Dog uses n word

Dog the Bounty Hunter
I Had a Pass To Use The N-Word …
Doesn’t Make Me Racist!!!

9/1/2021 5:54 PM PT

Dog the Bounty Hunter says he has more Black friends than Eminem, claims «the brothers» gave him a pass to use the n-word and says using the term doesn’t make him racist.

The reality TV star made the comments during an interview with ET’s Kevin Frazier, pushing back on allegations from his daughter, Bonnie Chapman, who claimed her dad is a racist, homophobic cheater.

Dog says he’s never been a racist and says he gets labeled as such because of an «Achilles’ heel» from back in the day … a leaked phone call with his son where he used the n-word at least 6 times in a rant that got him canceled at A&E.

Dog says he used the n-word so freely because, «I thought I had a pass in the Black tribe to use it, kind of like Eminem.»

Kevin, who is Black, asks Dog point-blank who gave him the pass … with Dog saying «the brothers.» When pressed, Dog says «the brothers» were Black inmates he interacted with when he was behind bars way back in the day, when the n-word got tossed around in what he saw as a «compliment.»

Dog admits his alleged pass expired, but says no one told him so. He also says he’s got tons of Black friends, more than even Eminem, and then gets ripped by Kevin.

As we reported … Dog’s daughter claims she didn’t get invited to his wedding because she supports BLM, but Dog says he supports the movement too and says he’s not a racist just because he uses the n-word.

Dog also pushes back on claims he cheated on Beth Chapman before she died from cancer … and is on the defensive pretty much the entire time he’s being grilled on camera.

One of the curious by-products of the rise of the Media Class has been the appearance of the ‘celebrity’. Celebrities now proliferate and the distinction between celebrities and other Media people such as actors, models, peace activists and artists has become more than a little blurred. The nearest I can get to a definition of a celebrity is that a celebrity relies on the medium of television and exposes his/her emotions on the small screen for a living. I know that actors, actresses and peace activists also expose their emotions but it is not their core activity. Cindy Sheehan has been a celebrity and certainly seeks every opportunity to indulge in the exposure of her emotions of grief and anger, but her core activity is helping the enemies of the American people.

Oprah Winfrey and Paris Hilton are the two celebrities who have always come to my mind as celebrities par excellence. Oprah (she is so celeb that Winfrey is no longer necessary) not only displays her own emotions on TV but encourages other poor saps to give vent to theirs too. This little device, combined with her ability to appear larger than life, has made her one of the richest people in the world. It seems that many millions of morons watch her program and feel enlightened, entertained or emotionally enriched. Perhaps they have all three experiences. She now has many imitators presenting similar programs on the various TV channels and quite a large number of US citizens (mostly women) now feel cool about displaying their emotions in exaggerated form in public and employing lots of quasi-psychological terms like ‘closure’, ‘in recovery’ and ‘abusive relationship’.

The ability to project a ‘larger than life’ personality on the small screen is certainly a gift of sorts but requires personal attributes most of us would rather not have. It used to be called ‘showing off’ when I was young. It was considered an unpopular character trait. Grief and anger were also considered best kept private. Maintaining one’s dignity, at least in public, was what was expected of all grown-ups.

This last week a celebrity has hit the US media headlines in what is perhaps the only headline-making way that any celebrity wants to avoid like the plague. He is known as ‘Dog’ by his fans but his full celeb name is Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman. I was only dimly aware of this celeb until his unfortunate catastrophe came to light.

For the benefit of non-US visitors to our website, I should explain that Dog has been a bounty-hunter prior to becoming a celeb, just as Paris Hilton was an heiress before she became a celeb by not wearing her panties and thereby giving the impression that she was crazy for sex. There is no such thing as bounty-hunting in most parts of the world and I assume that its existence in the US stems from the Wild West past. Many places in the US offer financial rewards to anyone who can track down and deliver criminals on their wanted list. This is what Dog did and his success in doing so and filming himself at work culminated in him getting his own TV show and morphing into a celebrity. I have never seen the TV show, so what I write from hereon is only what I have learned in the last few nights by watching TV and reading Media headlines.

I have learned from his own lips that he was once in a Texas prison for a long time having been convicted of murder. Whilst in prison (and in Texas 80% of the inmates are Black) Dog, who is White, became something of an honorary Black man. He shared a cell (he calls him his ‘celly’) with a Black man and seems proud of this achievement even though he probably had little choice in cell-mates.

Dog is a big, physically powerful person who wears tight sleeveless tee-shirts that display his many well-honed muscles. He must spend a lot of his time on body-building. His face is old but his body is young. Apart from his biceps, his great source of pride is obviously his hair. Despite his age his hair is straw blond and may well be dyed. He has a large clump of hair that stands up above his forehead rather like a parrot’s. The rest of his hair is worn long down his back though cut in at the sides around his ears. Other than its color I would say his style is somewhere between Buffalo Bill (because of his beard) and a Holman Hunt painting of Jesus. It is a sort of work of art and even when in great distress he flicks it back on each side with his hands. I think he is well-tattooed. His face is very lined and worn and is no match for the hair. Despite the vanity apparent in his appearance he has a very ‘hang-dog’ (no pun intended!) expression, though it may be that his current troubles are making their mark.

I have described his outlandish appearance at some length since I am certain that it is part of his ‘celeb-ness’, just as Paris Hilton’s absence of panties is part of hers. One can see quite a number of US citizens who are modeled on him. Many ride Harleys at weekends though they do not follow his fitness routines. I think it would be fair to say that he lacks ‘class’ and dignity and he would most certainly not look right at a funeral even if he was wearing a three-piece suit.

Dog’s misfortune has come about because of a private phone conversation he had with one of his sons back some six months ago. This son had been in prison for some ten years and is out on parole for another ten years. It seems that Dog has produced a problem family. This might be expected given Dog’s history and appearance. I certainly feel fortunate that my father never looked and dressed like Dog. The subject of the phone conversation was the son’s choice of a Black girlfriend who Dog had never seen or met. Dog considers himself to be something of an expert about being human, being a parent, being a citizen and being a role model. In my days in social work I met a number of similar experts who felt that their disastrous histories (with never a lesson learned) gave them extra authority to hand out advice. As an expert he feels qualified to dish out directions and advice to his off-spring. Dog’s worry about his son’s new mate was that she might have been plotting to gain intimate access to the family and their TV and bounty business and tape record Dog’s off-guard talk and then sell it to a magazine. The son recorded his father’s rant and subsequently sold it to a scandal magazine called the National Enquirer. Thus, many months after the conversation, the Enquirer has printed excerpts from Dog’s rant. In it he uses the forbidden word ‘nigger’, though as far as I can tell he only used it once on the phone but everyone has concluded (correctly it turns out) that Dog uses this word amongst friends. It is only the use of this one word that has brought down the Media world on his head.

As far as the Media is concerned (and Leftists predictably march in lockstep on this) the N word as it is referred to, if used by a White male, is the worst crime in human history. We need to ponder this fact because soon there are going to be a number of words relating to sodomy and sodomists that will be accorded the same classification. It matters not that Black people in inner cities and rappers use it all the time. As people who have ‘victim’ status they get a pass. Dog’s mistake was to think that like Bill Clinton, he is an honorary Black Man, and therefore as a ‘Brother’ enjoyed the same victim status. He now knows better. He is neither a ‘Brother’ nor a Bill Clinton and so has not got a pass from the Media Class or from the race industry.

Dog has lost his TV program as from this week and apart from the media attention generated by the current furor has lost his ‘celeb-ness’. Like nearly all Republican politicians who have been nailed by the Media Class in an orchestrated ‘scandal’, Dog has made the fatal mistake of multiple apologies and groveled with public contrition. He (and it is hard to write this without falling off my chair with hysterics) has sought forgiveness from Al Sharpton and spent many hours with his Black religious councilor. He has also spent many hours this week in the TV studios and had lengthy interviews on Fox’s Hannity and Colmes Show. Each time he has wept copiously and required Hannity’s handkerchief. (I shall return to the word ‘wept’ later). Panels of experts have been in the studios interpreting and making judgments. All of them have been fatuous with the exception of two Black activists who appeared on Monday evening. They represented different organizations, though I failed to identify them. Both were dressed in dark suits and spoke with dignity and good sense and put the other silly panelists to shame. As one said, this is only about a word, it is a word used by our own people and it appears in many works of literature including Huck Finn. He seemed puzzled that he was not even permitted to use the word in this discussion.

I can understand why cultured African Americans find the word distasteful for it has connotations with slavery and its past enforcement of White superiority. It is not a word that I would ever use, even if I was surrounded by ignorant White supremacists. Similarly I would not use some other swear words, including the one that refers to motherhood and sexual intercourse and any that link Jesus and Christ with crudeness. The use of such words would show that I am ignorant.

However it seems to me both silly and dangerous to load any word that has been in common usage for two hundred years with such importance. I am sure there are a lot of African Americans and especially the ones Dog mixes with, who are not upset by anyone using it. There is a difference between not liking and not approving of a word on the one hand and being horrified and outraged by it on the other. I have to believe that the shock and outrage is manufactured artificially and for a more sinister purpose.

As it happens and having heard the whole of Dog’s phone conversation and the context of the N word, I am certain that he is not a racist. He mixes with street trash both Black and White where crude and shocking language does not shock and implies a tough manliness, along with the beard, the overdeveloped muscles, the flowing locks and the sleeveless T-Shirt. There was a moment when Dog was sobbing to Hannity and simultaneously preening his hair, where I thought he seemed effeminate. In the end, I had to conclude that the poor man is really a baby. He does not realize it (because all of his proclaimed insightfulness is shallow) but it is the end of his celeb-ness that is hurting. He is a celeb who believes that he is a lovable rogue, an honorary bro to Blacks (having crossed the divide that most cannot), a role model for the nation’s aberrant children, a ladies man, a man’s man, a guiding parent, a commercial success and all this without a compromise. He has not realized that Media celebrity is both temporary and flimsy and controlled by people who are extremely powerful – so powerful in fact that they can make and break Presidents. He occupied a bottom rung of the Media ladder and now he has been kicked off it.

We need to understand the Dog episode by looking at it through the Media Class microscope. The Media keeps the masses ignorant and makes them ignorant. It is dope for the masses and sometimes employs dopes to dope them with. During the week that the Dog story occupied hours of prime viewing time and was endlessly analyzed by Media experts, there was real news being made in the world, real scandals taking place and information around that good journalists could have been digging up. Instead we were given a warning about what can happen to anyone who utters a wrong word as defined by our masters.

I said I would return to the word ‘wept’. This week we were told that a charity that is funded by Oprah and operates in South Africa has been hit by a scandal. Some girls who were being cared for there have been sexually abused by a female on the staff. The Media has kept telling us that Oprah wept when she heard. Weeping is something more important and moving than crying, so Oprah wept. I couldn’t help feeling that Oprah has become the Media Class equivalent of a Royal personage. She is undoubtedly many rungs higher than poor old Dog. She might even be on a different ladder.

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Dog the Bounty Hunter has claimed he had a ‘free pass’ to use racial slurs.

The 68 year-old, real name Duane Chapman, denied being a racist while speaking exclusively to Entertainment Tonight about a leaked phone call that surfaced more than a decade ago where he used the N word several times.

“I have never been a racist. I’m 33.5 per cent Apache. But because of over 15 years ago, I have an Achilles’ heel because I used the wrong word,” he told Kevin Frazier. Apache is a term used to denote six groups of Indigenous people from the Southwestern regions of the US.

This question was in reference to a phone call between Mr Chapman and his son Tucker, who recorded it, where the former television personality repeatedly used the N-word. A tape of the exchange was sold to and published in the National Enquirer in 2007.

The revelation led to the temporary suspension of Dog The Bounty Hunter, a reality show depicting him and his family working in Hawaii’s bail bond industry. It was permanently cancelled in 2012 after eight seasons.

When Mr Frazier asked why he thought it was appropriate to use the term, Mr Chapman said that he believed he had a “pass” to use the word.

«I thought I had a pass in the Black tribe to use it, kind of like Eminem,» he told Mr Frazier, who then proceeded to ask him how he got this impression.

Mr Chapman replied, “The brothers.”

“I had just gotten out of prison in 1979 after spending time, 18 months in Texas and it was probably three-fourths from the Black tribe,” he continued.

“So that was a word that we used back and forth, as maybe a compliment. My pass expired for using it but no one told me that.”

Mr Chapman argued to “say a racist name doesn’t qualify to make you racist.” Mr Frazier, unconvinced by this, told him, “if you use that word, if you use it in your everyday life, it makes you a racist.”

Mr Frazier also pushed him on homophobic language he had previously used, saying to Mr Chapman that “proximity does not make you not racist or homophobic” after Chapman informed him he had numerous LGBT+ individuals in his professional and personal life.

The N word can be traced back to the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade in the early 1600s. Academics have said that the word was used to deny people their full humanity, allowing them to bought and sold as if they were property.

Kehinde Andrews, a professor of Black studies at Birmingham City University told the BBC: “When the N-word is used that’s essentially what it’s used for. So I would hope most people would understand why that is deeply offensive and problematic because it still is used in that context now.”

Later in the interview, Chapman was joined by his fiancee Francie Frane as they  discussed the recent allegations made against him by his daughter Bonnie, who accused her father of not inviting him to the couple’s upcoming wedding following her “choice to participate in social justice movements” such as the Black Lives Matter movement.

His daughter also accused him of having an affair while her mother Beth Chapman was dying of cancer. She passed away in 2019. Chapman denied the infidelity allegations during the interview.

The Independent contacted Chapman for comment.

Dog the Bounty Hunter seems to have gotten himself deeper into hot water after claiming it was once acceptable for him to use the N-word because he had a ‘pass.’

In an interview with ET’s Kevin Frazier that was released on Wednesday, the 68-year-old reality star said he had gotten approval to use the offensive term by the ‘Black tribe.’ 

He made the shocking statement after his daughter Bonnie Chapman claimed in a Facebook post from late August that he was a ‘racist’ and had used ‘homophobic epithets’ in the past.

Does not compute: Dog the Bounty Hunter, 68, claimed that he had a ‘pass’ at one time to freely use the N-word in an ET interview released Wednesday. He was fired 15 years earlier for using the word; seen in 2015 in NYC

Dog (real name: Duane Chapman) compared himself to Eminem in the interview after saying he thought he had earned the right to say the N-word freely.

He recounted hearing it while spending 18 months in prison in Texas, before being released in 1979.

He had been convicted of first-degree murder in 1976 after he waited in a getaway car while a friend shot and killed a man during a marijuana drug deal. 

‘That was a word that we used back and forth as, maybe, a compliment,’ Chapman claimed.

The mullet-wearing reality star admitted that any right he may have had to use the word had ‘expired,’ but he also claimed that to ‘say a racist name doesn’t qualify to make you a racist.’

Frazier shot back: ‘If you use that word, and you use it in your regular everyday life, it makes you a racist.’ 

Specious logic: Dog (real name: Duane Chapman) compared himself to Eminem and said he had a right to use the word because black inmates used it around him when he was incarcerated in Texas in the late ’70s

Not holding back: ET’s Kevin Frazier shot back: ‘If you use that word, and you use it in your regular everyday life, it makes you a racist’

Chapman claimed that he supported the Black Lives Matter movement, but said he had an ‘Achilles heel’ because of his past documented use of the N-word.

‘I have never been a racist,’ he continued, claiming that he couldn’t be a bigot because he was ’33-and-a-half percent Apache.’

Frazier went on to recount how Dog had used the N-word six times in a phone call that was leaked in 2007 in which he berated his son Tucker for dating a black woman.

Chapman again bizarrely compared himself to Eminem when he said he had ‘more Black friends’ than the rapper, which Frazier called out as an example of the ‘proximity argument.’

He clarified that simply being around Black people or having African American friends doesn’t prevent one from doing racist things or being a racist. 

Doesn’t hold water: Chapman again bizarrely compared himself to Eminem when he said he had ‘more Black friends’ than the rapper, which Frazier called out as an example of the ‘proximity argument’

Dog claimed his daughter Bonnie had ‘been fed what to say’ after she accused him of using homophobic language

Bonnie claimed to TMZ last month that racist statements her father made were the reason he was fired from his series Unleashed, which aired on UnleashedTV.

She still works with UTV on their own show The System, which focuses on dismantling systemic racism.

In a subsequent Instagram post, Bonnie accused her father of cheating on her late mother Beth Chapman ‘when she was sick in the hospital.’

The couple were married from 2006 until her death at age 51 in 2019. 

She claimed that Dog ‘hates BLM and called BLM protestors who I proudly stand with each and every day «thugs,»‘ and reiterated her claims that he had used homophobic epithets. 

Speaking out: Dog’s daughter Bonnie Chapman blasted him in August in a lengthy statement accusing him of cheating on his late wife Beth and using ‘racial and homophobic epithets’ towards cast members on her show The System

No concern for others? Bonnie also claimed that her soon-to-be stepmother Francie Frane (L) had admitted to her in December that she had continued to fly on planes and go to public events while allegedly knowing that she was positive for Covid-19

Bonnie also claimed that her soon-to-be stepmother Francie Frane had admitted to her in December that she had continued to fly on planes and go to public events while allegedly knowing that she was positive for Covid-19.

Among her grievances against her father was also his alleged support for the QAnon conspiracy theory, which states that Democrats and liberals in the US are pedophiles who worship Satan.

Its delusional followers also believe that former President Donald Trump was the only one who could expose and stop them. 

Bonnie previously revealed that she and her half-sister Cecily were not invited to his wedding to Francie.

During the interview, Chapman disputed that he was a homophobe by claiming that he had three gay men working on his staff and mentioning that his daughter Lyssa was a lesbian, though Frazier again pointed out that someone can still be a homophobe despite being around people in the LGBTQ community.

On defense: During the interview, Chapman disputed that he was a homophobe by claiming that he had three gay men working on his staff and mentioning that his daughter Lyssa (R) was a lesbian

Pointing fingers: However, Unleashed TV CEO and President Mike Donovan disputed his characterization in a statement to ET and blamed him for his ‘own actions’

Dog claimed that the controversy over his alleged offensive statements arose after a falling out with Bonnie over a potential TV series.

However, Unleashed TV CEO and President Mike Donovan disputed his characterization in a statement to ET.

‘Mr. Chapman’s own actions lead [sic] to the cancellation of his new show…’ he said.  

Bonnie said in her own statement that her father’s claims that she was ‘being brainwashed’ were bogus.

‘As far as the idea that I’m being brainwashed, this is the dumbest thing that my father has ever said,’ she said. 

Not having it: Bonnie said in her own statement that her father’s claims that she was ‘being brainwashed’ were bogus

In 2007, Chapman’s series Dog The Bounty Hunter was suspended by its network A&E after audio leaked of a phone call with his son Tucker.

During the call, he admitted to using the N-word and ordered his son to break up with the woman out of fear that she would expose his racist behavior. 

‘It’s not because she’s Black, it’s because we use the word n***er sometimes here. I’m not gonna take a chance ever in life of losing everything I’ve worked for 30 years because some f***ing n***er heard us say n***er and turned us in to the Enquirer magazine,’ he said on the call.

He also said it would be just as bad for him if any of his other children dated Black people, as his racism would likely become public.

‘If Lyssa [Chapman’s daughter] was dating a n***er, we would all say, ‘F*** you!’ And you know that. If Lyssa brought a Black guy home… it’s not that they’re Black, it’s none of that. It’s that we use the word n***er.’

Damage control: In 2007, Chapman’s series Dog The Bounty Hunter was suspended by A&E after a leaked call featured him telling his son Tucker to break up with a Black woman because she might expose the fact that he used the N-word freely; seen in 2015 in NYC

During the call, he also seemed to claim that his family didn’t use the N-word out of racial malice, despite what the tone of the call suggested, but rather out of some kind of habit. 

‘We don’t mean «you f***ing scum n***er without a soul.» We don’t mean that s***. But America would think we mean that. And we’re not taking a chance on losing everything we got over a racial slur because our son goes with a girl like that.’

He concluded by agreeing to help Tucker find another job if he wasn’t willing to end the relationship.

‘So, I’ll help you get another job but you can not work here unless you break up with her and she’s out of your life,’ he said.

Although the series was suspended after the call became public in 2007, it was later reinstated the following year. 

Vile: ‘We don’t mean «you f***ing scum n***er without a soul.» We don’t mean that s***,’ he said at the time. ‘But America would think we mean that. And we’re not taking a chance on losing everything we got over a racial slur because our son goes with a girl like that’

Dog the Bounty Hunter says he has a pass to use the n-word. The reality TV star made the comments during an interview with ET’s Kevin Frazier , pushing back on allegations from his daughter, Bonnie Chapman , who claimed her dad is a racist, homophobic cheater.

Dog says he’s never been a racist and says he gets labeled as such because of an»Achilles’ heel» from back in the day … a leaked phone call with his son where he used the n-word at least 6 times in a rant that got him canceled at A&E.

Dog says he used the n-word so freely because,»I thought I had a pass in the Black tribe to use it, kind of like Eminem.» Kevin, who is Black, asks Dog point-blank who gave him the pass … with Dog saying»the brothers.» When pressed, Dog says»the brothers» were Black inmates he interacted with when he was behind bars way back in the day, when the n-word got tossed around in what he saw as a»compliment.»

Dog admits his alleged pass expired, but says no one told him so. He also says he’s got tons of Black friends, more than even Eminem, and then gets ripped by Kevin.

Read more:

An elephant living in a Berlin zoo learns how to peel a banana | CNN

An elephant’s trunk is a remarkable organ: a fusion of nose and upper lip, capable of movement via a dense network of muscles. It’s strong enough to lift a log, and sensitive enough to perform delicate tasks like picking up a single tortilla chip without breaking it. Read more >>


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banksburner25 So do i have a pass No tf he does not CoIncEntLlc EgonSpengler24 Ok Eminem talked about drugs,killing his babymother,problems with his mom and still never dropped a n bomb No the f$& you don’t with One of America’s biggest opps Do you get that on the next booster? Count me in! Not ok Nah you don’t and will be phucked up on site.

Meteorologist’s Dog Hilariously Pops In For A Treat During WeathercastToday’s forecast: treats with a chance of pats.

I disagree. Smh Why is this news? 🤬 ignorant folks lust for attention🤔 What an answer 😂😂😂😂 yeah Right Grow up. No. He. Does. Not. So when he gets his a$$ kicked we will see A pass from whom….🙆🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️A pass to get his A beat huh 🤔 Another thing is my 19 year old neighbor him and I were on the walk of fame He said the end word when I guy passed if I passed I said Ben you cannot say that. And his response was its in My music

Meteorologist’s Dog Hilariously Pops In For A Treat During WeathercastToday’s forecast: treats with a chance of pats. good 🤣🤣🤣

It is a double standard with the white community especially. Anybody remember when that rapper pulled the young white girl up on stage and age and because she is the Edward that was in the song she is in the song she went through hell I hope those cameras are rolling when he receives those hands👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾

No devil you don’t have any kind of pass. Is it 2008 again? Lol I wonder how quickly Eminem puts Dog in a song?! No one consulted me. No pass given. Shid!!!! So basically he’s saying some black people gave him a pass to practice anti-black racism Uhhh my boo Eminem does NOT use the ‘N’ word, Dog. 🤣🤣🤣🤣that nigga crazy

Chicago Police Watchdogs Investigating ‘Deeply Concerning’ Video of Officer ‘Attack’ on Lone Woman Walking DogIt’s an ‘obvious case of racial profiling,’ according to her lawyer (via toofab) TooFab everything is racist TooFab You think TooFab What an awful video. Her little dog tried to protect her too.

Its not about how many ‘black friends’ you have.. I went to war with alot of my ‘black friends’ and I still would never say that word, out of respect.. Even thow I know they wouldnt care. Just shows how ignorant you are. Why do we keep these old mf relevant -_- No tf he doesn’t. 😠 He’s been weird ever since he went into space.

He bet not!!!!!! Can’t wait till he tries to catch someone and uses that word and it’s live😭😂😂 “THIS ASS WHOOPING IS FOR YOU BROTHER”😂😂😂 no the fuck he does not! He’s wrong on this one👎🏻

Meteorologist’s dog steals spotlight, adorably interrupts the weather reportWatch out, folks! According to this forecast, it looks ruff out there — and pretty cute, too.

dogthebountyhunter no you do not!! No the fuck he dont He n what other white people gets an Pass ? 🤬 man go repo a car or something And some of y’all thought his daughter was tweakin when she said he’s shitty, this proves everything she said about him to be true Mario Judah gave him that pass No one has the passed to use the n word, not even the person that gave it it’s definition

Canceled He won’t get a pass on consequences! Doesn’t he claim Native American heritage too? Can’t stand that guy bra

‘Power of the Dog’ Producers See-Saw Films: “We Would Have Made Whatever Jane Campion Wanted”See-Saw founders Iain Canning and Emile Sherman discuss reuniting with Jane Campion after ‘Top of the Lake,’ why they’ve remained entirely independent and how they celebrated 10 years since ‘The King’s Speech.’ Most Memorable Movies Where The Bad Guy Saves The Good Guy

Nah, Dog must be tripping yo. Oh no, a white celebrity may have said the N-word; it’s the end of the world as we know it. Hell no dog racist af How is this guy even relevant? Yeah no, the actual audacity and disrespect SMH. No sir that leads to a curb stomping where I’m from in Canada that’s a Nono to be dropping N-bombs.

Why do any of you read this garbage. Get a new hobby oh boy, muffle him please! A pass to getting ur ass stomp‼️ No one gets a pass to use that word … isn’t right

Videos show altercation between police officer and Black woman walking dogIn a recorded cellphone video shot by a pedestrian, screams and shouts can be heard by Nikkita Brown as the officer was allegedly hitting her. Figures they’re terrorizing innocent people. Never trust a cop. When terrorists are called Bandits by Nigerian Govt. You should be ready for the worse. The attack on the DEFENCE ACADEMY & the KIDNAPPING is an encouragement to the new REPUBLIC OF ISLAMIC NIGERIA Never have I had an altercation with a police officer. And there’s always two sides to every story.

When ask ‘Why do you get a pass?’ Mr.Dogs response was ‘I done caught a whole lot of them Niggers’ I beg to differ… No you don’t no one has a free pass to use that word Such nonsense…. I never got an official pass, I just say it…. No one has a pass, NO ONE should be using the word. Grab a dictionary to understand the meaning, Ignorant

There’s no pass at all No the fxck he dont. Jus b/c I hav white friends doesn’t give me a pass to call ppl white trash.foh w/ that! Oh…is that right? Welp, guess what I got a right to? “Sippingmytea”

this rocks so hard *stares in ‘no’* I had s pass to rob banks but expired before I could get the guns I needed Where did he tried his pass? Yo ghetto pass was revoked Dawg! chrisrock he’s obvs got a Christmas toys r us pass laying in his pocket

Pass from hand to hand avalanche I call bullshit. No one gets a pass for that word. LOOOL! He need to be put down cause this ain’t it He got a hood pass? Nah bruh, don’t think so. Hope he doesn’t say around the wrong black folks, or else Fuck no Heck naw DogBountyHunter there is no pass to be had. WatchYourWords

Sorry dog no one has a pass. Simple No the fuck he don’t DjSluttyMac No he doesn’t. I would easily dogwalk him More black friends than Eminem? That’s jus stupid pretty sure dogbountyhunter plays callofduty He should come to my neighborhood and put that pass to use. Wtf? Sure Mutt. I wish u would Who gave him said pass, just wanna talk to them

What version of Monopoly is he playing? Dog gonna ran up on the wrong one! OopsUpSide his head! it’s true. I gave it to him. Aroind he’s homies that know him at that level that engage with him at a very friendly level sure. Is like I I with my close high school Nephews and my black family sure. But even than I don’t cause I grew up and. Not in high school anymore so nahhh homie….

Same No Dog you don’t get a pass 🙅🏾‍♀️ No tf he don’t

Why would he even want to use that word? So disrespectful. Since when? Is that you white privilege ? Yeah, that’s a: Da fuck if he do. Who gave him the pass, Candace Owens? Yea and I got a pass to fire on your buster ass That white privilege at it again ! Yeah, anywhere there aren’t any people like me around to fuck him up on site.

What? It’s called the first amendment. But to not upset someone, or hurt their feelings, or start a fight, just don’t say it…. Unless you are alone in your car and Ruff Ryders Anthem starts playing. Then it’s all on the table. RIPDMX Got his pass from Bishop Sycamore Come round here and say it… What the hell, he is off his rocker!

🤬 Ugh…. I don’t think so. 🙄👎🏻👎🏻 Don’t try that shot around me or my friends!!! Deee white folkz crazy 🤦🏾‍♂️

Tell him to bring his ass to one of my family functions and say it. C’mon Dawg Please Dog the Bounty Hunter, please come to a BLK neighborhood and exercise that pass… Okay!!!! Try It!! No. Nope. Nada. He was in prison for a long time, If he doesn’t, who does? Hmm I bet he better not try using that pass If true, whoever gave him the pass should know and Skype have told him EXPLICITLY that it doesn’t extend beyond that circle. Telling him otherwise will get his ass kicked.

Just having or think you have black friends will never give you that pass this guy is truly delusional lmao 🤣 😂😂😂

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