Each city has word

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Each city has a cultural rating, which is the city’s influence over local terrain.

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Каждый город имеет культурную границу, в пределах которой находится территория его влияния.

Each city has its own history, character and traditions, its memorable places, its purpose.

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У каждого города своя история, свой нрав и традиции, свои памятные места, свое предназначение.

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Each city has its own history, unique landmarks and special places of interest.

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У каждого города своя история, свои уникальные места, свои достопримечательности.

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Each city has 4 neighboring villages, in which buildings can be constructed.

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which details can be found in theInternet or periodical publications.

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подробней о них можно узнать


сети Интернет или из периодических изданий.

Each city has one and sometimes several large state universities, through which

residents can get an education without spending extra time and money to move to other regions.

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На территории каждого города имеется один, а иногда и несколько крупных государственных университетов,

благодаря которым жители могут получать образование не затрачивая лишнее время и средства для переезда в другие регионы.

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Rather than a common favor/kingdom rating, each city has its own favor towards the player,

although these may be related for example, attacking an ally will make enemies respect the player more while allies will respect the player less.

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Каждый город имеет свой собственный рейтинг уважения к игроку, хотя они могут быть

взаимосвязаны например, атакуя своего союзника, игрок получит одобрение врагов, в то время как отношение к нему других


союзников значительно снизится.

Participants were generally pessimistic about the urban future,

noting that there was no single model


as each city had its own peculiarities.

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Участники в целом пессимистично высказывались о будущем


отмечая, что нет такого понятия, как типичный


поскольку у каждого города— своя специфика.

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And for the time, this ended the city-states, priest-ruled and priest-ridden, each city having its own municipal god and its own ceremonial practices.

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И на время прекратили существование


государства, находившиеся под бременем своих правителей- жрецов, когда каждый город имел своего местного бога и свои собственные ритуалы.

Q: For these concerts, each city has 2 days, what’s the set list like?

Despite the reference of the studied urbanonyms to the zones with close cultural traditions,

the urbanonymic system of each city has its own national singularity.

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Несмотря на то, что исследуемые урбанонимы относятся к зонам с близкими культурными традициями,

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Each city has its own specifics and attractions, traditions,

and sights- unusual architecture, historic and cultural monuments, unique nature preserves, and much, much more that you simply must see.

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Каждый город по-своему интересен и привлекателен, имеет особенности, традиции и,

конечно, интересные достопримечательности: это и необычная архитектура, и историко-культурные памятники, и уникальные природные заповедники, и многое, многое другое, что обязательно нужно увидеть.

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A s each city, Pervouralsk has its own monument to Vladimir Lenin.

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Dark, filthy, dangerous- each big city has its own dark spot-

a street or a district avoided by locals and sought out by adventurous tourists.

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Темные, грязные, опасные- каждый большой город имеет свое собственное темное пятно-

улицу или район, которые местные жители стараются избегать.

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There is no“best” legislative and institutional framework for urban renewal, each country and city has to develop its own system,

based on traditions and the structure/conditions of its housing stock.

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Не существует» наилучшей» законодательной и институциональной основы для обновления


каждая страна и город должны разработать свою собственную систему,

основанную на традициях и структуре/ условиях своего жилищного фонда.

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The funny thing is that each city


it’s own character when it comes to floors.

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Самое забавное, что в плане полов, у каждого города есть свой неповторимый характер.

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According to the artist,

it is for


concert is preparing a special program:»In each city


its own special atmosphere,

I would like to give their songs, their mood, and that it was truly unique!

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По словам артистки, она для

каждого из

концертов готовит особую программу:» В каждом из городов своя особая атмосфера,

мне хочется подарить свои песни, свое настроение и чтобы это было поистине уникально!

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Write one word in each gap.


Tourists to San Francisco are rarely disappointed (34) ……………………………….. the famous range of cultural and artistic attractions the city has to offer. But San Francisco is more famous (35) ……………………………….. being on the San Andreas fault, a notorious source of earthquakes. Over seven hundred people died in San Francisco in the great earthquake of 1906, and more than 70 perished in another large quake in 1989. It’s hard (36) ……………………………….. imagine why anyone would want to live in such a dangerous area, but millions of people choose to do so. They are all familiar (37) ……………………………….. the faultline, and are aware (38) ……………………………….. the potential danger if there’s another powerful quake. Yet nothing, it seems, will prevent people (39) ……………………………….. building in San Francisco. A quick glance (40) ……………………………….. a photo of the city shows a large number of modern skyscrapers, many of them completely covered (41) ……………………………….. glass.

Seismologists are constantly warning residents (42) ……………………………….. the possibility of “the next big quake”. They expect it (43) ……………………………….. happen sooner rather than later. But San Franciscans are not short (44) ……………………………….. courage. Except (45) ……………………………….. making doubly sure that their buildings are built to the highest safety standards, they carry on with their daily lives as if nothing could ever disrupt them.


Write one or two words in each gap.
I…in the city centre. (to work) It is very convenient.
I usually…lunch in a cafe or a restaurant. (to have)
At lunchtime the streets…crowded. (to be) We often…constant noise and pollution. (to face)
But I don’t worry about it. Today I…to the gym after work. (to go)
Besides, today I…my parents who live not far from me. (to visit)
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Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

A)     Read the text and fill in the word which best fits
each space. Use only one word in each space.
New York City is one of 1) ………
largest cities 2) ……… the world. It is also one of the most densely populated,
with an estimated 7.400.000 inhabitants. Manhattan is the 3) ……… popular area
of the city with tourists and has 4) ……… interesting sights. There is also 5)
……… a large number of businesses in this area of the city, including the head
offices of some of the world’s leading companies. New York’s subway system
provides transport for more 6) ……… 33% of the city’s work force.
New York is also regarded 7) ……… a
centre of entertainment. Broadway is the scene of many box-office hits,
Carnegie Hall is one of the 8) ……… famous concert halls in the world and the
city is also the home of several opera and ballet companies.
With 9) ……… choice of food,
entertainment and social life than any other city, it is 10) ……… wonder that
people flock to New York to experience life in the Big Apple.
in the correct preposition.
I was quite
impressed when I visited Hollywood, California last year. My favourite part of
the trip was a visit to a studio where a film was being made. I saw the actor
who was starring 1) ……… the film
and I even got to shake hands 2) ……… him! I
couldn’t believe that I was so close 3) ……… such a big star. He was dressed in expensive
clothes and looked fabulous. It was an experience that I’ll never forget.

Автор: Гость

1 Likes it a lot      2 Likes it a little

3 Likes it a lot      4 Doesn’t like it

5 Likes it a lot      6 Likes it a little



A:   How do you like where you’re living?

B:   Oh, I love it. There’s so much to do here. And I have a lot of friends here, too.


A:   What’s your city like?

B:   Well, the good thing is there are a lot of things to do here. There are good theaters and restaurants. The trouble is it’s getting very polluted, so it’s not as nice as it used to be.


A:   Do you enjoy where you’re living?

B:   Well, I enjoy a lot about it. The city has a very nice climate. It’s never too hot or too cold. And it’s a safe place to live.


A:   What’s it like to live in this city?

B:   Well, it’s very noisy and crowded. And the pollution is getting really bad. And I think we have one of the worst transportation systems in the world. I’d love to live somewhere else.


A:   How is it here, anyway? Is this a nice place to live?

B:   Oh, I’m really glad we moved here. The air is fresh and the people are very friendly. Rents are pretty reasonable, and it’s a very safe city, too. That’s so important. Also, it’s close to the sea, so it’s great in the summer.


A:   Do you enjoy living here?

B:   Some things are okay. The restaurants are pretty good, and the subway system is pretty good, too, but it’s very old and not very clean. The weather also isn’t that great. It’s very hot and humid in the summer and pretty cold in the winter. But in general, it’s not too bad.

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