Easy sentences with the word can

Sentences with the word Can?



  • «You can stay with me while you are in town»; «stay a bit longer—the day is still young»
  • «able teachers»; «a capable administrator»; «children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable»
  • «a person can have several residences»
  • «lasted approximately an hour»; «in just about a minute»; «he’s about 30 years old»; «I’ve had about all I can stand»; «we meet about once a month»; «some forty people came»; «weighs around a hundred pounds»; «roughly $3,000»; «holds 3 gallons, more or less»; «20 or so people were at the party»
  • «in he can‘t get it honestly, he is willing to steal it»; «was known for dealing aboveboard in everything»
  • «no mortal being can influence the absolute»
  • «an absolutely magnificent painting»; «a perfectly idiotic idea»; «you’re perfectly right»; «utterly miserable»; «you can be dead sure of my innocence»; «was dead tired»; «dead right»
  • «can you accommodate me with a rental car?»
  • «This hotel can accommodate 250 guests»; «The theater admits 300 people»; «The auditorium can‘t hold more than 500 people»
  • «I can‘t account for the missing money»
  • «can you account for all these absences?»
  • «can you act on this matter soon?»
  • «ADA deficiency can lead to one form of severe combined immunodeficiency disease»; «the gene encoding ADA was one of the earlier human genes to be isolated and cloned for study»
  • «adenomatous polyps are visible protrusions that can develop on the mucosal surface of the colon or rectum»
  • «the choice between bureaucracy and adhocracy represents a common dilemma»; «the need for informational flexibility can lead to adhocracy»
  • «can you advance me some money?»
  • «can you move the car seat forward?»
  • «daily use of ibuprofen can irritate the stomach»
  • «I can‘t afford to spend two hours with this person»
  • «We can‘t afford to send our children to college»; «can you afford this car?»
  • «such digressions can lead us too far afield»
  • «agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God’s existence»
  • «We agreed on the terms of the settlement»; «I can‘t agree with you!»; «I hold with those who say life is sacred»; «Both philosophers concord on this point»
  • «Everyone helped out during the earthquake»; «can you help me carry this table?»; «She never helps around the house»
  • «my poor ailing grandmother»; «feeling a bit indisposed today»; «you look a little peaked»; «feeling poorly»; «a sickly child»; «is unwell and can‘t come to work»
  • «you can always resign if you don’t like it»; «you could always take a day off»
  • «how can I make amends»
  • «the analyzed data indicated surprising trends»; «a carefully analyzed poem can be like a dead butterfly pinned to a board»
  • «give me any peaches you don’t want»; «not any milk is left»; «any child would know that»; «pick any card»; «any day now»; «cars can be rented at almost any airport»; «at twilight or any other time»; «beyond any doubt»; «need any help we can get»; «give me whatever peaches you don’t want»; «no milk whatsoever is left»
  • «they came anyhow they could»; «get it done anyway you can«
  • «you can find this food anywhere»; (`anyplace’ is used informally for `anywhere’)
  • «people can‘t tell the twins apart»
  • «use your head!»; «we only use Spanish at home»; «I can‘t use this tool»; «Apply a magnetic field here»; «This thinking was applied to many projects»; «How do you utilize this tool?»; «I apply this rule to get good results»; «use the plastic bags to store the food»; «He doesn’t know how to use a computer»
  • «dangers not yet appreciated»; «these apprehended truths»; «a thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known»
  • «I can‘t follow your line of reasoning»
  • «can you arrange a meeting with the President?»
  • «Format this letter so it can be printed out»
  • «After he published his book, he had arrived»; «I don’t know whether I can make it in science!»; «You will go far, my boy!»
  • «She pronounces French words in a funny way»; «I cannot say `zip wire'»; «can the child sound out this complicated word?»
  • «can I invite you for dinner on Sunday night?»
  • «May I serve you?»; «She attends the old lady in the wheelchair»; «can you wait on our table, please?»; «Is a salesperson assisting you?»; «The minister served the King for many years»
  • «on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not play»
  • «a tiny but assured income»; «we can never have completely assured lives»
  • «he can roam the neighborhood at will»
  • «The thermometer hit 100 degrees»; «This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour»
  • «an awkward prose style»; «a clumsy apology»; «his cumbersome writing style»; «if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?»
  • «can you back up your claims?»
  • «I’ll second that motion»; «I can‘t back this plan»; «endorse a new project»
  • «you can‘t do that in a university setting»
  • «a bad investment»; «high risk investments»; «anything that promises to pay too much can‘t help being risky»; «speculative business enterprises»
  • «I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it»; «the cables had sagged badly»; «they were badly in need of help»; «he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it»
  • «you can count on me to help you any time»; «Look to your friends for support»; «You can bet on that!»; «Depend on your family in times of crisis»
  • «he hardly ever goes fishing»; «he was scarce sixteen years old»; «they scarcely ever used the emergency generator»; «I can hardly hear what she is saying»; «she barely seemed to notice him»; «we were so far back in the theater, we could barely read the subtitles»
  • «The jar carries wine»; «The canteen holds fresh water»; «This can contains water»
  • «wine and beer can pall»
  • «The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone»; «You can‘t fool me!»
  • «the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments»
  • «the mind of the audience is becoming dulled»; «the benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond»
  • «I don’t want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can‘t afford it»; «she couldn’t shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn’t always with her»
  • «the same source code can be compiled to produce different binaries for different operating systems»
  • «can we go camping again this summer?»; «The circus tented near the town»; «The houseguests had to camp in the living room»
  • «The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze»
  • «the market had one bad blip today»; «you can‘t react to the day-to-day blips»; «renewed jitters in the wake of a blip in retail sales»
  • «block the graphs so one can see the results clearly»
  • «he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre»; «Picasso’s work can be divided into periods»
  • «The horse bounded across the meadow»; «The child leapt across the puddle»; «can you jump over the fence?»
  • «restrict the use of this parking lot»; «limit the time you can spend with your friends»
  • «brainwashed prisoners of war»; «captive audiences for TV commercials can become brainwashed consumers»
  • «The horses broke from the stable»; «Three inmates broke jail»; «Nobody can break out—this prison is high security»
  • «I can breathe better when the air is clean»; «The patient is respiring»
  • «This judge can be bought»
  • «can I bring my cousin to the dinner?»
  • «a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch»
  • «you can‘t get a brokerage account unless you have $20,000″
  • «the busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system»
  • «I can‘t buy this story»
  • «this can be experimentally determined»
  • «Old folks can calcify»
  • «renal calculi can be very painful»
  • «I can‘t remember saying any such thing»; «I can‘t think what her last name was»; «can you remember her phone number?»; «Do you remember that he once loved you?»; «call up memories»
  • «I am busy right now—can you call back in an hour?»; «She left a message but the contractor never called back»
  • «You can get the results on Monday»; «She picked up the children at the day care center»; «They pick up our trash twice a week»
  • «We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club»
  • «I can deal with this crew of workers»; «This blender can‘t handle nuts»; «She managed her parents’ affairs after they got too old»
  • «This boat can only carry a small sail»
  • «He can hold his liquor»; «he had drunk more than he could carry»
  • «I have to make up a French exam»; «can I catch up with the material or is it too late?»
  • «catching cold is sometimes unavoidable»; «the contracting of a serious illness can be financially catastrophic»
  • «You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist»; «This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover»
  • «your choice of colors was unfortunate»; «you can take your pick»
  • «Latin is a language as dead as dead can be. It killed the ancient Romans—and now it’s killing me»
  • «clear the water before it can be drunk»
  • «people can clone a sheep nowadays»
  • «can you close the cracks with caulking?»
  • «without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up»; «even firing at close range he missed»
  • «Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later»
  • «Religion can cohere social groups»
  • «from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account»; «we would appreciate input from our users on how we can improve our software»
  • «how many lines of communication can there be among four people?»; «a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms»
  • «We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans»; «You cannot equate success in financial matters with greed»
  • «This writer attempts more than his talents can compass»
  • «One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich»; «She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident»
  • «business competition can be fiendish at times»
  • «how you can do that is beyond my comprehension»; «he was famous for his comprehension of American literature»
  • «can you conceive of him as the president?»
  • «The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life»; «The contract stipulates the dates of the payments»
  • «farm work can be a good conditioner»
  • «We lead him to our chief»; «can you take me to the main entrance?»; «He conducted us to the palace»
  • «a confusing jumble of road signs»; «being hospitalized can be confusing and distressing for a small child»
  • «can you connect the two loudspeakers?»; «Tie the ropes together»; «Link arms»
  • «Please plug in the toaster!»; «Connect the TV so we can watch the football game tonight»
  • «astonishingly reproducible results can be obtained»
  • «Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal»; «The teenagers demolished four pizzas among them»
  • «the weight of the documentation of all the consignments on board a contemporary container ship can exceed 90 pounds»
  • «Cook me dinner, please»; «can you make me an omelette?»; «fix breakfast for the guests, please»
  • «cooking can be a great art»; «people are needed who have experience in cookery»; «he left the preparation of meals to his wife»
  • «can you help me organize my files?»
  • «I can count my colleagues in the opposition»
  • «can you count the books on your shelf?»; «Count your change»
  • «can we couple these proposals?»
  • «This fact is coupled to the other one»; «Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?»; «The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project»
  • «the government took a firm course»; «historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available»
  • «the crack of a whip»; «he heard the cracking of the ice»; «he can hear the snap of a twig»
  • «You can crash here, though it’s not very comfortable»
  • «We produce more cars than we can sell»; «The company has been making toys for two centuries»
  • «crush an aluminum can«; «squeeze a lemon»
  • «villagers shun the area believing it to be cursed»; «cursed with four daughter»; «not a cursed drop»; «his cursed stupidity»; «I’ll be cursed if I can see your reasoning»
  • «I can‘t hack it anymore»; «she could not cut the long days in the office»
  • «please do your job properly!»; «can‘t you carry me decent?»
  • «the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm»; «deliberately deceptive packaging»; «a misleading similarity»; «statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading»
  • «can you decipher this letter?»; «The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs»
  • «The King only can decree»
  • «found the job very demanding»; «a baby can be so demanding»
  • «she is someone you can really rely on when times get rough»; «you can rely on his discretion»
  • «the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached»
  • «`Why can‘t you understand?,’ she asked despairingly»
  • «early detection can often lead to a cure»
  • «when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?»; «three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three»
  • «The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards»; «I can‘t make out the faces in this photograph»
  • «She found that he had lied to her»; «The story is false, so far as I can discover»
  • «How can I disentangle myself from her personal affairs?»
  • «can you disentangle the cord?»
  • «making so many turns to the right and then the left was completely disorienting»; «a sharp blow to the head can be disorienting»
  • «can you divide 49 by seven?»
  • «can you document your claims?»
  • «Her pain completely mastered her»; «The methods can master the problems»
  • «we can‘t work because the computer is down»
  • «can you draw her out—she is always so quiet»
  • «we had to dress quickly»; «dress the patient»; «can the child dress by herself?»
  • «On Fridays, employees can underdress»
  • «drive a car or bus»; «can you drive this four-wheel truck?»
  • «When it drizzles in summer, hiking can be pleasant»
  • «a dry book»; «a dry lecture filled with trivial details»; «dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to…life»- John Mason Brown
  • «Come a little sooner, if you can«; «came earlier than I expected»
  • «the soonest I can arrive is 3 P.M.»
  • «he spoke slowly»; «go easy here—the road is slippery»; «glaciers move tardily»; «please go slow so I can see the sights»
  • «can you enlighten me—I don’t understand this proposal»
  • «these are real problems that can be dealt with most effectively by rational discussion»
  • «Music can uplift your spirits»
  • «electromagnetism was discovered when it was observed that a copper wire carrying an electric current can magnetize pieces of iron or steel near it»
  • «John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi»; «This possibility can be eliminated from our consideration»
  • «Picasso’s elongated Don Quixote»; «lengthened skirts are fashionable this year»; «the extended airport runways can accommodate larger planes»; «a prolonged black line across the page»
  • «this can be empirically tested»
  • «a star athlete can make a lot of money from endorsements»
  • «We went without water and food for 3 days»; «These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America»; «The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents»; «how long can a person last without food and water?» «One crash victim died, the other lived»
  • «energy can take a wide variety of forms»
  • «I can‘t see him on horseback!»; «I can see what will happen»; «I can see a risk in this strategy»
  • «Nothing can rival cotton for durability»; «Your performance doesn’t even touch that of your colleagues»; «Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents»
  • «food and shelter are necessities of life»; «the essentials of the good life»; «allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions»; «a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained»
  • «no one can live forever»; «brightly beams our Father’s mercy from his lighthouse evermore»- P.P.Bliss
  • «The customs agent examined the baggage»; «I must see your passport before you can enter the country»
  • «the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt»; «substitute regular milk for fat-free milk»; «synonyms can be interchanged without a changing the context’s meaning»
  • «he could barely exist on such a low wage»; «can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?»; «Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day»
  • «For tax purposes you can write off the laser printer»
  • «can you express this distance in kilometers?»
  • «can we extend the legs of this dining table?»
  • «The sunlight reached the wall»; «can he reach?»; «The chair must not touch the wall»
  • «can you fax me the report right away?»
  • «a quantum computer can factor the number 15″
  • «a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte»
  • «A fanatic is one who can‘t change his mind and won’t change the subject»—Winston Churchill
  • «I can only go so far before I have to give up»; «how far can we get with this kind of argument?»
  • «how fast can he get here?»; «ran as fast as he could»; «needs medical help fast»; «fast-running rivers»; «fast-breaking news»; «fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters»
  • «he told a fib about eating his spinach»; «how can I stop my child from telling stories?»
  • «can you tinker with the T.V. set—it’s not working right»; «She always fiddles with her van on the weekend»
  • «the area covered can be seen from Figure 2″
  • «can we finance the addition to our home?»
  • «hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes»; «they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire»
  • «can you fit the toy into the box?»; «This man can‘t fit himself into our work environment»
  • «Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately»
  • «a colitis flare»; «infection can cause a lupus flare»
  • «this computer can perform a million flops per second»
  • «focused light rays can set something afire»
  • «can you follow her argument?»; «When he lectures, I cannot follow»
  • «his follow-through was straight down the line toward the target»; «squash can be dangerous if your opponent has a long follow-through»
  • «in Japan a fungus forager can earn a good living»
  • «you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides»
  • «You can FTP these data»
  • «The consonant reduplicates after a short vowel»; «The morpheme can be reduplicated to emphasize the meaning of the word»
  • «We can‘t generate enough power for the entire city»; «The hydroelectric plant needs to generate more electricity»
  • «seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another»
  • «Take a cookie!»; «can you take this bag, please»
  • «Heart disease can get the best of us»
  • «I gave her my money»; «can you give me lessons?»; «She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care»
  • «can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?»; «can I give you the children for the weekend?»
  • «can I go now?»
  • «artillery on the Golan Heights can dominate a large area of Israel»
  • «the children behaved well»; «a task well done»; «the party went well»; «he slept well»; «a well-argued thesis»; «a well-seasoned dish»; «a well-planned party»; «the baby can walk pretty good»
  • «wounds and ulcers can granulate»
  • «can you group these shapes together?»
  • «he can do any sort of work requiring handiness and dexterity»
  • «handwriting can be slow and painful for one with arthritis»
  • «found a handy spot for the can opener»
  • «you can break a tooth on that hard candy»
  • «you can learn a lot by just listening»; «they make good music—you should give them a hearing»
  • «I can‘t help myself—I have to smoke»; «She could not help watching the sad spectacle»
  • «can you help out tonight with the dinner guests?»
  • «it has been said that only a hierarchical society with a leisure class at the top can produce works of art»; «in her hierarchical set of values honesty comes first»
  • «The soprano held the audience»; «This story held our interest»; «She can hold an audience spellbound»
  • «please hold down the noise so that the neighbors can sleep»
  • «can I keep my old stuffed animals?»; «She kept her maiden name after she married»
  • «a hostile witness can be asked leading questions and cross-examined»
  • «she didn’t appreciate my humor»; «you can‘t survive in the army without a sense of humor»
  • «muscles can hypertrophy when people take steroids»
  • «you can lose your identity when you join the army»
  • «negative identification can only be accomplished through biometric identification»; «if a pin or password is lost or forgotten it can be changed and reissued but a biometric identification cannot»
  • «Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter»; «Light a cigarette»
  • «We’ll not see his like again»; «I can‘t tolerate people of his ilk»
  • «we can ill afford to buy a new car just now»
  • «illusive hopes of finding a better job»; «Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy»
  • «the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man»
  • «only few plants can immigrate to the island»
  • «PSA in the blood can be measured with an immunochemical assay»
  • «they can read therein what our plans are»
  • «in certain conditions previously inhibited conditioned reactions can reappear»
  • «they said nothing of great interest»; «primary colors can add interest to a room»
  • «you can‘t really keep up with world affairs by watching television»
  • «I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S.»; «can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?»; «She rendered the French poem into English»; «He translates for the U.N.»
  • «She understands French»; «can you read Greek?»
  • «some organs can invaginate»
  • «glaucoma can result from increased intraocular pressure»
  • «bites of black flies are more than irritating; they can be very painful»
  • «jack up the car so you can change the tire»
  • «I just can‘t take it anymore»; «he was just grand as Romeo»; «it’s simply beautiful!»
  • «you can wet the bed till kingdom come, for all I care»
  • «a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave»
  • «he taught foreign languages»; «the language introduced is standard throughout the text»; «the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it is written»
  • «baths can help the laxness of the bowels»
  • «can you superimpose the two images?»
  • «the lead times for many publications can vary tremendously»; «planning is an area where lead time can be reduced»
  • «he believed that leadership can be taught»
  • «Water leaked out of the can into the backpack»; «Gas leaked into the basement»
  • «you can‘t be too rich or too thin»; «Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look»-Shakespeare
  • «We can lean on this man»
  • «it is the least I can do»; «that is the least of my concerns»
  • «let’s get married so our child can be born legitimately»
  • «the writer is the lens through which history can be seen»
  • «she can‘t boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal»
  • «relatively small groups can sometimes exert immense political leverage»
  • «a leveraged buyout by upper management can be used to combat hostile takeover bids»
  • «can you go in my stead?»; «took his place»; «in lieu of»
  • «he finally saw the light»; «can you shed light on this problem?»
  • «there are limits on the amount you can bet»; «it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight»
  • «Some governors can veto line items in their state budgets»
  • «our cook lives out; he can easily commute from his home»
  • «can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?»; «My search turned up nothing»
  • «a network that looks like a star can have the logical topology of a bus»
  • «can I stay bit longer?»
  • «misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression»
  • «She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now»
  • «can you quantify your results?»
  • «can you meet me at the train station?»
  • «he can do it from memory»; «he enjoyed remembering his father»
  • «You can microwave the leftovers»
  • «run-of-the-mill boxing»; «your run-of-the-mine college graduate»; «a unexceptional an incident as can be found in a lawyer’s career»
  • «a monopoly on silver»; «when you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like»
  • «a highly motivated child can learn almost anything»; «a group of politically motivated men»
  • «a teenager’s naive ignorance of life»; «the naive assumption that things can only get better»; «this naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances»
  • «can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?»; «The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome»
  • «sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me»
  • «never fear»; «bringing up children is never easy»; «that will never do»; «what is morally wrong can never be politically right»
  • «without understanding the finer nuances you can‘t enjoy the humor»; «don’t argue about shades of meaning»
  • «deep-sea divers can suffer nitrogen narcosis from breathing air under high pressure»
  • «nonproprietary products are in the public domain and anyone can produce or distribute them»
  • «Nowadays, you can notate an entire ballet; in the old days, the steps had to be memorized»
  • «the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories»; «he had a whimsy about flying to the moon»; «whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it»
  • «an obligate anaerobe can survive only in the absence of oxygen»
  • «the working population»; «the ratio of working men to unemployed»; «a working mother»; «robots can be on the job day and night»
  • «once we are home, we can rest»
  • «it can perform millions of operations per second»
  • «his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality»; «we can‘t do it unless we establish some system around here»
  • «orientalisms can be found in Mozart’s operas»
  • «you can finish the job of painting faster with a roller than with a brush»
  • «Parisian restaurants can be expensive»
  • «Park the car in front of the library»; «can you park right here?»
  • «stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets»
  • «how silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years»- Dashiell Hammett
  • «injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving»; «a man patient of distractions»
  • «You can‘t persuade me to buy this ugly vase!»
  • «smooth surfaces can vellicate the teeth»; «the pain is as if sharp points pinch your back»
  • «can you stand the bookshelf up?»
  • «plantar warts can be very painful»
  • «He plays the flute»; «can you play on this old recorder?»
  • «This mushrooms can poison»
  • «a system for positive identification can prevent the use of a single identity by several people»
  • «they can‘t possibly get here in time for the funeral?»
  • «predatory capitalists»; «a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal»- Peter S. Prescott; «a predacious kind of animal—the early geological gangster»- W.E.Swinton
  • «This guy can press 300 pounds»
  • «children can manage snaps better than buttons»
  • «process cheese»; «process hair»; «treat the water so it can be drunk»; «treat the lawn with chemicals»; «treat an oil spill»
  • «you can‘t tell the players without a program»
  • «her hands rested quietly in her lap»; «the rock star was quietly led out the back door»; «sit here as quiet as you can«
  • «If it rains much more, we can expect some flooding»
  • «the army maintains a missile range in the desert»; «any good golf club will have a range where you can practice»
  • «This function can be rationalized»
  • «can you unravel the mystery?»
  • «She read the sky and predicted rain»; «I can‘t read his strange behavior»; «The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball»
  • «This dictionary can be read by the computer»
  • «these snakes can be identified readily»
  • «Now I see!»; «I just can‘t see your point»; «Does she realize how important this decision is?»; «I don’t understand the idea»
  • «Hot water will shrink the sweater»; «can you shrink this image?»
  • «This plant can be referred to a known species»
  • «angina pectoris can cause referred pain in the left shoulder»; «pain in the right shoulder can be referred pain from gallbladder disease»
  • «such effects can be induced reflexly»; «she answered reflexively, without thinking»
  • «I regret I can‘t come to the party»
  • «can the company reimburse me for my professional travel?»
  • «if you forget your password, it can be changed and reissued»
  • «the landlord can evict a tenant who doesn’t pay the rent»
  • «repeaters can be used in computer networks to extend cabling distances»
  • «He replaced the old razor blade»; «We need to replace the secretary that left a month ago»; «the insurance will replace the lost income»; «This antique vase can never be replaced»
  • «can this image be resolved?»
  • «a reversible decision is one that can be appealed or vacated»
  • «one milligram of ricin can kill an adult»
  • «they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights»; «Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people»- Eleanor Roosevelt; «a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away»
  • «These birds can splay out their toes»; «ballet dancers can rotate their legs out by 90 degrees»
  • «scald tomatoes so that they can be peeled»
  • «scramble the message so that nobody can understand it»
  • «their quarterback was a good scrambler»; «scramblers can often unnerve a better tennis player»
  • «You don’t have to yell—I can hear you just fine»
  • «seagrass provides a protective environment in which young fish can develop»
  • «You have to be a good observer to see all the details»; «can you see the bird in that tree?»; «He is blind—he cannot see»
  • «See whether you can come tomorrow»; «let’s see—which movie should we see tonight?»
  • «I seem to be misunderstood by everyone»; «I can‘t seem to learn these Chinese characters»
  • «This robot can sense the presence of people in the room»; «particle detectors sense ionization»
  • «can the seamstress sew me a suit by next week?»
  • «there was no shortness of money»; «can cause shortness of breath»
  • «no silver bullet can make the world safe from terrorism»
  • «can the singular person be understood apart from his culture?»; «every fact in the world might be singular…unlike any other fact and sole of its kind»-William James
  • «can I sit in on your Intermediate Hittite class?»
  • «yogurt made with skim milk»; «she can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter»
  • «I can‘t eat bagels without slathering them with cream cheese»
  • «He can smell out trouble»
  • «a snag can provide food and a habitat for insects and birds»
  • «I can only go so far with this student»; «can do only so much in a day»
  • «insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man»; «so far as it is reasonably practical he should practice restraint»
  • «gypsum can be used as a soil conditioner»
  • «the doctrine of sovereign immunity originated with the maxim that the king can do no wrong»
  • «A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark»
  • «can you spell out your middle name instead of just giving the initial?»
  • «he worked for price stabilization for farm products»; «wage stabilization is necessary for industrial peace»; «stabilization means that the product can be handled under atmospheric conditions»
  • «Thunderbolts can stampede animals»
  • «stock options are not much use as an incentive if the price at which they can be exercised is out of reach»
  • «if my partner has a spade stopper I can bid no trump»
  • «suppress a yawn»; «this drug can suppress the hemorrhage»
  • «syntax errors can be recognized at compilation time»; «a common syntax error is to omit a parenthesis»
  • «pull the tab to open the can«; «files with a red tab will be stored separately»; «the collar has a tab with a button hole»; «the filing cards were organized by cards having indexed tabs»
  • «can you taste the garlic?»
  • «the judicial system suffered from too much technicality and formality»; «It is a tribute to the tribunals that the technicality at the heart of the appellate process in these tribunals can and does coexist with the relative informality in atmosphere and with procedural flexibility.»
  • «In the accident, the cars telescoped»; «my hiking sticks telescope and can be put into the backpack»
  • «according to his own testimony he can‘t do it»
  • «theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses»; «true in fact and theory»
  • «you can take it from there»
  • «thermoplastic materials can be remelted and cooled time after time without undergoing any appreciable chemical change»
  • «to say the same thing in other terms»; «how can you say such a thing?»
  • «can you think what to do next?»
  • «Ticketed passengers can board now»
  • «she’s tied up at the moment and can‘t see you»; «the phone was tied up for almost an hour»
  • «an agreement can be reached in a reasonably short time frame»
  • «he looked for books with the word `jazz’ in the title»; «he refused to give titles to his paintings»; «I can never remember movie titles»
  • «the titles go by faster than I can read»
  • «I can‘t meet with you today»
  • «the Pennsylvania Dutch tole watering can might be a reproduction but it looks convincing»
  • «he read a transcript of the interrogation»; «you can obtain a transcript of this radio program by sending a self-addressed envelope to the station»
  • «can you translate the instructions in this manual for a layman?»; «Is there a need to translate the psychiatrist’s remarks?»
  • «translocations can result in serious congenital disorders»
  • «who can imagine a translunary visitor in Times Square?»
  • «can you transpose this fugue into G major?»
  • «the sludge of treated sewage can be used as fertilizer»; «treated timbers resist rot»; «treated fabrics resist wrinkling»
  • «the contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm»; «when he downloaded the free game it turned out to be a trojan horse»
  • «clubs were declared trumps»; «a trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led»
  • «We can trust in our government»
  • «Such people can practically be typed»
  • «the following use of `access’ was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists; `You can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers'»
  • «unasked-for advice»; «advice unasked for can be greatly resented»; «unsolicited junk mail»
  • «this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable»; «the uncomfortable truth»; «grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye»; «an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest»; «the teacher’s presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable»
  • «an unconsummated marriage can be annulled»
  • «an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another»
  • «you can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $1000″
  • «the ends are unobjectionable; it’s the means that one can‘t accept»
  • «how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?»
  • «I can unreservedly recommend this restaurant!»
  • «can you unscramble the message?»
  • «I’ve upgraded my computer so I can run better software»; «The company upgraded their personnel»
  • «warts and polyps can vegetate if not removed»
  • «an owl’s versatile toe can move backward and forward»; «an insect’s versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally»; «a versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind»
  • «The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver»
  • «With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized»
  • «can we wade across the river to the other side?»; «Wade the pond»
  • «he washed the dirt from his coat»; «The nurse washed away the blood»; «can you wash away the spots on the windows?»; «he managed to wash out the stains»
  • «I can sell it to you wholesale»
  • «This pilot works the controls»; «can you work an electric drill?»
  • «he feared that mentioning it might reopen the wound»; «deep in her breast lives the silent wound»; «The right reader of a good poem can tell the moment it strikes him that he has taken an immortal wound—that he will never get over it»—Robert Frost
  • «`I can‘t remember who I am,’ I said, wretchedly»

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The soup is in an aluminum can.«
(aluminum, metal, tin)

«Recycle the empty cans.«
(empty, food, beer, soda, pop, soup, tuna)

«We keep a gas can in the garage.«
(gas, gasoline, oil, watering)

«We have many different paint cans in the garage.«

«Don’t forget to take the garbage can out.«
(garbage, trash)

Used with verbs:

«Diced tomatoes come in a can.«
(come in, be + packed in)

«We opened a can of soda.«
(opened, drank)

«Make sure to drain all of the cans before recycling them.«
(drain, empty)

«Don’t forget to recycle your metal cans.«

Used with nouns:

«Does anyone have a can opener?«

Used with prepositions:

«I want a can of soda.«

«I threw it in the garbage can.«

Synonym: container, receptacle, tin. Similar words: can’t, dan, ban, cab, cap, car, fan, man. Meaning: [kæn;kən]  n. 1. airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc. 2. the quantity contained in a can 3. a buoy with a round bottom and conical top 4. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on 5. a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination 6. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets. v. 1. preserve in a can or tin 2. terminate the employment of. 

Random good picture Not show

1, As long as ever you can

2, Don’t try to walk before you can crawl. 

3, No one can disgrace us but ourselves. 

4, You can’t touch pitch without being defiled. 

5, He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly. 

6, If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 

7, Blind men can judge no colours. 

8, Don’t try to run before you can walk. 

9, No words can be the disguise of base intentions. 

10, It’s the empty can that makes the most noise. 

11, Love can neither be bought nor sold. 

12, He best can pity who has felt the worse. 

13, Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace. 

14, The devil can cite the Scriptures for his purpose. 

15, No man can do two things at once. 

16, No man can call again yesterday. 

17, No one can call back yesterday. 

18, If anything can go wrong, it will. 

19, Can the leopard change his spots. 

20, Money can buy the devil himself. 

21, You can have too much of a good thing. 

22, Two of a trade can never agree. 

23, No living man all things can

24, Little pigeons can carry great messages. 

25, What can’t be cured must be endured. 

26, They bray most that can do least. 

27, A cracked bell can never sound well. 

28, The leopard can never change its spots. 

29, Money can move even the gods. 

30, Of evil grain,(http://sentencedict.com/can.html) no good seed can come. 

More similar words: can’t, dan, ban, cab, cap, car, fan, man, pan, scan, van, at, bad, band, bar, barn, bat, bay, bean, cabin, cage, call, camp, candy, card, care, cart, case, cave, chain. 

 Функции модального глагола can

Мо­даль­ный гла­гол can – это один из наи­бо­лее часто ис­поль­зу­е­мых мо­даль­ных гла­го­лов в ан­глий­ском языке. Он может вы­ра­жать:

спо­соб­ность и ве­ро­ят­ность дей­ствия (ability and possibility);


She can drive a car.

John can speak Spanish.

Can you hear me?

I can’t help you.

прось­бу и рас­по­ря­же­ние (requests and orders);


Can you get me a cup of coffee?

спрос и раз­ре­ше­ние на вы­пол­не­ние ка­ко­го-ли­бо дей­ствия (asking or givingpermission).


Can I park here?

No. But you can park over there.

Се­год­ня мы рас­смот­рим мо­даль­ный гла­гол can, ко­то­рый вы­ра­жа­ет спо­соб­ность или ве­ро­ят­ность вы­пол­не­ния дей­ствия.

Что же зна­чит «спо­соб­ность» или «ве­ро­ят­ность»? В ан­глий­ском языке “ability” озна­ча­ет ‘having the skill, the power or the means to do smth’. Дру­ги­ми сло­ва­ми, это ум­ствен­ная или фи­зи­че­ская воз­мож­ность/спо­соб­ность вы­пол­нить опре­де­лен­ное дей­ствие. Гла­гол can в дан­ном слу­чае пе­ре­во­дит­ся на рус­ский язык как «мочь» или «уметь» (рис. 1).


Maria can cook. – Мария умеет го­то­вить.

Penguins can’t fly. But they can swim very well. – Пинг­ви­ны неумеют ле­тать. Но они умеют очень хо­ро­шо пла­вать.

I can speak three languages. – Я могу го­во­рить на трех язы­ках.

We can see the lake from our bedroom window. – Мы можем ви­деть озеро из окна нашей спаль­ни.

Мо­даль­ный гла­гол can – это один из наи­бо­лее часто ис­поль­зу­е­мых мо­даль­ных гла­го­лов в ан­глий­ском языке.

Рис. 1

 Модальный глагол can: построение утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений

Так как can – это мо­даль­ный гла­гол, он не может вы­сту­пать в роли са­мо­сто­я­тель­но­го ска­зу­е­мо­го в пред­ло­же­нии. Он лишь до­пол­ня­ет ос­нов­ное дей­ствие, по­это­му струк­ту­ра пред­ло­же­ния с гла­го­лом can будет сле­ду­ю­щей:

Subject + can + bare infinitive (ин­фи­ни­тив без ча­сти­цы to)


I can ride a bike. (NOT I can to ride a bike./I canriding a bike.)

По­ми­мо этого, can не из­ме­ня­ет­ся в 3-м лице един­ствен­но­го числа (the 3rd person singular).

Срав­ним пред­ло­же­ния:

He dances well.


He can dance well. (NOT He cans dance well./He can dances well.)

Для об­ра­зо­ва­ния от­ри­ца­тель­нойформы (a negative structure), к гла­го­луcan необ­хо­ди­мо до­ба­вить от­ри­ца­тель­ную ча­сти­цу not.

Can + not = cannot/can’t


He cannot play tennis.

I can’t help you.

Ино­гда можно встре­тить раз­дель­ное на­пи­са­ние can и ча­сти­цы not = cannot. Чаще всего это ис­поль­зу­ет­ся для уси­ле­ния от­ри­ца­ния (рис. 2).


I cannot stand you.

No, she cannot come to the party.

Ино­гда можно встре­тить раз­дель­ное на­пи­са­ние can и ча­сти­цы not = cannot. Чаще всего это ис­поль­зу­ет­ся для уси­ле­ния от­ри­ца­ния

Рис. 2

Так как can вы­сту­па­ет в роли вспо­мо­га­тель­но­го гла­го­ла, то при со­став­ле­нии во­про­са (aquestion) его нужно по­ста­вить в на­ча­ло пред­ло­же­ния.

Так как can вы­сту­па­ет в роли вспо­мо­га­тель­но­го гла­го­ла, то при со­став­ле­нии во­про­са (aquestion) его нужно по­ста­вить в на­ча­ло пред­ло­же­ния.

Рис. 3


Can you help me?

Can she swim?

Также во­прос может на­чи­нать­ся с от­ри­ца­ния.


Can’t you see me?

Can’t they be a bit quieter?

Од­на­ко в дан­ном слу­чае can’t вы­ра­жа­ет удив­ле­ние или недо­воль­ство, по­это­му пред­ло­же­ния будут пе­ре­во­дить­ся сле­ду­ю­щим об­ра­зом:

Can’t you see me? – Разве ты меня не ви­дишь?

Can’t they be a bit quieter? – Они что, не могут вести себя по­ти­ше?

 Практическое задание

Complete the sentences with can or can’t.

1. I                  write and talk at the same time.

2. Spiderman                  climb up walls.

3. I’m right-handed. I                  write with my left hand.

4.              you usually remember your dreams?

5. Alice                  walk very well. She is only 10 months old.

6. He                  drive a car, because he has a driver’s license.

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

1. can

2. can

3. can’t

4. can

5. can’t

6. can

 Сan для выражения будущего времени

У гла­го­ла can толь­ко две формы – на­сто­я­щая (can/can’t) и про­шед­шая (could). Од­на­ко есть слу­чаи, когда гла­гол can может вы­ра­жать и бу­ду­щее время. Это воз­мож­но толь­ко в со­че­та­нии с на­ре­чи­я­ми, обо­зна­ча­ю­щи­ми бу­ду­щее время: tomorrow, soon, nextyear, etc.


—  Can you help with my homework? (Present)

— Sorry. I’m busy today. But I can help you tomorrow. (Future)

We can visit your granny next week (рис. 4).

Can you call me next Friday?

We can visit your granny next week

Рис. 4

 Модальный глагол could

Could – это про­шед­шая форма мо­даль­но­го гла­го­ла can. Она нужна нам для опи­са­ния спо­соб­но­стей об­ще­го ха­рак­те­ра в про­шлом.


Her grandma could swim very well.

When I was a kid, I could do whatever I wanted.

He could help me, but did nothing.

От­ри­ца­тель­ная форма (the negative structure) также об­ра­зу­ет­ся путем до­бав­ле­ния ча­сти­цы not.

Could + not = couldn’t


We couldn’t buy the ticket because we didn’t have enough money.

He couldn’t sing at all.

I couldn’t understand what was going on.

Для об­ра­зо­ва­ния во­про­сов (questions) необ­хо­ди­мо по­ста­вить could перед под­ле­жа­щим.


Could you ride a bike when you were five?

Could you hear the fireworks from your house last night?

Could you speak English last year?

 Практическое задание

Complete the sentences with can, could, can’t or couldn’t.

1. When I was young, I                 eat anything I liked, I never got fat.

2. I’m an interpreter. I                speak 7 different languages.

3.  I                 drive very well. I failed my test again today.

4. I crashed my car so bad that the mechanic                 fix it.

5. She                 ride a motorbike, but she knows how to drive a car.

6.           some dinosaurs walk on two legs?

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

1. could

2. can

3. can’t

4. couldn’t

5. can’t

6. could

 To be able to: построение утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений

To be able to также вы­ра­жа­ет спо­соб­ность/ве­ро­ят­ность. При­ла­га­тель­ное “able” обо­зна­ча­ет ‘having the power, skill or means to do something’. Если мы го­во­рим “I am able to swim”, мы имеем в виду“I can swim”.

Неко­то­рое смыс­ло­вое раз­ли­чие между двумя гла­го­ла­ми за­клю­ча­ет­ся в том, что гла­гол can озна­ча­ет воз­мож­ность со­вер­ше­ния дей­ствия во­об­ще, обыч­но, по­сто­ян­но. А гла­гол to be able to озна­ча­ет воз­мож­ность со­вер­ше­ния кон­крет­но­го, еди­нич­но­годей­ствия в кон­крет­ный мо­мент.


I can swim across this river. – Я могу пе­ре­плыть эту реку. (во­об­ще)

I amableto swim across this river. – Я в со­сто­я­нии пе­ре­плыть эту реку. (сей­час, когда это необ­хо­ди­мо)

Струк­ту­ра гла­го­ла to be able to сле­ду­ю­щая:

subject + be +able+infinitive

Утвер­ди­тель­ные пред­ло­же­ния (affirmative sentences) сto be able to стро­ят­ся по сле­ду­ю­щей схеме (см. Таб­ли­цу 1):




(main verb)








to drive.

He, she


You, we, they


Таб­ли­ца 1. По­стро­е­ние утвер­ди­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ний сto be able to

Для об­ра­зо­ва­ния от­ри­ца­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ний (negative sentences) после гла­го­ла to be в нуж­ной форме необ­хо­ди­мо по­ста­вить от­ри­ца­тель­ную ча­сти­цу not (см. Таб­ли­цу 2)




(main verb)





am not


to drive.

He, she


You, we, they


Таб­ли­ца 2. По­стро­е­ние от­ри­ца­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ний сto be able to

Для со­став­ле­ния во­про­сов (questions) гла­гол to be в нуж­ной форме необ­хо­ди­мо вы­не­сти перед под­ле­жа­щим (см. Таб­ли­цу 3).



(main verb)









to drive?


he, she


we, you, they

Таб­ли­ца 3. По­стро­е­ние от­ри­ца­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ний с to be able to

В от­ли­чие от can или could мо­даль­ный гла­голto be able to может ис­поль­зо­вать­ся во всех вре­ме­нах (Present, Past, Future) (см. Таб­ли­цу 4)

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

I am able to come

I/He/ She was able to come

I/He/She/We/You/They will be able to come

He/ She is able to come

We/You/They were able to come

We/You/They are able to come

Таб­ли­ца 4. Упо­треб­ле­ние to be able to во вре­ме­нах груп­пы Simple

Отличие can от will be able to

Мы уже го­во­ри­ли о том, что can нель­зя ис­поль­зо­вать в бу­ду­щем вре­ме­ни для обо­зна­че­ния фи­зи­че­ской или ум­ствен­ной спо­соб­но­сти. Ис­клю­че­ния со­став­ля­ют пред­ло­же­ния со сло­ва­ми tomorrow, nextyear и т. д. Для всех осталь­ных слу­ча­ев в бу­ду­щем вре­ме­ни ис­поль­зу­ет­ся струк­ту­ра to be able to.


Он смо­жет хо­дить уже через два ме­ся­ца. – He will be able to walk in two months. (NOT He can walk in two months.)

Я смогу бегло го­во­рить по-ис­пан­ски к концу года. – I’ll be able to speak Spanish fluently by the end of the year. (NOT I can speak Spanish fluently by the end of the year.)

 Отличие could от was/were able to

Также есть осо­бен­но­сти упо­треб­ле­ния could и wasableto.

Мо­даль­ный гла­гол could может упо­треб­лять­ся толь­ко в зна­че­нии «мог», но он не упо­треб­ля­ет­ся в зна­че­нии смог.


We could finish work earlier last Tuesday. – Мы могли за­кон­чить ра­бо­ту рань­ше в про­шлый втор­ник. (То есть у нас была такая воз­мож­ность, но мы ею не вос­поль­зо­ва­лись).

I couldn’t lock the door yesterday. – Я вчера не мог за­крыть дверь. (Мы не знаем, за­крыл он ее в итоге или нет).

Was able to, на­о­бо­рот, пе­ре­да­ет за­кон­чен­ность дей­ствия и на рус­ский язык пе­ре­во­дит­ся гла­го­лом «смог».


We were able to finish work earlier last Tuesday. – Мы смог­ли за­кон­чить ра­бо­ту рань­ше в про­шлый втор­ник. (Они ушли с ра­бо­ты по­рань­ше).

I wasn’t able to lock the door yesterday. – Я вчера не смог за­крыть дверь. (То есть, он так ее и не за­крыл).

Таким об­ра­зом, мы будем стро­го упо­треб­лять to be able to в двух слу­ча­ях: при опи­са­нии фи­зи­че­ских или ум­ствен­ных воз­мож­но­стей и спо­соб­но­стей в бу­ду­щем вре­ме­ни, а также при опи­са­нии за­кон­чен­ных дей­ствий в про­шлом. Во всех осталь­ных слу­ча­ях чаще встре­ча­ет­ся can или could.

 Практическое задание

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1.                 you able to come to the pub tonight?

2. Jack was an excellent tennis player. He                         beat anybody.

3. I think my computer’s broken. I’m not                         to send any emails.

4. Sandra                         drive but she doesn’t have a car.

5. One day I                         run a marathon, but I need to practice first.

6. I was feeling sick yesterday. I                    eat anything.

7. I                         come and see you tomorrow if you like.

8. Will she                          cope with the work?

9.             you hear the music?

10.  The ambulance arrived quickly and they                         save everyone.

11.  I                   answer this question, it’s too hard.

12.  Although I woke up 40 minutes late, I                         get to work on time.

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

1. are

2. could

3. able

4. can

5. will be able to

6. couldn’t

7. can

8. be able to

9. can

10. were able to

11. can’t

12. was able to

 Сan с глаголами чувств и восприятия

 Сan с глаголами чувств и восприятия

Рис. 5

В со­че­та­нии с гла­го­ла­ми чувств и вос­при­я­тия та­ки­ми как to see, to hear, to feel и др. (рис. 5) гла­го­лы can и could обыч­но не пе­ре­во­дят­ся на рус­ский язык.


I can see him. – Я его вижу.

Can you hear the music? – Ты слы­шишь му­зы­ку?

I can’t feel a thing. – Я ни­че­го не чув­ствую.

When we went into the house, we could smell burning. – Когда мы зашли в дом, мы по­чув­ство­ва­ли запах гари.

Could in Present Tense

Could in Present Tense

Рис. 6

 Could in Present Tense

Необ­хо­ди­мо от­ме­тить, что часто could также упо­треб­ля­ет­ся и в на­сто­я­щем вре­ме­ни в слу­ча­ях, когда нам надо что-то веж­ли­во по­про­сить (рис. 6).


Could I borrow your pencil? – Могу ли я взять ваш ка­ран­даш?

Could you close the window please? – Ты не мог бы за­крыть окно?

Вопросы к конспектам

Вы­бе­ри­те пра­виль­ный ответ:

1. I can’t/am not able to answer this question.

2. When I was three I could/was able to understand what I was told.

3. I can/am able to call you tomorrow.

4. Could you/Are you able to answer the phone, please?

5. My sister can’t/isn’t able to sing but she can/is able to dance.

6. I can/will be able to perform this trick in two weeks.

7. The fireman could/was able to save the cat.

8. I can’t/couldn’t visit you this week.

9. Can/Could you speak German?

10. The doctor is free. He can/is able to examine you.

1. can

1.1. Affirmative sentences with can

  • I can play football.
  • You can sing.
  • My sister can read.
  • We can speak English.
  • They can write the words.

1.2. Negative sentences with can

Long forms Contracted forms
I cannot play football. I can‘t play football.
My sister cannot read. My sister can‘t read.
We cannot speak English. We can‘t speak English.
They cannot write the words. They can‘t write the words.

1.3. Questions with can

  • Can I go to the cinema?
  • Can your budgie talk?
  • Can he play the trumpet?
  • Can they spell their names?

2. must

2.1. Affirmative sentences with must

  • I must do my homework.
  • My sister must wash the dishes.
  • We must ask Frank.
  • They must make their beds.

2.2. Negative sentences with must

Long forms Contracted forms
I must not go outside. I mustn’t play outside.
You must not sing. You mustn’t sing.
He must not watch TV. He mustn’t watch TV.
Tim and Alex must not open the window. Tim and Alex mustn’t open the window.

2.3. Questions with must

  • Must I help in the garden?
  • Must you go?
  • Must she sing in the bathroom?
  • Must we watch this film?

We often used have to instead of must.

Can” is a modal auxiliary verb and it is used to indicate abilities, to make requests, to indicate probability, or to give permissions. It is one of the auxiliary verbs called “modal verbs” in English. It does not change according to the subjects. So there is no different situation for “He, she, It”. The verb that follows is always infinitive, so it is very easy to use “can” in English conversations.

Table of Contents

  • ⬤ Formation of modal “can”
  • ⬤ Positive (Affirmative) form of “can”
  • ⬤ Negative form of “can”
  • ⬤ Interrogative form of “can”
  • ⬤ All sentence forms of “can”
  • ⬤ Explanations and usages of modal “can”
  • ⬤ Pictures with example sentences
  • ⬤ A dialogue example
  • ⬤ Translate the sentences into your native language.
  • ⬤ Sentence scramble game
  • ⬤ Example sentences
  • ⬤ Questions and with answers
  • ⬤ Reading passage

Formation of modal “can”

To make affirmative sentences we use “can + verb”. For negative sentences we use “cannot” or “can’t“. For questions we put the auxiliary “can” before the subject. The following animated sentences are examples of “can” so that you can see them in context.

  Can Where canWhen can


can swimcan runruncan not run rundrive



Positive (Affirmative) form of “can”

To form positive sentences just use a bare for of a verb after “can”.

  • I can swim.
  • They can watch TV.
  • Linda can play chess.
  • My friends can play football.

Negative form of “can”

To make negative sentences with “can” we use “not” together with “can“. The short form is “can’t

  • I can’t sleep well.
  • Nancy can’t understand the teacher.
  • Cats can’t fly.
  • She can’t keep secrets.

Interrogative form of “can”

To make questions (interrogative) with “can” we put “can” before the subject.

  • Can you play basketball?
  • Can I open the window?
  • Can I ask a question?
  • Can I help you?
  • Where can I go for holiday?
  • How can I speak English?

All sentence forms of “can”

“Can” Formula with example sentences

(+) Affirmative sentences (-) Negative sentences (?) Interrogative sentences
 I can play.  I can not play.  Can I play?
 You can play.  You can not play. Can you play?
 He can play.  He can not play.  Can he play?
 She can play.  She can not play.  Can she play?
 It can play.  It can not play.  Can it play?
 We can play.  We can not play. Can we play?
 They can play.  They can not play. Can they play?

❯❯ Learn simple present tense here
❯❯ Learn present continuous tense here
❯❯ Learn future simple tense (will) here
❯❯ Learn be going to future tense here
❯❯ Learn simple past tense here
❯❯ Learn past continuous tense here
❯❯ Learn present perfect tense here

Explanations and usages of modal “can”

You can learn usages and explanations of “can” below with examples and brief descriptions.

1- Ability

“Can” is used to describe an ability.

  • I can jump high, but my brother can’t.
  • She can sing a song.
  • My grandfather can use a computer.

2- Possibility

“Can” is also used to describe possibility or probability.

  • It can rain tomorrow.
  • I can come with you.
  • Can they win the game?
  • We can stay at home.
  • I can arrive at about 6 PM.
  • What do you think? Can I get 100 points?

3- Permission

To give permission or to ask for permission we can use “can”, as well.

  • OK. You can go.
  • Excuse me. Can I sit here?
  • Can I ask a question?
  • Can I come in?

4- Requests

  • Can I have a coffee, please?
  • Can you help me, please?
  • Can I have a glass of water, please?

Pictures with example sentences

You can learn “can” with images and example sentences below.

A dialogue example

Here is a dialogue to learn modal auxiliary “can”. You can make similar dialogues.

  1. Can you find my glasses, James?

    I can’t find them anywhere.

  2. Sure.

    Can you wait for sometime.

    Because mom is on the phone.

  3. OK. You can look for it after your call.

Translate the sentences into your native language.

You can see random examples of “can” auxiliary below. After you read, translate them into your native language.

Sentence scramble game

You will see scrambled words of sentences that includes modal “can”. Click on the words in the right order to make sentences.

Example sentences

The sentences below are helpful to see modal auxiliary “can” in context.

10 examples of “can”

  1. I can speak English a little.
  2. I can buy that dress.
  3. You can join our club.
  4. Mr. Davis cannot use a PC.
  5. I can’t stand lies.
  6. You can visit a lot of historical places here.
  7. Jennifer can’t save money.
  8. If you have a problem, you can call me
  9. I can’t eat with my left hand.
  10. My daughter can wear her clothes.

Questions and with answers

Read the questions and the answers below to learn how to use “can”.

10 questions and answers about “can”

  1. Can I use your phone, please?
    Yes, you can.
  2. Can you hear me?
    Yes, I can hear you.
  3. Can you catch fish?
    No, I can’t catch fish.
  4. Can you make a kite?
    Yes, I can make a kite.
  5. Can I ask a question, please?
    Yes, you can.
  6. Can penguins fly?
    No, they can’t fly.
  7. Where can I park my car?
    You can park your car there.
  8. How can I go to the museum?
    You can go by taxi.
  9. How can I learn to play tennis?
    You can go to a tennis club.
  10. Who can fly a drone?
    Kevin can fly a drone.
  11. Can you design a toy?
    Yes, I can design a toy.

Reading passage

You can read the passage below to learn the modal “can”.
Reading passage:
My name is Adrian. I am an amateur footballer. I can play different games, but football is my favourite. I can run fast. I can control the ball very well. I am a footballer, so I can’t eat junk food. Because it is not good for my body. I can only eat healthy food. My friends can play well, too. We have a good team. I think, we can be the champion this year.

External resources:
You can visit British Council page and learn modal “can”, or watch a video to learn “can” modal auxiliary here.

№1Make sentences with YOU CAN .

( 5 предложений) or YOU CAN’T .

( 5 предложений) №2 Make true sentences about basketball using the correct words.

1. you CAN / CAN’T kick the ball.

2. you CAN / CAN’T catch the ball.

3. you HAVE TO / DON’T HAVE TO throw the ball.

На этой странице находится ответ на вопрос №1Make sentences with YOU CAN ?, из категории
Английский язык, соответствующий программе для 5 — 9 классов. Чтобы посмотреть
другие ответы воспользуйтесь «умным поиском»: с помощью ключевых слов
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