Drinking games word games

Алкоголь творит удивительное: в начале вечеринки едва ли можешь связать два слова на английском — а три бокала спустя уже вовсю обсуждаешь с другими гостями, на что теперь будет жить герцогиня Сассекская. Мы знаем способ развязать язык еще быстрее — во что-нибудь поиграть. Выучите правила, чтобы моментально стать своим в компании, где говорят на английском (и выпивают).

«И немедленно выпил»: 5 смелых игр на английском для алкогольной вечеринки

С кем играть: с новыми знакомыми, чьи истории еще не набили оскомину

Безусловный хит всех американских студенческих вечеринок. Если под занавес не сыграл в Never Have I Ever — считай, вечеринка прошла зря. Правила просты до невозможности: каждый из участников говорит Never Have I Ever… и признается, чего он никогда не делал. Например: «Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar» («Меня никогда-никогда не выставляли из бара») или «Never have I ever swam naked» («Я никогда-никогда не плавал голышом»).

Те из участников игры, кто это делал, выпивают. Фишка в том, чтобы раскрутить друзей на скандальные истории из прошлого. Поэтому в Never Have I Ever играют тогда, когда большая часть компании уже набралась выше ватерлинии.

«И немедленно выпил»: 5 смелых игр на английском для алкогольной вечеринки

С кем играть: с приятелями, которых вы пока знаете не очень хорошо

Игроки садятся в тесный кружок и по очереди шепчут друг другу на ухо вопросы, а вот ответы на них произносятся в полный голос. Если кому-то захочется узнать, каким был вопрос, он должен выпить. Поначалу люди могут стесняться, но любопытство все равно победит. Проверено.

Хотите перестать стесняться своего английского и наконец-то заговорить на нем свободно, но вам жалко вашу печень и репутацию? Не проблема, есть и другой путь: записывайтесь на бесплатный вводный урок в Skyeng. Методист определит ваш уровень английского и составит вам увлекательную персональную программу обучения. Наши учителя помогут разговориться даже самым застенчивым.

На случай, если вам понравится первое занятие, держите промокод MAGAZINE. С ним вы получите +2 бесплатных урока при первой оплате любого курса.

«И немедленно выпил»: 5 смелых игр на английском для алкогольной вечеринки

С кем играть: со старыми друзьями, о которых вы знаете все

Сядьте в кружок и начинайте делать предположения. Например, ведущий говорит: «Who is most likely to move to a different country?» («Кто вероятнее всего переедет в другую страну?»), и каждый из участников указывает на того, с кем это наверняка случится. На кого указывает больше всего пальцев, тот и пьет. Чем безумнее вопросы, тем интереснее играть. Вот вам несколько вариантов для вдохновения.

  • Who is most likely to be the first one to die in a zombie apocalypse? (Кто вероятнее всего умрет первым во время зомби-апокалипсиса?)
  • Who is most likely to run away to join the circus? (Кто вероятнее всего сбежит, чтобы присоединиться к цирку?)
  • Who is most likely to be a robot? (Кто вероятнее всего робот?)

«И немедленно выпил»: 5 смелых игр на английском для алкогольной вечеринки

С кем играть: с партнерами, близкими друзьями и соседями по квартире

Несмотря на название, играющим вовсе не обязательно быть разнополыми. Двое участников садятся спиной друг к другу и берут в руки огромные стаканы с алкоголем. Ведущий задает им вопросы вроде «Which of you is the messiest?» («От кого из вас больше беспорядка?»), «Who is the better driver?» («Кто из вас лучший водитель?»), «Who spends more time on their phone?» («Кто из вас больше сидит в телефоне?»). Если игрок хочет ответить «Я!», он поднимает стакан. Если «Он!» или «Она!», то ставит его на землю.

Если ответы совпали, переходите к следующему вопросу. Если есть разногласия — оба игрока пьют. Играть, пока стаканы не опустеют.

«И немедленно выпил»: 5 смелых игр на английском для алкогольной вечеринки

С кем играть: с кем угодно, это беспроигрышный вариант

Давно подмечено: с каждым стаканом дженга (она же «Башня», игра, в которой нужно строить башню из деревянных брусочков) становится все азартнее и интереснее. Но есть способ вывести игру на новый уровень.

Напишите на каждом бруске смешное и несложное задание, примерно как в фантах. «Make someone else drink» («Налить ближнему своему»), «Don’t speak for the rest of the game» («Не разговаривать до конца игры»), «Kiss the person to your right» («Поцеловать человека справа»), «Switch places with the most beautiful person playing the game» («Поменяться местами с самым красивым игроком») — не ограничивайте свою фантазию. Игрок, который вытягивает брусочек из башни, должен не только не обрушить всю конструкцию, но и выполнить задание. Или выпить шот: это же пьяная дженга.

Этой подборкой мы ни к чему не призываем. После бокала вина, конечно, легче болтать на английском, но это не единственный способ разговориться. Есть еще марафоны, которые в игровой форме помогут вам погрузиться в английский за 15 дней. Одно письмо — один челлендж.

Присоединяйтесь, это бесплатно (только, чур, не забрасывать и не лениться!). Оставьте ваши контакты в форме ниже и ждите первого письма с советами и заданием.

Сформируйте привычку учить английский

Советы и инструменты для тренировки.

Скоро на имейл вам придет письмо с инструкцией. А пока запишитесь на бесплатное онлайн-занятие с преподавателем и получите в подарок еще 2 урока.

Обрабатываем заявку

«И немедленно выпил»: 5 смелых игр на английском для алкогольной вечеринки

Скоро на имейл вам придет письмо с инструкцией. А в течение часа мы позвоним и подберем удобное время занятия. Продуктивного дня 🙂

Ой, произошла ошибка обработки. Попробуйте еще раз чуть позднее.

Ой, произошла ошибка обработки. Скорее всего, такой имейл или телефон уже зарегистрирован.

Summers and drinking games go hand in hand. What better to do than sit with a group of your friends, and gulp down those cool drinks with some fun coupled with it? Just remember, don’t forget to eat first.

Most of the people, especially the students will be soon going on vacations to enjoy this summertime, for which partying is the cornerstone. Just sitting around for drinking can get pretty boring, hence *drumroll* DRINKING GAMES to liven up the experience.

Though banned in some colleges and universities, these games never fail to lighten up a party.  Party in dorm rooms is another way to live through your college experience. All this leads to games played in the party, whether sober or not. And there are only three words for it: Fun drinking party games.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Drinking Games For Two
    • 1.1 Two Truths, One Lie
    • 1.2 Bite the Bag
  • 2 Card / Dice Drinking Games
    • 2.1 Up & Down the River
    • 2.2 Circle of death
    • 2.3 Three Man
    • 2.4 Pyramid
  • 3 Drinking Games Without Cards
    • 3.1 Beer Pong
    • 3.2 Never have I ever
    • 3.3 Quarters
    • 3.4 Avalanche
    • 3.5 Cheers to the Governor
    • 3.6 Drunk Jenga
    • 3.7 Flip Cup
    • 3.8 Chandelier
    • 3.9 Medusa
    • 3.10 Fuzzy Duck
    • 3.11 Roxanne
    • 3.12 Drink while you think
    • 3.13 Edward 40 hands
    • 3.14 Beer Roulette
    • 3.15 Would you rather?
    • 3.16 Paranoia
  • 4 Movie/TV Show Drinking Games
    • 4.1 Harry Potter
    • 4.2 Archer
    • 4.3 Friends
    • 4.4 Related Posts

Let’s take you through a thrilling journey to discuss all the drinking games you can play to energize those crashing parties.

Drinking Games For Two

Two Truths, One Lie

Lots of imagination and drink can get you through this game. It can be played with even two friends, such as on dates, but obviously, more the people, merrier the game,

The opposing parties face each other. The first one to go will claim three points about himself. Out of these three, one will be a lie while the other two would be the truths about his life. The other person has to guess the wrong statement out of the three statements that he had made. It is imperative to sit in front of each other so facial expressions can help the opponent in guessing out the answer. The player who says the wrong ‘lie’ will have to drink from his cup.

Related: 100+ Funny Two Truths and a Lie Ideas [+Game Rules & Suggestions]

Bite the Bag

Strengthen those teeth, for this hilarious game, might break them. You have to place a brown paper bag on the floor. Every player, in his/her respective turn, has to come forth and try to pick up the paper bag with their mouth. The only thing allowed to touch the bag is your mouth-no use of hands or feet, or any body part is allowed. Even no prop is to be used. The one who fails to do so will have to chug down a full glass of drink. After every round, an inch from the top of the bag is cut off, and the game starts again. How long will it be before your nose is almost touching the floor?

Card / Dice Drinking Games

Up & Down the River

Drinking card games are diverting the trend of parties and gatherings from just regular drinking and dancing to playing card games coupled with the drinking of course. Its game play is as follows.

  • Two decks of cards are dealt. One player is appointed the dealer. Each player is given four cards, placed face up in front of them.
  • Dealer draws the card, and whosoever has the same card will take a drink.
  • If any player has multiples of that card, then the equivalent number is taken as drinks.
  • For the second round, the amount of drinks taken for a single card is doubled.
  • After the fourth round, any player having the combination of the fifth card drawn by the dealer gets to give away four drinks. Four individual players, or just one single player will be asked to drink those four glasses.
  • The dealer then places the third card over the first two and players having that combination can give away a total of up to eight drinks. The game re starts after this.

Circle of death

The circle of death drinking game closely resembles Kings. The equipment required for this game are just one deck of cards and a middle cup. The player draws one card on his turn and then performs actions based on his card and color. Players sit around a circular table and place a nasty drink in the center. The cards are dealt and placed face down around the center glass. Each player picks up cards, one at a time. As soon as each player picks up a card, he/she has to perform an action associated with that card. Below are the rules for each card:

  • King: Come up with a rule, and show everybody who the real king is-at least for the game. This player will then have the ability to undo any previous King’s rule. The player drawing the fourth King will get to drink the middle cup, though.
  • Queen: ask a random question from another player, and that player, in turn, will ask another one from a different player. Any player who would not be able to answer any of the questions asked to him, will lose the game.
  • Jack: Become the Thumb Master of the game! This player will be entitled to put his thumb on the table at any instance, and all others would have to do the same and the one who loses this race, loses the game.
  • 10: this player will call out a category, and all the other players, just like in the game Categories, will start listing out things that fall into that category. Make sure you think before you speak. Calling out the same thing twice might get you thrown out of the game, or party perhaps.
  • 9: the player will call out a word, and the rest of the players will have to say words that rhyme with the earlier one. Anyone who fails to do so will lose the game and get to drink.
  • 8 & below: if the color of the drawn card is red, the player will have to drink the same number of glasses as on that of the card. Otherwise, they are given out to the players.
  • Ace: when an ace is drawn, every player will start waterfall, initiating with the player who chose the card. This means that everyone will start gulping their drinks after the person to their right stats doing this, and they cannot stop until that person to the right does. This is also referred as the waterfall drinking game.

Three Man

For this game, a pair of dice is required, along with the compulsory item-drinks! Players gather around a circular table with their drinks and one of the players is appointed as the “Three Man”. The Three Man will roll the dice every time, and another player will also roll the die. The result depends on what the two die to add up to. For this, the rules are as follows:

  • 7: the person sitting to the right of the player will take a drink
  • 11: the person sitting to the right of the player will take a drink
  • 9: Each player will drink
  • A sum of 3: The Three Man will drink
  • 4 and an Ace: Everyone will fall to the floor, and the last one to do so will have to drink.
  • 5 and an Ace: Everyone has to point to the ceiling, and the last one to do so will have to drink.
  • Doubles: When the doubles are rolled on to the table, the player can direct anyone to drink, including the Three Man.

The game continues like this till every player in the game has had their turn. After this, a new Three Man is appointed.


Players sit around a circular table, and the player dealing the cards will set them face down in a 6-5-4-3-2-1 pyramid format. Then he gives out each player four cards, and those too, face down. The game rules are as follows:

  • Each player will take a good look at their cards, and the order because they won’t be allowed to do so again. Excellent memory skills come in handy!
  • Each card from the pyramid is flipped over, one at a time.
  • Players will assign drinks, based on whether they had the card or are making a bluff.
  • If another player assigns you a drink, you can call a bluff if you desire to. If this would be a wrong call for bluff, the player would have to gulp down two times the drinks he was initially assigned. If otherwise, then the bluffer drinks twice the drinks he was initially assigned.
  • Each row of the pyramid represents the number of drinks given out.

Drinking Games Without Cards

Drinking Games Without Cards

Beer Pong

Beer Pong is considered to be the center of attention of most of the parties. Simple, yet a classic and exciting game it is. The rules to play this game have evolved over the years, but the basic set of guidelines have remained intact. It can be a fun drinking game for two or more, depends on how many want to have some thrill. Let’s play some beer pong!

First of all, a beer pong is in order, and of course, a stack of pin pong balls. A packet of 16-oz plastic cups are also required, and it would be great if they are red cups. Two formations will be set up, of 10 cups each, on either side of the ping pong table. Cups form a shape of a triangle, filled with two to three ounces of beer. The game can be played with two or more players.

The goal of the game is to toss a ping pong ball into one of the cups. Each player stands on either side of the table and tries to toss the ball into one of the cups. The opposing team will not be allowed to sway the cup. Once the ball lands in a cup, the opposing member has to drink the beer from the cup. Each team is allowed three attempts at each of their turn. Make sure that you do not forget to keep a cup of clean water beside you to wash the ball between respective tosses. Or it gets messy. The team that clears the opposing side first gets to be the winner.

Beer pong is one of the best party drinking games and gets thrilling and exciting as the members try to snatch the glory. And that too, with a ping pong ball.

Never have I ever

What’s more fishy and exhilarating than to reveal secrets of your friends at parties? Or perhaps if they do it themselves? “Never have I ever” lets you experience this thrill with no strings attached. Let’s discuss its know-how.

  • A team of approximately five members or more is gathered, depends on how much drink you have got.
  • A preferably circular table, with drink and glasses, is set up.
  • Decide who will get to pour the drink and refill the empty glasses. This will allow coherence in the game.
  • Just for a precautionary element, it is better to have a sober individual present with the players who can take control of the situation, in case things get out of control. Which they probably will.
  • Choose who will go first. This person will make a statement of an act that he has never done in his life. If the other players had done that already, sometime in their life, they will take a shot of their drink. For example: “I have never went to a strip club”. Anyone who has been to a strip club will drink a shot of their glass.
  • If nobody has done that act, then the person who made the statement will have to take a shot of their glass.
  • Whosoever is the soberest by the end of the game gets to be the winner.

You’ll be amazed to know what people have in store for you. Get ‘em guys.


Looking for a fun drinking game, yet that does not require many resources? Quarters is the answer to your concern. It does not require more than a glass and a quarter.

  • Players gather around a table with a glass in the center of the table.
  • Each player places s quarter on the edge of the table and tries to flip it into the glass.
  • The one who succeeds in doing this, can direct anybody to drink. This person also gets to implement the rules as he wishes them to be. The true king has risen!
  • The rules are in place till someone else takes to flip the quarter accurately. Or when another king succeeds the throne.


Also commonly known as the Three, Avalanche can be played with any number of players. So gather your party right here!

It starts off with all the players sitting around a table with their glass of drink. Certain rules are followed by the players which revolve around a die. These are as following:

  • The player in action does nothing and passes the glass along with the die to the next player.
  • The same player adds more alcohol to the same glass, and then passes it to the next one, along with the die.
  • The player will have to drink whatever would be in his/her glass.
  • The player yells “floor!” every player has to immediately either point downward or fall to the ground. The player who would be the last to do so will have to gulp down his drink.

Some avalanche games are played with an elimination style, with players being removed after three consecutive levels. This game is for sure a huge mood booster.

Cheers to the Governor

Sick of remembering rules for all the games? Or in fact, you tend to keep on forgetting them? It’s time that you switch to one of the coolest games ever- Cheers to the Governor. No rules, a drinking game without cards, no dice, and extremely loose, this game has the same thrill as those of others.

Players sit around a table, each with their drink in their hands. In an anti-clockwise direction, players start to begin counting aloud. The player who reaches 21gets to be the governor and can come up with any rule and implement it. For instance, the governor can come up with a rule that the player who gets number eight will have to drink two glasses of the liquid being used in the game. The game goes on like this till the next player gets a 21, and the rules are changed with the reign of a new governor.

Drunk Jenga

One of the best drinking games designed for a party of friends, Drunk Jenga is a classic board game which promises to liven up the gathering. The players do not necessarily follow a set of rules and try to be creative as much as possible.

A box of Jenga blocks are taken, and a bunch of different rules are written on them. Rules can vary wildly such as “gulp down three drinks at one time”, “pick your nose”, or “dance whenever asked to”. The more creative the activities get, the more fun this game gets to be.

Whenever a player pulls out a Jenga block from the tower, he/she must abide by the rule. As soon asthe tower collapses, the person responsible for that will have to finish his drink. Jenga drinking game brings many unique ideas to the table and is very amusing, if played creatively.

Flip Cup

In this game, two teams are formed, with equal players in each. Each team stands on the either sides of the table and face each other. Each player gets a glass filled with drink and on the count of three, they gulp down their drinks and place their empty cups on the edge of the table. Their job is to flip the cup without touching any of its sides. The flip is done by flicking its rim with a thumb and forefinger. The cup has to land top-up on the table. The team which successfully accomplishes this task gets to be the winner.


The entire party gathers around a circular table, spaced out evenly. A cup is placed in the center of the table and to make things complex, it can be elevated with the help of another cup below it. The elevated cup is filled with beer till the top. Now the same amount of approximately ¼ or ½ is filled in the players’ cups, and these are placed around the center table cup.

Every player tries to toss the pin pong ball into other players’ cups, and the following rules are followed:

  • If the ball successfully lands in the other players’ cup, they must drink their contents and then refill it.
  • If the ball lands in your cup, then you must drink all your contents and refill it later on.
  • If the ball lands in the center cup, then:
    • Every player drinks their cup contents immediately and starts laying flip cup.
    • The last person to do so would have to gulp down the entire center cup.
    • The center cup is refilled and placed again. And the game starts again.


An even circle is formed around a table, with all the participants facing down. Twenty jello shots, or whatever the players want are placed on the middle of the table. On the count of three, all the players look up at each other. If two people find out that they are looking at each other, they both will yell “Medusa!” and rush to down a shot first.  The last one to finish the shot will have to take two. The same rules apply if more than one pair has yelled “Medusa!”The game is carried on till there are no more shots left.

Fuzzy Duck

The rules for this fun drinking game are extremely simple. Everybody has to sit in a circle. One of the players will start the game by saying “fuzzy duck”. The next player will then say “ducky fuzz”. This will go on till one of the players screw it up, and he will have to take down a drink. There is a rule that changes this game entirely. At any point, a player might say “Does he fuck?” to change the course of the game and the next player would then have to say “Fuck, he does?” Messed up? Gulp down that drink brother. The game continues like this and gets fascinating as it proceeds on.


This is probably the easiest drinking game ever designed. Players sit together in a circle, facing each other. The song “Roxanne” by The Police is turned on. Two teams are formed, for instance, one for the boys and the other for the girls. The girls will take a sip of their drink when they hear the word “Roxanne” and the boys will gulp theirs when they hear the lyric “put on a red light”. It is so funny if occasionally played becausenobody would get an idea otherwise of how many times these two phrases are repeated in the song.

Drink while you think

Also known as the Name Game, this drinking game is a very classic one for which everyone must know the rules. All the players gather around a table in a circle. The first player says the name of a famous person, for example, Tom Cruise. The next person has to come up with a person whose name starts off with the same alphabet as that of the last name of the previous person, for example, Catherine Zeta-Jones. Players have to drink constantly while thinking of a name, and if they are unable to come up with a new name, or they say a name that has already been said in that round, then they lose the game. If the drink is finished while the player is still in the thinking process, then the play automatically passes to the next player.

Edward 40 hands

This party drinking game is perhaps considered to be the most extreme one, but an absolutely fun game. It starts off with a player having a 40-punce drinking bottle taped to each of his hands. The individual’s hand will not be freed until he/she finishes his drink in the corresponding bottle. As soon as the timer sets off, and if there is drink in his bottle, as a dare either he would have to gulp the entire thing down, or throw all over him. This party drinking game is a must-do!

Beer Roulette

This game gets a little messy as it goes on. One of the players is directed to bring beer cans equivalent to the number of people present in the game. This player will go to another room and shake a can of beer and come back and hand it over to all other players. Upon opening, whosoever gets sprayed will have to chug down during the entire game. There are many variations to this game, but this is the most commonly played one.

Would you rather?

A classic game of revealing what people have kept secrets for long is truly popular amongst the teenagers, or perhaps even adults. This game starts off with everybody sitting in a circle with their drinks in hand, and a paper and a pencil as well. One of the players will pose a question for instance: “Would you rather eat your booger or pick your nose?” All the players will write their answers on the given note, and the results will be tallied. The ones who have the minority answer will have to drink a pre-agreed amount. The series of questions carries on like this.


Like almost every other game, the entire team of players gathers around each other in a circle. Any one of the players begins the game by whispering a question to the next player in the circle. The answer to that question must be about someone in the game. For instance, the question could be: “Who has the best hair?” The person asked must answer this question with a name, and that too, aloud. If that person or any other player wants to know in on the secret, they must take a drink, and the question will be stated loudly. A true test of curiosity indeed!

Movie/TV Show Drinking Games

MovieTV Show Drinking Games

Harry Potter

The Harry Potter drinking game plays with two rules. For every series of the book/movie, there are new rules. The movie is played, and the players sit around together. Everybody has their drinks with them. The rules for drinking up and chugging are as follows:


  • A close up of Harry’s scar comes up
  • Professor Quirell stutters
  • A staircase moves
  • Somebody warns Harry not to say Voldemort’s name
  • Hermione reads a quote from a book
  • Gryffindor wins or loses points


  • Seamus lights something on fire
  • Harry stares at the mirror of erased
  • Hermione says: “Now, if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse expelled.”


The Archer drinking game is played on three levels, widely understood by party people.
Drink 1x:

  • Archer drinks
  • A gun is fired
  • Archer is called sterling
  • A non-bleeding curse word

Drink 2x:

  • Archer says literally
  • Cheryl spaces out
  • Something explodes
  • Archer scolds Woodhouse

Drink 3x:

  • Archer hits a co-worker
  • Archer “doesn’t understand”
  • Pam gets high or drunk
  • Someone gets fired


Amazingly simple yet an excellent drinking game to play! The rules are as follows:

Drink 1x:

  • All six characters are in Monica’s apartment
  • Joey doesn’t understand something
  • Monica or Rachel mention High School
  • Central Park is shown
  • Pheobe mentions something unusual that has happened to her

Drink 2x:

  • A family member makes an appearance
  • A flashback occurs
  • Ross gets jealous
  • Someone gets a new love interest
  • Gunther whispers about being in love with Rachel

Take a shot when:

  • Chandler mentions his parents’ divorce
  • Ross gets married or divorced
  • Joey gets the role
  • There is a guest star
  • Someone moves

Finish your drink when:

  • Any characters are seen on the roads
  • You hear someone say “I KNOW!”
  • You hear someone say “We were on a break!”
  • Ugly naked guy is shown
  • Monica and Rachel fight

Nothing makes parties and summertime more enjoyable and memorable than these fun drinking games. With the warm, itchy weather, and wretched moods, these games guarantee to boost ad energize the environment. Pick up a drinking game now and get the party started!

Susan Mann

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

This game is all about quick thinking. Which is easier said than done when there’s a few drinks in the mix. The basic idea of the Word Association drinking game is that someone chooses a word and point at another player, who then has to pick a word that associates with it and point at another player. The tricky part is you only have a max of 5 seconds to come up with something and you can’t repeat anything anyone else has said. It gets pretty tough pretty quick.

What You’ll Need

A good group of pals and some alcoholic beverages

Someone is chosen to start the game. Typically this goes to the drunkest in the room. They must pick any word they can think of then point at another player.

Whoever they pointed at gets 5 seconds tops to say a word that associates with the previous word then they point at someone else to do the same.

This continues until someone messes up by either taking too long, speaking out of turn, saying a word that has already been said that round, or failing a “challenge“. When someone messes up they drink and then are in charge of starting the next round.


If at any point someone can call a challenge on a word. This means they think the word doesn’t associate very well with the previous word. The person who was challenged gets 30 seconds to plead their case on why their association was valid. At the end of it players vote on if it was a good association or not. If it’s deemed invalid then the player who was challenged loses that round. If it’s deemed valid than the challenger loses the round.

The word association drinking game is one of those games that gets funner after each passing drink as players start to slur and lose their wits.


Beer pong, quarters, circle of death, these are all fun drinking party games for adults to play if your goal is to get wasted. If you’re looking for a more sophisticated time with your friends, with games that help set the mood, we’ve got the perfect list for you.

Not every drinking game has to be about getting drunk. Some games can help you make conversation, others might rely on thinking and strategy skills. You don’t often see acting games on a list of drinking party games for adults, but you will do with us.

Let’s get you started.

Drown The Clown

The first game on our list is a fun card game for a group of even numbered players. Deal each player a card face down, that’s turned over with everyone else’s card on the count of 3.

If your card is the same number as another player’s, point to that person as quickly as possible and shout ‘clown’. The last player to say it has to drink the value of the card. If a player points to another but there is no match, they drink 2 drinks.

Word Drinking Game

Pick a word no one in the group is allowed to say and whoever says it has to take a drink. You don’t have to choose complicated words, you can pick common ones such as today, you or work, or whatever normal words you know your friends are likely to spit out.

Alternatively, just ban the words no or yes. By doing that, you can start tripping up your friends by asking yes/no questions.

Fast Questions

This drinking game is a fun bonding game, with everyone taking turns to quiz one another.

The first questioner calls out another player by name and asks them a yes/no question, which must be answered immediately. This answerer then asks another player a different question without taking a pause.

The game is played fast and snappy. If there’s any hesitation, laughing before answering, or too long a pause, drinking a shot is the punishment.


Line up 6 empty cups in a row, making sure they’re of different sizes (e.g. A tankard, a shot glass, a tea cup). Each cup is designated a number, 1 through 6.

Someone begins the game by rolling a single dice. The number they throw will correspond with a cup. Fill this cup to the top with beer for the player to chug down fast. When they’re done, another person takes the dice.

Once this drinking game is underway, you may find players hoping they’ll get the smallest cup.

Drinking Jenga

Unlike the other drinking party games for adults here, you need to buy some equipment aka a Jenga set and a temporary marker pen. Set aside some time before the party to write down a different task on each Jenga block then set up your Jenga tower as you would in a normal game. Each player takes it in turn to pull out a block while making sure the tower doesn’t topple over.

Whatever instruction is written in the block, our friends must do as it instructs, e.g. Everyone drink; do a dance then drink; tell a secret; do 5 pushups. Bear in mind not every task needs to be drink-related, just to keep things a bit unpredictable. Make sure everyone also pours a bit of their drink into a communal pint glass. Whoever topples the tower over has to drink down all of the communal glass.


Get everyone on their feet and have them take a sip of drink before starting. The aim of this game is for players to do the opposite of the instruction called out into the room.

If you shout out “kick out left leg,” for example, everyone needs to kick out their right leg; if you say “jump,” everybody stands still. The person who doesn’t do the opposite of the command takes a drink.

I Never

This is another fun way to get to know everyone. Each person takes turns to create a real-life statement that starts with ‘I’ve never’.

For example, if you’ve never traveled by sea, you simply say ‘I’ve never been on a boat’. Anyone around the table who has been on a boat has to drink. The goal of the game is to think of a statement where the group will drink all at the same time.

Beer Snap

Take a deck of cards and deal them evenly between players, making sure the cards are face down. Each person takes turns flipping over a card and adding it to a pile.

If the next card flipped is the same number as the previous card, players need to say ‘snap’ before everyone else does. The last person to say ‘snap’ takes a drink.

How they take that drink must follow this order: Drink one shot, if the card number is 2 to 6; 2, if 7 to 10; 3, if it’s a Jack, Queen, King or Ace. Continue the game, until all cards are flipped.


This is one of most serious drinking games so be warned! You need a pack of cards and deal one to each player sat around a circle. Players must keep the card they’re given. The starting player places their card face down at the centre of the table, saying the name of a person in the group as they do. They then flip it over and the chosen person must drink for as many seconds as the number on the card, e.g. 6 of spades is 6 seconds. The card suits and colours don’t count here and Jack, Queen and King counts as 10, an Ace as 1.

The game gets harder when, if the person called out has the same number of the card being placed in the table, they can forfeit their go and pass their round onto someone else – which makes them an enemy. If the card flipped over is a Joker, everyone takes a drink for 5 seconds.

Beer Connection

This drinking game is similar to Beer Snap. This time, whenever the next card flipped matches the previous cards number (known in this game as a Connection), both players drink the value of the cards.

For example, if 2 7’s are thrown, that’s 7 drinks. Jacks, Queens and Kings here count as 10, an Ace as 11. If a connection is made twice, everyone in the group drinks the value of the card.

Taking Names

This is one of those drinking party games for adults that requires some creative thinking. Someone begins the game by saying the full name of a celebrity. The next player now has 30 seconds to pick another celebrity name, using the letter of the previous person’s surname.

If you started with Justin Timberlake, for example, the next player could say Tom Hanks.

If a player picks a person where the first and last name start with the same letter (e.g. Tina Turner), the game direction reverses. The drinking starts, when a player can’t think of a name immediately, and must keep drinking until they do.

Keep playing, until the game has gone round 3 times. The pressure is on, for players to get the most names they can to win.

Flip Cup

Create 2 even teams. Place half a cup of beer on the table next to each player.

On Go!, the first player of each team has to chug down their beer, and then flip the cup from the edge of the table so it lands upside down (as seen in the photo at the top of this page). Once it does, only then can their next teammate take their turn. First team to flip all their cups is the winner.

Rock, Scissors, Drink

Rock, Scissors, Paper is a classic game where you use your hands to represent each item – rock is a closed fist, scissors is open and closing your first finger and middle finger, and paper is just your flat hand.

Split your group into 2 even teams. Have the first player of each team hold out their hand in either rock, scissors, player towards a player in their team who needs to respond quickly; if they produce a match, e.g. both do rock, then fine, the 2nd player is swapped for the next player. If they both don’t do a match, e.g. rock and paper, both take a drink. This is a fast moving game, you can play it to a timer as well.

Draw To Score

This drinking game is about spontaneity. You will need sheets of paper, pens and a large space. Write out a list of topics for people to draw like food, travel, sport. Then make a list of items within each topic. Split everyone into 2 even teams with their own referee and corner of the room.

On Go!, the first player of each team is given the same word from the list and must draw it for their team to guess. The team who guesses the slowest all has to take a drink.

High Or Low

Shuffle a deck of cards, dealing a face down card to your first player. This person has to guess if it’s high or low. If they guess correctly, deal them another card. If they guess three right, they can continue guessing or pass.

But if they guess a card wrong, they drink to the value of that card. For Jacks, Queens and Kings, the value is 10; Aces are 11. Keep going, until the whole pack’s spent.

Beer Blow

This game has nothing to do with strategy or skill. Take a deck of playing cards and place them on top of an empty bottle. Players take it in turns to blow cards from the deck. The person who blows the last card off drinks one beer.

As a bonus: anyone who blows off an Ace also drinks a whole beer. Two Aces blown? That’s 2 beers.

Drinking Snap

Get everyone sat around a table and deal everyone cards until the pack runs out. Make sure everyone’s pile is facing downwards. The game begins when someone places down a card, so it faces upwards, then the next person does the same. As soon as 2 cards are dealt what are identical, someone shouts snap!

The last person to do it must take a drink.

Freeze or Drink

Unlike the previous drinking party games for adults here, you play this one continuously during your party. Pick someone to be your Mister Freeze.

At any given moment in the party, this person will freeze, like a statue. Anyone who notices does the same. The last person to notice must drink one beer. Then a new Mister Freeze is chosen.

Loosen Words

This game uses cards again and gets funnier as people get drunker. Get 2 players, count down to 3 and show them a card. As quickly as they can, they need to think of a word that starts with the same letter as the playing card. For example, if the card was the 3 of clubs, you could say Clutter, Cat, Cabbage. The person who can’t think of a word has to take a drink.

To make the game harder, you can set parameters in each round so people have to think of certain words. Some examples: the animal kingdom; capital cities; French words only; words with 3 syllables.

All In A Name

The aim of this drinking game is to come up with famous people’s names (living or dead) that use the first letter of the surname of the previous name. So if that name was Diana Ross, with the surname starting with R, the next name could be Robert Redford. Players play against the clock. Anyone who can’t think of a name quickly needs to take a drink.

Across The Bridge

Deal out 10 cards, face down, in a straight line on a table top. This line is called the Bridge.

The first player flips over the first card. If the number is 2 to 10, they’re safe – and can flip the next card. But if they flip a Jack, Queen, King or Ace, the player must drink its value (Jack = one sip, Queen is 2, King is 3, Ace is 4). Their next go passes to another player.

Keep the game going, by adding 10 new cards when you’re down to the last 2 of the first Bridge. The game ends with the whole pack done.

Flip, Sip or Strip


You can play this game with a coin or a spin-that-wheel type of dial, where each section of the dial lands on an action to take (like in this picture).

Each player takes turns flipping, calling heads or tails. If they guess correctly, the coin is passed to their left. If they guess wrong, the coin is passed to their right and they drink or take off an item of clothing. If you’re thinking you can just drink all the time, and not strip, you’d be wrong. Doing the same option twice is not allowed, by the way.

Are You A Match?

This party game is good for small groups of friends who know each other well (or vaguely well).

Take a pair of friends and have them sit back to back with a drink. You as the referee asks them a series of personal questions such as “Which of you goes to bed earliest?” or “Which of you is the messiest?” If the person thinks they’re this, they raise their glass in the air; if a person thinks the other person is this, they place their glass on the floor.

If their answers match – they win. But, if the answers don’t, both people in the pair need to take a drink. Make sure your questions are not too personal or heavy, you want everyone to have fun and leave your party still as friends.

The Sculptor

Here is another of our creative drinking games. Have everyone takes a bit of their drink before standing up on their feet and keeping still. One person is chosen as your Sculptor who moves between players, changing their positions by moving their arms, legs or head.

The trick is to have the person pose in something they will have difficulty holding. Anyone who breaks their pose, moves or laughs is out of the game and takes a drink as well. Last person standing (literally) wins. However, when that person wins, they get to give the group a group punishment such as 10 press ups. Once done, the next round begins.


This drinking game is one where everyone needs to pay attention. Slipping up equals punishment.

Each person takes turns counting, with the first saying ‘1’, the next ‘2’, and so forth. Whenever a player hits a number divisible by seven, they must say ‘buzz’. If the player doesn’t say ‘buzz’, they drink. If a player says ‘buzz’ by mistake, they also drink.

The goal of the game is to see how high a number the group can reach with as few buzzes as possible. This game also works, if you pit 2 teams against each other. If you play this way, make sure each one has a referee, then stay out of their way. Game play can be pretty fierce – so watch out!

Drinking party games for adults are a great excuse to get everyone bonding over a few beers. They’re memorable and don’t cost anything to set up. This list is a great starting point for anyone looking to shake up their socialising.

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You found our list of the best online drinking games to play on Zoom!

Online drinking games are virtual activities that involve sipping a drink when prompted by the rules. Examples of games include Never Have I Ever, Zoom Flip Cup, and Drunk Pirate. While these games typically include alcoholic beverages, you could play with nonalcoholic drinks or use physical challenges instead. The goal of virtual drinking games is relaxation and socialization. These games are usually played on Zoom or FaceTime.

These games are a subset of games to play on Zoom, and are perfect for virtual happy hours, virtual game nights and Zoom games for large groups.

This list contains:

  • online drinking games for Zoom
  • fun Zoom drinking games for adults
  • the best virtual drinking games
  • drinking games with cards

Let’s get to it!

List of online drinking games

From word games to card games to flip cup, here are the most entertaining drinking games to play online over Zoom or FaceTime.

1. Boozy Zoom Bingo

Bingo is fun to play online with coworkers. You can easily turn the activity into a drinking game by taking a sip every time you mark off a square.

We made a template for you.

Zoom Happy Hour Bingo Template

The first player to mark five squares in a row and shout out Bingo wins!

For a similar game, check out Online Team Building Bingo.

2. Online Scavenger Hunt

Zoom Happy Hour Scavenger Hunt Clues

Scavenger Hunts make for the best interactive online drinking games. To play, ask players to fetch items one by one. Participants who do not own the items must drink. The first player back to the computer can pick another player to drink. The last player to return drinks automatically.

We made a template to use for your game.

For more tips, check out virtual scavenger hunt ideas.

3. Blackout Truth Or Dare

Blackout Truth or Dare is a classic game with a modern spin. Players follow regular Truth or Dare rules, except that players turn web cameras off if not willing to answer the question or complete the dare. The host then picks a player to complete the challenge. All players who opt for black screens must drink. Hosts can choose drinking-related questions or dares too.

Here is a tool to generate random truth or dare prompts for your game:

4. Drunk Pirate

Drunk Pirate is one of the most popular virtual drinking games. Simply visit the website, agree to the terms, and start playing. The site shows flash cards with instructions such as “the best dressed player must drink,” or “you and the player on your right name your favorite movies. The group picks the worst film. Loser drinks.”

You can play as many rounds as you like, and feel free to skip work-inappropriate prompts. Best of all, the game is free!

Play Drunk Pirate.

5. Zoom Flip Cup

Flip cup is a drinking relay race. One by one, players down a drink and overturn the cup.

To play:

  1. Place your phone or laptop on a stable surface.
  2. Grab a second table for the cup.
  3. Divide into two teams.
  4. Determine a drinking order.
  5. The next player in line cannot start drinking until the previous player finishes drinking and successfully flips the cup upside down.
  6. The first full team to finish wins.

The cup must be in full view of the screen at all times.

To make the game easier to follow, ask teams to use different color cups or to mark cups with a symbol.

6. Online Safari

One of the best parts of Zoom meetings is catching a glimpse of participants’ pets. Safari has one simple rule– when you see an animal on screen, take a drink.

As the game goes on, you can add extra rules. For instance, when you spot a shy pet, take two sips, and when a cat knocks over a cup down your drink.

7. Ride the Bus

Ride the Bus is a card-based drinking game where each round follows a different rule. The dealer flips over cards one at a time, asking players to predict the kind of card. If wrong, the player must drink, and if right, the player picks someone to drink. Each round, the player keeps their card, as the next question usually involves previous cards.

Round 1: Red or black?
Round 2: Higher or lower?
Round 3: Inside or outside? As in, will the value of this card fall between the two numbers of the first two cards, or no?
Round 4: Guess the suit

In the last round, if the player guesses the suit correctly, they can give out five drinks. If not, the player must take one drink.

To play Ride the Bus on Zoom, use an online deck of cards and share the screen.

8. Synonyms

Synonyms is a fast-paced virtual drinking game. One player says a word, and the next players list synonyms. The game moves in clockwise order, and each round ends when a player hesitates or repeats a word. After taking a sip, that player then shares a totally new word.

9. Rhymes

Like Synonyms, Rhymes requires players to take turns adding words. Instead of listing synonyms, participants name words that rhyme with the starter word.

To make the game harder, ask players to create whole rhyming lines of poetry instead of simply adding one word.

10. Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves is a Zoom drinking game for large groups. To play, assign each participant a pet peeve. Then, send attendees to breakout rooms. Players announce to the room, “my pet peeve is…” The other players confess whether or not the phrase applies, and if so, player one must drink.

For example, if “my pet peeve is people who play the banjo,” and another player raises a hand, then player one takes a sip. The game breaks the ice and helps guests get to know each other. Players understand the “pet peeves” are not real.

Here is a starter list of pet peeves:

  • People who have been in bands
  • Only children
  • Bird owners
  • Pescatarians
  • Cyclists
  • Spelling bee winners
  • Former beauty pageant contestants
  • Swing dancers
  • Folks who wake up before 6AM
  • Stand up comics
  • Metal music fans
  • Beer brewers

Depending on the size of the group, give players five minutes or so in each breakout room. Then call participants back to the main room and send them to new breakout rooms.

11. Virtual Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is one of the easiest long distance drinking games. First, participants hold up ten fingers. Players take turns sharing “Never Have I Ever” statements. Any player who has performed the act must lower one finger and take a sip.

Here is a list of starter statements:

  • boarded an airplane
  • been to the boss’s house
  • owned an iguana
  • stolen a coworker’s lunch
  • run a website
  • written a play
  • touched a painting in a museum
  • pranked a coworker
  • received a present from a client
  • traveled for work
  • worked in another country
  • worked in a different industry
  • done dishes during a Zoom meeting
  • wore sandals with socks

Here are similar question games.

12. Would You Rather

Would You Rather asks players to choose between two actions. Often, the options are gross, silly, or hard to choose between.

To play as a drinking game, the team with the least answers drinks. Another fun rule is that the player with the best justification can choose someone to drink.

Here is a list of starter questions:

  • Work early in the morning or late at night?
  • Marry a stranger or forget your best friend?
  • Win the lottery or land your dream job?
  • Have bad breath or get caught with your fly down?
  • Never have to clean again or never have to cook again?
  • Gain super strength or super smarts?
  • Walk ten dogs at once or clean ten litter boxes?
  • Master the power of flight or invisibility?
  • Be a poor genius or a rich idiot?

Check out our full list of Would You Rather questions.

13. This or That

This or That is one of the simplest online drinking games. Players ask each other to choose between two opposites, sharing answers aloud, in the chat, or changing display names to the response. The team with fewer votes each round must drink.

Here is a list of starter questions:

  • cats or dogs?
  • Coke or Pepsi?
  • beer or wine?
  • go out or stay in?
  • vacation or staycation?
  • Zoom or Skype?
  • meetings or emails?
  • snack break or social media break?
  • beach or woods?
  • summer or winter?
  • comedy or drama?
  • tacos or burritos?
  • pizza or chinese?

This or That communicates player preferences and quickly establishes common ground.

Explore more This or That questions.

14. Online Trivia

Online trivia challenges are great Zoom drinking games. When teams or individuals guess answers incorrectly, they drink.

Here are some starter trivia questions:
1. Q: Which US state quarter features a diamond?
A: Arkansas
2. Q: Peter Gene Hernandez is the real name of which popular singer?
A: Bruno Mars
3. Q: What is the official national dish of England?
A: Chicken Tikka Masala
4. Q: What was the original name of the drink Bloody Mary?
A: Bucket of Blood or Red Snapper
5. Q: Which is the only planet to spin clockwise?
A: Venus

For more tips, check out our guide to virtual happy hour trivia.


Playing drinking games online is a great way to unwind and spend quality time with friends, family, or coworkers. The rules of these games and activities are simple, so players catch on quickly. Plus, online drinking games are social games and foster human connection, even if you are on a Zoom screen.

For more fun tips, check out our lists of Zoom meeting ideas, virtual games for large groups, online minute to win it games and socially distant team building activities.

We also have a list of Zoom game apps, Zoom games for holiday parties and kits for virtual happy hours.

FAQ: Online drinking games

Here are answers to common questions about playing drinking games online.

What are online drinking games?

Online drinking games are virtual icebreakers that involve the consumption of alcohol. Players must sip a drink when prompted by the rules or other players. Participants play these games during video calls over Zoom or FaceTime. Most players use wine, beer, or spirits, and you can play with nonalcoholic beverages as well.

What are some good Zoom drinking games to play online?

Some good Zoom drinking games are This or That, Safari, Ride the Bus, and virtual scavenger hunts.

How do you play Zoom drinking games?

The mechanics of Zoom drinking games are similar to real life drinking games. Instead of gathering in a real room, participants meet in Zoom rooms. To play drinking games on Zoom, explain the rules, ensure everyone turns on their cameras and microphones, and have fun! Posting the rules in the chat or sharing a graphic is a good idea, and so is using Zoom features like breakout rooms to make the game interactive.

Here are some fun drinking games you can do with your friends for free online. These drinking games are great for a night when you’re away from your friends but want to Skype them and have some tipsy fun.

It’s also great if you’re pre-drinking separately but are going out to the pub or club together later on. Don’t forget, though: these drinking games are only for people legally allowed to drink!

10 best online drinking games for college students

Best Virtual Drinking Games

1. Psych!

Psych! is an awesome virtual game you can get on your phone where you try to outwit your friends. It’s from the makers of the crazily addictive game “heads up” and is just as fun! The app presents multiple-choice questions. But, you get to place false answers among the ‘real’ answers to try to trick your friends into selecting the wrong answer. It’s a multiplayer app where you invite your friends to join the app. Then, select a category or create your own. The game will walk you through each and every step. If you guess the wrong answer, you drink!

2. Drinking Watch Party

Watch parties are basically ‘parties’ where you and your friends all watch the same television show or movie simultaneously. Both Facebook and Netflix have this ability. So gather your friends together to watch an old classic and make some fun out of it. Once you’ve started the watch party, set yourselves rules like: “drink every time there’s a kiss”, “drink every time there’s a joke”, or “drink every time someone speaks Spanish”. Your rules can also include telling people to drink when a character says one of their famous sayings, such as drinking whenever Bart Simpson says “Don’t have a cow, man!”

Pictionary is a game where everyone gets into teams and one team member draws a picture and the rest of the team members have to guess what you’re drawing. To turn it into an online game, use the screenshare function on Skype. Here are the rules. First, get everyone together on a Skype chat. Then, separate yourselves into two teams. The first player on Team 1 chooses something to draw from a pictionary words lists. This player shares their screen on Skype (see instructions) and opens up Microsoft Paint. The player has 90 seconds to draw their picture while their team guesses. If your team guesses the picture in time, the other team drinks. If your team doesn’t guess the picture, you drink! Take turns until everyone has had a go at drawing … or until one of you is too drunk to continue!

4. Wheel Decide (King’s Cup)

Use the Wheel Decide Drinking Game and compete with each other over Skype, Facetime or Zoom. This is best played over video hook-up so you can monitor each other and make sure each other drinks! This game is inspired by King’s Cup. The wheel will stop and provide instructions like: “You Drink”, “Give a Drink”, “Girls Drink”, “Date/Mate” (The spinner chooses another partner to drink with. This pair must drink together any time one or the other must drink), and “Thumb Master” (The spinner is now the Thumb Master. At any one time during the game, the Thumb Master may give their screen a thumbs up. Everyone must put their thumb on the table. The last one to put their thumb on the table drinks.)

5. Drink and Tell

The Drink and Tell app is an awesome virtual drinking game. While it’s designed for drinking face-to-face, it’s a really easy one to translate to Skype drinking chat. There isn’t any physical interaction involved so you should be good to go for a virtual chat. The game involves selecting a category, then guessing ]multi-choice answers on their phone. Everyone has to guess what they will answer. Then, they reveals their answer. Everyone who guessed wrong has to take a sip.

6. Drunk Pirate

Drunk Pirate (https://drunkpirate.co.uk/) is a very simple free online drinking game that auto-generates instructions for group game play. Simply click the screen for it to generate a new flip card with instructions on it. Instructions for drunk pirate are simple, like: “The player showing the most skin must drink” and “Guys take a sip”. However, despite being promoted as an ‘online game’, drunk pirate is designed for you to play with people who are in the same room as you. Drunk pirate has instructions like: “Swap seats with one other player.” Clearly, this free online drinking game is just an automation of a flipcard drinking game rather than designed for virtual drinking! So, drunk pirate is not my favorite but still decent.

7. Evil Apples

Evil Apples is basically Cards Against Humanity, but on an app. (But the questions are all pretty tame compared to Cards Against Humanity). Being app based, players can play this at a distance. You type your answer on your phone, then the game collates the answers and send them to the judge who chooses their favorite answer card. First, every player is given a prompt statement with a fill-in-the-blank. Then, each player fills in the blank with their favorite, wittiest comment. Lastly, the player assigned as the ‘judge’ for the round chooses their favorite witty comment. To turn this into a drinking game, the player whose witty comment is selected drinks!

8. Words with Friends

Words with friends is another non-drinking game that can be converted into a virtual online drinking game easily. It’s basically scrabble on a smart phone. You take turns to place a word on the board. Just like in scrabble, you get points for how good the word is and whether you were able to place it on sections of the board that provide bonus points. To turn this into an online drinking game, you simply need to make the player who gets the least points per turn to take a sip. If you’re no good at word games, you’ll get tipsy pretty fast!

9. ‘Buzz’ via Skype

The game of Buzz has the following rules (via Skype). First, get each team member onto Skype. Then sort yourselves into a pre-approved order: know who goes before you and who goes after you. Next, you go around in a circle – as fast as you can – counting up from 1, 2, 3, 4, … etc. Players have to remember to skip the numbers 7, 10 and their multiples (7, 14, 20, 21, 28, 30, etc. etc.). If it’s your turn and you get on one of those ‘special’ numbers, you have to replace that number with the word ‘Buzz’. If you accidentally say one of the assigned numbers instead of ‘Buzz’, you take a drink!

10. Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is another simple virtual drinking game that can be played over Skype or even a messenger chat. Here’s how to do it. First, everyone gets a turn to say two true things and one untrue thing about themselves. The other players have to collaborate to try to guess which point is a lie. If they guess correctly, you take a sip. If you fool them, they take a sip. (To play a harder version, the other players get to ask 2 questions about each statement to pry and get more information about each of the three statements you made.)

11. Never Have I Ever

Never have I ever is a game just about everyone’s played: everyone sits around and takes turns saying “Never have I ever…” and then something like “…drunk a bottle of wine by myself.” And everyone who has done it, has to take a sip. With this game, there’s no physical contact so it’s perfect to play over a Skype or Zoom call. You can get some question ideas here.

12. Power Hour

Power hour is a pretty extreme drinking game. Only play it if you’re truly ready for a drinking challenge. And ready to get drunk. This game requires you to take 60 sips of your drink for 60 minutes. One sip a minute. To keep track of yourselves, you can use this power hour timer. With that timer, you can also list all players and it picks someone randomly from the list to drink double every few minutes. Beware … this game is not for the light hearted. 

13. Red or Black

Red or black is the simplest drinking game of all time. Simply pick a card. If it’s red, guys drink. If it’s black, girls drink. Be warned: this is a game where you get drunk fast. There are a few free apps out there for this game, like this one for android. That one also lets you dissect it by suits as well to make the game last a little longer (aka so you don’t get drunk as fast).

14. Trivia

I played virtual trivia the other day for my friend in England’s birthday! It was super easy. Everyone came up with a ‘Trivia Alias’ (e.g. Trivia Newton John) and we all played on our own team. The guy whose birthday it was led the trivia through 4 rounds (including one that was all about ‘Who knows Mark the best’ … which I lost). To get trivia ideas and categories, see here.

15. Heads Up!

Heads Up! is a simple virtual game where you hold a word up to your forehead (you don’t know the word) and everyone has to help you guess it. There’s an app for it here. You’ll have to make some adjustments, like turning off the option to see your own face in the Skype call so you can’t see the word you’re holding up to the camera. To make it a drinking game, simply make them sip if they didn’t guess the word within the allotted time period. You get drunk fast.

16. Stop!

In this game you get assigned a random letter and have to think of something that starts with that letter for 5 different categories. Say you are assigned the letter ‘M’. The game will give you five categories like: Languages, Animals, Canadian Cities, Largest Cities in Europe and Broadway Musicals. You have 30 seconds to find something starting with M that fits into each category. This is a game that doesn’t need to be played while live chatting, but to make it a fun social event, play while on Skype and make the person who loses each round take a shot.

17. Quick Draw

Quick Draw is a game hosted on the House Party network. It’s basically Pictionary, but for your phone. So you don’t have to do the screenshare option I suggested earlier for this one. Instead, everyone simply needs to download the app. You can call each other from within the game, and it’s all set up to be streamlined so it’s a nice simple platform for a free online drinking game. Of course, drink if you lose!

18. Battleship

Battleship is the game where you have to try to ‘bomb’ opponents’ ships. But first you have to find the ship on a grid by bombing random locations until you get a hit. Once you’ve got a hit, you can see where the rest of the ship. Bomb the whole ship along all its grid coordinates to sink it. There’s a free online version that you can play either against your friends or random opponents.

19. Cup Pong

This is sure to help you get drunk. Everyone’s played beer pong at a college party before. Well, this is the online version of beer pong! Download it onto your phone and compete against friends. Virtually flick a ball into the cup to make your friend drink. Quick, simple, and obviously adjustable to become a fast simple drinking game that reminds you of the days you could play beer pong for real.

20. Truth or Shots

Truth or shots is like truth or dare – but instead of doing something stupid, you take a shot! (Okay, maybe that’s stupid too). The great thing about this game is you just need a Skype hook-up. Take it in turns to ask one another questions, and if they’re not willing to tell the truth about it, they take a shot!

21. Most Likely To

‘Most likely To’ is like drunk pirate – but better. It’s another simple free online drinking game that doesn’t require anything but a video call hook-up. Everyone takes it in turns to say “The person most likely to…” and finish the sentence with something like “…end up in prison” or “…become president”. Everyone gets a vote, and the person with the most votes has to drink.


When you’re separated from your friends, there’s no reason for you not to stop partying! Plus, who wants to play drinking games alone? Get on the video chat and get drinking socially with games like drunk pirate! Hopefully these ideas have got your mind turning, and good luck with your virtual group party! And don’t forget – drink responsibly and legally.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

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