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The long-loved program has received even more features and capabilities. Excel works with tables in different parts of the world. Representatives of different professions use software in different ways. The current level of capabilities and speed of task execution requires updating your favorite programs so that they meet all the requirements. Download Microsoft Excel 2019 — simple and it will allow more quickly and efficiently carry out their work.

Download Microsoft Excel 2019 — the new version brings new possibilities

The program for working with tables, graphs and charts received a second wind and expanded its capabilities. Of the main ones it is worth noting:

  • new more modern design;
  • convenient placement of the control panel and icons;
  • built-in messenger that allows you to discuss its contents directly in the table;
  • spelling check immediately after entering textual information;
  • updated charts and formulas appeared;
  • information can be stored in cloud services.

Microsoft Excel 2019 download — This is a new modern solution to the tasks. The program is not only one of the most downloaded and used around the world, but also one of the most difficult for beginners to understand. An inexperienced user is not always immediately able to figure out what’s what, so with each update they try to make the program more understandable for beginners. The quality of this does not get any worse.

Microsoft Excel 2019 download: your favorite program is even more convenient

Microsoft Excel 2019 download can be quickly and used in everyday tasks. The program is in demand not only among office workers, but also among housewives. After all, with its help you can control expenses, record revenues, group and systematize current costs. There are tons of updates in the 2019 version:

  • the ability to add data from visual elements (pictures);
  • better adaptation for working on touch devices;
  • placing data in a cloud storage and the ability to access it to other users and from other devices;
  • advanced functions that allow you to create mathematical formulas;
  • new variations of charts;
  • the ability to add 3D models and view them from different angles;
  • adding a new “pencil” texture;
  • in book mode, insert any mathematical formula.

The version is available for use on mobile platforms.

The Office spreadsheet program

Within the Microsoft Office suite, Word and Excel are probably the two most popular applications among users. If the first one is the editor and word processor par excellence, the second one is undoubtedly the most used spreadsheet program in the world, both at home and professionally. Download Microsoft Excel for PC to work with different sheets and tables and all kinds of numerical and alphanumeric data, as well as create graphs and insert formulas, which is very useful for any type of financial, statistical or engineering task.

Its integration with Visual Basic for Applications also makes it very useful for anyone who wants to program small forms or applications with simple graphical user interfaces. And of course its sorting and filtering functions make it perfect for searching and comparing different data.

Display strings of data in the way that suits you best.

With all this it is normal that over the years it has become a standard, replacing other applications of the same style, such as Lotus 1-2-3 or VisiCalc. Therefore, any computer equipped with Windows must have a version of Excel installed or accessible in the cloud. Or if not Microsoft’s solution, at least some alternative from other office packages such as Calc from LibreOffice or OpenOffice.

Main features

These are the main features you can start enjoying once you download Microsoft Excel for PC:

  • Microsoft Office native spreadsheet editor.
  • Create custom spreadsheets or import data from databases or other documents.
  • Inserts tables with numeric and alphanumeric values and applies formulas and mathematical equations to treat those data.
  • Filter table values according to different criteria and sort them in a customized way.
  • Generate charts of all types to represent cell values: column charts, bar charts, scatter charts, area charts, line charts, pie charts, etc.
  • Program macros to automate tasks that you perform repeatedly.
  • Work collaboratively with several users editing the same file at the same time.
  • Access all your spreadsheets from any device thanks to its synchronization with OneDrive.
  • Compatible with a multitude of formats including .xls, .xml, and .csv.

What does the Excel 365 version have that previous editions did not have?

This version of Excel 365 replaces the edition that was included in the Office 2019 package. With respect to this version, we can list the following new features:

  • New linked data types are added: the new linked data types show data on hundreds of topics to help the user achieve their goals in Excel.
  • Includes a new Accessibility ribbon where to find all the necessary tools to create accessible content.
  • Conditional formatting dialog boxes are improved.
  • You can create a custom data type in Power Query that allows you to load multiple related parts in a column.
  • Multiple spreadsheets can be displayed at the same time.
  • The user can create variables for use in formulas.
  • An Excel file can be sorted and filtered while collaborating with others using Sheet View. This prevents sorting and filtering performed by other users from being affected.
  • You can have a conversation directly in the spreadsheet using the integrated reply box and alert colleagues using @mentions.

What’s new in the latest version

  • Microsoft has not announced the changes included in this release.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements:
    Windows 7.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel Download

All in all, Microsoft Excel is capable of handling various types of data and provides you the facility of opening and editing these files with the help of various useful options. You can access data from many resources, store it in tabular form, apply formulas to perform calculations, generate graphical visualizations and store the output file as spreadsheet or any other compatible format.

Microsoft Excel is the software offered by Microsoft Corporation and enables you to easily manage spreadsheet files. You can use its Free online version via internet or download the paid version for using advanced features offline. These spreadsheets can be related to business data analysis, stock reports, calendars, products inventory, timetables, performance tracking, project planning and much more. You can choose available templates or choose blank document in order to create custom spreadsheets. It comes as a part of Microsoft Office Suite and can be purchased for unlimited use.


It allows you to easily manage tabular data with the help of its layout which is divided into rows and columns. Each cell can hold individual values and the width can be adjusted so that dealing with the data becomes much more convenient. The software is compatible with xlsx, CSV, DIF, DBF, XPS, XML and many more data formats and allows you to open or save files in any of these supported formats. The page setup can be adjusted through Page Layout menu. To customize these documents, you can add images in the background or choose suitable theme along with matching colors, fonts and effects.

Data Manipulation:

Microsoft Excel is the suitable tool for helping you with business decisions by manipulation of data. The data can be imported from external resources. Database queries can be applied for retrieving this data and using it as per your requirement. You can apply formulas on multiple columns or cells to generate desired results. The formulas are divided into the categories of Logical, Text, Date & Time, Lookup & Reference, Math & Trigonometry and many more. What-If analysis and forecast sheets can be helpful to determine the impacts of expected decisions. These options are helpful in taking favorable business decisions.

Data Representation:

The software is mainly concerned with the data and is very helpful in easily understandable representation of data. The entered data can be used for creating different kinds of graphs, charts and histograms that can be used in presentations for validating your proposed ideas. These representations are dynamic and automatically update with data editing. Once you are done with creating documents, you can save them, export them or directly take printout. Programmers can make use of macros in Visual Basic language for manipulation of spreadsheets and data objects.

Other Features:

Microsoft Excel allows you to customize the style of tables, manage alignment, insert equations or PivotChart, access content on internet, add comments, select any layout for viewing documents and use passwords for maximum protection level. You can copy format of Excel files as well as other Office applications for applying on your current file to save time.

All in all, Microsoft Excel is capable of handling various types of data and provides you the facility of opening and editing these files with the help of various useful options. You can access data from many resources, store it in tabular form, apply formulas to perform calculations, generate graphical visualizations and store the output file as spreadsheet or any other compatible format.


  1. Скачать Microsoft Excel бесплатно
  2. Microsoft Excel на русском
  3. Microsoft Excel 2019 download torrent
  4. Download Microsoft Excel 2019 — the new version brings new possibilities
  5. Microsoft Excel 2019 download: your favorite program is even more convenient
  6. Microsoft Excel
  7. The Office spreadsheet program
  8. Main features
  9. What does the Excel 365 version have that previous editions did not have?
  10. What’s new in the latest version
  11. Requirements and additional information:
  12. Microsoft Excel for Windows
  13. Microsoft’s powerful spreadsheet and data management program
  14. What is Microsoft Excel used for?
  15. What are Excel’s key features?
  16. What’s new in Microsoft Excel 2021?
  17. How does Microsoft Excel work?
  18. What are the pros and cons of Microsoft Excel?
  19. Can I download Microsoft Excel for free?
  20. The best tool to manage all your data
  21. Excel for insightful spreadsheets – anytime, virtually anywhere, and with anyone

Скачать Microsoft Excel бесплатно

К наиболее популярной программе, входящей в состав Майкрософт Офис, предназначенной для работы с электронными таблицами, считается Microsoft Excel. С помощью Эксель осуществляется анализ информации, ее организация, хранение. Корпорация Майкрософт разработала ее для iOS, Windows Phone, Android, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Microsoft NT.
Скачать Microsoft Excel на компьютер Загрузить MS Excel для любого устройства

Microsoft Excel на русском

Благодаря универсальности Эксель, программа позволяет проводить работу с разными форматами данных. При помощи табличного редактора можно выполнять расчеты — от самых простых до наиболее сложных. Программа предназначается для составления бухгалтерских отчетов, с ее помощью строятся графики, диаграммы, создаются презентации. Приложение активно используется в сфере финансов, аудита. Кроме создания файлов с таблицами, сложных формул, за счет передового функционала приложения, в Excel можно также выполнять их редактирование, просматривать/редактировать рабочие книги, которые являются вложением в электронных сообщениях.

В Excel, кроме создания диаграмм, графиков, также можно размещать разнообразные фигуры, SmartArt изображения. Благодаря данным инструментам становится возможным выполнение визуализации данных в программе. Возможность обмениваться данными с различными источниками (импортировать/экспортировать их), делает работу с программой универсальной. Благодаря применению макросов в Эксель выполнение однотипных задач удается автоматизировать, при этом для запуска макроса достаточно сделать один щелчок мышкой. За счет возможности размещения элементов управления непосредственно на рабочем листе можно создавать интерактивные документы.


Microsoft Excel 2019 download torrent

The long-loved program has received even more features and capabilities. Excel works with tables in different parts of the world. Representatives of different professions use software in different ways. The current level of capabilities and speed of task execution requires updating your favorite programs so that they meet all the requirements. Download Microsoft Excel 2019 — simple and it will allow more quickly and efficiently carry out their work.

Download Microsoft Excel 2019 — the new version brings new possibilities

The program for working with tables, graphs and charts received a second wind and expanded its capabilities. Of the main ones it is worth noting:

  • new more modern design;
  • convenient placement of the control panel and icons;
  • built-in messenger that allows you to discuss its contents directly in the table;
  • spelling check immediately after entering textual information;
  • updated charts and formulas appeared;
  • information can be stored in cloud services.

Microsoft Excel 2019 download — This is a new modern solution to the tasks. The program is not only one of the most downloaded and used around the world, but also one of the most difficult for beginners to understand. An inexperienced user is not always immediately able to figure out what’s what, so with each update they try to make the program more understandable for beginners. The quality of this does not get any worse.

Microsoft Excel 2019 download: your favorite program is even more convenient

Microsoft Excel 2019 download can be quickly and used in everyday tasks. The program is in demand not only among office workers, but also among housewives. After all, with its help you can control expenses, record revenues, group and systematize current costs. There are tons of updates in the 2019 version:

  • the ability to add data from visual elements (pictures);
  • better adaptation for working on touch devices;
  • placing data in a cloud storage and the ability to access it to other users and from other devices;
  • advanced functions that allow you to create mathematical formulas;
  • new variations of charts;
  • the ability to add 3D models and view them from different angles;
  • adding a new “pencil” texture;
  • in book mode, insert any mathematical formula.

The version is available for use on mobile platforms.


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the spreadsheet tool which belongs to Office with which you can work comfortably with tables, graphs and macros directly from your PC

Microsoft Excel Download

The Office spreadsheet program

Within the Microsoft Office suite, Word and Excel are probably the two most popular applications among users. If the first one is the editor and word processor par excellence, the second one is undoubtedly the most used spreadsheet program in the world, both at home and professionally. Download Microsoft Excel for PC to work with different sheets and tables and all kinds of numerical and alphanumeric data, as well as create graphs and insert formulas, which is very useful for any type of financial, statistical or engineering task.

Its integration with Visual Basic for Applications also makes it very useful for anyone who wants to program small forms or applications with simple graphical user interfaces. And of course its sorting and filtering functions make it perfect for searching and comparing different data.

Display strings of data in the way that suits you best.

With all this it is normal that over the years it has become a standard, replacing other applications of the same style, such as Lotus 1-2-3 or VisiCalc. Therefore, any computer equipped with Windows must have a version of Excel installed or accessible in the cloud. Or if not Microsoft’s solution, at least some alternative from other office packages such as Calc from LibreOffice or OpenOffice.

Main features

These are the main features you can start enjoying once you download Microsoft Excel for PC:

  • Microsoft Office native spreadsheet editor.
  • Create custom spreadsheets or import data from databases or other documents.
  • Inserts tables with numeric and alphanumeric values and applies formulas and mathematical equations to treat those data.
  • Filter table values according to different criteria and sort them in a customized way.
  • Generate charts of all types to represent cell values: column charts, bar charts, scatter charts, area charts, line charts, pie charts, etc.
  • Program macros to automate tasks that you perform repeatedly.
  • Work collaboratively with several users editing the same file at the same time.
  • Access all your spreadsheets from any device thanks to its synchronization with OneDrive.
  • Compatible with a multitude of formats including .xls, .xml, and .csv.

What does the Excel 365 version have that previous editions did not have?

This version of Excel 365 replaces the edition that was included in the Office 2019 package. With respect to this version, we can list the following new features:

  • New linked data types are added: the new linked data types show data on hundreds of topics to help the user achieve their goals in Excel.
  • Includes a new Accessibility ribbon where to find all the necessary tools to create accessible content.
  • Conditional formatting dialog boxes are improved.
  • You can create a custom data type in Power Query that allows you to load multiple related parts in a column.
  • Multiple spreadsheets can be displayed at the same time.
  • The user can create variables for use in formulas.
  • An Excel file can be sorted and filtered while collaborating with others using Sheet View. This prevents sorting and filtering performed by other users from being affected.
  • You can have a conversation directly in the spreadsheet using the integrated reply box and alert colleagues using @mentions.

What’s new in the latest version

  • Microsoft has not announced the changes included in this release.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Windows 7.

A Telecommunications Engineer, chance led me to the translation industry, where after a few years, I discovered another side of the world of technology while translating what others were writing about mobile applications and software. That.


Microsoft Excel for Windows

Microsoft’s powerful spreadsheet and data management program

Microsoft Excel is the most popular spreadsheet program on the market and an essential tool to organize, manipulate and analyze all kinds of data. You can download Excel as a standalone program, as part of the Office productivity suite or through the Microsoft 365 subscription service. Even though there are very similar free alternatives available such as Google Sheets or Zoho Sheet, Excel is still the must-use software for data analysis, managing lists and business performance reporting.

While Excel’s main forte is organizing large amounts of data, it also brings useful features to manipulate, interpret and present information in a clear and visual way. Just use its wide selection of formulas and calculations and in a blink of an eye you can convert your data into all kinds of charts, graphs and data analysis visualizations. This makes it the perfect ally for businesses, researchers and enterprises around the world.

What is Microsoft Excel used for?

MS Excel is a powerful and versatile tool to store and manipulate data and can be used for a wide range of applications. These are Excel’s main uses:

  • Data storage and management — Thanks to its columns and rows of cells, Excel is the perfect tool to enter, edit and organize all kinds of information.
  • Data analysis — Excel includes a wide array of tools that lets you perform both basic and advanced arithmetic operations, such as sums, averages or statistical measures.
  • Data visualization — One of Excel’s most interesting features is its ability to create charts and graphics of any stored data. This is very helpful to visualize reports and also to communicate them in an easily understood format.
  • Financial analysis — Excel simplifies business processes like creating budgets or forecasting financial results.
  • Project management — Keep track of any project, task or event thanks to Excel’s ability to create Gantt charts in just a few seconds.

What are Excel’s key features?

Microsoft Excel is very powerful software that will let you manipulate any kind of data you store in its spreadsheets. From basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.) to more advanced functions like LET, COS or MAX/MIN, Excel has you covered. Apart from that, the software will let you visualize these results in graphs and charts, making them more accessible to any audience.

Excel also brings some interesting features that will let you work with data in a faster and more productive way. You will be able to find specific sets of results in seconds thanks to its filters and summarize them in pivot tables. Another interesting feature is that Excel lets you link cells, making it possible to work with data from different sheets and workbooks. Also, you can change the layout and format of your columns and rows, as well as add a color code to them. This makes it easy to spot any data you’re looking for within seconds.

If you tend to have to work with large amounts of data, Excel has you covered. The program lets you import from other media, such as databases, text files and even web APIs. This speeds up considerably the process of creating a spreadsheet. You can also export your results in PDF or HTML formats, or upload them directly to OneDrive or Sharepoint, making it very easy to collaborate and share your results with others.

What’s new in Microsoft Excel 2021?

With the arrival of Windows 11 , Microsoft Excel received a new version with new tools and features. These new features focus mainly on collaboration with other team members. If you’re thinking of updating, we recommend you check this list before you download Excel. In addition to a completely revamped interface, the 2021 version of the program includes the following:

  • Co-authoring — You and your colleagues can work on the same Excel workbook in real-time.
  • Know who’s looking at your workbook — Shows who’s online working on your workbook.
  • Improved commenting system — You can now edit, delete or resolve comment threads.
  • XLOOKUP function — Search for data in a table or range by row or column. This is in contrast to VLOOKUP which only searches vertically. It can return a value from the left or the right when there is a match, as opposed to VLOOKUP, which can only return values from the right.
  • LET function — Assigns names to calculation results.
  • Dynamic arrays — Write one formula to get an array of values. Adds six new functions: : FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, and RANDARRAY.
  • XMATCH function — Find an item’s relative position in an array or range of cells.
  • Sheet views — Lets you create custom views in a worksheet.
  • Support for OpenDocument format — Now you can use OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 files.

How does Microsoft Excel work?

Excel is a powerful spreadsheet application, and while it is very intuitive for basic functions, it has a steep learning curve to learn to apply the most advanced ones. The program shows all data in cells organized in a grid of rows and columns. To interact with the data, the user needs to type out formulas that will let them perform all types of calculations as well as manipulate data from other cells or ranges of cells. While some of these functions are basic, some can be extremely complex, for that reason it is always a good idea to refer to a beginners guide before venturing to Excel.

Once you become familiar with using Excel, you will be able to use different equations and formulas to process large amounts of data. A few prominent functions that most users proficient in the spreadsheet software will know include VLOOKUP, CONCATENATE and IFERROR, as well as features such as Pivot Tables, Remove Duplicates and Text to Columns.

What are the pros and cons of Microsoft Excel?

As you know by now, Microsoft Excel is an excellent tool to gather and analyze all types of data. While it’s one of the most used programs in businesses around the world, it’s not perfect and has some limitations. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using Excel. These are the main ones:


  • Powerful and Versatile — Excel can be used to store, organize, analyze and manipulate all kinds of data, including numbers, text or dates. It can also be used to visualize the results through graphs and charts.
  • Customization — Users are able to change the layout and the formatting of the cells, rows and columns to customize their spreadsheets from top to toe.
  • Collaboration — Excel lets several users work on the same spreadsheet and workbook at the same time.
  • Compatibility — The program is widely used and its files are compatible with most productivity tools.


  • Steep learning curve — Excel is a very complex application to master and it can be overwhelming to new users.
  • Limited scalability — The program slows down noticeably while working on very large data sets.
  • Prone to human errors — Excel can sometimes show incorrect results, since it relies on users to insert data and functions correctly.

Can I download Microsoft Excel for free?

No, you can’t. Excel is a paid program and to download it, you’ll need to buy it first. Excel comes in three different varieties: As a standalone program, as part of the Microsoft Office productivity suite or as part of the Microsoft 365 subscription service. Each option has its pros and cons.

If you just want to use Excel, you should opt for its standalone program. It’s the most affordable option of the three and its license key will let you download and use Excel as many times as you want.

If you think that you might use Word or another of Microsoft’s productivity programs, you should choose Office. It might be more expensive but its products are definitely worth it.

Finally, if you prefer to work on the go or use different devices to access your files, you should get a Microsoft 365 subscription. This is the best choice if you aim to collaborate with other users and teams online.

Does this mean you won’t be able to use Excel for free? Not at all. You can still use a Lite version of Excel that is available for free online from the official Offce website. Once you get there, simply log in using your Microsoft account and start using Excel for free. You should know however that it’s a very basic version of the spreadsheet program, so some of its more advanced functions and features are unavailable.

The best tool to manage all your data

Microsoft Excel is the most powerful spreadsheet program on the market. Since its launch, it’s been a household name in the world of data management and analysis, becoming a favorite among businesses and enterprises. Its steep learning curve might be discouraging for beginners, but it offers many basic features that are very intuitive to use. With the arrival of the 2021 version, the program just got better, focusing most of its new features on making collaboration even easier. Overall, Excel is an essential tool for anyone working with data or who simply wants to improve their productivity.

Excel for insightful spreadsheets – anytime, virtually anywhere, and with anyone

A modern take on Excel with new built-in tools help you get more out of your data.

  • Enhanced by intelligence, Excel learns your patterns, organizing your data to save you time.
  • Create spreadsheets with ease from templates or on your own, and perform calculations with modern formulas.
  • New charts and graphs help you present your data in compelling ways, with formatting, sparklines, and tables to better understand your data.

Get premium versions of Excel and other Office apps like Word and PowerPoint by subscribing to Office 365. With Office 365 you’ll get great Excel features like real-time collaboration. Plus, you’ll receive exclusive, new features every month ensuring you’re always up-to-date.


логотип Excel

3.3 GB

флаг России

Excel 2021 – программа для обработки большого массива данных в табличном варианте. Появилась вместе с новой версии Windows 11 в конце 2021 года. Программное обеспечение позволяет работать с числами, данными и текстовыми константами. В ней удобно вести учет, сравнивать показания или систематизировать разную информацию.


  1. Обновленные команды. Одни из самых интересных: XLOOKUP – позволяет находить одинаковые типы данных среди указанных ячеек. Автоматические показывает найденные результат; ПУСТЬ – дает сохранить промежуточные значения, а также задавать имена в формуле.
  2. Одновременное отображение рабочей области нескольких листов на одном рабочем столе. Не нужно постоянно кликать по разным вкладкам, чтобы сверить данные.
  3. Совместное редактирование. Удобная функция, которая позволяет работать командой над одним документом одновременно. Вы также сможете увидеть всех сотрудников, работающих над таблицей в онлайн. Их аватары появятся в верхней строке состояния.
  4. Продвинутые комментарии. Микро чаты, где вы можете обсудить с начальством или другими сотрудниками ту или иную правку в самом комментарии.


Microsoft Excel is the world’s most famous and widely used spreadsheet editing application. Originally developed by Microsoft in 1987, this software received numerous expansions of capabilities, making it the go-to source for spreadsheet editing, use of graphing tools, pivot tables, macro programming, and much more.

Available today on all modern platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS, today this app is used by hundreds of millions of people each day. Since 1990, Microsoft Excel can be found as a part of the Microsoft Office, a suite of document, presentation, and email editing applications covering all usage scenarios needed in a modern collaborative working environment.

Buy Microsoft 365 for only $6.99/month - Powerful Productivity Apps! Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint and More to collaborate in real time or work offline.

It is very hard to quickly review software so powerful, versatile, ubiquitous, and genre-defining as MS Excel. Regarded as the gold standard for spreadsheet creation and analysis, Excel Home and Student to this day outmatches all competition with its wide array of tools and powerful advanced features that satisfy the needs of everyone, from first-time spreadsheet users to largest corporations who are interested in analytics and integrated forecasting functions.

Excel Review

Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet desktop app that is widely used for various purposes, including data analysis, financial modeling, and project management. It offers a wide range of features and tools that can help users organize and analyze data, create charts and graphs, and automate tasks.

One of the strengths of Excel is its flexibility and customization options. Users can create and format spreadsheets to meet their specific needs, and can also use macros and add-ins to automate repetitive tasks and extend the software’s functionality.

It also integrates well with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and PowerPoint, which can be useful for creating reports and presentations based on Excel data. Additionally, Excel offers robust collaboration features, allowing users to share and co-author spreadsheets in real-time, awesome!

However, it can also be quite complex and overwhelming for beginners, especially those who are not familiar with spreadsheet concepts and formulas. There is a steep learning curve, and users may need to invest significant time and effort to master the software’s features and capabilities.

Overall, MS Excel is a powerful and versatile spreadsheet software for Windows 11/10 that can be used for a wide range of applications. While it may not be the easiest software to learn, it can offer significant benefits for users who need to analyze and manage data on a regular basis.


Its versatility enables effortless integration into workflows for managing countless tasks, including but not limited to, document creation, budgeting, personal finance, tax record management, small business document management, student/research analysis, and extensive needs of government agencies, non-profit organizations, and largest corporations on the planet.

Even though it is filled to the brim with tools and services, the user interface of the MSExcel is as intuitive as ever, providing easy access to every one of its functions via tabbed toolbars on the top of the window, right-click cell menus, and powerful configuration tools in the main setting window. Long-time users will have no trouble adapting to the latest version of the app, only really needing to get accustomed to the newly introduced integration into the Office 365 online suite that enables effortless online collaboration and document sharing.

Main Features

  • Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet software that offers a wide range of features for organizing, analyzing, and presenting data. Some of the key features include:
  • Cell formatting: You can format cells in Excel by changing the font, color, size, background, and other properties to make data easier to read and understand.
  • Formulas and functions: Excel provides a vast array of mathematical and statistical functions that you can use to perform complex calculations, such as summing values, finding the average, or calculating the standard deviation.
  • Charts and graphs: Excel provides a range of chart types that you can use to visualize data, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and scatter plots.
  • Pivot tables: Pivot tables allow you to summarize and aggregate data, making it easy to analyze large sets of data and find trends and patterns.
  • Filtering and sorting: You can filter and sort data in Excel to quickly find specific information and arrange it in a useful order.
  • Macros: Macros are automated sequences of actions that you can save and reuse, making it easy to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Collaboration: With Excel, you can collaborate with others on a single workbook, sharing data and making changes in real-time.
  • Import and export: Excel allows you to import data from a variety of sources, such as databases, text files, or other spreadsheets, and export data in a range of formats, including CSV, HTML, and PDF.
  • Customization: You can customize Excel by creating custom functions and macros, creating custom menus and toolbars, and creating custom styles and themes.
  • Mobile access: Microsoft Excel is available on a range of devices, including Windows, Mac, and mobile, making it easy to access your data and work on the go.

Excel Home and Student 2019/2021

  • For 1 PC
  • Turn data into useful insights
  • Share your spreadsheet with others and edit together in real time
  • Compatible with Windows 11 or Windows 10
  • Files must be shared from OneDrive
  • For non-commercial use
  • Microsoft account


  • Effortless Spreadsheet creation – Manage spreadsheets of all sizes, from personal or school documents to government databases.
  • Extensive toolset – Take advantage of the most advanced toolset present in modern spreadsheet software, including advanced formulas, pivot tables, lookup formulas, charts, sorting & filtering data, conditional formatting, structural references, data explorer, data analysis, VBA, macros, automation, and much more.
  • Analytics – Gain valuable insights from built-in analytics tools.
  • Audit Trail – Track changes in audit files using the integrated Review and Track Changes tools.
  • Advanced calculations – Take financial and data analysis to a whole new level.
  • Charting – Visualize data with a wide array of charts that can be exported to other apps from the Office suite.
  • Multi-user collaboration – Office 365 integration enables all users of Excel to easily share their documents and collaborate.
  • Templates – Simplify document creation with powerful and customizable template offerings.


Q: How do I create a new Excel workbook?

A: To create a new workbook, click on the «File» tab and select «New.» You can also use the keyboard shortcut «Ctrl + N.»

Q: How do I enter data in Excel?
A: You can enter data into Excel by clicking on a cell and typing in your data. You can also copy and paste data from other sources into Excel.

Q: How do I save an Excel workbook?
A: To save an Excel workbook, click on the «File» tab and select «Save» or «Save As.» You can also use the keyboard shortcut «Ctrl + S» to save.

Q: How do I format cells in Excel?
A: To format cells in Excel, select the cells you want to format and then click on the «Home» tab. From there, you can change font, color, size, background, and other properties.

Q: How do I create a formula in Excel?
A: To create a formula in Excel, click on a cell and start typing with the equal sign (=). You can then use Excel functions or perform mathematical operations to create your formula.

Q: How do I create a chart in Excel?
A: To create a chart in Excel, select the data you want to include in your chart and then click on the «Insert» tab. From there, you can select the type of chart you want to create.

Q: How do I use pivot tables in Excel?
A: To create a pivot table in Excel, select your data and then click on the «Insert» tab. From there, select «PivotTable.» You can then drag and drop fields to create your pivot table.

Q: How do I filter data in Excel?
A: To filter data in Excel, click on the «Data» tab and select «Filter.» You can then select the criteria you want to use to filter your data.

Q: How do I use macros in Excel?
A: To use macros in Excel, you need to create a macro first. You can do this by clicking on the «Developer» tab and selecting «Record Macro.» Once you have recorded your macro, you can run it by clicking on the «Developer» tab and selecting «Macros.»

Q: How do I share an Excel workbook with others?
A: To share an Excel workbook with others, you can save it to a shared location, such as OneDrive, and then share the link with others. You can also collaborate on the workbook in real-time by opening it in Excel Online.

System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster x86- or x64-bit processor with SSE2 instruction set
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM for 32-bit version, 2 GB RAM for 64-bit version
  • Hard disk space: 3 GB of available disk space
  • Display: 1024 x 576 screen resolution
  • Graphics: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
  • Internet connection: Internet functionality requires an internet connection


Microsoft Excel

is a comprehensive spreadsheet software that provides users with a wide range of features for organizing, analyzing, and presenting data. From cell formatting, formulas and functions, charts and graphs, pivot tables, filtering and sorting, macros, collaboration, import and export, customization, to mobile access, MS Excel offers a multitude of tools to make working with data easier and more efficient.

Whether you’re a student, business professional, or just someone who needs to manage data, Microsoft Excel is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your goals.


: 5 days trial version.

Also Available: Download Microsoft Excel for Mac

Download Microsoft Excel Latest Version

  • MiniTool

  • MiniTool News Center

  • Microsoft Excel 2019 Download Free for Windows/Mac/Android/iOS

By Stella | Follow |
Last Updated January 13, 2023

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Are you looking for a Microsoft Excel 2019 download source? You may want to download Excel 2019 for free on Windows/Mac/Android/iOS. MiniTool Software writes this post to introduce some Microsoft Excel 2019 download sources for different platforms.

About Microsoft Excel 2019

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft. It can be used on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It is always used as the calculation or computation capabilities, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Microsoft Excel forms part of the Microsoft Office suite of software.

Microsoft Excel 2019 is the latest version. Many users want to download Excel 2019 on their device. A free Microsoft Excel 2019 download source is much better. If you want to install Excel 2019 on your Windows computer, your device should meet the following requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows 10, Windows Server 2019, or later
  • Processor: 6 GHz or faster, 2-core
  • Ram: 4 GB RAM; 2 GB RAM (32-bit)
  • Space: 4 GB of free hard disk space
  • Graphics card: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2.0 or higher for Windows 10 (or WDDM 1.3 or higher for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update)
  • Display: 1280 x 768 screen resolution (32-bit requires hardware acceleration for 4K and higher)

Well then, where to download Microsoft Excel 2019 for your Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS? In this following part, you can find the related download sources.

How to Download Microsoft Excel 2019 for Free

Microsoft Excel 2019 download for Windows 10

Microsoft Excel 2019 download for Windows 10 64 bit/32 bit/Windows 11 (Official)

Microsoft Excel is one product in the Microsoft Office Suite. If you want to download Excel 2019, you can download Microsoft Office 2019 on your Windows device. The most reliable way is to get it from the Microsoft’s official site.

To perform a Microsoft Excel 2019 download from Microsoft, you need to have a Microsoft account. If you buy a new Windows computer recently, you should have a Microsoft account. Besides, Microsoft Office 2019 should be available if it is the version that you have installed. Then, you can follow this guide to get Microsoft Excel.

Step 1: Go to the Microsoft Account site.

Step 2: Click the Sign in to account icon in the top right corner and sign in to Microsoft with your account.

click sign in to account

Step 3: Click Services & subscriptions from the top menu bar.

Step 4: Scroll down to find Office 2019 and click the Install button next to it to download and install Office 2019 on your Windows computer.

MS Office 2019 Free Download with Crack

If you haven’t subscripted Office 2019, you can also download MS Office 2019 32-bit or 64-bit from a third-party site. You can search for such a site online by yourself. If you don’t know which one is safe and reliable, you can just try the download source in the first search result page. After downloading the installation file, you can open it and follow the on-screen guide to install MS Excel on your device.

Microsoft Excel 2019 download for Mac

You can also use Microsoft Excel 2019 on a Mac computer. You can download it from the Mac App Store. Microsoft Excel is free to download on Mac. You can just search for it in Mac App Store and download & install it on your Mac computer.

Microsoft Excel 2019 download for Android

Microsoft Excel is an available app on Android phone or tablet. You can search for it in Google Play Store and download & install it on your device.

Microsoft Excel 2019 download for iOS

Microsoft Excel is free to download in the App Store on your iPhone or iPad. You can directly search for it in the App Store. Then, you can download and install the latest version of Microsoft Excel on your iOS mobile device.

Recover Deleted Microsoft Excel Files on Windows

If your important Excel files are lost or deleted by mistake, do you know how to get them back? You can use a free file recovery tool like MiniTool Power Data Recovery to rescue them.

You can first use the trial edition of this software to scan the data storage drive you want to recover data from and see if it can find the Excel files you want to recover. If you can find your needed files, you can use a full edition to recover all of them without limits.

Free Download

Bottom Line

Want to find a free Excel 2019 download source for your Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS device? You can get such download links from this post. If you are using a mobile device, you can just download the latest version Microsoft Excel from the App Store. Should you have other related issues, you can let us know in the comments.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Stella has been working in MiniTool Software as an English Editor for more than 7 years. Her articles mainly cover the fields of data recovery including storage media data recovery and phone data recovery, YouTube videos download, partition management, and video conversions.

Microsoft Excel is the industry-leading spreadsheet program from the Microsoft family. MS Excel helps millions of its users in completing their daily office and personal work. Download Microsoft Excel for Free and install this smart workbook on your Windows PC to save time and money.

If you are searching for the latest version of Microsoft Excel Free Download, you are at the right place. Here you can Download Microsoft Excel for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android devices.

In the article, we will let you know about how to download the smart Excel workbook free for your PC. Download Free the Latest Version of Microsoft Excel 2021 Professional Plus for Windows 7, 8 & 10 Compatibility x64 (64-Bit). You can also use Microsoft Excel Online for free in 2021.

Note: Microsoft Excel is not available separately for download, but you can still use Microsoft excel online without Installing the software by clicking the link below. By clicking the second link you can download the complete Microsoft Suite to use( MS Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and many more).

How to Download Microsoft Excel for Free in 2021?

If you are looking for Microsoft Excel Free Download for Windows 7 & 10 you can download Microsoft Office’s latest version for free for your PC. Because MS Excel is always included in all versions of Microsoft Office released by Microsoft, and a part of the all Microsoft Office package. If you have downloaded the Office Suite, you don’t need to download Microsoft Excel separately for your computer.

Microsoft Excel 2016 is the most famous Edition of Excel, But the latest version of Microsoft Excel is MS Excel 2019 مايكروسوفت وورد which is currently available in the market. If you can’t afford to buy a complete Microsoft office solution, You can download an MS Excel spreadsheet separately for your Desktop PC.

In the latest version of Microsoft Office, you will find Microsoft Excel 2019 16.0.6742.2048 full version (32-64 bit), but Microsoft Excel 2016 is the most famous version of MS Excel.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet tool that is designed to help users to compute difficult functions and formulas easily while working in their office. MS Excel has tons of great aspects and features.

Microsoft Excel is mostly used for mathematical computations, and analyzing complex data sets with just a few simple clicks and commands. MS Excel formulas help users to manage balance sheets, and income statements, create salary sheets, compute large amounts, and various other financial data sets.

Microsoft Excel has a simple interface and it’s very easy to use even for newbies. The top screen toolbar is full of all famous options that help new users to complete their desired tasks. Microsoft Excel can generate a wide range of reports from the data given in the spreadsheet.

However, at the same time, this program is also extremely convenient for professionals. The unlimited amount of columns and rows gives you the option to enter an endless amount of data with titles and descriptions. The data you entered once in your spreadsheet can be found later with a search option. Users can also put the program to work as a social calendar for their upcoming events.

Using Microsoft Excel you can easily import and export data between all Microsoft office programs such as MS Word or PowerPoint. You can record nearly any type of data in form of numbers, text, and images. You can also arrange the data in any format and color. Microsoft Excel can be used to generate complicated reports and tracklists.

At the end of the day, Microsoft Excel is not just a single software competitor that offers such a smooth experience, with so many optional features.

Another incredibly useful feature of Excel 2013 is the ability to generate a wide range of reports from the data in the spreadsheet. There are dozens of different report options from creating a pivot table to making a simple pie chart. You are able to define exactly what data to use in the report and how to arrange it. You can customize nearly every part of a report to meet your needs. You could even potentially generate a full report by hand instead of relying on the automated wizard in the program.

Excel 2013 introduced a new feature known as flash fill. This feature attempts to intelligently sort data in a way that makes sense to people. You can import or paste in a large amount of unsorted data. Excel will go through looking for patterns or similarities between various data fields. It will then sort the data into rows and columns. This feature can make organizing data from many different disparate programs simpler and faster. The flash fill feature does not always work correctly although it can really save a large amount of time when it does.

The interface for Excel 2019 has been updated from previous versions to make it easier to use. The complicated menu bars at the top of the application have been replaced with a new ribbon. The ribbon on the top of the sheet allows users to see almost all of the functions available grouped by different categories. These changes can actually improve the productivity of the latest version of MS Excel.

Use Microsoft Excel Online Now

For user convenience, Microsoft Excel is available online for free. you can use Microsoft Excel online from anywhere using your desktop, laptop, or tablet without installation. You can save your data and spreadsheets on cloud storage and access it anywhere, anytime, when you need it.

Office 365 users can access online Excel using cross-platform. Users can open, view, edit and save Excel spreadsheets from any device like their laptop, mobile, tablet, or PC. 1TB of OneDrive cloud-free online storage also comes with an Office 365 subscription.

Previously Released Versions

The latest version of MS Excel is Microsoft Excel 2019 currently available in the market. But Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, Ms. Excel 2010, Microsoft Excel 2013, and 2017 are the previously released version of Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excels Functions and Tricks

  1. Keyboard shortcuts available
  2. Multiple columns or rows option
  3. Fast find and replace data option
  4. Show and hide specified sows
  5. Protect and encrypt files with a password
  6. Connect multiple sheets with a single formula
  7. Expand the formula bar to multiple rows
  8. Convert your rows Into columns easily
  9. Add headers and footers to your sheet
  10. Alphabetize data in a column or rows
  11. Freeze and unfreeze cells
  12. Wrap text to fit in a cell
  13. Remove duplicate items in a range of cells
  14. Autofill feature for fast typing
  15. Collapse and show the toolbar ribbon
  16. Select an unselect entire row
  17. Start a new line in a cell
  18. Create macros to save time on repetitive processes
  19. Split data into different cells
  20. Share a common format between rows

Smarter Workbook Best Features

  • Beautiful and compatible spreadsheets
  • Helpful mathematical Formulas
  • Multiple functions in one sheet
  • Best and smarter workbook for office work
  • Simplistic Interface
  • Easy to use

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