Doc files not opening word

What to Do When Microsoft Word Files Won’t Open

How to recover your files and keep working

Updated on September 17, 2020

Occasionally, Windows files get damaged or corrupted. This makes it difficult to open these files in Microsoft Word. If this happens to you, the below guide can help you recover the files and continue working.

Instructions in this article apply to Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, and Word 2007.

How to Repair Microsoft Word File Associations

Windows file associations can change inadvertently. Follow these steps to fix the issue:

  1. Open Windows File Explorer, navigate to the folder that contains the file, then right-click the file.

  2. Select Open With.

  3. Select Microsoft Word from the list of options. The next time you select the file, it will open correctly.

How to Open a Damaged Word File

If your file is damaged, use the Open and Repair feature to recover it.

  1. Open Word, select File > Open > Browse, then navigate to the file location. Don’t open the file from the Recent section.

    In Office 2013, select the location, then select Browse. In Office 2010, you don’t need to select Browse.

  2. Select the file you want, select the Open drop-down arrow, then choose Open and Repair.

How to Avoid File Corruption

Files typically become corrupted when a computer crashes or loses power. If this happens, open a previous version of the file if you’ve turned on the AutoRecover feature in the Word preferences.

File corruption also occurs when the file is stored on a USB device that’s disconnected while it’s open in Windows. If the device’s activity light is flashing, wait a few seconds after it quits blinking before removing it. If it doesn’t stop, go to the Windows taskbar and select the Safely Remove Hardware icon.

Additionally, in Microsoft 365, store files on OneDrive and use the AutoSave feature as an extra layer of protection.

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Microsoft word file not opening

Every Word file can be easily accessed by simply double-clicking on the file; or by using right-clicking and choosing the Open option. But on some occasions, if you cannot open a word document, the Word document might be due to issues with the Word File. 

Table of Contents:

  • Why isn’t my MS Word file not opening?
  • Open Doc/Docx Files with Microsoft Word.
  • Open MS Word Document in Protected View.
  • Open and Repair the Word File.
  • Repair MS Word File That Fails to Open.

However, if MS word is showing up an error while accessing the file there are other workarounds that help fix this issue. Continue reading the article to know more about the causes and their solutions.

Why isn’t my MS Word file not opening?

Your Word file won’t open because a default program hasn’t been assigned, or it’s corrupted. You can open and read the files without difficulty by setting a default program or restoring the damaged Word document.

Open Doc/Docx Files with Microsoft Word

You can set MS Word as the default app and open the doc file. Here is how you can do it

Microsoft word error message when opening

  • Right-click on the doc/docx file and choose Open with
  • Next, expand More app and choose Word
  • Finally, check the Always use this app to open .docx file option and click OK

If you were unable to open the file, you should try opening the file in protected mode. Read the next section to know more.

Open MS Word Document in Protected View

The Protected View option will fix any technical issues and allow you to open and access the information on the word document.

word‌ ‌document‌ ‌not‌ ‌opening‌

  • Launch the MS Word on your computer and create a blank document.
  • Next, click on the File tab and select Open from the left column
  • Click on Browse and locate the doc file to be opened
  • Close the Word document and expand the dropdown next to the Open button

word document not opening correctly

  • Now, select Open in Protected View
  • This time you will be able to open the document
  • In case you need to write information into the document, click on Enable Editing.

If this doesn’t help you fix the document, repairing the word document is your only option

Open and Repair the Word File

Microsoft Word does give you the option to repair the corrupted docx file and access the documents. By repairing the file, any logical errors or corruption will be resolved. Here are the detailed steps to Repair a Word document that refuses to open.

  • Launch the MS Word on your computer and create a blank document.
  • Next, click on the File tab and select Open from the left column
  • Click on Browse and locate the doc file to be opened
  • Close the Word document and expand the dropdown next to the open button

my word document is not opening

  • Select the Open and Repair option from the dropdown
  • This will allow you to access the Word file and its information

The Repair and Open feature have certain limitations. It can only fix minor logical errors and corruption. If the word file is corrupted due to physical damage to the hard drive or any other major reasons, this method is not reliable. It can also damage the file even more and cause more corruption.

However, by using a dedicated Word repair tool you can fix the Word file safely without any trouble.

One of the safest and easiest ways to repair corrupt word files is by using Remo Repair Word  Software. This tool helps you repair the Word document regardless of the extent of corruption. Tool repairs documents that are created on all versions of MS Word including the latest 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, Word 2007, and Word for Office 365.

Download the free tool and follow the instructions given below to repair the Word document that cannot be opened.

Repair MS Word File That Fails to Open 

Download and install the Remo Repair Word on your computer by clicking on the download button given above.

  • Launch the software and click on Browse to select your corrupt .doc or .docx file.

select the doc file that you want to repair

  • Next, hit the Repair button to repair the corrupted word file.
  • After repairing the corrupted Word file.

Preview the repaired doc file

  • Finally, click on Save and browse for a location to save the repaired file.

save the repaired doc file

How to fix Microsoft Word cannot open error?

To fix a Word document that cannot be accessed, follow the steps below:

  • Start Microsoft Word.
  • Go to File and select Options.
  • Navigate to Trust Center and tap the button just below Trust Center Settings.

  • Select Protected View.

  • Uncheck everything before clicking the Ok button.
  • Restart Microsoft Word and attempt to open the same document once again.


To access a word document that won’t open you can try using the inbuilt Open and Repair option or use a reliable tool like Remo Repair Word Tool which can repair any word document regardless of the amount of corruption. The best part of the tool is the read-only mode so that your word data is safe and no further damage is caused. Let us know if this article helped you resolving the Word document issue.


  • Поврежденные файлы
  • Неверное расширение или связка с другой программой
  • Расширение не зарегистрировано в системе
  • Вопросы и ответы

Почему не открывается документ Microsoft Word

Мы довольно много писали о том, как работать с документами в программе MS Word, а вот тему проблем при работе с ней не затрагивали практически ни разу. Одну из распространенных ошибок мы рассмотрим в этой статье, рассказав о том, что делать, если не открываются документы Ворд. Также, ниже мы рассмотрим причину, по которой эта ошибка может возникать.

Урок: Как убрать режим ограниченной функциональности в Word

Итак, чтобы решить любую проблему, для начала необходимо узнать причину ее возникновения, чем мы и займемся. Ошибка при попытке открытия файла может быть связана со следующими проблемами:

  • Файл DOC или DOCX поврежден;
  • Расширение файла связано с другой программой или неверно указано;
  • Расширение файла не зарегистрировано в системе.
  • Поврежденные файлы

    Если файл поврежден, при попытке его открыть вы увидите соответствующее уведомление, а также предложение восстановить его. Естественно, на восстановление файла нужно согласиться. Проблема лишь в том, что никаких гарантий на корректное восстановление нет. К тому же, содержимое файла может быть восстановлено не полностью, а только частично.

    Неверное расширение или связка с другой программой

    Если расширение файла указано неверно или связано с другой программой, то система будет пытаться открыть его именно в той программе, с которой он ассоциируется. Следовательно, файл “Документ.txt” ОС будет пытаться открыть в “Блокноте”, стандартным расширением которого и является “txt”.

    Однако, из-за того, что документ на самом деле является вордовским (DOC или DOCX), хоть и неправильно названным, после открытия в другой программе он будет отображаться некорректно (например, в том же “Блокноте”), а то и вовсе не будет открыт, так как его оригинальное расширение не поддерживается программой.

    документ Microsoft Word в Блокнот

    Примечание: Значок документа с неверно указанным расширением будет аналогичен таковому во всех файлах, совместимых с программой. Кроме этого, расширение может быть неизвестным системе, а то и вовсе отсутствовать. Следовательно, система не найдет подходящей программы для открытия, но предложит выбрать ее вручную, найти подходящую в интернете или магазине приложений.

    Решение в данном случае только одно, а применимо оно лишь в том случае, если вы уверены, что документ, который не удается открыть, действительно является файлом MS Word в формате DOC или DOCX. Все, что можно и нужно сделать — переименовать файл, точнее, его расширение.

    1. Кликните по файлу Ворд, который не удается открыть.

    Файл, который нужно переименовать в Word

    2. Кликнув правой мышкой, откройте контекстное меню и выберите “Переименовать”. Сделать это можно и простым нажатием клавиши F2 на выделенном файле.

    Урок: Горячие клавиши в Word

    3. Удалите указанное расширение, оставив только имя файла и точку после него.

    переименовывание файла Word

    Примечание: Если расширение файла не отображается, а изменить вы можете только его имя, выполните следующие действия:

  • В любой папке откройте вкладку “Вид”;
  • Нажмите там на кнопку “Параметры” и перейдите во вкладку “Вид”;
  • Найдите в списке “Дополнительные параметры” пункт “Скрывать расширения для зарегистрированных типов файлов” и снимите с него галочку;
  • Нажмите кнопку “Применить”.
  • Закройте диалоговое окно “Параметры папок”, нажав “ОК”.
  • Параметры папок

    4. Введите после названия файла и точки “DOC” (если у вас на ПК установлен Word 2003) или “DOCX” (если у вас установлена более новая версия Word).

    Файл переименован в Word

    5. Подтвердите внесение изменений.

    Подтвердить переименование

    6. Расширение файла будет изменено, изменится также и его значок, который примет вид стандартного вордовского документа. Теперь документ можно будет открыть в Ворде.

    Документ можно открыть в Word

    Кроме того, файл с неверно указанным расширением можно открыть и через саму программу, при этом, менять расширение отнюдь не обязательно.

    1. Откройте пустой (или любой другой) документ MS Word.

    Кнопка Файл в Word

    2. Нажмите кнопку “Файл”, расположенную на панели управления (ранее кнопка называлась “MS Office”).

    3. Выберите пункт “Открыть”, а затем “Обзор”, чтобы открыть окно “Проводника” для поиска файла.

    Параметры обзор в Word

    4. Перейдите в папку, содержащую файл, который вам не удается открыть, выберите его и нажмите “Открыть”.

    Открытие документа в Word

      Совет: Если файл не отображается выберите параметр “Все файлы *.*”, расположенный в нижней части окна.

    5. Файл будет открыт в новом окне программы.

    Документ открыт в Word

    Расширение не зарегистрировано в системе

    Данная проблема возникает только на старых версиях Windows, которые из обычных пользователей сейчас вряд ли кто-то вообще использует. В числе таковых Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, 2000, Millenium и Windows Vista. Решение проблемы с открытием файлов MS Word для всех этих версий ОС приблизительно одинаковое:

    1. Откройте “Мой компьютер”.

    2. Перейдите во вкладку “Сервис” (Windows 2000, Millenium) или “Вид” (98, NT) и откройте раздел “Параметры”.

    3. Откройте вкладку “Тип файлов” и установите ассоциацию между форматами DOC и/или DOCX и программой Microsoft Office Word.

    4. Расширения файлов Ворд будут зарегистрированы в системе, следовательно, документы будут нормально открываться в программе.

    На этом все, теперь вы знаете, почему в Word возникает ошибка при попытке открытия файла и как ее можно устранить. Желаем вам больше не сталкиваться с трудностями и ошибками в работе этой программы.

    There are many reasons Microsoft Word not opening and responding. Maybe there are issues with the add-ins that you’ve installed?

    Follow These Guidelines to Eliminate Microsoft Word not Opening/Responding Error on Windows and MAC

    Solution 1 -Open Doc/Docx Files with Microsoft Word

    You can set MS Word as the default app and open the doc file. Here is how you can do it

    Microsoft word error message when opening
    • Right-click on the doc/docx file and choose Open with
    • Next, expand More app and choose Word
    • Finally, check the Always use this app to open .docx file option and click OK

    If you were unable to open the file, you should try opening the file in protected mode. Read the next section to know more.

    Solution 3- Open MS Word Document in Protected View

    The Protected View option will fix any technical issues and allow you to open and access the information on the word document.

    word‌ ‌document‌ ‌not‌ ‌opening‌
    • Launch the MS Word on your computer and create a blank document.
    • Next, click on the File tab and select Open from the left column
    • Click on Browse and locate the doc file to be opened
    • Close the Word document and expand the dropdown next to the Open button
    word document not opening correctly
    • Now, select Open in Protected View
    • This time you will be able to open the document
    • In case you need to write information into the document, click on Enable Editing.

    If this doesn’t help you fix the document, repairing the word document is your only option

    Solution 3 – Open and Repair the Word File

    Microsoft Word does give you the option to repair the corrupted docx file and access the documents. By repairing the file, any logical errors or corruption will be resolved. Here are the detailed steps to Repair a Word document that refuses to open.

    • Launch the MS Word on your computer and create a blank document.
    • Next, click on the File tab and select Open from the left column
    • Click on Browse and locate the doc file to be opened
    • Close the Word document and expand the dropdown next to the open button
    my word document is not opening
    • Select the Open and Repair option from the dropdown
    • This will allow you to access the Word file and its information

    The Repair and Open feature have certain limitations. It can only fix minor logical errors and corruption. If the word file is corrupted due to physical damage to the hard drive or any other major reasons, this method is not reliable. It can also damage the file even more and cause more corruption.

    How to Fix “Microsoft Word Not Opening on Mac”?

    Here is a summarized list of solutions that can work when Microsoft Word is not opening on Mac. All these methods are useful and easy to carry out. So, give them a try one by one.

    Solution 1. Remove Word Preferences to Open Frozen Word

    Sometimes, it is the random words combination or special characters that lead to such issues. It can be resolved if you follow the steps below.

    • Open library and type Library in the Go to the Folder and hit the Go button.
    open library to open Word
    • Look for a folder that says “Preferences.” This folder contains the preferences file you set for the MS Word program.
    Locate the Word Preferences folder
    • Open the folder, search for a file named- “,” and move the file to the desktop. Now, try opening the Word file and see if the problem persists. If it does, then move the file to its original location and move on to the next step.
    move the Word plist file to desktop
    • Exit every Microsoft program running on your Mac and click on the Word option in the Apple Menu. Tap on the “Preferences” option from the list.
    open Word preferences
    • Choose the File Locations option and select the “User templates.”
    access User templates to fix Word Not Opening
    • Locate the file which saved as Normal and moves it to the desktop.
    move Normal file and open Word

    Solution 2. Open and Repair Microsoft Word

    Everyone knows how to open Microsoft Word on Mac, but we do not talk about just opening and closing the files. You can also repair the MS Word files with the following steps.

    • Start MS Word and click on the File menu. Choose the Open option, and it will open up a dialog box where you can select the Word file which needs repair.
    • While you are selecting the file, at the right bottom side of the window, choose the Repair option and click on the Ok button.
    Repair frozen Word files

    The Mac utility will automatically repair the not opening Word file, and you will be able to use it now.

    Solution 3. Run Disk Utility to Repair Word

    Besides the above methods fail, you can also run the Disk Utility to repair the Word file if the Microsoft Word is not opening on your Mac computer.

    • Inside the Go menu, choose the Utility option and start the Disk Utility program.
    Open Disk Utility to repair Word
    • Ensure that you choose the Primary hard disk of your Mac and then click on the “First Aid” tab.
    Switch to First Aid tab
    • You will get a pop-up option that asks you to run First Aid on the drive. Hit the Run option, and the Disk Utility will repair the Disk volume errors and permissions issues.
    Repair the Word freezing or not opening error

    When the process finishes, click on “Done” and check whether the problem is fixed or not.

    Follow these steps to fix the Microsoft Word Not Opening and not responding problem.

    Post Views: 161

    Open and repair Word 2016 with EaseUS Word repair tool

    Quick Steps to Open and Repair a Corrupted Word 2016 File:

    Step 1. Run EaseUS Word repair tool.

    Step 2. Scan and repair corrupt, unreadable, won’t open Word 2016 file. 

    Step 3. Preview and save the repaired Word 2016 document.

    Have you ever had a troublesome case that Microsoft Word 2016 seems can’t open a .doc or .docx Word file? Are you having trouble opening a Word file as it says that «Word experienced an error trying to open the file» or «Word was unable to read this document? It may be corrupt»?

    If you are experiencing the same issues on Windows PC, check out and find the right way to fix Word 2016 won’t open or unreadable issues on this page.

    Related: Fix Word Not Opening on Mac

    How Do I Open and Repair a Corrupt Word 2016 Document

    Here, in this part, we’ll show you how to determine whether it’s the Microsoft Word application crash or the Word file won’t open issue.

    If you met one of the following listed errors while trying to open a Word 2016/2019 or 2013, even older versions, you are having a problematic Word document file on your Windows computer:

    Error 1 — «Word experienced an error trying to open the file»

    Word unable to open

    When this error pops up, you can try the given suggestions to open and repair Word document on your own:

    * Check the file permissions for the document or drive.

    * Make sure there is sufficient free memory and disk space.

    * Open the file with the Text Recovery converter.

    All these methods are covered on this page in Part 1 with detailed tutorial steps.

    Error 2 — «Word was unable to read this document. It may be corrupt.»

    Word unable to read

    The other typical Word document corrupt symptom is that Word document becomes unreadable. The error also comes up with the following suggested fixes:

    * Open and repair the file.

    * Open the file with the Text Recovery converter.

    Error 3 — «Word cannot open the document»

    Word document not opening

    This error usually comes when a user doesn’t access privileges.

    Check out and follow any one of the listed fixes in the next part, you’ll be able to repair and open a Word file in Microsoft Word 2016/2019/2013, or even older versions successfully.

    Part 1. 10 Fixes to Open and Repair Word 2016/2019

    Applies to fix: Microsoft word won’t open, open an unreadable Word document, access and fix corrupt Word 2016 document, etc.

    So how do you fix a corrupted Word document file? And do you know how to open and repair a corrupt Word 2016 when any one of the above cases occurs? Here, you’ll unveil * practical fixes that will help you effectively repair and fix corrupt Word 2016/2019, etc., on your own:

    1. #1. Use EaseUS Word Repair Tool
    2. #2. Unlock Word File
    3. #3. Use Text Recovery Converter
    4. #4. Insert the File in a New Document
    5. #5. Open Corrupt Word in Draft Mode
    6. #6. Make Sufficient Free Memory and Disk Space
    7. #7. Use Open and Repair
    8. #8. Change the Word Document Format
    9. #9. Open the Document with Notepad
    10. #10. Find and Recover from Temporary Autosave File

    Note that these fixes also work to fix and repair corrupted documents in Microsoft Office Word 2013/2010/2007, etc. Also, the former fixes are listed, the more efficient it will be to repair the corrupt Word file.

    Pick up one and follow to learn how to make your corrupt 2016 Word document openable and readable again:

    Method 1. Use EaseUS Word Repair Tool

    Works to: Open and repair Word 2016/2019 in only 3 steps.

    Best for: All levels of Microsoft users, especially friendly for beginners.

    When your Word 2016 or 2019 Word file won’t open, the most urgent thing is repairing the file and finding all precious content. To make things easy for you, EaseUS data recovery D&R team has come up with a straightforward method to help you out by adding a new algorithm into the latest version of EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, which makes it a powerful Word repair tool.

    Unlike other Word file repair tools, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard will automatically repair the corrupted, damaged, or unreadable Word file for you during the scanning and previewing process.

    Download this software and follow to learn how to repair your corrupt Word document files on your own:

    Step 1. Launch EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, and then scan disk with corrupted documents. This software enables you to fix damaged Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF files in same steps. 

    select the disk with corrupted documents

    Step 2. EaseUS data recovery and repair tool will scan for all lost and corrupted files. You can find the target files by file type or type the file name in the search box. 

    find corrupted documents

    Step 3. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard can repair your damaged documents automatically. After file preview, you can click «Recover» to save the repaired Word, Excel, and PDF document files to a safe location.

    repair corrrupt documents

    Besides support opening and repairing corrupt Word 2016/2019 files, you may also apply this software to repair other types of files, for example, to repair excel files, repair damaged videos, images, etc.

    Method 2. Unlock Word File

    Works to: Open Word 2016/2019 that was altered by a third-party software during the transmission process.

    Best for: Beginners

    When you try to open a Word 2016/2019 file, an error message with «Word experienced an error trying to open the file…», it’s usually caused by third-party software while transferring or gaining permission to access the file.

    You can try to unlock the file with the following steps:

    Step 1. Right-click the problematic Word file and select «Properties».

    Step 2. On the General tab, uncheck «Read-Only» > «OK».

    Unlock Word

    Now, you should be able to open this Word file on your computer without any further issues.

    Note that if you met this error on many Word documents, try the following steps:

    Step 1. Copy and move all problematic Word documents to the same folder.

    Step 2. Open Word 2016 and click «File» > «Options».

    Step 3. Click «Trust Center» and then click «Trust Center Settings».

    Change trust location

    Step 4. Click «Trusted Locations» > «Add new location».

    Browse to choose new location

    Step 5. Browse a new location to save those files, click «OK» > «OK» to complete.

    Method 3. Use Text Recovery Converter

    Works to: Fix Word document unreadable or won’t open issue.

    Best for: Experienced Word 2016/2019 users.

    Step 1. Open the Word 2016 application, go to File > Open.

    Step 2. Click «Browse».

    Open problematic Word 2016 document

    Step 3. Navigate to select the not opening Word 2016 file and select «Recover Text from Any File (*.*) from the dropdown menu.

    Use Text Recovery Converter

    Step 4. Click «Open» and wait patiently, the Word application will re-open and display your Word 2016 document content.

    Step 5. Once you see the file content, we suggest you copy and content and save it as a new file in case of further issues.

    Method 4. Insert the File in a New Document

    Works to: Open a not opening Word document.

    Best for: Beginners and experienced Word users.

    Step 1. Open Word 2016 application and create a blank new Word document.

    Step 2. On the menu bar, go to the Insert tab, click «Insert Object», and select «Text from File».

    Open insert fearture in 2016

    Step 3. In the Insert File box, locate and select the not opening, corrupt or damaged Word file, and select «Insert».

    Insert Word 2016 file to a new document

    Step 4. Wait for the application to open and read the corrupt Word 2016 document content.

    You may also copy and save the content to a new blank document.

    Method 5. Use Open and Repair

    Works to: Open and repair corrupt Word file in 2016/2019/2013, etc.

    Best for: Beginners and experienced Word users.

    Step 1. Open the Word 2016 application, go to «File» > «Open» > «Browse».

    Bring up Open and repair feature

    Step 2. Go to the location or folder where your problematic Word document is saved, and select the corrupted Word file.

    Step 3. Click the dropdown arrow next to Open, and select «Open and Repair».

    Use Open and repair to fix Word file

    Wait for the process to complete, when you can see your Word content, copy and save the content to a new file.

    Method 6. Open Corrupt Word in Draft Mode

    Works to: Open a not opening Word file in 2016/2019/2013, etc.

    Best for: Experienced and professional users.

    Step 1. Open the Word application, go to the View tab, select «Draft» in the Views group.

    Step 2. Select «File» > «Options» > «Advanced».

    Open Advaced settings in Word 2016

    Step 3. In the Show document content section, select «Use draft font in Draft and Outline views» and «Show picture placeholders».

    Open and repair corrupted Word in Draft Mode

    Step 4. Go to the Display section, uncheck «Update automatic links at open», select «OK» and close Word.

    Step 5. Restart the Word application, go to «File» > «Open».

    Step 6. Select the damaged or not opening Word 2016 file, then select «Open».

    Method 7. Change the Word Document Format

    Works to: Open and save a not opening or unreadable Word file in other formats.

    Best for: All levels of Word users.

    Step 1. Start Word 2016 application and go to «File» > «Open».

    Step 2. Select the unreadable or corrupt Word document and select «Open».

    Step 3. Go to «File» > «Save as» > Select «Browse».

    Open problematic file in Word 2016

    Step 4. In the Save as file type list, select «Rich Text Format (*.rtf)».

    Open and repair Word 2016 by changing file format

    Step 5. Select «Save». Then close Word.

    Step 6. After this, you can double-click to open the RTF file and check out your Word 2016 document content.

    If the file opens and your file content is safely saved in the file, you can repeat the above steps to save the file as a Word document in .doc or .docx file.

    Method 8. Open the Document with Notepad

    Works to: Open a not opening or damaged Word file in Notepad.

    Best for: All levels of Word users.

    Step 1. Open the folder where you saved the damaged Word document in File Explorer.

    Step 2. Right-click the damaged Word 2016 file and select «Open with».

    Step 3. Select «Notepad» as the tool to open Word.

    Open and repair Word 2016 using Notepad

    Step 4. Wait for the Notepad to open the Word document.

    Method 9. Make Sufficient Free Memory and Disk Space

    Works to: Open a not opening Word file caused by insufficient memory and disk space.

    Best for: Experienced and professional users.

    Sometimes, when the memory and disk space is insufficient, Windows operating system will not allow the Word application to open a file or even create a new document. So the best way is to increase memory and disk space.

    Fortunately, there are many ways that can work to increase memory and disk space on your computer. Some of them are easy, but some are not.

    For a more detailed guide, please refer to: Five Fixes for «There is not enough memory or disk space to run Word» Error.

    Method 10. Find and Recover from Temporary Autosave File

    Works to: Alternative way to open or repair a not opening/damaged Word file from Temporary Autosave File.

    Best for: All levels of Word 2016/2019, etc., users.

    The last efficient way you can try is to open the Temporary Autosave File folder and find the temp file of the not opening or damaged Word file.

    Here are the steps:

    Step 1. Open Word 2016 application and go to «File».

    Open Word 2016

    Step 2. Click «Manage Document» and select «Recover Unsaved Documents» from the dropdown list.

    Manage document

    Step 3. Check and select the temporary files of your problematic Word document saved with .asd extension.

    find temprorary file

    Step 4. Wait for Word application to open the recovered Word document and click «Save As» to save it as a new document.

    Resave temp files

    Part 2. How to Open and Repair a Corrupt Word File on Mac

    Applies to: Fix and repair a corrupt Word 2016/2019/2013 and even older versions of Word file on Mac.

    Best for: All levels of Word and Mac users.

    If you are having a similar issue of being unable to open a word document on Mac, you can apply the Mac version of EaseUS repair tool — Data Recovery Wizard for Mac for help.

    It also works to help you repair a Word document that is corrupted on Mac in only 3 steps. What’s more, it even supports fixing corrupted Excel files, repairing corrupted MOV files on Mac.

    Make sure you download the right version and follow the tutorial steps below to open and repair Word 2016 on your Mac computer:

    Step 1. Select your disk

    Select the disk location where you lost the corrupted files. Click the «Search for lost files» button.

    Select your disk

    Step 2. Scan for corrupted files

    EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac will immediately scan your selected device and scan for lost Word/Excel documents, videos, PDF files, and photos on the left pane.

    Scan for corrupted files

    Step 3. Repair and recover corrupted files

    In the scan results, select the files to preview. If the file is corrupted, the software will automatically repair the corrupted file, and then you can preview it. Then, click the «Recover» button to recover the repaired files.

    Repair and recover corrupted files

    In The End

    On this page, we covered the symptoms that can help you identify if a Word file is corrupted or not opening. And we also collected 10 practical fixes to help you effectively open and repair Word document files in Microsoft Office 2016/2019, etc.

    For a quick and secure way, EaseUS Word repair tool — Data Recovery Wizard is a must-have tool that you can’t miss. Besides fixing corrupted Word file, you may also use it to repair excel, videos, images, etc., with ease.

    Further FAQs about Corrupted Word File Repair

    1. How to define if it’s the Word application or the Word document corrupted?

    On this page, we’ve listed the symptoms and error messages that may show up on your computer when a Word document is not opening or corrupted.

    Here are some symptoms that you can apply to determine whether it is your Word application that crashed:

    Error 1 — «Microsoft Word has stopped working»

    If you see the error message that says“A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program», you will need to find methods to fix the crashed Word program.

    You may also interest in: 8 Fixes for Microsoft Word Has Stopped Working.

    Error 2 — «WINWORD.EXE — Application Error» or Error Code

    If «The application was unable to start correctly (0x000142). Click OK to close this application» or similar error codes pop up while starting up Microsoft Word, you are having an issue on your Word application.

    2. Where is open and repair in Word?

    As we know that the Open and Repair option can fix corrupted Word document. So how to find it? You can follow this path to find it:

    Open Word App > File > Open > Browse > Select the corrupted Word file > Besides Open, click the dropdown arrow to bring up «Open and Repair».

    3. Why is my word document not opening?

    Whether networked or stand-alone, documents may fail to open because the data file itself is corrupted or because the file is being loaded from a damaged disk. The key to getting data out of Word documents that won’t load is not to panic.

    Searching and trying practical Word recovery and repair methods is your next move. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard with other 9 fixes are recommended on this page in Part 1 are ready to help. Just revert and pick up one to make your Word openable and work again.

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