Do not change the word given use from three to five words

16. Never have I heard such a ridiculous theory.


It is a ridiculous heard have the such a ridiculous theory. (5 words)

17. Although I love my sister I do not always agree with her.


Although I love my sister I do not always pain and bad case for her. (5 words)

18. I did not ask for much – just a few pounds.


All my friends are bestest a few pounds. (4 words)

19. As they get richer, they spend more and more money on useless things.


The richest is spend, time to money they spend on useless things. (5 words)

20. Her cold was caused by getting soaked in the rain.


Her was just curious like to getting soaked in the rain. (5 words)

21. It is possible that the trains were delayed.


The trains is possible were delayed . (4 words)

22. Half the team caught flu last week.


Half the team caught half a flu last week. (3 words)

23. It seems that the rain is going to last for a long time.


The rain seeds going to. (3 words)

24. It was a mistake not to warn them about the snowstorm.


We have missing not them about the snowstorm. (3 words)

25. You can borrow my car but you must bring it back tomorrow morning.


You are must high quality, and you bring it back tomorrow morning.(5 words)

Здравствуйте. Помогите пожалуйста!!!! Больше баллов нет, извините(

For items 11-20, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use from three to five words. The number of words you should put in the gap is specified in each case. Do NOT use contracted forms. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика


9-11 класс Use of English 2

реальные задания школьного этапа московской олимпиады

Это второе задание лексико-грамматической части. После выполнения нажмите кнопку Check, чтобы увидеть результаты. Чтобы выполнить первое задание откройте следующую страницу.

Task 2

For items 11–20, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use from three to five words. The number of words you should put in the gap is specified in each case. Do NOT use contracted forms. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Система подготовки учащихся к выполнению олимпиадных заданий по английскому языку

Задания лексико-грамматического теста (Use of English)

Задания на проверку знания лексики и грамматики самые разнообразные и интересные и среди них можно выделить несколько типов, ставших уже традиционными в разделе Use of English:

  • множественный выбор (multiple choice);

  • внутриязыковое перефразирование (paraphrase) — относится к продуктивным типам тестовых заданий, требует от составителя четкой формулировки задания;

  • клоуз-тест (one-word gap) — заполнение допущенных в тексте пробелов словами, артиклями и т.д.;

  • перекрестный выбор (matching) — из двух списков единиц подобрать пары по тем или иным предложенным признакам;

  • кроссворды, загадки;

  • трансформация, замена, подстановка (transformation) — при проверке лексико-грамматических навыков.

Уровень сложности заданий растет от класса к классу.

В последнее время некоторые хорошо известные и часто используемые в тестах задания получили новый вид. Так, например, задание на поиск лишнего слова в тексте немного усложнилось, так как сейчас рекомендуется проанализировать не отдельную строку, а целый абзац.

В разделе Use of English появляются новые задания, проверяющие лингвистические компетенции учащихся. Возьмем в качестве примера задания заключительного этапа ВОШ 2018 года. Впервые появилось задание на слова-капитонимы. Капитонимы‑ разновидность омонимов. Различия заключаются в написании первой буквы (заглавная или строчная). Наличие или отсутствие капитализации влияет на значение слова. Пример: Mercury [‘mɜ:kjərɪ] ‑ Меркурий (планета) и mercury [‘mɜ:kjərɪ] ‑ ртуть (химический элемент).

В конкурс “Use of English” на муниципальном этапе и выше рекомендуется включать задания на проверку социолингвистической и социокультурной компетенции. Данные компетенции проверяются

  • на основе страноведческого материала, включая такие области знаний, как география, история, литература, культура, наука, известные личности и их произведения;

  • в заданиях на знание фразеологизмов, фразовых глаголов, устойчивых выражений;

  • в заданиях на проверку знаний разновидностей английского языка (американский, австралийский, канадский английский).

Как подготовить учащихся к выполнению заданий лексико-грамматического теста:

  1. Знакомить учащихся с грамматическими нюансами языка (advanced grammar points) и более продвинутой лексикой. В этом вам помогут книги издательства Macmillan Advanced Language Practice, авторы Michael Vince и Peter Sunderland, где вместе с грамматикой можно потренировать лексические единицы в разнообразных упражнениях, отличающихся от тех, которые приводятся в наших учебниках.

  2. Выполнять задания из серии книг наставника московской команды, педагога, подготовившего 2 абсолютных победителей заключительного этапа ВОШ, А.П. Гулова «Olympway.Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку».

  3. Ю. Б. Курасовская и др. «Всероссийская олимпиада. Английский язык. Задания регионального и заключительного этапов. С ответами и комментариями.

  4. К. С. Махмурян, О. П. Мельчина «Олимпиады по английскому языку для 9 ‑ 11 классов».

  5. О. П. Мельчина «Be the best! Будь лучшим! Готовимся к олимпиадам по английскому языку».

  6. Для изучения и отработки употребления фразовых глаголов рекомендуется пособие Jake Allsop «Test Your Phrasal Verbs» с 60 тестами на практику употребления основных фразовых глаголов.

  7. «English Idioms in Use» Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell. Здесь можно найти фразеологизмы, распределенные по 60 тематическим блокам, и упражнения для их запоминания.

  8. Научите обращать внимание на детали. Если в задании требуется подчеркнуть несколько слов в письменной работе, нужно это сделать. В вопросах с открытым ответом всегда написано, сколько в ответе должно быть слов.

  9. Самыми пугающими и непредсказуемыми обычно кажутся задания на страноведение. Выучить все — задача, далекая от реальности, поэтому стоит просто постоянно расширять знания — читать как можно больше текстов по культуре англоговорящих стран, слушать подкасты, смотреть исторические фильмы. Следует знать как минимум базовые факты о Великобритании, США, Австралии и Канаде (флаги, столицы, символы, важные исторические события, самых выдающихся людей).

  10. Сложности возникают с заданиями на знание идиом. Идиомы удобно запоминать тематическими блоками: animal idioms, time idioms, colour idioms и другие — их очень много. Советуйте выписывать идиомы и их значения, искать к ним ассоциации — так их легче запомнить. В онлайн версии Кембриджского словаря есть блог, в котором иногда бывают записи об идиомах и полезных выражениях в целом. — Подготовка к экзаменам, тесты — Подготовка к экзаменам, онлайн тесты, тренажеры, конкурсы творческих работ — Изучение грамматики, лексики, развитие навыков

аудирования, говорения, письма. — проходите по ссылке там написано «курс больше не актуален», нажимаете на кнопку «подобрать другой курс» дальше выбираете класс, предмет и цель (например победить в олимпиаде) выбираете «подготовка к ВСОШ и вузовским олимпиадам по английскому языку для ____ класса (выбираете попробовать бесплатно) слева есть иконка с лисой нажимаете на нее и проходите вниз там есть рубрика «начать учиться бесплатно» — можно попробовать поучиться, если возникнет желание посерьезнее поучиться на будущее, можно купить курс (действуют скидки) — Английский язык 9-11 класс, муниципальный этап (2 этап), 2018-2019 учебный год — олимпиадные задания за предыдущие годы — топ 60 английских антонимов с переводом — 550 англ антонимов с переводом — английские идиомы «English Idioms in Use» Michael McCarthy (можно скачать или читать онлайн)

— Махмурян К.С., Мельчина О.П. Олимпиады по английскому языку для 9-11 классов


Time: 60 minutes (45 points)

Task 1. Items 36–50 (15 points)

For Questions 36–50, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there.

If a line is correct put a tick. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word on your answer sheet. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

По вопросам 36-50 прочитайте текст ниже и внимательно посмотрите на каждую строку. Некоторые строки правильные, а в некоторых есть слово, которого там быть не должно.

Если строка правильная, поставьте галочку. Если в строке есть слово, которого там быть не должно, напишите это слово в своем листе ответов. В начале есть два примера (0 и 00).








During my senior year in college, I served as if a teacher’s assistant. One of my roles was to administer and proctor the exams. The class was a freshman introductory course, which had well over five hundred students. In order to manage these five hundred college freshmen, I had to establish rules.


The rules were as follows. The exams began at exactly 9:00 a.m. The students would pick up their test booklets and blue books and proceed to a seat. They would have exactly fifty minutes to complete the examination.


When final exam time came, the students were so indoctrinated into the system that I only needed to announce one warning at 9:40 a.m. So, as the final minutes ticked away, I announced, «It is 9:40. You have ten minutes until pencils down.»


At exactly 9:50 a.m., I would say, «Pencils down!» Everyone had to stop writing immediately, put their pencils down, proceed to the front of the room and turn out in their blue books.


Those who did not put their pencils down at exactly 9:50 a.m. and give their blue books to me would receive an automatic F, no exceptions!


Then at 9:50 a.m., I gave my last command for that semester: «It’s 9:50, pencils down. You know the rules!»


And boom, all pencils went down, just like always. All 500 students stood – or was it only 499? Yes, it was. Everyone was filled the aisle except for one sneaky guy.


He was just writing and writing away. I saw him up there, but he didn’t think I could have. Once again, I said, «Pencils down everyone!»


But he kept writing and writing, trying to beat my system. How dare he! Boy, would I get him! At 9:58 a.m., as I began to organize the stacks of examination packets, I saw this young man running down the aisle to surrender his exam to the table.


«Here, Mr. D’Angelo, take my blue book!» he huffed and puffed. It was an attempt at making me to break the whole system! «I cannot accept this. You know the rules. Pencils down at 9:50 a.m., or you get an automatic F!»


«Please, Mr. D’Angelo, take my blue book!»

«No! You know I can’t do that. It’s against the rules.»

«Please, please, take my blue book. I’m barely passing this class. My mom and dad are going to kill me if I will have to repeat this class. Just take it, and no one will ever know.» A tear began to stream down his cheek.


«I’m sorry. I just can’t.» I went back to the stacks, organizing them one by one. The young man just turned and walked away with his shoulders slumped.


Now with a stack of five hundred or so blue books in my arms, I watched the freshman to walk up the stairs toward the exit. Just about at the halfway point, he changed his mind and approached me again.


He questioned softly, «Mr. D’Angelo, do you know who I am?»

«Why no, and frankly I couldn’t care less.»


«Are you sure you don’t know who I am?» he inquired with even greater confidence. I started to get a little concerned. Was this the dean’s son? What had I gotten myself into?


«No, I’m sorry. I don’t,» I said with a little hesitation in my voice.

«Are you absolutely, 100 percent sure that you don’t know who I am?»


«For the last time, no, I don’t know who you are!» «Well then, good!» and he has shoved his blue book into the middle of the stack and ran out of the door.

Task 2. Items 51–60 (10 points)

For items 51–60, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use from three to five words. The number of words is specified in the brackets. Do not use short forms. Please mind both grammar and spelling. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Для пунктов 51-60 завершите второе предложение так, чтобы оно имело значение, аналогичное первому предложению, используя данное слово. Не меняйте данное слово. Используйте от трех до пяти слов. Количество слов указано в скобках. Не используйте краткие формы. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание как на грамматику, так и на орфографию. В начале есть пример (0).

Example: 0. The pool isn’t deep enough to swim in. (Бассейн не достаточно глубок, чтобы плавать в нем)

The pool ____ ______ _____ ______ swim in. (4 words)


is too shallow to (слишком мелкий для…)

  1. I had only just arrived home when the phone rang.


No ____ ______ _____ ______ home than the phone rang. (4 words)

  1. We all know that Mark was a terrible gossip.


Mark is ____ ______ _____ _____ a terrible gossip. (4 words)

  1. Ruth knew what the outcome was after reading the book.


By the time Ruth ____ ______ _____ ______, she knew what the outcome was.

(4 words)

  1. I think a change would do you good.


I think ____ ______ _____ ____ a change. (4 words)

  1. My skirt needs letting out.


I need to____ ______ _____ _____ out. (4 words)

  1. Nobody there had heard of Miss Parker.


Nobody there knew _____ _____ _____ ______. (4 words)

  1. You are worrying about something, aren’t you?


There is _____ ____ ______ mind, isn’t there? (3 words)

  1. The decorators didn’t leave too much mess when they did the job.


The decorators managed to do ______ ____ ______ _____ mess. (4 words)

  1. Carol’s legacy meant that she could give up work.


Carol’s legacy ____ ______ ____ give up work. (3 words)

  1. I am sorry I told you this yesterday.


I _____ ____ ______ this yesterday. (3 words)

Task 3. Items 61–70 (10 points)

For items 61–70 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a new word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Для пунктов 61-70 прочитайте текст ниже. Используйте слово, указанное заглавными буквами в конце каждой строки, чтобы сформировать новое слово, которое помещается в пробел в той же строке. В начале есть пример (0).





Over Saturday morning pancakes, my parents announced they had (0) … me in an all-girls Catholic school with uniforms. If I had been cutting class, I might have understood.


But I hadn’t even done anything forbidden to deserve it. So when fall crept around, there I was sighing (61) …


as I stomped dramatically to my dad’s sedan in stiff, shiny penny loafers. I went to my first class, sat down and didn’t open my mouth for an entire semester. It was a scene from the annals of (62) … scenarios.


Luckily, my new classmates, private school-bred (63) … , didn’t prove to be wealthy snots with expensive purses and a million tortures planned for inferior classmates like myself. So by the beginning of spring, I’d mumbled enough words to make a few good friends.


My new private school friends couldn’t be bothered to engage in the snobby insults and hair-pulling stunts I’d come to fear from a lifetime of bad teen movies. Such a small school couldn’t even (64) … a social hierarchy.


In this society, however, you were forced to get a (65) … . This wasn’t like public school friendships when preppies drifted towards someone looking like them. We were forced to look the same; what distinguished us was the person beneath the plaid, and it was time to figure out just who she was.


So my routine polyester plaid getup made the same transposition from creepy to, well, (66) … creepy.


We knew what the uniform did to civilians, it was a superhero’s disguise bestowing the powers of (67) … and charm.


So this private school had never become (68) …, and it never became prison either.


(69) …, I did graduate with a well-carved sense of self and a solid group of girlfriends I will be close to till we are all in grandmother shoes.


And for the rest of my life I’ll be able to juice up (70)… with the simple boast: I survived an all-girls Catholic high school.


Task 4. Items 71–80 (10 points)

For items 71–80, match the items 71–80 to the phenomena A–N. There are some extra phenomena which do not match.

 Для пунктов 71-80 сопоставьте пункты 71-80 с явлениями A–N. Есть некоторые дополнительные явления, которые не совпадают.

71. Watergate

A) cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy, proclaimed in 1823, declaring that the United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of or the wars between European powers; while any attempt of a European power to oppress or control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed by the US as a hostile act against the United States

72. Underground Railroad

B) a private British railway company, which owned and looked after most of the railway tracks in the UK from 1996 until 2001. It was closed down by the government for not doing its job properly, for not operating the system safely, and for getting into debt.

73. Monroe Doctrine

C) a part of the US Constitution declaring the purpose of the document

74. The Marshall Plan

D) Thomas Jefferson was the author of this document.

75. Samuel Langhorne Clemens

E) an American initiative passed in 1948 to aid Western Europe

76. Declaration of  Independence

F) an announcement which ordered the end of slavery in the southern states of the US

77. The 13th Amendment

G) a famous political scandal in the US in the early 1970s that caused President Nixon to leave his job before Congress could impeach him.

78. John Hancock

H) the first written constitution in North America

79. Mayflower Compact

I) a network of houses and other places that a group of people in the US used to illegally help slaves to become

free by helping them to escape to the northern US and Canada in the period before the Civil War

80. Preamble

J) a part of the US Constitution which ended slavery in the US after the Civil War

K) the real name of the writer Mark Twain

L) the real name of the writer O. Henry

M) the name of the person who was the first to sign the

Declaration of Independence

N) Benjamin Franklin was the author of this document.

Keys Use of English Task 1































Task 2


sooner had I arrived


who Miss Parker was


known to have been/ known by

everybody/ everyone as


something on your


had read the book


the job with little


you would benefit/ profit/ gain etc.



enabled her to


have my skirt let


regret telling you

Task 3




loveably, lovably/ lovely












Eventually/ eventually


personality/ persona


conversations/ conversation

Стратегии подготовки к разделу «Use of English»
Структура раздела, анализ заданий.
— Личные и неличные формы глагола, видовременные формы глагола (Повторение форм глагола, употребление времен, употребление различных форм глагола, заполнение пропусков глаголами в соответствии с контекстом)

— Страдательный залог (Повторение форм глагола в страдательном залоге, выполнение упражнений на употребление страдательного залога)

— Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (Повторение правил образования степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий, выполнение практических упражнений)

— Множественное число существительных (Повторение правил образования множественного числа у английских существительных, исключения из правил, выполнение практических упражнений)

— Порядковые числительные (Повторение правил образования и употребления порядковых числительных, выполнение практических упражнений)

— Работа с тестовыми заданиями по словообразованию  (Определение частей речи и образование новых слов, добавление суффиксов, добавление приставок, выполнение практических упражнений)

— Устойчивые словосочетания,

фразовые глаголы,

идиоматические выражения

(Выполнение упражнений на употребление устойчивых словосочетаний, фразовых глаголов и идиом) 
— Способы управления в предложении (предлоги),

способы сочинения и подчинения (союзы)

Работа с тестовыми заданиями по лексической сочетаемости единиц

(Продумывание возможного варианта ответа, выбор правильного ответа, определение неверных ответов, выполнение заданий в формате олимпиады)

Выполняется работа на двойном листе в линию. На 8 линии(сверху)


1 этапа Республиканской олимпиады по английскому языку

(цы) 9-А (Б) класса

№ 24 им. И.В.Туркенича


(дата рождения)


Time: 10 minutes

(10 points) For items 1–10 listen
to a man talking about a boy called Michael who crossed the Atlantic in a
sailing boat and decide whether the statements 1–10 are TRUE
according to the text you hear (A), or FALSE (B), or the
information on the statement is NOT STATED in the text (C). You will
hear the text twice.

  1. Michael Perham, a teenage boy from the south of England,
    became the only person to sail across the Atlantic alone.
  2. Michael started his voyage across the Atlantic when he was
  3. The Cheeky Monkey is a 9-metre yacht
    which was designed for the cross-Atlantic voyage.
  4. During his voyage, Michael ate food which had been
    presented to him by a local supermarket.
  5. Burgers and crisps were the things Michael missed most
    during his voyage.
  6. One day during the trip, Michael’s father contacted him to
    say that a part of Michael’s boat was broken.
  7. Michael didn’t play his guitar during the trip.
  8. Once he managed to catch a flying fish which had jumped
    into his boat.
  9. Michael contributed a lot of money to the fund Children
    in Need
  10. Michael and his father would like to do their next trip in
    bigger and faster boats.


Time: 20 minutes

(15 points)

Read an extract from a novel and answer questions 1–15.

It would be simple enough to follow him. Roger was a man of
habits, and even when his hours of work were irregular, he would still take his
mid-day meal, whenever he did take it, at Percy’s. Miss Temple found an antique
bookshop across the street where, as she was obliged to purchase something for
standing so long watching through its window, she on impulse selected a
complete four-volume Illustrated Lives of Sea Martyrs. The books
were detailed enough for her to spend the time in the window, apparently
examining the books, while actually watching Roger first enter and then, after
an hour, exit alone, from the heavy doors across the street.

He walked straight back to his office in the Ministry
courtyard. Miss Temple arranged for her purchase to be delivered to the
Boniface, and walked back into the street, feeling like a fool. She had
re-crossed the square before she convinced herself that she was not so much a
fool as an inexperienced observer. It was pointless to watch from outside the
restaurant because only from inside could she have discovered whether or not
Roger dined alone or with others, or with which particular others — all
important information.

She had a pretty good feeling that the crime she believed he
had committed had no time connection with his working hours, which meant she
was likely to learn nothing from observing his working day. It was after work
that any real information would be gathered. Abruptly she entered a store whose
windows were thick with all shapes of luggage, hampers, oilskins, lanterns,
telescopes, and a large assortment of walking sticks. She left wearing a
ladies’ black travelling cloak, with a deep hood and several well hidden
pockets, opera glasses, a leather-bound notebook and an allweather pencil. Miss
Temple then took her tea.

Between cups of tea and two cakes, she made entries in the
notebook, summarising her plan and then describing the day’s work so far. That
she now had a kind of uniform and a set of tools made everything that much
easier and much less about her particular feelings, for tasks requiring clothes
and supporting equipment seemed somehow more objective, even scientific, in
nature. In keeping with this, she made a point to write her entries in a kind
of code, replacing proper names and places with synonyms or word-play that
hopefully would not be understood by anyone but herself.

Miss Temple left the tea shop at four o’clock, knowing Roger
to leave usually at five, and hired a carriage. She instructed her driver in a
low, direct tone of voice, after assuring him he would be well paid for his
time, that they would be following a gentleman, most likely in another
carriage, and that she would knock on the roof of the coach to indicate the man
when he appeared. The driver nodded, but said nothing else. She took his
silence to mean that this was a usual enough thing, and felt
all the more sure of herself. When Roger appeared, some forty minutes later,
she nearly missed him, amusing herself for the moment by peering through the
opera glasses into nearby open windows, but a sudden feeling caused her to
glance back at the courtyard gates just in time to see Roger, standing in the
road with an air of confidence and purpose that took her breath away, flag down
a coach of his own. Miss Temple knocked sharply on the roof of the coach and
they were off.

The thrill of the chase, complicated by the nervousness of
seeing Roger, was quickly lost when, after the first few turns, it became
obvious that Roger’s destination was nowhere more interesting than his own

Task 1. Questions 1–7

In boxes 1–7 on your answer sheet,
circle: A (TRUE) if the statement agrees with the information
given in the text; B (FALSE) if the statement contradicts the
information given in the text or if there is no information given in the text.

  1. Miss Temple took her time carefully selecting the four
    books which she bought in the antique bookshop.
  2. Her mistake resulted from her being pretty much a beginner
    in the field of surveillance.
  3. She bought a pair of glasses to read the books she had
    purchased in the antique bookshop.
  4. Miss Temple encrypted her notes so that nobody could
    understand them.
  5. She promised the driver extra money for his services.
  6. Miss Temple had to wait more than an hour for Roger to
  7. Roger had committed a terrible crime at work.

Task 2. Questions 8–15

Choose option A, B, C or which
best fits according to the text. Circle the correct letter in boxes
on your answer sheet.

  1. Miss Temple thought it would be easy to follow Roger
  • A he always took a break at the same time.
  • B his work schedule never changed.
  • C he always ate lunch at a particular location.
  • D she already knew the schedule of his working day.
  1. Miss Temple bought a book at the bookshop because
  • A she suddenly felt like buying something.
  • B she was forced to by the shop owner.
  • C she wanted a way to pass the time.
  • D she needed an excuse to stay there.
  1. What mistake did Miss Temple soon realise she had made?

A She had waited for Roger in the wrong place

B She needn’t have made a purchase at the bookshop

C She should have followed Roger back to the Ministry when
she had had the chance

D She had re-crossed the square at the wrong place

  1. Miss Temple decided to follow Roger after work because

A she believed that was the time she could find out what she
wanted to know.

B she couldn’t see what he was doing inside his office.

C she didn’t want to risk him seeing her outside his office.

D she had other, more important things to do during the
working day.

  1. How did Miss Temple’s purchases make her feel about what
    she was doing?

A more determined

B less personally involved

C better prepared

D less confused

  1. The underlined word ‘this’ in the text refers to

A the driver’s silence.

B banging on the hood of the carriage.

C being asked to follow someone.

D paying drivers well for their time.

  1. When Roger left his office at about five o’clock, Miss

A watched him through her new opera glasses.

B saw him just before he got into a carriage.

C had a sudden feeling of breathlessness.

D pretended to be looking into an open window.

  1. Miss Temple’s excitement at following Roger

A increased each time she caught sight of him.

B turned into boredom after a while.

C ended when her carriage started following him.

D disappeared when she realised where he was going.


Time: 20 minutes

(20 points)

Task 1. Questions 1–10

For items 1–10, read the text below. Use
the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in
the space in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).



Many people are under the (0)
that British food is awful.


It is said to be (1)
and cooked badly, so the idea that Britain has some of the best
restaurants in the world is


usually met with roars of (2)


However, perhaps this is a
little (3) … .


There have been some
wonderful (4) … in recent years.


There are now many (5)
restaurants serving high quality


dishes that have been very (6)
prepared. Also, many British chefs now have Michelin stars, which
are only awarded to the world’s very best chefs.


A good (7) … of
food is available these days, too. In other words, the food being served
isn’t just French gourmet.


There has been a huge rise in
the popularity of (8) … British dishes. Fortunately, gone
are the days when the only things on the menu were boiled vegetables and
stewed meat!


So, the next time you get a
chance, be (9) … and try some real British food.
You just might find it no longer deserves


its terrible (10)


Task 2. Questions 11–20

For items 11–20, complete the second sentence
so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. Use from three to
words. The number of words you should put in the gap is specified
in each case
Do NOT use contracted forms. There is an
example at the beginning (0).

Example: 0. “Let’s go to the cinema on Sunday,”
said Ann.


Ann_____ _____ ____ ____ to the cinema on Sunday. (4 words)

  1. The professor said that his assistant had given away the
    secret formula.


The professor ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ away the secret
formula. (5 words)

  1. They say a multinational company owns this factory.


The factory ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ by a multinational
company. (5 words)

  1. I think they did not plan this.


They ____ ____ ____ ____ this. (4 words)

  1. He will probably win the race.


He ____ ____ ____ ____ the race. (4 words)

  1. She woke up early so that she could catch the 5:30 train.


She woke up early ____ ____ ____ ____ the 5:30 train. (4 words)

  1. Martin realised that he could never be an athlete.


Martin realised that he ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ an athlete.
(5 words)

  1. The teacher advised him to study harder.


“If ____ ____ ____ , ____ ____study harder”, said the
teacher. (5 words)

  1. They are launching a new product these days.


A new product ____ ____ ____ these days. (3

  1. There were very few guests at Paula’s wedding yesterday.


Hardly ____ ____ ____ ____ Paula’s wedding yesterday. (4 words)

  1. Our teacher demands that we hand in our homework


Our teacher ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ our homework regularly.
(5 words)


Time: 40 minutes

(15 points)

Write a short description of any monument in LPR which
is devoted to

World War II and recommend it to foreign tourists.

Write the name of the monument at the beginning on a
separate line (words are not counted in this line). The monument should
be real, not imaginary.

Remember to mention in your description:

  • what the monument looks like;
  • where the monument is located (area of LPR);
  • why you recommend it to foreign tourists.

Write 200–250 words.

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