Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right


Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:








2. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use. Then use your word pairs to complete the sentences below.

1. product


2. patent


3. cutting


4. research


5. under


6. intellectual



Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:








1.We have made a __________ to stop people copying our invention.

2.Our drug for pain relief is made __________ in 32 countries.

3.I’m in charge of __________ at Minnow Technologies.

4.Weusethelatesttechnologiestokeepourproductsatthe _________.

5.Wetookthemtocourtbecausetheoriginalideawasour _________.

6.We test all new drugs at our __________ in Zurich.

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:







3. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1.I bought a PC just five years ago and now it is __________ . (innovative/obsolete)

2.I think that the __________ of computer control systems is fascinating. (technology/knowledge)

3.Advanced, __________ systems are great, but there is more to go wrong. (low-tech/hi-tech)

4.I receive a __________ of 10% on all my books that the publisher sells. (royalty/license)

5.Finding out how antibiotics work was a tremendous __________ . (breakthrough/breakout)

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:







10.Buyers, Sellers and the Market

1.Choose the best word from the brackets to fill each gap.

1.Our __________ includes several multinational companies. (clientele/economy)

2.We wanted to buy the house but the __________ was asking for ₤300.000. (purchase/vendor)

3.Thegovernmentbroughtinseveralmarket __________tostrengthen the economy. (reforms/pressures)

4.Until 1998, the government fixed all the prices, but now we have a

__________ market. (free/state)

5.It’s only a small shop, but we serve nearly 200 __________ a day. (consumers/customers)

6.Most of our __________ are small businesses. (market/users)

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:







2. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use. Then use your word pairs to complete the sentences below.

1. customer


2. end


3. street


4. purchasing


5. market




Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:






1.He started out as a __________ selling hot dogs from a van.

2.We publish school textbooks, so our __________ are the students.

3.We’ve built up a really strong __________ over the past five years.

4.Their product is too expensive, so __________ will soon make them drop the price.

5.Sheisthe __________forthecountry’sleadingchainofshoeshops.

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:








accountant – бухгалтер advertise – рекламировать

advertising – реклама, рекламное дело afford – позволять себе

allowance – денежное пособие apply for – подавать заявление appointment – встреча benefits – льготы, выгоды

blue collar – «синий воротничок», производственный рабочий board of directors – совет директоров

bonus – бонус, премия breakout – распределение breakthrough – прорыв catering – общественное питание

CEO (Chief Executive Officer) – генеральный директор CFO (Chief Financial Officer) – финансовый директор churn out – выпускать потоком, штамповать clientele – клиентура

competition – конкуренция consumer – потребитель

continuous improvement – постоянное улучшение

COO (Chief Operating Officer) – руководитель административной службы, руководитель по производственным вопросам

costs – издержки

covering letter – сопроводительное письмо curriculum vitae – резюме

customers – потребители

cutting edge – острие, выигрышное качество, центр деятельности director – директор

dismiss – увольнять downsize – сокращать earn – зарабатывать

employee – работник, сотрудник


employment agency – бюро по трудоустройству endorsement – поддержка, подтверждение, одобрение enterprise zone – зона предпринимательства executive – исполнительный, руководитель

financial services – финансовые услуги fire – увольнять, выгонять с работы first aid – первая помощь

flexitime – скользящий график, свободный режим работы forecast – прогноз

free enterprise – свободное предпринимательство freelance – внештатный сотрудник, фрилансер

full-time – полная занятость, занимающий полный рабочий день get-up – наряд, формат

hazard – риск, опасность

headhunter – охотник за профессионалами (об агенте или агентстве по найму персонала)

healthcare – здравоохранение hovercraft – судно на воздушной подушке

human resources – персонал, трудовые ресурсы in charge of – возглавлять

interview – собеседование leisure – отдых

loyalty card – карточка постоянного покупателя manufacturer – производитель

medium – способ, средство mogul – магнат

mystery shopper – тайный покупатель, мнимый покупатель obsolete – устаревший

outsource – нанимать персонал на стороне overcapacity – избыток производительных мощностей payroll – платежная ведомость, фонд заработной платы perks – льгота, привилегия

permanent – постоянный

production team – производственная бригада profit – выгода, прибыль, доход


promote – продвигать по службе promotion – продвижение по службе property – собственность proprietor – собственник, владелец

purchasing manager – начальник отдела снабжения quality control – контроль качества

recruit – нанимать на работу repetitive – повторяющийся, скучный researcher – исследователь

resign – подавать в отставку responsibility – ответственность responsible for – ответственный за retail – розничная торговля retire – уходить на пенсию rollout – массовый выпуск royalty – роялти, плата

sack – увольнять

salary – заработная плата, оклад senior – старший

shares – акции

shop floor – торговый зал shortlist – окончательный список specs – технические требования

spot check – выборочная проверка, ревизия spreadsheet – (электронная) таблица startoff – начинать, начинание

start-up – ввод в эксплуатацию, недавно созданная компания survey – исследование

team player – сотрудник, умеющий работать в коллективе telecommuter – сотрудник, работающий на дому temporary – временный

terminate – увольнять, заканчивать tips – чаевые

trial – пробная версия vendor – торговец


VP (Vice President) – вице-президент wage – заработная плата

white-collar–«белыйворотничок»,человек,работающийвофисе workforce – рабочая сила



Ключи к грамматическим тестам

Teст 1: 1b,b; 2b; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6b; 7c; 8c; 9b; 10b Teст 2: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6c; 7c; 8c; 9a; 10c Teст 3: 1c; 2c; 3b; 4c; 5c; 6c; 7c; 8b; 9b; 10c Teст 4: 1b; 2c; 3b; 4c; 5c; 6c; 7c; 8a; 9c; 10b Teст 5: 1a; 2c; 3a; 4d; 5b; 6a; 7c; 8a; 9b; 10a Teст 6: 1b; 2a; 3a; 4b; 5b; 6a; 7a; 8a; 9b; 10b Teст 7: 1b; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8b; 9c; 10a Teст 8: 1b; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8b; 9a; 10a Teст 9: 1a; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5a; 6a; 7b; 8a; 9a; 10b Teст 10:1a; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5b; 6a; 7b; 8a; 9a; 10b Teст 11: 1a; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9a; 10a Teст 12: 1b; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7c; 8b; 9a; 10b Teст 13: 1a; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5c; 6a; 7a; 8a; 9b; 10c Teст 14: 1b; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7b; 8a; 9b; 10a Teст 15: 1b; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7a; 8a; 9a; 10a Teст 16: 1b; 2a; 3a; 4b; 5a; 6c; 7a; 8b; 9a; 10 Teст 17: 1a; 2a; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6a; 7a; 8b; 9a; 10b Teст 18: 1b; 2c; 3c; 4b; 5a; 6c; 7a; 8b; 9b; 10c Teст 19: 1b; 2a; 3c; 4b; 5a; 6c; 7d; 8b; 9c; 10b Teст 20: 1a; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6b; 7a; 8b; 9c; 10a Тест 21: 1b; 2b; 3c; 4a; 5c; 6a; 7a; 8c; 9b; 10a Teст 22: 1c; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7b; 8b; 8b; 9a; 10b Тeст 23: 1b; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8b; 9a; 10a Тест 24: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8a; 9b; 10c Тест 25: 1c; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7c; 8c; 9c; 10a Тест 26: 1b; 2g; 3h; 4a; 5f; 6c; 7i; 8d; 9e; 10j

Ключи к лексическим тестам. Часть I

Teст 1a: 1e; 2a; 3c; 4b; 5d; 6g; 7f; 8i; 9h; 10j Teст 1b: 1c; 2e; 3f; 4a; 5g; 6b; 7h; 8i; 9j; 10d Teст 1c: 1b; 2a; 3e; 4g; 5h; 6c; 7d; 8i; 9f; 10j Teст 1d: 1c; 2a; 3d; 4e; 5j; 6i; 7f; 8b; 9g; 10h


Teст 1e: 1e; 2d; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6j; 7f; 8k; 9i; 10g Teст 2a: 1b; 2d; 3c; 4i; 5f; 6g; 7j; 8h; 9a;10e Teст 2b : 1c; 2f; 3d; 4a; 5i; 6b;7e; 8j; 9g; 10h Teст 2c : 1b; 2f; 3i; 4a; 5h; 6d;7c; 8e; 9j; 10g Teст 3: 1a; 2d; 3j; 4g; 5h; 6e; 7f; 8b; 9c; 10i Teст 4a: 1c; 2j; 3b; 4a; 5d; 6e; 7f; 8g; 9h; 10i Teст 4b : 1f; 2c; 3h; 4i; 5a; 6g; 7j; 8b; 9d; 10e Teст 5: 1d; 2a; 3b; 4e; 5c; 6h; 7f; 8g; 9j; 10i Teст 6 : 1d; 2e; 3g; 4b; 5c; 6h; 7i; 8a; 9f; 10j Teст 7 : 1c; 2f; 3g; 4a; 5b; 6j; 7h; 8i; 9d; 10e Teст 8 : 1e; 2g; 3d; 4c; 5f; 6h; 7i; 8j; 9b; 10a Teст 9: 1d; 2e; 3f; 4c; 5g; 6a; 7h; 8i; 9b; 10j Teст 10: 1c; 2e; 3d; 4a; 5f; 6i; 7h; 8g; 9j; 10b Teст 11a: 1a; 2b; 3c; 4b; 5b; 6b; 7a; 8c; 9a; 10b Teст 11b: 1b; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6b; 7c; 8a; 9a; 10b Teст 11c : 1b; 2b; 3c; 4b; 5b; 6a; 7b; 8c; 9a; 10a Teст 12a: 1d; 2a; 3b; 4j; 5c; 6e; 7i; 8f; 9g; 10h Teст 12b: 1b; 2e; 3a; 4c; 5d; 6g; 7f; 8h; 9j; 10i Teст 12c: 1b; 2e; 3a; 4c; 5d; 6f; 7g; 8i; 9h; 10j Teст 12d: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4d; 5e; 6f; 7g; 8h; 9i; 10j

Ключи к лексическим тестам. Часть II

1. Work and Jobs









Часть II


1. Use a word from the box to complete each sentence. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

  1. deal
  2. responsible
  3. work
  4. job
  5. manage
  6. under of
  7. responsibility

1. I ____________________ for Morgans the aircraft company.

2. I ____________________ the manufacturing plant in Cambridge.

3. I am in charge ____________________ the production team.

4. About 120 people work ____________________ me.

5. Coordination between production and design is my ____________________.

6. I ____________________ with a lot of people in the company and with our customers.

7. I’m ____________________ for a budget of over € 100 million.

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


2. Write one word from the box below in each gap to complete the text. You may choose to use some words more than once.

  1. at b) for c) in d) of e) off f) on g) get to

“My name is Anne Scott and I work __________ (1) a public relations company in London. I leave __________ (2) work at 7 o’clock in the morning. I go __________ (3) work by train and I usually __________ (4) to work by 8.30. I’m always __________ (5) work till about 6 o’clock so I never get home before 7.30 pm. Last year I broke my leg and so I was __________ (6) work for over a month. I didn’t like being at home. I love my job. I would hate to be permanently out __________ (7) work.”

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


3. In each sentence, write the correct form of the word given in brackets.

1. I’m responsible for __________ the design team. (manage)

2. I’m in charge of __________ the work of the team. (coordinate)

3. One of my responsibilities is to __________ sure that we don’t spend too much money. (make)

4. My team is responsible for the __________of new models for production. (design)

5. I’m in charge of __________our work for the whole year. (plan)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

1. physically contact
2. human work
3. problem on
4. day demanding
5. team commute
6. clock shift
7. working solving

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


2. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. I had a 9-to-5 __________when I left school but I hated it. (job/work)

2. We have a __________system, but everyone must be here between 10 and 2. (repetitive/flexitime)

3. I work from __________and simply send my work over the Internet. (house/home)

4. I just sit in front of a computer all day, but this work is mentally __________tiring/routine)

5. This is the most __________job I’ve ever had. There is never a boring minute. (stimulating/repetitive)

6. We all look forward to 5.30 because then we can __________off for the day. (shift/clock)

7. The 7.30 train to London is always full of __________ (commuters/telecommuters)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

1. covering agency
2. employment references
3. application test
4. curriculum letter
5. psychometric form

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


2. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. We need to __________four new people for our office in Manchester. (join/recruit)

2. We are using a recruitment __________to find them for us. (agency/headhunter)

3. They advertised the __________in the local newspaper last week (positions/applications)

4. So far, over 60 people have applied for the __________ (works/posts)

5. We are going to look at all the letters of __________over the weekend. (applications/situation)

6. On Monday, we will draw up a __________of 10 or 11 people. (reference/shortlist)

7. Then we’ll invite them all to come for an __________ (interview/appointment)

8. We hope to __________the successful applicants by the end of the month. (apply/appoint)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Write one word from the box below in each gap to complete the text. You may choose to use some words more than once.

  1. with b) from c) in d) as e ) for f) at

“My name is Jean Wilson and I have just started working __________ (1) a bank. I graduated __________ (2) Edinburg University last year with a degree __________ (3) Business and Management. Now I am going to train __________ (4) an accountant. I think I will do well because I am good __________ (5) figures and I am skilled __________ (6) using computers. I think that training __________ (7) a specific job will be more interesting than the general education I got at university.”

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


2. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. Everyone should stay in full-time __________until they are at least 18. (school/education)

2. Of course __________qualifications are important, but they’re not everything. (printed/paper)

3. I look for people with lots of relevant __________experience. (job/work)

4. Our company runs some very good in-house __________courses. (training/skilled)

5. Last year we spent over ₤50,000 on management __________ (experience/development)

6. We value people who are highly __________and want to get on. (motivated/graduated)

7. Tom gets on well with everyone. He is a great team __________ (person/player)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. I work in a small hotel in Amsterdam. I __________€8 an hour. (earn/paid)

2. It’s not a lot, but it’s more than the __________wage. (maximum/minimum)

3. Some customers leave me __________and that is a great help. (perks/tips)

4. My sister works in a bank and her __________is €3,000 a month. (salary/wage)

5. The bank also provides her with a good __________ package. (bonus/benefits)

6. Next year she thinks she will get a __________ car. (company/business)

7. When she is 55 she will be able to give up work and live on her __________ (package/pension)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


1. We used to have four layers of management but now we have only


2. I am an independent software designer. At the moment, I’m working for three companies.

3. I don’t know whether my job here is safe. I could be out of work next month.

4. In 1999 we had 430 employees. Now there are only 280.

5. We used to do our printing in-house, but now it’s done by a company in Hong Kong.

6. I was a shop floor supervisor but then they made me manager of the whole production plant.

7. Our company has been completely reorganized to make it more efficient.

8. Now that we have reduced our costs, we are making much more money.

a. downsize

b. delayer

c. restructure

d. outsource

e. promotion

f. freelance

g. dismiss

h. profit

i. insecurity

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. I didn’t like the way the company was being run so I __________ . (resigned/sacked/terminated)

2. They laid __________ people in March and 50 more in September. (on/off/out)

3. I joined this company because the career __________ is excellent. (path/way/contract)

4. I have regular performance __________ with my manager. (advice/ support/reviews)

5. We now have fewer employees and so the company is much

__________ . (efficient/leaner/fatter)

6. I have worked my way up and now I am a __________ manager. (main/old/senior)

7. She was __________ for copying company software on to her PC. (fired/promoted/retired)

8. I was appointed on a __________ contract so my job isn’t very safe. (permanent/full-time/temporary)

9. When you join a company now you can’t expect a __________ for life. (job/work/career)

10. If you break the safety rules you can be __________ immediately. (downsized/dismissed/delayered)

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:


Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

1. big industry

2. corporate commerce

3. self employed

4. e- business

5. free enterprise

6. enterprise departments

7. nationalized profits


Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:

Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a circle around the letter, A, B, C of the word you choose.

“The company of eastern Europe has changed a lot. Twenty years ago, the main industries were completely nationalized and many companies were owned by the (1) __________ They did not work well. They were

inefficient and (2) __________ .Now governments are trying to (3)

__________ them, but it is not easy to find (4) __________ People don’t want to put money into the old companies. However, some people are happy to (5) __________ their money on new business and there are signs that a new enterprise (6) __________ is growing”.

  A B C
nation state country
automatic diplomatic bureaucratic
privatize nationalize enterprise
A corporations firms investors
save risk sell
culture commerce concern

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:


Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a circle around the letter, A, B, C of the word you choose.

Aberdeen Reliance is one of the country’s smaller life insurance companies. It was set up in 1920 as a (1) __________. This means that the 15,000 people who have insurance policies with the company are (2)

__________. These, in theory, own all the (3) __________ and there are no (4) __________. Last year, the board of directors wanted to sell the company to a large American (5) __________, but first they had to get the policy holders to agree to (6) __________. This was heavily defeated, proving that people still value the traditional status of the company.

  A B C
mutual public incorporated
partners directors members
profits salaries expenses
customers traders shareholders
corporation sectors proprietor
freelancing demutualization limiting

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:


Innovation and Invention

Fill the gap in each sentence by writing the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

1. Suzanne King is in charge of product __________ at Westworld Electronics. (develop)

2. I want to be a graphic __________ when I graduate. (design)

3. I think that the Internet is the greatest __________ of the past 50 years. (innovate)

4. We are looking for someone with __________ of databases and spreadsheets. (know)

5. Christopher Cockerell was the __________ of the hovercraft. (invent)

6. You have to pay a lot to get a good software __________ . (develop)

7. Have you seen her __________ for the new shopping centre? (design)

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:

Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use. Then use your word pairs to complete the sentences below.

1. product development

2. patent license

3. cutting property

4. research application

5. under copyright

intellectual center


Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:

1. We have made a __________ to stop people copying our invention.

2. Our drug for pain relief is made __________ in 32 countries.

3. I’m in charge of __________ at Minnow Technologies.

4. We use the latest technologies to keep our products at the _________ .

5. We took them to court because the original idea was our _________ .

6. We test all new drugs at our __________ in Zurich.

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:

Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. I bought a PC just five years ago and now it is __________ . (innovative/obsolete)

2. I think that the __________ of computer control systems is fascinating. (technology/knowledge)

3. Advanced, __________ systems are great, but there is more to go wrong. (low-tech/hi-tech)

4. I receive a __________ of 10% on all my books that the publisher sells. (royalty/license)

5. Finding out how antibiotics work was a tremendous __________ . (breakthrough/breakout)

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:

Buyers, Sellers and the Market

Choose the best word from the brackets to fill each gap.

1. Our __________ includes several multinational companies. (clientele/economy)

2. We wanted to buy the house but the __________ was asking for ₤300.000. (purchase/vendor)

3. The government brought in several market __________ to strengthen the economy. (reforms/pressures)

4. Until 1998, the government fixed all the prices, but now we have a

__________ market. (free/state)

5. It’s only a small shop, but we serve nearly 200 __________ a day. (consumers/customers)

6. Most of our __________ are small businesses. (market/users)

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:

Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use. Then use your word pairs to complete the sentences below.

1. customer users

2. end manager

3. street forces

4. purchasing consumer

5. market vendor


Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:

1. He started out as a __________ selling hot dogs from a van.

2. We publish school textbooks, so our __________ are the students.

3. We’ve built up a really strong __________ over the past five years.

4. Their product is too expensive, so __________ will soon make them drop the price.

5. She is the __________ for the country’s leading chain of shoe shops.

Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:



advertising–реклама,рекламное делоafford–позволять себе

allowance–денежное пособиеapply for–подавать заявлениеappointment–встречаbenefits–льготы,выгоды

blue collar– «синий воротничок»,производственный рабочийboard of directors–совет директоров

bonus–бонус,премияbreakout–распределениеbreakthrough–прорывcatering–общественное питание

CEO(Chief Executive Officer) –генеральный директорCFO(Chief Financial Officer) –финансовый директорchurn out–выпускать потоком,штамповатьclientele–клиентура


continuous improvement–постоянное улучшение

COO(Chief Operating Officer) –руководитель административнойслужбы, руководитель по производственным вопросам


covering letter–сопроводительное письмоcurriculum vitae–резюме


cutting edge–острие,выигрышное качество,центр деятельностиdirector–директор



employment agency–бюро по трудоустройствуendorsement–поддержка,подтверждение,одобрениеenterprise zone–зона предпринимательстваexecutive–исполнительный,руководитель

financial services–финансовые услугиfire–увольнять,выгонять с работыfirst aid–первая помощь

flexitime–скользящий график,свободный режим работыforecast–прогноз

free enterprise–свободное предпринимательствоfreelance–внештатный сотрудник,фрилансер

full-time–полная занятость,занимающий полный рабочий деньget-up–наряд,формат


headhunter–охотник за профессионалами(об агенте или агент-стве по найму персонала)

healthcare–здравоохранениеhovercraft–судно на воздушной подушке

human resources–персонал,трудовые ресурсыin charge of–возглавлять


loyalty card–карточка постоянного покупателяmanufacturer–производитель


mystery shopper–тайный покупатель,мнимый покупательobsolete–устаревший

outsource–нанимать персонал на сторонеovercapacity–избыток производительных мощностейpayroll–платежная ведомость,фонд заработной платыperks–льгота,привилегия


production team–производственная бригадаprofit–выгода,прибыль,доход

promote–продвигать по службеpromotion–продвижение по службеproperty–собственностьproprietor–собственник,владелец

purchasing manager–начальник отдела снабженияquality control–контроль качества

recruit–нанимать на работуrepetitive–повторяющийся,скучныйresearcher–исследователь

resign–подавать в отставкуresponsibility–ответственностьresponsible for–ответственный заretail–розничная торговляretire–уходить на пенсиюrollout–массовый выпускroyalty–роялти,плата


salary–заработная плата,окладsenior–старший


shop floor–торговый залshortlist–окончательный списокspecs–технические требования

spot check–выборочная проверка,ревизияspreadsheet– (электронная)таблицаstartoff–начинать,начинание

start-up–ввод в эксплуатацию,недавно созданная компанияsurvey–исследование

team player–сотрудник,умеющий работать в коллективеtelecommuter–сотрудник,работающий на домуtemporary–временный


trial–пробная версияvendor–торговец

VP(Vice President) –вице-президентwage–заработная плата

white-collar– «белый воротничок»,человек,работающий в офисеworkforce–рабочая сила


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