Discover the word combinations

1 Ответ


26 Май, 20


(650 баллов)

1. discover f) new things — окрывать новое

2. modern d) cities — современные города

3. means h) of transportation — транспортные средства

4. musical b) rhythms — музыкальные ритмы

5. overcome  i) distance — преодолеть дистанцию

6. underground a) station — подземная станция

7. coach g) tour — автобусная экскурсия

8. technological  c) progress  — технологический прогресс

e) important  — важный

You’re probably familiar with Antidote’s resources, but are you getting the most out of them? In the second of our new series of articles, “Find the Right Word,” we introduce you to the dictionary of combinations. Although sometimes overlooked, this tool is a firm favourite with those in the know. Read on to find out why.

SERIES — Find the Right Word
  1. With Synonyms
  2. With Combinations
  3. With Search by Criteria
  4. With Rhymes

What is a Combination?

In linguistics, combinations are pairs or small groups of words that frequently occur together in the corpus. More specifically, they reflect the usual or preferred association between two words, such as in the expressions solid gold, flatly refuse or conduct research.

The word combination comes from the Latin combinare, “to join two things together.” We can therefore describe them as words that commonly appear side by side.

Antidote’s Dictionary of Combinations

Our dictionary of combinations gives all the most significant lexical combinations of a word—that is, the combinations with a strong, frequent and spontaneous association in the language. They are grouped by the headword’s various meanings, if applicable, then by syntactic context (with adjective, with noun adjunct, with possessive etc.) and finally by the strength of the combination. The dictionary includes a total of 700,000 combinations, all accompanied by example sentences.

Hover over the numbered bullet points to explore the dictionary’s interface, which is shown here in Antidote Web.

Our Tricks for Fast, Effective Writing with Combinations

Choose the Most Frequent Form.

To make your message as clear as possible, or simply to avoid headaches, you might sometimes want to find the most common usage. That’s easy! This combination is shown at the top of the list. For example, we run an errand more than we do an errand, even though both are correct and synonymous.

Avoid Incorrect Usage.

Gallicisms and other examples of incorrect usage are common in spoken language, so you might find yourself in doubt when it comes to writing them. For example, do we respect the guidelines or follow the guidelines? Instead of searching for the definitions of each verb in turn, simply type guidelines into the dictionary of combinations. Only the correct version is displayed!

Do we say forge a document or fake a document? In this case, the answer isn’t immediately visible. Go to the bottom of the window and type a few letters into the text filter. All you need is “forg” or “fak” to find the answer!

You can also use the combinations to find the correct preposition. Sometimes it’s the smallest words that catch us out! So, do we cater to or cater for all your linguistic needs?

Avoid Commonplace Verbs.

The Antidote corrector underlines commonplace verbs (Style view > Vocabulary), such as the verb to have in “We’re going to have a party next weekend.” The dictionary of combinations is a goldmine for more creative ideas! To throw, to hold, to organize—the choice is yours.

Consult Definitions Without Leaving the List.

Selecting a combination gives you access, in the right-hand panel, to examples of the combination in real texts, along with references. And, as in the dictionary of synonyms, you can consult the definition of the main word in the selected combination without leaving the list. Simply click on the Definitions button underneath the examples. When it’s that easy to check the meaning, you can be sure you’re using the best choice of word!

Look to the Filters for Inspiration.

Short on ideas? Can’t find the words for an email? Browse the combinations to breathe new life into your text. Filters are especially helpful for this, and you can find them at the bottom of the window (underneath the Options button in Antidote 10). Apply filters to display only the combinations with a positive or negative value, or those with a strong or weak meaning. For example, if you want to describe beautiful flowers, use the filter to remove any negative values, such as wilted flowers.

The meaning filter sorts combinations into different intensities. If you’re looking for an adverb to go with the word increase, the strong filter suggests drastically increase, while the weak filter gives you potentially increase.

All in all, you’ll soon find the dictionary of combinations to be an essential tool—whether you’re looking for the perfect adjective, the appropriate verb or the most evocative adverb for your text. Check out the Antidote User Guide for all the details.

In the next article in our “Find the Right Word” series, we will dive into the advanced research functions. These allow you to draw on the Antidote dictionaries like a database and discover words you never knew existed.


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to enjoy the wonders of the underwater park with amazing corals & rich oceanic fauna and flora

Click the card to flip 👆

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Terms in this set (11)

to enjoy the wonders of the underwater park with amazing corals & rich oceanic fauna and flora

наслаждаться чудесами подводного парка с удивительными кораллами и богатой фауной и флорой

to live on buns and pies

жить на сух пайке

extravagant holidays

экстравагантные праздники

to have the spirit of an adventurous traveler

иметь дух авантюрного путешественника

to be extremely fond of travelling

чрезвычайно любить путешествовать

to fuel the urge to travel

подпитывать стремление путешествовать

small and medium-sized tourism businesses

малый и средний тур бизнес

to fill up the tank

заправить бак

to offer high standard of fast, comfortable and easy travel

предлагать высокие стандарты быстрого, комфортного и простого путешествия

to link cities in record time

связывать города в рекордные сроки

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Wordsmyth’s Word Combinations, technically known as “collocations,” provide what is almost like a thesaurus in another dimension. You will find them in most entries in the Advanced Dictionary. Instead of listing synonyms, that is, words you might use instead of the word you are using, Word Combinations provide words to use with the word you are using. In other words, they help you start building a bigger chunk of a sentence.

Compare the thesaurus’s “similar words” for the verb “laugh”:

cackle, chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, howl, snicker, snigger, tee-hee, titter…

…with the Word Combination adverbs for the verb “laugh”:

aloud, appreciatively, bitterly, derisively, good-naturedly, harshly, heartily, hysterically, loud, loudly, maniacally, nervously, outright, raucously, ruefully, scornfully, softly, uncontrollably, uneasily, uproariously 

The similar words allow you to choose from among words for more specific kinds of laugh: from a quiet titter to a hearty guffaw. The Word Combinations allow you to choose from among adverbs that writers frequently use to modify the verb “laugh.” “Ashley laughed uneasily at the cruel joke,” you might write. Or, “Ashley laughed good-naturedly when her error was pointed out.” (Ashley’s a likable person, evidently.)

Word Combinations are the most frequent companions of the headword in published writing and broadcast speech. Thus, they represent the many ways in which the headword-concept is typically talked about and the words typically used to talk about them.

In the entries, word combinations are organized by part of speech combination. Take, for example, the word “election.” The word combinations for the noun “election” fall into four kinds:

adjective + (n.) election

verb + (n.) election 

(n.) election + verb   

noun + (n.) election

These formulas show you the kind of word (part of speech) and the position (before or after “election”) in which it appears in the corpus of texts. Notice that “election” has some verbs that appear before it and some that appear after it. Here are the full word combinations entries, with some comments in red:

adjective + (n.)election     coming, competitive, congressional, contested, democratic, direct, disputed, fair, federal, forthcoming, fraudulent, free, general, gubernatorial, judicial, legislative, local, mayoral, mid-term, multi-party, multiracial, municipal, nationwide, nonpartisan, off-year, parliamentary, periodic, presidential, primary, provincial, scheduled, statewide, transitional, upcoming

verb + (n.)election     boycott, cancel, certify, contest, delay, disrupt, influence, hold, monitor, oversee, overturn, postpone, precede, rig, schedule, steal, supervise  (These verbs that frequently have the word “election” as their object will give you a glimpse at all the things we can do to an election. )

(n.)election + verb      loom, near

(Which of these two verbs would you choose to talk about a coming election? It really depends how you feel about it.)

noun + (n.)election   ballot, boycott, candidate, eve, fall, financing, landslide, legitimacy, midterm, month, outcome, poll, primary, recall, registration, round, run-up, runoff, turnout, vote, voting

If you have read through these words, you may have noticed that some make sense when placed immediately before or after the headword “election”: “a fair election,” “postponed the election,” and “a fall [i.e., autumn] election.” True, you have to insert an article, “the” between “postpone” and “election,” but generally these are recognizable phrases that make sense.

Others, especially in the noun+noun category, don’t seem like a chunk of a sentence: “legitimacy election” and “voting election,” for example. Often a preposition will need to be inserted between the words: “the legitimacy of the election,” “voting in this election” are some possible ways the word combinations will work in these cases.

If you don’t know how to fit the two words together, a Google search on the two words will often return a number of similar examples of how they do.

You can try this little exercise to get a feel for how to fill out a word combination:

Complete these common noun + noun word combinations with the correct prepositions and articles.

1. the eve   ____    ____   election

2. the outcome  ____    ____   election

3. the turnout   ____    ____   election

 Word Combinations is a subscription feature, but you can try it by signing up for a 15-day free Trial Subscription, no strings attached. (There is a Trial Subscription button on most pages of the Wordsmyth website.) We also include Word Combinations with many Academic Vocabulary of the Day posts.

Read more about collocations here.


1. discover a) station 2. modern b) rhythms 3. means c) progress 4. musical d) cities 5. overcome e) important 6. underground f) new things 7. coach g) tour 8. technological h) of transportation i) distance

1 ответ:



1. discover f) new things — окрывать новое

2. modern d) cities — современные города

3. means h) of transportation — транспортные средства

4. musical b) rhythms — музыкальные ритмы

5. overcome  i) distance — преодолеть дистанцию

6. underground a) station — подземная станция

7. coach g) tour — автобусная экскурсия

8. technological  c) progress  — технологический прогресс

e) important  — важный

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<span>building societies; given period ; settled debt;  registered society; clearing house</span>

<span>. <span>В Великобритании есть 11 национальных ежедневных газет и большинство людей читают одну из них каждый день. </span>Ежедневные газеты публикуются</span><span><span>на каждый день недели, кроме воскресенья. </span><span>Воскресные газеты больше, чем ежедневные газеты. </span>Все воскресенье газеты являются национальными.<span>Большинство национальных газет в Великобритании выражают политическое мнение, и люди выбирают газету они читают в соответствии со своими политическими убеждениями. </span>Флит-стрит в Лондоне имел обыкновение быть домом большинства национальных ежедневных газет и в воскресенье, и именно поэтому люди часто говорят «Флит-стрит» означает «прессу» даже сейчас.Британские газеты можно разделить на две группы: качество и популярность.<span>Качественные газеты являются более серьезными и сопроводительное домой и зарубежные новости в то время как популярные газеты, как шокирующие личных историй. </span><span>Эти две группы работ можно легко отличить, потому что газеты качества в два раза больше популярных газет. </span><span>Качественные ежедневные газеты являются The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph и The Financial Times. </span><span>The Times, основанная в 1785 году, считается самым авторитетным голосом газеты в стране и называется бумага учреждения. </span><span>The Guardian обращается к хорошо образованных читателей, интересующихся интеллектуальных и социальных дел. </span><span>The Daily Telegraph покупают образованные читатели верхнего среднего и среднего класса. </span><span>The Financial Times, напечатанный на розовых газетах, читается бизнесменами. </span><span>»Популярный» пресс состоит из Daily Mail, в Daily Express, The Daily Star и Солнцем </span><span>Во всех газетах есть отчаянная борьба, чтобы сохранить или улучшить их распространение, но это худший среди «популярных» газет, основным оружием являются секс, скандал и спорт. </span><span>Помимо статей, базирующихся в Лондоне, есть много местных газет. </span><span>Большинство из них являются вечерние газеты (они выходят вечером) и многие появляются еженедельно.</span></span>

1. be rising (не совсем уверен, к сожалению)

2. won

3. would be

4. rains

5. wouldn’t need

6. wasn’t so cold

7. will say

8. wasn’t rainy (тоже не уверен)

10. you will leave

11. could choose

На английском языке

Перевод на русский язык

Family ConflictsКонфликты в семьеEvery family has problems because there are no ideal relationships. Conflicts usually appear between parents and their teenage offsprings. Wise parents try to decide such problems without insulting or pressurizing children. Teenagers are rather sensitive. They are going through a difficult period, when they have to choose future occupation, friends, interests. It’s also the time of first love and tears. So, parents should understand this and try to help them instead of useless moralizing. One of the most difficult problems among adults and youngsters is the struggle for independence. At some point children realize that they want to be independent, they don’t need help or advice from parents. They want to be left alone and to decide for themselves. That’s when family conflicts start. The only solution is to hear each other and to talk about it. Unfortunately, teens don’t understand that some things or situations can be dangerous and can have unwanted effects. This is the time when many youngsters try alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, not knowing that this one try can ruin all their life. They don’t understand that parents have gone through this and know how behave in certain situation. Meanwhile, adults should understand that their children are no longer kindergarten kids. They have grown and they need special attention. Family conflict is not a disaster. It can be solved if treated sensibly. There are many family therapists and psychologists nowadays, who help to solve such problems. The main condition is not to let it become too deep.В каждой семье бывают проблемы, потому что идеальных отношений нет. Конфликты обычно возникают между родителями и их детьми-подростками. Мудрые родители пытаются решить подобные проблемы, не оскорбляя и не оказывая давления на детей. Подростки весьма чувствительны. Они переживают трудный период, когда им приходится выбирать будущую профессию, друзей, интересы. Это также время первой любви и слез. Поэтому родители должны понимать это и пытаться помочь им вместо бесполезных нравоучений. Одна из сложнейших проблем среди взрослых и молодежи – это борьба за независимость. В какой-то момент дети понимают, что они хотят быть независимыми, они не нуждаются в помощи или советах от родителей. Они хотят, чтобы их оставили в покое и чтобы они сами все решали. Вот тогда начинаются семейные конфликты. Единственным решением является возможность услышать друг друга и поговорить об этом. К сожалению, подростки не понимают, что некоторые вещи или ситуации могут быть опасными и могут приводить к нежелательным последствиям. Это период, когда многие молодые люди пробуют алкоголь, сигареты или наркотики, не зная, что только одна попытка может разрушить им всю жизнь. Они не понимают, что родители прошли через это и знают, как вести себя в определенных ситуациях. Между тем, взрослые должны понимать, что их дети уже не детсадовцы. Они выросли и нуждаются в особом внимании. Семейный конфликт – это не катастрофа. Он может быть решен, если к этому подходить разумно. В наши дни есть множество семейных терапевтов и психологов, которые помогут решить такую проблему. Главное, не допустить, чтобы она усугубилась.

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