Eat grass about animals word


Match the words to the right picture.

a lion

a crocodile

a cobra


Cross the odd word out.

1. a cobraa liona dog

2. an elephanta cowa rhino


Find the words in the chain of letters. 



Put the words in the right column.



a lion

a leopard

a tiger

a rhino

an elephant

a camel


Choose the right word.

1. A rhino eat / eats grass.

2. Leopards run / runs fast.

3. An elephant drink / drinks a lot of water


Look at the picture and read the text.

This is a lion. Lions live in Africa. They usually hunt at night. They eat antelopes, zebras and gazelles. Lions like to drink water when they eat. They spent much of the day sleeping or resting.

Lions live in Europe.

They usually hunt at night.

They eat meat.

They sleep at night.

They like to play.


Complete the text.

Hi! My

is Nick. I

like to tell you about my

wild animal. My favorite

animals are bears. I like them very much. They

big and strong. They can be black, brown

white. They

in the forest. I like to read books about them.  


Match the phrases with their translations. 


Put the words in the right order to build up sentences.

200 liters







Put the words in the right order to build up sentences.





with an






Choose the correct response. 

What colour are crocodiles?


Build up questions from the following words.








Do you





Translate the text.

Крокодилы дикие животные.

Они опасные.

Они не жуют еду.


Choose the right word.

1. Your brother read / reads books about the.

2. I don’t / doesn’t play the violin.

3. Do / Does your mother like cooking

Домашние животные

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Видео о домашних животных

Просто смотрите с ребенком, даже если многое пока 😉 непонятно

— duck, cat, cow

A duck

This is a duck! Это утка!
A duck is a bird Утка это птица
Ducks can swim Утки могут плавать
Ducks eat grass Утки едят траву

A cat

This is a cat Это кот
I like cats! Я люблю котов!
Cats live at home Кошки живут дома
My cat lives at home Мой кот живет дома
Cats like milk and fish Кошки любят молоко и рыбу
My cat likes to play! Моя кошка любит играть!

A cow

This is a cow Это корова
Cows are domestic animals Коровы это домашние животные
Cows give us tasty milk Коровы дают нам вкусное молоко

— dog, pig, goat

A dog

This is a dog! Это собака!
I like dogs! Я люблю собак!
Dogs are clever Собаки умные
The dog is man’s best friend Собака — лучший друг человека
Dogs like to play Собаки любят играть

A pig

This is a pig Это свинка
Pigs are domestic animals Свиньи домашние животные
Pigs are pink Свинки розовые
Pigs like to eat a lot Свинки любят много кушать

A goat

This is a goat Это козел
Goats like to eat grass and leaves Козы любят есть траву и листья
Goats have two horns Козы имеют два рога
Goats live in a farm Козы живут на ферме
Goats are domestic animals Козы домашние животные

— sheep, horse

A sheep

This is a sheep Это овца
Ships have wool Корабли имеют шерсть
Sheeps are domestic animals Овцы домашние животные
Sheep can be black or white Овцы могут быть черными или белыми

A horse

This is a horse Это лошадь
A horse is big Лошадь большая
Horses are strong Лошади сильные
A horse likes to eat green grass, carrots, apples and sugar Лошадь любит есть зеленую траву, морковь, яблоки и сахар

Тест 1.1 — кто это?

This is a cat

This is a dog

This is a duck

This is a horse

This is a goat

This is a pig

This is a cow

This is a sheep

Тест 1.2 — узнай животное

A duck is a bird Утка является птицей
Cats like milk and fish Кошки любят молоко и рыбу
The dog is man’s best friend Собака — лучший друг человека
Cows give us tasty milk Коровы дают нам вкусное молоко
Goats have two horns Козы имеют два рога
Sheeps have wool У овец есть шерсть
Pigs are pink Свиньи розовые
A horse likes to eat green grass, carrots, apples and sugar Лошадь любит есть зеленую траву, морковь, яблоки и сахар

Дикие животные

Прослушайте все, затем выберите для тренировки по карточкам удобное для вас количество слов

Обучающие видео

Просто смотрите с ребенком, даже если многое пока 😉 непонятно

И еще одно, можете просто включать фоном, чтобы ребенок мог услышать краем уха и увидеть краем глаза 🙂 пока занят какими-то своими делами:

— lion, bee, mouse

A lion

This is a lion! Это лев!
A lion is a big animal! Лев это большое животное!
A lion is strong and brave! Лев сильный и смелый!
Lions eat other animals Львы едят других животных
A lion eats 7 kg of food every day Лев ест 7 кг пищи каждый день

A bee

This is a bee Это пчела
A bee can fly Пчела может летать
A bee is yellow and black Пчела желтая и черная
A bee likes to work Пчела любит работать
Bees give us tasty honey Пчелы дают нам вкусный мед

A mouse

This is a mouse Это мышь
A mouse can run fast Мышь может быстро бегать
A mouse is grey and white Мышь серо-белая
A mouse is afraid of cats very much Мышка очень боится кошек
A mouse likes cheese Мышь любит сыр

— squirrel, giraffe, zebra

A squirrel

This is a squirrel! Это белка!
It is very nice Это очень мило
A squirrel is small Белка маленькая
A squirrel can run and jump Белка может бегать и прыгать
A squirrel likes nuts Белка любит орехи

A giraffe

This is a giraffe Это жираф
Giraffes are very tall animals Жирафы очень высокие животные
A giraffe has a very long neck У жирафа очень длинная шея
Giraffes are wild animals Жирафы — это дикие животные
Giraffes live in Africa Жирафы живут в Африке

A zebra

This is a zebra Это зебра
Zebras are wild animals Зебры — это дикие животные
Zebras are white and black Зебры белые и черные
Zebras can run and jump Зебры могут бегать и прыгать
Zebras like to eat green grass Зебры любят есть зеленую траву

— pigeon, elephant, frog, hedgehog

A pigeon

This is a pigeon Это голубь
A pigeon is a bird Голубь это птица
Pigeons can fly Голуби могут летать
Pigeons are gray Голуби серые

An elephant

This is an elephant Это слон
Elephants are very big animals Слоны очень большие животные
Elephants are very strong Слоны очень сильные
Elephants eat grass, leaves and fruits Слоны едят траву, листья и фрукты

A frog

This is a frog Это лягушка
Frogs are green Лягушки зеленые
Frogs can swim and jump Лягушки могут плавать и прыгать
Frogs like to eat mosquitos Лягушки любят есть комаров

A hedgehog

This is a hedgehog Это ежик
Hedgehogs are grey Ёжики серые
Hedgehogs can run Ежики могут бегать
Hedgehogs like to eat fruits and mushrooms Ежи любят есть фрукты и грибы

Тест 2.1 — кто это?

This is a lion

This is an elephant

This is a hedgehog

This is a squirrel

This is a bee

This is a giraffe

This is a frog

This is a mouse

This is a zebra

This is a pigeon

Тест 2.2 — узнай животное

A lion is strong and brave! Лев сильный и смелый!
Bees give us tasty honey Пчелы дают нам вкусный мед
A mouse likes cheese Мышь любит сыр
A squirrel likes nuts Белка любит орехи
Giraffes are very tall animals Жирафы очень высокие животные
Zebras like to eat green grass Зебры любят есть зеленую траву
A pigeon is a bird Голубь это птица
Elephants are very big animals Слоны очень большие животные
Frogs are green Лягушки зеленые
Hedgehogs like to eat fruits and mushrooms Ежи любят есть фрукты и грибы


Животные — интересная, как правило, для детей тема! Возвращайтесь сюда периодически, чтобы повторить лексику и простые предложения. И конечно, не останавливайтесь на достигнутом! 🚀

Examples of animals that eat grass include kangaroos, grasshoppers, capybaras, pandas, moose, camels, giraffes, and more.

Grass is a staple of the plant kingdom and a necessary part of many ecosystems. It’s also an important food source for many animals.

This blog post will introduce you to a few common and unique animals that eat grass.

Grass is a staple food for many animals. Particular animals have even specially adapted digestive systems that allow them to digest grasses. 

Here are ten animals that eat grass:

  • Western Gray Kangaroo
  • Grasshopper
  • Capybara
  • Geometric Tortoise
  • Giant Panda
  • Moose
  • Camel
  • Giraffe
  • Canada Goose
  • Wildebeest

Related: Animals That Chew Cud

1. Western Gray Kangaroo

Western Gray Kangaroo

Scientific Name Macropus fuliginosus
Common Name Western Gray Kangaroo
Animal Class Mammalia
Habitat Coastal heathlands, open forests, woodlands, mallee scrublands

The western gray kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) is a large marsupial from Australia. These kangaroos are commonly found in the southern and western parts of the country, but can also be found in the northern territories.[1]

Gray kangaroos are one of the biggest types of kangaroos, with males weighing up to 84 kg (185 lb) and females up to 35 kg (77 lb). They have a distinctive gray fur, which is why they are called “gray” kangaroos. 

These kangaroos are mostly herbivores, and their diet consists mainly of grasses.

Grasslands around the world are home to a variety of grazing animals, and these ecosystems depend on the relationship between the plants and the animals that eat them. 

The grasses provide food and shelter for the animals, while the animals help to spread the seeds of the grasses and keep the plants healthy by eating them.

2. Grasshopper

Grasshopper on the leaves

Scientific Name Caelifera
Common Name Grasshopper
Animal Class Insecta
Habitat Grassy dry open habitats, forests, jungles

The grasshopper is one of the most common animals that eat grass. They are found in nearly every region of the world, known for their voracious appetite for vegetation. A single grasshopper can consume up to 12,000 times its own body weight in plants per day.

While most grasshoppers are herbivores, there are a few species that are omnivorous or even carnivorous. 

The majority of the grasshopper’s diet is made up of leaves, stems, and seeds from plants. They will also eat other insects, especially if they are young and vulnerable.

Grasshoppers are an important food source for many animals, including birds, reptiles, and small mammals. 

In some parts of the world, they are considered a delicacy and are eaten by humans.

3. Capybara


Scientific Name Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
Common Name Capybara
Animal Class Mammalia
Habitat Dense vegetation around lakes, rivers, ponds, swamps and marshes

Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world and they are native to South America[2]. They are social animals and live in groups of up to 20 individuals. 

Capybara are herbivores and their diet consists mainly of grass, but they also eat leaves, fruits, and shoots.

They are excellent swimmers and often enter the water to escape from predators or to cool off. They are also good climbers and can climb trees to escape predators or to find food.

The capybara is a popular pet in some parts of the world, but it is also hunted for its meat and fur. It is not considered to be a threatened species, but it is protected in some countries.

4. Geometric Tortoise

Geometric Tortoise

Image Source
Scientific Name Psammobates geometricus
Common Name Geometric Tortoise
Animal Class Reptilia
Habitat Low-lying renosterveld shrublands

The geometric tortoise is a small, land-dwelling reptile. As its name suggests, it has a hard, shell-like carapace that is covered in distinct patterns or markings. 

While the carapace of most tortoises is domed, the Geometric Tortoise’s is relatively flat. It is native to southern Africa and can be found in countries such as Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.

The Geometric Tortoise is a herbivore and primarily feeds on grasses. It is one of the few tortoise species that are known to eat grasses regularly. 

In the wild, these animals typically graze on short grasses, but they will also consume taller grasses if they are available. While the primary diet of the Geometric Tortoise is grass, they do also consume other plants, fruits, and vegetables. 

Geometric Tortoises usually graze in the morning and evening, when the temperature is cooler and the grasses are more succulent.

In captivity, these tortoises should be offered a variety of different plant foods to ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need. 

Geometric Tortoises typically live for about 50 years, but some individuals have been known to live for over 100 years.

5. Giant Panda

Giant Panda

Scientific Name Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Common Name Giant Panda
Animal Class Mammalia
Habitat Temperate forests high in the mountains of Southwest China

The giant panda is one of the most unique and interesting animals in the world. They are easily recognized by their black and white fur and their large size. Giant pandas are native to China, where they have been revered for centuries.

Giant pandas’ diet consists primarily of plants[3]. Bamboo is their main food source, and they consume up to 12 pounds of it each day. Giant pandas spend most of their time eating and resting, but they also enjoy playing and climbing trees.

Due to habitat loss and hunting, giant pandas are an endangered species. There are only around 1,800 giant pandas left in the wild. Thanks to conservation efforts, their numbers are slowly increasing.

6. Moose

moose eating plants in the forest

Scientific Name Alces alces
Common Name Moose
Animal Class Mammalia
Habitat Foresta and Arctic slopes

Moose are the largest member of the deer family. They are shy but curious animals and love to eat grass. They are found in forested areas across North America and Europe.

Moose are large animals. An adult moose can weigh up to 1,000 pounds! That’s as much as a car. Moose are also tall, reaching up to six feet tall at the shoulder, which is taller than most people.

Moose love to eat grass. In fact, moose are mostly herbivores, which means that they only eat plants. They also eat twigs, leaves, and bark. 

They eat so much vegetation that they can damage trees and shrubs.

7. Camel


Scientific Name Camelus
Common Name Camel
Animal Class Mammalia
Habitat Desert, praire, steppe

The camel is a big, hairy animal that lives in the desert. Camels are herbivores, which means they only eat plants. They can go for long periods of time without drinking water.

Camels are native to the Middle East and North Africa. They have been used by humans for centuries, first as beasts of burden and later as racing animals. 

Today, there are two main types of camels: 

  • The dromedary camel (one hump)
  • The Bactrian camel (two humps)

Camels are well-adapted to life in the desert. They have long legs that help them walk across the sand without sinking, and they can go for weeks without drinking water. Camels store fat in their humps, which they can use for energy when food is scarce.

8. Giraffe


Scientific Name Giraffa
Common Name Giraffe
Animal Class Mammalia
Habitat Semi-arid savannah, savannah woodlands

Giraffes are the tallest of all land-living animals, according to National Geographic. They primarily eat the leaves of trees and grasses of the savannah.

Male giraffes can grow up to 18 feet (5.5 meters) tall and weigh between 2,600 and 3,000 pounds (1,180 and 1,360 kilograms). Females are generally slightly shorter and weigh about half as much as males.

The animals’ necks are about 6 feet (1.8 meters) long, and their legs can be nearly as tall as a human adult at 6 feet (1.8 meters). The animals’ tails can grow to be about 2 feet (0.6 meters) long.

A giraffe’s spotted coat provides camouflage in the trees and bushes of its home range in Africa. The animals usually live between 25 and 30 years in the wild, according to the San Diego Zoo.

9. Canada Goose

Canada Goose

Scientific Name Branta canadensis
Common Name Canada Goose
Animal Class Aves
Habitat Ponds, bays, lakes, fields, marshes

The Canada goose is an herbivorous bird. It is a waterfowl species native to North America.

Their diet consists mostly of plant material, such as leaves, stems, roots, and seeds. They also eat small invertebrates, such as insects and snails.

The Canada Goose is a migratory bird, meaning that they travel long distances between their breeding and wintering grounds. During the breeding season, which takes place in the spring, they nest near water bodies such as lakes, rivers, or marshes.

The female will lay a clutch of 3-8 eggs, which she will incubate for about 25-28 days. 

Once the chicks hatch, they are cared for by both parents until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

10. Wildebeest


Scientific Name Connochaetes
Common Name Wildebeest
Animal Class Mammalia
Habitat Plains and Acacia savannas

Wildebeest are antelopes found in Africa. They are also known as gnus. Wildebeest are herbivores, which means they primarily eat plants.

Wildebeest are grazers, which means they eat mostly grass. Their diet also includes leaves, flowers, and fruit. 

As social animals, they live in herds. The size of a herd can vary from a few dozen to several thousand individuals. They are also migratory animals and travel great distances in search of food and water.

Each year, millions of wildebeests migrate between the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The wildebeest migration is one of the largest mammal migrations in the world.


Do Ants Die in Cold Weather?

In comparison with many insects though, ants have a much higher supercooling ability which allows them to tolerate lower freezing points.

How to Find Ants in the Winter?

Well, the good news is that some species of ant can actually hibernate or enter into dormancy to wait out harsh weather conditions!

Teodoro is a nature and animal lover. He specifically focuses on insects, such as ants, bees, and the like. In his free time, he takes care of his own ant farm, where he analyzes their behavior. Teodoro has spent the last 7 years studying the intricate behavior of these small creatures.

Many animals eat grass as their main source of food, including cows, grasshoppers, rabbits, deer, sheep, horses, goats, bison, buffalos, zebras, kangaroos, and many others. The list is very long.

Basically, all the animals that belong to the family of grass-eating mammals are called “grazers”. And grass is one of the most widely available types of food on the planet because it’s easily reproducible, relatively cheap, and easy to maintain.

Even in nature, many herbivorous animals have grass as their main source of food, especially when there are no other types of herbivorous foods around. These animals include grasshoppers, deer, bison, zebras, kangaroos, and many others.

However, not all domesticated herbivorous animals eat grass. Cows, rabbits, sheep, and horses do, while goats will also eat grass, but will also look for other plant-based sources of food.

Let’s take a look at some of the more common animals that eat grass.

1. Bison

bison eating grass

Bison will almost exclusively eat grass. They have an impressive digestive system which is called the ruminant system. They’re ruminants, which means they are able to slowly ferment food in their stomachs before they digest it, which gives them more space to store the food.

However, bison will also eat other types of vegetation when there’s no grass around. And because some bison species live in very dry areas, they have to adapt and consume other types of vegetation, too. But they’ll mostly only be found in areas where there’s a lot of grass.

2. Cows

angus cattle

For cows, grass is the primary source of food. That’s especially the case in farms where farmers look to provide grass-fed cattle to their customers, which is a highly valued type of meat.

On these farms, cows will eat both fresh and dried grass, although fresh grass tends to have more nutrients. Dried grass, on the other hand, is also very commonly used in farms. It’s great for those farmers who don’t have a lot of grasslands and tend to buy the dried grass from other farmers or produce it on their own.

The cow’s grass is called “cud”. It’s said that on average, a cow will spend almost 8 hours chewing its cud, which amounts to around 30.000 chews daily! That’s an astonishing number, although perhaps not as surprising considering how slowly cows chew.

3. Deer

deer eating grass

Deer are friendly and peaceful animals that have a primarily vegetarian diet. They’ll eat anything from grass to leaves and other types of herbivorous food they might come across. Like goats, they’re not very picky about their food.

Sometimes, when they feel completely safe, they’ll stop by in an open pasture and enjoy some natural grass. However, this leads them to become vulnerable to attacks from predators, so they need to be wary.

This means that deer will prefer other types of food first where they have a little more control over their surroundings, such as leaves, for example.

4. Elephants


Elephants are also herbivores, and they’ll eat anything from twigs, leaves, to grass and roots. They’re not picky when it comes to their food, although they normally prefer to eat twigs from higher places and trees, and they’ll also turn to grass when they are in a grassland area.

African elephants, especially, are browsers, which means they’ll search for almost any type of vegetable-based food, including grass. Asian elephants, on the other hand, are grazers, which means they’ll primarily eat grass. They have the ability to clean up grass areas nicely, as they won’t normally consume entire pieces of grass, but only a part of them.

Related Article: Do Asian Elephant Have Big & Long Nose?

5. Grasshoppers


Yes, grasshoppers can also be included in the list of grass eaters. Most grasshopper types are herbivorous animals, and they’ll primarily look for leaves and seeds, but will also consume grass when there are no other foods around.

In fact, for some farmers, grasshoppers might become a problem if they start chewing their produce too often, which might lead them to start chewing grass. And when they have cattle around that needs to be fed, then farmers often opt for the option to get rid of the grasshoppers.

6. Goats

goat eating grass

Goats, on the other hand, are much more adaptable when it comes to their diet. They’ll also like to eat grass, but it’s not their primary source of food. Instead, goats will look to eat leaves and bushes first before they turn to grass.

That’s because goats are highly adaptable to what the environment gives them. They can survive in pretty harsh conditions and where there’s not a lot of grass, because they can feed on different food sources.

7. Horses

horse eating grass

Horses love grass. They love almost any type of pasture, including cow pastures, as well as hay. But not all types of grass are suitable for a horse’s digestion. They prefer to eat grass near the roots, which means that horses often pull out larger sections of grass, which might result in pastures without grass.

Cows, on the other hand, graze the grass with their tongues and will only pick up the upper portion of the grass. This means that they’ll somewhat shorten the grass, but not eliminate it completely.

So for that reason, many farmers opt to feed them a different type of grass with stronger and deeper roots. Hay is often an important source of food for horses, too. On average, a horse can chew up to 25lbs of grass per day.

8. Rabbits


Who could forget rabbits on this long list of animals that eat grass? They’re so cute and fluffy, and the primary source of food for them is grass. When we have them in captivity, we will normally have to provide hay for them.

In the wild, rabbits will only feed on grass, and rarely on other vegetation types that are found near the ground. They have a special mechanism called “hindgut fermentation”, which enables them to digest grass more easily.

9. Sheep

sheep eating grass

Sheep are often considered to be natural lawnmowers. They have the right teeth and digestions suited to a grass diet, so they’ll only graze the grass near the top of the grass follicles.

You might have sometimes seen that a pasture where the sheep were feeding on the grass is much more even and nicely distributed, unlike horse pastures which tend to get deteriorated completely. Sheep are herbivores that prefer to eat grass, but almost any other type of vegetarian food, including leaves and seeds.

10. Zebras


Zebras will primarily eat grass and sedges, but will also sometimes turn to fruits, roots, and bark. But because most zebras live in grassy areas with higher types of grass, it becomes their primary source of food. A stunning fact with zebras is that they’ll spend up to 80% of their time feeding on grass!

Final Thoughts

There are many grass-eaters in addition to the ones we’ve mentioned in the article. You will find that other animal species such as kangaroos, elk, rhinoceros, giraffe, and others, also belong to this group. Grass is perhaps one of the most universal types of food that is found everywhere in the world, and many different animals eat it.

a picture of a man

I am the founder and owner of Fauna Facts. My mission is to write valuable and entertaining information about animals and pets for my audience. I hope you enjoy the site!

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Dogs may eat grass to fulfill a nutritional requirement.

Собаки могут есть траву для компенсации потребностей в питании.

But the statement that dogs start to eat grass before a storm is false.

А вот утверждение о том, что перед бурей собаки начинают есть траву — ложно.

Cattle evolved to eat grass, not grains.

Крупный рогатый скот эволюционировал, чтобы питаться травой, а не зерном.

Within just one week the young are ready to eat grass.

Many dogs do eat grass from time to time.

White rhinos eat grass for 8 to 10 hours per day.

Буйволы африканские поедают траву в течение восьми-десяти часов в день.

Another theory posits that dogs eat grass simply because they want to.

Другая теория утверждает, что собаки едят траву просто потому, что они хотят этого.

Cats and dogs sometimes eat grass or leaves.

Кошки и собаки время от времени едят траву или комнатные растения.

Water voles mainly eat grass and plants near the water.

Водяные полевки в основном питаются травой и растениями растущими в близи водоемов.

Cats eat grass to keep their digestive systems clean.

Собаки едят траву для того, чтобы очистить свою пищеварительную систему.

4} Dogs and Cats sometimes eat grass.

Все мы знаем, что собаки и кошки время от времени едят траву.

Dogs eat grass to sooth their stomachs.

Less than 10 percent of dogs that eat grass appear to be sick.

Менее 10 процентов собак, которые едят траву, оказываются больными.

Many people believe that dogs eat grass whenever they’re feeling sick.

Большинство людей считают, что собаки едят траву, когда они чем-то болеют.

People have to eat grass to survive.

Cattle would not eat grass where sheep had eaten.

Коровы не едят траву там, где паслись овцы.

But the animals here don’t just eat grass, they are benefiting from the trees as well.

Но животные здесь не только едят траву, они также извлекают пользу с деревьев.

I should think you’d eat grass if there was nothing else.

Я подумала, что вы будете есть траву, если здесь ничего не будет.

You will live amongst the wild animals and eat grass like an ox.

Ты будешь обитать среди зверей диких и есть траву аки вол .

Unfortunately, I can’t eat grass.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 280. Точных совпадений: 280. Затраченное время: 80 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Take roles and read out.

Irina: Where do leopards live?

Roman: They live in the jungle.

Irina: What do they eat?

Roman: They eat other animals.

Задание рисунок 1

Английский язык 4 класс (часть 2) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова. • Talking about animals. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Возьмите роли и зачитайте.
Ирина: Где живут леопарды?
Роман: Они живут в джунглях.
Ирина: Что они едят?
Роман: Они едят других животных.

Ферма / трава
Море / рыба
Ферма / кукуруза
Джунгли / бананы


A: Where do cows live?

B: They live on the farm.

A: What do they eat?

B: They eat grass.

A: Where do seals live?

B: They live in the sea.

A: What do they eat?

B: They eat fish.

A: Where do chickens live?

B: They live on the farm.

A: What do they eat?

B: They eat corn.

A: Where do chimps live?

B: They live in the jungle.

A: What do they eat?

B: They eat bananas.

Перевод ответа
А: Где живут коровы?
В: Они живут на ферме.

Что они едят?

Они едят траву.

А: Где обитают тюлени?
В: Они живут в море.

Что они едят?

Они едят рыбу.

А: Где живут куры?
В: Они живут на ферме.

Что они едят?
В: Они едят кукурузу.

Где живут шимпанзе?
В: Они живут в джунглях.

Что они едят?

Они едят бананы.

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