Do not pay attention to every word

Ecclesiastes 7:21

Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken
Seeing so it is, that imperfection attends the best of men, no man is wise at all times, foolish words and unguarded expressions will sometimes drop from him, which it is better to take no notice of; they should not be strictly attended to, and closely examined, since they will not bear it. A man should not listen to everything that is said of himself or others; he should not curiously inquire what men say of him; and what he himself hears he should take no notice of; it is often best to let it pass, and not call it over again; to feign the hearing of a thing, or make as if you did not hear it; for oftentimes, by rehearsing a matter, or taking up words spoken, a deal of trouble and mischief follows; a man should not «give [his] heart» F6 to it, as it is in the Hebrew text; he should not give his mind to what is said of him, but be careless and indifferent about it; much less should he lay it up in his mind, and meditate revenge for it. The Targum, Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions, restrain it to words spoken by wicked men, whose tongues are their own, and will say what they please; among these may be ranked, more especially, detractors, whisperers, backbiters, and talebearers, who should not be listened unto and encouraged; though there is no necessity of thus limiting the sense, which is more general, and may include what is said by any man, even good men, since they have their infirmities; it seems chiefly to have respect to defamatory words, by what follows; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee;
speak slightly, scoffingly, and reproachfully of thee, as Shimei of David; which must be very disagreeable and vexatious to hear from one so mean and abject, and who is dependent on him, earns his bread of him, and gets his livelihood in his service; and to whom, perhaps, he has been kind, and so is guilty of base ingratitude, which aggravates the more; or, if not, if what he says is just, to hear it must give great uneasiness.


F6 (Kbl Ntt la) «ne des tuum cor», Montanus.

New International Version (NIV)




21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
    or you(A) may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
    that many times you yourself have cursed others.

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New International Version (NIV)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

обращать внимание на каждое слово

If you want your wife to pay attention to every word you say, try talking in your sleep.

Instead of just waiting for your turn to speak, pay attention to every word the other person is saying.

I had to pay attention to every word so I wouldn’t miss anything important.

This forces you to slow down and pay attention to every word.

Always pay attention to every word that you say.

Here, as well, Hughes is urging the reader to pay attention to every word.

After all, when we were taught to read, we were taught to pay attention to every word in a sentence.

So, pay attention to every word you say as well as to how you say it.

«Do not pay attention to every word people say.»

Do not pay attention to every word that people say.

«Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may here your servant cursing you-for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.»

Поэтому не на всякое слово, которое говорят, обращай внимание, чтобы не услышать тебе раба твоего, когда он злословит тебя, ибо сердце твое знает много случаев, когда и сам ты злословил других (Ек.

Pay attention to every word your customer says.

Pay attention to every word that comes out of someone else’s mouth.

SAT Tip: Pay Attention to Every Word

Pay attention to every word of this book.

Pay attention to every word.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 16. Точных совпадений: 16. Затраченное время: 53 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Anime and Manga

«I deal with liars every day, and they’re worthless trash, the whole lot of ’em. They’re nothing but parasites eating away at our nation! Me? Well, yes, I lie about who I am, but that’s for Yor’s sake! Anything would be righteous if it’s for Yor!»

Yuri Briarnote , Spy X Family

Comic Books

«Again, you expect us to blindly follow you but you refuse to trust us!»

«I want to know who’s behind this. Too weird for the Triads or the Russian mob. Smells more to me like vigilantes. Last thing this city needs. Some psychotic playing Judge, Jury, and Executioner.»

Fan Fiction

Lincoln: [After seeing Stella unconscious) Who did this with this innocent girl?
Lori: I did this Twerp, she insulted Lola so I returned the favor to her, nobody insult my sisters.
Lucy: Nobody except yourself, your phone-tard.

Lt. Rebecca Obsidian: Ever since I was a kid, I was bullied relentlessly for my white eyes. I had no friends, my parents didn’t care for me, and every day, I was mocked, pushed around and insulted. One day, I had ENOUGH. I decided I had enough of octo valley, and I secretly left.
Ruby Diorite: But you punish people for deserting, yet you did it yourself? That’s just completely hypocritical!

You got some nerve playing the victim card. After all the graves you�ve filled and minds you�ve crippled, you still think you�re a hero just because your ex would slap you around.

Film — Animated

Mayor Lionheart: Smellweather!
Dawn Bellwether: [to Nick and Judy] Agh. That’s a fun little name he likes to use. I called him Lion-fart once. He did not care for that, let me tell you. It was not a good day for me.

Film — Live-Action

Sarge: Cooper, get out of here! Jesus, I’m pinned, mate!
Cooper: «No heroics», you bloody hypocrite!

Oh so you can’t go to Vegas, but she can fuck a bellhop on a Carnival cruise line?

Kurt’s Dad: My son’s a homosexual, and I love him. I love my dead gay son.
J.D.: Wonder how he’d react if his son had a limp wrist with a pulse?

«I figure after we got through slaughtering all those Indians, we thought we ought to do somethin’… generous. So we gave freedom to the black man. Now we feel good, we can go back to… finish off the Indians.»

Gretchen Wieners: Regina, you’re wearing sweatpants. It’s Monday.
Regina George: So…?
Karen Smith: So that’s against the rules, and you can’t sit with us.
Regina: Whatever. Those rules aren’t real.
Karen: They were real that day I wore a vest!
Regina: Because that vest was disgusting!

«The new military commander. He fights drugs and uses drugs.»


Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins. Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you — for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Therefore you are without excuse, every man of you who passes judgment, for in that you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother�s eye.

Styles change, music gets hard to listen to, and hemlines bounce up and down like kids on a trampoline, but hypocrisy is the one thing that never goes out of style.


I believe in the family
With my ever-loving wife beside me
But she don’t know about my girlfriend
Or the man I met last night

If you hate something, don’t you do it, too

I said it, I meant it, that’s the way I deal with enemies,
Like pro-lifers that support the death penalty!
And don’t talk about war, when niggas know that you puss
A fuckin’ hypocrite, draft-dodger like George Bush!

Up there on your soapbox so damn loud,
Preaching about mental health
But the only time you give a fuck
Is when it affects yourself!

Live-Action TV

Logan: I don’t want to live with a guy who’s all conceited and full of himself!
Michael: My, my, is it getting a little ironic in here?

Look at that! How dare she invade your privacy like that. Perverse!

Joe Goldberg while doing the exact same thing to Beck, You (2018)

Eladio… you greasy, bloated pimp! You talk of honor, but you have none.


Hilbert: Dammit Eiffel, are you trying to get us all killed?!
Eiffel: Why yes, Mr. Pot, Mr. Kettle is looking a little black today…

Professional Wrestling

AJ Styles: You see, Dominik. There’s gonna come a time when you can’t hide behind Judgment Day, because the OC’s gonna pick them off, one by one by one.
Finn Bálor: AJ, you’re the one to talk about hiding, you’re the one that’s hiding in The Club right now. Yeah. That’s right, The Club that I started. And while I’m being honest, ever since I left The Club and moved on, everyone that came after me is living off my legacy. Today, The Judgment Day are in town, step up and get pulled down.

Stand-Up Comedy

«And it’s even worse because Bill Cosby has the fuckin’ smuggest old black man public persona that I hate. He gets on TV, ‘Pull yo’ pants up, black people. I was on TV in the ’80s! I can talk down to you, cause I had a successful sitcom!’ Yeah, but you rape women, Bill Cosby, so, kinda brings you down a couple notches. ‘I don’t curse on stage!’ Well, yeah, you a rapist, so, I’ll take you sayin’ lots of ‘motherfuckers’ if you weren’t a rapist.»

Video Games

«Hey! You might be getting better, but nobody cheats better than Waluigi! You got that?!»

Steven Armstrong: Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack. Can’t fret over every egg!
Raiden: Not when you’re «purging the weak», right? What do you know about «the weak»? You weren’t born poor. You’ve never been hungry. You don’t know what it’s like to fight and steal and kill just to survive!

June Moone: I can’t help it. She has to be let out.
Superman: But you’ll hurt innocent people.
Enchantress: Since when is that a problem for you?

Green Lantern: Why do you hate me, Grodd?
Gorilla Grodd: Your arrogance is unbearable.
Green Lantern: Pfft. Pot, meet kettle.


Lemme get this straight… you guys wanna permanently separate Pokémon from humans somehow, so that Pokémon will finally be our equals? And in order to do that, you guys attack Pokémon with your own? What is this I don’t even�

Web Original

Grade: I’m sure everyone’s experienced this as I have. You can some shit, lazy teacher who always teaches in one boring shit monotonous way, but whenever there’s a guest at the back of the room observing him, he completely changes. There’s more activities he normally never does, there’s mini assessments, there’s group activities, there’s everything! He even talks different!
Teacher Under: Alright, yer little bastards! Everyone get out yer text books and turn to Page 69 aga…(gasps and sees Queen Elizabeth II observing the class). Uh..okay class, listen! Today we’re going to learn about 3D shapes, so erm…we’re all going to Egypt to learn about pyramids! Yay!

«Do you guys remember when Trump said that he might not concede if he lost (footage from the presidential debate)? And do you remember how he got tore a new arsehole by the media and the American public for that, yeah? ‘Cause after all, that was pretty messed up of Trump to say, right? Right. So why the fuck are people now going one step further from saying it, and actually doing it? Millions of people gave Trump for saying he might not concede right, but now they’re not conceding themselves. (footage from protestors about Trump’s election victory). Talk about double standards! You guys are literally doing the thing that you gave Trump shit for, for just saying that he might do.»

Schlafly, the heroine of the Values Voter Debate, is a published author of nine books, three-time candidate for the U.S. Congress, a full-time law student at Washington University in St. Louis, editor of a monthly newsletter, a twice-a-week syndicated newspaper columnist, regular speaker at anti-liberal rallies, and employs a full-time housekeeper to take care of her mansion � in other words, she follows her anti-emancipatory arguments and consistently claims that women should stay at home as the Bible requires, by setting a splendid example.

I shouldn’t be surprised about the way he treats the Dursleys’ other child as a mere tool in his schemes, but considering he described Darth Dumbledore as treating people in the same way, it’s hilarious in a darkly comedic way.

The right wing believes three things. One, that free speech is important; two, that cancel culture is bad; and three, there are a lot of books that you need to be barred from ever having access to.

Zephia: When I called the Hounds my family, I meant every word of it. You, me, Marni…
(cut to footage of Zephia fatally stabbing Marni with the text, «Same Person BTW»)

Western Animation

«Francine, how can you be so selfish? I’m doing this for me!

«For a man who likes electric cars he sure does burn a lot of rocket fuel.»

Real Life

Quis tulerit Gracchos de seditione querentes?note 

How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?

«The sign that points toward Boston doesn’t have to go there.»

Max Scheler (1874-1928), arguing that one needn’t practice what one preaches

He seems to be under the impression (aided by questionable, unidentified studies, of course) that all lesbians are obese substance abusers. oh, the irony…

«Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness, and can’t find any time to practice it.»

Josh Billings

«I told them to have Triple H pick me up in a limo, then we could go test together. They never asked again.»

It is tremendously ironic that the political left, which frequently attacks the right�s denial of evolution, is much more likely to oppose one of the most promising scientific advances that we have achieved.

Kaiser: Speaking of Fox, get the fuck out of here, you furry piece of shit!
Lani: Says-
Kaiser: The furry piece of shit?

«The plucky ordinary fellow taking down the mossy old Trenton pol has been catnip for many of my former comrades on the right, including many I greatly respect. But they seem to be acting on the belief that the local voter is always right and the long-serving politician is always wrong.
Or, at least, that the local voter is always right if the challenger is a Republican. This is not a narrative, I should add, that any conservatives seem willing (as far as I know) to apply to upstarts such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Few Republicans applauded the temerity and grit of a young state legislator named Barack Obama, whom they argued was just a pushy gate-jumper.»

«If you don’t stick to your values when they’re being tested, they’re not values: they’re hobbies.»

Do not pay attention to every word people say-[IMG=8GA]

How many times have we spent weeks with our thoughts focused on an o

How many times have we spent weeks with our thoughts focused on an offense and then realized it was a misunderstanding! What about the bad times we spent thinking about gossip involving us in a situation we had nothing to do with? Not to mention those hurtful comments that we hear without being able to defend ourselves. We invest… sorry, we lose! Long time heeding unproductive words that will finally be judged by God.

Do not pay attention to every word people say-[IMG=8GA]

How many times have we spent weeks with our thoughts focused on an o

Other translations of this verse say, «do not take seriously all the words that are spoken.» «Don’t pay attention to everything that is said.» We all know that paying attention to these kinds of things gets us out of focus, robs us of peace, and wastes our time. So we have to ask ourselves seriously: is everything we hear worth listening to?

Let us not forget that satan will use every offense, gossip, mockery or offense not only to hurt us but to encourage us to act incorrectly. How many have heard him whisper: «what they said is not true, you have to intervene. If you don’t defend yourself, no one will defend you. Come on, take out your pride and strike back! Let them know who you are.»

Moreover, the enemy is a liar and the father of lies. Use half truths so that we begin to accept the lie as truth and pay all our attention to it (ask Eve what happens when we hear the serpent). It is always meant to devalue your position as a child of God and to make you doubt the word that the Lord gave to you, your family and your church. If you pay attention to those comments, you will begin to feel worried and discouraged.

Take the advice from the word, «do not pay attention to every word people say,» and leave that matter that concerns you in the hands of God. If you have to intervene in any way, God will clearly show you and guide you to do so in the right way. In the meantime, put your whole trust in the Lord. He sees and hears everything and knows how to put things in their place. Spend time listening to what God says about you!

Source: Ps. Pablo Giovanini

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