Easy english spoken word

easy english words

Last updated:

August 16, 2022

50+ Easy English Words You Need to Know

Let me tell you a little secret.

There’s a nice trick that can help you learn a language pretty fast.

In fact, I can promise you results within a few weeks.

Sound too good to be true?

Well, let me break it down for you.

No matter the language, there are some words and phrases that you’ll always end up using more often. Knowing these will help you express yourself in most situations, especially in everyday conversations.

And the best part is, most of these words are really simple and can be easily mastered with some practice.

In this post, I’ll discuss some very easy English words that every language learner must know. I’ll also explain their meanings and teach you exactly how to use them in sentences.

Are you excited already?

Let’s begin with the basics!

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Basic Grammar Rules to Remember When Using Easy English Words

Before we move on to the important words, let’s do a quick grammar recap.

Remembering the simple rules and suggestions listed below will ensure that your sentences are free of careless mistakes.

I’m assuming you’re somewhat familiar with these basic grammar rules, but just in case any of them sound difficult feel free to look them up.

  • A noun and a verb are all you need to form a sentence. As you must know, English grammar has many parts. A typical sentence usually includes a noun, a verb, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and more. However, the most important parts are the noun and the verb.
  • Remember that a sentence needs a subject and a predicate. When you’re trying to express yourself, just keep in mind that every sentence usually has a doer, or the subject (the one doing the action), and an object, or predicate (the one receiving the action).
  • Use simple conjunctions. When you’re trying to form slightly longer sentences, make sure you use conjunctions or connecting words like and, but and or.
  • Always begin a question with any of the six main question words. In English, when we’re asking something, there are certain words we always use to indicate (show) what kind of question it is. These words are what, who, how, when, where and why.
  • Add -ly to turn adjectives into adverbs. Adjectives are words that we use to describe nouns, while adverbs are used to describe verbs and adjectives. Many adjectives can easily be turned into adverbs simply by adding an -ly to them at the end. Later in this post, be on the lookout for adjectives that have been turned into adverbs!

You can also check out this video to quickly learn 30 easy English words in video format! Between the video and the following list of 50 plus words below, you’ll be well on your way to major vocabulary growth!


Nouns, as you must know, are “naming” words. They can refer to people, things, places and ideas. Here are some of the most common ones that you need to know and that are perfect for beginners.


A house is a building or the place in which you live. There can be many types of houses, such as an apartment, a bungalow, a mansion, a hut, a shack and so on. A house is usually your “home” and is also called a residence.

I live in a large house with my sister.


A job is what you do in order to earn money and keep on living. In most jobs, you often have to work in an office. Based on how much work you do, you get paid a certain amount.

Meena is looking for a new job.


A business is an organization or a system where you buy or sell things in order to make money. If you run a business or work in one, then that’s your job.

She has been running her own business for five years now.


Food is what you eat to remain fit and keep on living. If we don’t eat every day, we’ll get sick.

She asked me what sort of food I like the most, and I replied, “chocolate.”


A restaurant is a place where you often go to eat food by paying for it.

Yesterday, I had dinner with my friends at a restaurant near my house.


A telephone is an object that you use to call someone when they’re too far away to speak to them in person.

Can I use your telephone to call my brother who recently moved away to another town?


Your address tells someone exactly where you live. If someone requires proof of your existence or they want to send you something by mail, they’ll ask for your address.

My mailing address is 18 Park Street, Kolkata 700016.


Money refers to the thin strips of paper or the metal coins that you use to pay for things. Generally, the more money you have, the richer you are.

Her business failed, so she has lost a lot of money recently.


A friend is someone you like, spend time with and can ask for help but who isn’t connected to your family.

I went to watch a movie with a friend from school.


Love is what you feel when you care about someone or like something a lot.

I love this book so much that I’ve already read it five times.


Pronouns are words that we use to replace a noun.

For instance, if we’re talking about a boy named Mahesh, we can use the pronouns he, him and his to refer to him, instead of using Mahesh all the time.

The rules are simple.

If you’re talking in the first person, you use pronouns like I, me and mine.

If you’re talking in the second person, you use you, yours and your.

If the sentence involves more than two people, you use we, us and ourselves.

If it’s in the third person, gender and number become important. If someone identifies as male, we use he, him, and his. For those who identify as female, we use she and her. If something has no gender, we use it, and if the gender doesn’t fit into the male/female binary, we often use their and they.

We also use their, they and them when we’re referring to more than one person.

Here are some examples:

I lost my wallet today.

She writes in her notebook every day.

Hilary broke her favorite toy and she is very sad about it.

They closed the business last week.

The stranger was following me at night, and I was afraid that they would do something bad to me.


Verbs are action words. They show us the process of doing things.

A noun usually comes with a verb, and knowing the following 10 verbs is sure to come in handy (useful).


You talk whenever you speak to someone or say anything out loud.

I talk to my best friend every day, at night, over the telephone.


We use this word whenever we refer to an action that we’re carrying out or accomplishing.

I will do the task as soon as I get home from work.


We use this word whenever we move or travel from one place to another.

Ray will go to his sister’s house tomorrow by train.


This verb is used when we refer to the act of creating something.

He is going to make a plan for a more successful business.


When we move from one place to another using our feet, we walk.

They walk home from school.


During every meal, you take food, put it into your mouth, chew it and swallow it. This action is called eating.

Mary loves to eat chocolate.


When it’s solid food, we eat. When it’s a liquid that we swallow, we drink. We drink water every day, for example.

It’s important to drink water after exercising.


Work is what you do at your job to keep earning money. It’s an activity that requires (needs/uses) your mental and physical effort.

I work between seven and eight hours every day at my job.


Sleep refers to the time when you’re lying down and resting. Your mind isn’t alert or aware of its surroundings when you’re sleeping.

John goes to sleep at 10.


This is a verb that we use to describe an emotion or a feeling, like love or anger, or a sensation, like heat or touch. It’s how we manage to relate to the environment and to ourselves.

I feel that something is wrong with her because she’s behaving strangely.


Adjectives are words that we use to describe nouns.

They make whatever we say sound more precise and vivid, and they help us convey what we think with more accuracy.

Here are some of the most common adjectives that you can start using immediately.


When you’re feeling pleased, glad or delighted about something, the emotion that you’re feeling is called happiness. When you’re happy, you’re full of joy.

The playground was full of happy children.


The exact opposite of happiness is when you feel sad, like when something bad or terrible has happened and you’re filled with sorrow and pain.

After losing her job, Rita was feeling very sad.


When you have the strong feeling to hurt or shout at someone for the way they’ve behaved, chances are that you’re angry at them.

Joe’s mother was very angry and could be heard shouting at him because he didn’t do his homework.


When your mind is active and focused on one thing, you’re busy with that activity and cannot pay attention to anything else. This word is often used in the workplace.

I cannot meet you tonight, as I’m busy with office work.


When you feel that you have nothing to do and that nothing around you is interesting, you’re feeling bored.

She stayed at home during the weekend and became very bored, as she had nothing to do.


When you’re moderately (somewhat) angry at someone, chances are that you’re annoyed with them. You think that they’re a bother to you and you feel somewhat disturbed by them.

She was very annoyed that he kept making jokes the whole time and didn’t take her seriously.


When you feel happy about something or you’re glad because of the way someone has behaved, you’re pleased. You’re satisfied and you feel content.

The boss was so pleased with the new employee’s work that he promoted her.


Excitement is that feeling you get when you know something good is going to happen and you can’t wait for it. When you’re looking forward to something, you often feel excited about it.

I was excited to see my brother after five years.


When you’re alone and feel sad about being alone or when you have no one to talk to, the emotion that you’re feeling is loneliness. Remember, you don’t need to always be physically alone to feel lonely.

Reya didn’t know anyone at the party so she was feeling very lonely.


You know that feeling when you’ve had a really long day at work and you just can’t wait to go home and rest? Or, you feel so exhausted that you can barely move your body, and you just want to close your eyes and fall asleep? Yes, that’s called feeling tired.

I was very tired after doing all those new exercises at the gym.


As stated earlier, adverbs are used to describe verbs or adjectives. These adverbs are commonly used in everyday conversations.


When something happens every time or all the time, the word we use is always.

The sun always rises in the east.


When you pay attention to your actions and you’re very alert or aware of your surroundings, you’re being careful.

She told the maid to wash the dishes carefully, as they were made of glass.


If something is very easy to perceive (see/smell/hear/touch/taste) or understand, it’s clear. It isn’t something complex, complicated or hidden.

Once the rain stopped, I could clearly see the mountain range from my window.


If something happens on a more or less regular basis, we say that it happens often.

I often see her sitting in the cafe with a book.


When we use well as an adverb, we mean that something is or has been good or satisfactory.

Sheila’s job has been going well and she’s making a lot of money.


We use this adverb when we’re referring to something that usually happens. It’s also used to refer to most people or things.

Generally, it’s faster to reach the city if you take the train.


This adverb is used to refer to something that’s true or to put emphasis on something.

They didn’t believe her, but she really didn’t commit the crime.


When we’re referring to something that doesn’t happen often or always but still takes place from time to time, we use the word sometimes.

Sometimes, I go to the library after lunch if I’m free.


If you’re talking about something and you’re absolutely sure about it or you feel very confident about it, you use the adverb certainly.

I will certainly meet you next week for the interview.


When something has happened, you use the word already.

I already finished my homework.

When you’re learning a language, try to take things slow.

Practice making simple sentences with only a few words. In time, you’ll gain more confidence and be able to frame more complex thoughts.

Keep revising (reviewing) the basics as often as you can, even when you move on to newer and more difficult things.

And above all, don’t give up when you make mistakes or get stuck. That’s a crucial part of our learning experience, and without it, we’d make very little progress. Stay optimistic and be dedicated, and you’ll be fluent in English in no time!

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Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Verbs with example phrase (with audio Mp3)
be 🙂 Be happy.
have 🖐️ Have a good day.
do 💪 Do the work.
say 🗨️ Say, “Hello.”
get 🛠️ Get to work.
make 👩‍🍳 Make some food.
go 🛵 Go for a drive.
know 🎓 I know a lot.
take 🎫 Take a number.
see 👓 I can see.
come 🧲 Come to me.
think 🤔 I think so.
look 👀 Look at that.
want 😋 I want to eat.
give 🎁 Give me a gift.
use 🍴 Use a fork.
find 🔍 Find the answer.
tell 🎤 Tell your story.
ask 🙋 Ask a question.
work 🔨 I work hard.
seem 🤔 You seem lost.
feel 🤗 I feel happy.
try 😣 Try again.
leave 🚶‍♂️ I will leave.
call 📱 Call me.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Nouns with example phrase (with audio Mp3)
person 😃 This person is happy.
man 👨 The man is nice.
woman 👩 The woman is young.
child 🧒 The child is small.
time The time is 7am.
year 🎉 The year is 2019.
week 📅 A week is 7 days.
day 📆 This is a good day.
way 🛣️ Come this way.
thing What is that thing?
world 🌎 The world is big.
life ⚕️ Life is good.
hand My hand is clean.
part 🧩 I like this part.
eye 👁️ My eye is open.
place 🗺️ This is the place.
work 🔨 My work is important.
case 📁 USCIS case number
point 📌 I see your point.
government 🏛️ I like the government.
company 🏭 Her company is new.
number 🔢 This is my number.
group 👨‍👩‍👦 The group is big.
problem 🤦 I have a problem.
fact 📚 That is a fact.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Adjectives with example phrase (audio Mp3)
good 👍 Good work.
new 🌅 It is a new day.
first 🥇 This is my first job.
last 🤷 That was last time.
long ✈️ It was a long way.
great 👷‍♀️ She is a great boss.
little 🚗 I have a little car.
own 🏠 I want my own home.
other 🏨 I like the other place.
old 🏚️ It is an old house.
right 📲 This is the right number.
big 👪 It was a big group.
high 🔢 It is a high number.
different I have a different time.
small 🌎 It is a small world.
large 🏬 That is a large place.
next 📅 That is next week.
early 🤤 I like early lunch.
young 🧒 He is a young child.
important 👩‍✈️ She is an important person.
few 🗓️ Give me a few days.
public 🏞️ It is a public place.
bad 😥 You have a bad problem.
same ⏲️ Come at the same time.
able 🧰 I am able to work.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Prepositions with example phrase (audio Mp3)
to Go to work
of a lot of people
in Get in place
for Come for the day
on Be on time
with Stay with my child
at Good at work
by Wait by the car
from I am from New York
up Go up to the place
about Tell me about life
into Come into work soon
over Go over there next week
after Call me after work

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Other common vocabulary – with example phrase
the the child
and man and woman
a a day
that that place
I I like you
it It is nice.
not Not my place
he He is nice.
as as a child
you You are nice
this This is the place
but But not today
his His car
they They are here
her Her mother
she She is nice
or Yes or no
an an eye for an eye
will I will call you
my My first job.
one One at a time
all All the same
would I would like that
there There is a place to stay
their Their home is nice

Modern English is a conglomerate of vocabulary from many different languages and varies widely depending on the country it’s spoken it. Even still, there are a few common words and phrases that English speakers around the globe use on the regular. If you’re learning English, this is a helpful list to refer to for foundational vocabulary.

Words English speakers say all the time

More than 840 million people speak English as their first or second language, which makes it the second most-spoken language in the world after Chinese Mandarin. So if you’re in the process of learning English, don’t fret – many people have successfully done it! And once you learn to speak, you’ll have a world of opportunities and new people you can communicate with.

As with any language, learning English starts with learning the basics: vocabulary. So that you know which ones to prioritise, I’ve broken the most commonly spoken words into different categories.


The majority of sentences in English start with a pronoun to clarify who is the subject. These are:

  • I
  • you
  • he/she/it
  • we
  • they

To mention something important about “you”: some languages such as German have different words for formal vs informal you (“Sie” for formal and “du” for informal). In English, we only have the word “you” for both situations, but we do distinguish them by using particular words and being more polite.

Common verbs in English

After each subject, then comes a verb. Here are some of the most common verbs in English:

  • get
  • have
  • be
  • to
  • do
  • make
  • say
  • talk
  • walk
  • go
  • eat
  • sleep
  • work
  • read
  • ask
  • help
  • know
  • would
  • could
  • can
  • should
  • need
  • feel
  • become
  • leave
  • come
  • start
  • stop

“Get” is infamous for being one of the most flexible words in the whole English language. How you use it depends entirely on the context. To give you a better idea, here are a few examples: 

  • Can you please get me a coffee? (Here “get” means either bring or make.)
  • I totally get you, that makes sense. (Here “get” means understand.)
  • I heard someone knocking. Can you please get the door? (Here “get” means open.)
  • He got the gift instead of his sister. (Here “get” means receive.)
  • I have to get home now, it’s so late! (Here “get” means go.)

For nearly every circumstance, there are alternative verbs for “get”, but if you want to truly sound like a native English speaker, using “get” is much more commonly used, especially when speaking.


Nouns are used to describe a person, place. or thing. A few of the most common English nouns are:

  • thing
  • people
  • woman
  • man
  • child
  • family
  • dog
  • cat
  • door
  • window
  • table
  • chair
  • kitchen
  • bed
  • blanket
  • dishes
  • towel
  • shoes
  • socks
  • pants
  • shirt
  • dress
  • floor
  • food
  • drinks
  • water

My biggest recommendation for learning English nouns is to make sticky notes around the house for each item. Then each time you look at it, you’re reminded of that word. Because you start learning vocabulary according to your surroundings, they’re more familiar and become easier to memorise.

Another pro tip: if you don’t know the word for a noun when speaking to someone, just refer to it as “thing” and try to describe it. Honestly even native English speakers do this all the time when we’re feeling lazy!

Question words

When you want to transform your sentence into a question, you’ll often begin with a question word. Here is a quick overview of English question words:

  • why
  • where
  • who
  • how
  • when
  • which
  • whose
  • what

Prepositions in English

Prepositions are another essential element of English grammar, because they are combined with many other words to form phrases. The most common prepositions are:

  • to
  • in
  • out
  • for
  • with
  • on
  • since
  • at
  • until
  • by
  • as
  • about
  • into
  • between
  • against

When I worked as an English teacher, one of the most commonly asked questions about prepositions was the difference between until and by in the context of due dates. Here is an example to clarify:

  • The students need to turn in their homework by Monday. (Here we’re only stating the fixed deadline.)
  • The students have until Monday to turn in their homework. (Here we’re talking about the total time period up until the deadline.)

English Adjectives

Adjectives are the spices of language and English is no exception. Here are a few of the most commonly used adjectives:

  • awesome
  • wonderful
  • easy
  • difficult
  • hard
  • big
  • small
  • beautiful
  • cool
  • new
  • old
  • pretty
  • fantastic

By the way, if you’re speaking with an American, always go for the word “awesome”. I am one myself and we use it constantly (probably too much haha).

Miscellaneous English words

There are some popular, miscellaneous filler words that are important to keep in mind as well:

  • like
  • and
  • but
  • so
  • well
  • too
  • just
  • more
  • this
  • that
  • because
  • very
  • even
  • quite
  • may
  • maybe
  • another
  • few
  • here
  • there

A quick note on “like”: if you’ve watched American TV series like Friends, The Big Bang Theory, or Family Guy, you’ll notice that they use the word “like” all the time. It’s one of the words that is basically pure slang and has a few different meanings. A few examples are:

  • I was talking to my friend and he was like “I had such a bad day yesterday”. (Here “like” is another word for “said” and it’s often used in the context of telling a story of a previous conversation.)
  • I spoke to my sister yesterday and she was like seriously tired after working so much. (Here “like” means really, as in to emphasise the tiredness.)
  • I talked to my boss yesterday to ask for a day off and he said no. Like, how could he be so mean? (Here “like” emphasises the surprising element of the other person’s response.)

In the same manner as “get”, this is another word that becomes clear once you hear how others use it and you become more advanced in your speaking skills.

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