Do this word search square and see if you can find 10 words connected with


There are days that pass without being noticed and there are some that are stamped on our memory. Every year a unique event takes place in Stradford-upon-Avon to mark the birth of the world’s greatest playwright. The Birthday Celebrations are a tradition going back nearly 200 years and are held on the weekend closest to William Shakespeare’s birthday.

Today you have an opportunity to see how much you know about this Great Man.


Do this word search square and see if you can find 10 words connected with William Shakespeare.


Write questions about William Shakespeare and his life to the following sentences.

1. On the river Avon.

2. He died on his birhtday, aged 52.

3. Comedies, tragedies and historical plays.

4. He is also famous for his sonnets.

5. Anne Hathaway.

6. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

7. In Holy Trinity Church.

8. Three: one son and two daughters.

Step 3

 Match the quotations from Shakespeare’s work with their translation.

1. All’s well that ends well                                           а. Много шума из ничего

2. All that glitters is not gold                                        b. Все хорошо, что хорошо заканчивается

3. Much ado about nothing                                          c. Жизь — театр, люди в нем — актеры

4. Cowards die many times before their death              d. Не все то золото, что блестит

5. All the word’s a stage. All the men and women         e. Краткость — сестра таланта
    are merely players.
6. Delays have dangerous ends                                     f. Трус умирает много раз до смерти
7. Brevity is a soul of wit.                                             g. Промедление смерти подобно

Step 4

Watch the following resource and do some tests.

Step 5

Watch and study this video carefully. Try to answer the questions about Shakespeare.

– 1616

greatest poet and dramatist, William Shakespeare, was born in
Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 in the family of a glove-maker, and his
mother was the daughter of a farmer. William went to a grammar school
in Stratford and had quite a good education. There he learned to love
reading. He was not yet 19 when he married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s
daughter some years older than himself. They had three children –
Susanna, Judith, and Hamnet. Judith and Hamnet were twins.

much is known about what Shakespeare did in the years just after his
marriage. Some accounts say that he taught at school for a while.
Some accounts say that he worked for his father. In 1587 Shakespeare
went to work in London, leaving Anne and the children at home. He
appeared in London as an actor and a writer of plays. His plays were
written in poetry.

bubonic plague , a terrible disease swept over London. For about two
years al London theatres were closed. During that time Shakespeare
began to write poems. Besides writing some long poems, he wrote more
than 100 sonnets.

wrote some of his plays about early kings of England. Henry
V and Richard
two ofthese plays. They helped the English people to understand the
history of their own plays.Besides historical plays Shakespeare wrote
both comedies and tragedies.Romeo
and Juliet
one of the most famous of his tragedies. Other tragedies are Hamlet,
Macbeth, Othello .
his comedies are A
Midsummer Night Dream, The Taming of the Shrew ,
The Merchant of Venice.

the height of his success Shakespeare retuned to Srtratsford. There
he died in 1616. He was buried in Stratford-upon-Avon. Thousands of
people visit his birthplace and grave each year.


— перчатки

– кроме

— пьеса

– за исключением

– жениться, выйти замуж

– купец

— счета

– место рождения

— могила

— болезнь

— близнецы

— играть


— зарабатывать

a while
– на

1. Say if it is true or false

was born in the 16th
century. 2. Shakespeare’s father was a clock-maker. 3. William was
poorly educated, but loved reading. 4. William Shakespeare had twin
daughters. 5. In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London. 6.
W.Shakespeare wrote plays for the new Globe Theatre. 7. William
Shakespeare never acted on the stage. 8. Shakespearelived in
Stratford the last years. 9. Plays by Shakespeare are acted only in

2. This is a list of some Shakespeare’s plays. Guess which of them
are tragedies and which are comedies. Find out what these plays are
called in Russian.

Comedy of Errors”
“Twelfth Night”

and Juliet”

Midsummer Night’s Dream” “All’s
Well That Ends Well”

Merchant of Venice”

“King Lear”

You Like it”

3. Use
where necessary.

  1. We
    are going … read one of Shakespeare’s plays in school. I think
    the teacher said “Hamlet” or “Omelette” – I am not sure.

    certainly wants you … read “Hamlet”.

  2. Let
    us visit Stratsford on 23 Apri, that is the day when Shakespeare
    was born.

  3. – I
    expect you … finish reading “Romeo and Julet” by the end of
    January. – I don’t think I will be able … finish the play so

  4. – Don’t
    … forget … visit Anne Hathsway’s cottage when you come to
    Stratford. – I would love … , but I’m not sure we’ll have
    time … do it.

  5. – I
    can’t read Shakespeare in original. – Nobody expects you … do
    it. But you should … read at least some of his plays in Modern

4. Write questions about William Shakespeare and his life to which
the sentences below are answers.

  1. On
    the river Avon.

  2. He
    died on his birthday, aged 52.

  3. Comedies,
    tragedies and historical plays.

  4. He
    is also famous for his sonnets.

  5. Anne

  6. Three:
    one son and two daughters.

  7. Because
    they want to see the place connected with the life of

5. Do this search square and see if you can find 10 words connected
with Shakespeare.

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Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

Привет. Я тоже самое задание делаю и уже сделал. Вот эти слова,в разбросанных буквах найдешь сам,они разбросаны по разным сторонам и особенно в середине. Вот эти слова: mammals,savanna,species,creature,reptile,habitat,extinct. Еще 2 слова в правой сторонке,они находятся внутри:endangered,danger. 
Удачи тебе!


Марина Талалова

Отвечено 10 октября 2019

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Демонстрация предметов, жестов, действий, картин, рисунков и др.;

Guess what is meant here

Определение (дефиниция)

  • – описание значения слова, например:
  • Cinema – theatre where films are shown.
  • Picturesque – attractive, pretty
  • Grave — a place of burial for a dead body


  • например:
  • Dogs, cats, cows, horses, pigs are animals.

Cинонимы или антонимы:

  • quick – slow, stupid – smart, busy – free;
  • Flourishing – prosperous, picturesque — scenic

Определение слова на основе знания фактов

  • например:
  • Columbus discovered America in 1492.
  • Water is wet.

Определение слова на основе контекстуальной догадки

  • Guess what the underlined words mean.
  • 1. The boy was looking through the window and couldn’t concentrate on the work.
  • 2. There is a great contrast between life in the country and life in the city.
  • 3. On May, 9 there is usually a military parade in Minsk.
  • 4. Minsk is also the centre of business and entertainment, that’s why it’s a busy town.

Определение значения слова на основе его внутренней формы.

  • Например, известная основа и знакомые словообразовательные элементы:
  • to work- worker.


  • Замена слова (словосочетания или оборота) соответствующим эквивалентом родного языка:
  • преданность семье — devotion to a family
  • повесить на крюк — to hang on the hook
  • сразить врага — to strike one’s enemy


  • — толкование, при котором помимо эквивалента на родном языке учащимся сообщаются сведения о совпадении (или расхождении) в объеме значения, например:
  • Cosy — уютный, теплый
  • Comfy — удобный
  • Rug — коврик


Владение словом иностранного языка в значительной степени зависит от характера закрепления, от практики, а не от способа введения.


1)лексические упражнения должны составлять неотъемлемую часть объяснения
2) новые ЛЕ — предъявлять со знакомой лексикой и грамматикой
3) лексические упражнения должны способствовать развитию творческих способностей
4)использовать вновь введенный материал во всех формах речевого общения.


Match the English word with its definition and its Russian equivalent.

Write the meaning of the words




Twin, wickedly, bank, please, strike, act, Prosperous, picturesque, trade, scream, bury, rock, grave, exactly, modest, striking, hang, stupid, deer, earn, smart, devotion, concentrate, busy, military, thief.

  • I’ll tell you a word in Russian (сельскохозяйственный,
  • струя, гладкий, спасение, обслуживание, короткий, довод).
  • Find it in your card and write it. Then make up a sentence with this word.
  • t/e/m/r/a/s
  • t/e/n/u/l/f
  • b/i/f/e/r
  • e/s/i/e/r/v/c
  • e/s/r/e/u/c
  • a/g/r/a/l/u/t/u/l/r/i/c
  • t/a/r/g/m/e/n/u


  • Fill in the gaps with suitable words using the box:
  • The man could speak 3 languages_________.
  • Near my house you will see a narrow _______.
  • The most famous______ in London is St. Paul’s one in London.
  • Tell me the story _____.
  • My mother wants me _________ after finishing the school.
  • There is a lot of _______ land in Belarus.

Make up the word combinations.

Prosperous states
Picturesque valleys
Modest clothes
Smart answer
Striking news
Devoted friends
Military parades
Busy streets


  1. Tremendous — extremely good or impressive; excellent very great in amount
  2. Distinguish — recognize or treat (someone or something) as different
  3. Portray — describe (someone or something) in a particular way
  4. Display — put (something) in a prominent place in order that it may readily be seen

Do this word search square and see if you can 20 words connected with Great Britain.

Match the word with its definition.  


— full of activity
— the action of buying and selling goods and services
— to focus all one’s attention on a particular object or activity
— the state of being strikingly different
— relating to the armed forces of a country

Match the synonyms

variety impressive famous attract enliven invigorate draw renowned dramatic diversity

  • Change the underlined word with its synonym
  • Their family business was really prosperous and brought a lot of money.
  • The young actress is very modest about her success. She never boasts with it.
  • The girl’s dress looked smart, so it was pleasant to look at her.
  • The army struck its enemy.
  • I was surprised by this striking event!


Make up the English words

con pros rous cath cen
king petrate dest stri edral
mo pi cture ul agric sque tural

Ключевые слова: concentrate, modest, striking, prosperous, cathedral, picturesque, agricultural.

  • Translate into English
  • На что ты смотришь?
  • Береги себя в поездке.
  • Она сидела на диване и просматривала журнал.
  • Что ты ищешь?


Make up stories using the words

1. to enter a college, argue, fluently, in brief
2. cathedral, path, to rescue, a service
3. at one’s service, Rescue Service, to enter, to serve
4. to be badly injured, to rescue , to enter, fluent

Add as many synonyms as you can:

Interesting — …
Good — …
Nice — …

Ask any of your classmates a question using the word combination:

(a modest person, striking news, picturesque scenery).

Лексические игры

Catch a fly

(There are some words written on the blackboard, you are to take a piece of chalk and as I say a word in Russian you round its English equivalent: поступить в университет, вашим услугам, короткий, собор, бегло, струя, дорожка).

A broken typing machine.

On the blackboard you see the words with missing letters. You task is to listen to my definitions or sentences and you are to put these words into the gaps.

King of words.

Close your books. And stand up everybody. Now I say a word in Russian you are to say it in English. If you don’t know the word, you sit down and the next pupil

Похожие материалы

  • I think it’s a common opinion that no matter what race, age or social strata is – everybody likes watching films
  • The national health service. One of the prides of the British welfare system is the National Health Service
  • The proverb runs: Every coin has two sides. Apparently, every phenomenon has both merits and flaws

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