Div not word wrapping

I am experiencing a problem that never happened before and seems really unprecedented, some text is not wrapping inside a div.

In this link is a sample of my html code:


<div id="calendar_container">
   <div id="events_container">  
      <div class="event_block">
         <div class="title">
            lorem ipsum lorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem

Any help??

Chains's user avatar


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asked May 20, 2014 at 15:03

Vasileios Tsakalis's user avatar


I found this helped where my words were breaking part way through the word in a WooThemes Testimonial plugin.

.testimonials-text {
    white-space: normal;

play with it here http://nortronics.com.au/recomendations/

<blockquote class="testimonials-text" itemprop="reviewBody">

<a href="http://www.jacobs.com/" class="avatar-link">

<img width="100" height="100" src="http://nortronics.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/SKM-100x100.jpg" class="avatar wp-post-image" alt="SKM Sinclair Knight Merz">

<p>Tim continues to provide high-level technical applications advice and support for a very challenging IP video application. He has shown he will go the extra mile to ensure all avenues are explored to identify an innovative and practical solution.<br>Tim manages to do this with a very helpful and professional attitude which is much appreciated.

answered Nov 24, 2015 at 6:15

TimmyD's user avatar


That’s because there are no spaces in that long string so it has to break out of its container. Add word-break:break-all; to your .title rules to force a break.

#calendar_container > #events_container > .event_block > .title {

jsFiddle example

answered May 20, 2014 at 15:05

j08691's user avatar


203k31 gold badges259 silver badges271 bronze badges


The problem in the jsfiddle is that your dummy text is all one word. If you use your lorem ipsum given in the question, then the text wraps fine.

If you want large words to be broken mid-word and wrap around, add this to your .title css:

word-wrap: break-word;

answered May 20, 2014 at 15:09

Matt Dalzell's user avatar

This may help a small percentage of people still scratching their heads. Text copied from clipboard into VSCode may have an invisible hard space character preventing wrapping. Check it with HTML inspector

string with hard spaces

answered Nov 8, 2019 at 0:39

Fakeer's user avatar


9751 gold badge13 silver badges29 bronze badges


you can add this line: word-break:break-all; to your CSS-code

answered May 20, 2014 at 15:06

Friedrich's user avatar


2,13118 silver badges42 bronze badges

Might benefit you to be aware of another option, word-wrap: break-word;

The difference here is that words that can completely fit on 1 line will do that, vs. being forced to break simply because there is no more real estate on the line the word starts on.

See the fiddle for an illustration http://jsfiddle.net/Jqkcp/

answered May 20, 2014 at 15:26

SteamDev's user avatar


4,2565 gold badges19 silver badges28 bronze badges

I feel silly for not being able to figure this out, but how do I turn off wordwrap? the css word-wrap property can be forced on with break-word, but cannot be forced off (only can be left alone with normal value).

How do I force word wrap off?

Jon's user avatar


425k79 gold badges733 silver badges803 bronze badges

asked Jan 10, 2011 at 23:19

Alexander Bird's user avatar

Alexander BirdAlexander Bird

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You need to use the CSS white-space attribute.

In particular, white-space: nowrap and white-space: pre are the most commonly used values. The first one seems to be what you ‘re after.

answered Jan 10, 2011 at 23:21

Jon's user avatar


Added webkit specific values missing from above

white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Firefox */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera */
white-space: pre-wrap; /* Chrome */
word-wrap: break-word; /* IE */

answered Jul 7, 2015 at 15:07

Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar

I wonder why you find as solution the «white-space» with «nowrap» or «pre», it is not doing the correct behaviour: you force your text in a single line!
The text should break lines, but not break words as default. This is caused by some css attributes: word-wrap, overflow-wrap, word-break, and hyphens. So you can have either:

word-break: break-all;
word-wrap: break-word;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
-webkit-hyphens: auto;
-moz-hyphens: auto;
-ms-hyphens: auto;
hyphens: auto;

So the solution is remove them, or override them with «unset» or «normal»:

word-break: unset;
word-wrap: unset;
overflow-wrap: unset;
-webkit-hyphens: unset;
-moz-hyphens: unset;
-ms-hyphens: unset;
hyphens: unset;

UPDATE: i provide also proof with JSfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/azozp8rr/

answered May 12, 2018 at 9:55

zod's user avatar


3773 silver badges4 bronze badges


white-space: nowrap;: Will never break text, will keep other defaults

white-space: pre;: Will never break text, will keep multiple spaces after one another as multiple spaces, will break if explicitly written to break(pressing enter in html etc)

answered Nov 13, 2020 at 20:28

Gabriel Petersson's user avatar


This worked for me to stop silly work breaks from happening within Chrome textareas

word-break: keep-all;

answered Oct 2, 2019 at 21:54

Ryan Charmley's user avatar

If you want a HTML only solution, we can just use the pre tag. It defines «preformatted text» which means that it does not format word-wrapping. Here is a quick example to explain:

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    padding: 20px;
    background: #adf;
pre {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    padding: 20px;
    font: inherit;
    background: #fda;
<div>Look at this, this text is very neat, isn't it? But it's not quite what we want, though, is it? This text shouldn't be here! It should be all the way over there! What can we do?</div>
<pre>The pre tag has come to the rescue! Yay! However, we apologise in advance for any horizontal scrollbars that may be caused. If you need support, please raise a support ticket.</pre>

answered Nov 4, 2020 at 19:41

corn on the cob's user avatar

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The overflow-wrap CSS property applies to inline elements, setting whether the browser should insert line breaks within an otherwise unbreakable string to prevent text from overflowing its line box.

Try it

Note: In contrast to word-break, overflow-wrap will only create a break if an entire word cannot be placed on its own line without overflowing.

The property was originally a nonstandard and unprefixed Microsoft extension called word-wrap, and was implemented by most browsers with the same name. It has since been renamed to overflow-wrap, with word-wrap being an alias.


/* Keyword values */
overflow-wrap: normal;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
overflow-wrap: anywhere;

/* Global values */
overflow-wrap: inherit;
overflow-wrap: initial;
overflow-wrap: revert;
overflow-wrap: revert-layer;
overflow-wrap: unset;

The overflow-wrap property is specified as a single keyword chosen from the list of values below.



Lines may only break at normal word break points (such as a space between two words).


To prevent overflow, an otherwise unbreakable string of characters — like a long word or URL — may be broken at any point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line. No hyphenation character is inserted at the break point. Soft wrap opportunities introduced by the word break are considered when calculating min-content intrinsic sizes.


The same as the anywhere value, with normally unbreakable words allowed to be broken at arbitrary points if there are no otherwise acceptable break points in the line, but soft wrap opportunities introduced by the word break are NOT considered when calculating min-content intrinsic sizes.

Formal definition

Initial value normal
Applies to non-replaced inline elements
Inherited yes
Computed value as specified
Animation type discrete

Formal syntax

overflow-wrap = 
normal |
break-word |


Comparing overflow-wrap, word-break, and hyphens

This example compares the results of overflow-wrap, word-break, and hyphens when breaking up a long word.


  They say the fishing is excellent at Lake
  <em class="normal">Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg</em>, though
  I've never been there myself. (<code>normal</code>)
  They say the fishing is excellent at Lake
  <em class="ow-anywhere">Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg</em>,
  though I've never been there myself. (<code>overflow-wrap: anywhere</code>)
  They say the fishing is excellent at Lake
  <em class="ow-break-word">Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg</em>,
  though I've never been there myself. (<code>overflow-wrap: break-word</code>)
  They say the fishing is excellent at Lake
  <em class="word-break">Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg</em>,
  though I've never been there myself. (<code>word-break</code>)
  They say the fishing is excellent at Lake
  <em class="hyphens">Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg</em>, though
  I've never been there myself. (<code>hyphens</code>, without
  <code>lang</code> attribute)
<p lang="en">
  They say the fishing is excellent at Lake
  <em class="hyphens">Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg</em>, though
  I've never been there myself. (<code>hyphens</code>, English rules)
<p class="hyphens" lang="de">
  They say the fishing is excellent at Lake
  <em class="hyphens">Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg</em>, though
  I've never been there myself. (<code>hyphens</code>, German rules)


p {
  width: 13em;
  margin: 2px;
  background: gold;

.ow-anywhere {
  overflow-wrap: anywhere;

.ow-break-word {
  overflow-wrap: break-word;

.word-break {
  word-break: break-all;

.hyphens {
  hyphens: auto;



CSS Text Module Level 3
# overflow-wrap-property

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

In this snippet, we’re going to demonstrate how you can disable word wrapping in HTML. Actually, this can be done with a few steps using some CSS properties.

To prevent the text from wrapping, you can use the CSS white-space property with the “nowrap” or “pre” value. In this snippet, you can see examples with both of them.

  • Usa an <h2> element and add a <div> element.
  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.
  • Set the white-space property to “nowrap” for the <div> element.
div {
  white-space: nowrap;

Now, let’s see the result.

Example of disabling word wrapping with the “nowrap” value of the white-space property:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Title of the document</title>
      div {
        white-space: nowrap;
        border: 1px solid #cccccc;
      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.

Example of disabling word wrapping with the “pre” value of the white-space property:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Title of the document</title>
      div {
        white-space: pre;
      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.

Example of A Guide To CSS Text Wrapping

Note: This article is focused on the semantics of the English Language as the Writing System. Other systems, especially CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) have conventions and overflow requirements that vary from English and are out of the scope of this article.

Text Wrapping

In CSS, overflow is the scenario when the content inside a fixed-width container, is wider than the container’s width. The default behavior of CSS is to render the content flowing out of the container. This may look ugly but this helps the developer see the issue and fix it — instead of the issue getting hidden which can cause potential missing information for the user. For example, a form submission button overflowing and becoming inaccessible. So to avoid such issues, CSS by default prevents Data Loss.

Content overflowwwwwwwwwww

CSS offers multiple capabilities to fix this issue.

Property: overflow-wrap (alias word-wrap)

This property applies to inline elements. It determines whether the browser should break an otherwise unbreakable string to avoid it from overflowing its parent’s width.

It has the following possible keyword values.

  1. normal
  2. Anywhere
  3. break-word

overflow-wrap: normal

When set to normal, the browser will break the string on default/natural opportunities, such as a blank space or a hyphen (‘-’) character. It will also leverage soft-hyphen entity &shy; to break.
This is the initial value of the overflow-wrap property. So by default, every string will be broken at soft wrap opportunities, if any, on overflow.

This is how ‘ContentOverflowing’ and ‘Content-Overflowing’ will be handled.



overflow-wrap: anywhere;

This value allows the browser to break the string anywhere to avoid overflow.

Consider the following scenario with the default overflow-wrap: normal; value for a fixed-width container.


There is no blank space, a hyphen, or any other soft wrap opportunity in the string. Therefore, it overflows. If we apply overflow: anywhere;, we get the following, wrapped result.


overflow-wrap: break-word;

It behaves the same as overflow-wrap: anywhere;. The difference is that the former does not consider soft-wrap opportunities when calculating min-content intrinsic sizes. In case you have not explored extrinsic vs intrinsic sizing, Ahmed Shadeed provides a great resource. It breaks only those words which have a width smaller than the available width.

Content is Overflowing

Property: word-break

CSS offers another property, word-break for handling the same issue — overflows.

It has the following keyword values

  1. normal
  2. break-all
  3. keep-all
  4. break-word

word-break: normal;

Words will break at the default rules — such as a blank space, a hyphen, etc.

This is how ‘ContentOverflow’ and ‘Content-Overflow’ will be handled.



word-break: break-all;

Break the word at the point it overflows. It does not take into account if placing the overflowing word onto the next line will eliminate the overflow in the first place or not. This doesn’t apply to CJK writing systems.


word-break: keep-all;

For Non-CJK systems, the behavior is the same as word-break: normal.


word-break: break-word;

It has the same effect that word-break: normal; and overflow-wrap: anywhere; has. But unlike word-break: break-all; , it takes into account if placing the overflowing word onto the next line will eliminate the overflow. 

For example, let’s see how word-break: break-word; handles the following scenario:

Content is Overflowing Again

We observe that the whole word ‘Overflowing’ was moved onto the next line instead of breaking as it can fit the available width without overflowing. If we apply word-break: break-all; to it, this is what we get:

Content is Overflowing Again

The word ‘Overflowing’ was broken at exactly the point where it otherwise caused the overflow. And it was not considered if moving it onto the next line eliminated the overflow or not.

overflow-wrap vs word-break

At a high level, both properties solve the same issue. But, a key difference lies in how both the properties approach the issue and the subtle aesthetic variation in their outcomes.

To visualize, consider a fixed and short-width container for the test “A Very LongWordThatHasNoBreakingPossibilities”.

A Very LongWordThatHasNoBreakingPossibilities

Let’s solve the overflow with overflow-wrap: break-word;.

A Very LongWordThatHasNoBreakingPossibilities

Now, let’s solve it with word-break: break-all;.

A Very LongWordThatHasNoBreakingPossibilities

Notice the difference? word-break: break-all; breaks the word even if placing the word on the next line would eliminate the need for breaking. This prevents large gaps before the breaks — and produces visually better results. The difference is more clearly visible in the overflow-wrap: anywhere; vs word-break: break-all; case. A case of the apparently twin properties. Consider you have a very short space to squeeze in a checkbox and a text which can not fit on the same line without overflowing. This is how the outcome looks like with overflow-wrap: anywhere;:


We observe that a lot of real estate beside the checkbox has been left unutilized. A better fix is provided by word-break: break-all;:


As observed, word-break discards the possibility of the word fitting the next line and prefers optimizing the usage of available real estate — this is often the better adjustment visually.
The above example receives its inspiration from MDN’s resource on text wrapping.


This table shows a summary of the CSS text wrapping properties

Property Value Behavior When To Use Example


Break at natural line breakpoints such as blank space, a hyphen When overflow is determined to not be a possibility


anywhere Break between any 2 characters where the overflow occurs and consider soft wrap opportunities when calculating the min-content intrinsic sizes When overflow should be handled by breaking long words. As discussed, the alternative option of word-break: break-all; produces visually better results


break-word Break between any 2 characters but do not consider soft wrap opportunities when calculating the min-content intrinsic sizes When overflow should be handled by breaking only those words which have a width smaller than the available width

Content is Overflowing

word-break normal Break at default rules When overflow is determined to not be a possibility


break-all Break exactly where the content overflows When overflow should be handled by breaking text exactly at the point of overflow — even if placing the word on a new line eliminates the overflow

Content is Overflowing Again

break-word Same as word-break: normal; and overflow-wrap: anywhere; — Break can create gaps unlike word-break: break-all; When placing the overflowing word onto the next line eliminates overflow. This can cause gaps.

Content is Overflowing Again


Here are examples from the above summary in a codepen to help demonstrate what the CSS code should look like:

<section class="centered">
  <h2>Without Handling Overflow</h2>
<div>Content with aVeryVeryVeryLongWord</div>

<h2>Handling Overflow with overflow-wrap</h2>
<h3>overflow-wrap: normal;</h3>
<div class="ow-normal">Content with aVeryVeryVeryLongWord</div>
<h3>overflow-wrap: anywhere;</h3>
<div class="ow-anywhere">Content with aVeryLongWordThatDoesNotFit</div>
<h3>overflow-wrap: break-word;</h3>
<div class="ow-break-word">Content with aVeryLongWordThatDoesNotFit</div>

<h2>Handling Overflow with word-break</h2>
<h3>word-break: normal;</h3>
<div class="wb-normal">Content with aVeryVeryVeryLongWord</div>
<h3>word-break: break-all;</h3>
<div class="wb-break-all">Content with aVeryLongWordThatDoesNotFit</div>
<h3>word-break: break-word;</h3>
<div class="wb-break-word">Content with aVeryLongWordThatDoesNotFit</div>
* { font-family: sans-serif; }

section.centered { text-align: center; }

div {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 130px;
  border: 3px solid #48abe0;
  text-align: left;

.ow-normal {
  overflow-wrap: normal;

.ow-anywhere {
  overflow-wrap: anywhere;

.ow-break-word {
  overflow-wrap: break-word;

.wb-normal {
  word-break: normal;

.wb-break-all {
  word-break: break-all;

.wb-break-word {
  word-break: break-word;

h3 {
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: italic;
  border-top: 1px solid #b5b5b5;
  width: 30%;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
  margin-top: 20px;
  padding-top: 20px;


This article has scratched the surface of text-wrapping. Wrapping in itself is a deeper topic as it is tightly coupled to the semantics of the target language. Moreover, it is becoming common to offer web content in multiple languages — aka Internatiolaisation/ Localisation — which makes learning it more important than before for the developers.

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