Do you know the correct pronounce of this word

помогите срочно 1. I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True) 2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write) 3. Do you know the correct ……… of this word. (pronounce) 4. They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign) 5. It all happened quite……. I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden) 6. The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe) 7. Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain) 8. Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование»  для  учащихся

9 классов.

     Ex. 1. а) Выделите слова, в которых есть приставки и переведите их.

Mistrust, disagree, unforgettable, comfortable, recycle, prediction, sophisticated, desirable, rebuilt, dishonest, increasing, impossibility, disappeared, appearance, unmarried, approved, depart, discover, prehistoric, interaction.

      b) Образуйте однокоренные слова, используя префиксы.

      1. agree

      2. respect

      3. charge

      4. tolerance

      5. balance

      6. understand

      7. honest

      8. tie

      9. built

     10. pronounce

     11. ability

     12. conduct

     13. approval

     14. pleased

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

      Achievement – achieve

      resistance – resistant,

      measure – measurement

      develop — development

      graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate

      educate – education

      progress – progressive

      act — action — activity — active

      govern — governor — government.

    Ex.  3. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к какой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, interesting, heartless, childless, successful, experiment, function, musician, teacher, artist, criticism, professional, national, industrial, useful, difference, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, humorous, elementary, childish, economic, director, worker, marriage, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 4. Образуйте существительные, используя следующие суффиксы.

-dom, -ian, -ship, -hood, -ist.

1. real

2. music

3. member

4. friend

5. medal

6. drama

7. king

8. companion

9. free

10. scholar

11. wise

12. style

13. owner

14. psychology

Ex. 5. Образуйте существительные, используя следующие суффиксы.

-er/-or, -tion/-sion, -ance/-ence, -ment.

1. expand

2. edit

3. describe

4. attend

5. express

6. prefer

7. repeat

8. ignore

9. law

10. involve

11. amuse

12. achieve

13. govern

14. invent

Ex. 6. Образуйте существительные, используя следующие суффиксы.

-y, -ic, -(i)an/-(i)al, -less, -ly.

1. dead

2. linguist

3. option

4. volcano

5. aim

6. colony

7. culture

8. greed

9. Germany

10. allergy

11. critic

12. Australia

Ex. 6. Образуйте существительные, используя следующие суффиксы.

-ous, -able /-ible, -ive, -ful.

1. knowledge

2. mountain

3. luxury

4. support

5. change

6. beauty

7. pain

8. describe

9. sense

10. forget

                                  Тесты в формате ОГЭ

      Test 1.

1.        This is the most …………..concert I‘ve ever been to.(Expense)

2.        It is a very ……… (Danger)

3.        Susan is very……and wants to do well. (Ambition)

4.        It was so …………. that she couldn’t see anything? (Fog)

5.        Dan is really very……, even rude sometimes. (Polite)

7.        Jan is very ……. She always keeps her promise.(Response)

8.        Mary…… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

Test 2.

1.        It is not …… to wear long skirts at the moment.(Fashion)

2.        Mark Twain wrote many…… stories. (Humour)

3.        Another…… against cars is that people travel long distances without having any physical activity. (Argue)

4.        The author of the puzzle was Arthur Waynne, a …… from Liverpool. (Journal)

5.        Do you think you have the…… to pass the exam? (Able)

6.        You need a lot of …… to write a good story. (Imagine)

7.        I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise)

8.        Their friendship began in their …… . (Child)

Test 3.

1.        I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True)

2.        Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write)

3.        Do you know the correct ……… of this word. (pronounce)

4.        They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign)

5.        It all happened quite……. I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden)

6.        The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe)

7.        Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain)

8.        Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)

Тренировочные упражнения на тему «Словообразование 9 класс»

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование» для учащихся

Ex . 1. а) Выделите слова, в которых есть приставки и переведите их.

Mistrust, disagree, unforgettable, comfortable, recycle, prediction, sophisticated, desirable, rebuilt, dishonest, increasing, impossibility, disappeared, appearance, unmarried, approved, depart, discover, prehistoric, interaction.

b ) Образуйте однокоренные слова, используя префиксы.

Ex . 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate

act — action — activity — active

govern — governor — government .

Ex . 3. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к какой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, interesting, heartless, childless, successful, experiment, function, musician, teacher, artist, criticism, professional, national, industrial, useful, difference, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, humorous, elementary, childish, economic, director, worker, marriage, freedom, kingdom.

Ex . 4. Образуйте существительные, используя следующие суффиксы.

-dom, -ian, -ship, -hood, -ist.

Ex . 5. Образуйте существительные, используя следующие суффиксы.

-er/-or, -tion/-sion, -ance/-ence, -ment.

Ex . 6. Образуйте существительные, используя следующие суффиксы.

Ex . 6. Образуйте существительные, используя следующие суффиксы.

-ous, -able /-ible, -ive, -ful.

1. This is the most …………..concert I‘ve ever been to.(Expense)

2. It is a very ……… (Danger)

3. Susan is very…. and wants to do well. (Ambition)

4. It was so …………. that she couldn’t see anything? (Fog)

5. Dan is really very……, even rude sometimes. (Polite)

7. Jan is very ……. She always keeps her promise.(Response)

8. Mary…… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

1. It is not …… to wear long skirts at the moment.(Fashion)

2. Mark Twain wrote many…… stories. (Humour)

3. Another…… against cars is that people travel long distances without having any physical activity. (Argue)

4. The author of the puzzle was Arthur Waynne, a …… from Liverpool. (Journal)

5. Do you think you have the…… to pass the exam? (Able)

6. You need a lot of …… to write a good story. (Imagine)

7. I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise)

8. Their friendship began in their …… . (Child)

1. I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True)

2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write)

3. Do you know the correct ……… of this word. (pronounce)

4. They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign)

5. It all happened quite……. I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden)

6. The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe)

7. Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain)

8. Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)

Курс повышения квалификации

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Формирование математических способностей у детей с разными образовательными потребностями с помощью ментальной арифметики и других современных методик

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Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

7) Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при помощи
следующих суффиксов: -al, -ful, -ous, -у, -able, -ible, -ic, -less, -ish. Переведите пары слов.
Reason, beauty, hope, doubt,
care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger,
fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.
3) Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите,
к какой части речи эти слова относятся:
British, foolish,
understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function,
musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial,
doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful,
dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage,
marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

5) Проанализируйте состав следующих слов.
Определите части речи. Переведите слова:
Powerful, inventor,
high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement,
shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous,
noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell,
leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy,

Словообразование английского языка + упражнения для тренировки
тест (10 класс) на тему

В данном файле содержится теория английского словообразования, а также тренировочные упражнения.


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Словообразование 134 КБ
тест по словообразованию 17.81 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


В ходе обучения иностранному языку, в частности, английскому, у студентов возникает масса вопросов при переводе слов той или иной части речи. В связи с этим необходимо остановиться на основных способах словообразования в английском языке.

В современном английском языке имеется несколько способов словообразования:

1) конверсия ( образование новых слов без изменения их написания и произношения )

2) словосложение ( образование нового слова путем сложения двух слов в одно )

3) изменение ударения в слове (и получение нового слова другой части речи ).

4) аффиксация ( прибавление к корню суффикса или префикса )

Конверсия как способ словообразования. Словосложение. Изменение ударения.

Иногда слово может менять свое значение и выполнять новую синтаксическую функцию в предложении, не изменяя при этом написания и произношения ( конверсия ). Наиболее распространенным является образование глаголов от существительных: master (хозяин) — to master (управлять), house (дом) — to house (размещать), water (вода) — to water (поливать). Но глаголы могут быть образованы и от прилагательных: empty (пустой) — to empty (опустошать) white (белый) — to white (белить).

Словосложение — это объединение полнозначных слов или их основ в сложное слово. Вновь образованное сложное слово пишется слитно или через дефис: airfield — аэродром (air — воздух, field — поле), air-base — авиабаза (air — воздух, base — база), airman — авиатор (air — воздух, man — мужчина), schoolday — школьный день (school — школа, day — день), birthplace — место рождения (birth — рождение, place — место).

Сложные слова могут состоять из двух существительных, первое из которых приобретает значение прилагательного. В этом случае слова пишутся отдельно. Например: service dress — форменная одежда, одежда для службы (service — служба, dress — платье), shop window — витрина (shop — магазин, window — окно), skim milk — снятое молоко (to skim — снимать (накипь и т.д.), milk — молоко ).

Многие существительные совпадают по форме с глаголами, но отличаются ударением . Как правило, в существительных ударение падает на первый слог, а в соответствующих глаголах — на второй: ex port (экспорт) — to ex port (экспортировать) pre sent (подарок) — to pre sent (дарить).

Словообразование с помощью аффиксации.

Образование новых слов может происходить при помощи присоединения к основе слова суффиксов или префиксов (приставок). Префиксы присоединяются к корню слова в начале, а суффиксы — в конце. Слова, образованные с помощью префиксов или суффиксов, в отличие от простых слов, называются производными.

Самым продуктивным является этот вид словообразования. В ходе обучения английскому языку уделяется большое внимание этому способу словосложения.

Префиксы, как и суффиксы, могут присоединяться к различным частям речи, изменяя при этом значение основы слова, например: happy (счастливый) — unhappy (несчастный) — happiness (счастье) — happily (счастливо); help (помощь) — helper (помощник) — helpful (полезный) — helpless (беспомощный).

Наиболее употребительные приставки (префиксы) и их значения:

1. Префикс со значением “снова”, “заново”, “вновь”, “пере”:

to construct (строить) — to reconstruct (перестроить), to read (читать) — to reread (перечитать), to write (писать) — to rewrite (переписать)

2. Префиксы, которые придают слову противоположное значение или обозначают противоположное действие :

un- dis- de- anti- counter-

to dress (одеваться) — to undress (раздеваться), to tie (связывать) — to untie (развязывать)

to appear (появляться) — to disappear (исчезать)

formation (формирование) — deformation (деформация)

fascist (фашист) — anti-fascist (антифашист)

attack (атака) — counterattack (контратака)

to contradict (противоречить, возражать)

3. Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение :

ir- il- dis- mis- non-

amoral ( аморальный, безнравственный )

absent (отсутствующий), abnormal ( ненормальный)

kind ( добрый) — unkind ( недобрый)

possible (возможный) — impossible (невозможный)

ability (способность) — inability (неспособность)

regular (регулярный) — irregular (нерегулярный)

legal (легальный) — illegal (нелегальный)

honest (честный) — dishonest (нечестный),

to understand (понимать) — to misunderstand (неправильно понять)

interference (вмешательство) — non-interference (невмешательство)

Приставка, которая начинается на “i” изменяется в зависимости от того, какая за ней стоит буква : il + l, ir + r, im + b, m, p.

4. Префиксы, имеющие значение “сверх”, “пере”, “чрезмерно”:

over- super- ultra-

to pay (платить) — to overpay (переплатить)

human (человеческий) — superhuman (сверхчеловеческий)

short (короткий) — ultra-short (ультракороткий)

5. Префиксы со значением “между”, “взаимно ”:

existence (существование) — co-existence (сосуществование)

national (национальный) — international (интернациональный)

6. Префиксы, которые переводятся как

war (война) — pre-war (довоенный), historic (исторический) — prehistoric (доисторический)

to foresee (предвидеть)

war (война,) — post-war (послевоенный), revolutionary (революционный) — post-revolutionary (послереволюционный)

в) “недостаточно”, “недо-“:

to pay (платить) — to underpay (оплачивать низко, т.е. недостаточно оплачивать, недоплачивать), production (производство) — underproduction ( недопроизводство)

division (разделение) — subdivision (подразделение), committee (комиссия, комитет) — subcommittee (подкомиссия)

champion (чемпион) — ex-champion (бывший чемпион)

autobiography (автобиография), automatic (автоматический)

semifinal (полуфинал), semicircle ( полукруг)

и) вверх, кверху, наверху

upstairs (вверх по лестнице), upside (верхняя часть), to uproot (вырывать с корнем)

к) двойной, два, дважды

bilingual (двуязычный), bi-monthly (выходящий два раза в месяц)

л) имеющий дело с книгами

м) относящийся к жизни

н) второстепенное значение

by-street (переулок, улочка)

о) много-, мульти-, поли-

multicolored (многоцветный), multimillionaire (мультимиллионер)

polyglot (полиглот), polytechnic (политехнический)

п) второстепенное значение

by-street (переулок, улочка)

7. Префикс глагола , имеющий значение “делать”:

large (большой) — to enlarge (увеличивать, делать больше), danger ( опасность ) — to endanger (подвергать опасности), force (сила) — to enforce (принуждать, настаивать)

Основные суффиксы существительных:

1. Суффиксы, обозначающие принадлежность к

а) политическому направлению профессии или нации :

Communist (коммунист), Marxist (марксист>, materialist (материалист);

artist (художник), typist (машинистка), pianist (пианист), historian (историк), librarian (библиотекарь), musician (музыкант); Russian (русский), Bulgarian (болгарин)

2. Суффикс, обозначающий учение, теорию, качество :

marxism (марксизм), heroism (героизм)

3. Суффиксы, обозначающие действующее лицо, его занятие или должность :

to teach ( учить) — teacher (учитель), to direct ( руководить ) — director (руководитель)

employee ( служащий), refugee (беженец, эмигрант), auctioneer (аукционер),

4. Суффикс, обозначающий результат действия :

achievement (достижение), agreement (согласие), government (правительство)

lemonade (лимонад) , blockade (блокада)

5. Суффиксы, обозначающие

brotherhood (братство), childhood (детство), manhood (мужественность)

dictatorship (диктатура), friendship (дружба), leadership (руководство)

accuracy (точность), infancy ( младенчество), supremacy ( превосходство)

б) действие, состояние :

shortage (нехватка), marriage (брак, супружество), voyage (путешествие)

hunting (охота), crossing (пересечение, перекресток), living (житье)

silence (молчание), difference (различие)

importance (важность), resistance (сопротивление)

collection (собрание, коллекция), dictation (диктант, диктовка)

competition ( соревнование), hesitation (сомнение, колебание)

removal ( удаление), arrival (прибытие), refusal (отказ), approval (одобрение)

в) качество или состояние :

freedom (свобода), kingdom (королевство), wisdom (мудрость)

coldness (холод), darkness (темнота), kindness (доброта), weakness (слабость)

activity (активность), safety (безопасность)

г) место действия, занятие или состояние

bakery (булочная), surgery (кабинет хирурга), cookery (кулинария), slavery (рабство)

д) род занятий, отрасль науки

physics (физика), politics (политика)

Основные суффиксы прилагательных:

1. Суффикс, образующий прилагательные от существительных и обозначающий национальную принадлежность или слабую степень качества :

Chinese (китаец, китайский), Japanese (японец, японский)

Pole (поляк) — Polish (польский), Scott (шотландец) — Scottish (шотландский)

red (красный) — reddish (красноватый), child (ребенок) — childish (ребячливый, детский)

2. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от глаголов и обозначающие наличие качества :

to act (действовать) — active (активный), to talk (разговаривать) – talkative (разговорчивый)

to differ (различать) — different (различный), to insist (настаивать) — insistent (настойчивый) to observe (наблюдать, замечать) — observant (наблюдательный, внимательный)

3. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от существительных
и обозначающие наличие качества, свойства :

base (основа) — basic (основной), economy (экономика) — economic (экономический)

centre (центр) — central (центральный)

culture (культура) — cultural (культурный), beauty (красота) — beautiful (красивый)

peace (мир) — peaceful (мирный), fame (слава) — famous (знаменитый)

cloud (облако) — cloudy (облачный), sun (солнце) — sunny (солнечный)

4. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от различных частей
речи и обозначающие

а) качество, свойство :

element (элемент) — elementary (элементарный)

illusion (иллюзия) — illusory ( обманчивый, иллюзорный )

б) способность что-либо сделать, состояние, качество :

to change (изменить) — changeable (изменчивый)

to eat (есть) — eatable (съедобный), reason (разум) — reasonable ( разумный )

в) отсутствие качества :

useless (бесполезный), windless (безветренный)

Основные суффиксы глаголов :

active (активный) — to activate (активизировать)

short (короткий) — to shorten (укоротить)

pure (чистый) — to purify (очищать), simple (простой) — to simplify (упрощать)

character (характер) — to characterize (характеризовать)

Основные суффиксы наречий

Суффиксы, образующие наречия от

а) прилагательных, иногда — существительных, порядковых числительных и причастий:

bad (плохой) — badly (плохо), part (часть) — partly (частично), first (первый) — firstly (во-первых)

б) существительных и наречий и обозначающие направление (или направленность):

North (север) — northward(s) (к северу, на север), after (после) — afterwards (впоследствии, позже, потом), back (обратно, назад) — backward(s) (назад, в обратном направлении)

home (дом, домой) — homeward (к дому, по направлению к дому)

NOTE! В английском языке большое место занимают слова, заимствованные из других языков. Такие слова называются интернациональными . По корню этих слов легко догадаться об их значении. Например: telegram (телеграмма), orchestra (оркестр), concert (концерт) и др. Умение подмечать интернациональные слова в значительной степени облегчает работу по переводу текста.

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, decompose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, nation — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — development, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — discoverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ег или -or . Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса -ist, -ism, -ian . Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ment . Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less , переведите их на русский язык :

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -able, -ible , переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к какой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса -en :

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp, strength.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведите их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переведите их:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, reply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразующие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Airport, armchair, bathroom, bedroom, bookcase, bookshelf, classroom, custom-house, dining-room, drawing-room, fireplace, folksong, gentleman, hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, postcard, post-office, raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, writing-table.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest, a convoy — to convoy, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report . 4. They report the results of their experiment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work . 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at present . 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — . . 2. A machine for playing records — . . 3. A machine for mixing food — . . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — . . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — . . 6. Stuff that kills flies — . . 7. A liquid that removes paint — . . 8. A tool that opens bottles — . . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — . . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — . . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — . .

Ex. 18. Напишите словосочетания по модели число+ существительное+существительное (! не забывайте что число и первое существительное соединяется дефисом и что это существительное обычно стоит в единственном числе)

Например: a walk lasting for three miles – a three-mile walk.

1. A girl who has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday — . . 2. A flight lasting for ten hours — . . 3. A note that is worth twenty pounds — . . 4. A language course that lasts four weeks — . . 5. A drive that takes three hours — . . 6. A meal that consists of three courses — . . 7. A holiday that lasts two weeks — . . 8. A delay at the airport that went on for two hours — . . 9. A letter that goes on for ten pages — . . 10. A university course that takes three years — . . 11. A prison sentence of ten years — . . 12. A hotel with five stars — . . 13. A speed limit of 30 miles an hour — . . 14. A house that was built two hundred years ago — . .

Ex. 19. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 20. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike . 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike . She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant . It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex. 21. Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag .

Например: camp. building. bomb. – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. . test, . pressure, . donor. 2. . fall, . melon, . skiing. 3. . house, . grocer, . salad. 4. . club, . mare, . shift. 5. brief. suit. book. . 6. paper. plastic. shoulder. . 7. . bow, . coat, . drop. 8. . shine, . rise, . set. 9. . works, . sign, . rage. 10. black. floor. notice. . 11. . light, . break, . dream. 12. . shake, . writing, . book. 13. . cube, . berg, . rink. 14. . cake, . present, . card. 15. . scape, . lady, . slide. 16. . car, . center, . ground. 17. address. visitor’s. note. .

Ex. 22. Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the . (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the . (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some . (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my . (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a . (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that . (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty . (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The . (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The . (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your . (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the . (film, end)? 12. Here is . (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest . (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my . (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The . (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a . (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The . (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local . (school, state). 19. The annual . (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any . (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a . (coffee, cup)?

Ex. 22. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe .

1. It is my personal . that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep . and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the . . 4. Drug . is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun . . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a . to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take . and I’ll take . .” 8. Can you show me how to . this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are . in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no . for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to . after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my . . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «MEAN» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The name of Alaska

Do you know the origin of the place name Alaska? The name Alaska comes from the Aleut word alaxsxaq, __________________ “object toward which the action of the sea is directed” – that is, the mainland.


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово FORM так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

It is also known as Alyeska, the “great land”, an Aleut word __________________ from the same root.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2018 по английскому языку.


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово CONSIDER так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Its nicknames are the Land of the Midnight Sun and America’s Last Frontier. Its first nicknames were “Seward’s folly” and

“Seward’s icebox” to laugh at the secretary of state who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia, which __________________ foolish at the time.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2018 по английскому языку.


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово LOCATE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

A landmark for the new millennium

Have you seen the photos of the London Eye? The London Eye is a giant observation wheel __________________ in the Jubilee Gardens on the South Bank of the river Thames.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2018 по английскому языку.


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово DESIGN так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The structure __________________ by the architectural team of David Marks and Julia Barfield, husband and wife.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2018 по английскому языку.


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово WIN так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

They submitted their idea for a large observation wheel as part of a competition to design a landmark for the new millennium. None of the entrants __________________the competition.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2018 по английскому языку.


Задания Д25 № 3199


Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово THEY так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

However, the couple pressed on and eventually got the backing of British Airways, who sponsored __________________ project.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2018 по английскому языку.


Образуйте от слова ABSOLUTE однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Pronunciation is important

Some learners of English think that pronunciation is not very important. That is __________________ wrong.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку.


Образуйте от слова EXTEND однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Even if you have an acceptable grasp of the English language, with good grammar and an __________________ vocabulary, native English speakers may find you very difficult to understand you if you don’t work on your pronunciation.

Источник: Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку


Образуйте от слова ESSENCE однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Correct, clear pronunciation is __________________ if you really want to improve your level of English.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку.


Образуйте от слова FAMILIAR однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Pay particular attention to any sounds that you are __________________ with or that do not exist in your native tongue.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку.


Образуйте от слова RUSSIA однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

For example, __________________ have difficulty pronouncing the “th” sound, as it does not exist in their native language.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку.


Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2016 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2017 по английскому языку;

Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2018 по английскому языку.

How to pronounce the names of cosmetic brands

burberry как произносится по русски

So that trips to fashion boutiques and beauty corners do not turn into an illiteracy exam, we have compiled a list of how to pronounce the names of brands with which you often have difficulty with correct pronunciation.

How to pronounce the names of fashion brands correctly

Buying clothes and shoes from well-known brands makes our life seriously difficult. Now, not only can we not live without our favorite Christian Louboutin pumps, but we also don’t know how to pronounce the brand name correctly. You should not try to translate the brand name into Russian on your own, at best they will simply not understand you, and at worst, you will look ridiculous.

French brands and brands

Azzedine Alaïa Is a French designer with Tunisian roots. Usually difficulties in pronunciation are caused by his surname with a letter of the Latin alphabet. Azzedin Alaya — everything is simple and easy.

Balenciaga — the correct answer is «Balenciaga». Everything is very simple!

Balmain — according to English rules, «Balmain» sounds, but the brand is named after the name of the creator of the French designer Pierre Balm, which means it is correct to say Balmain.

Chloé — Chloe — just like that, with an emphasis on «e». Don’t tell me what you thought «Chloe».

Christian Lacroix — the brand name Christian Lacroix sounds right with the accent on the last syllable. Moreover, the sound «r» is practically not pronounced, as if you are bursting.

Christian Louboutin — the name of the French shoe designer, recognizable by the trademark red sole, sounds like Christian Louboutin. But even professionals are mistaken when they say: «Louboutin», «Labutin», «Lobutan».

Givenchy — French Fashion House, created by the designer Hubert Givenchy, respectively, Givenchy should say.

Guy Laroche — the name of the French designer is correctly spelled Guy Laroche. But many people sometimes call it «Guy».

Hermes — the brand name is often pronounced by Erme. It seems that according to the rules this is true (the sound «s» in the French transcription should be absent), but in this case it is correct to say Ermes. The same applies to the brand Rochas — Roche sounds right.

Herve Leger Is a French brand that became famous for the invention of the bandage dress. Previously Hervé Peugnet, but Karl Lagerfeld advised the designer to change the hard-to-pronounce surname to Léger. Pronounced by Hervé Leger.

Lanvin — Lanvin wants to say right away, but Lanvan is right.

Louis Vuitton — the correct pronunciation of the brand name is Louis Vuitton, not Louis Vuitton or Louis Vuitton.

Maison Martin Margiela — for a beginner, even with good knowledge of the French language, it is difficult to correctly pronounce the name of the famous French brand. And it actually sounds very simple — Mason Martan Margiela.

Rochas — Roche with stress on the last syllable.

Sonia Rykiel — Sonia Rykiel — this is the name of the queen of knitwear and the founder of the fashion house of the same name Sonia Rykiel.

Yves Saint Laurent Is a French fashion house founded by Yves Saint Laurent, therefore we speak no other than Yves Saint Laurent.

Zuhair Murad — Zuhair Murad literally sounds in Russian.

American and British brands

Anna Sui — very often the name of a famous designer can be heard as Anna Sue, but it sounds correctly Ann Sue.

Badgley Mischka — you might think that this is the name of one person. In fact, the name consists of the names of the two designers who founded the brand — Mark Badgley and James Bear, and sounds like Badgley Bear.

Burberry prorsum — an English company, recognizable by its trademark — «cage». It is pronounced Burberry Prorsum, but not Burberry or Burberry.

Carolina Herrera — Venezuelan-American designer. Usually difficulties arise with the pronunciation of the surname. You need to speak in the Spanish manner, that is, Carolina Herrera.

Gareth pubh — in Russian, the name of the English designer sounds like Gareth Pugh.

Training — many people love the bags of the famous Coach brand, but not everyone knows how to pronounce the brand name correctly. Coach — this is how the name of a brand known for its fashion accessories sounds in Russian.

Levi’s — the creator of the famous jeans was called Levi, and by all the rules, one should say Levis, not Levays. Although both options have long been in common use. By the way, in the states everyone speaks exactly «Levis». You can argue on this topic endlessly.

Manolo Blahnik Is an English brand specializing in the production of women’s shoes. In Russian, the brand name sounds like Manolo Blahnik.

Marc Jacobs — the name of the designer and founder of the fashion brand of the same name is Marc Jacobs. Although some manage to pronounce Marc Jacobs, it sounds funny.

Marchesa — an English brand, but its name is pronounced according to the rules of the Italian language — Marquez.

Mary Katrantzou — despite the fact that the designer was born in Greece, the brand is English. Therefore, we pronounce in the British manner — Mary Katranza.

Monique LHUILLIER — the name of the famous designer of luxurious wedding dresses is correctly pronounced as Monique Lulier.

Naeem Khan — the name of the American designer of Indian origin sounds Naim Kan, but definitely not «Khan».

Prabal Gurung — as it is written and read — Prabal Gurung.

Proenza Schouler — no «Sharpie», it is correct to say Proenza Skuler. This is how the American brand is pronounced correctly.

Ralph Lauren — despite the fact that the surname of the designer is French and many people mistakenly pronounce «Laurent», the brand is American. And it’s right to say Ralph Lauren with an emphasis on «o».

Rodarte — Rodarte.

Roksanda Ilincic — but the brand name Roksanda Ilincic, despite the fact that it is English, is pronounced according to the rules of Serbian transcription, since the designer was born in Belgrade. And it sounds like Roksanda Ilinchich.

Vera Wang — the surname Wang can be pronounced like Wang and Wong, but the first option is still preferable. And the designer herself introduces herself as Vera Wang. The same is true for the brand. Alexander Wang.

As a bonus, we give another name of a popular brand that does not get along in the heads of Russian fashionistas.

Nike — everyone knows the brand like Nike. Actually, it’s correct to say Nike. But the first option has taken root in Russia so much that even the official representation of the company here sounds differently like Nike.

Italian brands and brands

Bvlgari — the brand name is based on the Latin alphabet, where «V» is equivalent to «U». There is one more “but” — stress, so we say: “Bulgari”, and not like many “Bulgars”.

DSquared2 — an Italian brand founded by brothers-Canadians should be pronounced Discworth, but not Discouared.

Ermenegildo Zegna — a real brain explosion. It is quite difficult to pronounce it the first time, but after practice, Ermenegildo Zenya is pronounced as easily as the well-known brands Chanel and Christian Dior.

Fausto Puglisi Is another Italian brand that can often be difficult to pronounce. It is correct to say Fastu Puizi.

Miu Miu Is an Italian brand that is pronounced according to the rules of Italian transcription — Mew Mew.

Moschino — this Italian brand is read according to the same rules. It is pronounced Moschino, not Moschino, as it sounds in English.

Giambattista Valli — nothing complicated — Zhambattista Valli.

Other designer brands and brands

Ann Demeulemeester — the Belgian designer will be correctly called Ann Demelmeister and nothing else.

Dries Van Noten — it’s hard to make a mistake in the name of this brand. As you may have guessed, Dries Van Noten sounds right.

Elie Saab — Lebanese designer, whose name sounds like Elie Saab, but not El Saab.

Issey Miyake — Finally, a Japanese designer was included in our list of «hard-to-pronounce brand names». The name of the legend of Japanese fashion is correctly spoken Issei Miyake. The name of the second famous designer Yohji Yamamoto from the land of the rising sun sounds Yohji Yamamoto.

Loewe — the pronunciation should be something in between Lowe and Lowe.

Peter Pilotto — the name of the international brand is correctly pronounced Peter Pilato, and not “Piloto”, as it seems at first glance.

Philipp Plein Is a German designer, so the name is pronounced Philip Plein, not «Plain.» The same case as with Calvin Klein — we say Calvin Klein.

To find out, the British magazine iD decided to conduct a fashionable lesson on illiteracy by releasing a training video. In a four-minute lesson, along with a show of collections, models voice the names of brands, from Azzedine Alaïa to Zegna.

How to pronounce the names of beauty brands

It’s the same story with the pronunciation of the names of cosmetic brands. For example, everyone knows the brand l’occitane, many of us even use it. But as they just do not call it: and Lokitan, and Lossitane, and Lochitan. There is even a joke that the brand name has about 40 pronunciation options, but only one is correct — Loxitan.

Kiehl’s Is an American brand founded by John Keel, therefore it is pronounced the same way as his surname is read — Keels.

Sephora — most of us pronounce the name correctly, the only thing is to put the stress on the last syllable, on «a», that is, SephorA.

Port — the name of the German brand also perplexes many. BABOR is read correctly with the accent on «a».


Brand names that almost everyone mispronounces

burberry как произносится по русски

Do you often have difficulty pronouncing the names of well-known foreign brands? Even if not, you’d be surprised how many of the brand names that have entered the spoken word are not pronounced correctly by most people.

But it’s not too late to learn how to pronounce them correctly. Here is a list of 20 brands that most people make mistakes when pronouncing:

  • 1. Lamborghini.
  • 2. Hermes.
  • 3 Balmain.
  • 4. Christian Louboutin.
  • 5 Burberry.
  • 6. Chloe.
  • 7. Agent Provocateur.
  • 8 Louis Vuitton
  • 9. UGGs.
  • 10. Levi’s.
  • 11. Nike.
  • 12. Porsche.
  • 13. Xiaomi.
  • 14 Huawei.
  • 15.Mitsubishi.
  • 16. Ritter sport.
  • 17. Hyundai.
  • 18. Evian.
  • 19. Desigual.
  • 20. Moët & Chandon.

1. Lamborghini

The correct pronunciation of the Italian brand is «Lamborghini». In Italian, if «g» is followed by «h», then the combination is pronounced «g». You often hear «Lamborghini», but the Italian brand should not be pronounced with an American accent.

2. Hermes

It is wrong to pronounce «Hermes», «Hermes», «Erme». The name of the brand, which is also a fashion house, sounds like ErmEs. It was named not in honor of the god of Ancient Greece Hermes, but after the name of Thierry Hermes, the creator of the brand.

3 Balmain

In the fashion environment around the world, the pronunciation of «Balmain» is widespread. Which is completely wrong. The French name is read «Balmand», in honor of the couturier Pierre Balmain.

4. Christian Louboutin

Among the wide variety of pronounced names of this brand, such as «Louboutin», «Lobutan», «Labutin» and others, the only correct one will be «Christian Loubutan».

5. Burberry

You often hear «Burberry», sometimes «Burberry». Never say that! That’s right — Burberry.

6. Chloe

In Russian, the spellings “Chloe” and “Chloe” are often used, but one should write and pronounce “Chloe”, emphasizing “E”.

7 Agent Provocateur

Despite the British origin, the creators of the brand recommend pronouncing its name in the French manner — «AjAn Provocater». It should be pronounced with aspiration.

8. Louis Vuitton

The Fashion House, originally from France, has the pronunciation «Louis Vuitton», but not «Louis Vuitton» and not «Vyuteon».

9. UGGs

«Aggs». This is exactly how it should be pronounced, despite the fact that in Russia, due to the incorrect pronunciation of the brand, common shoes have appeared — ugg boots.

10. Levi’s

Not Levis, but Levis, in honor of its creator, Levi Strauss, a German with Jewish roots.

11 Nike

«Nike» is the correct pronunciation. The goddess of victory, in honor of which the brand was named, was named Nika, and in Greek — «Nike». The famous squiggle of the logo is her wing. In Russia, the name «Nike» was so entrenched that even the company’s officials put up with it, advertising the brand in Russia as «Nike».

12 Porsche

Not a Porsche, but a Porsche. Founder — Ferdinand Porsche.

13 Xiaomi

«Xiaomi», «Xiaomi», as soon as the Russians do not cover this name. That’s right — «SHAomi».

14. Huawei

Not Huawei, but Woway. Yes, it is «Woway», it is recommended to remember.

15 Mitsubishi

You don’t need to say «Mitsubishi», there is no «sh» in Japanese. They even pronounce sushi like «sushi». Mitsubishi will be correct.

16. Ritter sports

According to German rules, a chocolate bar reads like «Ritter Sport» and nothing else.

17 Hyundai

Not Hyundai, not Hyundai, but Hyundai.

18. Evian

The name of the water is pronounced in French «Evien», and not «Evian», as many believe.

19. Desigual

Most often, you can hear something close to the correct «Disigual», but more precisely «Desiual» will be.

20. Moët & Chandon

Don’t listen to those who say «Mine and Shandon». This brand of champagne is correctly called «Moet e Shadon».

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Published by: Inga Proznich


How to pronounce brand names without mistakes

burberry как произносится по русски

Our fashion dictionary continues to be replenished with usefulness. On this one, we remember how the names of the leading fashion houses and the names of world famous designers sound in the great and mighty. We will not voice the wrong options: let only what is true remain in the visual memory and in the ear.

Competent warm-up

A few valuable tips on the Russian language on the fashion-catwalk theme:

Names written in Latin characters do not require quotation marks. We write: a new collection of Louis Vuitton, SUNLIGHT jewelry, in the Moschino boutique.

In the phrases «fashion house», «fashion house» both words are written with a lowercase (small) letter: Chanel fashion house, Lanvin fashion house.

The names of fashion weeks are spelled as follows: New York Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week (similarly, others: Milan Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week). If georeferencing is omitted or allegorically named, then the expression «fashion week» is written with a lowercase letter.

Fashion dictionary

Here are examples of the correct pronunciation of brand names. Places of correct stress are marked in capital (capital) letters inside words. So how is it in Russian?

AlexanderMcQueen = AlexAndr McQueen

Alexander Wang = Alex Andr Wang

Ann Demeulemeester = Anne DemelmEister

Azzedine alaia = Azzedin AlAya

Badgley Mischka = Badgley Mishka

Balenciaga = BalenciAga

Balmain = Balman

Bulgari(Bvlgari) = Bulgari

Burberry = Burberry

Calvin Klein = Calvin Klein

CarolinaHerrera = Carolina ErrEra

Céline = Celine

Chloe = Cloe

Comme des garсus = Com de GarsOn

СChristian Lacroix = ChristiAne LacroeA

Christian Louboutin = ChristiAn LouboutEn

DKNY (Donna Karan New York) = DK N WI (Donna Karan New York)

Dolce & gabbana = DOLCE and GABBANA

Dries Van Noten = Drys Van Noten

Dsquared = DiskAed

Elie Saab = ElI Saab

Emanuel Ungaro = EmanuEl UngAro

Emilio Pucci = EmIlio Pucci

Etro = Etro

Fendi = Fandy

Giambattista Valli = JambatIista Valli

Gianfranco Ferre = GianfrAnco Ferre

Giles = JIles

Giorgio Armani = Giorgio ArmAni (acceptable: Giorgio ArmAni)

Givenchy = Givenchy

Gucci = Gucchi

Guess = Ges

Hermes = Ermes

Herve Leger = Erve LezhE

Isabel Marant = Isabel Mar’an

Jean Paul Gaultier = Jean-Paul Gautier

Jimmy Choo = Jimmy Choo

Lanvin = LanvAn

Loewe = LoEve

Louis Vuitton = LOUIS VITON

HomeMartinmargiela = MazeOn MartAn MargelA

Manolo Blahnik = Manollo Blanik

Marchesa = MarkEza

Mary Katrantzou = Mary KatrAnzu

MichaelCross = Michael Kors

Monique LHUILLIER = Monik Lul’e

Moschino = Moskino

Mulberry = Mulberry

OscardelaRent = Oscar de la Renta

Paco Rabanne = PAKO RabAnn

PhilipFull = Phillip Plein

Proenza Schouler = ProEnsa Skooler

RalphLauren = Ralph Loren

Rochas = Roche

Roksanda Ilincic = RoxAnda IlIncic

Sergio Rossi = Sergio Rossi

Sonia Rykiel = Sonya RickEl

Thakoon = Taekun

Thierry Mugler = Thierry Mügler

TommyHilfiger = TOMMY HilfIger

Vionnet = Vionne

Yohji Yamamoto = YOji YamamOto

Yves Saint Laurent = Yves Saint Lauren

Zuhair Murad = ZuhAir MoorAd

We remind you that today we are training pronunciation, not spelling: pronounced «Yves Saint Laurent», «Isabelle Maran», and spelled «Yves Saint Laurent», «Isabelle Maran», do not mix it up! In the meantime, we are preparing for you the third part of the fashion dictionary, dedicated to the names of cosmetic and perfume brands. Do not miss!


Brand names that you definitely mispronounce

The rock underwear company is based in the UK, but insists that we pronounce its name in the French manner, which is «AjAn Provocater». In a passionate half-whisper.

Badgley Mischka

Mark Badgley and James Mishka are upset when Russian customers call their brainchild «Budley Mishka.» Do not offend Mishka, pronounce it correctly.


English-speaking mods say «Balmain», but don’t be silly. This French name reads «Balman».


Even the regular customers of TSUM regularly try to blurt out «Burberry», but the only correct option is «Burberry».


The founder of the brand was called Gaby Aion, but her own name seemed to her clumsy, so she borrowed the name of a friend for the name of the brand. Nice and sentimental, you will not say anything. In Russian, this name is usually written as “Chloe” or “Chloe”. But the name Chloe should be pronounced as «Chloe» with an emphasis on «E».


According to the rules of English, this name should be read as «Chopard», but forget about Shakespeare’s language, or you will disgrace yourself. This is a French name, and it reads like «ShopAr».


Expensive niche perfumes are called «Daptic», but not «Diptic» or «Diptych».

Ermenegildo Zegna

At first glance, not a name, but a tongue twister, but it reads relatively simply: «ErmanageIldo Zenya.»


The water that stands like the fresh milk of a unicorn is not called Evian at all. The French say «Evyon», which is what they wish for you.


Cognac is a French swill. But if someone tells you that on this basis Hennessy is supposed to be pronounced as «Ensy», spit in his eye. The founder of the brand was Irish, and his surname is pronounced as «Hennessy» with an aspirate instead of «X».


Of course, he is not «Hermes» and not «Hermes», and this is understandable to the merchant from the clothing store. Aesthetes read this name as «Erme», and it seems that from the point of view of cunning French grammar they are doing everything right. But there is a subtlety: the brand is named not in honor of the god of trade, but in honor of the founder, whose name sounds like Thierry Ermes. Say that.

Herve Leger

Damn French, again they poke around here with their unreadable letters. Read this name as «Erve Lezhe», with an emphasis on the last «E».


You can’t figure out how to pronounce it without half a liter. Really simple — «Keels», in honor of the founder of the cosmetic brand John Keele.


Wanting to sound as international as possible, Russian people carefully pronounce «Lamborghini» — and screw it up. It’s an Italian brand, stick your Oxford pronunciation in your pocket. That’s right — «Lamborghini».


By the rules — «Levis», because the name of the jeans creator was Levi and he was an enterprising German Jew. Levy, don’t Levy. But in America, everyone without exception speaks «Leaves» and there it is precisely this pronunciation that is fixed as the correct one. So choose yourself.


With so many vowels it is easy to get confused, and the brand is sometimes called «Loew», now «Leve». That’s right — «LoEve». It is read as it is written. That’s why we love the Spaniards.


The surname of the founder of the fashion house sounds like «Lanvin», but certainly not «Lanvin» and not «Lanvin».


All over the world, from Tokyo to Mexico City, this brand is called «Nike», and only in Russia they say «Nike». But the name of the Greek goddess Nike in English sounds exactly «Nike», and the brand was named after her. And this famous squiggle is not an overgrown comma, but its wing.

Proenza Schouler

You yourself are «Sharpie». The name of this American brand sounds like «Proenza Scooler».

Pierre Cardin

The same story as with Lanvin. The name of the designer sounds like «Pierre Cardan».

Ralph Lauren

Snag: the surname is clearly French and most pronounce it like «Lauren». But the brand is American. And it will be right like this: «Ralph Lauren».


You pronounce it almost correctly, only you are mistaken with the accent — you have to say «SephorA», not «Sephora» or «Sefora».

Serge Lutens

This is another exception to the rule — Serge Lutens, not Luten or Luten.

Vera Wang

Lather up to get married — buy a luxurious dress from Vera Vaughn. Or at least from Vera Ven, if you’re in America. But certainly not Vera Wang, there is no such designer.


This company produces networking equipment and confusion in the minds of those trying to pronounce the name correctly. Suxel? Züxel? Zhuxil? That’s right — Zayxel.

Olga Lysenko
Preview photo: Shutterstock
Photo in text: fragments of advertising campaigns


Test. Do you pronounce the names of famous brands correctly? —

In our time, it is a shame to be mistaken in the pronunciation of popular brands — automobile, perfumery, cosmetic. Let’s check your erudition and determine how beautiful you «sound» in the eyes of your interlocutors. Go!

1/12. How to pronounce Pierre Cardin correctly?

Pierre Cardin

Pierre Cardan

Pierre Sardine

The surname of the famous designer should be pronounced according to the laws of the French language: in the word Cardin, the letter «i» is read as a nasal «a».

2/12. Balmain «in Russian» is

And again about French: the pronunciation of the fashion brand Balmain implies “en” at the end instead of “ein”.

3/12. How do you read the name of the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop

Edouby Photoshop

Pronounced as «edoubi». Translated from a foreign word, Adobe is «a brick made of clay and straw.» The name of the brand comes from the name of the clay river (Adobe creek), near which the founder of the company, John Warnock, lived.

4/12. Burberry — what does a popular plaid brand sound like?




According to the name of the brand’s creator and the rules of the English language, Burberry sounds like «Burberry».

5/12. It turns out that the «ugg boots» came to us from the Australian shoe brand UGG. How does it read correctly?

In warm Australia, these shoes are called «aggi», and we pronounce it wrong. Even in the question they tried to confuse you!

6/12. People are said to be divided into three types: YouTube, YouTube, and YouTube. Which one do you belong to?

YouTube is the correct use case. The rest is colloquial speech options.

7/12. Which answer is the correct Huawei transliteration?

Huawei, of course!

Huawei — I always say so

Whoa way — what a question!

There are several pronunciation options, adapted for different languages: «huavei» — correct for Russian speakers, «wah-way» — for the American consumer.

8/12. So, with Huawei sorted out, but what about Xiaomi?





The vice president of Xiaomi insisted on «shaomi», but the Chinese spoke both «shaomi» and «xiaomi». In fact, both options are correct and apply as follows: if you pronounce in Russian, then use «xiaomi», if you speak English, then use «shaomi».

9/12. The French fashion house Chloé has captured the hearts of thousands of women. However, many of them continue to distort the name. How true?

The syllable «é́» seems to indicate that the stress should be on it.

10/12. For lovers of cosmetics: how is Garnier pronounced?

Previously, the Garnier brand sounded like «Garnier», but later it was decided to move away from the correct pronunciation and use transliteration — «Garnier» instead of transcription.

11/12. If you differentiate Hyundai from Honda, then you can handle it:

Hyundai translated from Korean sounds like «modernity.» Let’s be modern and remember this word!

12/12. On la-boo-te-nah, ah! What does the name of Christian Louboutin — the creator of French shoes — sound like?

Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin

Christian Labutin

Oh, this French! In the surname of the designer, «ou» reads like «y», and «in» — «en», «en». Therefore, the correct pronunciation is Louboutin.

Are you pronouncing brand names correctly?

You are still an expert!

Let’s be honest: we were pleasantly surprised by your answers! You really understand the intricacies of name translation and understand a thing or two about the history of major brands. Surely your knowledge will be useful to your friends — try to share it with them.

Are you pronouncing brand names correctly?

You did a pretty good job!

Wow, you have a lot to be proud of! Some brands are close to you firsthand, you definitely read about individual characters somewhere. However, there are a lot of mistakes behind: we hope that the test turned out to be useful for you and answered controversial questions.

Are you pronouncing brand names correctly?

You don’t know much about brands

It seems that it makes no difference to you how to pronounce the name of this or that brand. The main thing is that the interlocutors understand you, and you understand them. As they say, the sum does not change from the change of the places of the terms.

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Yesterday’s events inspired the theme for writing this post. Maybe someone will be useful and informative.

Do we correctly pronounce with you the names of brands that are present in our daily life? Let’s analyze this topic a little correctly and incorrectly, and who will remember add to the comments, or write down and remember!

old school Converse

Let’s start with our beloved Converse brand — which did not come from the English verb «to conv? Erse», but from the surname of the brand’s creator Marcus K? Onvers, so we remember and say now correctly: converse — [to? Onverse] — [? K ? nv ?? s]


Coccinelle — Coxinelle (which translates as «ladybug») is a French word, but borrowed by Italians, in Italian it is pronounced cochinelle and is also translated as ladybugs, only in the plural. So this is an exception and it is customary to say how Italians do it when talking about their brand.


Desigual is a Spanish brand that can be found in our shopping centers. Translated from Spanish, this word means “not like everyone else”, “not the same” or “unequal”, which is fully proven by the optimistic bright collections designed for young guys and girls who want to stand out from the crowd. So how do you pronounce this word desigual correctly? al or desigu? al. Personally, in my practice, the Spaniards pronounced — desigu’al

Dsquared 2

Dsquared2 is a brand of men’s and women’s clothing and accessories, founded by twin brothers from Canada Dean and Dan Kateen, known for its collaboration with show business stars (not without the help of the ubiquitous Madonna). The brand name comes from the first letters of the brothers’ names — D squared. This is «discueed», not «discredited», and this is not a Canadian brand at all, but an Italian one, since since 1991 the brand has been registered in Milan.


Hublot (Ublo) is a famous Swiss brand specializing in the production of luxury watches. The brand was founded in 1980 and is currently a subsidiary of the international holding Louis Vuitton Moet Hennesy (LVMH). History The creator of Hublot watches, Carlo Crocco, grew up in an Italian family of watchmakers.

Guy Laroche

Guy Laroche — The English have the name Guy and they pronounce it «Guy», but the French call their Guy «Guy». A modist from the Atlantic hinterland of France, who started his career in “practical” haute couture at the end of the 40s of the 20th century, and then in pret-a-porter, was called Guy Laroche.

Philipp Plein

One of the common mistakes is the pronunciation of the name of the German designer Philipp Plein. Philip was born in Germany, so his name should be pronounced in the German manner «Plain», and not in English — «Plain».

Louis Vuitton

The name of the fashion house Louis Vuitton, correctly pronounced — «Louis Vuitton», but not «Louis Vuitton» or «Louis Vuitton».

Alber elbaz

The Lanvin brand leader is named Alber Elbaz. And the brand under his leadership is pronounced «Lanwan». These are the features of French pronunciation. So forget about Lanvin or Lanvin.


The name of the brand Marchesa (a brand of stunning handmade couture dresses) should be read according to the Italian rules: “Marcheza”, not “Marcheza” in English, because the company got its name in honor of the Italian aristocrat Marquise Luisa Casati.


According to the same rules, the name of the Moschino brand is read — «Moschino»

Nike — The name of the sportswear and equipment company is of Greek origin, this is the English version of the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike. It sounds like Nike. This is how the name of the company is pronounced.


The Hermes brand is correctly pronounced as «Hermes», and nothing else. Hermes is the name of the ancient Greek god of trade and profit, and he certainly has nothing to do with modern fashion. In addition, the brand name is often pronounced as «Erme» and, it would seem, according to the rules of French transcription, this is true. But don’t forget that there are exceptions to every rule. This is just such a case.

Azzedine alaia

The name of the Tunisian-born French designer Azzedine Alaia, whose outfits particularly impressed the fashionistas this year, is pronounced «Azzedine Alaia.» Usually, three vowels in a row are introduced into a stupor in his surname, but everything is much simpler than it seems.


Many pronunciations can be heard in relation to the name Vionnet: «Vionnet» or «Vionnet». In fact, everything is simple: «Vionne» with an emphasis on «e». This is exactly how the surname of the founder of the French House, the legendary Madeleine Vionne, sounded.

Elie Saab

Remembering the next Elie Saab brand, you will surely assure with confidence that it is again about a woman. But no. Lebanese designer is a man. It is he who creates dresses of heavenly beauty. Oh yes, it is correct to pronounce «Elie Saab».


The Givenchy house, which struck us with aggressive Dobermans on bags, should be called «Givenchy», not in the American manner — «Jevenshi».


H m as it is read in Russian. How to pronounce brand names correctly

So that trips to fashion boutiques and beauty corners do not turn into an illiteracy exam, we have compiled a list of how to pronounce the names of brands with which you often have difficulty with correct pronunciation.

How to pronounce brand names correctly | Articles by stylist Elena Denisova

Azzedine alaïa Is a French designer with Tunisian roots. Usually difficulties arise when pronouncing his surname with the letter «ï». And it reads simply — Azzedin Alaya
Balenciaga — to say «Balenciaga» correctly.
Balmain — the brand was named after its creator, French designer Pierre Balma, and Balma is pronounced correctly.

Chloé — KloE — only this way, with an emphasis on «e» (not «Chloe»)
ChristianThe cross — Christian Lacroe with emphasis on the last syllable. Please note that the «r» sound is pronounced as if you were bursting.
Christian Louboutin — the name of the designer of shoes with a signature red sole sounds like Christian Louboutin.

Not Louboutin!
Givenchy — French Fashion House Hubert Givenchy, therefore, it is necessary to speak Givenchy.
Guy Laroche — it is correct to say Guy Laroche. Not Guy.
Hermés — I often hear «Erme». But Ermes is correct.
Hervé Légives Is a French brand that became famous after the invention of the bandage dress.

  Pronounced by Hervé Leger.
Lanvin — not Lanvin! But LanvAn.
Louis Vuitton — correct version of Louis Vuitton (not Louis Vuitton or Louis Vuitton)
Maison Martin Margiela  — Mason Martan Margiela.
Rochas — Rosha with an emphasis on the last syllable. The letter «c» at the end of a word is not pronounced.

Sonia Rykiel — the brand name of the queen of knitwear reads like Sonya RickEl
Yves Saint Laurent — everything is simple: Yves Saint Laurent.
Zuhair Murad — Zuhair Murad literally sounds in Russian.

 American and British brands

Anna Sui — Anna Swee.
Badgley Mischka — the brand of the two founding designers of the brand — Mark Badgley and James Mishka. Pronounced Badgley Bear.
Burberry prorsum — we immediately remember the branded cage. Pronounced only Burberry Prorsum (not «Burbury» and not «Burberry»)
CarolinaHerrera Is a Venezuelan-American designer.

You need to pronounce it in the Spanish manner, that is, Carolina Herrera.
Gareth pubh — the name of the English designer Gareth Pugh.
Training — Coach — this is how the name of the brand of fashion accessories sounds in Russian.
Levi’s — the name of the jeans creator was Levy, and by all the rules you should say Levis, not Levice. But both options are firmly established in everyday life, including in the United States, everyone says «Levays».

Does it make sense to argue on this topic?
Manolo Blahnik — English brand of women’s shoes, pronounce Manolo Blahnik.
Marc Jacobs — Marc Jacobs (not Jacobs)
Marchesa — the brand is English, but its name must be pronounced «Marqueza», according to the rules of the Italian language
Mary Katrantzou — the designer was born in Greece, but the brand is English.

And we pronounce its name in the British manner — Mary Katranzu.
Monique LHUILLIER — the name of the designer of chic wedding dresses is pronounced as Monique Lulier (without the sound «r»)
Naeem Khan — the name of the American designer of Indian origin sounds Naim Kan, but not «Khan».
PrabalGurung — as it is written and read — Prabal Gurung.

Proenza Schouler — Proenza Scooler. He’s not a Sharpie!  
Ralph Lauren — the designer’s surname is French, and some people mistakenly pronounce «LorAn», but the brand is American! Therefore, Ralph Lauren.
Rodarte — Rodarte.
Roksanda Ilincic — but the name of this English brand is pronounced according to the rules of Serbian transcription, since the designer was born in Belgrade.

Accordingly, Roksanda Ilinchich.
Vera Wang — the designer herself always introduces herself as Vera Wang. It’s the same with the Alexander Wang brand.
Nike — everyone knows the brand as Nike. Actually, you have to say Nike. Although the first option has taken root in Russia for a long time, even in our advertisements “Nike” sounds.

 Italian brands and brands
Bvlgari — the brand name is based on the Latin alphabet, where «V» is equivalent to «U». Attention to stress: «Bulgari», not «Bulgari».
DSquared2 — an Italian brand founded by brothers-Canadians should be pronounced Discworth, but not Discouared.

Moreover, the sound «r» is reduced
Ermenegildo Zegna — you need to practice the pronunciation of this name: Ermenegildo Zena
auspiciousPuglisi Is another Italian brand whose name is not easy to pronounce: Fasta Puglisi.

Miu Miu — we pronounce it according to the rules of Italian transcription — Mew Mew (this is how Italian cats meow)
Moschino — pronounced Moschino, not Moschino  
Giambattista Valli — it’s simple: Zhambattista Valli.
Other designer brands
Ann Demeulemeester — the Belgian designer’s name is Anne Demelmeister.

Dries Van Noten — Dries Van Noten is correct.
Elie Saab — Lebanese designer, whose name we pronounce as Elie Saab (but not El Saab).
Issey Miyake — Japanese designer. Whose name is correct to say Issei Miyake.
Yohji Yamamoto too from the land of the rising sun, we say: Yohji YamamOto.
Loewe — something between Lowe and Lowe.
Peter Pilotto — Peter Pilato, not Piloto.
Philipp Plein Is a German designer, so the name is pronounced Philip Plein, not «Plain.»
Calvin Klein — Calvin Klein

Cosmetic brand names

l’occitane  — Loksitan.
Kiehl’s Is an American brand that was founded by John Keele, which is why we pronounce it Keels.
Sephora — Sephor A.
Port — Babor is read with an accent on «a».


Correct pronunciation of popular brands

Real fashionistas cannot be fooled: they immediately see the magic letters that add up to the names of famous brands. They will not be confused by a missed letter or, on the contrary, an extra one — they will distinguish a fake! But when they start to read these names aloud — the trouble! You will not hear so many inconceivable (mostly incorrect) options! How to pronounce brand names correctly in order to both look stylish and support a conversation on the topic of fashion competently?

Difficulties arise primarily from the fact that it is not known what language was used to create the brand name. French words cannot be translated correctly into English, and vice versa. First you need to find out in what language the brand name, and then figure out how to pronounce it correctly.

French famous brands, their correct pronunciation in Russian

At the beginning is a short list of world famous French brands that are pronounced almost exactly as they are spelled; difficulties with them rarely arise, although mistakes do occur. The Russian version is in brackets.

  • Chanel (Chanel). Well, it’s on what desert island you have to grow up to pronounce it wrong.
  • Christian Dior (Christian Dior). Also on everyone’s lips, a mistake is impossible.
  • Lakoste  — stress on the second syllable.
  • Kenzo — stress on the first syllable.
  • Naf Naf, forgive the designers of the world famous clothing brand — pronounced like the name of a pig from a children’s fairy tale, it’s easy to remember.
  • Pinkie A brand familiar to fashionable moms who want their little daughters to buy the best toys. The accent on the first syllable: from pink, pink.
  • Paco Rabanne (Paco Rabano). The stressed syllables in the first word are the first, in the second — the middle.

Now it’s more difficult. On the labels, these brands are immediately recognizable, but there are often mistakes with pronunciation. Further, the stress in the Russian variants will be indicated before the stressed vowel by the sign «‘».

  • Lanvin (L’onvin). The brand is over a hundred years old — the first fashion house was opened in Paris already in 1890. The style of «elegant bourgeois» is familiar to all supporters of elite classics.
  • Pierre Cardin (Pierre Card’en). We write «Cardin», pronounce it through «e».
  • Chloe (Cl’o (y) and). «U» is barely audible, but it is present. And the first sound is «k», not «x»!
  • Givenchy (Zhivonsh’i). «O» can be pronounced as «a», both options are correct.
  • Yves Saint Laurent (Yves Sen Lor‘an). We don’t pronounce both «t», otherwise you will not be disgraced!
  • Guerlain (Gerl’en). So it is correct to speak the name of this brand in Russian. But if you find yourself in Paris and in a boutique ask to show a new line of perfumes, I must say “Galan” with the same stress, “Guerlain” in France will not be understood!

British world brands of clothing, footwear, accessories

The British are recognized leaders in the production of demi-season clothing and leather, competing in this only with the Italians. Despite the seeming simplicity of the names of fashion houses, the names of designers, it is easy to make a mistake.

  • Alexander McQueen Name — stress as in a similar Russian name, in the second word stress on the last syllable. A young man unknown to anyone, who made his first collection of clothes as a thesis, founded a fashion house, and now products under this brand are quoted in the luxury class. In no case should the name be altered in the Russian manner!
  • Paul Smith No Pauls! The brand is young, but this clothing, accessories, watches, perfumes, underwear are the personification of high style and impeccable taste.
  • Burberry (Burberry). Of course, «ё» is a percussive sound. Who but the British can produce the coolest coats, fabric jackets, boots and handbags?

Italian famous brands: the correct pronunciation of names

  • Moschino (Mosk’ino). Franco Moschino founded a fashion house that produces luxury clothes, perfumes, home decorations, trinkets, presented to connoisseurs of expensive gizmos as «items that demonstrate luxury.»
  • Bvlgari (B’ulgari). Oh, how the mysterious letter «v» confuses the owners of fashionable rings and earrings of this brand. Instead, we say «y».
  • Gucci (G’ucci). This is exactly how it is necessary to say — to focus on the two sounds «h».
  • Kinder Surprise (K’inder Surpr’iz). Yes, those chocolate eggs with a gift inside! You should not demonstrate your knowledge of English and read «Surprise», everything is simple — we say the Russian word «surprise».
  • Dolce & Gabbana (D’olce and Gabbana). Until recently, the union was pronounced as «end», now it is permissible to speak the Russian version of the union.

Famous American brand names

  • Estee Lauder It resembles French words in writing, and I want to say «Est’i». But the founder of the famous brand is pure American (albeit the daughter of European immigrants), so the name of the brand speaks with an American «bias».



A selection of some of the correct pronunciations in Russian of world brands. Let’s study the question of how brand names should be read in Russian, and how they are pronounced incorrectly.

Agent Provocateur

One of the British brands, Agent Provocateur, is the sexiest lingerie company in the world. If you translate the name provided into Russian, you get «agent and provocateur.»

This brand, which is engaged in the production of one of the most provocative and defiant types of lingerie, was created in the XNUMXth year of the twentieth century by designer Joseph Kore. Not without the participation of the son of Vivienne West Wood.

It is necessary to remember about the correct pronunciation of this name, which sounds only in this way [Ajan Provocatieur].

Christian Louboutin

The famous shoe designer Christian Louboutin has suffered many names: «La-butane», «Li-butane», «Lu-butene». To be honest, the pronunciation of the name of the creative company of the famous red shoe soles sounds like [Christine Labutin].


It is quite possible that a fair number of girls might have heard such a name: «Burberry» or «Burberry». These names should not be left in memory, since such brands have not found a place of existence. The luxury fashion house Burberry, whose creation was recorded back in the fifty-sixth year of the nineteenth century, has a distinct pronunciation of the name: [Burberry].

WATCH: Why Do These Words Have Different Pronunciations?

Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong famously sang about the controversial pronunciations of words like tomato (to-mah-to?), potato (po-tah-to?), either, neither, pajamas, and others in the song “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off.” They settled nothing, and people have been debating the right way to say these words ever since. 

And those aren’t the only words that send people to opposing corners, either. There are a host of words that, for whatever reason, people just can’t reach a conclusion as to which way they should be pronounced.

If you want to get people all fired up, just mention one of these words and watch the orthoepy fires ignite. Even dictionaries dive into the fray on occasion. 

So how do you pronounce these words?


For such a sweet word, caramel can cause some pretty sticky conversations. Some people choose to skip a syllable and pronounce it like car [ kahr-muhl ], while others pronounce it as a three-syllable word beginning with care: [ karuh-muhl ]. There’s also [ karuh-mel ], because why have two pronunciations when three is even more confusing?

First evidence of the word in English dates back to 1715–25. It stems from the French caramel (“burnt sugar”) and Spanish caramelo. It’s likely derived from the Latin word cannamella, meaning “sugar cane,” which is equivalent to the Latin words canna (“cane”) and mel (“honey”).


Talk about a word that gets people riled up. GIF or gif stands for “graphics interchange format,” that much is fact. The way it’s pronounced, however, is the subject of much debate since the word was introduced into our language around 1985–90. 

At, we stand by the pronunciation as [ jif ] (as in the peanut butter brand or a giraffe) as that’s how the inventor of the format, Steve Wilhite, says it should be pronounced. Plenty of others though say it should be pronounced [ gif ] with a hard G as in golf. That leads some people to opt for a version along the lines of “There’s this jif or gif—however you say it …”


When it comes to these vessels that typically hold flowers, there are a variety of ways people pronounce vase. There’s [ veys ] (rhymes with case), [ veyz ] (rhymes with daze), and [ vahz ] (rhymes with cause). Which one is right? Take your pick. Most people in the United States pronounce it [ veys ], but if you want to be fancy, go ahead and say [ vahz ].

First evidence of the word dates back to 1555–65 French. It is derived from the Latin word vās, meaningvessel.”  


Color most people confused when it comes to this pale shade of bluish purple. Many people pronounce mauve with a short A sound like father [ ah ], but the correct pronunciation actually rhymes with stove: [ mohv ]. (Yeah, that blew our minds, too!)

The purple dye used to make the color was discovered in 1856, obtained from aniline. Its name stems from the French word mallow, itself derived from the Latin word malva meaning “mallow,” which refers to the mallow plant that has purple markings on its petals. 


You can never have too many baubles or too much bling, which may help you remember that the word jewelry can be pronounced multiple ways: with three syllables [ joouhl-ree ] and two [ jool-ree ]. The pretty word dates back to 1300–50, stemming from the Anglo-French word juelerie, which is equivalent to juel, meaningjewel,” and the suffix -erie.


Talk about an oft-mispronounced word. To include the T sound, or not include the T sound—that is the question. There are four pronunciations for often included in this dictionary: [ aw-fuhn ], [ ofuhn ]; [ awf-tuhn ], and [ of-tuhn ].

The T can be silent [ aw-fuhn ], though it used to be pronounced early on, when the word was a variant of oft (think oft-quoted)First evidence of the word dates back to 1300–50 when it was spelled oftin. But around the 1600s, the educated classes in North America and Great Britain deemed the T sound unfavorable, and for some, that’s still the case today. 


You just may surprise your friends when you tell them that it’s perfectly acceptable to pronounce the L in almond—or not! There are three pronunciations for almond: [ ah-muhnd ], [ amuhnd ], and [ al-muhnd ]. ‘Cause sometimes you feel like an L, and sometimes you don’t. 

In California, where more than 80 percent of the world’s almonds are grown, the debate over pronunciation splits along age and region. Older farmers (from established farming families) and those in the North tend to omit the L. (And even have a rhyme for it: “It’s an almond when it’s in the tree and an amond when it’s on the ground because the L gets shaken out of it!”)

First evidence of the word in English dates back to 1250–1300 when it was spelled almande. It stems from the Old French word alemande. 


Here’s another one most people have been pronouncing wrong their entire lives: sherbet. Nope, there’s no R in the second syllable, and you don’t need to put one in when you’re pronouncing the name of this yummy frozen fruit-flavored concoction either. 

This word dates back to 1595–1605, stemming from the Turkish and Persian word sharbat, which comes from the Arabic word sharbah, meaning “a drink.” As you can see, neither of these words includes an R. The sound—known as an intrusive R—was added when the word was imported into English. (An intrusive R also appears when tuna is pronounced by some as tuner.)


Speaking of fruity things, let’s talk acai. This vibrant purple berry comes from a palm tree found in Central and South America called the Euterpe oleracea. The health benefits of acai as well as the pretty acai bowls peppering social media accounts have led to the fruit’s recent popularity. 

But how to pronounce the superfood? It should be [ ah-sah-ee ] or [ ah-sahy-ee ]. There’s no hard C nor does it rhyme with bye. The word dates back to 1850–60 to the Portuguese word açaí, which stems from the Tupi-Guarani word asaí. 

WATCH: Common Food Names We’re Mispronouncing


How fancy you are will probably determine how you pronounce foyer. Saying [ foi-er ] is just fine, as is [ foi-ey ], or if you want to add a little French to your lingo, you might say [ fwa-yey ]. Take your pick.  

The word, which means “the lobby of a theater, hotel, or apartment house” or “a vestibule or entrance hall in a house or apartment” comes from French, where it meant “fireplace or hearth” as it was originally used to describe the room where theatre patrons went between acts to get warm.

With these pronunciation guidelines, you’ll be able to settle a few debates—or astound your friends with your newfound knowledge. And as far as tomato goes, why don’t we call the whole thing off? Both pronunciations are in the dictionary, after all!

And while we’re talking about pronunciation, can we have a discussion on whether accent marks are necessary or not?

Video Transcript
Section 1
Hey there I’m Emma from mmmEnglish! Today’s pronunciation lesson is all about some extremely common English words, like this word ‘object’ and actually this word, like all the others that I’m gonna share today has more than just one meaning.

It can be more than one type of word. It can be a verb and a noun so of course, a verb and a noun, the meaning is different and interestingly, the pronunciation is different.

I mean which really is quite annoying but we’re going to take a look at some of these different words and learn some cool tricks so that you know how to pronounce them correctly so you ready to dive in?

(n) /tɪə(r)/
(v) /teə(r)/

So let’s start nice and simple with this word. Now there’s actually two ways to pronounce this word. Do you know them? Do you know them already? We have tear. And tear.

Can you hear the different vowel sounds that I’m using in each word?

But now I want you to try saying it out loud and I want you to listen to make sure that there’s a difference in the vowel sounds that you’re using.

Nice! I always like to remember that a tear comes down near your ear and you know when you hold something up to tear it you’re holding it up in the air right. A little reminder there.

So practise with me.

  • A tear rolled down his cheek as he saw his dad tear up his favourite book.

Your turn.

Nice! Now there are some clues in this sentence that help us to know which word is a noun and which one is a verb.

So articles are always in front of nouns and when we have a subject, dad, and an object, our favourite book, we know that this must be a verb right? We need it to complete the clause in the sentence.

So I want you to keep looking for these clues as we go through this lesson okay keep looking for the types of words in each sentence as a clue for how to pronounce them.

(n) /dʌv/
(n) /dəʊv/

So as a noun this is a type of bird, right and it’s pronounced dove. Dove. It’s that short vowel sound. But this word is also a verb. It’s the past tense of ‘dive’. And that’s a diphthong vowel sound, the sound. It’s the same sound that you hear in go and no.

  • He dove into the pool.

So let’s see if we can put those two words together in a sentence, might be a little tricky.

  • Miraculously, the dove dove into the river to escape the cat.

Your turn.

I don’t know about you but I’ve never seen a dove dive into a river but there you go, that’s what practice at mmmEnglish is all about.

(v) /liːd/
(n) /led/

So how about this one? Do you know the different ways to pronounce this word? I think you probably know the verb, to lead right? And you really need to try and make that long vowel sound there.

Make that sound too short, it’ll sound like lid.

Now there are quite a few different uses for this verb so I’m gonna give you a few different examples.

  • You lead the way!
  • Last time I checked, the green team was leading the race.
  • And I asked Sarah to lead this project for us.

So the verb form is probably the most common way that you’ll come across it right? You’ll hear it pronounced lead often.

But lead is also a metal. It’s a noun.

And so when it’s used this way the pronunciation is led. And it used to be really commonly used in pipes and construction until people started realising that it was actually poisoning us.

And it’s also the dark part inside a pencil. That’s also called lead, a lead pencil.

  • An exposure to lead can lead to serious health problems.
  • He was asked to lead the children off the stage.

Now one of the trickiest things here is trying to work out when to pronounce it as a verb and when to pronounce it as a noun. So usually we look at the words around it to give us a clue, to try and work out what type of word it is.

But look here, we’ve got the preposition to coming before lead or lead in both examples.

We have exposed to lead. And he was asked to lead. So it’s not always as simple as it seems.

(v) /kləʊz/
(adj) /kləʊs/

Now this one I know you know. What are the two different ways to pronounce this word and it’s got nothing to do with the vowel sound. It’s actually the consonant sound, close. That voiced consonant sound.

You know this is when we, you know, close a door or we close the shop early.

But it can also be an adjective as well and when it’s an adjective, we pronounce it as close to say that something is nearby or a short distance away. It’s close and this is the unvoiced sound, exactly the same mouth and tongue position as the sound but it’s made with air pushing through our mouths.

  • Can you please close the door?

Sounds a bit odd, doesn’t it because it’s not the right word.

  • Although you live close by, you still need to close the front door and lock up before you leave.

(n) /wuːnd/
(adj) /ˈwuːndɪd/
(v) /waʊnd/

So we’re getting a little trickier now. Do you know the two different ways to pronounce this word?

As a noun, this is an injury right especially when you cut your skin so it can be quite serious right?

And it’s pronounced wound with that long sound.

And this is the same sound that’s used in the adjective wounded. So we would say:

  • The soldier was wounded on the battlefield.

But this is also a verb, it’s the past tense of wind, wound. Again it’s that diphthong sound. And it’s the same sound that you hear in words like flower and frown.

So it’s wound.

  • He had wound up the window just as it started to rain.

Now let’s put them together in a sentence.

  • Sam wound the belt tightly around his leg to stop the blood flowing from the open wound.

(n) /ˈdezə(r)t/
(v) /dɪˈzɜː(r)t/

So first things first, we are not talking about this right? At least we know these are different words because they’re spelled differently but did you know that this word can actually be a verb and a noun and the pronunciation is different when we’re using each type of word and it’s all in the syllable stress.

We have desert. This is, you know, an area of land that doesn’t have a lot of water.

Then we’ve got the verb desert. Exactly like dessert right but it means to leave someone alone and to abandon them in the middle of nowhere.

  • I’m not going to desert you in the middle of the desert.

(n) /ˈɒbdʒekt/
(v) /əbˈdʒekt/

So again we’ve got a noun and a verb to consider here. An object, object is a thing, right? The stress is on the first syllable but the verb object means to be opposed to something you know, using words and it’s quite a formal verb.

  • Will you object if I move the object from the table?

That is a really random sentence.

(n) /ˈkɒntent/
(adj) /kənˈtent/

So just to mix things up a little bit here, this word can be a noun and an adjective. It’s not very specific and you’re probably most familiar with it in the context of social media. It means any material or piece of writing or video or music that appears on a website, on Youtube, or on social media somewhere. This is called content.

  • I produce a lot of content on YouTube!

Now if you are happy and satisfied with life, then you are content. The very best way to be.

So when it’s used as an adjective, the syllable stress shifts to the second syllable and the first syllable reduces right down so the vowel sound becomes a schwa.

So listen to the difference between those two words.

  • Are you content with the amount of content that you post on social media?

(adj) /ˈsep(ə)rət/
(v) /ˈsepəreɪt/

So tell me how do we pronounce this word here?

Because we can use it as an adjective to say that two things are not together then we say separate.

  • Keep the cheese separate from the meat.

And usually, you just hear it pronounced with two syllables separate.

But as a verb, separate, we hear three syllables right and it means to put things in groups so can you separate the red apples from the green ones?

Practise out loud with me. So let’s compare them together.

Now even though these are different types of words, they do have a really similar meaning so we can compare them together.

  • I try to separate my work life from my home life.
  • I try to keep my work life separate from my home life.

(adj) /dɪˈlɪb(ə)rət/
(v) /dɪˈlɪbəreɪt/

Okay we’re going to end on a tricky one. I’m wondering if you’ve ever heard this word before and if you know how to pronounce it but it actually follows a really similar pattern to the previous word, right?

As an adjective, we say deliberate meaning that an action was fully intended or it was carefully considered. It wasn’t done by accident.

  • He made a deliberate attempt to embarrass me in front of my boss.

Now as a verb, the pronunciation changes to deliberate. So we’ve got four syllables. The second is the strongest and the fourth is also strong.

So to deliberate is to think really carefully about something and to consider all the different options. So again the word types are different but the meaning is quite similar.

So deliberate means that something is carefully considered and to deliberate means that well the verb is to carefully consider, right?

  • We don’t need to deliberate over how deliberate his actions were.

So there you have it! I hope that this lesson highlighted how important pronunciation is, especially vowel sounds in English. Often they’re the only thing that separates one word from another. Now before we finish up, I want to quickly go over the pronunciation of all these words again so get ready to say them out loud with me.


Awesome work everyone! Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button just down there so that you never miss an mmmEnglish lesson and I’ve got more for you to practise with right here. See you in there!

mmmEnglish Video Lessons are a series of video lessons created to build confidence in English learners and focus on English in daily life. Download them and watch them anywhere! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to be the first to get my new videos, and come and say hi on my Facebook page!!

Introduction to Hard Words

My name is Anna English from where we help students from all over the world to learn and speak English like a native with our English Language and Pronunciation courses. Let’s start with a quick intro to this free lesson.  You can jump straight into the 10 hardest words to pronounce if you prefer.  In this lesson there is also a video and a listening exercise at the end.

If you like free English lessons like this one, subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll let you know each time we release a new one.

Anna Tyrie is a British Accent Coach for Received Pronunciation.

Why are some English words so hard to pronounce?

English words can be hard to pronounce for a combination of reasons; some because of the complexity of mouth movements, and some because of their bizarre spelling!  I have chosen ten relatively common words for this lesson.  I could have included words like synecdoche, antidisestablishmentarianism, or supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but they are rarely used in everyday conversations and therefore not as helpful as my list is going to be.

How to learn the correct pronunciation of hard-to-say words

In this lesson, you’ll have a chance to practice the correct pronunciation of these 10 difficult words.  We will provide you with audio examples in the British Received Pronunciation accent. These audios are for you to listen to and use for comparison.  First, without listening to the audio examples, record yourself saying the 10 hard-to-pronounce words using your phone, or any online audio recorder.  Then, listen to the audio example and compare the difference.  

When comparing yourself, it’s important to try to be objective.  Try to listen to your voice recording as though you were listening to a different person.  Don’t be critical of the sound of your voice.  Simply try to understand the differences in pronunciation.

FREE Pronunciation Masterclass Today

Unlock the Secrets of Clear and Fluent British English Pronunciation Today.

Join my 60-minute masterclass on mastering British English pronunciation, book your seat now and learn: 

✅ The 3 biggest mistakes to avoid 

✅ My 4-Point Framework to transform your English pronunciation

✅ How to train pronunciation for improvements that last

What is Received Pronunciation (Modern RP)?

British Received Pronunciation is an accent also known as the Modern RP accent, Standard British English or BBC English.  The RP accent has been widely known as the accent that many BBC News presenters use, though this is slowly changing. 

The RP accent is generally considered a de-regionalised accent, though it is most commonly found in the South East of England.  RP is used by all major dictionaries to help define pronunciation of English words using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). 

To help you with your attempts with these difficult English words, I’ve included the IPA spelling of all the words below for your reference. Let’s get started.

Let’s jump into the pronunciation of my top 10 hardest words to pronounce in English.

#1 – Anemone pronunciation


Do you know how to pronounce Anemone?  Or do you just think you know?  Anemone pronunciation trips up native and non-native English speakers alike.  Even the little fish Nemo found this word difficult to pronounce in the Disney film Finding Nemo.  This is a real tongue twister, and many people struggle with getting the right number of Ns and Ms.  Let’s have a go.  

Anemone, think of a lemon (lemon spelt with an N) on a knee. A-nemon-knee, a-nemon-nee, anemone. Got it?  

Try to record yourself, then listen to my audio example and compare the difference before.

Do you know the correct Anemone pronunciation in a modern RP accent?

#2 – Colonel pronounciation (/ˈkɜː.nəl/)

How to pronounce Colonel…. Hmmm… How many L sounds or O sounds do you think it has? Here’s a clue.  It’s not pronounced how it is spelt! 

Colonel is a military rank and it is not pronounced as it is spelt at all.  It would be easier if it was written ‘Kernel’.  Unfortunately, it’s not spelt like that (Kernel), in fact, a Kernel is the edible part of a nut. So perhaps thinking of ‘A colonel eating kernels’ will help you to remember this pronunciation. 

#3 – Draught pronunciation (/drɑːft/)

How do you pronounce Draught?  Try to make a recording of your pronunciation to compare with my example below.   

Here are my British pronunciation tips: Don’t feel daft when you pronounce the word draught, when I got it wrong I just laughed. Draught is pronounced, draft.  Not to be confused with the ‘first draft of a book’, which sounds the same but has a different spelling.  

Draught means a current of cool air which blows through a confined space “Is there a window open somewhere, there’s a terrible cold draught in here?”.  Draught is also an adjective to describe beer or cider that is served from a barrel “Ooo a nice cold pint of draught beer”.

Do you know how to pronounce Onomatopoeia in a British Accent?

#4 – Onomatopoeia pronunciation


Feast your eyes on this beautiful word.  Onomatopoeia – What a lovely word.  You try to pronounce it and make a recording to compare with the example audio in a moment. 

This word is used to describe words that sound like the noise they refer to.  For example, zip, bang, plop, buzz, hiss, etc.  

Here’s my British pronunciation tip for Onomatopoeia: break it down, ona-matter-pier.   Now compare your pronunciation with the Modern RP accent in the example.

#5 – Quinoa pronunciation


A lot of native English speakers wonder how to pronounce Quinoa.  Quinoa’s pronunciation has Spanish roots and you would not believe how many English people got /still get this word wrong (including me!).  Make your pronunciation recording now.

Here’s my British pronunciation tip: It’s not quin-oh-ah, it’s key-noir because of its Spanish origin. Are you keen-ah to have some quinoa?  Now compare your recording to mine. 

#6 – Segue pronunciation


Segue.  This word was brought back into popularity by the mobility device and it means to transition from one thing to the next.  Speaking of which, try your pronunciation now, then check out my British pronunciation tip before comparing your recording to mine. 

British pronunciation tip: This word rhymes with ‘weekday’.

#7 – Squirrel pronunciation


Number seven, how do you pronounce squirrel?  Squirrel – This cute little nut collector graces gardens and woodlands across the UK and pronouncing its name will make you spit out your dentures (if you wear dentures, of course).  

British pronunciation tip for Squirrel pronunciation: Skwi – like squid, rul. Squirrel.  Now listen and compare with my British RP accent.

Learn the correct squirrel pronunciation in a British accent.

#8 – Worcestershire pronunciation


Number eight, Worcestershire (/ˈwʊs.tə.ʃər/ ) – this one is very tricky.  Whether you’re talking about the location (there’s one in both the UK and the USA) or the sauce, this is a familiar word in English.  But it’s bizarre spelling trips many of us up.

Wednesday pronunciation

#9 – Wednesday pronunciation


Can you correctly pronounce this midweek day?  Wednesday’s pronunciation is surprisingly difficult – Blast those silent letters!  Make your own recording now. 

Who said Wed-nes-day?  It’s an understandable mistake to make, the spelling of Wednesday is CRAZY… I mean, who made this stuff up?…

Here’s my British pronunciation tip: it’s pronounced When’z-day. You don’t pronounce the /d/.  You don’t pronounce the ‘nes’. I don’t know why it’s there… Don’t even get me started on Feb-ru-ary…

We are nearly at the end of the list, are you finding any of these hard English words challenging, don’t forget after number ten I’ve included a bonus word – don’t miss it.

#10 – Sixth pronunciation


Number ten, try not to spit on the screen as you try to pronounce sixth… Sixth (:/sɪksθ/) – make your recording now. 

Now, it’s generally considered that the ‘th’ sound is one of the most difficult sounds in English for non-native English speakers to pronounce, even for some natives too.  It’s the last sound that children learn as they develop their speaking.   

British pronunciation tips for how to pronounce Sixth: The word sixth positions the ‘th’ after an /s/ sound, which follows a /k/ sound. This means you have to move your tongue very quickly from the high back /k/ to a tip of the tongue /s/ position then through the teeth for the th.  

The pronunciation of sixth is like tongue break dancing.  In honesty, if you just jump from the /k/ to the th, missing out the /s/ then no one will notice.  Now compare your pronunciation with mine.

Here is how to learn British English pronunciation online and develop your RP accent

If you would like more help with your pronunciation, I am offering a free pronunciation course covering the 5 hardest sounds in English. All you have to do is subscribe to our mailing list.  Simply provide your name and email address below and the free course will be delivered to your inbox.

Hard to pronounce words in English

Bonus Word

Rural pronunciation – Rural  (/ˈrʊə.rəl/ )

How to pronounce Rural – This is not a word that native English speakers struggle with but the English R is a strange beast to much of the rest of the world.  

British R Pronunciation

We use a still floating tongue in British R pronunciation.  The tongue holds in a curled position.  Students with Spanish, Italian or German as their native language are often tempted to trill or tap the /r/.  Other students exchange the /r/ for an /l/ sound.  

However you naturally treat the /r/, it can be a struggle to pronounce these two tricky /r/ sounds so close together.  Give it a try…Rural.

You can find out more about our Pronunciation Course here or watch the video below to find out why you should learn British English.

Download this free ebook from Native Intonation to learn the skills to sound like a native speaker.

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