Dog eat dog word

беспощадный (о конкуренции), звериный, волчий, жестокий, злобный; человек человеку – волк; ситуация, в которой для того, чтобы добиться успеха, нужно идти по головам других

Welcome to English in a Minute!

Добро пожаловать на «Английский за минуту»!

Dogs are popular pets in the U.S. So, what could this expression mean?

Собаки — популярные домашние животные в Соединенных Штатах. Так что же означает это выражение?

It sounds just terrible. Let’s listen.

Звучит оно просто ужасно. Давайте послушаем.

Dog-eat-dog (буквально: собака ест собаку)


The media industry is so competitive.

Медиа-индустрия такая конкурентная!


I know. But these days, so many industries are. It’s really just a dog-eat-dog world.

Я знаю. Но в наши дни такое происходит во многих отраслях. Это реально жестокий и беспощадный мир.


I want to work in a place that is the opposite of dog-eat-dog. You know, warm-and-fuzzy.

Я хочу работать в месте, которое противоположно волчьим законам. Знаешь, теплом и пушистом.


Me too. Maybe we could raise sheep and make wool sweaters.

Я тоже. Возможно, мы могли бы разводить овец и вязать шерстяные свитера.

«Dog-eat-dog» describes a situation where people will do anything to be successful.

«Dog-eat-dog» описывает ситуацию, в которой люди готовы пойти на что угодно, чтобы добиться успеха.

They do not care if they have to hurt other people in the process.

Их не беспокоит, если при этом они должны будут причинить страдания другим людям.

The expression comes from the Latin saying «a dog does not eat another dog.»

Это выражение происходит от латинской поговорки «одна собака не ест другую собаку».

And that’s English in a Minute!

И это «Английский за минуту»!

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Are you looking for a way to describe a competitive environment? You could say you’re operating in a “dog eat dog world.” This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.

The expression “dog eats dog world” means a very competitive environment. Most people use it to describe the business world and people operating in their industry. For example, the tech space is a dog-eat-dog world, and if you don’t keep up with trends, your company falls apart.

A “dog-eat-dog world” refers to an industry where everyone is competing for the same thing, and they are willing to use an unfair advantage to get what they want.

It means that someone is willing to get ahead at your expense and place you in danger to allow themselves to succeed. It can refer to an environment lacking ethics where people will do anything to get ahead, at any cost.

Example Usage

“Man, it’s a dog eat dog world out there in the press pit. Everyone is jockeying for position, and if you aren’t firm with people, they walk all over you.”

“We live in a dog eat dog world, my friend. If you don’t stay ahead of the pack, then sooner or later, someone’s going to have you for breakfast.”

“This is a dog eats dog world, my brother. If you aren’t willing to do it, ten people behind you will.”

“Our business operates in a dog eat dog world. The environment is hostile, and new companies find it hard to build market share.”

“This is a dog-eat-dog world, and nothing will change it. People only look out for themselves nowadays.”

“This dog eat dog world is starting to get on my nerves. I think I need to move out into the country to escape.”

“If you think it’s a dog eat dog world, you’re right. I haven’t ever seen such a competitive environment.”


The expression “dog eats dog world” comes from a contradiction of the Latin proverb “a dog does not eat the flesh of a dog.” The earliest version of the English version of the saying appeared in print in 1543. However, the quote thought responsible for the modern phrase comes from Thomas Fuller, in his book “Gnomologia,” published in 1732.

“Dogs are hard drove when they eat dogs.”

The modern spelling and format of the saying were in circulation in language as a popular expression by the 1800s. Language experts are unsure of the exact origin of the modern phrase or when it first appeared in print.

Phrases Similar to Dog Eat Dog World

  • Eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth.
  • Crabs in a bucket.
  • Looking out for numero uno.
  • It’s all about me.

Phrases Opposite to Dog Eat Dog World

  • Cooperative environment.
  • Collaborative effort.
  • Support at every turn.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Dog eat dog world.

Ways People May Say Dog Eat Dog World Incorrectly

The expression “dog eat dog world” has nothing to do with dogs. The “dogs” in the saying are other companies, people, or adversaries that compete with you in life. By saying “dog eat dog,” it means that you can’t rely on anyone. It has nothing to do with implying cannibalism.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Dog Eat Dog World

You use the expression “dog eat dog world” to describe a competitive environment where some people have an unfair advantage over others. A dog eat dog world is similar to other sayings like “survival of the fittest.” Some dogs are bigger and more vicious than others, and they eat the weak.

The phrase suits social and professional use. You could say that you don’t feel any sense of community around where you live, and it’s just a dog-eat-dog world with violence everywhere. Or you could say your business competes in a dog-eat-dog world where everyone is trying to get ahead. The saying means that you are navigating a treacherous environment.

Значение: человек человеку волк, закон джунглей

Употребление: Прилагательное, характеризующее жёсткую конкуренцию между людьми, в условиях которой каждый сделает всё, что угодно, чтобы победить, добиться успеха.

Вариации: dog-eat-dog

Примеры предложений:

I hated living in New York City because even riding the subway to work in the morning was dog eat dog to get a seat. — Я ненавидел жить в Нью-Йорке, потому что даже во время поездки на метро на работу утром люди были готовы на всё, чтобы получить место.

The TV business today is a dog-eat-dog business. — ТВ-бизнес в наши дни — это жестокий бизнес.

It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. — Это жестокий мир (мы живём в жестоком мире).

Синонимы: ruthless, unmerciful, brutal, aggressive, cutthroat

It’s a dog eat dog world дословно означает «мир собак», по «нашему» — мир волков. Т.е. все что связано с :
— идти по головам ради достижения цели,
— успех любой ценой,
— перешагивать через кого-то,
— ради цели готов на все.

Очень часто используется в бизнесе, политике, где идет нечестная борьба.

Еще, это выражение можно сравнить с фразой «Swimming with sharks» — плавать с акулами, где игра без правил — каждый подставляет другого ради успеха.

У америкосов есть на этот счет очень хороший старенький относительно, фильм: «Swimming with Sharks» 1994, «Среди акул». Кевин Спейси в главной роли.
Там очень отлично показана сущность когда собака ест собаку «dog-eat-dog».

Кто хочет попрактиковать живой английский, вот цитата ответа моего друга из Америки по этому вопросу:

«It’s a dog eat dog world» means that everybody is against everybody else.

It is often used in business when competition is intense. If a company tries to hurt another company that is in the same line of work and they try to get each others customers, someone might view the situation and say «It’s a dog eat dog world out there.»

It applies in sports as well, when one team tries to hurt another team off the field, by making allegations against them to hurt them.

Politics is very dog-eat-dog, with each side often trying to make the other candidates look bad instead of just trying to make their own candidates look good.

Meaning of Idiom ‘Dog Eat Dog’

A situation that is dog eat dog is one where people are in fierce and ruthless competition and willing to do anything to gain the advantage; anything goes.

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The idiom dog eat dog is used as an adjective to refer to business competition or politics:

Dog eat dog world (most common)
Dog eat dog business
Dog eat dog competition
Dog eat dog market

Examples Of Use

“It’s a dog eat dog world, but that doesn’t mean you have to play the game.”

“Do not think you have friends in politics. It’s dog eat dog.”

“The two companies found themselves the leaders in a dying market and are now locked in a dog eat dog contest to control the scraps.”


The modern idiom directly contradicts an old Latin saying, canis caninam non est, meaning “a dog does not eat the flesh of a dog.” This was first recorded in English in 1543. Thomas Fuller wrote in Gnomologia, in 1732, “Dogs are hard drove when they eat dogs.” The modern idiom, which is still very popular, was in use by the early 1800’s. 1Ammer, Christine. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.,2Ayto, John. Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms. Oxford: Oxford U, 2010.

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