Easy word to learn english

easy english words

Last updated:

August 16, 2022

50+ Easy English Words You Need to Know

Let me tell you a little secret.

There’s a nice trick that can help you learn a language pretty fast.

In fact, I can promise you results within a few weeks.

Sound too good to be true?

Well, let me break it down for you.

No matter the language, there are some words and phrases that you’ll always end up using more often. Knowing these will help you express yourself in most situations, especially in everyday conversations.

And the best part is, most of these words are really simple and can be easily mastered with some practice.

In this post, I’ll discuss some very easy English words that every language learner must know. I’ll also explain their meanings and teach you exactly how to use them in sentences.

Are you excited already?

Let’s begin with the basics!

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Basic Grammar Rules to Remember When Using Easy English Words

Before we move on to the important words, let’s do a quick grammar recap.

Remembering the simple rules and suggestions listed below will ensure that your sentences are free of careless mistakes.

I’m assuming you’re somewhat familiar with these basic grammar rules, but just in case any of them sound difficult feel free to look them up.

  • A noun and a verb are all you need to form a sentence. As you must know, English grammar has many parts. A typical sentence usually includes a noun, a verb, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and more. However, the most important parts are the noun and the verb.
  • Remember that a sentence needs a subject and a predicate. When you’re trying to express yourself, just keep in mind that every sentence usually has a doer, or the subject (the one doing the action), and an object, or predicate (the one receiving the action).
  • Use simple conjunctions. When you’re trying to form slightly longer sentences, make sure you use conjunctions or connecting words like and, but and or.
  • Always begin a question with any of the six main question words. In English, when we’re asking something, there are certain words we always use to indicate (show) what kind of question it is. These words are what, who, how, when, where and why.
  • Add -ly to turn adjectives into adverbs. Adjectives are words that we use to describe nouns, while adverbs are used to describe verbs and adjectives. Many adjectives can easily be turned into adverbs simply by adding an -ly to them at the end. Later in this post, be on the lookout for adjectives that have been turned into adverbs!

You can also check out this video to quickly learn 30 easy English words in video format! Between the video and the following list of 50 plus words below, you’ll be well on your way to major vocabulary growth!


Nouns, as you must know, are “naming” words. They can refer to people, things, places and ideas. Here are some of the most common ones that you need to know and that are perfect for beginners.


A house is a building or the place in which you live. There can be many types of houses, such as an apartment, a bungalow, a mansion, a hut, a shack and so on. A house is usually your “home” and is also called a residence.

I live in a large house with my sister.


A job is what you do in order to earn money and keep on living. In most jobs, you often have to work in an office. Based on how much work you do, you get paid a certain amount.

Meena is looking for a new job.


A business is an organization or a system where you buy or sell things in order to make money. If you run a business or work in one, then that’s your job.

She has been running her own business for five years now.


Food is what you eat to remain fit and keep on living. If we don’t eat every day, we’ll get sick.

She asked me what sort of food I like the most, and I replied, “chocolate.”


A restaurant is a place where you often go to eat food by paying for it.

Yesterday, I had dinner with my friends at a restaurant near my house.


A telephone is an object that you use to call someone when they’re too far away to speak to them in person.

Can I use your telephone to call my brother who recently moved away to another town?


Your address tells someone exactly where you live. If someone requires proof of your existence or they want to send you something by mail, they’ll ask for your address.

My mailing address is 18 Park Street, Kolkata 700016.


Money refers to the thin strips of paper or the metal coins that you use to pay for things. Generally, the more money you have, the richer you are.

Her business failed, so she has lost a lot of money recently.


A friend is someone you like, spend time with and can ask for help but who isn’t connected to your family.

I went to watch a movie with a friend from school.


Love is what you feel when you care about someone or like something a lot.

I love this book so much that I’ve already read it five times.


Pronouns are words that we use to replace a noun.

For instance, if we’re talking about a boy named Mahesh, we can use the pronouns he, him and his to refer to him, instead of using Mahesh all the time.

The rules are simple.

If you’re talking in the first person, you use pronouns like I, me and mine.

If you’re talking in the second person, you use you, yours and your.

If the sentence involves more than two people, you use we, us and ourselves.

If it’s in the third person, gender and number become important. If someone identifies as male, we use he, him, and his. For those who identify as female, we use she and her. If something has no gender, we use it, and if the gender doesn’t fit into the male/female binary, we often use their and they.

We also use their, they and them when we’re referring to more than one person.

Here are some examples:

I lost my wallet today.

She writes in her notebook every day.

Hilary broke her favorite toy and she is very sad about it.

They closed the business last week.

The stranger was following me at night, and I was afraid that they would do something bad to me.


Verbs are action words. They show us the process of doing things.

A noun usually comes with a verb, and knowing the following 10 verbs is sure to come in handy (useful).


You talk whenever you speak to someone or say anything out loud.

I talk to my best friend every day, at night, over the telephone.


We use this word whenever we refer to an action that we’re carrying out or accomplishing.

I will do the task as soon as I get home from work.


We use this word whenever we move or travel from one place to another.

Ray will go to his sister’s house tomorrow by train.


This verb is used when we refer to the act of creating something.

He is going to make a plan for a more successful business.


When we move from one place to another using our feet, we walk.

They walk home from school.


During every meal, you take food, put it into your mouth, chew it and swallow it. This action is called eating.

Mary loves to eat chocolate.


When it’s solid food, we eat. When it’s a liquid that we swallow, we drink. We drink water every day, for example.

It’s important to drink water after exercising.


Work is what you do at your job to keep earning money. It’s an activity that requires (needs/uses) your mental and physical effort.

I work between seven and eight hours every day at my job.


Sleep refers to the time when you’re lying down and resting. Your mind isn’t alert or aware of its surroundings when you’re sleeping.

John goes to sleep at 10.


This is a verb that we use to describe an emotion or a feeling, like love or anger, or a sensation, like heat or touch. It’s how we manage to relate to the environment and to ourselves.

I feel that something is wrong with her because she’s behaving strangely.


Adjectives are words that we use to describe nouns.

They make whatever we say sound more precise and vivid, and they help us convey what we think with more accuracy.

Here are some of the most common adjectives that you can start using immediately.


When you’re feeling pleased, glad or delighted about something, the emotion that you’re feeling is called happiness. When you’re happy, you’re full of joy.

The playground was full of happy children.


The exact opposite of happiness is when you feel sad, like when something bad or terrible has happened and you’re filled with sorrow and pain.

After losing her job, Rita was feeling very sad.


When you have the strong feeling to hurt or shout at someone for the way they’ve behaved, chances are that you’re angry at them.

Joe’s mother was very angry and could be heard shouting at him because he didn’t do his homework.


When your mind is active and focused on one thing, you’re busy with that activity and cannot pay attention to anything else. This word is often used in the workplace.

I cannot meet you tonight, as I’m busy with office work.


When you feel that you have nothing to do and that nothing around you is interesting, you’re feeling bored.

She stayed at home during the weekend and became very bored, as she had nothing to do.


When you’re moderately (somewhat) angry at someone, chances are that you’re annoyed with them. You think that they’re a bother to you and you feel somewhat disturbed by them.

She was very annoyed that he kept making jokes the whole time and didn’t take her seriously.


When you feel happy about something or you’re glad because of the way someone has behaved, you’re pleased. You’re satisfied and you feel content.

The boss was so pleased with the new employee’s work that he promoted her.


Excitement is that feeling you get when you know something good is going to happen and you can’t wait for it. When you’re looking forward to something, you often feel excited about it.

I was excited to see my brother after five years.


When you’re alone and feel sad about being alone or when you have no one to talk to, the emotion that you’re feeling is loneliness. Remember, you don’t need to always be physically alone to feel lonely.

Reya didn’t know anyone at the party so she was feeling very lonely.


You know that feeling when you’ve had a really long day at work and you just can’t wait to go home and rest? Or, you feel so exhausted that you can barely move your body, and you just want to close your eyes and fall asleep? Yes, that’s called feeling tired.

I was very tired after doing all those new exercises at the gym.


As stated earlier, adverbs are used to describe verbs or adjectives. These adverbs are commonly used in everyday conversations.


When something happens every time or all the time, the word we use is always.

The sun always rises in the east.


When you pay attention to your actions and you’re very alert or aware of your surroundings, you’re being careful.

She told the maid to wash the dishes carefully, as they were made of glass.


If something is very easy to perceive (see/smell/hear/touch/taste) or understand, it’s clear. It isn’t something complex, complicated or hidden.

Once the rain stopped, I could clearly see the mountain range from my window.


If something happens on a more or less regular basis, we say that it happens often.

I often see her sitting in the cafe with a book.


When we use well as an adverb, we mean that something is or has been good or satisfactory.

Sheila’s job has been going well and she’s making a lot of money.


We use this adverb when we’re referring to something that usually happens. It’s also used to refer to most people or things.

Generally, it’s faster to reach the city if you take the train.


This adverb is used to refer to something that’s true or to put emphasis on something.

They didn’t believe her, but she really didn’t commit the crime.


When we’re referring to something that doesn’t happen often or always but still takes place from time to time, we use the word sometimes.

Sometimes, I go to the library after lunch if I’m free.


If you’re talking about something and you’re absolutely sure about it or you feel very confident about it, you use the adverb certainly.

I will certainly meet you next week for the interview.


When something has happened, you use the word already.

I already finished my homework.

When you’re learning a language, try to take things slow.

Practice making simple sentences with only a few words. In time, you’ll gain more confidence and be able to frame more complex thoughts.

Keep revising (reviewing) the basics as often as you can, even when you move on to newer and more difficult things.

And above all, don’t give up when you make mistakes or get stuck. That’s a crucial part of our learning experience, and without it, we’d make very little progress. Stay optimistic and be dedicated, and you’ll be fluent in English in no time!

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Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Verbs with example phrase (with audio Mp3)
be 🙂 Be happy.
have 🖐️ Have a good day.
do 💪 Do the work.
say 🗨️ Say, “Hello.”
get 🛠️ Get to work.
make 👩‍🍳 Make some food.
go 🛵 Go for a drive.
know 🎓 I know a lot.
take 🎫 Take a number.
see 👓 I can see.
come 🧲 Come to me.
think 🤔 I think so.
look 👀 Look at that.
want 😋 I want to eat.
give 🎁 Give me a gift.
use 🍴 Use a fork.
find 🔍 Find the answer.
tell 🎤 Tell your story.
ask 🙋 Ask a question.
work 🔨 I work hard.
seem 🤔 You seem lost.
feel 🤗 I feel happy.
try 😣 Try again.
leave 🚶‍♂️ I will leave.
call 📱 Call me.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Nouns with example phrase (with audio Mp3)
person 😃 This person is happy.
man 👨 The man is nice.
woman 👩 The woman is young.
child 🧒 The child is small.
time The time is 7am.
year 🎉 The year is 2019.
week 📅 A week is 7 days.
day 📆 This is a good day.
way 🛣️ Come this way.
thing What is that thing?
world 🌎 The world is big.
life ⚕️ Life is good.
hand My hand is clean.
part 🧩 I like this part.
eye 👁️ My eye is open.
place 🗺️ This is the place.
work 🔨 My work is important.
case 📁 USCIS case number
point 📌 I see your point.
government 🏛️ I like the government.
company 🏭 Her company is new.
number 🔢 This is my number.
group 👨‍👩‍👦 The group is big.
problem 🤦 I have a problem.
fact 📚 That is a fact.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Adjectives with example phrase (audio Mp3)
good 👍 Good work.
new 🌅 It is a new day.
first 🥇 This is my first job.
last 🤷 That was last time.
long ✈️ It was a long way.
great 👷‍♀️ She is a great boss.
little 🚗 I have a little car.
own 🏠 I want my own home.
other 🏨 I like the other place.
old 🏚️ It is an old house.
right 📲 This is the right number.
big 👪 It was a big group.
high 🔢 It is a high number.
different I have a different time.
small 🌎 It is a small world.
large 🏬 That is a large place.
next 📅 That is next week.
early 🤤 I like early lunch.
young 🧒 He is a young child.
important 👩‍✈️ She is an important person.
few 🗓️ Give me a few days.
public 🏞️ It is a public place.
bad 😥 You have a bad problem.
same ⏲️ Come at the same time.
able 🧰 I am able to work.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Prepositions with example phrase (audio Mp3)
to Go to work
of a lot of people
in Get in place
for Come for the day
on Be on time
with Stay with my child
at Good at work
by Wait by the car
from I am from New York
up Go up to the place
about Tell me about life
into Come into work soon
over Go over there next week
after Call me after work

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Other common vocabulary – with example phrase
the the child
and man and woman
a a day
that that place
I I like you
it It is nice.
not Not my place
he He is nice.
as as a child
you You are nice
this This is the place
but But not today
his His car
they They are here
her Her mother
she She is nice
or Yes or no
an an eye for an eye
will I will call you
my My first job.
one One at a time
all All the same
would I would like that
there There is a place to stay
their Their home is nice

Tired of staring at huge lists of words in English?

Exhausted from carrying heavy vocabulary books around all day?

Let me show you seven easy ways to learn English words.

English students hate learning new vocabulary.

It’s no wonder. It’s boring and takes hours and hours to make just a little progress.

What if I were to tell you that there is a much better, much faster, far more productive way of learning new words?

If you have had enough of gazing at lists of English words then read on.

7 easy way to learn English words English vocabulary books are terrible

English Vocabulary Books are Terrible!

Many English students spend a lot of time and money on English vocabulary books in their attempt to learn English words. While this might be an admirable effort on their part, they could use their time and energy more productively.

I am not saying these huge vocabulary books are useless but you have to use them in the right way.

Going from word to word, your lips moving as you read out each line in your head, is not the best way to learn English vocabulary. It is certainly not the fastest.

I have outlined below seven fantastic methods of building word power. Follow these steps and you will gain great stacks of vocabulary that you can use in speaking and writing immediately.

It just requires a small amount of commitment and a little work. Not hard work but some work nonetheless.

Start by putting all of these steps into action today.

7 easy ways to learn English words read read and read some more

1. Read, Read and Read Some More

Reading is by far the best way to improve your English vocabulary. Even as a native English speaker, the more I read the more I expand my vocabulary every day without even trying.

But many English students have no idea how to do this.

Whenever I give students this advice they always ask me: What should I read?

And my answer is always the same — read whatever you want!

If you are interested in basketball, read about basketball. Read basketball websites, basketball magazines, basketball news and books about basketball.

Trust me, you are going to learn a lot of new words — and not just words that you can use in the context of basketball. Words that can be used in many other ways.

You can do this for any topic that you are interested in. People have more than one area of interest so start reading about anything you like.

Once you feel more confident, start reading other topics. Read the news, read novels, read biographies. You can choose from hundreds of daily news websites. And there are websites where you can read all the novels you want for free.

There is also this place called the library.

Ever heard of it?

Go down there and they will let you borrow dozens of books.

You can also use these great websites for reading practice.


Breaking News English

This site has hundreds of reading comprehension articles. All based on news and divided into different levels.



This is an easy to read version of CNN news.

New York Times

This is an easy to read version of The New York Times.

Other Sites for Reading Practice


This is mainly for very young students to high school students. But a great source of articles:


And two more aimed at English students:

Digital Counter Revolution

English Online

More Advanced Longer Articles

New Yorker

Talking Points and Short Stories

And you can always check out my Talking Points series and my short story lesson plans.

Download all of them for free right here:

Talking Points

Short Stories

Reading is by far the best way for you to learn new English words and the choice of reading material is unlimited.

Get to it.

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Why not join my mailing list and I can send you new articles and lesson plans when they come out?

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7 easy ways to learn English words use a dictionary

2. Use a Dictionary

It amazes me how many students do not use a dictionary. I have met students that simply do not know how to use one. Or parents who refuse to allow their children to use a dictionary as it is considered cheating.

Well, guess what? I use a dictionary every day.

I often encounter words that I don’t know or don’t know the exact meaning of it. So I look it up.

For English students, the best dictionary is a book dictionary. But if you don’t have one of those use a dictionary app or a website.

Do not use a dictionary that translates from English to your own language!

This is a very lazy method and you are not practising anything in English. Use an English-only dictionary as this will also help to expand your vocabulary.

Every time you read something and come across a word you don’t know — look it up in the dictionary.

Take a look at the following links for online dictionaries (these were kindly submitted by one of my regular subscribers Sérvulo — thank you, Sérvulo!)



The Free Dictionary

Macmillan Dictionary

7 easy ways to learn English words keep a vocabulary notebook

3. Keep a Vocabulary Notebook

So you find a new word while reading.

  1. You look the word up in the dictionary.
  2. Now make a note of it.

Make this into a routine. Yes, it can be boring to do this. But after 30 days it will become a regular daily habit.

This is how you should make notes of new vocabulary.

  1. Write the English word down.
  2. Look the word up in your dictionary.
  3. Write down the meaning — in English. If you need to write down the word in your own language do that too.
  4. Use the word in a sentence of your own. This can help you use the word in the right context.

So for example;

Beautiful — adjective, having beauty, to describe something that has qualities we like to see or hear.

The girl was wearing a beautiful dress.

I like this music. It is very beautiful.

Continue doing these three steps and your vocabulary will grow at a fantastic rate.

7 easy ways to learn English words learn words by category or theme

4. Learn Words by Category or Theme

In vocabulary books, the publisher often creates lists of words divided into categories or themes. For example; transportation — and then a list of words that are connected to transportation. Car, truck, motorbike, traffic jam, etc.

But you can do this by yourself.

Just create your own categories and themes. Make lists of new words for these categories and this will help you in the learning process.

Let’s use the theme vacation. Now you have to think of words that are based on that theme. So you have the words hotel, trip, airport, book, tour guide, etc.

The simple act of creating your own list and looking up the meaning of the words by yourself reinforces the new words into your memory.

Combine this step with reading.

Use your list about vacation. Now find an article online. Just search using the terms: vacation reading article ESL.

You should be able to find a reading exercise to use.

Now you are making lists centred on a topic or theme, writing down the meaning of the words and example sentences. And then you read an article based on the category.

7 easy ways to learn English words make collocations

5. Make Collocations

Collocations are words or groups of words that belong together. Common collocations are go shopping, study English, practice writing, play tennis.

Usually, a collocation includes a verb and a noun.

These are great for everyday English.

Take words from your vocabulary notebook — or from your category or theme lists — and try to make collocations with them. This may be hard at first but you will find that very soon you could have huge lists of collocations. Things that you can use in your daily life in English.

For example; I have to return these library books, my car has run out of gas, I need to buy some more milk, etc.

Check my article on learning collocations right here.

7 easy ways to learn English words word formation

6. Word Formation

This is a little more advanced but it can make your English more fluent and standardised.

Many English words have a root word at the beginning.  This root can change each time to make the word into a noun, a verb, an adjective and an adverb,

Let’s look at the word collection. This is the noun form.

But we can also have collect — a verb.

And collective — an adjective.

And collectively — an adverb.

If you want your English to sound clearer then you really need to learn all the forms of these words.

Not all words have all four forms, some only have three. But you need to learn them and understand the different uses.

Use your dictionary and find the adjective form, verb form and adverb form of a noun. Quite often if you look up a word, the dictionary will show the adjective and verb forms of this word.

You know what to do next — write them all down in your notebook and make example sentences.

7 easy ways to learn English words write a blog

7. Write a Blog

One of the best ways to practice new vocabulary is to use it in writing. And a great way to practice writing is by making a blog.

There are so many free blogging platforms out there, but Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr and Medium are four popular platforms. Free to join and easy to start.

Write about whatever comes to mind.

Write stories, things about your daily life, something about your own country and share with the world.

You will find that you are reinforcing all the new vocabulary you learned into your memory. And the added advantage is that writing is a great skill to have in your life.

And that is it. Seven great ways for you to learn and improve your English vocabulary.

Start today and see how far your vocabulary grows in the next 30 days.

  1. Что включает в себя словарный запас на уровне Elementary?
  2. Глаголы уровня А1
  3. Список имен существительных уровня Beginner
    1. Список слов по теме «Окружающий мир»
    2. Слова уровня А1 на тему «Семья»
    3. Английские слова на тему «Социальная коммуникация»
    4. Слова General Basic Words для туриста начального уровня
  4. Прилагательные уровня Elementary
  5. Список важных наречий базового уровня
  6. Техники увеличения словарного запаса
    1. Техника «Комментатор»
    2. Техника «Домашний актёр»
    3. Техника «Радужный текст»
  7. В качестве заключения

Чем больше слов знает человек, тем интереснее и осмысленнее его речь. Даже начальный уровень английского, усиленный достаточным словарным запасом, позволит вам чувствовать себя уверенно в любой ситуации, которая может возникнуть в другой стране. Лексика – это отличный инструмент, с помощью которого можно донести свою точку зрения, обратиться за помощью, решить проблему. Давайте разберёмся с английскими словами уровня А1.

Что включает в себя словарный запас на уровне Elementary?

Активный лексический запас на этом этапе включает до 1000 слов и состоит из таких употребляемых частей речи:

  • глаголов (verbs),
  • имен существительных (nouns),
  • прилагательных (adjectives),
  • местоимений (pronouns),
  • числительных (numerals),
  • наречий (adverbs).

В английском предложение строится на основании глагола в правильном времени. Они выражают действия (Olga drinks juiceОльга пьет сок) и состояния (Denis seems very happyДенис кажется очень счастливым). Глаголы, в отличие от других частей речи, меняются в зависимости от времени и рода подлежащего.

Не стоит волноваться, если на первый взгляд все перечисленные слова окажутся незнакомыми. Наверняка, вы не раз слышали их в песнях, рекламе или крылатых выражениях. Подобранные в этой статье частицы речи полезны тем, что вы можете сразу же начинать их использовать. Это наиболее легкие и часто применимые English words.

Глаголы уровня А1

Для того, чтобы иметь возможность общаться с англоязычными людьми и понимать в общих чертах их беглую речь – необходимо выучить список главных глаголов английского языка. После того, как вы запомните хотя бы половину нижеперечисленного материала – вы можете начинать общаться с не носителями: индейцами, китайцами, французами, арабами, испанцами. Смысл разговоров в невозможности перейти на русский и в применении простейших слов в бытовых беседах с живыми людьми.

Глагол Транскрипция Перевод
To be [tə biː] Быть
To do [du] Делать
To feel [fiːl] Чувствовать
To see [siː] Видеть
To hear [hɪər] Слышать
To run [rʌn] Бежать
To get [ɡet] Получать
To make [meɪk] Сделать
To cook [kʊk] Готовить
To sing [sɪŋ] Петь
To speak [spiːk] Разговаривать
To say [seɪ] Говорить
To tell [tel] Рассказывать
To take [teɪk] Брать
To sit [sɪt] Садиться
To stand [stænd] Стоять
To laugh [lɑːf] Смеяться
To smile [smaɪl] Улыбаться
To open [ˈəʊpən] Открывать
To close [kləʊz] Закрывать
To love [lʌv] Любить
To like [laɪk] Нравиться
To give [ɡɪv] Давать
To bring [brɪŋ] Приносить
To breath [breθ] Дышать
To buy [baɪ] Покупать
To sell [sel] Продавать
To forget [fəˈɡet] Забывать
To believe [bɪˈliːv] Верить
To have [həv] Иметь
To go [ɡəʊ] Идти
To know [nəʊ] Знать
To think [θɪŋk] Думать
To come [kʌm] Приходить
To want [wɒnt] Хотеть
To use [juːz] Использовать
To find [faɪnd] Находить
To work [wɜːk] Работать
To eat [iːt] Есть
To drink [drɪŋk] Пить
To write [raɪt] Писать
To read [riːd] Читать
To call [kɔːl] Звонить
To try [traɪ] Пытаться
To need [niːd] Нуждаться
To become [bɪˈkʌm] Становиться
To put [pʊt] Класть
To leave [liːv] Оставлять
To pay [peɪ] Платить
To play [pleɪ] Играть
To pray [preɪ] Молиться
To stay [steɪ] Оставаться
To mean [miːn] Означать
To keep [kiːp] Держать, хранить
To let [let] Оставлять
To begin [bɪˈɡɪn] Начинать
To start [stɑːt] Стартовать
To finish [ˈfɪnɪʃ] Заканчивать
To help [help] Помогать
To show [ʃəʊ] Показывать
To cry [kraɪ] Плакать
To move [muːv] Двигаться
To jump [dʒʌmp] Прыгать
To live [lɪv] Жить
To die [daɪ] Умирать
To happen [ˈhæpən] Случаться
To lose [luːz] Проигрывать
To hate [heɪt] Ненавидеть
To include [ɪnˈkluːd] Включать в себя
To turn on [tɜːn ɒn] Включать (о приборе)
To turn off [tɜːn ɒf] Выключать
To continue [kənˈtɪnjuː] Продолжать
To change [tʃeɪndʒ] Менять
To wash [wɒʃ] Мыть
To clean [kliːn] Убирать, очищать
To lead [liːd] Вести
To understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] Понимать
To watch [wɒtʃ] Смотреть
To discover [dɪˈskʌvə(r)] Исследовать
To imagine [ɪˈmædʒɪn] Представлять
To introduce [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs] Представить
To follow [ˈfɒləʊ] Следовать
To create [kriˈeɪt] Создавать
To grow [ɡrəʊ] Расти
To spend [spend] Тратить
To win [wɪn] Выигрывать
To offer [ˈɒfə(r)] Предлагать
To learn [lɜːn] Изучать
To appear [əˈpɪə(r)] Появляться
To disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)] Исчезать
To build [bɪld] Строить
To break [breɪk] Ломать
To send [send] Посылать
To fall [fɔːl] Падать
To cut [kʌt] Резать
To achieve [əˈtʃiːv] Достигать
To communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt] Общаться
To kill [kɪl] Убивать
To pass [pɑːs] Проходить
To fly [flaɪ] Летать
To swim [swɪm] Плавать
To decide [dɪˈsaɪd] Решать
To return [rɪˈtɜːn] Возвращаться
To hope [həʊp] Надеяться
To explain [ɪkˈspleɪn] Объяснять
To propose [prəˈpəʊz] Предлагать
To develop [dɪˈveləp] Развивать
To support [səˈpɔːt] Поддерживать
To dance [dɑːns] Танцевать
To draw [drɔː] Рисовать
To book [bʊk] Бронировать
To be afraid [bi əˈfreɪd] Бояться
To agree [əˈɡriː] Соглашаться
To check up [tʃek ʌp] Проверять
To delete [dɪˈliːt] Удалять
To choose [tʃuːz] Выбирать
To catch [kætʃ] Ловить
To ask [ɑːsk] Спрашивать
To answer [ˈɑːnsə(r)] Отвечать
To hesitate [ˈhezɪteɪt] Cомневаться

Мы рекомендуем изучать эту базу в самом начале. Как можно эффективно выучить их в правильном контексте? Надо выбрать простой текст, прочитать его, подчеркнуть найденные глаголы и попробовать самостоятельно составить с ними несколько десятков предложений.

Очень здорово помогает в запоминании подборки слов по смыслу. Вы можете самостоятельно сформировать наборы, отталкиваясь от ваших ассоциаций. Например, набор «Любопытный Лис» может состоять из таких близких по сути глаголов: to ask, to discover, to learn, to check up, to think. Еще можно выделить группу «Злобный Волк»: to kill, to cut, to hate, to break или «Очаровательный Зайка»: to love, to dance, to communicate, to smile, to laugh.

Если придумывать эмоциональные названия, то учиться будет интереснее и легче. Конечно же, вы можете составлять подборки и по сфере использования, например «Отношения», «Работа», «Конфликт». Здесь нет правил – важен только ваш результат.

Также вы можете использовать ваш индивидуальный формат запоминания: картинки, мемы, аудиоверсии, видеоролик или текст.

Список имен существительных уровня Beginner

Конечно же, одних глаголов мало, чтобы выразить свою точку зрения. Давайте рассмотрим несколько списков с базовой лексикой А1.

Освоив эти подборки, вы можете тренироваться и составлять примитивные рассказы. На этом этапе идеально подойдут языковые приложения и кроссворды. Можно также играть в развивающие игры для малышей на английском.

Список слов по теме «Окружающий мир»

Существительное Транскрипция Перевод
air [ən eə(r)] Воздух
wind [wɪnd] Ветер
water [ˈwɔːtə(r)] Вода
west [west] Запад
east [iːst] Восток
north [nɔːθ] Север
south [saʊθ] Юг
tree [triː] Дерево
sea [siː] Море
ocean [ˈəʊʃn] Океан
rock [rɒk] Скала
plant [plɑːnt] Растение
flower [ˈflaʊə(r)] Цветок
forest [ˈfɒrɪst] Лес
person [ˈpɜːsn] Личность
night [naɪt] Ночь
morning [ˈmɔːnɪŋ] Утро
day [deɪ] День
evening [ˈiːvnɪŋ] Вечер
life [laɪf] Жизнь
mountain [ˈmaʊntən] Гора
land [lænd] Земля
house [haʊs] Дом
fire [ˈfaɪə(r)] Огонь
country [ˈkʌntri] Страна
animal [ˈænɪml] Животное
bird [bɜːd] Птица
fish [fɪʃ] Рыба
insect [ˈɪnsekt] Насекомое
city [ˈsɪti] Город
world [wɜːld] Мир

Мы советуем вам подписаться на аккаунты известных людей: Twitter Илона Маска, в котором инженер оставляет колкие твиты с ярким сленгом. Молодежный язык полезен тем, что содержит огромное количество простых слов, которые, тем не менее, могут здорово разнообразить вашу речь:

  • Yeet! — Есть! — Используется вместо классического Yes!
  • Pretty sus — очень подозрительно.
  • Obnoxion – облом, отстой.

Не запрещается зарегистрироваться в Tik Tok – вдруг это окажется вашим самым успешным учебным форматом.

Слова уровня А1 на тему «Семья»

Этот набор нужен тем, кто ещё не умеет рассказывать о себе и своих близких. Однако, чтобы найти друзей и вызывать доверие – очень важно уметь рассказывать о семье и родных.

Обязательно составьте развернутый легкий рассказ про каждого члена семьи или просто подберите под каждое слово ваши ассоциации с вашей семьей. Любые действия с новыми словами помогут вам зафиксировать их в памяти. Поэтому вы можете рисовать, делать схемки, смайлики, записывать голосовые сообщения с вашим вариантом предложения – важна любая осознанная умственная деятельность.

Существительное Перевод Транскрипция
boy Мальчик [bɔɪ]
girl Девочка [ɡɜːl]
mother Мама [ˈmʌðə(r)]
father Отец [ˈfɑːðə(r)]
son Сын [sʌn]
daughter Дочь [ˈdɔːtə(r)]
baby Малыш [ˈbeɪbi]
family Семья [ˈfæməli]
grand mother Бабушка [ɡrænd ˈməT͟Hər]
grand father Дедушка [ɡrænd ˈfɑːðə(r)]
children Дети [ˈtʃɪl.drən]
home Дом [həʊm]
love Любовь [lʌv]
apartment Квартира [əˈpɑːtmənt]
joy Радость [dʒɔɪ]
nephew Племянник [ˈnefjuː]
aunt Тетя [ɑːnt]
uncle Дядя [ˈʌŋkl]
cousin Двоюродная сестра или брат [ˈkʌzn]
man Мужчина [mæn]
woman Женщина [ˈwʊmən]
child Ребенок [tʃaɪld]
sister Сестра [ˈsɪstə(r)]
brother Брат [ˈbrʌðə(r)]
Relatives Родственники [ˈrel.ə.tɪv]
friend Друг [frend]
wife Жена [waɪf]
husband Муж [ˈhʌzbənd]
address Адрес [əˈdres]
happiness Счастье [ˈhæp.i.nəs]
People Люди [ˈpiːpl]

Для того, чтобы материал усвоился – его необходимо постоянно использовать. Важно не только понимать значение, но и обстоятельства применения. Поэтому, как только вы узнали что-то новое – применяйте на практике: пишите письма друзьям, оставляйте комментарии в социальных сетях, придумывайте посты или сторис с новыми словами. В обучении действует всё, что вам нравится и что получается.

Создайте собственный тред в канале Telegram или в блоге «Как я стал англичанином, не зная ни одного слова» и записывайте каждый день несколько новостей, предложений или шуток.

Классная штука – юморной Twitter, куда можно заносить несколько веселых фраз с новым словом. Кстати, это может помочь вам с продвижением личного бренда и с отслеживанием собственного прогресса. Любая креативность будет только в плюс.

В деле с иностранным языком цель – научиться на нем выражаться грамотно и понятно, а способы достижения этой цели могут разными: от комиксов до сочинения песенок.

Английские слова на тему «Социальная коммуникация»

Если вы планируете общаться на специальных сайтах с англоязычной молодежью, то эти слова вам очень пригодятся.

Существительное Транскрипция Перевод
phone [fəʊn] Телефон
question [ˈkwestʃən] Вопрос
place [pleɪs] Место
market [ˈmɑːkɪt] Рынок
order [ˈɔːdə(r)] Заказ
food [fuːd] Еда
work [wɜːk] Работа
communication [kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn] Общение
story [ˈstɔːri] История
relax [rɪˈlæks] Отдых
time [taɪm] Время
word [wɜːd] Слово
dialogue [ˈdaɪ.ə.lɒɡ] Диалог
meeting [ˈmiːtɪŋ] Встреча
week [wiːk] Неделя
distance [ˈdɪstəns] Дистанция
club [klʌb] Клуб
theatre [ˈθɪətə(r)] Театр
cinema [ˈsɪnəmə] Кинотеатр
coffee shop [ˈkɒfi ʃɒp] Кофейня
friendship [ˈfrendʃɪp] Дружба
behavior [bɪˈheɪ.vjər] Поведение
attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd] Отношение
student [ˈstjuːdnt] Студент
university [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti] Университет
union [ˈjuːniən] Объединение
party [ˈpɑːti] Вечеринка
date [deɪt] Свидание
sweetheart [ˈswiːt.hɑːt] Партнер, возлюбленный
leisure time [ˈleʒ.ər taɪm] Досуг

Слова General Basic Words для туриста начального уровня

Этот список важно читать и изучать всем тем, кто планирует переезд с минимальным знанием языка. Это самые важные слова для туриста с уровнем А1.

Существительное Транскрипция Перевод
road [rəʊd] Дорога
ticket [ˈtɪkɪt] Билет
map [mæp] Карта
motel [məʊˈtel] Мотель
highway [ˈhaɪweɪ] Шоссе
reception [rɪˈsepʃn] Регистратура, ресепшн
wallet [ˈwɒlɪt] Бумажник
bank [bæŋk] Банк
subway [ˈsʌb.weɪ] Метро
cab [kæb] Такси
parking [ˈpɑː.kɪŋ] Парковка
food order [fuːd ˈɔːdə(r)] Заказ еды
cash [kæʃ] Наличные
passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt] Паспорт
permission [pəˈmɪʃn] Разрешение
lawyer [ˈlɔːjə(r)] Адвокат
problem [ˈprɒbləm] Проблема
waiting room [weɪtin: ruːm] Зал ожидания
transfer [trænsˈfɜː(r)] Пересадка
bag [bæɡ] Сумка
suitcase [ˈsuːtkeɪs] Чемодан
property [ˈprɒpəti] Имущество
law [lɔː] Право, закон
police station [pəˈliːs ˈsteɪʃn] Полицейский участок
price [praɪs] Стоимость, цена
price list [praɪs lɪst] Ценник
courier [ˈkʊr.i.ər] Курьер
delivery [dɪˈlɪvəri] Доставка
location [ləʊˈkeɪʃn] Местоположение
route [ruːt] Маршрут
agreement [əˈɡriːmənt] Договор
hospital [ˈhɒspɪtl] Больница
ambulance [ˈæmbjələns] Скорая помощь

Комбинируйте лексику между собой и получайте актуальные варианты для диалогов и общения.

Прилагательные уровня Elementary

Прилагательные необходимы для характеристики предмета, человека, ситуации или действия. Без них невозможно донести законченную мысль и быть до конца понятым. Мы рекомендуем миксовать все единицы речи из нашего материала в коротких отрезках текста, связанных по смыслу.

Прилагательное Транскрипция Перевод
Afraid [əˈfreɪd] Напуганный
Angry [ˈæŋɡri] Сердитый
Asleep [əˈsliːp] Спящий
Attentive [əˈten.tɪv] Внимательный
Available [əˈveɪləbl] Доступный
Basic [ˈbeɪsɪk] Базовый
Beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl] Красивый
Big [bɪɡ] Большой
Brave [breɪv] Смелый
Busy [ˈbɪzi] Занятой
Calm [kɑːm] Спокойный
Careful [ˈkeəfl] Внимательный, заботливый
Cheap [tʃiːp] Дешевый
Clean [kliːn] Чистый
Clever [ˈklevə(r)] Умный
Cold [kəʊld] Холодный
Comfortable [ˈkʌmftəbl] Комфортный
Confident [ˈkɒnfɪdənt] Уверенный
Constant [ˈkɒnstənt] Постоянный
Curious [ˈkjʊəriəs] Любопытный
Dangerous [ˈdeɪndʒərəs] Опасный
Dark [dɑːk] Темный
Deep [diːp] Глубокий
Different [ˈdɪfrənt] Разный
Difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] Трудный
Dirty [ˈdɜːti] Грязный
Easy [ˈiːzi] Легкий
Every [ˈevri] Каждый
Expensive [ɪkˈspensɪv] Дорогой
Exact [ɪɡˈzækt] Точный
Fast [fɑːst] Быстрый
Fair [feə(r)] Честный, светлый
Fine [faɪn] Замечательный
Foreign [ˈfɒrən] Иностранный
Free [friː] Свободный
Fresh [freʃ] Свежий
Full [fʊl] Полный
Funny [ˈfʌni] Забавный
Guilty [ˈɡɪlti] Виновный
Healthy [ˈhelθi] Здоровый
Hard [hɑːd] Тяжелый
Helpful [ˈhelpfl] Полезный
Honest [ˈɒnɪst] Честный
Hot [hɒt] Горячий
Hungry [ˈhʌŋɡri] Голодный
Important [ɪmˈpɔːtnt] Важный
Illegal [ɪˈliːɡl] Нелегальный, незаконный
Impossible [ɪmˈpɒsəbl] Невозможный
Independent [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt] Независимый
Interesting [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ] Интересный
Kind [kaɪnd] Добрый
Legal [ˈliːɡl] Законный
Little [ˈlɪtl] Маленький
Lucky [ˈlʌki] Удачливый
Necessary [ˈnesəsəri] Необходимый
Normal [ˈnɔːml] Нормальный
Old [əʊld] Старый
Opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt] Противоположный
Perfect [pəˈfekt] Идеальный
Poor [pɔː(r)] Бедный
Powerful [ˈpaʊəfl] Мощный
Possible [ˈpɒsəbl] Возможный
Quiet [ˈkwaɪət] Тихий
Rare [reə(r)] Редкий
Recent [ˈriːsnt] Недавний
Relevant [ˈreləvənt] Релевантный, актуальный
Remote [rɪˈməʊt] Удаленный
Safe [seɪf] Безопасный
Short [ʃɔːt] Короткий
Small [smɔːl] Маленький
Strange [streɪndʒ] Странный, незнакомый, чужой
Successful [səkˈsesfl] Успешный
Tasty [ˈteɪ.sti] Вкусный, приятный
Terrible [ˈterəbl] Жуткий
Tired [ˈtaɪəd] Усталый
Warm [wɔːm] Теплый
Weak [wiːk] Слабый
Responsible [rɪˈspɒnsəbl] Ответственный, надежный
Sad [sæd] Грустный
International [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl] Международный

Список важных наречий базового уровня

Английские наречия – самостоятельная часть речи, которая обозначает признак действия и обстоятельства, при которых действие происходит. Оно отвечает на вопросы: как? каким образом? где? почему? Наречия очень украшают речь. Стоит обязательно ознакомиться и запомнить эти слова, чтобы ваш разговор стал красочнее, живее и понятнее.

Наречие Транскрипция Перевод
Together [təˈɡeðə(r)] Вместе
According [əˈkɔːdɪŋ] В соответствии
Again [əˈɡen] Снова
Always [ˈɔːlweɪz] Всегда
Beautifully [ˈbjuːtɪfli] Красиво
Carefully [ˈkeə.fəl.i] Осторожно
Correctly [kəˈrektli] Верно, правильно
Especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] Особенно
Friendly [ˈfrendli] Дружелюбно
Indeed [ɪnˈdiːd] Действительно
Above [əˈbʌv] Выше
Accidentally [ˌæk.sɪˈden.təl.i] Случайно
Actually [ˈæktʃuəli] На самом деле
Badly [ˈbædli] Плохо
Besides [bɪˈsaɪdz] Помимо этого
Briefly [ˈbriːfli] Кратко
Certainly [ˈsɜːtnli] Конечно
Daily [ˈdeɪli] Ежедневно
Dreamily [ˈdriː.mɪ.li] Мечтательно
Even [ˈiːvn] Даже
Eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli] В конце концов
Foolishly [ˈfuːlɪʃli] Глупо
Forward [ˈfɔːwəd] Вперед
Ever [ˈevə(r)] Когда-либо
Equally [ˈiːkwəli] Одинаково
Fortunately [ˈfɔː.tʃən.ət.li] К счастью
Honestly [ˈɒnɪstli] Честно
Instead [ɪnˈsted] Вместо
Inside [ˌɪnˈsaɪd] Внутри
Also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] Также
Hardly [ˈhɑːdli] С трудом
Lately [ˈleɪt.li] Недавно
Less [les] Меньше
Loudly [ˈlaʊd.li] Громко, шумно
Nearly [ˈnɪəli] Около
Never [ˈnevə(r)] Никогда
Only [ˈəʊnli] Только
Once [wʌns] Один раз
Often [ˈɒfn] Часто
Perhaps [pəˈhæps] Возможно
Quickly [ˈkwɪkli] Быстро
Probably [ˈprɒbəbli] Вероятно
Rarely [ˈreəli] Редко
Really [ˈriːəli] Действительно
Sometimes [ˈsʌmtaɪmz] Иногда
Yesterday [ˈjestədeɪ] Вчера
Thus [ðʌs] Таким образом
Somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ] Как-то
Soon [suːn] Скоро
Regularly [ˈreɡjələli] Регулярно
Somewhere [ˈsʌmweə(r)] Где-то

Техники увеличения словарного запаса

Есть несколько забавных и оригинальных приёмов, чтобы расширить свой активный словарик.

Техника «Комментатор»

Называйте все предметы, действия, характеристики вещей на английском, когда что-то делаете дома. Например, наводите порядок, готовите, складываете одежду. Называйте знакомые вам слова на улице, в магазине, в кино, на выставке. Если нет возможности говорить вслух или вы стесняетесь – заведите блокнот, в котором можно в конце дня писать все слова, которые вам встречались за день. Такие упражнения позволят вам тренироваться каждый день, соотносить слово и его образ, запоминать часто встречающую лексику.

Техника «Домашний актёр»

Выберите любой фильм, сериал или мультик и выключите звук. А дальше попробуйте произносить слова и реплики вместо главных героев на экране. Эта забавная техника повеселит вас от души и постепенно уберет страх устной речи. Поначалу вы будете говорить односложно, затем вы втянетесь в процесс и будете использовать фразы из 5 и более структурных единиц. Очень здорово, если вы будете подбирать лексику под тематику фильма и пытаться отразить сюжет.

Техника «Радужный текст»

Нужен адаптированный художественный текст минимальной сложности, в котором вы выделяете зеленым маркером те слова, которые точно знаете, желтым – в которых сомневаетесь и красным – незнакомые. Затем текст надо несколько раз прочитать вслух, перевести, а потом по памяти назвать зеленые, желтые и красные слова. Зачастую в процессе человек интуитивно догадывается, что означают непонятные слова, а многократное произнесение вслух способствует запоминаю контекста.

В качестве заключения

При работе со словарным запасом очень важно выбрать подходящий словарь. В современных изданиях каждое слово отмечено специальным знаком – A1, A2, B1 и так далее, что означает, кем оно слово чаще всего используется. Самым оптимальным вариантом будет использование официальных источников, например: Oxford Dictionaries, Macmillan Dictionary.

Самое важное в совершенствовании языка – не переживать, что вы знаете недостаточно. Поставьте себе цель – несколько новых слов в день, и через год вы удивитесь, как же хорошо вы разбираетесь в языке.

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