new milk парное молоко    
sour milk простокваша    
sour cream сметана    
whipped cream взбитые сливки    
butter (сливочное) масло    
margarine маргарин    
cheese сыр    
cottage cheese творог    
cream cheese сырковая масса    
processed cheese плавленный сыр    
strong cheese острый сыр    
egg shell яичная скорлупа    
fried eggs яичница глазунья    
hard-(soft) boiled egg яйцо вкрутую (всмятку)    
omelette омлет    
scrambled eggs яичница болтунья    
shell (v.) an egg почистить яйцо    
whip (whisk, beat) an egg взбить яйцо    
white (yolk) of an egg яичный белок (желток)    
asparagus спаржа    
beet свекла    
broccoli брокколи    
Brussels sprouts брюссельская капуста    
cabbage капуста    
carrot морковь    
cauliflower цветная капуста    
celery сельдерей    
courgette молодой кабачок; цуккини    
cucumber огурец    
dill укроп    
egg plant (aubergine) баклажан    
garlic чеснок    
green cabbage белая капуста    
green peas зелёный горох    
kohlrabi кольраби    
leek лук-порей    
lettuce салат-латук    
marrow (squash) кабачок    
mushroom гриб    
onion лук репчатый    
parsley петрушка    
pepper перец    
pickled cucumbers (pickles) солёные или маринованные огурцы    
(fried/mashed) potatoes (жареный) картофель(ное пюре)    
pumpkin тыква    
radish редис    
red cabbage красная капуста    
sauerkraut квашеная капуста    
spinach шпинат    
sweet pepper перец сладкий    
tomato помидор    
turnip репа    
white radish редька    
Fruits, Berries and Nuts
almond миндаль    
apple яблоко    
apricot абрикос    
banana банан    
blackberry ежевика    
blueberry черника    
cherry вишня, черешня    
cranberry клюква    
gooseberry крыжовник    
grapes виноград    
hazelnut лесной орех (фундук)    
lemon лимон    
lime круглый мягкий лимон    
nutmeg мускатный орех    
(seedless) raisin(s) изюм (без косточек)    
orange апельсин    
orange peel апельсиновая корка    
peach персик    
pine-apple ананас    
plum слива    
pomegranate гранат    
prune чернослив    
tangerine чернослив    
melon дыня    
strawberry земляника, клубника    
raspberry малина    
(black, red, white) currant (чёрная, красная, белая) смородина    
seeds семечки    
stone косточка    
walnut грецкий орех    
watermelon арбуз    
cinnamon корица    
dress (v) заправлять (салат)    
ginger имбирь    
horse radish хрен    
ketchup кетчуп    
mustard горчица    
oil растительное масло    
pepper перец    
pinch of soda щепотка соды    
powdered sugar сахарная пудра    
salt соль    
sugar сахар    
sunflower oil подсолнечное масло    
vanilla ваниль    
vinegar уксус    
yeast дрожжи    
Beverages (Напитки)
aperitif (appetitive) аперитив, рюмочка перед едой; глоток спиртного для аппетита    
(dark, stout/ale, lager, light/bitter) beer (тёмное/светлое/горькое) пиво    
mug of beer кружка пива    
cream tea чай со сливками    
take sugar (milk) in (tea/coffee) пить (чай/кофе) с сахаром (молоком)    
brandy (cognac) бренди (коньяк)    
champagne шампанское    
cherry brandy вишнёвая наливка    
cocoa какао    
(black/instant/strong/white) coffee (чёрный/растворимый/крепкий/с молоком) кофе    
(grind (v)/make (v)) coffee (молоть/варить) кофе    
cocktail коктейль    
(soft/strong) drinks (безалкогольные/крепкие) напитки    
spirits спиртное, алкоголь    
fruit juice фруктовый сок    
lemonade лимонад    
liqueur ликер    
(mineral/soda/spring) water (минеральная/газированная/родниковая) вода    
whisky виски    
(dry/sweet/table) wine (сухое/сладкое/ столовое) вино    
bar of (milk/nut) chocolate плитка(молочного/ с орехами) шоколада    
box of chocolates коробка шоколадных конфет    
honey мёд    
ice-cream мороженое    
jar of jam банка варенья    
marmalade повидло (из цитрусовых)    
pudding пудинг, запеканка, десерт    
have a (substantial) breakfast (плотно) завтракать    
for (at) breakfast на (за) завтрак(ом)    
brunch поздний завтрак (заменяющий первый и второй завтрак)    
(buffet) lunch (лёгкий) ланч («а-ля фуршет»)    
dinner обед, ужин    
dine out обедать вне дома    
feast, banquet пир, банкет    
have tea пить чай    
light supper лёгкий ужин    
have a snack (bite) закусить (перекусить)    
hungry голодный    
be thirsty испытывать жажду, хотеть пить    
eat well есть с аппетитом    
hearty (big) eater человек, любящий поесть    
drink (to) пить за здоровье    
(in)edible несъедобное (напр. грибы)    
(un)eatable (не)съедобное (невкусное)    
chew жевать    
swallow глотать    
taste food пробовать пищу    
(delicious/tasty/tasteless/disgusting) food (очень вкусная/вкусная/безвкусная/отвратительная) еда    
help oneself to положить на тарелку    
help yourself(-ves) угощайтесь    
helping порция    
treat smb. to smth. угощать кого-то чем-то    
serve подавать на стол    
lay (set) the table накрыть на стол    
spread the table cloth постелить скатерть    
sit down to table сесть за стол    
Some dishes
broth бульон    
chips (Brit.) картофель фри, (Am.) чипсы    
crisps (Brit.) чипсы    
French fries (Am.) картофель фри    
garnish гарнир    
gravy подливка (из сока жаркого), соус    
meat tea плотный ужин с чаем после раннего обеда; чай, за которым подаётся мясная закуска    
milk shake молочный коктейль    
paste, pate паштет    
prawn cocktail салат из креветок    
(cream) sauce (белый) соус    
soup суп    
stewed fruit компот    
Eating Out
(snack) bar бар, буфет, закусочная    
coffee-shop кофейня    
café кафе    
self-service café кафе самообслуживания    
canteen столовая (в учреждении)    
menu card (bill of fares; menu) меню    
wine list карта вин    
à la carte порционные блюда    
table d’hôte табльдот, общий стол    
refreshment-room (syn. buffet) буфет (на вокзале, в театре)    
restaurant ресторан    
waiter (waitress) официант(-ка)    
to wait at /on/ table работать официантом    
order заказ    
vacant seat свободное место    
book, (reserve) a table in advance заказать столик заранее    
(take) a table for two (занять) столик на двоих    
Can I have…? Могу я заказать…?    
starter (Brit.), appetizer (Amer.) закуска (кушанье, подаваемое перед горячими блюдами)    
a three-course dinner обед из трёх блюд    
for the first (main) course на первое (второе)    
for dessert на десерт    
pay the (heavy) bill оплатить (большой) счёт    
tip чаевые    
pass (hand over) передать    
hearty (substantial, square) meal плотная еда    
it tastes (smells) good (пахнет) вкусно    
sweet сладкий    
bitter горький    
sour кислый, прокисший    
salty солёный    
unsalted недосоленный    
well-(un/under)cooked хорошо приготовленный (сырой/не пропечённый)    
stodgy густой, тяжелый, не пропечённый    
savoury приятный на вкус, аппетитный (о пище, напитках)    
bland безвкусный    
bake печь    
beat up отбить (мясо)    
boil варить    
boil potatoes in jackets сварить картофель в мундире    
chop нарезать, нарубить(мясо)    
cook (v) готовить    
cook повар    
chef шеф-повар, главный повар, повар-мужчина    
drain дать стечь, процедить    
grate натереть на тёрке    
grater тёрка    
grill жарить(ся) на рашпере    
fry жарить на сковороде    
mince the meat сделать фарш    
peel (potatoes, onion) чистить    
recipe рецепт    
rind кожура, снимать кожуру    
roast жарить (на открытом огне)    
simmer варить на медленном огне    
spread намазывать    
sprinkle посыпать    
stew тушить    
stuff фарш (начинка), фаршировать    
pour out наливать    
spill over пролить    
stir помешивать    
Tableware and Cutlery (Столовая посуда и столовые приборы)
bowl миска    
bred-basket, bread-plate хлебница    
butter dish маслёнка    
china фарфоровая посуда    
coffee pot кофейник    
corkscrew штопор    
crockery (глиняная, фаянсовая) посуда    
cutlery ножевые изделия, столовые приборы    
dining table обеденный стол    
dish тарелка, блюдо    
fork вилка    
jug кувшин    
knife нож    
(soup) ladle половник    
mustard pot горчичница    
napkin салфетка    
pepperbox перечница    
(dinner/deep, soup/dessert, cake/salad) plate (мелкая, большая /глубокая/десертная/салатная) тарелка    
cellar солонка    
saucer блюдце    
sugar basin сахарница    
(tea/coffee/dinner) set/service (чайный/кофейный/обеденный) сервиз    
kettle чайник (для кипячения воды)    
teapot заварочный чайник    
tray поднос    
(tea-/table-) spoon (чайная/столовая) ложка    
wineglass бокал для вина    
champagne glass бокал для шампанского    
brandy glass рюмка для коньяка    
beer glass стакан для пива    
Kitchen Utensils and Appliances
frying pan сковородка    
gas (electric) cooker газовая (электрическая) плита    
lid крышка    
oven печь, духовка    
pan, saucepan, pot кастрюля    
Phrase Translation
These strawberries have a beautiful flavour. У этой клубники чудесный аромат.
May I help you to…? Позвольте предложить вам…?
May I pass you…? Позвольте передать вам…?
Help yourself to… Возьмите, пожалуйста…
Have some more…, please. (Have another helping, please). Возьмите, пожалуйста, еще…
Quite a small piece, please. (Just a taste, please). Совсем маленький кусочек, пожалуйста.
I suppose I could do with some more. Я, пожалуй, мог бы съесть ещё немного.
No, I’m not a big eater. Нет, я плохой едок.
Anything will do for me! I’m not particularly hungry. Мне все равно, я не очень голоден.
I’ve eaten to my heart’s content. Я поел вволю.
I am full. (I am fed up). Я сыт (по горло).
The soup is first-class. Суп превосходный.
The beef-steak is done to a turn. Бифштекс поджарен как раз в меру.
I hate having to hurry over my meals. Я ужасно не люблю спешить за едой.
The midday meal is our chief meal. Еда в полдень — наша основная еда.
In the evening we have a simpler meal. Вечером у нас более лёгкая еда.
Soup is a common article in our diet. Суп — обычное блюдо в нашем рационе.
Meat appears at least once a day. Мы едим мясо, по крайней мере, раз в день.
I’ll make a scratch dinner in a moment. Я сейчас приготовлю обед на скорую руку.
The table groaned with food. Стол ломился от яств.
I prefer coffee to tea. Я предпочитаю кофе чаю.
Let’s have a light meal somewhere. Давайте перекусим где-нибудь.
I am faint from hunger. (I am starving). Я просто умираю от голода.
I feel empty (puckish). Я голоден.
I feel like eating. Я бы поел.
I feel like having a snack. Я бы чего-нибудь перекусил.
I’m as hungry as a hunter. Я голоден как волк.
I wouldn’t mind a snack. He мешало бы перекусить.
I will miss out the first course. Я не буду есть первое.
I have been without a bite all day. (No food has passed my lips all day). За весь день у меня во рту маковой росинки не было.
A biscuit will take away the edge of your appetite. Заморите червячка — съешьте сухое печенье.
Come over to me and we shall have a talk over a cup of tea. Приходите ко мне, и мы поговорим за чашкой чая.
What do you say to a cup of tea? (Will you have a cup of tea?) He хотите ли вы выпить чашечку чая?
My daughter has a sweet tooth. Моя дочка — сладкоежка (сластёна).

I. Give a word that means…

  1. a dish you have after the main course, for example, ice-cream;
  2. very heavy and hard to digest (begins with s);
  3. cooked with heat coming from above (for example, for a sausage or burger);
  4. cooked in the oven, with a little fat or oil (for example, for a whole chicken);
  5. that something is not cooked enough.

II. Complete these sentences with a suitable word. The first letter of the missing word is given.

  1. There are four vegetables I really hate: peppers, courgettes, m ………………… and a ………………….
  2. We had a delicious salad of tomato, cucumber and l ………………….
  3. The dessert was fresh fruit: there was a large bowl of strawberries, peaches, c ………………… and p ………………….
  4. I’m always ill if I eat certain shellfish like shrimps, o ………………… or m ………………….
  5. I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat beef, pork, lamb or v ………………….

III. Match the words on the left with the examples/definitions on the right.

1. bitter 2. sour 3. hot, spicy 4. sweet 5. bland 6. salty 7. sugary 8. savoury 9. tasty 10. tasteless a. a lot of sugar b. no flavour at all c. pleasant, slightly salty or with herbs d. has a good taste/flavour e. e.g. fruit which is not ripe f. like a beautiful, ripe strawberry g. sharp/unpleasant h. e.g. a strong Indian curry i. a lot of salt j. rather negative, very little flavour

IV. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage.

recipe menu fast food take-away eat out waiter dish snack bill tip cookery books ingredients

I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots of (a)…………………, I choose a (b)………………… I want to cook, I read the (c)…………………, I prepare all the necessary (d)………………… and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick (e)…………………. So I often (f)………………….
I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not the expense, it’s just that I don’t feel at ease in them. First the (g)………………… gives me a (h)………………… which I can’t understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end of the meal when I pay the (i)………………… I never know how much to leave as a (j)…………………. I prefer (k)………………… places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like (l)………………… where you buy a meal in a special container and take it home.

V. Explain the meaning of the following proverbs in English and translate them into Russian.

  1. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
  2. You can’t eat a cake and have it.
  3. The appetite comes with eating.
  4. Man does not live by bread alone.
  5. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  6. First catch your hare then cook him.
  7. You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
  8. Enough is as good as a feast.
  9. Hunger is the best sauce.
  10. Dog doesn’t eat dog.
  11. Tastes differ.

VI. Are these sentences true or false? If they are false, correct them.

  1. Lobster is a kind of fruit.
  2. Salad is usually a mixture of uncooked vegetables.
  3. A lamb is a baby sheep; lamb is also the name of the meat of that animal.
  4. A calf is a young pig.
  5. Salmon is a kind of shellfish.
  6. Oil and vinegar are often used with a green salad.
  7. Peas, courgettes, aubergines and cucumbers are all the same colour.

VII. Fill the gaps in these sentences with the correct noun, verb or adjective.

  1. You will need to put the meat in the ………………… for half an hour at 200 degrees centigrade, then reduce the temperature to 180 for the rest of the cooking time.
  2. When people go out for a meal in Britain, they often have three …………………: a …………………, a …………………, and a dessert.
  3. If you are cooking steak, you need to turn up the ………………… so that your pan is really hot before you put the meat in.
  4. When I pay for my meal, I usually leave 10% for the waiter if ………………… is not included.
  5. There are basically four ways of cooking steak: …………………, medium-…………………, medium or well-done. I like my steak medium.
  6. The trouble with fattening food is that it makes you ………………… weight if you’re not very careful.
  7. Have you asked the waiter for the ………………… and the wine list?
  8. I’m not very keen on curry: it’s too hot and ………………… for me.
  9. The chicken is cooked in a white wine and cream ………………….
  10. It’s a very simple restaurant but the food is delicious and everything is …………………-made.

VIII. Replace the italicized word(s) in these sentences with (an)other word(s) with the same meaning.

  1. Do you always leave money for the waiter?
  2. It’s a very popular restaurant, so you may need to reserve a table one or two weeks before you go there.
  3. Do you want a drink before the meal?
  4. Have you already paid the money for the meal?

Практические расчеты на срез и смятие При изучении темы обратите внимание на основные расчетные предпосылки и условности расчета…

Функция спроса населения на данный товар Функция спроса населения на данный товар: Qd=7-Р. Функция предложения: Qs= -5+2Р,где…

Аальтернативная стоимость. Кривая производственных возможностей В экономике Буридании есть 100 ед. труда с производительностью 4 м ткани или 2 кг мяса…

Вычисление основной дактилоскопической формулы Вычислением основной дактоформулы обычно занимается следователь. Для этого все десять пальцев разбиваются на пять пар…

Getting Ready for Exams

I. Reading

1. Read the text


A vegetarian is someone who avoids eating the flesh of animals (meat,
poultry, or fish, including shellfish). Most vegetarians will also not eat eggs or cheese
or use cosmetics or toiletries made that contain animal ingredients or are tested on
animals. The word “vegetarian”, coined around 1842, comes not from “vegetable” but
from the Latin word vegetus meaning “whole, fresh, full of life”.
People are vegetarians for a number of reasons. Some think that it is wrong to keep and
kill animals for use as food and in other products. Others choose to be vegetarians
because they believe that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat.
Indeed, a vegetarian diet fits in very well with modern medical advice to cut down on
fats, salt, and sugar, and to eat more fibre and fresh vegetables. It is also cheaper than
meat. Some people are vegetarian because of their religious beliefs. Some people have
chosen to be vegetarian for ecological reasons. They argue that the growing of vegetables
takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock; moreover, it is easier to
provide food for all the people on Earth by growing vegetables for food rather than
raising vegetable-eating animals.

livestock домашний скот

This paragraph summarises the text. Put one missing words in each gap
to make the paragraph complete.

A vegetarian is someone who (1)_________ eating meat. The word
“vegetarian” comes from the Latin word vegetus (2)_________ “whole, fresh, full of
life”. According to the text people (3)_________ to be vegetarians for six reasons. Here
they are:

1. It’s (4)_________ to kill animals for food.

2. A vegetarian diet is (5)________ than a diet that includes meat.

3. A vegetarian diet is (6)________ than a diet that includes meat.

4. Some people are vegetarian because of their (7)_______ beliefs.

5. Some people have (8)_________ to be vegetarian for ecological

6. It’s easier to grow vegetables than to raise vegetable-eating
animals to (9)_________ food for all the people.

2. Read the text


Nowadays, it seems, everybody is “watching their calories”. There
are even restaurants which print the number of calories each dish contains right on the
menu. To understand what a calorie is and the part it plays in the body, let’s start
with the subject of nutrition in general.
Today, science is still not able to explain exactly how a cell transforms food into
energy. We just know it happens. And we also can’t explain why the cell in the body
needs certain foods, and not others, in order to function properly.
We do know that food is broken down in the body by combining with oxygen. We might say it
is ‘burned” up like fuel. Now, the way we measure the work a fuel does is by means of
A “gram calorie” is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram
of water one degree centigrade. The “large calorie” is 1,000 times as great. In
measuring the energy value of food, we usually use large calorie.
Each type of food, as it “burns up”, furnishes a certain number of calories. For
instance, one gram of protein furnishes four calories, but one gram of fat furnishes nine
calories. The body doesn’t care which “fuel” is used for energy, as long as it gets
enough of that energy from food to maintain life.
The amount of calories the body needs depends on the work the body is doing. For example,
a man who weighs 150 pounds needs only 1,680 calories per day if he is in a state of
absolute rest. If he does moderate work such as desk work, he needs 3,360 calories per
day. And if he does heavy work, he may need as much as 6,720 calories a day to keep the
body functioning properly.
Children need more calories than adults, since older people can’t burn the fuel as
quickly. Interestingly enough, we use up more calories in winter than in summer. Suppose,
however, we take in more fuel than we need? The body uses up what it needs and stores some
of it away for future use. The body can store away about one-third of the amount it needs
each day. The rest becomes fat! And that’s why we “watch our calories”.

1) Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

a) A caloric count down
b) What is a calorie?
c) Everybody is watching their calories

2) According to the passage, which of the following is true?

a) A calorie helps us to understand why the cell in the body needs
certain foods, and not others, in order to function properly.
b) The body cares which “fuel” is used for energy.
c) We don’t know how a cell transforms food into energy.

3) According to the passage, how does the body use the fuel it
doesn’t need?

a) it becomes added weight
b) it stores it away for future use
c) it burns it but not so quickly

II. Listening

1. Listen to this passage and choose the best answer for the question


…Giving up smoking is a good idea – in fact, it is one of the most
important things that someone can do to improve his or her health. I recommended having a
No Smoking Day. And it took place at the end of April at my school. But we found that
nothing unusual resulted. Nothing had changed – smokers think that a lack of nicotine
means that they are more likely to have problems at school or at home if they try to give
up smoking.
As you see, some of my friends think that No Smoking Day could damage one’s health.

Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the passage?

a) they think that lack of nicotine resulted in problems at school and
at home
b) they won’t try to give up smoking
c) they will try to give up smoking and improve their health

2. Listen to the text.


It has been known since ancient times that there is a link between
pollution and poor health. Many scientists believe our health is in trouble because we
have been polluting the earth’s land, air and water for too long. But most citizens have
the greatest contact with toxic pollutants not outside but inside their homes, offices and
The main sources of indoor pollutants are right under people’s noses – dry-cleaned
clothes, dusty carpets, paint, fumes from cooking, and heating and cigarette smoke. Of
course, this list is incomplete.
Indoor air and house dust contain poisons that can be tracked in on people’s shoes.
Carpets are most troublesome. They act as deep reservoirs for pollutants, dangerous
bacteria and asthma-inducing allergens even if they are vacuumed regularly. Wiping one’s
feet on a door-mat reduces the amount of pollutants in a carpet by a factor of six.
Removing one’s shoes before entering is even more effective than just wiping one’s
shoes. These preventative acts are very simple but effective.

Complete the sentences with a word or phrase.

1. It has been known since ancient times that there is a link between
pollution and _________.

2. Most citizens have the greatest contact with toxic pollutants
_________ their homes, offices and cars.

3. The main sources of _________ are right under people’s noses.

4. _________ are most troublesome.

5. They act as deep reservoirs _________.

6. Wiping one’s feet on a door-mat reduces the amount of pollutants
_________ by a factor of six.

7. ________ before entering is even more effective than just wiping
one’s shoes.

III. Vocabulary

1. A. Match words with their equivalents.

1. to avoid

2. to coin
3. to furnish
4. to maintain
5. nutrition
6. amount
7. properly
8. moderate

a) the act or process by which organisms
absorb into their systems their proper food
b) to keep away from
c) to make, fabricate or invent
d) the sum total of two or more quantities
e) rightly, correctly
f) to provide
g) to support
h) not extreme

B. Make the sentences complete using the words from A.

1. The word “vegetarian” _______ around 1842, comes not from
“vegetable” but from the Latin word vegetus meaning “whole, fresh, full of life”.

2. One gram of protein _______ four calories.

3. The ______ of calories the body needs depends on the work the body
is doing.

4. Professor Johnson specialises in the science of __________.

5. The body doesn’t care which “fuel” is used for energy ________

6. A vegetarian is someone who ________ eating meat, poultry, or fish.

7. He holds _______ rather than extreme or radical opinions.

8. If you do heavy work, you may need as much as 6,720 calories a day
to keep the body functioning __________.

2. A. Complete the table.




1 thoughtful












B. Complete these sentences using one of the words from the table
above. Don’t forget to use the correct form of the verbs.

1. The United States is ______ a temperature rise of 5 to 10 degrees.

2. Warmer weather might make some areas more ________ and other less

3. The most important ______ on the weather of the future is likely to
be global warming.

4. We don’t know how ________ such warming.

5. The book is intended for ______ people.

6. Russia has always been a country of mystery and _______ for

7. Winston Churchill once said that Russia “is a riddle wrapped in a
________ inside an enigma (загадочное непостижимое

8. It was very _______ of you to meet me – I’m very grateful.

9. The audience didn’t like the unusual _______ of Hamlet.

10. His fears haven’t ________ despite the new sucurity.

11. They predicted that unemployment ________.

12. Why do you think that teen problems will _______?

IV. Phrasal Verbs

A. Match phrasal verbs with their Russian equivalents.

1. to cut down on
2. to cut down
3. to cut out
4. to cut up

a) прекратить,
перестать что-либо делать, отказаться от
b) сокращать потребление
c) сокращать, снижать
d) разрезать

B. Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the
phrasal verbs above.

1. The doctor told me to __________ meat.
2. He’s trying to __________ cigarettes.
3. He __________ his sleep to six hours.
4. A child has to have his food __________ for him.

V. Grammar


When there is more than one adjective before a noun, the order of the
adjectives is usually:

opinion (irritating)
size (smallish)
age (old)
shape (round)
colour (pink)
origin (from where) (English)
material (made of) (handmade, leather)
purpose (use) (shopping)
noun (toy)

You usually don’t use more than three adjectives before a noun.

1. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order.

Example: an European-style leather jacket (brown)
a brown European-style leather jacket

1. heart-shaped white chocolates (tasty)
2. a dark object (mysterious)
3. an international student (qualified)
4. a huge black monster (ugly)
5. a brand-new coffee-coloured wool pullover (Iceland)
6. a young jazz singer (interesting)
7. a glorious, action-packed adventure (comedy)


Irregular forms



late later (более поздний)
latter (последний из двух упомянутых)

latest (последний, очередной)
last (самый последний,больше не будет)

old older (старший по возрасту)
elder (старший по рождению: о детях, братьях,

oldest (старейший, самый старый)
eldest (самый старший)

far farther (указание на расстояние)
further (указание на расстояние и дополнение)

farthest (указание на расстояние)
furthest (указание на расстояние и дополнение)

little less


next следующий по порядку,

2. Choose the right form to complete the sentences. In some sentences
both forms are right.

1. Do you have the (latest/last) edition of English-Russian Dictionary
of Finance?
2. It is the (less/lesser) of two evils.
3. Is this building the (oldest/eldest) in the city?
4. My father has got (less/lesser) patience than my mother.
5. My (elder/older) brother has come up with his answer yet.
6. Have you heard the (last/latest) news?
7. His (last/latest) film is very popular. What is he shooting now?
8. What was the (last/latest) film you saw?
9. He doesn’t think of his (further/farther) education.
10. I’ll phone you if I have (further/farther) information.
11. When is the (last/latest) bus?
12. Is ‘Holiday Inn’ the (nearest/next) stop?

VI. Speaking

1. Your classmate doesn’t look well. He has a runny nose. It is
probably a cold. But his temperature is normal and he doesn’t want to go to the doctor.
He wants to use some folk remedies. You can advise something useful. You begin the


Y – you; C – your classmate

Y: You look ill. You have a runny nose, don’t you? Your eyes
are red. Have you taken your temperature?
C: I don’t feel well. But my temperature is normal.
Y: Evidently you have a cold. If I were you, I’d stay home from school. Why
don’t you go to the doctor?
C: I’d love to, but I can’t. We have a test in maths. I have to write it.
Y: You’d better go to bed and take some medicine. At least, aspirin: besides, it
is contagious.
C: I don’t like tablets. I’d rather use some home remedies: hot tea with honey
and raspberry jam.
Y: Drink hot chicken soup. It clears the head and the nose. They say it is good for
a cold.
C: What other useful home remedies do you know?
Y: Rub oil on the chest. I know a recipe for nose drops to stop a runny nose: mix
together carrot juice with vegetable oil and garlic juice. Try to use them several times
in the evening and you’ll be much better the next day. I’m sure these drops work

2. Study the table below and give advice how to treat people with



Try to get medical help

Let the victim walk

Move the victim to a dry place

Warm the victim by rubbing his/her skin

Replace wet clothing with dry

Give the victim alcohol

Give a warm (not hot) drink

Warm the victim by applying direct heat

If the victim is well enough place in a warm (not hot)



I. Read the texts below and look carefully at each line. Some of the
lines are correct, and some have a word which shouldn’t be there. If a line is correct
put a letter R. If a line has a word which shouldn’t be there, write the word.

susceptible подверженный
to take toll on наносить урон
salvation спасение


1 The lack of vitamins and sunlight takes its toll on people making
2 them susceptible to colds and flu. This year, as is usual, doctors expect
3 seasonal influenza. How should people to prepare themselves?
4 Very simply: by gradually building up of their immunity. Sun,
5 fresh air, and water will help to you. An incremental decrease
6 in water temperature, hot/cold showers, exercise and
7 sunbathing will be your salvation. You have to get your body
8 used to some radical temperature changes, and you should not be
9 afraid of the cold and drafts. Contrasting showers are wonderful.
10 The body needs minor stresses: stand under a warm shower,
11 then under a cold one for a few some seconds.
12 Do not forget to keep your immunity up. Take off normal doses of
13 vitamin C as a preventive measure, but if you have feel you are
14 coming down with an illness, take an entire gram at a time.

II. Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space.

sea-buckthorn облепиха


Preventive measures

Fresh garlic is very beneficial. Eat two or three cloves every three
hours (1)______ a preventive measure. Thanks (2)______ their high content of protein, nuts
also increase resistance.

Runny nose

Nose drops to stop a runny nose can (3)_______ made from one part
fresh-squeezed carrot (4)_______, one part vegetable oil, and (5)_______ few drops of
garlic juice, mixed together. Use several (6)______ a day.


Beet syrup works wonders. Wash the beet, clean (7)_______, cut it,
remove the heart, fill the cavity (8)______ sugar, and place it (9)______ the oven. The
resulting beet (10)_______ is very tasty, and relieves a (11)______.


Take one tablespoon each of sea-buckthorn oil and olive (12)____, hold
the mixture in the throat, and lie on your back (13)____ a short while.


Mix finely minced garlic (14)______ honey. Take one tablespoon every
hour. For flu, take one tablespoon (15)______ bedtime, with warm water.

III. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best
fits each space.

airborne переносимый по воздуху
pollen цветочная пыльца
ragweed амброзия полыннолистная


Hey fever is a seasonal allergy to pollens; the term hay fever,
(1)_______, is less than an adequate description (2)_______ an attack can be (3)_______ on
by sources other than hay-producing grasses. Hay fever is generally caused (4)_______
airborne pollens, particularly ragweed pollen. The amount of pollen in the air is largely
(5)_______ on geographical location, weather, and season. In the eastern (6)_______ of the
United States, for example, there are generally three (7)________ when pollen from various
sources can (8)_________ intense hay fever suffering: in the springtime months of March
and April when pollen from trees fills the (9)________, in the summer months of June and
July when grass pollen fills the air, and at the end of August when ragweed pollen is at
its (10)________ concentrated level.

IV. Choose the answer A, B, C or D that best complete each sentence.

1. Professor Johnson _______ eating habits of children since 1999.

A. has investigated
B. has been investigating
C. is investigating
D. had investigated

2. Though meat provides a range of proteins and vitamins that are
essential for a healthy body, she _________ it for a long time.

A. has not been eating
B. has been eating
C. was eating
D. wasn’t eating

3. He’s given up smoking, ______?

A. hasn’t he
B. does he
C. isn’t he
D. he hasn’t

4. You’d better make a carrot salad and eat it with a beefsteak, ___?

A. would you
B. hadn’t you
C. wouldn’t you
D. you hadn’t

5. He ______ fat if he stopped exercising.

A. will be fat
B. is fat
C. would be
D. had been fat

6. _____ eating habits in Russia changed recently?

A. Why
B. How much
C. Is
D. Have


I. 1. 1. avoids; 2. meaning; 3. choose; 4. wrong; 5. healthier;
6. cheaper; 7. religious; 8. chosen; 9. provide
2. 1. b; 2. c; 3. a
II. 1. c
2. 1. poor health; 2. not outside but inside; 3. indoor pollutants; 4. Carpets; 5.
for pollutants; 6. in a carpet; 7. Removing one’s shoes
III. 1. A. 1. b; 2. c; 3. f; 4. g; 5. a; 6. d; 7. e; 8. h
B. 1. coined; 2. furnishes; 3. amount; 4. nutrition; 5. to maintain; 6. avoids; 7.
moderate; 8. properly

2. A.






1 thoughtful
2 thoughtless





1 representation
2 representative




















B. 1. facing; 2. attractive; 3. influence; 4. to prevent; 5.
influential thoughtful; 6. attraction; 7. mystery; 8. thoughtful; 9. representation; 10.
decreased; 11. would increase; 12. increase/decrease
IV. A. 1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. d
B. 1. 1/3; 2. 1/3; 3. 2; 4. 4.
V. 1. 1. tasty, heart-shaped, white chocolates; 2. a dark mysterious object; 3. a
qualified international student; 4. an ugly, huge, black monster; 5. a brand-new,
coffee-coloured, Icelandic wool pullover; 6. an interesting, young, jazz singer; 7. a
glorious, action-packed, comedy adventure
2. 1. latest; 2. the lesser; 3. oldest; 4. less; 5. elder; 6. latest; 7. latest; 8.
last; 9. further; 10. further; 11. last; 12. next
VI. 2. Hypothermia means very low body temperature (under 35 degree). If you find a
person with hypothermia, you must get expert medical help. But you must begin first aid
immediately. Make sure that the victim is dry. You mustn’t try to warm him/her by
rubbing or applying direct heat. Give the victim a warm drink – but you mustn’t give
him/her anything alcoholic. Don’t allow the victim to walk. If he/she is well enough,
you should put him/her in a warm bath.


I. 1. R; 2. is; 3. to; 4. of; 5. to; 6. R; 7. R; 8. some; 9.
the; 10. R; 11. some; 12. off; 13. have; 14. R
II. 1. as; 2. to; 3. be; 4. juice; 5. a; 6. times; 7. it; 8. with; 9. in; 10.
syrup; 11. cough; 12. oil; 13. for; 14. with; 15. at
III. 1. C; 2. A; 3. D; 4. A; 5. B; 6. C; 7. C; 8. A; 9. D; 10. B
IV. 1. B; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B; 5. C; 6. D

By Youdif Boyarskaya,
Moscow, School No. 814


  • #1

How should I express this meaning?
Suppose someone not thought highly of ( for example, lower social status, not handsome, poor , old .) wants to marry a pretty young girl of


(a typo, —> sometimes. What’s wrong with me today?), we ususal use A toad wants to eat the meat of a swan in Chinese to describe such cases. Of course, a toad can eat the meat of a swan somethings. eg. an old, bantam-like contractor with favus finally married a pretty young actress. On such an occasion, it seems that this saying also acts.

Is there a counterpart expression in English? or how should I express this meaning?

Many many thanks in advance.

    • #2

    This is an idiom from my dictionary: «a sow is no match for a goose«. How do you natives comment on this?

    • #3

    All I could find was from a Russian translation of Alexsander Nicolaevich (1823-1886)

    A goose is no playmate (not a good companion) for a pig / A sow is no match for a goose

    Nicolaevich seems to slyly address the disparity of power between the Lords and Ladies, wealthy merchant class, the peasant class, the lowly apprecitices, and how unlikely the fundamental irreconcilliable differences will ever be resolved.

    Of course this phrase could be much older than Nichaevich’s plays, and just incorporated in, probably to infuse the same sentiment with something familiar from the vast and rich body of Russian proverbs, little tales, jokes.

    Are you learning Russian as well as English? Good luck!


    • #4

    Hello O.
    Sorry that I can’t think of an equivalent in EN. Maybe someone else will.

    The CH proverb is an excellent description of how individuals are attracted to what appears unattainable.

    Perhaps when you speak or write in EN, you should keep it in the form «A toad wants to eat … » and just make sure that the preceding sentence provides enough context for an EN speaker to definitely comprehend the meaning.

    The expression is too good to water it down with an EN equivalent that may not be as good.


    • #5

    Thank you all!


    • #6

    You’re welcome. :)
    It’s quite possible that when BE speakers start looking at your thread in a few hours, they may give you some additional EN counterparts.
    Good luck.

    • #7

    The saying «A cat may look at a queen» is similar but I’m not sure if the original saying would be used in exactly the same circumstances

    • #8

    How should I express this meaning?
    Suppose someone not thought highly of ( for example, lower social status, not handsome, poor , old .) wants to marry a pretty young girl of something, we ususal use A toad wants to eat the meat of a swan in Chinese to describe such cases. Of course, a toad can eat the meat of a swan somethings. eg. an old, bantam-like contractor with favus finally married a pretty young actress. On such an occasion, it seems that this saying also acts.

    Is there a counterpart expression in English? or how should I express this meaning?

    Many many thanks in advance.

    There is an old saying about an old man marrying a young girl: December is marrying April.

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