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Don't Say a Word

When the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he’s horrified to learn that the abductors’ demand is that he break through to a place traumatic stress disorder afflicted woman that knows that a mystery. .

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Не говори ни слова

Original title: Don’t Say a Word

  • 2001
  • 16+
  • 1h 53m

Michael Douglas and Brittany Murphy in Не говори ни слова (2001)


When the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he’s horrified to discover that the abductors’ demand is that he break through to a post traumatic stress disorder suffering young woman who… Read allWhen the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he’s horrified to discover that the abductors’ demand is that he break through to a post traumatic stress disorder suffering young woman who knows a secret…When the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he’s horrified to discover that the abductors’ demand is that he break through to a post traumatic stress disorder suffering young woman who knows a secret…

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    Don't Say a Word

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    Good Thriller With Sustained Suspense

    Overall, I really liked this movie, which surprised me a little bit. The trailers I had seen for it had me thinking it was going to be kind of «cheesy» for lack of a better word, but this was actually very engrossing. It had an interesting story line, sustained suspense and for the most part was well acted.

    I particularly liked Brittany Murphy as Elisabeth Burrows, the psychiatric inmate whose tortured mind holds the information that Dr. Conrad (Michael Douglas) needs to get in order to save his young daughter Jessie’s (Skye McCole Bartusiak) life. Murphy seemed so «into» her character that it was almost spooky to watch her. She was extremely convincing. Douglas I thought also offered up a good performance, as did Sean Bean as Patrick, the head kidnapper. Young Miss Bartusiak was commendable but to me didn’t seem to portray the range of emotions I would expect a young child to be feeling in Jesse’s circumstances. She just seemed altogether too calm. The same could be said for Famke Janssen as Jessie’s mother Aggie Conrad. I realize the character had a broken leg and apparently couldn’t get out of bed, but again she just seemed to take the whole thing too calmly (and, when her own life was threatened she seemed able to move around well enough, broken leg or not!) As for Oliver Platt as Conrad’s colleague Dr. Sachs? I find that, depending on the movie, I either like Platt or don’t (no middle ground) and I didn’t care for him in this movie.

    Overall, though, the movie was quite good as a vehicle for Douglas. I’d rate it as a 7/10.

    • sddavis63
    • Jan 29, 2003

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    German title Do not say a word
    Original title Don’t say a word
    Country of production United States
    original language English
    Publishing year 2001
    length 109 minutes
    Age rating FSK 16
    JMK 14
    Director Gary Fleder
    script Anthony Peckham
    Patrick Smith Kelly
    production Anne Kopelson
    Arnold Kopelson
    music Mark Isham
    camera Amir M. Mokri
    cut Poor Minasian
    William Steinkamp
    • Michael Douglas : Nathan R. Conrad
    • Sean Bean : Patrick Koster
    • Brittany Murphy : Elisabeth Burrows
    • Skye McCole Bartusiak : Jessie Conrad
    • Guy Torry : Dolen
    • Jennifer Esposito : Sandra Cassidy
    • Famke Janssen : Aggie Conrad
    • Oliver Platt : Dr. Louis Sachs
    • Shawn Doyle : Russel Maddox
    • Victor Argo : Sydney Simon
    • Conrad Goode : Max Dunlevy
    • Paul Schulze : Jake
    • Lance Reddick : Arnie
    • Aidan Devine : Leon Edward Croft

    Say no word is an American thriller by Gary Fleder , based on the novel Don’t Say a Word by Andrew Klavan . It was filmed in 2001 with Michael Douglas , Sean Bean and Brittany Murphy in the lead roles.


    Patrick Koster and his accomplices steal a red diamond worth about ten million US dollars from a bank , but an accomplice named Burrows disappears with the gem. Koster is arrested after he and his accomplices push Burrows in front of a subway train when he refused to give up the diamond. Burrows dies and Koster goes to jail. After ten years he is released and plans to get the diamond.

    The psychiatrist Nathan R. Conrad treats the young suicide-prone Elisabeth Burrows, who has been treated unsuccessfully in various mental hospitals for years . She is the daughter of the accomplice Burrows and had to watch as a child how Koster killed her father. Koster knows that Elisabeth knows the place where the gemstone you are looking for is hidden. He also knows that Elisabeth knows a number related to the hiding place. He kidnaps Jessie, Conrad’s daughter, and demands that he find out this information within a few hours. Otherwise he threatens the murder of Jessie.

    Within the time he has left, Conrad tries to find access to Elisabeth. He succeeds in winning her trust, and he sets off with her to look for the gem.

    The two of them and the gang following them arrive at Potter’s Field on New York’s Hart Island , a cemetery for unidentified persons, which also houses the anonymous grave of Elizabeth’s father. The number that Elisabeth knew, and that Conrad was supposed to find out, turns out to be the number of the grave in which Burrows was buried. Ten years earlier, Elisabeth had put her doll, in which Burrows had hidden the diamond, in her father’s coffin before her father’s funeral.

    When Koster has taken the diamond in the doll and wants to have Conrad killed, he can put the assigned gang member out of action. Another member of the gang is struck down by the policewoman Sandra Cassidy, who came to the cemetery on the trail of Conrad and the criminals. However, Cassidy is shot by Koster, whom Conrad can push into a ditch and cause it to collapse. Koster is buried alive with the gem. Conrad can hug his daughter unharmed. Elisabeth also remains unharmed.


    The film was released by 20th Century Fox . It cost the producers about 50 million US dollars and played in the cinemas of the United States about 55 million US dollars.

    Film music

    • Funky cold medina — Tone Loc
    • 5 By Steve — Steve Weisberg
    • Fee Fie Foo — Louis Prima
    • Music — John Williams
    • Promises — India.Arie
    • Pride and Joy — Marvin Gaye
    • Dream a Little Dream of Me — Ella Fitzgerald
    • Pink Toenails — Skye McCole Bartusiak



    The critic F.-M. Helmke from accused the thriller of «absolute brainlessness».

    On January 19, 2002, Ulrike Steiner of the OÖ Nachrichten ( wrote that the story would be rolled up in a tricky and exciting way from two ends, only to be annoyingly given away in a stupid “ A man sees red ” final .

    The lexicon of the international film judged: “Technically solidly staged action thriller that forms the storylines into an exciting structure and thus creates a gloomy atmosphere of threats and surveillance. The external action of course only insufficiently covers some content-related and logical deficiencies. »

    «Don’t say a word: Effective kidnapping thriller with a Hitchcock influence, in which a psychiatrist has to coax the hiding place of a jewel out of a patient.»

    «A teardrop of ice-cold precision.»


    Brittany Murphy was nominated for the Golden Satellite Award .

    The German Film and Media Evaluation FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the title valuable.

    Web links

    • Do not say a word in the Internet Movie Database (English)
    • Don’t say a word in the online film database
    • Do not say a word atRotten Tomatoes(English)
    • Do not say a word at Metacritic (English)
    • Don’t say a word on
    • Don’t say a word in the German dubbing file

    Individual evidence

    1. Release certificate for Don’t say a word . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , August 2009 (PDF; test number: 89 308 V).
    3. ?
    4. DON’T SAY A WORD movie scene . Retrieved March 30, 2018.
    5. Don’t say a word. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 . 
    6. Do not say a word . Retrieved March 30, 2018.
    7. Don’t say a word TVToday . Retrieved March 30, 2018.
    8. Don’t say a word

    41 parallel translation

    But do not say a word!

    Но никому ни слова!

    — Do not say a word.

    — Не говори ни слова!

    You are to report to me and only me but most importantly, you do not say a word about this to the police.

    Всем докладывать мне, и только мне, и самое главное — ни слова полиции.

    Do not say a word.

    Не говори ни слова.

    Bernard, do not say a word.

    Бернард, не говори ни слова.

    Shh! Please, please, please do not say a word to anybody.

    Тише, прошу, никому не говори.

    Do not say a word about this.

    Не говори ни слова об этом.

    Do not say a word to Manny.

    Ни слова не говори об этом Мэни.

    Move quickly up the stairs, do not say a word.

    Быстро по лестнице наверх, не говоря ни слова.

    Do not say a word to the sheriff or anyone else here until you have a lawyer.

    Ни с кем здесь не разговаривай, без адвоката.

    Okay, okay. Do not say a word.

    Ладно, ладно, ничего не говорите.

    Do not say a word about this to anyone.

    Никому об этом ни слова.

    Puppies listen but do not say a word. And, when the story is over, they ask many questions.

    Щенки молча слушают, а когда история заканчивается, задают кучу вопросов :

    You do not say a word unless it’s to apologize.

    Не говорите ни слова, если это только не извинения.

    You do not say a word.

    Не говори ни слова.

    Do not say a word about this to her.

    Ни слова об этом при ней.

    Do not say a word.

    Виновен. Что? Я же сказал «дохрена».

    Let him do it twice more, and I’ll not say a word if his love was a Barbary ape.

    Осталось проделать это дважды, и норманны получат сегодня по заслугам.

    Do what I say, and not a word to Alexander

    — Ты что, чокнулся? Иди и ни слова Александру.

    Do not say a word.

    Возьмите табурет, садитесь.

    Sometimes I do not say a word all day not to be «yes» and «no.»

    Иногда я не произносил ни слова за весь день, кроме «да» и «нет»

    What are you going to do, not say a word?

    Что ты будешь делать? Никому не скажешь?

    Put this through his chest. Do not hesitate, do not let him say a word.

    Вонзи это ему в грудь, Не мешкай, не давай ему говорить.

    Do not say a word of this to Francine. Do you understand me?

    Взять, мальчик!

    Listen, do not say a single word.

    Так слушай, не произноси ни единого слова.

    If you do get stopped, don’t say a word, not even your name.

    Если тебя остановят, не говори ни слова, даже своего имени.

    I am not a word you do not say.

    Я больше ни слова тебе не скажу.

    Do you mind not being a lawyer for a second and parsing every word I say? What does guilty look like?

    Как выглядит виноватый?

    Okay, honey, I have a lot to figure out, and until I do, you are not to say a word to Leonard.

    Окей, милый, мне есть над чем подумать. И пока я думаю, не говори ничего Леонарду.

    You don’t have to say a word until you’re ready, but… I’m not going anywhere until you do.

    Ты можешь не говорить и слова, пока не будешь готов, но я никуда не уйду, пока ты не скажешь.

    I do not believe a word they say :

    Я не верю ни одному их слову :

    AnnaBeth, do you not hear a word that I say?

    Аннабет, ты слышала хоть слово из того, что я сказала? Да.

    Do not listen to a word that she has to say, you understand?

    Не верь ни слову, что она говорит, понятно?

    Do you not listen to a word I say?

    — Ты что ни слова не слышал из того, что я сказал?

    Why I do not believe a word you say?

    Почему я больше не верю ни одному твоему слову?

    And this may not have occurred to you, but it was actually really difficult for me to even say the «L» word, and please, do not make a lesbian joke right now.

    И это может не приходить тебе в голову, но на самом деле, мне очень сложно даже произнести слово на букву «л», и пожалуйста, не надо шуток про лесбиянок.

    Not that I don’t love to hang with you, I do, but that’s your second cup of tea and you’ve yet to say a word.

    Не то, чтобы мне не нравилось быть с тобой, но это вторая чашка чая, а ты и слова не сказала.

    — They do not say a decent word.

    Стихи! Вот уж! Их рты не достойны поэзии!

    And when they do, you’re not gonna say a goddamn word to anyone.

    И когда это случится, ты никому не скажешь ни слова.

    You know, my doctor used to say that the word «monster» is not a noun, that to be a monster, you’ve first got to… do something monstrous.

    Знаешь, мой доктор обычно говорил, что слово «чудовище» — это не существительное, что для того, чтобы им стать сперва нужно сделать что-то… чудовищное.

    • translate «do not say a word» Turkish

    не произносите ни слова — перевод на английский

    Иногда я не произносил ни слова за весь день, кроме «да» и «нет»

    Sometimes I do not say a word all day not to be «yes» and «no.»

    Он работал водителем скорой, а потом вернулся с войны с депрессией, так что большую часть времени, что я провела с ним в детстве, он был угрюм. Во время ужина, пока мы ели, никто никогда не произносил ни слова… Со мной никто никогда не разговаривал.

    Ambulance driver was returned from the war total depressive so most of my time growing up, he hid and when we ate dinner not saying a word, you know … nobody talked about nothing

    Оказаться в темном гостиничном номере, не включая свет, не произнося ни слова.

    A darkened hotel root, without turning the light on or saying a word.

    просто не произноси ни слова, хорошо?

    don’t say a word, all right?

    В своих фильмах он не произносит ни слова.

    He doesn’t say a word through the entire film.

    Она не произносит ни слова…

    She doesn’t say a word.

    Не произносите ни слова, ни звука.

    Don’t say a word, not a word.

    Выли длительные периоды времени когда он не произносил ни слова.

    There were long periods of time when he didn’t utter a word.

    Хосе Луис Баррос (доктор и друг) У Бунюэля всегда была мания переодеваться, даже разгуливать в простыне по городским стенам, пугая людей, не произнося ни слова, только образуя тени.

    Jose Luis Barros Doctor and friend Bunuel always liked to dress up in costumes… even just a sheet on the city walls, scaring people. He wouldn’t say a word, just pass by them.

    После его ухода никто не двигался, не произносил ни слова.

    When he left, nobody moved, nobody spoke.

    Так, с этого момента никто не произносит ни слова, только если это не что-то, что до этого никто не говорил.

    No! Okay, from now on, no one says anything unless no one has said it before.

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