Dll file not found excel

I have an Excel workbook that calls a test DLL I wrote in C++. The path to DLL is hardcoded in VBA. The only files the DLL uses are stdlib and iostream.

On my machine it works. On several other office machines it works. However, on the remainder when i try to call the DLL through Excel I get error 48 — file not found.

My understanding is error 53 is the file is missing; error 48 is there are missing dependencies. I have used dependency walker and have not found any issues.

What I did discover, however, is that if I install Visual Studio on a machine there is a 90% chance that after the install the Excel file/DLL works perfectly. On the 10% that it does not work, I restart and re-run the Visual Studio install, selected ‘repair’, and after the installation finishes again the Excel/DLL combo works. So basically installing Visual Studio allows the DLL to be loaded by Excel. If i uninstall Visual Studio the DLL still works fine.

Obviously this means something is missing on those machines, but I have no idea what — I’ve tried separately installing all the pieces that show up under ‘programs’, such as most current .net framework, visual c++ re-distributables, etc… and it doesn’t work. The only thing that works is installing Visual Studio itself.
I’m not certain how to proceed since asking users to mount a 5gig ISO and install a developer environment isn’t really ideal.

Ah-ha, I found the issue. It turns out that it requires 2 DLL files — msvcr120.dll and msvc120.dll. I had these 2 files in my System32 folder, but not in my SysWOW64 folder. As soon as i populated that folder then the DLLs started working.

I found many threads on google with the ‘same’ problem but no answer, so if you run into the same issue I’d suggest using dependency walker and making sure the DLLs are in both system folders to be safe (although I suspect System32 is only needed for 64bit DLL, and SysWOW64 for 32bit DLLs).

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  • Good evening,

    I am having a recurring error anytime I attempt to use Solver:

    Run-time error ’48’:

    File not found: Solver32.dll

    I have done an install repair, uninstalled and reinstalled office, and spoken to Microsoft support, but the problem persists. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

    Thank you

Все ответы

  • If you search for solver32.dll is the file found? It should be in a specific folder, like

    C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice??LibrarySOLVER

    IIRC, solver is an installation option, and so needs to be chosen at the time of installation…

    • Изменено

      4 мая 2016 г. 19:31

  • Hi,

    Based on your description, the SOLVER32.DLL file may missing or corrupted, first please refer to the folder of Bernie Deitrick provided and confirm if there are 2 files under that folder.

    Then you can try to reload SOLVER feature in Excel, please follow these steps.

    Open VBA Editor- go to Tools- References

    Then select Browse- go to C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficerootOffice16LibrarySOLVER-change File type to Microsoft Excel files(*.xlsm;*.xlam..)- select SOLVER.XLAM.

    Now please restart Excel and confirm if it works now.


    Emi Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

    mark the reply as an answer if you find it is helpful.

    If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact

    • Предложено в качестве ответа
      21 июня 2016 г. 0:46

  • Thank you for the instructions. I have the two files in the SOLVER folder. I then went to the VBA editor and completed the steps you suggested there. I restarted excel, opened solver, clicked solve, and received the same error again:

    Run-time error ’48’:

    File not found: Solver32.dll

    Are there additional steps that I can take to try to correct this error?

    Thank you,


  • We are aware of an issue with Solver, caused by the initialization of Power Query and Power Pivot. We are working on a fix for this issue urgently. In the meantime, you might be able to get unblocked with
    the following workaround:

    Make sure Excel is not running

    Start Excel

    Open the “Blank workbook” template

    Launch Solver (click the Solver button in the Data tab in the Ribbon)

    ‘Set Objective:’ will be the active cell by default

    Set the range in ‘By Changing Variable Cells: to the same string as is in ‘Set Objective:’

    Click the “Solve” button

    Close the Solver Results dialog

    Open any other worksheet or workbook (do not close empty workbook first)

    Hope this helps!


    Office Newsroom

    • Предложено в качестве ответа
      Freya [MSFT]
      20 октября 2016 г. 17:18

  • Thanks Freya. Unfortunately, the steps you listed did not resolve my problem.

    Have you discovered the fix for this issue yet?



  • We are aware of an issue with Solver, caused by the initialization of Power Query and Power Pivot. We are working on a fix for this issue urgently. In the meantime, you might be able to get unblocked with
    the following workaround:

    Make sure Excel is not running

    Start Excel

    Open the “Blank workbook” template

    Launch Solver (click the Solver button in the Data tab in the Ribbon)

    ‘Set Objective:’ will be the active cell by default

    Set the range in ‘By Changing Variable Cells: to the same string as is in ‘Set Objective:’

    Click the “Solve” button

    Close the Solver Results dialog

    Open any other worksheet or workbook (do not close empty workbook first)

    Hope this helps!


    Office Newsroom

    The solver doesn’t even run, my coworker has a x86 computer a his Solver works normally but I have an x64 computer and it keeps crashing, do you have any updates?

  • Good news! We have released a couple of fixes related to this issue with the Solver32.dll file, caused by the initialization of Power Query and Power Pivot. Please update to the latest version of Office and let us know if you continue to encounter
    any issues.


    Office Newsroom

    • Предложено в качестве ответа
      Freya [MSFT]
      8 декабря 2016 г. 0:10

  • Not resolved my problem. Please help me

    I am using Microsoft 365 . I am currently facing a problem with installing Solver. I have already done the steps to add in Solver, but I am unable to use this function. This error message keeps appearing: «Cannot run the macro ‘SOLVER.XLAM!GetSolverLabel'»

  • I have the most up-to-date version of Office, but I continue to receive the same error. Are there any other options to fix it?



  • I also have the most up-to-date version of Office 2016 prof, same error (File not found: Solver32.dll, error 48). Reinstalled it, didn’t help

    • Изменено
      7 апреля 2017 г. 16:31
      more precise

  • Same problem here.   New Windows 10 computer.  64 bit.  Office 365. Version 1404. Build 8067.2115.  

    When trying to load solver add-in…

    Error message:  Compile error in hidden module:  Solver Code

  • Same problem here.

    Windows 10, newly installed office 2016 64 bit.

  • When trying to load solver add-in I am getting the same message 

    Error message:  Compile error in hidden module:  Solver Code

    New Windows 10 computer.  64 bit.  Office 365. Version 1707. Build 8326.2107

    No luck yet 

  • Same problem here.  Using Windows 10, Excel 2016 MSO (16.0.8431.2046) 64-bit.

    Tried everything suggested and nothing worked.

  • This thread is totally dead. Did Freya resigned?

    I am facing the same problem too, is there a solution yet?

  • Same here.  Any solutions??

  • Issue remains for so many of us!!!!!!!

  • Have you quit? Many of us still have an issue. You helped nobody.

  • Same problem now 2019, is there a fix for this yet?

  • A suggestion in another thread worked for me (I wasn’t able to paste the link directly)

    Here’s the quoted text from user Trekdoor:

    «For me worked this: I copied the solver32.dll into the office16 folder.

    e.g. (for me):

    C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice16

    I guess there is a bug in the solver32.xlam, referring to the wrong (or standard) folder for dll’s.


    I hope this helps!

  • try removing Solver from the references in the VBA window.

    1. Click «Alt + F11» to view the VBA Editor
    2. Click Tools > References
    3. Uncheck «Solver» then close. 
    4. Restart excel workbooks
    5. Repeat the previous steps but this time make sure to check «Solver» 
    6. Restart and it should work.

    If the above steps do not yield a good results, try to remove the solver from the «Excel add-ins», restart then add Excel back on then restart.

    Good luck,


  • We usually see Asus products having Excel Solver issues. This is due to the bundled WPS Office. They have their own Solver plugin that clashes with Microsoft one. Uninstall that piece of bloatware and you should be able to click «Solver» under
    «Data» ribbon in Excel.

Добрый день
Помоги пожалуйста.
Появляется ошибка:
Run-time error ’53’:
File not found: olepro32.dll
Объявление для win10 x64 и офис 2010 x64:

Private Declare PtrSafe Function OleCreatePictureIndirect Lib "olepro32.dll" (PicDesc As uPicDesc, RefIID As GUID, ByVal fPictureOwnsHandle As Long, IPic As IPicture) As Long


r = OleCreatePictureIndirect(uPicInfo, IID_IDispatch, True, IPic)

Далее стоп и ошибка.
В C:WindowsSysWOW64 olepro32.dll файл есть. В C:WindowsSystem32 olepro32.dll файл нет (тоже на 2-х комп.)

Объявление для win7 x64 и офис 2010 x32:

Private Declare Function OleCreatePictureIndirect Lib "olepro32.dll" (PicDesc As uPicDesc, RefIID As GUID, ByVal fPictureOwnsHandle As Long, IPic As IPicture) As Long


r = OleCreatePictureIndirect(uPicInfo, IID_IDispatch, True, IPic)


Are you the one struggling with the Error in loading DLL in Excel 2010, then here check out what goes wrong with your Excel  2010 file.

Excel is a very popular and useful application of Microsoft office and just like that DLL is very essential in the Windows Operating system.

In the Windows operating system, the DLL files play a very important role.  This is having a huge potential value as it includes multiple codes and the procedures that are used for Windows programs.

This allows the program to use their relevant information at the same time.  Just like other files, DLL files are very susceptive to corruption and start showing errors.

Recently many users are found reporting there are getting Error in loading DLL in Excel 2010.  This is a very irritating error as users are unable to access the Excel application

But the good news is that there are certain tweaks that help you to fix Excel 2010 Error in loading DLL. But before further here check out some of the basic reason that causes loading DLL error also known as error 48.

What Is DLL Files And Purpose Of Using It?

DLL stands for dynamic link library this file is used for keeping several procedures and codes for the Windows programs. You can consider this file as an essential part of Windows OS.

When any Windows OS version gets installed along with that massive numbers DLL files also automatically get loaded. After this these DLL files are being used by other application programs.

All these DLL files are counted as integral part of system Windows registry. There are some DLL files available which are specifically used by the programs that install them. Whereas, some DLL files are merged with Windows OS for easy sharing with other applications. These DLL files contained data and functions are used by different applications programs to work smoothly.

It takes very less space in your PC memory. Though DLL files have so much benefits but it has several setbacks too.

How DLL Errors Occur?

Usually error in loading dll Excel arise when due to the installation of any software the new DLL files overwrites the previously existing DLL file.

Apart from this, many DLL errors also occur due to the removal or corruption of the DLL files.

This at the end results in following DLL errors: “The DLL file is missing” or “The DLL file is not found” or “Error in Loading DLL” etc.

When any newly installed software uses the older DLL file version then it generates dynamic link library errors.

Why Do DLL Errors Occur?

  • In the specified path location DLL file is missing.
  • At the installation time some DLL files are skipped.
  • Hardware damage leads to DLL file damages.
  • Presence of some orphan keys within the registry.
  • DLL files potential damage because of spyware infection.

What Problems Arises When Excel Error In Loading DLL Occurs?

  • Corrupted or Out-dated MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) files.
  • DLL error generates many system errors and malfunction which results in problem to start your PC.
  • Trojans and viruses also cause missing or load DLL errors like issues.
  • DLL files are already disabled by the program and thus it’s showing error in loading DLL files.
  • Application reorganizations also results in DLL errors.
  • When the 2 different application programs install their version of DLL files and all the programs fails to recognize their version. At that time various DLL errors occur and the situation is called “DLL hell”. It is the most difficult DLL error to fix.
  • When the DLL error arises in the system, it starts crashes the program’s active window.
  • Your system randomly crashes regularly while working on a similar program where the error occurred.
  • System and applications start not responding.
  • The system might freeze for the small time period.

These are scenarios that the users encounter when the DLL Error Loading in Excel 2010 appears. Now check the working solutions to fix Excel 2010 Error loading DLL visual basic error occurs.

1# Restore Missing DLL Files

It might happen due to the missing DLL file users are facing issues while opening Excel files. So here it is recommended to go into tools menu in the VBA environment > look in reference to check if anything DLL is missing.

If it says DLL is missing then it is missing and tries to restore it. Check in the Recycle Bin or download it from the manufacturer website.

2# Copy DLL Files from Working Computer

Here is also a trick to resolve DLL Error loading issue. Try copying the DLL file from the working computers to the non-working computers and after that choose it in the references.

Hope this works for you to fix error in loading dll Excel but if not then follow another solution.

3# Program Reinstallation

If after following the above-given fixes still getting the error in Excel, then it is suggested to reinstall the program that is showing the error message.

So first uninstall the program and after that reinstall the program again. And also make sure that the program is sharing DLL file with any other program or not. if it did so, the avoid reinstalling the program.

4# Repair And Clear The Registry

When the DLL error appears, the Windows registry also changes at the same time. The Window registry registers every action that occurs in the system, cleaning Window registry help to fix the error. But before following the process it is recommended to backup the data carefully.

You can make use of the Registry Repair Tool; this is the best utility to repair damaged, corrupted and other errors in registry entries. Apart from that the DLL error always comes with data loss or data inaccessibility. So it is important to fix the error as soon as possible.

5# System Restore

  • Start your PC in the safe mode. For pressing the F8 key when your PC booting and choose the safe mode option.
  • Try to open the Command Prompt, hit the Windows +R key simultaneously.  After that type the following text “rstrui.exe” into Command prompt and hit the enter button.

System Restore 1

  • This will open the Windows System Restore wizard from which you have to click the “Next” option to proceed further.
  • After that choose the date up to which you needs to restore your data. Check the box present next to “Show more restore points” to see the list of older restore points. Choose the restore points previous to the point of time when DLL error begins and hit the “Next” button.

System Restore 2

  • To confirm the chosen restore point you have to hit the “Finish” button.

System Restore 3

  • Log-in back to your PC Windows normally.


Excel is quite complex and highly prone to corruption. This easily gets corrupted and starts showing errors.

Well, today in this article I address the Excel 2010 Error Loading DLL issue, this is not completely the error related to Excel document but is related to the DLL errors.

Hope after reading the article and following the given fixes you are able to fix Excel 2010 Error Loading DLL issue.

Try the given fixes to resolve DLL error and start using your Excel document again.

Apart from that, if due to the error you encountered the data loss situation in Excel then make use of the  MS Excel Repair Tool, this is the best tool and is capable to repair and recover the entire data stored in Excel without any modification.

Priyanka is an entrepreneur & content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and has expertise in MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Her distinctive art of presenting tech information in the easy-to-understand language is very impressive. When not writing, she loves unplanned travels.

MSDN Disc 2434.7 issues related to Excel.dll can be attributed in most cases to corrupt, missing, or infected DLL files. Downloading and replacing your DLL file can fix the problem in most cases. We also recommend running a registry scan to clean up any invalid Excel.dll references which could be cause of the error.

The Dynamic Link Library, known as a propriety format of System Files, most commonly carry the DLL extension. See the table below for a list of Excel.dll files we have available for download for most Windows versions (also including %%os%%). Certain files (such as Excel.dll) may not be available currently in our directory for download, but can be requested via the «Request» button below. In some rare cases you might need to contact Microsoft directly for the correct file version you need.

Please take caution in ensuring the file is placed in the correct file directory. Following these instructions carefully should resolve your Excel.dll error, but we recommend running a brief check. Re-load MSDN Disc 2434.7 to observe if the issue has been successfully solved.

Excel.dll File Summary
File Format: DLL
Group: MSDN Library
Software: MSDN Disc 2434.7
Version: July 2004
Company: Microsoft
File: Excel.dll  

Bytes: 274432
SHA-1: 31e49ac0f86aac494cc1e8585ae3912aa270ffa3
MD5: dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84
CRC32: 43f99e40

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Article ID:   391395


Name MD5 File Size Download
+ Excel.dll dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84 268.00 KB
Application MSDN Disc 2434.7 July 2004
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
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CRC32: 43f99e40
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Mobile 2003
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
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SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Small Business Server 2003
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
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SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows XP Media Center Service Pack 2
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
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SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Server 2003 Web Edition
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Vista Enterprise
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Vista Home Basic
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Vista Business
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Vista Ultimate
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Vista Home Premium
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows XP Home
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! by Sage 2008 10.0
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows XP Professional
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll 6bd33910a981fb056b9700e38ac27101 260.00 KB
Application MSDN Disc 2434.3 February 2004
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 266240
MD5 6bd33910a981fb056b9700e38ac27101
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CRC32: abf3e9f3
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84 268.00 KB
Application MSDN Disc 2537.4 April 2004
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 274432
MD5 dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84
SHA1 Checksum 31e49ac0f86aac494cc1e8585ae3912aa270ffa3
CRC32: 43f99e40
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84 268.00 KB
Application MSDN Disc 2537.3 March 2004
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 274432
MD5 dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84
SHA1 Checksum 31e49ac0f86aac494cc1e8585ae3912aa270ffa3
CRC32: 43f99e40
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! By Sage 2007 Version 9
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Small Business Server 2003
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! By Sage 2007 Version 9
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows XP Home SP2
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! By Sage 2007 Version 9
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows XP Pro SP2
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! By Sage 2007 Version 9
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows 2000 SP4
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! By Sage 2007 Version 9
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows 2000 Server
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! By Sage 2007 Version 9
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b 924.00 KB
Application ACT! By Sage 2007 Version 9
Software Developer Sage Software
Operating System Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 946176
MD5 f831c13fa355b66557fab679bf78a97b
SHA1 Checksum 6d03bfd3bc4dde06525fa8bd959ea766167f9e5f
CRC32: 91c6f45f
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84 268.00 KB
Application Microsoft 2004
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 274432
MD5 dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84
SHA1 Checksum 31e49ac0f86aac494cc1e8585ae3912aa270ffa3
CRC32: 43f99e40
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32
+ Excel.dll dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84 268.00 KB
Application MSDN Disc 2537.6 July 2004
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 274432
MD5 dcab53c9b09082646a50ca8ce7bdae84
SHA1 Checksum 31e49ac0f86aac494cc1e8585ae3912aa270ffa3
CRC32: 43f99e40
File Directory Location C:WindowsSystem32

Common Excel.dll Issues

Common Excel.dll Problems Encountered with MSDN Disc 2434.7:

  • «Excel.dll can’t be found.»
  • «Excel.dll is missing.»
  • «Excel.dll Access Violation.»
  • «Can’t register Excel.dll.»
  • «Cannot find C:WindowsSystem32\Excel.dll.»
  • «Cannot start MSDN Disc 2434.7. A required component is missing: Excel.dll. Please install MSDN Disc 2434.7 again.»
  • «MSDN Disc 2434.7 failed to start because Excel.dll not found. Re-installing MSDN Disc 2434.7 may fix it.»

MSDN Disc 2434.7-related Excel.dll issues happen during installation, when Excel.dll-related software is running, startup/shutdown, or during the Windows installation process. Keeping track of when and where your Excel.dll error occurs is a critical piece of information in troubleshooting the problem.

Excel.dll Problem Causes

Missing or corrupt Excel.dll files are common sources of Excel.dll errors. As an external file (Excel.dll), it makes MSDN Disc 2434.7 issues more likely.

Improper computer shutdowns or malware-infected Excel.dll files can cause issues with MSDN Disc 2434.7, leading to corrupt errors. When your Excel.dll file becomes corrupt, it cannot be loaded properly and will present an error message.

In rare occasions, Excel.dll errors with MSDN Disc 2434.7 are due to Windows registry faults. Invalid references prevent proper Excel.dll registering, creating problems with MSDN Disc 2434.7. These broken registry keys can be as a result of a missing DLL file, moved DLL file, or an leftover DLL file reference in your Windows registry from an unsuccessful software installation or uninstallation.

More specifically, these Excel.dll errors can be caused by:

  • Corrupt or invalid Excel.dll registry entry.
  • Excel.dll file corrupted from malware infection.
  • Microsoft’s (or related) hardware has failed, corrupting Excel.dll.
  • Different software install overwrote Excel.dll version needed.
  • Excel.dll maliciously (or mistakenly) deleted by different rogue or valid program.
  • Excel.dll maliciously (or mistakenly) uninstalled by different rogue or valid program.

  1. 09-05-2018, 07:25 AM


    c.davidson is offline

    Forum Contributor

    DLL file not found after saving as newer version of Excel

    We have a program made in excel from an external supplier to help us create internal programs by embedding it into a workbook. The program sent to us has been made as a .xls 97-03 spreadsheet and works fine on its own, when saving as a .xlsm file in 2013 it says it cannot find the third-party .dll file when the code is run.

    Any suggestions to fix this?

  2. 09-05-2018, 08:38 AM


    Re: DLL file not found after saving as newer version of Excel

    Not without seeing any code.

  3. 09-05-2018, 08:41 AM


    c.davidson is offline

    Forum Contributor

    Re: DLL file not found after saving as newer version of Excel

    Hi Rory, due to it being a company program I can’t give too much.

    The workbook references a .dll file and uses «Public Declare Sub NAME Lib «DLL File» (etc.» to communicate with the file. Opened as a .xls 97-03 file type works fine, when saved as an .xlsm 13 file it gives the run-time error 53 DLL File not found when trying to run the sub NAME.

  4. 09-05-2018, 08:43 AM


    Re: DLL file not found after saving as newer version of Excel

    Did you include the path to the dll file?

  5. 09-05-2018, 08:45 AM


    c.davidson is offline

    Forum Contributor

    Re: DLL file not found after saving as newer version of Excel

    Not in that line of code but it is referenced later on before Calling that sub. This works fine when it is an .xls file. The file path is «C:Program Files (x86)Folder» and I’ve tried it with and without another «» after the folder name.

  6. 09-05-2018, 08:55 AM


    Re: DLL file not found after saving as newer version of Excel

    Try adding the path to the declare statement.

  7. 09-05-2018, 08:59 AM


    c.davidson is offline

    Forum Contributor

    Re: DLL file not found after saving as newer version of Excel

    That’s worked! Thank you very much! Been scratching my head all day.

  8. 09-05-2018, 09:08 AM


    Re: DLL file not found after saving as newer version of Excel

I am trying to use Solver in 64-bit Excel 2010.

When I run Solver, it opens the solver window, states that it has results and then popups the following error message:

Run-time error ’53’

File not found: Solver32.dll

So, it would seem that the Solver32.dll cannot be loaded. It is however, available in the Solver Directory — i.e. C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVER contains SOLVER.XLAM and SOLVER32.dll

What have I tried so far…?

  • did a full Office 2010 Repair

  • this Microsoft forum suggested copying the Solver32.dll to C:WindowsSysWOW64 (which is where Windows 7 stores it’s 32-bit dlls).

  • this forum suggested installing the Solver add-in (.xlam and .dll) to ..AppData..MicrosoftAddIns

I have tried both of these and neither of them worked…

RRS feed

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Im using Excel 64-bit. Solver used to work fine in Excel 2007, but now it shows:Run time error:54. File not found: Solver32.dll when trying to run the Solver after dialog input.

    Is solver uncompatible with 64-bit Excel?

All replies

  • Are you sure that the add-in was enabled?  Check via Excel Options ->Add-Ins…



  • Yes, the dialog boxes shows as usual. After I press «Solve» it runs, but does not show any result. Only the error message.

  • This article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff837594.aspx says that there’s a 64 bit Solver included with 64 bit Excel, so your install may have deleted the Solver32.dll. 
    I’d check your add ins and see if you have the 64 bit version, disable the 32 bit, enable the 64 bit.  Just to check, do a search and see if you still have Solver32.dll somewhere on the PC.



  • Thanks, but does the 64-bit solver have another name, like «solver63.dll»?

    I have 2 solver-files in «C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVER»



    We have 3 computers with Excel 2010 64-bit. Fresh installed. So it cannot be only my install. It worked fine in Excel 2007.

  • Hi,

    The reference file has the same name of SOLVER.XALM unregard of 64-bit or 32-bit. Please check this document:

    Using the Solver VBA Functions

    However, the reference file locates on different path.

    If your computer is 64-bit and the Office is 64-bit, the file locates at:

    C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVERSOLVER.XLAM

    64-bit OS & 32-bit Office:

    C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVERSOLVER.XLAM

    You can try to add reference to SOLVER.XALM manually to see if it will fix the issue.

    Best Regards, Calvin Gao [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
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    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • I checked now, and I only have one version of the file in
    C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVERSOLVER.XLAM, so it must be the correct version. I tried to add a reference, but it did not help.

  • Did you try to add a reference in VBA or did you check it as an active add-in in Excel?

  • I tried both :)

    Same error.

    This code fails on last line:

        SolverOk SetCell:=»$M$6″, MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=22, ByChange:=»$L$6:$L$7″, _
            Engine:=1, EngineDesc:=»GRG Nonlinear»
        SolverOk SetCell:=»$M$6″, MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=22, ByChange:=»$L$6:$L$7″, _
            Engine:=1, EngineDesc:=»GRG Nonlinear»

    ? Err.Description
    File not found: Solver32.dll»

  • OK, I don’t have the 64 bit version so I can’t check anything.

    This article says you must have both the add-in enabled and the reference selected in the VB Editor:
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff196600.aspx  It shows you how to do it if you have what they expect are the ‘usual’ problems.  Your error indicates to me that either you
    haven’t done both, or that one of the methods (and probably the VBA reference) is still pointed to the old version.  The only thing to do is to check that you’ve got the correct reference by surfing to the dll in the folder that Calvin pointed out above.

    Other than that, I think you’ve stumped everybody.  Sorry.


  • Thanks Eric for your help

    File not found: Solver32.dll»


    How about the issue on your side now? I guess that the Slover32.dll corrupted in your computer. Have you check if the file “Slover32.dll” is existed
    under the subfolder of “C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVER”? As I delete the “Solver32.dll”, I got the same “File not fount: Solver.dll” error. See the illustration:


    So you can try to reinstall Excel (not whole Office) to see if the issue will be resolved.

    I look forward to hearing of you soon.

    Best Regards, Calvin Gao [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Sorry to bother again :)

    I tried to delete the solver32.* files, and did an Office 2010 repair using the built-in function in Office. The files were restored.

    But the problem prevails…

  • I had the same problem, and it was caused by an add-in that somehow modified the working directory.  Try the following:

    1. Enable the VBA/Developer tab.

    2. Go into COM Add-Ins under the Developer tab.

    3. Uncheck all of the boxes.

    4. Restart Excel.

    Then plug in some values for Solver and see if it fixes your problem.

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, May 11, 2016 1:07 PM

  • It did the same error for me and i copied the Solver.dll file in the %SystemRoot%System32 folder and it

    Hope it will work for you too!


    • Proposed as answer by
      Marc Kh
      Thursday, April 9, 2015 11:03 PM

  • JoBne, thank you, your solution fixed it for me!

    Runtime error 53: solver32.dll not found. 

    Microsoft Office Excel 2013 X64 on Windows 7 x64.

  • This worked for me as well. Thank you…..

  • worked for me as well, thanks

    — — —
    My situation:

    Runtime error 53: solver32.dll not found.
      after adding Solver via addin checkbox and trying to run Solver from Data/Analyze/Solver

    Office 2016 (Office 365), Windows 10

    before fix:
    C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficerootOffice16LibrarySOLVER

    After fix: (I left files in above, in addition:)

       file added:

    I then successfully ran Solver

    • Proposed as answer by
      Alexander Fan
      Thursday, April 20, 2017 2:52 PM

  • Worked for me as well!

    Wonder when will they fix it in an update.

  • Thank you so much!  These very specific location directions helped me!

  • Thanks! You save me! It also worked to office 2016!

  • This one worked for me. I had Webex productivity tool in the COM ADD-Ins enabled. Once i disabled. The solver worked for me. Thanks a lot.

  • So basically, what we have here is yet more incompetence shown by Microsoft developers. They’re basically programming a
    64 bit program to look in the 32 bit library (System32)!!! It would make more sense if 64 bit Excel looked in the SysWOW64 folder! But nope, we can’t have sensible programming when we’re buying from Microsoft. Unbelievable that they still
    haven’t patched this either. Microsoft needs competition. Being a monopoly has caused them to be extremely sloppy.

  • Thanks JoBne, your solution fixed it for me too!

    But I make a symbolic link in command prompt.
    Same result.

    mklink “C:WindowsSysWOW64solver32.dll“ “C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficerootOffice16LibrarySOLVERSOLVER32.DLL”
    • Edited by
      Pinguim Gigante
      Thursday, December 22, 2016 6:22 PM

  • Thank you very much, JoBne and special thanks to Raisinasm, I was able to fix this problem on my very own (and in general I’m always drawing the «blond joker», since I am really far away from being an IT Pro). Now I am extremly
    proud on myself, though it’s just because of Raisinasm’s perfect, detailed description. Thanx again, you made my day.


    • Edited by
      Friday, January 6, 2017 5:19 PM

  • Thank you, the solution is absolutely helpful.

  • I tried that but it didn’t help.

  • hola, yo fui a la carpeta en archivos de programa/ microsOffice/office15/library/solver y puse el acceso directo SOLVER.XLAM en escritorio, abro este primero luego una planilla excel cualquiera y ya, tengo solver.


  • Thank you JoBne, after I tried all other solutions, yours finally fixed the problem. Thank you very much :)

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