Dog word in chinese

All about Dogs in Chinese: Vocab, Breeds, Names, and More

dog in Chinese

How do you say dog in Chinese? What’s the Chinese word for puppy? What about barking, sniffing? Breed names & fun expressions? If you’ve ever felt the desire to talk about your furry canine friend in Mandarin Chinese, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this complete Chinese dog guide, we’ll go through the essential Chinese dog vocabulary, and teach you how to use them in real-life conversations with example phrases and sentences. We’ve also compiled a list of popular dog breeds in Chinese, with English translations and pictures to help you visualize.

And finally, for pet lovers who are considering adopting a Chinese dog, we’ll introduce you to the most popular dog names in China and basic Chinese dog commands to train your dog and your Chinese skills at the same time!

Let’s crush this!

Table of Contents

How to Say Dog in Chinese

The word for “dog” in Chinese is 狗 (gǒu), which is easy to remember as it sounds similar to the English word “go” pronounced with a third tone. (Read more on Mandarin tones)

Since Mandarin Chinese does not assign genders to nouns, both male and female dogs are referred to as 狗 (gǒu). If you are specifically talking about a male dog, you can use the word 公狗 (gōng gǒu). And for a female dog – 母狗 (mǔ gǒu).

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
dog gǒu
male dog 公狗 gōng gǒu
female dog 母狗 mǔ gǒu

As you learn more Chinese, you’ll find that there is an alternative and more formal word for dog – 犬 (quǎn) used in certain contexts. Later in this post, we’ll cover more about the Chinese word 犬 (quǎn), and when it’s used instead.

How to Say Dogs in Chinese

Good news: Chinese nouns don’t have plural forms. So to say “dogs” in Chinese, you still say 狗 (gǒu). However, when you quantify nouns, the numbers must be combined with a measure word that corresponds with the object being counted.

Measure Word for Dogs

By default, the measure word for dog in Chinese is 条 (tiáo), which is the proper measure word used for slim/long animals (e.g. dogs, wolves, fishes, snakes, etc).

So here’s how you count dogs in Chinese:

  • a/one dog
    yì tiáo gǒu
  • two dogs
    liǎng tiáo gǒu
  • ten dogs
    shí tiáo gǒu

If you’re unsure why we say 两条狗 (liǎng tiáo gǒu) instead of 二条狗 (èr tiáo gǒu) for “two dogs”, we have this entire article dedicated to explaining the confusing number “two” in Chinese. If you don’t know how to count in Chinese yet, you should probably start with this tutorial.

Tip: It’s okay to use 只 (zhī), the generic measure word for animals, to count dogs as well in spoken Chinese. In southern Chinese languages such as Cantonese and Hokkien, 只 (zhī) is the favored measure word, and it has crossed over into Mandarin of the area.

How to Say Puppy in Chinese

The word for “puppy” in Chinese is 小狗 (xiǎogǒu). It’s a very quick and simple word for you to learn. All you have to do is slap a 小 (xiǎo), meaning “small”, before the word 狗 (gǒu).

So how would you say two puppies? It’ll be 两条小狗 (liǎng tiáo xiǎo gǒu).

Tip: 小狗 (xiǎo gǒu) may also be used to describe a dog small in size, for instance, a Chihuahua. A big dog, on the other hand, is called a 大狗 (dà gǒu).

How Dogs Bark in Chinese

Dogs sound the same all over the world, but the word people use to represent the sound differs from language to language. In Mandarin Chinese, dogs don’t say “woof woof”, but “wāng wāng (汪汪)”.

Related Reading: Animal Sounds in Chinese

Popular Dog Breeds in Chinese 

The concept of owning a pet was not completely alien in China’s past, only that it was reserved for nobility. With the rise of China’s modern middle class and a shift in attitudes about animal intelligence and animal welfare, now the general Chinese population returned to viewing dogs as loyal and friendly companions and treating them as family members.

Over the years, Chinese pet owners have developed a preference for foreign breeds over native Chinese breeds. The native-type Pekingese, which was originally the favorite of Chinese Royals, for example, is no longer favored and is becoming difficult to find nowadays.

According to a survey among Chinese dog owners in 2022, Poodle is the most popular purebred dog breed in China, followed by Golden Retriever and Siberian Husky. Read on to find out how to say the most common and sought-after dog breed names in Chinese.

poodle dog in Chinese


golden retriever dog in Chinese


husky dog in Chinese


pomeranian dog in Chinese


samoyed dog in Chinese


border collie dog in Chinese


corgi dog in Chinese


french bulldog in Chinese


bichon frise dog in Chinese


schnauzer dog in Chinese


yorkshire terrier dog in Chinese


shiba inu dog in Chinese


labrador retriever dog in Chinese


alaskan malamute dog in Chinese


chow chow dog in Chinese


chihuahua dog in Chinese


pug dog in Chinese


shih tzu dog in Chinese


pekingese dog


tibetan mastiff dog in Chinese


akita dog in Chinese


collie dog in Chinese


german shepherd dog in Chinese


sheltie dog in Chinese


old english sheepdog in Chinese


rottweiler dog in Chinese


maltese dog in Chinese


dalmatian dog in Chinese


beagle dog in Chinese


pit bull in Chinese


Some dogs are purposely bred or trained to serve people. Here’s how to say the types of working dogs in Chinese.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
working dog 工作犬 gōngzuò quǎn
service dog 服务犬 fúwù quǎn
guide dog 导盲犬 dǎo máng quǎn
police dog 警犬 jǐng quǎn
detection dog 缉毒犬 jī dú quǎn
military working dog 军犬 jūn quǎn
search-and-rescue dog 搜救犬 sōujiù quǎn
herding dog 牧羊犬 mù yáng quǎn
hound 猎犬 liè quǎn

Note that for naming working dogs, the classical Chinese word for dog – 犬 (quǎn) is used instead of 狗 (gǒu).

Simply Speaking, 狗 (gǒu) is used in more oral and casual contexts, while 犬 (quǎn) is most used in literal and formal contexts. The latter only appears in compound words, never independently. (One way to think of it is 狗 [gǒu] as “dog” and 犬 [quǎn] as “canine”.)

Dogs that don’t belong to any particular breed are referred to as 土狗 (tǔ gǒu) or 中华田园犬 (Zhōnghuá tiányuán quǎn) in Chinese, literally “soil dogs”, or “Chinese village dogs”. Here are the names of common breed-less dogs in Chinese based on coats and color patterns.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
black dog 黑狗 hēi gǒu
white dog 白狗 bái gǒu
yellow dog 黄狗 huáng gǒu
gray dog 灰狗 huī gǒu
multi-colored dog 花狗 huā gǒu
long-haired dog 长毛狗 cháng máo gǒu
short-haired dog 短毛狗 duǎn máo gǒu
hairless dog 无毛狗 wú máo gǒu

Dog Body Parts in Chinese

Now let’s learn how to talk about the dog body in Chinese, from head to tail. Move your mouse on the picture below and you’ll see the words in Chinese that compose the dog’s body. Most of these words are used for the body parts of other animals as well.

dog body parts in Chinese




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General Chinese Dog Vocabulary

Still with us? Now is the time to focus on the general vocabulary words related to dogs in Chinese.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
pet dog 宠物狗 chǒngwù gǒu
guard dog 看门狗 kān mén gǒu
stray dog 流浪狗 liúlàng gǒu
dog owner 狗主人 gǒu zhǔrén
dog lover 爱狗人士 ài gǒu rénshì
to adopt a dog 领养狗 lǐngyǎng gǒu
to raise a dog 养狗 yǎng gǒu
to train a dog 训狗 xùn gǒu
to board a dog 寄养狗 jìyǎng gǒu
to feed a dog 喂狗 wèi gǒu
to walk a dog 遛狗 liù gǒu
kennel 犬舍 quǎn shè
dog bed 狗窝 gǒu wō
dog food 狗粮 gǒu liáng
dog toy 狗玩具 gǒu wánjù
collar 项圈 xiàngquān
leash 牵引绳 qiānyǐn shéng
pet store 宠物店 chǒngwù diàn
pet hospital 宠物医院 chǒngwù yīyuàn
pet boarding 宠物寄养 chǒngwù jìyǎng
pet hotel 宠物酒店 chǒngwù jiǔdiàn

dog cafe in China

Much like cat cafes, dog cafes or 狗咖 (gǒu kā) in Mandarin, are becoming popular in big cities of China attributed to a desire to interact with dogs to help relieve the stress of a busy urban life.

Dog Actions in Chinese

The most common dog behaviors include barking, sniffing, chewing, digging, etc. Find out below how to describe each of these dog actions in Chinese.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
to bark (informal) jiào
to bark (formal) fèi
to howl háo
to sniff wén
to lick tiǎn
to bite yǎo
to chew jiáo
to gnaw kěn
to pant 喘气 chuǎn qì
to wag tail 摇尾巴 yáo wěiba
to run pǎo
to jump tiào
to chase zhuī
to scratch zhuā
to dig páo
to play wán

Dog Commands in Chinese 

If you are adopting a Chinese dog, or want to bond with your dog by learning Chinese together, you’re in luck.

Using Chinese dog commands to train your dog can be both fun and effective. And you get to practice your Chinese at the same time! Here are 20 common dog commands in Mandarin Chinese for you and your furry friend.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Sit 坐下 Zuòxia
Up 起来 Qǐlai
Lie down 躺下 Tǎngxia
Come 过来 Guòlai
Here 这里 Zhèli
Get out 出去 Chūqu
Stay 站住 Zhànzhu
Don’t move 别动 Bié dòng
Stop Tíng
Drop it 松开 Sōngkai
Quiet 安静 Ānjìng
Go Zǒu
Fast/Faster Kuài
Fetch 接住 Jiēzhu
Wait 等等 Děngdeng
Look at me 看我 Kàn wǒ
Shake hand 握手 Wò shǒu
The other (hand) 另一只 Lìng yī zhī
Good dog 好狗狗 Hǎo gǒugou
Bad dog 坏狗狗 Huài gǒugou

You can get even more specific to stop your dog from doing something using the negative command words 不要 (búyào) or 别 (bié) with the dog action verb.

For example:

  • Don’t bark!
    Bié jiào!
  • Don’t run!
    Bié pǎo!

Chinese Phrases Related to Dogs

Time to make real-life connections between the dog vocabulary and their use! Here are some useful phrases and sentences involving dogs in Chinese. Try them out for yourself to develop your knowledge of Chinese grammar and Chinese sentence structure.

  • Do you like dogs?
    Nǐ xǐhuan gǒu ma?
  • I Like dogs very much.
    Wǒ fēicháng xǐhuan gǒu.
  • Do you raise a dog?
    Nǐ yǎng gǒu ma?
  • I raise (have) a Schnauzer.
    Wǒ yǎng le yì tiáo Xuě nà ruì.
  • I had a dog. It died.
    Wǒ yǎng guò  yì tiáo gǒu. Tā sǐ le.
  • I live in Beijing with my husband and two dogs.
    Wǒ hé wǒ zhàngfu háiyǒu liǎng tiáo gǒu zhù zài Běijīng.
  • 我想领养一条小狗。
    Wǒ xiǎng lǐngyǎng yì tiáo xiǎo gǒu.
    I want to adopt a puppy.
  • Do you prefer cats or dogs?
    Nǐ xǐhuan māo háishì gǒu?
  • I like dogs more than cats.
    Bǐ qǐ māo, wǒ gèng xǐhuan gǒu.
  • Let me show you a photo of my dog.
    Wǒ gěi nǐ kàn yì zhāng wǒ jiā gǒu de zhàopian.
  • It’s so cute! Is it a boy or a girl?
    Tài kě’ài le! Tā shì gōng de háishì mǔ de?
  • It’s a boy. His name is…
    Shì gōng de. Tā de míngzi jiào…

Common Chinese Dog Names

Looking for some inspiration in the world of Chinese dog names? Let’s take a look at the typical names Chinese people give to their furry family members.

According to a recent survey carried out on major pet forums in China, nearly half of the Chinese dog owners named their dogs after their favorite food items, and 24% of the dog names come with a double pair of syllables meant to double the cuteness.

We rounded up the most common classic dog names in Chinese here. Check out the list below:

Chinese Dog Names Pinyin Pronunciation Literal Meaning
馒头 Mántou steamed bun
面包 Miànbāo bread
汤圆 Tāngyuán round dumpling
布丁 Bùdīng pudding
毛豆 Máodòu edamame
皮蛋 Pídàn century egg
奥利奥 Ào’lì’ào Oreo
可乐 Kělè coke
奶茶 Nǎichá bubble tea
豆豆 Dòudou bean bean
多多 Duōduo more more
旺旺 Wàngwang prosperous prosperous
乐乐 Lèle joy joy
果果 Guǒguo fruit fruit
旺财 Wàngcái prosperity
来福 Láifú blessing
富贵 Fùguì rich
钱多多 Qiánduōduō money more more
大黄 Dàhuáng big yellow
小黑 Xiǎohēi little black

Famous Dog Names in Chinese

famous dog names in Mandarin Chinese

While we’re at it, we might as well take a quick look at how those famous dogs from TV and movies are named in Chinese.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Snoopy 史努比 Shǐ nǔ bǐ
Goofy 高飞 Gāo fēi
Pluto 布鲁托 Bù lǔ tuō
Scooby Doo 史酷比 Shǐ kù bǐ
Bolt Dog 闪电狗 Shǎndiàn gǒu
Brian (Family Guy) 布莱恩 Bù lái ēn
Slinky Dog (Toy Story) 弹簧狗 Tánhuáng gǒu
101 Dalmatians 101忠狗 Yāo líng yāo zhōng gǒu
Hachikō 八公 Bā gōng

Related Reading: How to Translate Foreign Names into Chinese

Expressions with Dogs in Chinese

Mandarin dog expressions

Wow, we’ve covered so much information about dogs in Chinese in this post! If you’re still in the mood for more, find out our seven favorite Chinese slang and idiomatic expressions featuring dogs.

Here’s the thing though. The notion of dogs is generally perceived as negative in Chinese. For example, calling someone a dog in Chinese is a serious insult, meaning the person is an uncivilized, brainless beast that only follows orders from its master. Many expressions in Chinese that have dogs as their protagonists are used to describe bad guys or awful situations.

Nevertheless, some of the dog expressions are really funny. So, enjoy the list!

累成狗 (lèi chéng gǒu)

“tired like a dog”

What It Means: extremely tired


  • 上个星期工作特别多, 我累成狗了。
    Shàng gè xīngqī gōngzuò tèbié duō, wǒ lèi chéng gǒu le. 
    There were loads of work for me last week, and I was exhausted.

Similar Expressions:

  • 饿成狗 (è chéng gǒu) – “starved like a dog”
  • 冻成狗 (dòng chéng gǒu) – “frozen like a dog”
  • 热成狗 (rè chéng gǒu) – “hot like a dog”

单身狗 (dānshēn gǒu)

“single dog”

What It Means: a pathetic single person (self-mockery)


  • 我的朋友都有对象了,只有我还是条单身狗
    Wǒ de péngyǒu dōu yǒu duìxiàng le, zhǐyǒu wǒ háishì tiáo dānshēn gǒu.
    All my friends have a partner, but I’m still single.

撒狗粮 (sā gǒu liáng)

“scatter dog food”

What It Means: to display affection in public to the “single dogs” (single people)


  • 这对明星情侣在全国观众面前撒狗粮
    Zhè duì míngxīng qínglǚ zài quánguó guānzhòng miànqián sā gǒu liáng.
    The celebrity couple showed off their love in front of a national audience.

狐朋狗友 (hú péng gǒu yǒu)

“fox friends, dog pals”

What It means: bad friends


  • 他下决心重新开始,和那些狐朋狗友一刀两断。
    Tā xià juéxīn chóngxīn kāishǐ, hé nàxiē hú péng gǒu yǒu yī dāo liǎng duàn.
    He was determined to start over and make a clean break with the bad crowd.

阿猫阿狗 (ā māo ā gǒu)

“a cat, or dog”

Meaning: any Tom, Dick, or Harry (unimportant people)


  • 阿猫阿狗也比你做得好。
    Ā māo ā gǒu yě bǐ nǐ zuò de hǎo.
    Any random person can do better than you.

狗拿耗子 (gǒu ná hàozi)

“dog catching mouse”

What It Means: to interfere in someone else’s affairs


  • 走开,别狗拿耗子,多管闲事。
    Zǒu kāi, bié gǒu ná hàozi, duō guǎn xiánshì.
    Go away, mind your own business.

狗嘴里吐不出象牙 (gǒu zuǐ lǐ tǔ bù chū xiàng yá)

“no ivory comes out of a dog’s mouth”

What It Means: no good words are to be expected from a scoundrel


  • 别和他说道理,这个人狗嘴里吐不出象牙
    Bié hé tā shuō dàolǐ, zhè gè rén gǒu zuǐ lǐ tǔ bù chū xiàng yá.
    Don’t reason with him. No decent language can be delivered from his filthy mouth.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Amazing dog photos that touched the whole world


How could I forget that crazy dog?

我怎么能忘记 那个疯狂的吗?

First we open the gift from Scott and his dog Susie. It’s a balloon.

首先我们打开来自Scott和他的狗狗Susie的礼物. 是一个气球.

Whose dog is this dog following me around?

这是谁的狗狗 下面我好不好?

Boy with small dog and parrot.


Like a postman bitten by a stray dog.

比方某只迷路的 小狗咬了邮差什么的。

Chewbaca is a little over 8 years old and is a «special needs» dog.

Chewbaca有点过 8 岁并且是一个 «特殊需求» .

Then name the dog, please.

那么的名字,请。 而且你会整晚都在这里。

Hungarian breed of large powerful shaggy-coated white dog


The dog jealously guarded its bone.


1 day guided dog mushing tour including lunch


An important dog health from your mouth!


Mary Conrad probably killed somebody’s dog.


Before I could react, the dog attacked him.


The group consisted of dog teams and licensed private investigators.


They had been talking about getting a dog.


And your dog may get depressed.


Where every prairie dog hole is a goldmine.


He was close to that dog.


This hereditary condition normally develops as the dog continues to age.


No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain dog

Results: 13947. Exact: 13947. Elapsed time: 23 ms.

Phonetic script (Hanyu Pinyin)


Listen to pronunciation
(Mandarin = standard Chinese without accent)

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Chinese character and stroke order animation«How do I write 狗 ( gŏu ) correctly?»

The strokes that all Chinese characters are composed of are to be written in a certain order which has originally been defined by Chinese calligraphy. Writing all characters according to the same rules assures that their intended shape and style are generally preserved even if written by different writers.
This dictionary shows you the correct stroke order as an animation for all characters so you can learn and understand how to write the character correctly.


The traditional Chinese characters of gŏu are identical with the modern (simplified) characters displayed above.

Chinese Pinyin example sentence with 狗 ( gou / gŏu ) Writing in Pinyin
Before using this Pinyin example sentence, consider that Chinese characters should always be your first choice in written communication.
If you cannot use Chinese characters, it is preferable to use the Pinyin with tones. Only use the Pinyin without tones if there’s no other option (e.g. writing a text message from/to a mobile phone that doesn’t support special characters such as ā, í, ŏ, ù).

Zhe tiao gou you tiao zao.

Zhè tiáo gŏu yŏu tiào zao.
 – English translation: This dog has fleas.

Learn 狗 ( gou / gŏu ) with our vocabulary trainer

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(Meaning of individual characters, character components etc.)

dog  |  wolfhound

狗 ( gou / gŏu ) belongs to the 3000 most common Chinese characters (rank 1114)

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Chinese Definition

Translations for dog and their definitions

     1. dog
     2. (offensive) despicable; nasty
           狗 男女 — couple in an illicit love affair
     3. to flatter
     1. usage. 犬 is the 94th radical in the Chinese dictionary. Compound characters such as 狇 mostly use the alternative form at the left of the character. Most represent something to do with dogs or other animals.
     2. (archaic, Min Dong, dialectal Wu) dog



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(interj.) ha! / (onom. for laughter) / (slang) to be infatuated with / to adore / abbr. for 哈士奇, husky (dog)


dog / Kangxi radical 94


to hold with one’s mouth (as a smoker with a cigarette or a dog with a bone)


to take in and care for (an elderly person, a dog etc) / to adopt (a child) / adoption

(coll.) dog / doggie

husky (sled dog)

long-wool (sheep etc) / long-haired (dog etc)

to hunt / to go hunting (as winter sport in former times) / hunting dog / imperial tour

raccoon dog / fox-like animal

gleaming with tears / woof woof (sound of a dog barking) / (literary) (of a body of water) broad and deep

Samoyed (dog)

to fold the corner of a page / to dog-ear

If you want to condemn sb, don’t worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb / Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.

dog with short shinbone

short-snout dog

lit. shut the door and beat the dog (idiom) / fig. seal off the enemy’s avenue of retreat, then strike hard

dog meat

to walk a dog

hunting dog / hound / (fig.) running dog / lackey

hot dog (loanword)

canine excrement / dog poo / bullshit

raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) / raccoon of North China, Korea and Japan (Japanese: tanuki) / also pr. [hao2]

beloved pet dog

hound / hunting dog

lit. the service of a dog or a horse (idiom) / fig. faithful service

lit. to behave like a dog wagging its tail, seeking its master’s affection (idiom) / fig. to fawn on sb / to bow and scrape / to grovel

to confiscate / legendary dog-like animal (old)

shaggy dog / striped

leopard cat / raccoon dog / palm civet

police dog

dog-like animal / ravenous beast / dhole (Cuon Alpinus) / jackal

to growl (of dog) / to bare fangs

wild dog / feral dog / stray dog

Doberman (dog breed)

fierce dog

lit. love the house and its crow (idiom); involvement with sb and everyone connected / Love me, love my dog.

a cornered dog will jump over the wall (idiom) / to be driven to desperate action

mangy dog / (fig.) loathsome person

angry dog

stray dog (idiom)

(archaic) vicious dog / beast resembling a wolf

name of a variety of dog / wild tribes in South China

pekingese (dog) / (fig.) sycophant / lackey

six domestic animals, namely: pig, cow, sheep, horse, chicken and dog

hunting dog

Rottweiler (dog breed)

dog (dial.) / to hunt

dog giving birth to three puppies

lit. a white cloud transforms into what looks like a gray dog (idiom) / fig. the unpredictable changeability of the world

to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom) / to pilfer / to dally with women / to have affairs

lit. heart of wolf and lungs of dog (idiom) / cruel and unscrupulous

raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) / raccoon of North China, Korea and Japan (Japanese: tanuki) / also called 狸

Chinese shar-pei (dog breed)

broken line (continuous figure made up of straight line segments) / polygonal line / dog leg

lit. to beat a drowning dog (idiom) / fig. to pulverize an (already defeated) enemy / to hit sb when he’s down

mad dog

a kind of dog with a long snout / see 獫狁|猃狁

a dog threatens based on master’s power (idiom); to use one’s position to bully others


dog giving birth to a puppy

shih tzu (dog breed)

crowing like a cock and stealing like a dog (idiom) / bag of tricks / useful talents

Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)

lit. a dog who catches mice / to be meddlesome (idiom)

if you marry a chicken follow the chicken, if you marry a dog follow the dog (idiom)

shepherd dog

lit. to use a dog’s tail as a substitute for sable fur (idiom) / fig. a worthless sequel to a masterpiece

Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)

border collie (dog breed)

dog meat / old variant of 然

lit. a dog can’t stop himself from eating shit (idiom) / fig. bad habits are hard to change

downward-facing dog (yoga pose)

fierce dog

to try to draw a tiger but end up with a likeness of a dog (idiom) / to try to do sth overambitious and end up botching it

(of a dog etc) to guard its food

upward-facing dog (yoga pose)

lit. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog (idiom) / fig. to make indirect criticisms

precious fur obtained from skin of raccoon dog after removing hard bristle

shiba inu (Japanese dog breed)

mastiff (dog breed)

pet food bowl / dog bowl

stray dog

Labrador, Canada / Labrador (a breed of dog)

mad dog / rabid dog

worse than a dog or pig / lower than low

lit. father a lion, son cannot be a dog (honorific); With a distinguished father such as you, the son is sure to do well. / like father, like son

(of a dog) to hold a frisbee in its mouth / (fig.) derogatory nickname given to Hu Xijin 胡錫進|胡锡进 for doing the CCP’s bidding as editor of the «Global Times»

female dog / bitch

mythical beast similar to an ape with dog’s head

(coll.) silly but cute husky (dog)

dog-eat-dog / dogfight

Chinese rural dog / indigenous dog / mongrel

(coll.) to get one’s just deserts / to serve sb right / to get one’s share of (good or bad things) / every dog has its day

lit. secondary foreigner / (derogatory term for Chinese Christians and others associated with foreigners, used at the time of the Boxer Rebellion) / (coll.) westernized Chinese person / (derog.) person of mixed Chinese and Russian blood / (slang) Ukraine / German shepherd dog / (dialect) two-year-old goat

Pekingese (dog breed)

a son won’t abandon his mother for being ugly, just as a dog won’t abandon its owner for being poor (proverb)

pug (breed of dog)

male husky (dog)

male dog

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