Domotics from the latin word domus plus robotics

Domotics, from the Latin word domus plus robotics, also known as autom перевод - Domotics, from the Latin word domus plus robotics, also known as autom русский как сказать

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Domotics, from the Latin word domus plus robotics, also known as automation, involves the vise of information technology applied to domestic appliances in order to create intelligent systems inside. Basic intelligent devices, traditional devices with an embedded processor, have been with us for a while, e.g. microwave ovens and washing machines with computerized controls.
Intelligent homes are a wider concept: all the systems and devices are connected in a LAN, local area network, where they communicate with each other and are controlled by a central computer sometimes installed in one of the machines.
Control devices and networking
Intelligent homes are controlled with different types of interfaces, devices that facilitate communication between the user and the system: physical switches, touch screens, IR (infrared) remote controls, computers either at home or at a distance, telephony.
The different elements perform one of these two functions: they are either command initiators, e.g. a brightness sensor that is programmed to send an instruction when it gets dark, or command receivers, e.g. a light that turns on when it receives an instruction sent by the sensor.
Household appliances, sound and video systems, optical and thermal sensors, etc. can be linked with wired and wireless systems. Wired LANs use different types of cables and also electrical wiring.
WLANs, wireless networks, use radio-frequencysystems: Bluetooth, a shortrange radio system used to communicate between portable devices (laptops, PDAs, mobile phones, etc.), is now frequently used to design PANs (personal area networks) inside the home.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Домовой, от латинского слова domus плюс робототехника, также известный как автоматизация, включает тисков информационных технологий, применяемых к бытовой техники с целью создания интеллектуальных систем внутри. Основные интеллектуальные устройства, традиционные устройства с помощью встроенного процессора были с нами на некоторое время, например, микроволновых печей и стиральных машин с компьютеризованную управления.Интеллигентая(ый) дома являются более широкой концепции: системы и устройства подключены в локальной сети, локальной сети, где они общаются друг с другом и контролируются центральным компьютером, иногда установлен в одной из машин.Устройства управления и сетейС различными типами интерфейсов, устройства, которые облегчают взаимодействие между пользователем и системой контролируются интеллигентая(ый) дома: физических коммутаторов, сенсорных экранов, ИК (инфракрасного) пульты, компьютеров на дому или на расстоянии, телефонии.Различные элементы выполняют одну из этих двух функций: они либо команду инициаторов, например световой датчик, который запрограммирован для отправки инструкции, когда становится темно, или команду приемники, например, лампы, что горит, когда он получает инструкции, отправляемые датчиком.Бытовая техника, аудио и видео систем, оптических и тепловые датчики и т.д. могут быть связаны с проводных и беспроводных систем. Проводных локальных сетей используют различные типы кабелей и электропроводки.Беспроводных локальных сетей, беспроводных сетей, использование радио frequencysystems: Bluetooth, Ближнего радио система, используемая для связи между портативные устройства (ноутбуки, КПК, мобильные телефоны, и т.д.), теперь часто используется для разработки кастрюли (персональных сетей) внутри дома.

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Сигнализациях, от латинского слова Домус плюс робототехнике, также известный как автоматизация, включает в себя тиски информационных технологий применительно к бытовой техники для создания интеллектуальных систем внутри. Основные интеллектуальные устройства, традиционные устройства со встроенным процессором, был с нами некоторое время, например , микроволновые печи и стиральные машины с компьютеризированным управлением.
Интеллектуальные дома являются более широкое понятие: все системы и устройства подключены в, локальной сети LAN , где они взаимодействуют друг с другом и управляются центральным компьютером , иногда установленной в одной из машин.
Управление устройствами и сетевыми
Интеллектуальные дома управляются с различными типами интерфейсов, устройств , которые облегчают связь между пользователем и системой: физические переключатели, сенсорные экраны, ИК (инфракрасный) пульт дистанционного управления, компьютеры либо дома , либо на расстоянии, телефония.
различные элементы выполняют одну из этих двух функций: они либо команды инициаторы, например , датчик освещенности , который запрограммирован , чтобы отправить команду , когда она темнеет, или командные приемники, например, свет , который включается , когда он принимает команду , посланную датчиком.
Бытовая техника, звуковых и видео систем, оптических и тепловых датчиков и т.д. могут быть связаны с проводными и беспроводными системами. Проводные локальные сети используют различные типы кабелей , а также электропроводки.
WLANs, беспроводные сети, использовать радио-frequencysystems: Bluetooth, система короткодействующих радио используется для обмена данными между портативными устройствами (ноутбуки, карманные компьютеры, мобильные телефоны и т.д.), в настоящее время часто используется проектировать кухонная (персональных сетей) внутри дома.

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


domotics, от латинского слова Domus плюс робототехники, также известный как автоматизации, предполагает тиски информационные технологии применяются для бытовой техники в целях создания интеллектуальных систем внутри.основные интеллектуальные приборы, традиционные устройства, встроенный процессор, были с нами на какое — то время, например, микроволновые печи и стиральных машин с компьютерного контроля.умные дома более широкой концепции: всех систем и устройств, подключенных к интернет, локальные сети, где они общаются друг с другом и контролируются центральным компьютером, иногда установлены в одной из машин.устройств управления и создание сетейумные дома находятся под контролем с различными видами интерфейсов, устройств, чтобы облегчить общение между пользователем и системы: физическое переключатели, сенсорные экраны, ик (ик) дистанционного управления, компьютеры, либо дома, либо на расстоянии, телефонии.различные элементы выполняют одну из этих двух функций: они либо команда инициаторов, например, яркость датчика, которые планируется направить инструкцию, когда стемнеет, или команды), например, свет, который включится, когда он получает инструкцию, направленных датчика.бытовые приборы, звук и видео систем, оптических и тепловых датчиков и т.д. может быть связан с проводных и беспроводных систем.проводной локальной сети использовать разные типы кабели, а также электропроводки.wlans, беспроводные сети, использование радио frequencysystems: Bluetooth, система, используемая для общения между shortrange радио портативных устройств (ноутбуки, карманные компьютеры, мобильные телефоны и т.д.), в настоящее время часто используется для разработки кастрюли (персональных вычислительных сетей) внутри дома.

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Domotics, from the Latin word domus
plus robotics, also known as
automation, involves the use of information technology applied to domestic
appliances in order to create intelligent systems inside the house.




devices and networking

Intelligent homes are
controlled with different types of interfaces, devices that facilitate
communication between the used and the system; physical switches, touch
screens, IR (infrared) remote controls, computers either a home or at a
distance, telephony.



Automatic operations

Intelligent systems are able
to perform a series of activities to improve these areas.


• Turn on and off alarm
systems and phone emergency services if needed

• Open and close doors and
gates, blinds or curtains


• Control heat and smoke



Solve the clues and complete the puzzle with words from A and B


3. A wireless standard used
for PANs.

6. Touch screens, remote
control and computers are different types of ______.

7. Adjective which describes
networks without cables.

9. A smoke sensor is an
example of a command ________.


Read the text
and answer the questions below.

‘Smart’ homes not far away

1. Which of the areas in C
opposite are improved in this ‘smart’ home: security, safety, comfort and
economy, assistive technology? Which one is not?

2. What operations is the
system able to perform to improve those areas?


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Domotic» redirects here. Not to be confused with Demotic.

«Smart house» redirects here. For the film, see Smart House.

Ring video doorbell with Wi-Fi camera

Home automation or domotics[1] is building automation for a home, called a smart home or smart house. A home automation system will monitor and/or control home attributes such as lighting, climate, entertainment systems, and appliances. It may also include home security such as access control and alarm systems. When connected with the Internet, home devices are an important constituent of the Internet of Things («IoT»).

A home automation system typically connects controlled devices to a central smart home hub (sometimes called a «gateway»). The user interface for control of the system uses either wall-mounted terminals, tablet or desktop computers, a mobile phone application, or a Web interface that may also be accessible off-site through the Internet.

While there are many competing vendors, there are increasing efforts towards open source systems. However, there are issues with the current state of home automation including a lack of standardized security measures and deprecation of older devices without backwards compatibility.

Home automation has high potential for sharing data between family members or trusted individuals for personal security and could lead to energy saving measures with a positive environmental impact in the future.

The home automation market was worth US$64 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow to over $163 billion in 2028.[citation needed]


Early home automation began with labor-saving machines. Self-contained electric or gas powered home appliances became viable in the 1900s with the introduction of electric power distribution[2] and led to the introduction of washing machines (1904), water heaters (1889), refrigerators (1913), sewing machines, dishwashers, and clothes dryers.

In 1975, the first general purpose home automation network technology, X10, was developed. It is a communication protocol for electronic devices. It primarily uses electric power transmission wiring for signalling and control, where the signals involve brief radio frequency bursts of digital data, and remains the most widely available.[3]

By 2012, in the United States, according to ABI Research, 1.5 million home automation systems were installed.[4]
Per research firm Statista[5] more than 45 million smart home devices will be installed in U.S. homes by the end of the year 2018.[6]

The word «domotics» is a contraction of the Latin word for a home (domus) and the word robotics.[1] The word «smart» in «smart home» refers to the system being aware of the state of its devices, which is done through the information and communication technologies (ICT) protocol and the Internet of Things (IoT).[7]

Applications and technologies

Home automation is prevalent in a variety of different realms, including:

  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC): it is possible to have remote control of all home energy monitors over the internet incorporating a simple and friendly user interface.[8][9]
  • Lighting control system: a «smart» network that incorporates communication between various lighting system inputs and outputs, using one or more central computing devices.
  • Occupancy-aware control system: it is possible to sense the occupancy of the home using smart meters[10] and environmental sensors like CO2 sensors,[11] which can be integrated into the building automation system to trigger automatic responses for energy efficiency and building comfort applications.
  • Appliance control and integration with the smart grid and a smart meter, taking advantage, for instance, of high solar panel output in the middle of the day to run washing machines.[12][13]
  • Home robots and security: a household security system integrated with a home automation system can provide additional services such as remote surveillance of security cameras over the Internet, or access control and central locking of all perimeter doors and windows.[14]
  • Leak detection, smoke and CO detectors[15][16]
  • Laundry-folding machine, self-making bed
  • Indoor positioning systems (IPS).
  • Home automation for the elderly and disabled.
  • Pet and baby care, for example tracking the pets and babies’ movements and controlling pet access rights.[17]
  • Air quality control (inside and outside). For example, Air Quality Egg is used by people at home to monitor the air quality and pollution level in the city and create a map of the pollution.[18]
  • Smart kitchen, with refrigerator inventory, premade cooking programs, cooking surveillance, etc.
  • Voice control devices like Amazon Alexa or Google Home used to control home appliances or systems.


Internet enabled cat feeder

In 2011, Microsoft Research found that home automation could involve a high cost of ownership, inflexibility of interconnected devices, and poor manageability.[19] When designing and creating a home automation system, engineers take into account several factors including scalability, how well the devices can be monitored and controlled, ease of installation and use for the consumer, affordability, speed, security, and ability to diagnose issues.[20] Findings from iControl showed that consumers prioritize ease-of-use over technical innovation, and although consumers recognize that new connected devices have an unparalleled cool factor, they are not quite ready to use them in their own homes yet.[21]

Historically, systems have been sold as complete systems where the consumer relies on one vendor for the entire system including the hardware, the communications protocol, the central hub, and the user interface. However, there are now open hardware and open source software systems which can be used instead of or with proprietary hardware.[19] Many of these systems interface with consumer electronics such as the Arduino or Raspberry Pi, which are easily accessible online and in most electronics stores.[22] In addition, home automation devices are increasingly interfaced with mobile phones through Bluetooth, allowing for increased affordability and customizability for the user.[7]

Criticism and controversies

Home automation suffers from platform fragmentation and lack of technical standards[23][24][25][26][27][28] a situation where the variety of home automation devices, in terms of both hardware variations and differences in the software running on them, makes the task of developing applications that work consistently between different inconsistent technology ecosystems hard.[29] Customers may hesitate to bet their IoT future on proprietary software or hardware devices that use proprietary protocols that may fade or become difficult to customize and interconnect.[30]

The nature of home automation devices can also be a problem for security, data security and data privacy, since patches to bugs found in the core operating system often do not reach users of older and lower-price devices.[31][32] One set of researchers say that the failure of vendors to support older devices with patches and updates leaves more than 87% of active devices vulnerable.[33][34]

Concerns have been raised by tenants renting from landlords who decide to upgrade units with smart home technology.[35] These concerns include weak wireless connections that render the door or appliance unusable or impractical; the security of door passcodes kept by the landlord; and the potential invasion of privacy that comes with connecting smart home technologies to home networks.

Researchers have also conducted user studies to determine what the barriers are for consumers when integrating home automation devices or systems into their daily lifestyle. One of the main takeaways was regarding ease of use, as consumers tend to steer towards «plug and play» solutions over more complicated setups.[36] One study found that there were large gaps in the mental-models generated by users regarding how the devices actually work.[36] Specifically, the findings showed that there was a lot of misunderstanding related to where the data collected by smart devices was stored and how it was used.[36] For example, in a smart light setup, one participant thought that her iPad communicated directly with the light, telling it to either turn-off or on.[36] In reality, the iPad sends a signal to the cloud system that the company uses (in this case, the Hue Bridge) which then signals directly to the device.[36]

Overall, this field is still evolving and the nature of each device is constantly changing. While technologists work to create more secure, streamlined, and standardized security protocols, consumers also need to learn more about how these devices work and what the implications of putting them in their homes can be. The growth of this field is currently limited not only by technology but also by a user’s ability to trust a device and integrate it successfully into his/her daily life.


Utilizing home automation could lead to more efficient and intelligent energy-saving techniques.[37] By integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) with renewable energy systems such as solar power or wind power, homes can autonomously make decisions about whether to store energy or expend it for a given appliance,[37] leading to overall positive environmental impacts and lower electricity bills for the consumers using the system. To do this, researchers propose using data from sensors regarding consumer activity within the home to anticipate consumer needs and balance that with energy consumption.[38]

Furthermore, home automation has a large potential regarding family safety and security. According to a 2015 survey done by iControl, the primary drivers of the demand for smart and connected devices are first «personal and family security», and second «excitement about energy savings».[39] Home automation includes a variety of smart security systems and surveillance setups. This allows consumers to monitor their homes while away, and to give trusted family members access to that information in case anything bad happens.


  • Domestic patch panel, unstructured

    Domestic patch panel, unstructured

  • Well and booster pump automation

    Well and booster pump automation

See also

  • Home automation companies
  • List of home automation software and hardware
  • List of home automation topics
  • Home automation for the elderly and disabled
  • Home network
  • Home robot
  • Indoor positioning
  • Internet of Things
  • List of network buses
  • Mobile manipulator and Mobile robot
  • Smart device and smart speaker
  • Web of Things


  1. ^ a b Hill, Jim (12 September 2015). «The smart home: a glossary guide for the perplexed». T3. Retrieved 27 March 2017.
  2. ^ Home Automation & Wiring (1 ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics. 1999-03-31. ISBN 978-0-07-024674-4.
  3. ^ Rye, Dave (October 1999). «My Life at X10». AV and Automation Industry eMagazine. AV and Automation Industry eMagazine. Archived from the original on September 30, 2014. Retrieved October 8, 2014.
  4. ^ «1.5 Million Home Automation Systems Installed in the US This Year». ABI Research. November 19, 2012. Retrieved 2016-11-22.
  5. ^ «Smart Home — United States | Statista Market Forecast». Statista. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  6. ^ Caccavale, Michael (September 24, 2018). «The Impact Of The Digital Revolution On The Smart Home Industry». Forbes. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  7. ^ a b Mandula, K.; Parupalli, R.; Murty, C. A. S.; Magesh, E.; Lunagariya, R. (December 2015). «Mobile based home automation using Internet of Things(IoT)». 2015 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT): 340–343. doi:10.1109/ICCICCT.2015.7475301. ISBN 978-1-4673-9825-1. S2CID 14737576.
  8. ^ Preville, Cherie (26 Aug 2013). «Control Your Castle: The Latest in HVAC Home Automation». ACHRNews. ACHRNews. Retrieved 15 Jun 2015.
  9. ^ Asadullah, Muhammad (22 Dec 2016). «An Overview of Home Automation Systems». Conference Paper. IEEE. pp. 27–31. doi:10.1109/ICRAI.2016.7791223. ISBN 978-1-5090-4059-9.
  10. ^ Jin, M.; Jia, R.; Spanos, C. (2017-01-01). «Virtual Occupancy Sensing: Using Smart Meters to Indicate Your Presence». IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. PP (99): 3264–3277. arXiv:1407.4395. doi:10.1109/TMC.2017.2684806. ISSN 1536-1233. S2CID 1997078.
  11. ^ Jin, M.; Bekiaris-Liberis, N.; Weekly, K.; Spanos, C. J.; Bayen, A. M. (2016-01-01). «Occupancy Detection via Environmental Sensing». IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. PP (99): 443–455. doi:10.1109/TASE.2016.2619720. ISSN 1545-5955. S2CID 4600376.
  12. ^ Berger, Lars T.; Schwager, Andreas; Pagani, Pascal; Schneider, Daniel M. (February 2014). Smart Grid Applications, Communications, and Security. Devices, Circuits, and Systems. CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4665-5752-9.
  13. ^ «Tips: Smart Appliances | Department of Energy». Archived from the original on 2015-09-29. Retrieved 2016-04-20.
  14. ^ Griffiths, Melanie (June 2016). «Smart Home Security». Homebuilding & Renovating. Retrieved 27 February 2012.
  15. ^ «Nest Protect | Smoke and CO Alarms — Consumer Reports News». Retrieved 2016-04-20.
  16. ^ «Nest Protect | Smoke and CO Alarms — Consumer Reports News». Retrieved 2016-11-22.
  17. ^ «Sure Flap — Smart Cat Flap Coming Soon! — News — Smart Home Geeks». Smart Home Geeks. 2017-04-06. Retrieved 2017-08-11.
  18. ^ Kamel Boulos, Maged N; Al-Shorbaji, Najeeb M (2014). «On the Internet of Things, smart cities and the WHO Healthy Cities». International Journal of Health Geographics. 13 (1): 10. doi:10.1186/1476-072x-13-10. PMC 3987056. PMID 24669838.
  19. ^ a b Brush, A. J.; Lee, Bongshin; Mahajan, Ratul; Agarwal, Sharad; Saroiu, Stefan; Dixon, Colin (2011-05-01). «Home Automation in the Wild: Challenges and Opportunities». Microsoft Research.
  20. ^ Sriskanthan, N.; Tan, F.; Karande, A. (August 2002). «Bluetooth based home automation system». Microprocessors and Microsystems. 26 (6): 281–289. doi:10.1016/S0141-9331(02)00039-X.
  21. ^ «2015 State of the Smart Home Report» (PDF). iControl Networks. Retrieved 5 November 2020.
  22. ^ Rout, Kshirod Kumar; Mallick, Samuchita; Mishra, Sivkuinar (July 2018). «Design and Implementation of an Internet of Things based Prototype for Smart Home Automation System». 2018 International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering (ICRIEECE). Bhubaneswar, India: IEEE: 67–72. doi:10.1109/ICRIEECE44171.2018.9008410. ISBN 978-1-5386-5995-3. S2CID 211688876.
  23. ^ «IoT experts fret over fragmentation». Mobile World Live. 2016-02-25. Retrieved 2016-11-22.
  24. ^ «Fragmentation is the enemy of the Internet of Things». Qualcomm. 2016-02-19. Retrieved 2016-11-22.
  25. ^ «Internet of Things: Opportunities and challenges for semiconductor companies». McKinsey & Company. Retrieved 2016-11-22.
  26. ^ «IOT Brings Fragmentation in Platform» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-10-07. Retrieved 2018-03-19.
  27. ^ «Countering Fragmentation with the Web of Things» (PDF).
  28. ^ Steve Kovach (July 30, 2013). «Android Fragmentation Report». Business Insider. Retrieved October 19, 2013.
  29. ^ Brown, Eric (September 13, 2016). «Who Needs the Internet of Things?». Retrieved 2016-11-22.
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  31. ^ Franceschi-Bicchierai, Lorenzo (July 29, 2015). «Goodbye, Android». Motherboard. Vice. Retrieved August 2, 2015.
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  36. ^ a b c d e Kaaz, Kim J.; Hoffer, Alex; Saeidi, Mahsa; Sarma, Anita; Bobba, Rakesh B. (October 2017). «Understanding user perceptions of privacy, and configuration challenges in home automation». 2017 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). Raleigh, NC: IEEE: 297–301. doi:10.1109/VLHCC.2017.8103482. ISBN 978-1-5386-0443-4. S2CID 36313196.
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  38. ^ Heierman, E.O.; Cook, D.J. (2003). «Improving home automation by discovering regularly occurring device usage patterns». Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. Melbourne, FL, USA: IEEE Comput. Soc: 537–540. doi:10.1109/ICDM.2003.1250971. ISBN 978-0-7695-1978-4. S2CID 10329347.
  39. ^ Kaaz, Kim J.; Hoffer, Alex; Saeidi, Mahsa; Sarma, Anita; Bobba, Rakesh B. (October 2017). «Understanding user perceptions of privacy, and configuration challenges in home automation». 2017 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). Raleigh, NC: IEEE: 297–301. doi:10.1109/VLHCC.2017.8103482. ISBN 978-1-5386-0443-4. S2CID 36313196.

External links

  • Media related to Home automation at Wikimedia Commons

1) Общая лексика: домов

2) Компьютерная техника: домовая электроника

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «domotics» в других словарях:

  • domotics — noun Robotic technology for use in the home …   Wiktionary

  • Home automation — is the residential extension of building automation . It is automation of the home, housework or household activity. Home automation may include centralized control of lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), appliances, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Domestic robot — First generation Roomba vacuums the carpets in a domestic environment Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Home automation for the elderly and disabled — This form of home automation (called assistive domotics) focuses on making it possible for the elderly and disabled to live at home and still be safe and comfortable. Home automation is becoming a viable option for the elderly and disabled who… …   Wikipedia

  • Mango (software) — This article is about the medical visualisation software. For other meanings of the word, see mango (disambiguation). Mango, the machine to machine domotics software, is at Mango (domotics software) Mango Mango interface Developer(s) University… …   Wikipedia

  • Electric power control — (Electric) Power Control deals with routing electric power, controlling its quality, and controlling the devices attached to a power line.A number of technologies have evolved for using the power wiring to turn devices attached to the power line… …   Wikipedia

  • X10 (industry standard) — X10 is an international and open industry standard for communication among electronic devices used for home automation, also known as domotics . It primarily uses power line wiring for signaling and control, where the signals involve brief radio… …   Wikipedia

  • Domestic technology — is the incorporation of applied science into the home. There are many aspects of domestic technology. On one level, there are home appliances, home automation and other devices commonly used in the home, such as clothes dryers and washing… …   Wikipedia

  • Major appliance — A side by side refrigerator A major appliance, or domestic appliance, is usually defined as a large machine which accomplishes some routine housekeeping task, which includes purposes such as cooking, or food preservation, whether in a household,… …   Wikipedia

  • Home appliance — Numerous appliances are found in the kitchen. Industry Food Beverages, Health Care Fuel Source Typically electric Powered Yes …   Wikipedia

  • Lighting — Not to be confused with lightning. For other uses, see lighting (disambiguation). Low intensity lighting and haze in a concert hall allows laser effects to be visible …   Wikipedia

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  • 1 English
    • 1.1 Etymology
    • 1.2 Noun
      • 1.2.1 Translations



Contraction of domestic robotics. Alternatively, from the Latin domus (home), and robotics.


domotics (uncountable)

  1. Robotic technology for use in the home.
  2. The automatic control of home appliances by electronic systems.



  • Catalan: domòtica f
  • Greek: οικοπληροφορική f (oikopliroforikí)
  • French: domotique (fr) f
  • Italian: domotica (it) f
  • Khmer: គេហរូបយន្តវិទ្យា (kéhrubyôntâvĭtyéa) (ke hak roob yon vit tyea)
  • Spanish: domótica (es) f

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  • English terms derived from Latin
  • English lemmas
  • English nouns
  • English uncountable nouns

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  • English undefined derivations

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