Драйвера odbc для microsoft excel

Connect from BI, Reporting, & ETL Tools

The Excel ODBC Driver is a powerful tool that allows you to easily connect-to live Microsoft Excel data through any ODBC capable application or tool! With the Driver users can access Microsoft Excel the same way that they would connect to any other ODBC data source. The Drivers are completely self-contained; no additional software installation is required.

Straightforward ODBC Connectivity

  • Access Microsoft Excel data through widely available tools — standard ODBC interface offering the greatest accessibility from applications and developer technologies.
  • Advanced wire-protocol SSL security for remote connectivity
  • Faster application deployment and configuration
  • 32-bit and 64-bit support

BI, ETL, & Reporting Tool Integration

ODBC is the most widely supported interface for connecting applications with data. All kinds of BI, Reporting, ETL, Database, and Analytics tools offer the ability to read and write data via ODBC connectivity: 

  •  Cognos BI
  •  Crystal Reports
  •  FileMaker Pro
  •  FoxPro
  •  Microsoft Access
  •  Microsoft Excel
  •  MicroStrategy
  •  Oracle DB
  •  Power Map
  •  Power Pivot
  •  QlikView
  •  SAP Business Objects
  •  Sharepoint Services
  •  Tableau (certified)
  • … and many more!

Driver Features

  • Standards-Compliant ODBC: ODBC 3.8 compliant native protocol based drivers.
  • Unicode, 32-bit and 64-bit support: Support 32-bit and 64-bit applications and unicode ODBC APIs.
  • Certified Compatibility: Our drivers undergo extensive testing and are certified to be compatible with leading analytics and reporting applications like Tableau, Microsoft Excel, and many more. 
  • ODBC Remoting: Our exclusive remoting feature allows hosting the ODBC connection on a server to enable connections from various clients on any platform (Java, .NET, C++, PHP, Python, etc.), using any standards based technology (ODBC, JDBC, etc.). 
  • Replication and Caching: Our replication and caching commands make it easy to copy data to local and cloud data stores such as Oracle, SQL Server, Google Cloud SQL, etc. 
  • String, Date, Numeric SQL Functions: The driver includes a library of 50 plus functions that can manipulate column values into the desired result. Popular examples include Regex, JSON, and XML processing functions.
  • Collaborative Query Processing: Our drivers enhance the data source’s capabilities by additional client-side processing, when needed, to enable analytic summaries of data such as SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, etc.
  • Easily Customizable and Configurable: The data model exposed by our ODBC Drivers can easily be customized to add or remove tables/columns, change data types, etc. without requiring a new build. These customizations are supported at runtime using human-readable schema files that are easy to edit.
  • Secure Connectivity: Includes standard Enterprise-class security features such as TLS/ SSL data encryption for all client-server communications.

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А знаете ли вы, что имея 64-битную операционную систему и 32-битный Microsoft Office, вы не сможете простыми стандартными манипуляциями настроить ODBC источник данных (data source)? Например, на таблицы Excel — что, в общем-то, не такая уж и редкость.
Если вы пойдете как обычно в Панель управления / Администрирование / Источники данных ODBC (Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Data Sources (ODBC)), то вы не увидите перечня ODBC драйверов MS Office, даже если они были установлены. В лучшем случае могут затесаться какие-то 64-битные драйвера, установленные с какими-то другими оснастками:

А чтобы всё-таки поработать с 32-битными драйверами ODBC нужно запускать 32-битную версию утилиты управления ODBC (ODBC Data Source Administrator) вот такой командой:

В общем-то, логично. Но почему не вывести обе утилиты в панели управления?! как это сделано в Windows 8.1, кстати.

Информация есть здесь:
Unable to create DSN for Microsoft Office System Driver on 64-bit versions of Windows
No ODBC Drivers available for Excel or Access in Windows 7 ?!

RRS feed

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  • Question

  • Hi All,

    Im facing a issue when using excel as source in non-microsoft product. its windows server 2003 sp2 (64 bit) enviroment. Only i need to create a DSN for excel, but i couldn’t. Tthere is no excel driver listed in odbc driver list. Do i have to install 64 bit
    odbc driver for excel?

    if so where can i download it or is there any other recommended way to over come this issue?

    Thanks in advance


    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, July 20, 2011 6:19 AM

All replies

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, July 20, 2011 6:19 AM
  • This answer is from 2011 however this did not work. After installning:

    «Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable»

    We still do NOT get ODBC
    EXCEL Files — Microsoft Excel Driver (*xls, *xlsx, *xlsm, *xlsb)

    anyone know how and where to download this driver without installing office?

  • Finaly!



I’ve tried everything I can think of and find online (see below) about this subject to no avail. Please help! 

My Windows 8.1 Surface Pro 3 does not have the .xlsx ODBC driver, even when I look it up in %windir%SysWOW64odbcad32.exe. It only has the driver for .xls, which will eventually corrupt the .xls file used for the database after a few uses.  

On the Drivers tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator, it says: «To install new drivers, use the driver’s setup program.»

Where is this driver setup program and where can I download the .xlsx driver? 

Also, I just reformatted and started over again, re-installing Office 365 (includes Access) and everything else. It’s a 64-bit Windows system and 32-bit Office. 

Please advise! Thanks!

I’ve already tried the advice listed in the links below without any success. 



The Excel ODBC Driver is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live Excel file data, directly from any applications that support ODBC connectivity. Access Excel Spreadsheet data like you would a database — read, write, and update data through a standard ODBC Driver interface.


  • Access Excel data either as an entire worksheet or from discrete ranges of data within a worksheet

  • Represent discrete blocks of data as tables through automatic detection or by manually specifying ranges of data

  • Optionally specify if the first row of data should be used for field names

  • Read tables that are oriented horizontally or vertically

  • Support for Excel XLS and XLSX file formats, 2007 and above

  • Connect to live Microsoft Excel data, for real-time data access

  • Full support for data aggregation and complex JOINs in SQL queries

  • Secure connectivity through modern cryptography, including TLS 1.2, SHA-256, ECC, etc.

  • Generate table schema automatically based on existing Microsoft Excel data or manually for greater control of the content you need

  • Seamless integration with leading BI, reporting, and ETL tools and with custom applications

Where can I use the Excel ODBC Driver?

  1. BI, ETL, & Reporting Tools
  2. Custom Applications
  3. Back-Office Integration

BI, ETL, & Reporting Tool Integration

ODBC is the most widely supported interface for connecting applications with data. All kinds of
BI, Reporting, ETL, Database, and Analytics tools offer the ability to read and write data via ODBC connectivity.

… and many more!

Custom Applications

Build Apps That Connect To Microsoft Excel

As the most widely used interface to relational data, ODBC interfaces are accessible from every
major development technology, including PHP, Python, Delphi, Visual Basic, Labview, PowerBuilder,
FoxPro, FileMaker Pro, and more.

Developers can use Excel ODBC Driver to rapidly build Web, Desktop, and Mobile applications that
interact with live Microsoft Excel data!

Connect Office Tools with Microsoft Excel

Any application that can access data through ODBC, like Microsoft Excel, PowerPivot, or
Word, can leverage our ODBC Drivers to connect to real-time data.

Through the Excel ODBC Driver applications like Microsoft Word allow users to directly
access live Microsoft Excel data with powerful capabilities
like ‘Mail Merge’, eliminating the need for complicated import/export procedures.

Robust ODBC Access to Microsoft Excel

Full-featured and consistent SQL access to any supported data source through ODBC

  • Standards-Compliant ODBC

    ODBC 3.8 compliant native protocol based drivers.

  • Unicode, 32-bit and 64-bit support

    Support 32-bit and 64-bit applications and unicode ODBC APIs.

  • Cross-platform ODBC (Windows/Linux/Mac)

    Available for Microsoft Windows, Unix, and Mac (macOS / OS X) platforms.

  • Certified ODBC Compatibility*

    Our drivers undergo extensive testing and are certified to be compatible with leading analytics and reporting applications like Tableau, Microsoft Excel, and many more.

    * Please visit our knowledge base to access how-to articles.

  • Embedded Remoting Capabilities

    Our exclusive Remoting feature allows hosting the ODBC connection on a server to enable connections from various clients on any platform (Java, .NET, C++, PHP, Python, etc.), using any standards based technology (ODBC, JDBC, etc.). ODBC Remoting is enabled using the popular MySQL and SQL (TDS) wire protocol server.

  • String, Date, Numeric SQL Functions

    The driver includes a library of 50 plus functions that can manipulate column values into the desired result. Popular examples include Regex, JSON, and XML processing functions.

  • Collaborative Query Processing

    Our drivers enhance the data source’s capabilities by additional client-side processing, when needed, to enable analytic summaries of data such as SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, etc.

  • Easily Customizable and Configurable

    The data model exposed by our ODBC Drivers can easily be customized to add or remove tables/columns, change data types, etc. without requiring a new build. These customizations are supported at runtime using human-readable schema files that are easy to edit.

  • Enterprise-class Secure Connectivity

    Includes standard Enterprise-class security features such as TLS/ SSL data encryption for all client-server communications.

  • Replication and Caching

    Our replication and caching commands make it easy to copy data to local and cloud data stores such as Oracle, SQL Server, Google Cloud SQL, etc. The replication commands include many features that allow for intelligent incremental updates to cached data.

  • Unparalleled Performance
  • Remoting (MySQL/SQL)

Enterprise-Class Remoting

MySQL/SQL Database entry points for Microsoft Excel Data

The CData ODBC drivers include powerful fully-integrated remote access capabilities
that makes Microsoft Excel data accessible from virtually anywhere. The drivers
include the CData SQL Gateway, which can the optional ability
to accept incoming SQL and MySQL client connections and service standard database requests.

With the CData SQL Gateway, users can interact with Microsoft Excel data from any client
that supports SQL Server or MySQL: from Web & mobile applications, to CRM and CMS systems, BI tools
like SQL Server Analysis Services, and even through popular management applications like MySQL Workbench.
Access Microsoft Excel data from virtually any application that can access external data.
Applications that can access SQL Server or MySQL data can now connect to Microsoft Excel with this driver.

  • Connect Microsoft Excel data with popular BI tools like SQL Server Analysis Services.
  • Enable enterprise Microsoft Excel data integration through SQL Linked Server connectivity
  • Includes support for the MySQL and SQL (TDS) remote access protocols, with advanced wire-protocol SSL security — industry standards for remote
    database connectivity.
  • Easily connect to Excel from code (PHP, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, etc.) using one of the standard client libraries for accessing SQL/MySQL.
  • * Available exclusively in ODBC Server Licenses.

learn more   

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