Draw back one word or two

What is draw back mean?

To draw back is to retreat or recoil, to physically move back from someone or something.

Is Comeback one word or two words?

noun. a return to a former higher rank, popularity, position, prosperity, etc.: The ex-champion kept trying to make a comeback. a clever or effective retort; rejoinder; riposte: That was a great comeback the comedian made to the hecklers. Informal.

Is flashbacks one word or two?

A flashback is a technique in movies, novels, and other narratives in which the present story transitions into a scene from the past. When used as a verb, the term is usually spelled as two words, as in My favorite part of the book is when it flashes back to their childhood.

What’s another word for draw back?

Drawback Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for drawback?

disadvantage obstacle
impediment handicap
difficulty weakness
problem hurdle
hitch flaw

What’s another way to say pros and cons?


  • advantages and disadvantages.
  • assets and liabilities.
  • fors and againsts.
  • for and against.
  • gains and losses.
  • opportunities and obstacles.
  • strengths and weaknesses.
  • positives and negatives.

What is Opposite of drawback?

Antonyms for drawback extra, advantage, strong point, boon, blessing, convenience, profit, fitness, perfection, help, assistance, benefit, happiness, aid, strength, satisfaction.

Which word has almost the same meaning as the word drawbacks?

disadvantage, snag, downside, stumbling block, catch, hitch, pitfall, fly in the ointment. weak point, weak spot, weakness, flaw, defect, imperfection, fault. handicap, limitation, trouble, difficulty, problem, issue, complication, liability, nuisance.

What word almost has the same meaning as drawbacks?

Similar words for drawback: attribute (noun) barrier (noun) detriment (noun) difficulty, trouble (noun)

What is another word for rubbish?

What is another word for rubbish?

trash garbage
junk litter
refuse debris
waste scrap
dreck dross

What is another word for simulating?

What is another word for simulating?

pretending feigning
acting counterfeiting
faking assuming
bluffing dissembling
imitating professing

What is another word for query?

Some common synonyms of query are ask, inquire, interrogate, and question.

What is a faux?

: not real or genuine: such as. a : made to look like something else that is usually more valuable : imitation, fake faux leather/fur a string of faux pearls … faux is the French word for fake, but it’s a very chic fake.

What is the meaning of ersatz?

: being a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation ersatz turf ersatz intellectuals.

Does ersatz mean fake?

Not genuine; fake. Being a usually inferior imitation or substitute; artificial. Ersatz coffee made of chicory.

What does solipsistic mean in English?

: of, relating to, or characterized by solipsism or extreme egocentricity The new punks can only rant about solipsistic concerns: themselves, their friends and girlfriends, and us, the people they think look at them funny.—

What does apocryphal mean?

1 : of doubtful authenticity : spurious an apocryphal story about George Washington. 2 often capitalized : of or resembling the Apocrypha Apocryphal books of the Old Testament.

Did Jesus read the Apocrypha?

Some say. These books were kept in Catholic Bibles because it is believed that the Bible which Jesus read was a Bible that included the books of the “Apocrypha,” the deuterocanonical books. It is known that the most popular Bible at the time of Jesus was the Greek Septuagint version – which includes these extra books.

What is an example of apocryphal?

Urban legends — stories about phantom hitchhikers, deep-fried rats, and spider eggs in bubblegum — are classic examples of apocryphal tales. They’re told as if they’re true, but no one can ever verify their origins or authenticity. Today, any dubious or unverifiable story may be dismissed as apocryphal.

What are the 7 books of the Apocrypha?

These consist of seven books: Tobias, Judith, Baruch, Ecclesiasticus, Wisdom, First and Second Machabees; also certain additions to Esther and Daniel.”

Why Apocrypha was removed from the Bible?

The early Protestant Reformers, in agreement with Judaism, determined that the Apocrypha did not belong in the Bible, and therefore removed the Apocrypha from Protestant Bibles. It is in this category that we find the books of the Maccabees.

What are the 7 extra books in the Catholic Bible called?

What are they? A: There are seven books in the Catholic Bible — Baruch, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Sirach, Tobit and Wisdom — that are not included in the Protestant version of the Old Testament. These books are referred to as the deuterocanonical books.

Why is Catholic Bible different?

Differences from other Christian Bibles Bibles used by Catholics differ in the number and order of books from those typically found in bibles used by Protestants, as Catholic bibles remained unchanged following the Reformation and so retain seven books that were rejected principally by Martin Luther.

Is Catholic and Protestant Bible the same?

A Protestant Bible is a Christian Bible whose translation or revision was produced by Protestants. This is often contrasted with the 73 books of the Catholic Bible, which includes seven deuterocanonical books as a part of the Old Testament.

What book do Catholic priests use?

In the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, the primary liturgical books are the Roman Missal, which contains the texts of the Mass, and the Roman Breviary, which contains the text of the Liturgy of the Hours.

What is Catholic book called?


What is a Catholic prayer book called?


What is the Catholic sacramentary?

In the Latin Catholic Church, a sacramentary was a book used for liturgical services and Mass by a priest, containing all and only the words spoken or sung by him. The sacramentary assumes the presence of a choir, deacon and subdeacon.

What are the two parts of the Mass?

The mass consists of two principal rites: the liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of the Eucharist. The first includes readings from Scripture, the homily (sermon), and intercessory prayer.

отступать, отодвигать, отводить войска, вынудить отойти, брать назад


- отодвигать, отводить назад

to draw back one’s fist — отвести кулак (для удара)

- заставить, вынудить отойти
- оттягивать, отводить (войска)
- отступать; подаваться назад

to draw back against the wall — (отступить и) прислониться спиной к стене

- выходить (из дела, игры и т. п.)

it’s too late to draw back — отступать поздно; ≅ теперь надо идти до конца

- брать назад (слово, обещание)
- ком. возвратить, вернуть (пошлину)

Мои примеры


to draw back in fear / horror — отпрянуть в страхе, ужасе  
to draw back from the deal at the last moment — отказаться от сделки в последний момент  
draw back from the brink — устранить непосредственную опасность возникновения войны  
draw back a curtain — отдёрнуть занавеску  
draw back a flank — оттягивать фланг  
draw back against the wall — отступить и прислониться спиной к стене; прислониться спиной к стене  
draw back ram — возвратный плунжер гидравлического пресса; ретурный плунжер  
draw back the curtains — раздвинуть занавески  
draw back the pillars — извлекать целики обратным ходом  
draw back — извлекать обратным ходом; выходить из предприятия; держаться на расстоянии  

Примеры с переводом

The crowd drew back to let the firemen through.

Толпа отступила, пропуская пожарных.

I accepted his offer at once, lest he should draw back.

Я принял его предложение, боясь как бы он не передумал.

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Смотреть что такое «draw back» в других словарях:

draw back — [v] retract from position deduct, discount, pull back, recede, recoil, reel in, retreat, sheathe, shrink, start back, subtract, take away, withdraw; concepts 195,213 Ant. forge, go forward, start … New thesaurus

draw|back — «DR BAK», noun. 1. anything that makes a situation or experience less complete or satisfying; unfavorable condition; disadvantage; hindrance: »Our trip was interesting, but the rainy weather was a drawback. 2. money paid back from a charge made:… … Useful english dictionary

draw back — index retreat, shun Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

draw-back — (drô bak) s. m. Terme de commerce. Remboursement, fait à la sortie de certains produits fabriqués, d une somme équivalente au droit d entrée qu a payé, sous forme de matière première, le produit qu on exporte. Au plur. Des draw backs.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

draw back — phrasal verb Word forms draw back : present tense I/you/we/they draw back he/she/it draws back present participle drawing back past tense drew back past participle drawn back 1) [intransitive] to move away from someone She drew back in horror. 2) … English dictionary

draw back — phr verb Draw back is used with these nouns as the object: ↑bolt, ↑fist … Collocations dictionary

draw back — Synonyms and related words: avoid, back down, back out, beat a retreat, blench, blink, cringe, discount, disengage, dodge, draw in, draw off, duck, evade, fade, fall back, flinch, funk, give ground, give place, go back, hang back, jib, knock off … Moby Thesaurus

draw back — verb 1. pull back or move away or backward (Freq. 8) The enemy withdrew The limo pulled away from the curb • Syn: ↑withdraw, ↑retreat, ↑pull away, ↑recede, ↑pull back, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

draw back — To move back; back away; step backward; withdraw; move away from. * /When the man spotted the rattlesnake, he drew back and aimed his shotgun./ * /The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them./ * /When the pitcher drew back his … Dictionary of American idioms

draw back — To move back; back away; step backward; withdraw; move away from. * /When the man spotted the rattlesnake, he drew back and aimed his shotgun./ * /The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them./ * /When the pitcher drew back his … Dictionary of American idioms



1 draw back

2 draw back

3 draw back

4 draw back

draw aside — отводить в сторону, увлекать

to draw a bead — наводить ; целиться, брать на pl счёты

5 draw back

6 draw back

to draw back in fear / horror — отпрянуть в страхе, ужасе

The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. — Толпа отступила, пропуская пожарных.

7 draw back

8 draw-back

9 draw back

10 draw-back

11 draw back

12 draw back

13 draw-back

14 draw back

15 draw-back

16 draw back

17 draw back

18 draw back

19 draw back

20 draw back

См. также в других словарях:

draw back — [v] retract from position deduct, discount, pull back, recede, recoil, reel in, retreat, sheathe, shrink, start back, subtract, take away, withdraw; concepts 195,213 Ant. forge, go forward, start … New thesaurus

draw|back — «DR BAK», noun. 1. anything that makes a situation or experience less complete or satisfying; unfavorable condition; disadvantage; hindrance: »Our trip was interesting, but the rainy weather was a drawback. 2. money paid back from a charge made:… … Useful english dictionary

draw back — index retreat, shun Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

draw-back — (drô bak) s. m. Terme de commerce. Remboursement, fait à la sortie de certains produits fabriqués, d une somme équivalente au droit d entrée qu a payé, sous forme de matière première, le produit qu on exporte. Au plur. Des draw backs.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

draw back — phrasal verb Word forms draw back : present tense I/you/we/they draw back he/she/it draws back present participle drawing back past tense drew back past participle drawn back 1) [intransitive] to move away from someone She drew back in horror. 2) … English dictionary

draw back — phr verb Draw back is used with these nouns as the object: ↑bolt, ↑fist … Collocations dictionary

draw back — Synonyms and related words: avoid, back down, back out, beat a retreat, blench, blink, cringe, discount, disengage, dodge, draw in, draw off, duck, evade, fade, fall back, flinch, funk, give ground, give place, go back, hang back, jib, knock off … Moby Thesaurus

draw back — verb 1. pull back or move away or backward (Freq. 8) The enemy withdrew The limo pulled away from the curb • Syn: ↑withdraw, ↑retreat, ↑pull away, ↑recede, ↑pull back, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

draw back — To move back; back away; step backward; withdraw; move away from. * /When the man spotted the rattlesnake, he drew back and aimed his shotgun./ * /The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them./ * /When the pitcher drew back his … Dictionary of American idioms

draw back — To move back; back away; step backward; withdraw; move away from. * /When the man spotted the rattlesnake, he drew back and aimed his shotgun./ * /The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them./ * /When the pitcher drew back his … Dictionary of American idioms


to draw back

1 draw back

2 draw back

3 draw back

4 draw back

draw aside — отводить в сторону, увлекать

to draw a bead — наводить ; целиться, брать на pl счёты

5 draw back

6 draw back

to draw back in fear / horror — отпрянуть в страхе, ужасе

The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. — Толпа отступила, пропуская пожарных.

7 draw back

8 draw-back

9 draw back

10 draw-back

11 draw back

12 draw back

13 draw-back

14 draw back

15 draw-back

16 draw back

17 draw back

18 draw back

19 draw back

20 draw back

См. также в других словарях:

draw back — [v] retract from position deduct, discount, pull back, recede, recoil, reel in, retreat, sheathe, shrink, start back, subtract, take away, withdraw; concepts 195,213 Ant. forge, go forward, start … New thesaurus

draw|back — «DR BAK», noun. 1. anything that makes a situation or experience less complete or satisfying; unfavorable condition; disadvantage; hindrance: »Our trip was interesting, but the rainy weather was a drawback. 2. money paid back from a charge made:… … Useful english dictionary

draw back from from doing something — ˌdraw ˈback (from sth/from doing sth) derived to choose not to take action, especially because you feel nervous • We drew back from taking our neighbours to court. Main entry: ↑drawderived … Useful english dictionary

draw back from something doing something — ˌdraw ˈback (from sth/from doing sth) derived to choose not to take action, especially because you feel nervous • We drew back from taking our neighbours to court. Main entry: ↑drawderived … Useful english dictionary

draw back — index retreat, shun Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

draw-back — (drô bak) s. m. Terme de commerce. Remboursement, fait à la sortie de certains produits fabriqués, d une somme équivalente au droit d entrée qu a payé, sous forme de matière première, le produit qu on exporte. Au plur. Des draw backs.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

draw back — phrasal verb Word forms draw back : present tense I/you/we/they draw back he/she/it draws back present participle drawing back past tense drew back past participle drawn back 1) [intransitive] to move away from someone She drew back in horror. 2) … English dictionary

draw back — phr verb Draw back is used with these nouns as the object: ↑bolt, ↑fist … Collocations dictionary

draw back — Synonyms and related words: avoid, back down, back out, beat a retreat, blench, blink, cringe, discount, disengage, dodge, draw in, draw off, duck, evade, fade, fall back, flinch, funk, give ground, give place, go back, hang back, jib, knock off … Moby Thesaurus

draw back — verb 1. pull back or move away or backward (Freq. 8) The enemy withdrew The limo pulled away from the curb • Syn: ↑withdraw, ↑retreat, ↑pull away, ↑recede, ↑pull back, ↑ … Useful english dictionary


draw back

1 draw back

2 draw back

3 draw back

4 draw back

draw aside — отводить в сторону, увлекать

to draw a bead — наводить ; целиться, брать на pl счёты

5 draw back

6 draw back

to draw back in fear / horror — отпрянуть в страхе, ужасе

The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. — Толпа отступила, пропуская пожарных.

7 draw back

8 draw-back

9 draw back

10 draw-back

11 draw back

12 draw back

13 draw-back

14 draw back

15 draw-back

16 draw back

17 draw back

18 draw back

19 draw back

20 draw back

См. также в других словарях:

draw back — [v] retract from position deduct, discount, pull back, recede, recoil, reel in, retreat, sheathe, shrink, start back, subtract, take away, withdraw; concepts 195,213 Ant. forge, go forward, start … New thesaurus

draw|back — «DR BAK», noun. 1. anything that makes a situation or experience less complete or satisfying; unfavorable condition; disadvantage; hindrance: »Our trip was interesting, but the rainy weather was a drawback. 2. money paid back from a charge made:… … Useful english dictionary

draw back — index retreat, shun Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

draw-back — (drô bak) s. m. Terme de commerce. Remboursement, fait à la sortie de certains produits fabriqués, d une somme équivalente au droit d entrée qu a payé, sous forme de matière première, le produit qu on exporte. Au plur. Des draw backs.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

draw back — phrasal verb Word forms draw back : present tense I/you/we/they draw back he/she/it draws back present participle drawing back past tense drew back past participle drawn back 1) [intransitive] to move away from someone She drew back in horror. 2) … English dictionary

draw back — phr verb Draw back is used with these nouns as the object: ↑bolt, ↑fist … Collocations dictionary

draw back — Synonyms and related words: avoid, back down, back out, beat a retreat, blench, blink, cringe, discount, disengage, dodge, draw in, draw off, duck, evade, fade, fall back, flinch, funk, give ground, give place, go back, hang back, jib, knock off … Moby Thesaurus

draw back — verb 1. pull back or move away or backward (Freq. 8) The enemy withdrew The limo pulled away from the curb • Syn: ↑withdraw, ↑retreat, ↑pull away, ↑recede, ↑pull back, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

draw back — To move back; back away; step backward; withdraw; move away from. * /When the man spotted the rattlesnake, he drew back and aimed his shotgun./ * /The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them./ * /When the pitcher drew back his … Dictionary of American idioms

draw back — To move back; back away; step backward; withdraw; move away from. * /When the man spotted the rattlesnake, he drew back and aimed his shotgun./ * /The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them./ * /When the pitcher drew back his … Dictionary of American idioms


Фразовый глагол Draw

Категории грамматики





Косвенная речь и согласование времен

Местоимения, числительные

Модальные глаголы

Отдельные глаголы

Пассивный залог

Порядок слов

Прилагательные и Наречия

Продолженное время

Простое время


Совершенное время

Совершенное продолженное время

Союзы и предлоги


Условное наклонение

Фразовые глаголы

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Фразовые глаголы на основе глагола Draw

Рисовать или тянуть – всё это draw в английском языке. Интересен другой вопрос – если из draw сделать фразовый глагол, то какое из этих двух значений будет прослеживаться во фразовых сочетаниях? Давайте не будем гадать и проверим это в теории.

phrasal verb draw

Всё-таки «тянуть» сегодня на первом месте. Давайте убедимся в этом, рассмотрев примеры.

Draw in – прибывать

The train drew into the station.

Draw into – втягивать, вовлекать

I didn’t take sides because I didn’t want to get drawn into their arguments.

Draw on – воспользоваться

As an actor, you often draw on your own life experiences.

Guidelines have been drawn up for dealing with emergencies.

Draw away – отправляться

People started waving as the train drew away.

Draw back – отойти

She drew back in horror.

Draw down – истратить

Some firms have dealt with the problem by drawing down their cash reserves.

This action could draw the dispute out for another six months.

Отлично! Несложно, правда? А главное, значение легко можно вывести из значения предлога. Давайте в этом убедимся в нашем тесте на знание фразового глагола Draw.

01 She would have to draw _____ all her courage and determination.

02 Ann suddenly drew ____ from me.

03 People with southern accents tend to draw ____ their vowels.

04 Your body draws ____ its reserves of fat during the times when you are fasting.

05 Finally the bus drew ____.

06 We’ll have draw ____ all our funds to cover the cost.

07 He managed to draw ___ several ideas over the evening.

Не забудьте закончить тренировку нашим традиционным упражнением на отработку речевых навыков. Убедитесь, что в процессе речи draw не теряет своих значений!


Для этой статьи есть интерактивные упражнения на грамматику английского языка. Рекомендуем их пройти, чтобы легче усвоить тему «Фразовый глагол Draw»


  • 1
    draw back

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > draw back

  • 2
    draw back

    1. I

    the army drew back армия отступила; he had promised to help me but at the last moment he drew back он обещал помочь мне, но в последний момент пошел на попятный

    2. II

    draw back at some time it is too late to draw back now сейчас уже слишком поздно отказываться /идти на попятный/

    3. III

    draw back smth. /smth. back/ draw back a window curtain отдергивать занавеску; draw back one’s fist занести кулак

    4. XVI

    1) draw back to smth. draw back to the wall отодвигаться или прижиматься к стене; draw back in smth. draw back in alarm отпрянуть в испуге

    2) draw back from smth. draw back from a contract отказываться от контракта и т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > draw back

  • 3
    draw back

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > draw back

  • 4
    draw back

    1. phr v отодвигать, отводить назад

    2. phr v заставить, вынудить отойти

    3. phr v оттягивать, отводить

    draw aside — отводить в сторону, увлекать

    4. phr v отступать; подаваться назад

    5. phr v выходить

    6. phr v брать назад

    7. phr v ком. возвратить, вернуть

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. deduct (verb) deduct; discount; knock off; substract; subtract; take; take away; take off; take out

    2. recede (verb) cede; fall back; give; give over; give up; recede; retire; retreat; withdraw; yield

    3. shrink back (verb) cringe; flinch; recoil; show pain; shrink back; start; wince

    English-Russian base dictionary > draw back

  • 5
    draw back


    1. отодвигать, отводить назад

    2. заставить, вынудить отойти

    3. 1) оттягивать, отводить ()

    2) отступать; подаваться назад

    4. выходить ()

    it’s too late to draw back — отступать поздно; ≅ теперь надо идти до конца

    5. брать назад ()


    возвратить, вернуть ()

    НБАРС > draw back

  • 6
    draw back

    фраз. гл.

    1) отходить назад, отступать

    to draw back in fear / horror — отпрянуть в страхе, ужасе

    The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. — Толпа отступила, пропуская пожарных.

    3) выходить

    Англо-русский современный словарь > draw back

  • 7
    draw back

    1) отступать;
    выходить из дела, предприятия, игры The firm drew back from its agreement and wanted to talk about a new contract. ≈ Фирма расторгла старый контракт и начала переговоры о новом. It may already be too late to draw back. ≈ Может быть, отступать уже поздно.
    2) отходить назад The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. ≈ Толпа отхлынула, чтобы пропустить пожарную команду.
    3) держаться на расстоянии Mary drew back from other people at the party. ≈ На вечеринке Мери ото всех держалась в стороне.
    отодвигать, отводить назад — to * one’s fist отвести кулак (для удара) заставить, вынудить отойти оттягивать, отводить (войска) отступать;
    подаваться назад — to * against the wall (отступить и) прислониться спиной к стене выходить( из дела, игры и т. п.) — it’s too late to * отступать поздно;
    теперь надо идти до конца брать назад (слово, обещание) (коммерческое) возвратить, вернуть( пошлину)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > draw back

  • 8


    * * *

    возврат: скидка с налога или тарифа на импортированные товары, которые затем реэкспортированы.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > draw-back

  • 9
    draw back


    4) Макаров: выходить , брать назад , брать назад , вернуть , возвратить , вынудить отойти, выходить из дела, выходить из игры, выходить из предприятия, заставить отойти, отводить , отводить назад, отдёргивать, отодвигать, отодвигать назад, отпускать , отступать, оттягивать , подаваться назад, податься назад

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > draw back

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > draw-back

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    draw back

    стаскивать, снимать; отгибать, отдергивать

    отходить назад, отступать

    держаться на расстоянии

    отступать, сдавать позиции; выходить из дела, предприятия; нарушать

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > draw back

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    draw back

    Англо-русский словарь дорожника > draw back

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    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > draw-back

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    draw back

    отступать; выходить из дела, предприятия, игры

    * * *

    отодвигать, отводить войска, вынудить отойти, отступать, выходить из дела, брать назад

    * * *

    1) стаскивать
    2) отходить назад

    Новый англо-русский словарь > draw back

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    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > draw-back

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    draw back

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > draw back

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    draw back

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > draw back

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    draw back

    возвращать таможенную пошлину, когда импортируемые товары потом реэкспортируются

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > draw back

  • 19
    draw back

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > draw back

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    draw back

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > draw back


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См. также в других словарях:

  • draw back — [v] retract from position deduct, discount, pull back, recede, recoil, reel in, retreat, sheathe, shrink, start back, subtract, take away, withdraw; concepts 195,213 Ant. forge, go forward, start …   New thesaurus

  • draw|back — «DR BAK», noun. 1. anything that makes a situation or experience less complete or satisfying; unfavorable condition; disadvantage; hindrance: »Our trip was interesting, but the rainy weather was a drawback. 2. money paid back from a charge made:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • draw back — index retreat, shun Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • draw-back — (drô bak) s. m. Terme de commerce. Remboursement, fait à la sortie de certains produits fabriqués, d une somme équivalente au droit d entrée qu a payé, sous forme de matière première, le produit qu on exporte.    Au plur. Des draw backs.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

  • draw back — phrasal verb Word forms draw back : present tense I/you/we/they draw back he/she/it draws back present participle drawing back past tense drew back past participle drawn back 1) [intransitive] to move away from someone She drew back in horror. 2) …   English dictionary

  • draw back — phr verb Draw back is used with these nouns as the object: ↑bolt, ↑fist …   Collocations dictionary

  • draw back from from doing something — ˌdraw ˈback (from sth/from doing sth) derived to choose not to take action, especially because you feel nervous • We drew back from taking our neighbours to court. Main entry: ↑drawderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • draw back from something doing something — ˌdraw ˈback (from sth/from doing sth) derived to choose not to take action, especially because you feel nervous • We drew back from taking our neighbours to court. Main entry: ↑drawderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • draw back — Synonyms and related words: avoid, back down, back out, beat a retreat, blench, blink, cringe, discount, disengage, dodge, draw in, draw off, duck, evade, fade, fall back, flinch, funk, give ground, give place, go back, hang back, jib, knock off …   Moby Thesaurus

  • draw back — I retreat, cower (see fear, escape). II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. withdraw, recede, draw in; see retreat 1 , 2 . III (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb To move back in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat: fall back, pull back, pull out, retire,… …   English dictionary for students

  • draw back — verb 1. pull back or move away or backward (Freq. 8) The enemy withdrew The limo pulled away from the curb • Syn: ↑withdraw, ↑retreat, ↑pull away, ↑recede, ↑pull back, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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